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1. Never ______ Shiela taken a break. Which is the missing word in the sentence?
A. ever
B. were
C. have
D. has

2. Which statement is grammatically correct?

A. My favorite teacher and colleague are Mr. Cruz.
B. Everybody like my painting.
C. The teachers, not the school head, deserves a promotion.
D. Many of the job applicants were hired.

3. Five kilometers ________ a short distance for running. Which will best complete the
A. makes
B. make
C. are
D. were

4. Which Eastern Philosophy influenced the administration of government exams and

religious rituals in the school?
a. Confucianism
b. Islam
c. Taoism
d. Zen Buddhism

5. A teacher makes use of pebbles and popsicle sticks in teaching math in the
preschool. Which philosophy is applied?
a. Essentialism
b. Idealism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism

6. Which of the following community activities conducted by the school is NOT

based on Social Reconstructionism?
a. Feeding program
b. Literacy for Children
c. Tree planting activities
d. Cultural Presentation

7. Which has faulty parallelism?

A. This toothpaste claims to clean, whiten and freshen teeth.
B. She likes boxing, volleyball and lawn tennis.
C. I prefer going around the mall alone more than a beach vacation with my close
D. A good friend is honest, loyal, and kind.

8. We always _______ our eco-bag to the shopping mall.
A. bring
B. are bringing
C. have brought
D. brought

9. I______ for you since seven o'clock this morning.

A. will wait
B. have been waiting
C. had waited
D. will have been waiting I

10. Which of the following philosophies is best described when the teacher reveal
the Wisdom of the Ages such as those contained in the Bible/Koran?
a. Essentialism
b. Idealism
c. Perennialism
d. Progressivism

11. A teacher encourages the use of introspection in his class activities instead of
role playing and social interaction. Which philosophy did he apply in his
a. Essentialism ‘
b. Idealism
c. Pragmatism
d. Progressivism

12. Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) develops the students’ skills for
public usefulness. To which is this based on?
a. Athenian Education
b. Greek Education
c. Oriental Education
d. Roman Education

13. Teacher Z wants to report about her co-teacher courting his student. Teacher
Z writes and secretly distributes copies of anonymous letter against her fellow
teacher. What should have been done instead?
a. Ask the students to write the anonymous letter to prevent herself from
being involved.
b. If the charge is valid, present such charge under oath before the school
c. Secretly give the anonymous letter to the school head and to the parents
of the student
d. Talk to the student and encourage her not to have a relationship with the

14. A number of errors ______ found in the news report. What should be written on the
A. are
B. is

C. has been
D. was

15. Many a girl ______ in love at first sight. Which will best complete the sentence?
A. believe
B. believes
C. are believing
D. have been believing

16. The poor ________ more financial support from the government Which will best
complete the sentence?
A. needs
B. is needing
C. need
D. has been needing

17. The following is an excerpt from Nelson Mandela's speech in February 1990.
Our struggle has reached a decisive moment. We call on our people to seize this moment
so that the process Towards democracy is rapid and uninterrupted. We have waited too
long for our freedom. We can no longer wait. Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all
fronts to relax our efforts now would be a mistake which generations to come will not be
able to forgive. The sight of freedom looming on the horizon should encourage us to
redouble our efforts."
Judging from the excerpt, we can say that
A. Nelson Mandela was strongly persuading his fellow citizens to take immediate and
united actions for genuine freedom.
B. The supporters of Nelson Mandela were the primary perpetrators of oppression and
discrimination in South Africa.
C. The South Africans were passive and oblivious in pursuing a peaceful and inclusive
D. Nelson Mandela's fight for South Africa's democracy became significant and
inspiring to the whole world.

