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8 Yoga Asanas That Can

Help With Hair Growth

FITNESS Follow on News
By Kashish Khanna
Aug 6, 2021, 18:46 IST

Image: Shutterstock

Yoga has a plethora of holistic health benefits.

This ancient fitness form, which is also a way
of life, has been known to not just safeguard
inner and mental health but also give cures to
skin and hair issues. If you’re someone who is
tired of the short bob and desires for your
tresses to be longer, there are several yoga
asanas that can actually help out with hair
growth. In fact, yoga for hair growth and better
health has been getting some popularity
around the world due to the wonderful results
it seems to achieve. Here are some yoga
asanas that not just promote hair growth growth,
but will also help in reducing hair fall and
improving their health.

1. Kapalabhati
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana
3. Sarvangasana
4. Balasana
5. Sirsasana
6. Vajrasana
7. Uttanasana
8. Matsyasana

1. Kapalabhati

Image: Shutterstock

Kapalhbhati is derived from two Sanskrit

words: Kapala, which means "skull," and Bhati,
which means "light." It's a mind-body activity
that rejuvenates, cleanses and invigorates.
This breathing exercise helps cleanse the
toxins from the kapal, meaning the entire head
or face region, thus promoting better oxygen
supply and reducing free radicals, enabling
hair growth. Moreover, it helps reduce stress
and anxiety, which are also contributing
factors to hair fall.

How To: Keeping your back, neck, and head

straight sit in a crossed leg position. Place
your hands on your knees, with your palms
facing up and relax all your muscles. Take in a
deep breath and then exhale all the air
contracting abdominal muscles. Do this for a
couple of minutes.

Pro Tip: It is advised to practice Kapalabhati

early in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Image: Shutterstock

Adho Mukha Svanasana, better known as the

downward facing pose, is among the 12 poses
we practice during the Surya Namaskar . It is
a transitional resting pose, which increases the
blood flow. Due to this, there is a boost in the
oxygen reaching the scalp and promotes hair
growth. This asana has a range of other
physical benefits as well. For example, it helps
calm the mind, rejuvenate and energise the

How To: Stand with your feet hip width apart

and reach for the floor with your hands. Walk
backward a few steps and stretch your hands
and legs. Facedown, with your ears touching
your arms. Hold the pose for 30 to 45 seconds.
This is among the best yoga asanas that
prevent hair loss and stimulate blood flow in
the scalp.

Pro Tip: Avoid doing this asana if you suffer

from any of the following problems:

Carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure,

retinal detachment, a dislocated shoulder,
weak eye capillaries, diarrhea.

3. Sarvangasana

Image: Shutterstock

Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand is a full

body exercise
exercise, which works on different
muscle groups. It helps improve your balance
as well as posture. But besides that, this asana
enhances the blood circulation in your head.
Daily practice of the pose has a long-lasting
effect on your head and is especially beneficial
for dry and thin hair.

How To: Lie on your back against a wall and

make a 90-degree angle with your legs. You
then lift your hips off the ground, using your
hands for support, and then balance the entire
body on your shoulders.

Pro Tip: If you suffer from slip disc, heart

problems or high blood pressure
pressure, do consult
your doctor before practicing this pose.

4. Balasana

Before you get any ideas, Balasana literally

means child’s pose and does not refer to the
hair. However, it combats the two biggest
factors that cause hair fall
fall: stress and
digestive issues. Balasana is commonly
recommended to provide relief from any
stomach-related issues and it is known to help
with anxiety as well. Daily practice of this pose
can have a positive impact on both your
digestive and mental health, thus cutting down
the risk of hair loss considerably.

How To Do: Sit on your mat with your knees

folded and your legs touching your hips.
Inhale, stretch your hands upwards and then
exhale, and bend down with your core, until
your forehead and palms are touching the
ground. If you can rest your elbows on the
ground, that’s a bonus! Concentrate on your
breathing and stay in the pose for 30 seconds
to a minute.

Pro-Tip: If you suffer from problems such as

diarrhea, knee injury, severe neck or back pain,
high blood pressure, vertigo or slipped disc,
you should avoid this asana.

