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All this Story's ideas, plot, names and credit all goes to Gen Z Media

(Charactors’s looks and age may be different from what it is. Some are googled, said or just made up)
There are kids in this world who are different. Special. They look like us and act
like us, but they are not us. And one of them . . . is missing.

Chapter 1: Six Minutes Begins

On August 26, in Juneau, Alaska, a family of 4 was on a family trip on a whale
watching boat. “Thanks for choosing Marine Adventures, one of Alaska’s oldest
Whale Watching tours,” says a female voice on the speaker. “Minority Humpback
whales-” “I know twice as much as this lady,” says 12 year old Cyrus Anders.
“You know you do honey,” says his mother, Monica. “Dad, did you know that
the Humpback whale’s brain has a neuron cell that's also found in humans?” asked
Cyrus. “I didn't know that Cyrus,” said his father James. “He didn't really care
either,” Birdie, his 8 year old sister, butted in.
“Birdie!” Scolded Monica, “That's not nice Birdie, your brother loves
science.” “So does your mother, by the way,” says James. “It's why she became a
doctor,” “But I don't want to learn about whale brains!” Birdie complained. “I wanna
see a whale!” “I'm sure we'll see one soon, Birdie.” Monica told her.
Then, there was the sound of propellers. The Anders looked up and saw a
helicopter. “Maybe that helicopter scared them all away,” Birdie said, trying to find
a reason why there were no whales. Hoping to cheer her up, Cyrus changed the
subject. “I read online that the scientists at Whitter are actually using whale cells
to experiment with human evolution”
“Don't believe everything you read,” warned Monica. “But would it be epic
if-” Cyrus was interrupted by the ring of a cell phone. “Hold that thought Cy” said
James, taking out his phone that was ringing. “Daddy, you said you were going to
turn off your phone on the boat” complained Birdie.
“Sorry sweetheart, I have to take this,” said James as he answered the
phone. “Hello? Yes, Admiral Grayling . . . what kind of activity?” “Doesn't the
government ever take a day off?” Asked Bride in an annoyed tone. “No, I
understand,” James hastily said to the phone.
“Yes . . . of course. Monica honey? Can you come inside the cabin for a
second?” “Sure,” replied Monica, looking very unsure. “Be right back guys, see how
many whales you can spot before we get back!”
“Did that seem weird to you?” Cyrus asked Birdie. “What, that Dad got a
work call? He's always getting work calls. Especially since we moved,” “Then why did
he ask Mom to go with them?” “Who cares? Uh, I can't see anything from down
Birdie was 8 years old and 4 feet tall, but it probably wasn't the smartest
idea to climb onto the railing. “Birdie, what are you doing!?” “Looking for whales!”
“Trust me, if there's a whale, you’ll see it. You're not not supposed to climb the
railing.” “Then I'm going to get nice and close, look him right in the blow hole and
say-” Suddenly, the boat lurched, throwing Birdie off, into the water.
“Woah!” “Bird!” “Woah, AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” screamed Birdie as she hit the
water with a splash. “Birdie!” Cyrus yelled as people around them saw her in the
water and started panicking. “Help!!” she screamed. “Stop the boat!” Cyrus yelled to
the captain as the alarm went off.
“Help Cyrus!” yelled Birdie “Hang on Birdie! I'm throwing the life preserver,
grab on to it and don't let go!” Cyrus threw the life preserver into the water near
Birdie, who swam for it. “Swim to it!” said Cyrus, which was kinda useless as she
already is, but he was panicking. His sister could drown, so he probably wasn't
thinking straight.
“Good Bird, good, hang on!” Then, his parents who finished talking (and
probably heard the alarms) came out of the cabin. “Cyrus, what's going on?” asked
James. “Where's Birdie?” Monica said, looking around for her. “She's in the water.”
“WHAT!?” “She fell in, help me put her up!” James and Monica immediately went to
help Cyrus pull Birdie up. “Go! Pull!” James commanded “Keep pulling!” “Hang on
Birdie!” Monica told her.
They managed to put her up, and Birdie started coughing. “Girl . . .” Birdie
gasped. “What?” Cyrus said, confused as to why the first thing his sister said after
being pulled out of the water was “Girl”. Birdie coughed some more and then . . .
“There's a girl, floating in the water.”
Cyrus looked over the railing as Birdie continued to cough out the water she
swallowed. “She’s right,” confirmed Cyrus,”There's a girl out there, look,” he
pointed at the girl in the water at the side of the boat, maybe 30 metres away.
“What?” James said, looking at the girl.
Then Cyrus climbed onto the railing. “Cyrus, what are you doing?” asked
Monica, “Cyrus!” “I'm going in” “Cyrus! ” said James as Cyrus jumped, “Cyrus, come
back!” Cyrus landed in the water “Cyrus, swim back to the boat” Cyrus continued to
swim toward the girl.
When Cyrus reached her, he went to check her pulse, but there was some
sort of mark on her hand, an infinity symbol. He checked her pulse, ignoring the
mark. There was a pulse, but it was weak. “SHE'S ALIVE!” he yelled to his family.
After they got Cyrus and the girl back (in Cyrus’s case) on the boat, Monica,
who is a doctor, gave her a check up. “Her pulse is weak, but she's breathing,”
Monica told them. She turned back to the girl “My name is doctor Anders, can you
hear me?” no response. “How old is she?” asked Birdie, “10? 11?” “How did she get
out there?” asked Cyrus, “There are no boats around, where did she come from?”
Then, Birdie, being the 8 year old she is, asked “Is she a mermaid?” to which
Cyrus rolled his eyes. James, who works at the Military, was puzzled at something.
“She doesn't have any ID” he told them, “How long was she floating out there?”
Cyrus looked at the girl and didn't know why, but he felt like she had this
connection to her, so he tried speaking with her.
“Hello? What's your name? Can you hear me? Who are you?” Ok, maybe
asking like a bazillion questions at once wasn't a smart move, but hey, what do you
know, she answered. Well, cough a buncha time and utter a single word that he
presumed was her name. “Holiday.”
The boat docked, and Monica called 911, and because she, too, was a doctor,
rode in the ambulance with her. After arriving in the hospital she got Holiday into a
room and checked her up with better equipment. The rest of the Anders came to
the hospital by car.
The hospital was busy. Bride can hear “Paging Dr.Strails, Dr.Strails to ER”
and the ringing of telephones. She went to check on Holiday with her Mom. “Check
her vitals again and let me know if anything has changed,” Monica told one of the
other doctors. “Uh, yes Dr.Anders.” he said and went to check on Holiday.
“Mom, is Holiday going to be alright?” asked Birdie. “Holiday?” asked Monica,
as she did not hear Holiday when she said “Holiday”. “That's what she said on the
boat,” Cyrus told her “It must be her name, right?” Then Monica noticed the state
they were in.
“You two must be freezing, you're still wet” “We’re fine, where is she?”
asked Birdie, “She's still in that exam room.” “Had she said anything else?” asked
James. “She hasn't woken up since we put her in the ambulance”
“Cyrus, Birdie, you guys wait out here” “Why can't we go in and see her?”
asked Birdie. “She's not ready for visitors” “But you’re going in,” argued Cyrus.
“Please stay with your sister,” Monica told him. “Mom?” “What is it Cyrus?”
“What's that marking on her left hand?” “I didn't notice any marking,” said James,
“We’ll be out soon.” Then he and Monica walked into the exam room.
Once they are inside and the door is closed, Monica went to find a bandage.
“I can cover up the marking with a bandage” “Good,” replied James “I called around,
there's nothing out there about a missing girl.”
Monica walked to where Holiday was lying and put the bandage on her left
hand. “She looks so peaceful lying there. It's a miracle she survived James” “Since
when did you believe in miracles?” “Somewhere later, someones going to come
looking for her, you know that” Then the heart monitor started beeping rapidly.
“What's happening?” James asked, “She's in distress” said Monica as Holiday
started breathing very quickly and heavily. “I could give her something to calm her
down.” Holiday started groaning, the way you do when you are woken up when you
are sleeping. “Wait, I think she's waking up.” Monica turned to Holiday, “Can you
hear me?” She asked as she turned off the heart monitor and as Holiday started
breathing more rapidly.
“Do you know where you are, Holiday?” Holiday, at long last, woke up. “Wa-
what happened?” she asked. “You are in the hospital,” Monica told her. “Hospital?”
“Do you know how you got here?” asked James.
“No,” Holiday said, shaking her head. “What's going on? Why can't I
remember anything?” “It's ok Honey,” Monica told her, “You’re safe now. You were
in an accident” “I- ar- are you my parents?” “Are we your-” James started saying
but Monica cutted him off. “Yes, yes sweetheart, of course we are. We’re your
Mom and Dad.”
Chapter 2:
Six Minutes, Without a Past
“Mom?” asked Holiday. “Dad? But, I don't remember,” “There was an
accident” Monica told her, “We were on a boat and you fell over the side. Isn't
that right James?” “Yes, Holiday,” James said hesitantly. “Your brother Cyrus
saved you from the water,” “Your Brother” Monica said, as if she was supposed to
know that. “My brother?” Holiday echoed.
“I know this is confusing,” James told her, “We’re going to let you rest”
“But-” “We’ll be back soon sweetheart,” Monica told her “The nurse will be in to
give you something that will help you sleep.” Monica and James left the room,
closing the door. “I don't understand,” Holiday said to herself. “Why can't- why
can I remember anything!?”
Then, there was a tapping sound. Holiday looked around, but saw nothing.
“What is that sound?” She asked to no one. “Hold on, is someone knocking on the
window? Let me get the curtains-” Holiday started in shock at the face of a boy at
her window, who looked around maybe 9 years old.
Then, suddenly the door opened. Holiday whirled around to see who opened
it. It was the nurse that Monica said would come. “Hello Holiday, I'm your- what
are you doing out of bed!?” the nurse said as she was surprised to see Holiday out
of bed. Holiday tried to explain. “There- there's a boy at the window!” “What!?” “I
saw his face right there! look!”
Holiday turned around only to see the roads and buildings around the
hospital. “He’s- he’s gone!” “Honey,” the nurse said in a tone that seemed to be
humouring her. “We're on the fifth floor. If you saw a boy out the window, then
that boy can fly!”