18. Which is a comma splice?

A. Philippine Normal University is the country's premier teacher training institution, it was
established in 1901.
B. Leyvin grilled the oysters, and Rodgie baked the cookies.
C. Hannah wanted to begin her graduate study this year. Unfortunately, she failed the
admission test.
D. Cebu is the oldest city in the Philippines, it is considered the cradle of Christianity in

19. A research teacher requires his students to conduct and write a research
study. Students’ researches were published with the teacher’s name as
author. Is the act of the teacher unethical?
a. No. The students have already benefitted from their outputs because
conducting research broadens the students’ knowledge and skills.
b. No. The teacher has already given the grade of students in their subject, so
she is the owner of the research.
c. Yes. The teacher got the merit which was due for her students.

d. Yes. The teacher should have paid the students for their work.

20. Section 3 of Article VIII of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers states
“Under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory
against any learner”. Which of the following show that a teacher does NOT
adhere to this?
a. Teacher A makes a nearsighted pupil sit at the front.
b. Teacher B considers multiple intelligences in the choice of his teaching
c. Teacher C makes a farsighted pupil sit at the back.
d. Teacher D refuses a pupil with a slight physical disability in class.

21. A teacher has an argument with a parent who confronted her because of the
failing grade that her son receives. The parent filed a case against the
teacher. Can the teacher avail of the free legal service?
a. No, it might bring some disagreements in school
b. No, the case is not related to her professional duties
c. Yes, if funds are available ‘
d. Yes, the case is related to her duty as a teacher.

22. Teacher K will be retiring next month. Which of the following can he avail
based on RA 4670?
a. Free medical examination
b. Higher position
c. One range salary raise as basis of retirement pay
d. Transfer to the school nearest his residence

23. Teacher T claims that he is not required to pass the Licensure Exam for
Teachers because he is a part-time vocational teacher in the private school. Is
his claim correct?
a. No, all public and private school teachers, are required of LEPT.
b. No, private school teachers are not required of LEPT.
c. Yes, part-time teachers are not required of LEPT.
d. Yes, vocational teachers are not required of LEPT.

24. A public school teacher in Math was requested by a parent to tutor her
daughter, is her student. Is it ethical for a teacher to accept the request?
a. Yes, provided she receives a fee from the parent
b. Yes, provided she does not require a fee from the parent
c. No, it is not her responsibility
d. No, she should be free after her official time.

25. Which is a run-on sentence?

A. The student teacher came prepared, she delivered an excellent teaching
B. June finished all his assignments, Mary did not finish hers.
C. My mother is a medical doctor she specializes in pediatrics.
D. Angelo is the tallest, while Angela is the shortest in the family.

26. Which is the correct way of rewriting the following sentence to avoid the run-on error?
The suspect denies the accusation the evidence is clear
A. The suspect denies the accusation, but the evidence is clear.
B. The suspect denies the accusation. However, the evidence is clear.
C. The suspect denies the accusation, and the evidence is clear.
D. Both A and B are correct.

27. Which is incomplete in thought?

A. Wow!
B. From the innermost chamber of my heart.
C. It's piercing to the bone marrow.
D. Of course.

28. Which of the following is NOT a fragment?

A. While basking in the glory of his success.
B. Received the most expensive gift.
C. In order for you to succeed.
D. Fortune favors the brave.

29. Which Philosophy is shown when a teacher assists and aids students in discovering
their individual talents and skills by providing activities that will develop multiple
A. Essentialism
B) Existentialism
C. Progressivism
D. Reconstructionism

30. Which of the following influenced the offering of business courses and
entrepreneurship in the senior high school track?
A. Chivalric Education
B. Guild System of Education
C. Monasticism
D. Saracenic Education

31. A newly graduate teacher applies the philosophy of idealism in choosing a school
where she could teach. Which of the following is she most likely consider?
A. Possibility of integrating educational innovations in her teaching
B. High salary offered by the school
C. Support of living models in that school
D. Availability of technology to be used in the classroom

32. A Math teacher believes in John Locke's idea about the child's mind. Which of the
following activities should he require his students to do?
A. Applying metacognition in solving word problems

