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Fireside Memories Volume 1: The Journey


Chapter 1: Embers of Childhood

In the somber moments of a fading day,

Young Jason found himself seated among
fellow orphans, jostled on a rickety cart.
Their eyes bore witness to the heart-
wrenching sight of their village consumed
by roaring flames. Tears cascaded down
Young Jason's cheeks as he beheld the
relentless blaze swallowing his cherished

Within the haunting silence, resonated the

older timbre of Jason's voice, vividly
recalling, "Children crying. I hate this sound
because that day I could do nothing but cry.
I have a story to tell that you've got to

As the cart slowly veered away, departing

from the smoldering ruins, a veil of sorrow
enveloped Young Jason's being. The vivid
images of devastation etched deep into his
soul—a memory destined to shape the
chapters of his untold tale.

"Catch me if you can, Jay!" called out Jason,

his youthful voice filled with exuberance.

"I'm gonna get you!" Jay responded, his

determination evident in the chase.

Meanwhile, Jason approached Alex, who

was attentively observing a ladybug perched
delicately on a leaf.

"Hey, Alex, come and play with us!" Jason

invited warmly.

"Look at it, a cute little ladybug," remarked

Alex, enamored by the tiny insect's

Jay interjected mischievously, "That's not a

ladybug, that's a fairy in disguise!"
"Don't be silly, fairies don't exist," dismissed
Jason, his conviction clear in his response.

The joyful commotion was abruptly

interrupted by the caretaker's call for
supper, signaling a shift in the day's

As dusk descended, a sudden blare of a

horn shattered the tranquility, heralding
chaos and pandemonium as the once-
familiar village descended into a frenzied
whirlwind of flames and panic.
Amidst the turmoil, Young Jason's
compassionate spirit was evident as he
swiftly reached out to rescue a sobbing
child, guiding him toward the safety of an
evacuation cart. Jay, remarkably resilient for
his age, carried an injured man, displaying
unexpected strength amidst the havoc.

Amidst the chaos, Alex exhibited courage,

rescuing a trapped dog even as Jason and
Jay hurried past. Their paths momentarily
diverged as falling debris momentarily
separated Jason from Alex.

In the chaos and urgency of the moment,

Jason's plea for the still-trapped inhabitants
fell on deaf ears as a soldier directed
everyone to board the evacuation cart.

Persistently mindful of those left behind,

Jason's heartrending cry echoed as the gate
succumbed to flames. Tears streaming
down his face, Young Jason found himself
confined within the cart, grief-stricken but

In the somber aftermath, the older timbre

of Jason's voice pierced through the
memories, narrating the harrowing events.

"So that's the story, and I'm not going to

give up until I find them," vowed Older
Jason, his determination unyielding.

In the bustling space outside the Soldier

Academy, Young Jason found himself before
a registration table, facing inquiries from an

"Name," the attendant prompted.

"Jason," he replied without hesitation.

"Age and parent names," the attendant

inquired further.

"Sixteen and an orphan," Jason responded,

the weight of his circumstance palpable in
his voice.

"Okay, an orphan. Ambitions?" The

attendant's query caught Jason off guard.

"Ambitions? What do you mean?" Jason

asked, perplexed by the unexpected line of

"You've got to have some ambitions

because naive orphan boys don't usually
join the army," the attendant explained
Jason's frustration ignited within him, a
flame of determination, evident even in his
eyes. His normally serene gaze transformed
as one of his eyes reddened amidst his
rising anger.

"Okay, buddy, I'm not some ordinary orphan

boy. I'm the guy who came here to raise this
kingdom to the skies! You got that?" Jason
declared, his voice tinged with intensity.

Acknowledging the directive to join the

other orphans, Jason complied with a
simple "Thank you" before settling beside
another man.
"You're very intimidating," the man
remarked, observing Jason's demeanor.

"Thank you," Jason responded,

acknowledging the observation without

"I'm Noah, nice to meet you," the man

introduced himself.