• • •
“Paging Dr.Strails, Dr.Strails to ER” “Here Bird,” said Cyus, giving his sister some
snacks. “Got you some chips from the machine.” “I wanted Barbecue,” complained
Birdie. “They only had Sour Cream and Onion,” “Fine.” Birdie took the chips and
started eating them. “Were you scared?” “When?” “When you jumped into the
water” “I don't know, didn't really think about it” “Yeah, me neither”
Monica came up to them. “Hi guys.” “Is Holiday awake?” asked Birdie “Can we
see her?” “Soon” James told her, “But first,” Monica hastily added, “There is
something we need to discuss with you two,” “Is something wrong with her?” Cyrus
asked. “Well . . . it’s complicated.”
“Holiday,” Monica started explaining, “The girl in the water? It turns out
that, um . . .” “She doesn't remember anything,” James continued. “Not even who
she is.” “Amnesia,” Cyrus said. “That's right Cyrus” said Monica. “Amnesia.” “I've
been making inquiries with law enforcement agencies since we found her, nobody
knows where she came from.”
“She doesn't seem to have a family looking for her.” Monica added. “Maybe
she is a mermaid.” “Birdie . . .” Cyrus chided, “What? Birdie retorted, “You got a
better idea?” Before an argument could break out, Monica cutted in “Your father
and I have been talking . . . and for now, Holiday is going to, um,”
She looked at James for help. “We would like Holiday to live with us.”
“Really!?” Birdie asked excitedly, however, Cyrus was not so excited. “She's a total
stranger,” Cyrus told his parents. “This is probably only temporary” James told him,
“Until she regains her memory” “Probably?” “She’s scared and alone,” Monica told
him. “We want her to feel like she has a family.”
“She’s gonna be my big sister?” Birdie cutted in, getting more and more
excited. Cyrus, who was older and did not like the thought of a total stranger living
with them, shot her down. “No.” “Yes” Monica gave Cyrus “the look”. “When she
woke up, she asked if we were her parents. We said yes.”
“This is lit!” Birdie giggled. “Birdie, why don't you go see if they have
barbecue chips in the cafeteria.” Cyrus told her. Birdie’s mood deflated. “I don't
want to go!” “Bird, please, here take the money.” Cyrus put the money in her hand.
Birdie was very annoyed.
“You always do this to me. Send me away just when it's getting good. Fine,
but I'm getting a cupcake for Holiday too.” Birdie stormed off to find the
cafeteria. Cyrus turned back to his parents. “Mom, Dad you're aren't seriously
talking about letting Holiday think she’s always been a part of our family?”
“It’s better for her,” James told him. “Does this have anything to do with
that marking on her-” “Just trust us Cyrus. We’re going to bring in Mom’s friend
Dr.Farber to help. It's what we need to do.” “We know we are asking a lot of you”
Monica said “But-” Cyrus was cut off by James. “But we can't have anymore
questions. Do you understand?” “Ye-yeah. Ok.”

“Go get chips Birdie, you’re too young to understand Birdie.” Birdie sighed.
Then a boy rolled up to her on a skateboard. “Hello there.” He said. “Where did
you come from?” Birdie asked. “Me? Just hanging outside, waiting for my family.
What are you doing out here?”
“Well, my family sent me out here to find barbecue chips, but the cafeteria
had none left.” The boy took out a chip bag. “You want mine?” “You have barbecue
chips?” Birdie asked hopefully. “Go ahead,” the boy said, giving her the chips. “I like
pretzels better anyway.” “Then you're weird.”
The boy chuckled. “I get that alot.” “What's with the little snowboard?”
“It's . . . a project for school. So! What brings you to the hospital?” “I almost
drowned today, I'm Birdie by the way.” “They call me Badger. You look ok for
almost drown Birdie”
“Well, I'm fine. But I found this girl in the water and she has ambrosia and
my parents decided in like, a billisecond, to adopt her.” “So she's gonna like, be
your big sister?” “And her name is Holiday. How awesome is that!?” “Holiday.”
Badger Laughed. “She said that’s her name?” “Yeah, why?”
Then suddenly Monica came and Birdie whirled around. “Birdie, what are you
doing out here?” There was the sound of skateboard wheels moving and a hovering
zooming sound, but Birdie didn't notice it. “Oh, hey Mom, I just got the last bag of
chips from-” Birdie turned around to introduce Badger, but was only met by the
busy streets. “Where did he go???”
“Six.” Holiday Mumbled in her sleep. “Min-” the sound of a door slamming and
something that sounded like skateboard wheels landed on the floor next to her
started to wake her up, “Wake up kid. That's it, open your eyes.” said a familiar
voice. Holiday opened her eyes to see a 9 year old boy with a skateboard without
wheels standing next to her.
In her sleepy state, she didn't recognize him “Huh?” she asked groggily.
Then, she fully woke up, recognizing who the boy was. “You- you're the boy I saw.
Outside my window!” “But that's impossible” the boy said, though his tone was
saying anything but. “We’re on the fifth floor?” “Is this a dream?” “I used to think
that too. I know none of this makes any sense right now”
“Who are you?” “I'm . . . a friend. I came to make sure you’re safe. That's all
that matters.” “Safe?” “They’ll look after you, but you’ll see me again. One year
from today. I’ll be back to find you. The boy opened the window and climbed onto
the window ledge. “Have fun!”
“Wait, where’re you going? Get off the window ledge, you're gonna fall!” the
boy, however, ignored her “1 year Holiday. 1 Year.” and he slid off the ledge. But
instead of falling like Holiday feared, he just floated there, and he zoomed off
with a familiar hovering noise. Holiday looked at his retreating flying figure in
shock. “Did he just . . . fly away?!?”
Chapter 3: Six Minutes,
One Year Later
“Testing, testing, one two. Me me me me me me me” said Holiday Anders to
her phone that was recording her, raising an octave and then lowering it with every
“me”. “Sorry, um, hey Dr.Farber. It’s me, Holiday, coming to you live from the roof
of my house where I like to come to get some privacy. As you can hear, I've
decided to try what you suggested, recording my thoughts . . . and my feelings. You
said it might help me recover my memories.”
A bird passed by, squawking. “I guess we’ll see. So it's August 26th, my
birthday, one year since “the accident”. How am I feeling? Weird. I mean, my
family says that this is bday number 12, but . . . I can't remember a single one. And
don't get me started on the crazy dreams I've been having. I keep seeing that
flying kid from the hospital. I’ll save that for tomorrow, can't give it all away on
the first day. Anyway! Happy birthday to me.”