B. Applying reasoning abilities in justifying answers to number problems
C; Doing sensory activities in using mathematical operations
D. Writing reflection papers about problem solving

33. When a teacher brings her students outside of the school for community service like
tree planting or operation linis to help save the environment, which philosophy is
A. Idealism
B. Pragmatism
C. Realism
D. Social Reconstructionism

34. Teacher B does NOT consider the nature of the child in his teaching. Which of the
following philosophies is applied by teacher B?
A. Pragmatism
B. Essentialism
C. Humanism
D. Naturalism

35. Professor X is teaching in a state university. Can he avail of the rights

stipulated in RA4670?
a. No, he is not a public school teacher.
b. No, he is teaching in a private institution
c. Yes, he is teaching in a public university
d. If he is a permanent teacher

36. Which pillar of education of J. Delors (UNESCO) was considered when a

teacher focused on the discussion of content and acquisition of knowledge?
a. Learning to Be
b. Learning to Do
c. Learning to Know
d. Learning to live together

37. In the International Commission on Education for 21st Century report to the
UNESCO entitled Learning: The Treasure Within, which among the following
pillars is given a greater emphasis as it is described as the foundation of
A. Learing to Be
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Know
D. Learning to Live together

38. The 2015 Millenium Development Goals had 8 target goals while the 2030
Sustainable Development Goals have ___ target goals.
a. 15

b. 16
c. 17
d. 18

39. Which of the following sentences makes use of the underlined words correctly?
A. Julie's sister immigrated from Thailand three years ago.
B. Gina can run farther than Gem.
C. Flora makes sure she will not lose the money.
D. Matthew printed the wedding Invitation On the best stationary.

40. Which has a misplaced modifier?

A. The man with a red bag in the store is my father.
B. The gold man's ring was found under the sofa.
C. The famous wishing well is nearby our ancestral house.
D. The waitress served a well. done steak to the customer.

41. Which has a misplaced modifier?

A. The beauty pageant contestants, who had been performing outstandingly, advanced
to the next round of the competition.
B. James bought a puppy for his girlfriend named Blacky.
C. The basketball player, who tested positive with COVID19, was disqualified from the
D. Place the marinated chicken breast in the sizzling pan.

42. The stress of the words democracy. dependability, geological, and photography is
found on the ____.
A. penultimate syllable
B. ante-penultimate syllable
C. first syllable
D. second syllable

43. Based on the Code of Ethics for Teachers, is it ethical for a teacher to understand the
policy land support the school in its implementation even if deep within his heart he
does not agree with the school policy on student haircut?
A. Yes, but he can argue with his superiors to convince them to change that
B. Yes, but he can be vocal about his feeling and opinion against the policy.
C. Yes, he has to keep his feeling to himself, but make insinuations that he is
against it while he teaches.
D) Yes, he has to follow and implement the legitimate policy of the school.

44. Principal A refuses to attend seminar. She claims that she is already an experienced
teacher and administrator. She is also about to retire. Are her situation and thinking in
accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
A. No, professional teachers, including principals, regardless of teaching
experience, ought to go through continuing professional education.
B. No, principals need to attend seminars to prepare for their retirement.
C. Yes, because she is already a principal and she is experienced already.

D. Yes, provided she has an excellent performance rating.

45. I rarely see you these days, _____?

A. do I
B. don't I
C. am I
D. did I

46. In Paz Latorena's The Small, the sick Soledad discouraged Pedro from fetching the
doctor in the distant town at night because the road was dark and deserted. However,
Pedro insisted and returned an hour later - very tired and worried. He learned from the
doctor's wife that the physician was not at home. The doctor's wife promised that he
would relay Pedro's message to him as soon as he arrives.
How is this scenario similar to the actual rural life in the Philippines?
A. Pedro Buhay represents all the farmers in the countryside - prosperous, landed,
and skilled
B. Just like Soledad. women in the countryside stay at home to do household chores.
C. The place where Pedro and Soledad live is similar to the actual rural communities
in the Philippines - agricultural, technology-driven, and laid-back.
D. People in rural communities’ experience difficulty accessing health services
because health institutions are far and healthcare professionals are few.