"Jason, nice to meet you too," Jason replied,

extending a nod of recognition.

Noah's observant eyes caught a peculiar

detail. "Do I know...?" he started, intrigued
by something familiar.

"I don't think so," Jason responded


"You're that guy who saved me all those

years ago!" Noah exclaimed, a spark of
recognition lighting up his features.

"Actually, I do remember you," Jason

admitted, a flash of reminiscence in his

In an attempt to dismiss the conversation's

intensity, Jason diverted attention by
showcasing a trick learned long ago, but
tears betrayed his stoic facade.

"This? Just a trick I learned a while ago from

Jay... I promised I'd never cry until I find
you," Jason confessed, grappling with
emotions long kept hidden.

Curiosity lingered in Noah's gaze as he

remarked on the unusual redness in Jason's

"It's nothing. Happens when I'm angry or

sad. But when they both get r... don't worry
about it. It's just intimidating, that's all,"
Jason explained, concealing deeper truths
behind a nonchalant response.

Years passed, marked by rigorous training,

culminating in Jason, now 21, standing
before the king, a sword poised in a
moment of decision.

"Sir Jason, would you like to be the captain

of the army of this domain?" the king
offered, met with Jason's unexpected

"If this kingdom is ever in need, please

know where to find me. But I need to find
someone," Jason asserted, unwavering in
his purpose.
Before departing, Jason agreed to impart
wisdom to new recruits, assuming the role
of temporary captain for the day.

"Hello, everyone! Your captain is here for

the day to give you a lesson," the General
announced, leading into Jason's
engagement with Xavier, a new recruit,
showcasing a stern yet guiding presence.

"You wanted to meet the Black Knight? Here

I am. Okay, chop chop, everyone, give me
10 laps of the field. Do I make myself clear?"
Jason's commanding presence echoed,
setting the tone for his mentorship.
In the aftermath of the intense training
session, the field lay still, with Jason, the
seasoned mentor, addressing the recruits,
his sword held aloft.

"Okay, everyone, see this sword?" Jason's

voice rang out, his eyes scanning the eager
faces before him. "Anyone who can disarm
me gets to dive head first into the army and
will be assisted with Nirvana, my trusted
companion, and will be given the title of the
Black Knight."

With a deft toss, Jason distributed wooden

swords among the recruits, setting the stage
for the challenge ahead.

"Okay, everyone, come at me all together,"

Jason beckoned, readying himself for the
oncoming charge.

The soldiers, fueled by determination,

charged at Jason, their wooden swords
brandished in an attempt to overpower the
skilled mentor. However, despite their
concerted effort, not a single strike
connected as Jason adeptly defended

"I'm rather disappointed in all of you," Jason

remarked, a tinge of disillusionment
coloring his tone as he observed the
recruits' futile attempts.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the

disappointment. "Sir, you forgot about me!"
Xavier's spirited declaration brought forth a
surge of determination.

Jason, acknowledging the surprise attack,

engaged with Xavier, his expert moves
revealing the youngster's latent potential.
However, Xavier's sword ultimately slipped
from his grip, a testament to his nascent

"You have potential," Jason praised Xavier,

his voice carrying a mix of encouragement
and wisdom. "But you need to get stronger.
You can't survive in war with just brains; you
need strength too."

As a symbol of trust and responsibility,

Jason planted his sword firmly into the
ground and lowered his esteemed Black
Knight helmet. "I am counting on you. Don't
disappoint me. I now bestow the title of the
Black Knight onto you, Sir Xavier."

Removing his Black Knight armor, Jason

entrusted it to Xavier, the significance of the
moment palpable in the exchange. "If you
use this sword and this armor for any
wrong, you will suffer the consequences,"
Jason cautioned, his words laden with

With a nod of understanding, Xavier

accepted the honor, signaling a new chapter
in his journey. As Jason took his leave, a
radiant light bathed the scene, marking the
culmination of this chapter.

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