“ . . . Happy birthday dear Holiday!” sang Holiday’s family, “Happy birthday to

you!” Her family started clapping. “Wooh!” said Birdie. “Make a wish and blow out
the candles Holiday,” James told her. “A wish. Ok” Holiday closed her eyes and
made a wish and she blew out the flames on the candles.
They all clapped around her. “Speech, speech” Cyrus said to Holiday. “Oh,
and don't forget to thank your brother.” “I'm not really big on speeches.” “How
about I go first,” suggested Monica. “Uh oh. Get ready for the sappy stuff,” Birdie
warned while Monica laughed.
“One year ago today, we almost lost you when you fell off the side of our
boat” “Luckily,” James added, “Cyrus dove into the water to save you.” “Even though
I found” Birdie said carelessly, not realising she was about to blurt out that she
found her.
Fortunately, Cyrus cutted in before Birdie said anything. “Yeah, I'm a real
hero.” “That's what makes this family so strong,” James said with pride. “There's
nothing we wouldn't do to protect each other. Right Birdie?”
“Right, ok. Your turn, Holi!” Birdie said enthusiastically. “Um, ok! I just want
to say that this is the best family birthday I've ever had. Of course, it’s the only one I
remember so . . . “ she trailed off. “Sweetheart,” Monica said. “It’s ok mom. I just . . .
want to say thanks for being patient. I know this year has been hard on you guys,
me treating you like strangers and all.”
“Your a miracle Holiday. Isn't she James?” “Yes,” James agreed. “She's a
gift.” “Speaking of gifts,” Birdie cutted in, putting some presents on the table.
“Open your presents!” “Ok, ok!” Holiday said.
“What did you wish for?” Birdie questioned. “If she tells you it won't come
true.” Cyrus told her. “It’s ok,” Holiday told him. “I don't believe in that stuff
anyway. I wished . . . I wished I could remember.”

After the party and cake, Holiday went into her room and sat on her bed,
looking through her phone like a typical pre-teen. “ . . . hey Dr.Farber. It’s me,
Holiday, coming to you live-” there was a knocking on her door.
“Hol?” Cyrus asked. “Oh, hey Cy.” “Can I come in?” Cyrus opened the door.
“You ok?” he asked. “Yeah, just a little, I don’t know, too much cake or something.”
Cyrus didn't buy it. “You sure it’s not because of your wish about getting your
memory back?” “I shouldn't have said that. It- it doesn't matter.”
“No, it does! I mean, it’s been a year since . . . “the accident,” “So, I should
be used to it by now, right? Thanks for the microscope by the way.” “Sure, I mean,
I know science isn't your thing, but-” “It's great” “The best is when you take the
blood and put it under the highest magnification” “I think I would keep my blood
inside my body.”
“We should check out a dead insect or a spider web,” Cyrus got off the bed
to look under her bed. “You can always find something under your- what's that?”
under Holiday’s bed was something wrapped with newspaper. “What?” Holiday
walked around to his side and crouched down to see what he was looking at.
“Under your bed.” Cyrus told her, pointing at it. “Looks like another birthday
present.” Holiday Brought it out, looking at it in disbelief. “Wrapped in old
newspaper?” “Yeah. Dated August 26th, exactly 4 years ago today. That's weird.”
“Was there a card?” “I don't see one,” Cyrus said slowly. “Here, open it.”
The Ander siblings tore the newspaper, which was easy as it was a 4 years
old newspaper. What was inside it though, confused them. “Huh, it looks like a
skateboard, but with no wheels.” Cyrus took it, turning it around in his hands,
inspecting it. Then, a thought came to him.
“I think it's . . . a hoverboard.” He continued examining it. “But I've never
seen anything like it. I can't even find a power switch.” “I don't get it. Who left it
under my bed?” “I have no idea. But . . . I think we should try it out!” Holiday
agreed, and they took the board with them to the front of their house.
“So how do I . . . hover?” Holiday asked Cyrus. “Uh, maybe just put it on the
ground?” Cyrus suggested. She did what he suggested, but nothing happened. “Now
what?” “I don’t know . . . try stepping on it?”
“Ok.” Holiday stepped on it and stood on it the way you would on a
skateboard. Suddenly, the hoverboard started hovering with Holiday on it, making a
noise that Holiday would have heard in the hospital if she was awake. Because of
the sudden movement, Holiday lost her balance a little.
“Woah, Cyrus, I'm off the ground!” Holiday said excitedly after regaining
her balance. Cyrus looked at her in amazement, as he didn't think that it would
actually work. “How did you do that?” “I have no idea! She said, shrugging her
shoulders, but doing so made her wobbly.
“Woah!” she quickly regained her balance again. “You saw, I just stepped on!”
“Ok, settle down, relax your knees-” “Relax my knees? What does that even mean?”
Suddenly, the humming of the board started becoming faster and louder, and the
hoverboard started rising a bit more. Holiday started panicking.
“How do I get it to get down?” “Um, try leaning forward?” Holiday did just
that, but instead of going back down like she hoped, the humming became louder.
“What’s happening? Why is it making that noooooooooiiissse!”
The hoverboard suddenly zoomed forward and higher, almost throwing
Holiday off. “Holiday!” Cyrus ran after her. “Cyrus!” she called back. “Come back!”
“I can't!” “Ok, hold on, I’m coming!” Cyrus grabbed his bike that was by the
driveway, hopped on and started furiously pedalling after her.
“I can't stop it!” Cyrus tried to pedal faster. “Come on Cy,” he told himself
as Holiday tried to talk to the board. “Pedal Faster. Force to kinetic energy, force
to kinetic energy.”
Holiday, on the other hand, was saying less than useful things to the board,
such as “Woah, woah woah woah watch out!” and more “woah woah woah woah” and a
high-pitched scream as she tried to manoeuvre the hoverboard.
“Cyrus!” she yelled at him from the sky. “I’m riding this thing, I'm really
riding it!” But when she was telling Cyrus that, she was headed straight for a
house. “Look out for the-” Cyrus started to warn her, but she had already turned
around and leaned back, and served around a corner (though the “Woah!” was saying
that she was doing it from instinct, as she did not notice it until the last second).
“-turn. How did you do that!?” “I don't know, I just . . . did it.” Holiday
suddenly got a mischievous smile on her face. “Check this move out!” She did a loop
de loop with the hoverboard, even though she only got on it for a minute or so.
“That's insane!” Cyrus said. “I know right? Wooooooo!”
Holiday continues to do more tricks with it. Unfortunately, it just made the
hoverboard go even faster, much faster then Cyrus could keep up on his bike. “Slow
down! I can't keep up!” Holiday tried to slow down, but nothing happened, as she
didn't know what to do to slow down.
“I don't know how!” “Holiday!” “Oh my gosh, I’m really doing this!” She zooms
past a lamp post, nearly hitting it, making her make a high pitched scream. “Cyrus
look! Look . . .” She went too far for Cyrus to hear, disappearing into the distance.
Cyrus came to a screeching halt. “Holiday!!!!” While Holiday still continued her joy
ride, Cyrus heard Holiday shout a faint “Woo hoo!”
Chapter 4: Six Minutes
on a Hoverboard
“Woah woah woah woah,” Holiday let out a high pitched scream as she almost
hit another tree. “Woah, I’m riding this thing, I'm really riding it!” the hoverboard
swerved, nearly throwing her off. Fortunately, she didn't. “Woah!” Then, the
hoverboard started losing altitude, slowing down too.
“What’s going on? Why is it slowing down? I’m not ready to land! No
hoverboard, don't turn off!” The hoverboard landed on the ground, turning off.
“Come on! What's wrong with this thing? I'm just starting to get the hang-” Then
she heard waves and water lapping all around her.
She looked up, finally seeing her surroundings and where she landed. It was a
dock. She took a breath. “Ok, it’s just the docks. Not creepy at all.” she walked
around the docks, “Hello?” She saw some movement through the corner of her eye,
and looking at the size of it, she guessed it was a kid.
“Cyrus, is that you? Hello?” No response, but there was more movement, this
time, by the pier. Holiday walked towards it. “I can see you on the pier . . . whoever
you are. Um, my brother’s right behind me, so if you try anything . . .” she warned.
But then, the figure came out.
“Happy first birthday, Holiday,” said a familiar voice. Then, Holiday saw his
face, and she recognized him. “Wait, I know you! You're the boy in the hospital, the
one who flew by my window!” Badger (though she didn't know that that is his name)
only smiled. “Now you can fly too!” he told her. “Were you on a hoverboard?”
Holiday asked him.
“I told you I’ll be back in a year.” he replied smuggly. Then realisation hit
her. “You put the board under my bed.” “Picked up real fast, didn't you?” Holiday
narrowed her eyes. “What do you want?” “I came here to warn you. We couldn’t
keep hidden forever, they’re coming for you Holiday.”
“Who is coming for me?” “Your family.” “My what!?!? My family is back in-”
“Not them.” Badger cutted her off. “I mean your real family.” Holiday was very
confused. What was this boy talking about?
“I don't understand. What real family? What about my parents, Cyrus and
Birdie?” Then, she heard Cyrus’s faint voice. “ Holiday? Holiday?” “That’s my brother.”
She told Badger.
“Stop the riddles, tell me what's going on, what's your name?” “ Holiday!” She
heard Cyrus call, louder this time, meaning he is closer. “Badger finally answered.
“They call me . . . Badger. Don’t tell your brother about me. Don’t tell anyone.
They’re all lying to you anyway.” “But why?” “I’ll find you again. Soon, I promise.
Don't. Say. Anything.”

