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Fitriani. Pratiwi, M.


NAME : ……………………………………………… DATE : ……………………

SMT : ……………………………………………… DURATION : 30 MINUTES

I. Choose the correct answer!

1. What are the types of admission? 3. Nurse: Hello, May I …… you?

a. Elective/Planned Admission Patient: sure, I have got fever since yesterday
b. Emergency Admission a. let
c. Selective/Planned Admission b. need
d. Elective/Planned and Emergency Admission c. help
d. love
2. What the purpose of admission on hospital? 4. Nurse: Ok, because this is the first time, I would like to help
a. to register and giving access to get health service you to fill your identity form, can you tell me your name?
b. to record the historical disease Patient: ………………………………………...
c. to give Information for routine check a. January 6th 1988
d. Record disease of the patient b. Rina Herliany
c. Cluster Pramuka number 9
d. My sister Desti, accompany me to come here
II. Complete the questions (1-9) with a wh- question word. Match them with the answers (a-i).

1. ________ is your national insurance number? a. My wife, Mariella Dellaway.

2. ________ is you name? b. I have a terrible pain in my head that is getting worse.

3. ________ was your last appointment? c. Frank Dellaway.

4. ________ is your next of kin? d. Three months ago.

5. ________ is your date of birth? e. Belview Road, 65 Belview Road.

6. ________ do you live? f. The tenth of October, nineteen sixty two.

7. ________ did you first notice the pain? g. NH248533N

8. ________ is your job? h. I am a computer analyst.

9. ________ have you taken for the pain i. Paracetamol

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