47. Below is an excerpt from Manuel L Quezon's Grow and Be Like a Molave. In the world
of humanity, we are looked upon as a quiet and smooth lake from which the
adventurous and enterprising may reap enjoyment and gain. I refuse to allow the
Filipinos to be so regarded.
What did the former president want to tell us?
a. We are a group of peace-loving people. This characteristic shall never prevent us
from protecting ourselves and our fellow Filipinos against exploiters.
b. The foreigners shall not be allowed to own or operate any business ventures or
enterprises in the Philippines the Filipinos shall learn to become enterprising and
c. The government should ensure that the economy is smooth sailing. This will attract
foreign investors and create job opportunities for the enterprising and adventurous
d. The former president did not want Filipinos to become enterprising and adventurous.
He believed that these will tamish our reputation of being hospitable and peace-loving.

48. A teacher encourages her students to join her in attending prayer meetings in their
church. She promised to give additional points in their grades to those who will join
her. Is it ethical for a teacher to do that?
A. Yes, that strengthens values education.
B. Yes, that is religious instruction which is allowed by the constitution.
C. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of his/her religious interest.
D. No, it will be against her religion.

49. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982, when can institutions of learning apply
for voluntary accreditation?

A. When they uphold academic freedom
B. When they offer continuing professional education
C. When they are granted special permit
D. When they meet standards of quality over and above minimum required for
State recognition.

50. A teacher was found guilty of violating the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
by abusing one of his students. What could be the result of this?
A. Early retirement
B. Immediate demotion
C. Reduced salary
D. Revocation of license to teach.

51. A Muslim student who is studying in a public school was given the option to take
religious instruction. When can this be allowed?
A. If he has good moral character
B. If he has interest in religion
C. If he has parents' permit to attend
D. If it will be done outside of school hours

52. Which of the following describes the right of teachers to study leave based on RA
A. Study leave should not exceed one year.
B. Study leave can be availed after seven years of continuous service in the
C. No compensation will be given after one year of study leave with pay.
D. All are correct.

53. Based on R.A. 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and activities of
the department of Education related to Sports competition transferred?
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. National Academy of Sports
C. National Commission on Sports
D. Philippine Sports Commission

54. Teacher G was charged administratively. The hearing of his case was conducted by a
committee lead by the Division Superintendent. He claims that the procedure was not
in order. Is he correct?
A. No, the committee should be chaired by the Secretary of the Department of
B. No, the committee should be chaired by the Superintendent in his division.

C. Yes, the committee should be chaired by the principal of his school.
D. Yes, the committee should be chaired by the district supervisor in his division.

55. In the Senior High School program, students are given opportunities to have job
immersions to become job competent, deal with a variety of situations, and to
collaborate with co-workers. Which of the following pillars of education is addressed
A. Learning to Be.
B. Learning to Do.
C. Learning to Know.
D. Learning to Live Together

56. The Department of Education recently launched a program - Sama-Sama sa

Pagsulong ng EduKalidad to address the challenge of quality in Basic Education. This
is in accordance to _________________.
A. SDG 4
B. SDG 8
C. SDG 12
D. SDG 16

57. Which of the following does NOT illustrate a multicultural education principle in school?
A. Teacher Aira focusses her discussion on the contributions of the Tagalogs
during the revolution against the Spaniards.
B. Teacher Atho incorporates learning experiences and content relevant to her
students with
different cultural backgrounds.
C. Teacher Mark looks into the available learning materials and thinks of ways
how bias, and
prejudice can be changed or eliminated.
D. Teacher Miko ensures that the learning experiences she provides inside the
classroom is based on the need of students, equity, and fairness.

58. Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the
right to all of the following EXCEPT:
Á. liberty
B right to life
c. right to wealth
D security of the person

59. Teacher Micha is giving the following examples of human rights - right to work, right to
health, and right to education in their Social Science class. These can be classified as

A. Civil rights
B. Cultural rights
C. Economic and social rights
D. Political rights

60. All of the following defines Multicultural Education EXCEPT:

a. It is philosophical concept built on the ideals of freedom, justice, equality,
equity and human dignity
b. It refers to any form of education or teaching that incorporates histories,
texts, values, beliefs, and perspectives of people from different cultural
c. It is an idea, an approach to school reform and a movement for equity ,
social justice and democracy.
d. It is a system of instruction that attempt to foster to a dominant culture and
acknowledge superiority of races over others.

61. Which of the following key concepts in human rights education is appropriate
to be introduced among Grade 7 students?
a. Moral responsibility
b. Moral rights
c. Rule of law
d. Responsibility

62. What term refers to the proportional representation of boys and girls in an
education system relative to the population per age group?
a. Equity
b. Equality
c. Parity
d. Representation

63. After 9 years of teaching in a public school, teacher Andrea has finally
decided to pursue graduate studies. She intends to study fulltime. Which of
the following will give her more information about her plan?
a. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
b. Education Act of 1982
c. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
d. Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

64. Which provision in the 1987 Constitution allows the teaching of religion in
public schools?
a. If taught by a Values Education teacher
b. If taught outside the regular class hours
c. With the approval of the school principal
d. With written permission from the child’s parents

65. Which of the following contributes to making the world a global village?
a. Cooperative spirit
b. Ethnocentrism

c. Respect for diverse cultures
d. Xenocentrism

66. After years of studying in a university, Peter has become more determined
and empowered. He has evolved from a shy person to somebody who is more
independent and self-assured. Which pillar of learning can be attributed to the
changes that happened to him?
A. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Know
D. Learning to Live together

67. May is raised by her parents who are both Catholic. They even send her to Catholic
schools for her education. Though educated as a Catholic, May does not mind
befriending even those who do not share the same faith. In fact, she admits she has
imbibed sectarian values from them. What does she mean by sectarian values?
A. Values derived from the teachings of a church
B. Values derived from the teachings of a particular religion
c. Values derived from the teachings of no particular religion
D. Values derived from the teachings of the different religions

68. Jean, an alumna of a well-known university in the country is proud of what her Alma
Mater has accomplished. She heard the recent honor and recognition bestowed to her
Alma Mater as Center of Excellence, after it has subjected itself to voluntary
accreditation. What does voluntary accreditation mean?
A. Recognition given to the institution for having diverse program offerings and
big number of enrollees
B. Recognition given to the institution for having met the standards of quality
required for
State recognition
C. Recognition given to the institution for having the best and the brightest
roster of faculty
D. Recognition given to the institution for registering the highest percentage of
licensure exam passers

69. Teacher Joe is called "idol" by his students due to his idealistic way of teaching. He
said a big part of what he is now, he owes to his father who is also a teacher like him.
In what way is his father influential in his idealistic way of teaching?
A. His father serves as his number one critic.
B. His father serves as model to him.
C. His father taught him to teach well so he can be promoted and earn
D. His father taught him to teach so he can be recognized.

70. Teacher Rosel keeps on emphasizing the welfare of others when bringing change to
the community. Some members may resist change while others may prefer to remain
passive. Which philosophy is true of Teacher Rosel's belief?
A. Idealism
B. Pragmatism
C. Realism
D. Social Reconstructionism

71. Below is an excerpt from Aida Rivera's Love in the Comhusks.

Tinang passed quickly up the veranda stairs lined with fers and many-colored bougainvillea.
On landing. she paused to wipe her shoes carefully About her, the Seriora's white and
lavender butterfly orchids fluttered delicately in the sunshine She noticed though that the
purple waling-waling that had once been her task to shade from the hot sun with banana
leaves and lo water with muture of charcoal and eggs and water was not in bloom.
The excerpt tells us that_____
A. Tinang was a former housemaid in Señoras house.
B. The Señora had limited knowledge in growing plants.
C. Tinang was a close relative of the Señora.
D. Tinang lived far from the Señora's house.