“Hey Dr.Farber, it's me Holiday, coming to you live from the roof again.”
Holiday said to her phone the next morning. After last night, she could barely
sleep, as thoughts swirled through her mind like paper in a tornado.
“It's early morning, before school,” Holiday continued, “My first day of
school. Another thing I don't remember ever doing before. So, I guess I’ve been
waiting for this day like, forever. Kinda dreading it too. So, there's that. At our
last therapy session I promised I’d tell you how my birthday went.
“Well, last night was . . . to be honest, I have no idea what last night was.
It's like the world’s gone crazy.” Holiday pauses, thinking what to say. “You ever
had that feeling that you don't know who you can trust anymore? I mean-”
“Holiday?” Monica called from the kitchen. “Breakfast!” “Got to go Doc,
public school awaits!” Holiday paused the recording. “Coming Mom!” Holiday got off
the roof, slipped through the window, grabbed her backpack with her school
supplies inside it, put it on and walked down the stairs.
“There she is!” James said as she entered the dining room/kitchen. “Daddy, I
don't like this pancake. It looks like a snail.” Birdie complained. Monica set down
Holiday’s cup. “Big day today! She said a little sing songy. “Yup” Holiday agreed as
Cyrus came down the stairs. “Where's my backpack, what happened to my
backpack?” he asked, as he couldn't find it. “Dad, I said-” Birdie started again, but
Monica cut her off. “Sweetie, it's just like every other pancake, shape doesn't
change taste, I promise.”
“Still no backpack.” Cyrus said. Then Monica looked at Holiday,who was still
thinking about last night and school. “Are you ok Holiday? You look tired, you must
be so nervous. Maybe it's too soon, maybe you should stay home.” “No!” Holiday said
immediately, as she had been homeschooled for a year.
“I wanna go!” “Seriously,” Cyrus said. “Where's my-” “On the hook on the
back of the door Cy,” Monica told him. “Where it should be.” Monica turned around
and continued to talk to Holiday while Cyrus went to get his backpack.
“I know you want to go to school with the other kids, I’m just worried.”
“So . . . was I a good student? You know, before The Accident.” “Of course you
were.” James assured her. “I should have gotten you up earlier, I don't want you to
be late on your first day.”
“Yeah, well, that's exactly what we’re gonna be.” Cyrus told them, being the
pessimistic he was. “But I didn't get my pancake!” Birdie complains. James grabbed
one from the now short stack and gave it to her. “Here you go, baby bird.” “ James,
you're just gonna shove a pancake in the girl’s hand and send her on her way?
Birdie, dip it in maple syrup before you go, We’re not savages.” Monica whispered at the
“Mom,” Holiday started. “Do you not want me to go to school?” “No, of course
we do. We’re over protective, that's all, especially since the accident. We love you
Holiday.” “I . . . love you guys too.” but as she said this, she heard Badger’s voice in
her head. They’re all lying to you anyway. But Holiday pushed the thought out of
her head.
“It's a big world out there. Lots of-” she was interrupted by the honking of
a horn, but she continued anyway. “-questions to be answered.” “ Questions?” James
asked softly. “We have to go, the bus is here!” Cyrus told her. “Come on Holiday!”
Birdie added. “Hurry up Holiday! The bus waits like, 20 seconds and then takes
off.” Cyrus told her again.
“We can't miss it on the first day.” She opened the door. Holiday noticed
that she didn't have her hoverboard, and she didn't want to explain why she had it
to her parents if they found it. “Wait, I forgot something.” “What is it?” Cyrus
asked. “Just, hold the bus!” Holiday rushed upstairs and went to search for the
hoverboard. “Can't believe I almost forgot to take the hoverboard!” she said to
herself as she stuffed it in her back with her other stuff.
“Badger said trust no one,” the bus honked its horn, telling her to hurry up.
“-can't just leave it around for mom and dad-” Then, she heard her Mom’s worried
voice. She stopped muttering to herself to listen to what Monica was saying. “ Who
knows what could happen now that Holiday’s in school. Can we trust Cyrus to keep quiet or Birdie? ”
“What was the alternative Monica?” James asked her. “Keep her at home forever!?” “Of
course not! But you know what will happen if anyone learns the truth about Holiday. ” “Badger was
Right!” Holiday whispered to herself as James continued talking.
“Now I’m more worried about her learning the truth. You heard the wish she made on her
birthday candle!” “Just handle your part, and I’ll handle mine.” Monica paused before saying 5
words that made Holiday’s blood run cold. “She can never know! Ever!” “Never know what?”
Holiday whispered to herself. “What are they hiding!?”
Chapter 5: Six Minutes
of the First Day of School
Cyrus and Holiday walked through the hall of their (new for Holiday) school.
“So, this is it.” Cyrus said to his sister. “Whittier Middle School. Is it everything
you’ve dreamed of Holiday?” “It's . . . loud.” Holiday stated, as in every direction,
there were chattering kids.
“I found the best thing to do is to keep your head down.” Cyrus suggested.
“Don’t attract too much attention.” “Don’t worry, attention is the last thing I’m
looking for.” She assured him.
“Listen, Hol, before I walk you to your home room, I want to talk to you
about . . . last night.” “What about last night?” “Um, well, for starters, that hover
board in your backpack-” Cyrus gestured at her backpack, “-came to life and flew
you down to the docks . . .” “I know, weird right?” “Weird!? That’s all you have to
say about it? Aren’t you . . . curious . . . about where it came from? Or how you
knew to ride it?”
The sound of footsteps, someone with high heels to precise, can be heard,
but Holiday and Cyrus were too engrossed with their conversation to notice.
“Curious? Well, sure, but-” “Hi there!” a female voice interrupted her. The siblings
turned around. A girl with very dark brown eyes and light brown hair was standing
beside them. She looks around 13 years old, the same age as Cyrus.
She was wearing a white shirt with a rainbow peace sign with 3 oboes in it,
with the words “Peace, Love & Oboes!” beside it. “Brynleigh, hi.” Cyrus said, annoyed
that she interrupted, but was trying not to be rude.
“Hi Cylus, happy first day.” “It’s Cyrus.” “Right. So I’m writing a story on the
new kids for the online newspaper. Who’s your friend?” “This is my sister, Holiday.”
“Your sister? Hi Holiday, I’m Brynleigh, the G is silent. How come I’ve never seen
you before?”
“It’s my first time in school.” Holiday replied, but then noticed what she
said. “In this school.” she added. “Well . . .” Brynleigh said, trying to get more
information. “Where were you before that?” “I was . . . homeschooled.”
“Why?” Seeing Holiday uncomfortable from all the questions Brynleigh was
asking (plus the fact that she literally can’t answer, as she doesnt remember
anything), Cyrus cutted in.
“Ok, Brynleigh, we need to get to homeroom-” “Hang on,” Brynleigh told him
without looking at him. “So Holiday, have you ever been in school before?” Holiday
paused before answering. “I don't remember.” she said slowly. “You . . . don’t
remember if you’ve been in school before?” Brynleigh asked a little mockingly.
She let out a laugh. “Sorry, I'm totally lost here.” Holiday was starting to
get a little annoyed. “It's not really any of your business, Brynleigh.” Brynleigh, who
does like admitting to fault and did not care (nor noticed) that she was being a
little mean, was not happy with the tone change.
“Excuse me,” she said to Holiday. “I’m just trying to get some information
for an article, no need to be rude.” “She’s not being rude.” Cyrus defended Holiday.
“You are.” “Really? That’s how you want to talk to me?”
Holiday had enough. “Let's go Cyrus.” she told Cyrus. “Why won't you tell me
where this girl was before today?” Brynleigh asked scathingly to Cyrus. Out of
annoyance, he said “She was-” Cyrus caught himself before he could blurt out
anything, and started thinking what to say. “-floating around.” Literally, he thought.
“How’s that for an answer?”