Image: Shutterstock

5. Sirsasana

Image: Shutterstock

Also known as the headstand, Sirsasana

improves blood circulation in the scalp which
helps in reducing hair loss, thinning of hair and
balding. This asana helps in new hair growth
and prevents greying of hair
hair. It helps the
dormant hair follicles to reach their maximum
growth capacity and thus improve hair growth.

How do: Kneel down, interlock your fingers

and place them behind your head. Now, bend
down and touch your forehead to the ground.
Supporting the crown of your head with your
interlocked hands, raise your legs up slowly to
stand upside down perpendicular to the floor.
Keep your legs close and arms straight. Once
your body is stable in this pose, try and
maintain the balance for a few seconds.

Pro Tip: This pose requires a lot of practice to

perfect. Try and take the help of another
person or lean against a wall if you’re a

6. Vajrasana

Image: Shutterstock

Vajrasana or the thunderbolt pose is simple

yet quite powerful. It deals directly with
stomach-related issues, which you may or
may believe, have a large part to play as far as
hair loss goes. As per studies, poor gut flora
can cause thinning of hair and eventually,
lead to hair loss. Vajrasana helps relieve and
cure a lot of these issues and it also helps
digest your food better. This is beneficial to
hair growth as nutrients are absorbed by the
body better when your digestion is in top form.
Of course, maintaining a healthy diet is a must
for long, thick and healthy hair.

How to: Kneel down and sit on your heels,

keeping your neck and straight back with your
heels close together. Keep your hands in a
relaxed position on your thighs with palms
down and keep your head and vision straight.
Be in that position for at least 30 seconds and
take deep and long breaths during this time.
Relax and stretch once you’re done.

Pro Tip: Try sitting in Vajrasana every day

for a trimmer stomach.

7. Uttanasana

Image: Shutterstock

Uttanasana AKA the camel pose is an effective

yoga asana that takes some time to master.
This yoga pose stretches as well as relaxes
muscles and it also increases the oxygen
levels and blood flow to the head. This, in turn,
enables the hair follicles to be strong and your
hair grows long. It not only improves the
quality and texture of your hair but also
makes it flawless and shinier.

How to: Stand straight with your feet touching

each other. Lift your arms up, take a deep
breath. Keeping your arms straight without
exhaling, bend forward. Try and touch the mat,
if you’re comfortable here, go ahead and hug
your knees, keeping your head down the entire
time. Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds. This
yoga asana may take a few practices to
master. Don’t forget to exhale while rising up.

Pro Tip: Avoid practicing this asana, if you

have a lower back injury or injury in your knee
joint or ankle joint.

8. Matsyasana

Image: Shutterstock

Popularly known as the fish pose, this is

among the most effective and popular asanas
for strong, long and healthy hair
hair. It is quite
easy to practice and can be done at home
quickly without needing any equipment, like
the other poses mentioned above. This yoga
asana is known to relieve most hair problems
with daily practice.

How To: For performing this asana, lie down

on your back and bend your knees inwards,
like you do when you sit cross-legged. Now,
place your hands next to your hips with your
palms facing down. Now, rise up by engaging
your core but make sure that your head is still
touching the ground. Your neck should be fully
arched. Stretch as much as you can and hold
the pose for 15-30 seconds.

Pro Tip: While bending, make sure to not put

any stress on your back as it may lead to
serious injury.

Image: Shutterstock


Q. Does yoga reduce hair loss?

A. Yoga and pranayama help in stimulating

blood circulation in the head and scalp, which
thereby helps in rejuvenating dry and limp hair.
This, in turn, controls hair loss and promotes
hair growth. So, if you are experiencing hair
loss or are seeing early signs of baldness,
practicing yoga daily could help greatly.

Q. Which is the ideal yoga asana for

healthy hair?

A. It has been observed that in many cases,

stress is a major factor causing hair loss. So, if
you can manage stress better, hair fall can be
controlled automatically. In such cases, Adho
Mukha Svanasana or the downward dog pose
is an excellent stress-buster.

Image: Shutterstock

Q. Is rubbing nails good for hair?

A. Studies have shown that rubbing nails

together can help with hair loss. The nerves
under the fingernails are directly connected to
the hair follicles, and thus by rubbing the
fingernails, you can stimulate the blood
circulation in the scalp, which ultimately, can
result in hair growth.

Also Read: 10 Easy And Simple Tips To

Boost Hair Growth

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