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The Tale of the Haughty Crane

In a small river, a heron walked with graceful steps. It stared at the crystal clear river water, and with its
long neck and beak, it prepared to pounce on its prey in the water.

The crane was very happy to look into the water, because that morning, there were lots of small fish
swimming. However, he arrogantly said to himself, "Today I don't want to eat small fish,"

"I am an elegant crane, I should not eat the small fish in this river," said the crane arrogantly.

The arrogant stork then waited for the arrival of bigger fish for him to prey on.

Time passed, it was getting late and the proud crane was still waiting for a bigger fish. However, when it
was noon, the small fish on the banks of the river swam to the middle of the river.

Until finally the arrogant crane no longer saw any fish in the river, and was forced to prey on small snails
on the river bank.

The short fairy tale about the arrogant crane above provides a moral message for children not to be
arrogant or arrogant, because it will harm others and also themselves.

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