Holiday walked into her homeroom as the bell rang. A man in around his 30s
was there, probably the teacher. “Good Morning young lady.” “Good morning.”
Holiday greeted. “I’m Mr.Strain,” the now dubbed “Mr.Strain” introduced himself.
“Homeroom and science. You are?”
“I am . . . what?” “Your name, what’s your name?” “Oh! Right, uh, Holiday.”
“Holiday. Guess we have a couple of those . . . creative parents. I miss the days
when my class was full of Jennifers and Williams.” Mr.Strain said wistfully. “Yeah,
so, um, are there assigned seats?” “Why don't you up front, next to Brynleigh.
With the silent G”
“Brynleigh. Right.” Holiday walked up to the desk and sat down. “Hey
Homeschool.” Brynleigh greeted. “Hey . . .” Holiday said unenthusiastically and
uncertainty. Brynleigh only smiled sweetly. “Sorry if we got off on the wrong
whatever. How about we start over?”
“Sure. That sounds good.” “You know, you're supposed to leave your backpack
in your locker.” Holiday grabs her backpack and puts it down next to her chair.
“Oh, right.” “Guess they don't teach that when your classroom is the kitchen
table.” “Guess not.” “Ladies and gentlemen,” said Mr.Strain. “And what I’ve seen so
far this morning, I use that term loosely. I am Mr.Strain. You’ll report to me first
thing every morning, I will take attendance, and then we will begin our science
lesson for the day. Now I'm sure you're looking around in this state of the art
science lab and wondering, how is it possible that we sixth grade students are
worthy of such a facility.”
Brynleigh raised her hand. “Yes Brynleigh?” “Well, our school has an
excellent reputation, and our parents are good tax payers-” “Wrong. This lab was
built by the generosity of the Whittier Corporation. Whittier. Building the science
of the future, today.”
Holiday looked at Brynleigh. “Did he just do a commercial in class?” “Shh!”
Brynleigh shushed her. Mr.Strain continued on, pretending that he didn't hear
what Holiday just said. “Does anyone know the kind of work the Whittier
Corporation does?” Then, making Holiday pay for the comment she made, he chose
her, the new girl, to answer.
“Holiday?” Mr.Strain asked, looking at her. “Me?” “Please tell me we don't
have more than one student named “Holiday” in this class.” he replied rather rudely.
The class started giggling around her. “No, I-” Holiday glared murderously at the
giggling girls next to her, making them stop. She looked back at the teacher.
“Well . . .” she started. “My brother is a really big fan. He says that they
worked at speeding up human evolution, so that we ca-”
“Ok!” Mr.Strain interrupted her. “Enough science fiction, fake news. The
Whittier Corporation is dedicated to improving the lives of people here in Alaska,
and all around the world with advances in medicine and gene therapy.”
“So now,” Mr.Strain continued, ”If you wouldn't mind, and even if you would,
take out notebooks and pens, not pencils. I’d like each of you to write a paragraph
about how benefactors at Whitter, and what they brought to your life.” Then,
there was a familiar humming coming from Holiday's backpack, though no one
noticed the noise yet.
“Any questions?” Mr.Strain asked as the humming filled the classroom.
“Good.” The students started chatting and taking out their school supplies. “I
expect there to be no talking during this assignment.” The humming became louder
and louder. Brynleigh, who was sitting right next to Holiday, noticed the sound.
“Your phone’s going off Homeschool.” She whispered. “Huh?” Holiday said, as she
was listening to the teacher.
“These essays will be shared, so I expect proper grammar and respect.”
Mr.Strain continued. The humming became more insistent, and this time, Mr.Strain
heard it. “What is that sound?” Holiday started panicking. “No, no no no not now.”
She muttered to herself.
“Shut off your phone.” “It’s not a phone.” Mr.Strain looked around, trying to
find out where the sound was coming from. “I don't know what that is, but whoever
brought it here, I want to see it. Right now.” Brynleigh raised her hand.
“Mr.Strain.” “Yes Brynleigh?” “Mr.Strain, I'm not a tattle tale or anything, but it’s
coming from Holiday’s bag.”
“Holiday,” Mr.Strain told her. “Would you care to open your bag for me!?”
“Um, not really.” she said nervously. The class erupted with laughter. “Excuse me.”
The teacher said softly and dangerously.
“I can't open it. See, I-” “Ms.Anders, hand me the bag!” “I can't do that.”
“What is in that bag and why did it turn on!” “It’s kinda hard-” “Mr.Strain!”
Brynleigh interrupted. “The bag is moving!” The bag was indeed moving around, and
Holiday was struggling to hold it still as the class pointed and laughed at it.
“Oh boy,” Holiday said to herself as she knew that she was in big trouble.
Chapter 6: Six Minutes with Jane Doe
The class were still laughing, pointing, and jeering at Holiday who was
struggling to keep her bag (with the hoverboard in it) still. “Turn off hoverboard,
turn off!” “Holiday!” Mr.Strain said to her, looking at the bag like it was insulting
him. “Why does your backpack appear to be jumping off the ground?”
Holiday seized it, trying to make it stop. “Is it?” She asked in an innocent
voice that fooled no one. “Huh, so weird. Hm, wonder what it could be.” “I’m going
ask one more time, hand over that moving backpack” The backpack moved up and
down more,
Holiday picked it up, and put it on her desk, trying desperately to make it
stop moving to no avail. “Mr.Strain, I don't mean to be disrespectful-” “Too late.”
The bag bounced more rapidly and with more power. “Is there something dangerous
in there!?” “No! I- of course not!” The backpack lurched forward, dragging Holiday
with it
“Woah!” “Sit down Ms. Anders, or I'll call the principal!” The backpack
started to drag her to the door, more forcefully this time. “Your backpack is trying
to drag you out the door!” Brynleigh exclaimed in surprise. “Drag me?” Holiday
tried to play it off, and it didn't help that the second she said those words, the
backpack made her move towards the door.
“No, no of course not!” The backpack lurched full speed ahead, dragging
Holiday with it. “Woah!!” “Where’re you going Ms.Anders!” “Bathroooooooooom”

Cyrus Anders was running laps around the track during Phy’Ed. “Pace
yourselves runners!” yelled the coach,”3 laps to go!” “If we don't drop dead first.”
Cyrus said sarcastically to his classmate beside him. His friend was panting while
they ran. “Why is this man trying to kill us?” he asked.
There was a slam, and they heard Holiday’s voice. “ Woah! Woah woah, watch out
watch out!” “Hey *pant* Cyrus,” He said to him. “Isn't that your sister?” They can
hear Holiday screaming, yelling at people to get out of the way and saying the ever
pointless “Woah!”.
“Holiday?” “What is she doing?” Cyrus’s friend asked. “Is she . . . fighting
with her backpack???” “Tell Coach I had to puke. I’ll catch up with you.” Cyrus left
the track and ran after Holiday. As he got closer, he heard the humming motor of
the hoverboard. “Holiday!” Cyrus went up to her.
She was still struggling with her backpack. “Ugh.” “Holiday, why aren't you in
class?” “Go, ugh, back to PE Cyrus.” “What's that sound?” Realisation dawned on
him. “The hoverboard! It turned on?” “I'm good ok!” Riiiiight Cyrus thought. “I
don't need your help!” Cyrus had the same thought on that too.
“You look like you do need help” Cyrus pointed out, as she was clearly still
struggling with the bag. “I need to be in school!” she shot back. “But I can't, ugh, if
this won't shut off! I don't know where,ugh, it wants to take me-” “What do you
mean ‘Where it wants to take you’?”
Holiday continues struggling with her bag. “Hols, how can I help you if you're
not honest with me?” Holiday’s face hardened. “You want honesty!? Let's do
honesty!” Holiday struggles with the bag more, but she still glares at Cyrus. “Am I
really your sister?” Cyrus was completely thrown off by the question. “What!?”
Holiday glared at Cyrus more intensely. “Tell me the truth Cyrus! Am. I.
Your. Sister!” Cyrus was shocked that she knew. He didn’t know what to say. “I . . . “
Holiday continues struggling with her bag. “Look who’s, ugh, suddenly speechless.”
“Holiday . . .” he paused, not knowing what to say, leaving them just looking at
(or glaring at in Holiday’s case) each other while the hoverboard continued
humming. Then, Cyrus’s coach saw them standing there. “ Back on the track Cyrus! Or I’m
writing you up!”
Holiday scowled at Cyrus. “Better hurry.” She continued struggling with the
bag. “Go back to class.” Cyrus told her. “I’ll see you after school, just, promise me
you won’t get back on the hoverboard.” “Cyrus Anders!” The coach yelled. “Coming!”
Cyrus yelled back. He started walking towards the track, but stopped and turned
around. “After school, ok?” He promised her.
Cyrus continued walking towards the track. The bag gave a hard tug. Holiday
looked down at her bag. “Please hoverboard! Just shut off! At least until after
school.” The bag stopped moving and no humming any more. Holiday had not
expected it to work. “Wait, it listened to me?”

