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Name_________________________________________Stream_____Number_____Grade 11

Student Support Handout

Read the text

Good, safe and responsible driving is an obligation for everyone on the road.
There are a countless numbers of things which can be done to make driving safe. Let´s
enumerate a few.
- It is better to get to your destination in one piece than never at all. Going fast makes only
difference of just a few minutes in most cases and yet your of chance of getting into an
accident increases 17% for every five miles over the speed limit.
- Buckle up your seatbelt and make sure that both the front and rear seat passengers buckle
up theirs too.
- If you drink, take a cab or any other public means of transport or have your sober friends
drive you back.
- If you are stressed or tired, drive to the hard shoulder or a car park or take a breath or a
nap first.
Being tired is one of the leading causes of vehicle accidents.
- Never play music so loud that you can´t hear the environment around you. Someone may
honk at you to warn you about a danger. Do not wear headphones when driving also.
- Do not overrun red lights. You never know when someone is timing the light on the
green side.
- Keep an emergency kit comprising a reflexive triangle, first aid kit, gloves, jumper
cables, tool kit, cloth, water etc, in your car. The most common reasons for car
breakdowns are flat tires and batteries.
- In case of a breakdown, move your car to the side of the road and put up the necessary
signage for eg, the reflexive triangle, giving ample notice to any oncoming car. If you
intend to change your tire, make sure you are not in the way of oncoming cars.

- As a child safety seat is the first choice for the child sitting on the back seat. Make sure
you get the right size for your child.

Match the following vocabulary

Destination Spread over
Overrun Fastener
Buckle up Beep
Sober Clear-headed
Honk end
1. What is this text about?
1. Write the meaning of underlined words
2. What can be considered a safe driving in your opinion?

Decide whether the following statements are true T or false F

1. Driving fast increases the chances of having accident ( )

2. If you have been drinking, ask a friend who hasn’t to drive you home ( )
3. In case you feel exhausted you should do a break before continuing driving ( )
4. It is not a good idea to have emergency kit in you car ( )
5. A chils safety seat is a kind of seat designed to protect children from injury or death
during collisions ( )
6. You should never overtake on the bridges ( )

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