Cyrus was waiting outside of Birdie’s classroom exit. He had looked for
Holiday, but she was nowhere to be found. So now, he was going to ask Birdie. The
bell rang and kids started piling out. Cyrus easily saw Birdie in the crowd as she
walked up to him, as her blond hair stands out with everyone else’s dark hair.
“Cyrus, how's your first day?” Birdie asked while they walked. “Mine was
awesome, my tea-” “Bird.” Cyrus started, but she ignored him and kept going. “-cher
called on me, I was like, finally! I’ve been raising my hand for forever! So she was
like yes Birdie-”
“Bird!” She continued on anyway. “-do you know the capital of Arkansas? And
I was like, um, hello, do you think I’m stupid?” “Birdie!” Birdie paused and looked at
Cyrus, finally stopping to listen to what he had to say. “Where’s Holiday?”

Holiday was walking through the doors of the hospital she was sent to a year
ago when she was fished out of the water by Cyrus. She went up to the front desk.
“Hi, welcome to Barlet Regional Hospital, How can I help you?” The lady at the
front desk greeted her. “Hi, uh,” Holiday greeted her, mentally reviewing her plan
in her head.
“My mom was in here earlier talking to someone about medical records?
Anyway, uh, she thinks she dropped her wedding ring.” The lady at the front desk
gasped. “Oh no!” She paused, thinking. “That must have been Rick, he's on break
now.” “Aw, you should have seen her, tears, all morning. I just want to help her. I
walked all the way here from school.”
“You know, if she dropped it, it's probably right inside on the floor. I’ll let
you in.” “Really?” Holiday asked as the lady got up and started walking towards a
door at the right. “You’re the best!” Holiday followed her down the hall.
“Rick’s office is right here,” The lady said, opening the door. “Give me 5
minutes.” Holiday told her, stepping through the door and into the office. “No
problem,” The lady smiled. “Good luck.” she adds, closing the door.
The Second she closed the door, Holiday immediately went to the computer
on the desk and opened it. “Right, so,” Holiday said to herself as the computer
started opening up its apps. “Let's see what the hospital computer knows about the
day they found me in the water.” When she tried to access the medical files,
something else popped onto the screen. She needed a password.
“Password? Password, uh. . .” She looked around. A small optimistic part of
her brain tells her Maybe it's on a piece of paper? Yeah, no. She looked around the
desk for clues. “Come on dude, give me anything. Your wife’s name . . .” Nope. “Your
kids’ birthday.” She got a nada. “No? Ok, let's try a few options.” She thought
about what Rick would put as his password.
Then, for some reason, letters floated around in her head, forming a word.
seem to be forming in her head. She punched in the word, and like magic, she was
somehow in. “Wow!” Holiday had not expected it to work. Guess a girl can be lucky
every once and a while, right? “That was . . . lucky. Go me. Ok, so it was my
birthday, August 26th, last year,” She said while typing.
“Name, Holiday Anders.” Holiday hits the enter key and waits while the
computer brings up information. “My record says . . .” the page loaded, but instead
of a bunch of records, there were 4 words on the screen:

No Patient Record Found

“No Patient record?” she said, reading the screen. “That can't be right.” She
clicked search again. “Ok, back to the day. Look for . . . I don't know, girls who
almost drowned?” Holiday hit enter, and this time, she got what she wanted. “Yes!
Water rescue, hypothermia, amnesia, Dr. Anders. We have a winner!”
Then, she remembered that when she searched her name, it didn't show all
of this. “So . . . why didn't I show up as Holiday Anders? What name was I
admitted?? And-” Holiday was scrolling down and she got to the part where the
patient's name is. Holiday gasped as she read what it said. What was there made
her blood run cold.
“Jane Doe?” Jane Doe isn't really a name. None of this made sense. “Why
would mom list me as Jane Doe?” Her mind was racing for an answer. “That's the
name you use when you don't know who someone is.” Holiday’s eyes widened as the
pieces fell into place. “But . . . if I'm not their daughter . . . then . . . who am I?”
Chapter 7: Six Minutes of Truth
Cyrus was in front of the door of his house. He had promised to tell Holiday
everything after school, but she was nowhere to be found. He opened the front
door of his house and went in. “Holiday?” he called out as he closed the door behind
him. “Woah, slow down kiddo,” Said Monica. “Mom, is Holiday home yet? She did get
on the bus.” Cyrus said quickly. “She got home a few minutes ago, said she wanted
to clear her head. Did something happen-” Cyrus bolted up the stairs. “Cyrus?”
“Dr.Farber, this is Ho-” Holiday paused, remembering what she found out in
the hospital. She paused for a second. “This is Jane Doe on the roof. Gotta get
used to that since I don't know who I am anymore.” Holiday paused. Then as an
afterthought, she added “If I ever knew.” “I’m realising I’ll never be able to share
these recordings with you anyway. Mom and dad hired you as my therapist.” Then, a
thought crossed her mind. “If they're lying to me,” She said angrily, “Then, you
probably are too! Maybe you're just doing all of this to spy on me!”
The window suddenly opened. It was Cyrus, and he looked worried. Ok, it was
a little silly to be seething at your phone, recording yourself talking to someone
who you just said you won’t send said video to. Even sillier when you're sitting on
the roof doing it, and was caught doing it by your older teen brother. But she had a
lot of emotions running around inside her. She felt betrayed that she was lied to
for a whole year, by her so-called “family” no less.
“Hol?” asked Cyrus, “You ok if I come out here?” “NO!” She glared at him.
“Go away! Unless you're ready to tell me the truth.” Cyrus sighed. “I am,” He looked
at Holiday in the eyes. “I’ll tell you everything.” Holiday noded, and Cyrus climbed
onto the roof to explain everything.

“Where were you after school? I was waiting for you by the buses.” Cyrus
started. He had wanted for a whole year to tell her the truth, but he never wanted
to tell her it like this, on the roof. “I walked to the hospital.” Holiday answers,
snapping Cyrus out of his thoughts. “The hospital? Are you sick?” Holiday was
annoyed by how much Cyrus was dragging things.
“Are you going to answer my question . . . or not? Because I just checked my
medical records. Mom signed me in, as a Jane Doe.” she said, changing the subject.
Cyrus always falls for subject changes. Sure enough, it worked. A little too much.
“You hacked into the hospital computer??” Cyrus asked incredulously. Holiday
scowl. That was not the point.
“Something’s going on, Cyrus. Either you tell me or-” “We pulled you out of
the bay.” Cyrus interrupted her, finally starting the story. About time, thought
Holiday. “We were on a whale watching trip.” Here we go again she thought. “Yeah,
I know. The water was choppy, I fell off the side of the boat and hit my head.” she
repeated almost robotically, as that's the story she was told for a year.
“You didn't fall off our boat.” Cyrus told her, looking at the horizon. Holiday
looked at him quizzically. “What do you mean?” “Birdie was the one who fell in, and,”
Cyrus paused, thinking back to the day where it all happened. “While she was in the
water,” He continued, “She saw you . . . floating.” “But. . . how did I?-” “We don't
know. Mom said it was a miracle you were alive. We pulled you into the boat, and
took you to the hospital and . . .” “And what?”
He paused, and looked at her. “And the next thing I knew, mom and dad were
saying . . . you were going to be my sister. They said . . . we should let you believe,
you’d always been with us.” “But-” Holiday says, confused and blown away by the
information. “You didn't know me. I was a total stranger.” “Yeah,” Cyrus agreed.
“We thought it would . . . take some time to adjust, but really? It kinda didn't. It
just felt like you’ve always been there. I’ve wanted to tell you the truth so many
times, not just the first day in the hospital, but every day since.”
Then, he grew weary. “And . . . mom and dad.” “Mom and dad . . . what?” His
expression turned annoyed. “Everytime I ask them questions about you, where you
came from, how you ended up in the water, they shut me down. They said it was
‘better this way’.” “Better then what?” “I don't know, that's why I have this
binder” he indicated to the binder he brought with him earlier.
He put it on his lap and opened it at a random page, and started flipping
through it to show Holiday. “Since we first brought you home, I’ve been making,
notes, on all the weird stuff mom and dad had said and done,” he said as he flipped
a few pages until there was a bunch of . . . old newspaper articles?
“News clippings about mom’s old job at the lab-” ooooh “-dad’s military base.”
“What do those things have to do with me?” “I don't know, but . . . I definitely
think there's more to your story than what's anyone saying. Like, the marking you
used to have on your left hand.” “You mean this scar?” Holiday looked at the back
of her hand, where a big scar was. She always wondered about the scar, but her
parents just told her she had cut herself on something when she was younger.
Now that she knew that they only knew each other for a year, she's starting
to doubt it. “There was something else on there when we found you,” Cyrus
insisted. “It was like . . . an infinity symbol. From that first day, I got the sense
that mom and dad were hiding something. It's all very fascinating.” That got
Holiday mad. She glared at him, but she also felt hurt. For a year, he’d been her
older brother, and now, it was like she was a lab rat that he's watching, waiting to
see if an experiment would work.
“So, I’m a mystery for you to solve. Might as well put me under your
microscope. Just a girl with no memory that you found floating in the water.”
“You're a lot more than that Hols,” Cyrus reassured her. “Where ever you came
from, you're my sister. I'm just trying to make sure it stays that way.”
Holiday looked away from him, not wanting to let him see that her eyes were
getting wet, but a sniffle escaped. “Oh geez, you're not crying, are you?” “No . . .”
Holiday lied. “I . . . it doesn't make sense. Why would mom and dad lie?” “I’ll help
you.” Promised Cyrus. “I’ll help you find out everything.” Holiday smiled. At least
Cyrus got her back. She pulled the binder closer to her and started looking through
it. “This binder has so much in it. I don't even know where to start.”
The window suddenly opened, making Holiday’s heart jump to her throat. The
siblings whipped their heads around to look at the window. Their parents were
there. “Why don't you start by telling your father and me what you two are up to.”
Monica said, looking at the sibling’s startled expressions. “We’re waiting!” James
added. Crap.
Chapter 8: Six Minutes of Not Telling
Mom and Dad
Crap crap crap crap crap crap, were only trains of thought in Cryus’ head,
other than the occasional “We’re screw” and the small, rational part of his brain
screaming “Those thoughts are not helpful! Think of something helpful! ”
Unfortunately, he's not used to thinking of ways to deceive his parents. Or is that
fortunate? Not helpful! Screamed the small rational part of his brain.
“What are you two doing on the roof?” James called out, breaking his train
of thought. “Uh, nothing dad! Just talking.” His mind raced for some sort of way to
get out of there without letting his parents know he told Holiday the truth. Buy
more time to think! his brain says. “Where are you home from work so early!?” “We
got a call from school!” “You did?” asked a mentaly panicking Holiday. “We did!”
Monica nodded. “Holiday, want to tell us why you ran out of science class?”
Phew! Thought Cyrus. He thought that they were going to grill him more on
what they were talking about. Good thing that didn't happen. “First day jitters, I
guess.” replied Holiday, giving a nervous laugh. “Same reason you didn't get on the
bus after school?” asked James. Even though they weren't talking about what
Holiday and Cyrus were talking about, they can’t know anything about the
hoverboard, especially that Holiday brought it to school.
“What did you think it was?” Cyrus said, trying to cover up for her. Monica
however, narrowed her eyes. “Is it me, or do you seem nervous Cyrus?” she said
quickly. “Me? You know I don't like heights. I just wanted to . . . hear how Holiday’s
day went and . . . now I know . . . so . . . I’ll just come back inside and . . . grab my
things and go . . . start my homework . . .” He said nervously, but a little too quickly
at first, and stuttering too much at the end. “Stop right there bud.” James said.
“Holiday, come inside, and . . . give me that binder.
No no no no no no no no no no no nooooooooooo “The binder?” Cyrus asked,
trying to sound calm while he's panicking on the inside. “Um . . . well . . .” Holiday
stuttered, “Uh . . . ok?” She went in after Cyrus, who handed the binder to James.
“Close the window honey.” Monica told her. She turned around and compiled.
“Alright.” Holiday said after she closed the window.
“Now, no one is leaving this room until we get to the bottom of this.” James
said. Wait, what? The “bottom of this”? Holiday was also thinking along the lines of
that. “Of what, exactly?” “You're going to tell us what you were doing at the
hospital today.”

Cyrus’ mind continued racing for a lie. And finally, he got one. “I'm really
sorry, mom, dad, I saw Holiday at school, and she was having a tough time, I told
her to see Dr.Farber after school.” “Cyrus . . .” Holiday started, but Monica was
still suspicious. “But when you came home, you acted like you didn't know why she
wasn't on the bus.” “I wasn't sure if she’d wanted you to know.” “Holiday,” James
asked. “Did you see Dr.Farber?” “No-” technically not a lie “-she was with a
Holiday sighed. “I know, I shouldn’t have gone without an appointment, but, I
had a long day-” It's about to get longer with all the new information “-and I
needed to talk.” she paused, then added “But Cyrus made it better.” To make it
more convincing, and it was the truth. It felt better knowing the truth, maybe not
everything but at least she gets some now, she doesn't have to worry about all the
mysterious talks of her parents. For now at least.
Cyrus smiled. “I tried.” Monica turned to look at the clock. It was around
7:30. “Get ready for dinner,” Monica sighed, as if relieved that nothing bad
happened. “We’ll talk about this more then.” Yeah, no. Everything was going
smoothly so far. Now, only the binder left. “Dad, can I have, uh, my homework
binder back?” James seemed to have forgotten about the binder in his hands. “Oh,
yeah, here.” he said as he handed it back to Cyrus. “Thanks.” Their parents walked
out the door into the hallway, shutting the door behind them and went downstairs
to set the dinner on the table.
Holiday listened for a second to make sure Monica and James were
downstairs. “It's weird. They’re mom and dad. But suddenly, they seem different.”
“Yeah.” Cyrus agreed. “I know the feeling.” “But, why did they lie? Why did they
make you and Birdie lie about me, and where I came from?” “I don't know.” “How
did they know about the hospital? I didn't tell anyone my name.” “Do you think . . .
they were watching you?” The only response he got was dead silence.
After eating some dinner and leaving some for Birdie, Holiday went out in
the yard, looking up at the stars, thinking about what happened and what she
learned today. Multiple cars and trucks pass by, but she didn't pay any mind. She
was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear the backdoor open. James walked
out of the doorway, closed the door and stood next to her.
“Mind if I sit with you Holiday?” he asked softly. “Um, sure . . . dad.” replied
Holiday, sounding very unsure. “Just . . . out here looking at the stars.” “You ok?” he
asked. “I'm sorry if your mom and I came on a little strong earlier.” “Uh huh.”
“You’ve had a rough year, and it can't be easy walking into school for the first time.
But if something doesn't feel right, we want you to know you can come to us with
whatevers bothering you.”
For a normal child, the words and tone were common enough when the
parents think something’s wrong. But coming from James, who had made Cyrus and
Birdie lie about her past, lied about almost everything, the words sound . . .
ominous. Menacing. “Is something bothering you?” James asked, sending a shiver
down Holiday’s spine. When she didn't respond, James looked . . . worried.
“Honey?” James asked. “We don't have secrets in this family.” Fat chance
“Right.” Holiday forced out of her mouth. “No, I'm ok.” She lied as the backdoor
opened again. The father and daughter turned around. “James?” Monica asked. “Can
you pick up Birdie at soccer practise?” “Sure,” he replied. “Holiday.” he says as
Monica leaves, leaving them alone again. “I hope you know how much we love you. No
matter what, you can always trust your mom and dad.”
The words were meant to sound helpful, comforting, but to Holiday, they
were menacing. Double meaninged. Deceiving. James gave her one last glance, and
got up, went into the house, and went to get Birdie. “No secrets in this family,
huh?” Holiday said to herself as she pulled her backpack next to her and started
opening it. “How about a hoverboard? Now that’s a secret.” She pulled it out and
put it on the floor, and waited for it to turn on.
Nothing happened. “Oh, so now you won't turn on.” She glared at it. Cyrus
ran into the yard through the opened door that James didn't close. “You're going
to try the hoverboard again?” “Turned on in the middle of science class, but . . .
now it's dead.” Cyrus paused, thinking, brainstorming.
“How did you do it last time?” “I don't think I did it.” She admitted. Then,
even though she probably shouldn't, she told him “I think it was that kid.” That
made Cyrus confused. “What kid??” “He calls himself Badger, he came to see me in
the hospital a year ago, and he was the one who left me the hoverboard.” She
looked at Cyrus in the eyes, trying to make him understand.
“He knows who I am, Cyrus. Who I really am.” Fortunately for Holiday, he
was already steps ahead of her. “Then if there's somebody out there who knows
who you are, we need to find him.”

“Bye guys!” Birdie said to her soccer teammates as they left with their
parents. It was 8, but because it was September, it was already pretty dark. “You
got a ride coming, Birdie?” asked her coach. “Yeah, my dad will be here soon.” She
told him. The coach nodded. “Ok, I’ll just be packing up the equipment.” “Thanks
coach!” Just as the coach turned to leave, a kid rolled up on a skateboard up to her
from behind.
It was a boy, around 9 years old. “Hi Birdie.” The little boy greeted her.
Birdie turned around. The boy was familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
“Remember me?” Then, it came to her. “You’re . . . you’re Badger! From the
hospital!” Badger looked impressed. “You’ve got a good memory!” Then, a thought
came to Birdie. “Wh-what are you doing here?” “I’ve had practise on the other
field.” Badger told her.
Birdie looked at the empty field next to the one her team used. Funny, she
swore there wasn't anyone there for at least the past hour. “I didn't see anyone
else practising.” “We finished early. I saw you at school today.” Birdie blinked and
looked at him suspiciously. “You . . . go to my school now?” “Uh . . . hey! I got some
barbeque chips. Want some?” he said, changing the subject and pulling a bag of
chips out of his bag. Literally, the easiest way to distract a 9 year old? Food. “Um,
sure.” She said uneasily, still suspicious of the comment he said earlier.
Maybe it wasn't really the smartest idea to take chips from a stranger who
you met a year ago, especially when he just declared that he was watching you
while you were at school. But hey, chips are good, plus, he's like, 9, and there were
a bunch of adults around. And her dad, who works at the military, is coming in like,
a minute. What could the kid do?
She accepted the bag and opened it, taking one out. “I can't believe you even
remember me. It's been like, a year since I saw you at the hospital.” “I’ve actually
thought a lot about you since then.” Badger admitted as Birdie started eating the
chips. “That story you told me? The girl you pulled out of the water? It stuck with
me.” “Oh, yeah that’s Holiday. She's . . . my sister now” Birdie had debated in her
head whether or not to tell him about the adoption part, but she figured that
there was no harm in telling him. Badger paused.
“Your sister.” He repeated after a few seconds. “So just . . . just
wondering . . . does Holiday seem . . . normal?” “Normal? Normal how?” Birdie asked,
confused as to why he would ask that question. “Nevermind.” He said quickly. Too
quickly. Pieces of the information that didn't add up earlier started to fit into
place in Birdie’s head.
She narrowed her eyes. “Wait, do you know something about Holiday? About
her past?” Badger looked like he had said too much. “Do me a favour, don't tell
anyone you saw me.” “Why??” Her eyes narrowed more. “Wait, who are you? You
don't really go to my school, do you?” The only answer she got was a half smirk,
half smile and a “I’ll see you around Birdie” from the boy. Not even a second later,
there was a whoosh of wind and a blur. Badger was gone.
Birdie’s eyes shot wide open as she gasped and looked from the spot of
where Badger was standing a second ago to the edges of the soccer field. She
swore she saw a blur zoom past it. “How is he so fast???”
Chapter 9: Six Minutes of
Tracking Badger
Holiday was tapping furiously at the hoverboard. “Hoverboard?” No
response. “On!” still nothing. She tapped it some more. “Take me to Badger!”
Surprise surprise, the hoverboard didn't turn on. She clenched her fists together.
“Stupid hunk of-!” “Holiday!” a voice called out as the door swung open as Holiday
screamed, taken by surprise. “Hey, put that away!” Cyrus chided as Holiday took
some breaths to calm her furiously beating heart. Cyrus closed the door behind
him. “What if I was Mom or Dad?”
Good thing it was Cyrus and not someone else like her parents or Birdie.
Otherwise she would have a lot of explaining to do. “What if you didn't just barge
into my bedroom without knocking?” Holiday retorted. “Sorry, but I couldn't wait.
I have amazing news! I think I know how to find that Badger kid.” The door opened,
but the siblings didn't notice. “How?”
“What's going on?” said another voice, and they froze. The voice was from
someone young, female, and one they knew like the back of their hands. Birdie’s
voice. Uh oh. Thankfully they weren't directly in front of the doorway, otherwise
they would have been screwed.
“Sit on it!” Holiday hissed, and they both sat on it immediately. “Does
anybody in this house knock?” She complained as Birdie closed the door and ran up
to them. “I heard a scream,” Birdie told them. “What are you doing? Can I play
too?” Oh, so she thinks that they have a toy. “Wha-no.” Cyrus told her. “We’re not
playing.” Then, they felt pulsing. “Birdie, seriously, get out!”
The lights on the hoverboard flickered to life, and the humming sound it
always admitted was starting to fill the room. “What's that sound?” Birdie asked,
and saw that the thing that Cyrus and Holiday were sitting on was starting to glow
faintly. Cyrus and Holiday both tried to lie at the same time. Big mistake.
“Cellphone.” was what Cyrus said, but Holiday said “Science project,” which
they both said in a very hasty way. Kinda hard not to tell that they were lying.
Birdie scowled, not liking the fact that she was being lied to. “If you don't let me
see your new toy, I'm getting mom and dad right now.”
Cyrus and Holiday relented. They got up and showed Birdie, but Holiday’s
mind was still racing for a lie. Then she had it. “It is a science project. And a
cellphone. It's both.” She told Birdie as the hoverboard continued to hum. “We’re
uh, making a new ringtone. That sounds like a spaceship.” She added. “That's all.”
The humming died down. Phew. “See?” Holiday said, still trying to convince
Birdie. “It doesn’t totally work yet. Cyrus is trying to help me figure it out. No big
secret.” Birdie still looked sceptical. “Uh huh. Sure. No secret at all. Totally
normal.” She said sarcastically as Holiday herded her out the door.
“Yup! Bye!” And then she promptly shoved Birdie out the door. “ Hey-!” And
then Holiday slammed the door shut. “Weirdos.” She faintly heard Birdie say through
the door. “That was close.” sighed Holiday. “No, that was perfect!” Cyrus
exclaimed. Holiday looked at him in confusion. “Birdie can't keep a secret. What if
she tells Mom and Dad?”
“No, not Birdie. The hoverboard! It finally turned back on. Which means we
can track down Badger. That's what I came here to tell you. Check out this app I
downloaded.” He took out his phone and opened some sort of app with radio waves
on the icon. “You can use it to measure specific frequencies, but I hacked the
source code, and messed with it a little bit, Also . . instead of measuring
frequencies, it lets you track down the signal’s origin.”
Since when did Cyrus know how to hack apps?!? Wait . . . “Like the signals on
the board!” Holiday realised. “The signal Badger sent!” “Yup,” Cyrus confirmed,
smiling. “All we have to do is turn on the app and follow the map.” Holiday grinned.
“Cyrus, I’ve never been happier to have a geek for a brother in my life. Let's go!”

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