72. Below is an excerpt from Amador Daguio's The Wedding Dance.

He stopped as if suddenly hit by a spear. in pain, he tumed to her. Her face was in agony.
It pained him to leave. She had been wonderful to him. What was it that made a man wish
for a child? What was it in life, in the work, in the field, in the planting and harvest, in the
silence of the night, in the communing with husband and wife, in the whole life of the tribe
itself that made man wish for the laughter and speech of a child? Suppose he changed his
mind? Why did the unwritten law demand anyway that a man, to be a man, must have a
child to come after him? And if he was fruitless-but he loved Lumna?. It was like taking
away of his life to leave her like this.

What insight does this except give to the readers?

A. Men in Awiyao's village were highly expected to have children who will carry their family
names from one generation to the next.
B. Women who cannot bear children In Lumnay's village were regarded as useless.
C. Awiyao and Lumnay shall bear a child so their marriage will be recognized by the
D. Lumnay explicitly supported polygamy.

73. In Love in the Comhusks. why do you think the writer ended the story with Amado's
letter falling on the ground without being noticed by Tinang?
A. Tinang will have to accept her present life and responsibilities without Amado.
B. Tinang needs to set aside her feelings for Amado and move on with her life.
C. Tinang does not deserve Amado who left her after she got pregnant.
D. A, B and C are correct.

74. Which of the following subjects is greatly influenced by an idealist philosophy?

A. Arts

B. Mathematics
C. Science
D. Values Education

75. Truancy can affect student's performance in class. It is for this reason that teacher sets
up conference with the parent to make them understand the problem. What then is
A. Absences due to family problems.
B. Absences due to sickness
C. Absences without good reason
D. Absences without good reason

76. How can unruly behavior be prevented in class?

A. Give warning to student with unruly behavior.
B. Present the rules on discipline
C. Project like a teacher in authority
D. Set punishments for misbehavior

77. To ensure that students would be able to relate the day's lesson to their lives. Teacher
Andrei started to ask questions. Which of the following should he ask?
A. How can you help conserve water?
B. In sum, which communities observed water conservation?
C. In what ways do people add to water wastage?
D. What is therefore the meaning of water conservation?

78. Which of the following appeals to bodily-kinesthetic learners?

A. Display of exercise machines
B. Illustration of the different exercise routines
C. Lecture on the benefits of exercise
D. Demonstrate Exercise Rou<nes

79. Connecting theory to practice is the guiding principle that Teacher Emman follows in
his teaching. In teaching Math concepts, he ensures that students will be able to use
all their learnings in their everyday life. Which of the following shows the practical
application of Math concepts?
A. Apply concepts to concrete use
B. Apply formula to abstract calculations
C. Drills on numbers and calculations
D. Memory of axioms and principles

80. Which of the following activities in the community may pose problem with the
members’ religious beliefs?
a. Advocating the use of contraceptives as a means for family planning
b. Encouraging mothers to breastfeed their babies
c. Giving seminar on the benefits of herbal medicine
d. Promoting a particular brand of medicine to cure illness.

81. Which of the following strategies are expository in nature?

a. Deductive and cooperative

b. Inductive and Inquiry
c. Laboratory and problem solving
d. Lecture and direct instruction

82. When students get bored and disinterested with topics they do not like, they
tend to divert their attention to something else. Situation like this needs
immediate attention from the teacher as it may cause problem later on. As
they say, “nip the problem in a bud”. Which of the following demonstrates the
concept, “nip the problem in a bud” approach to classroom management?
a. Call the attention of students who are not listening
b. Ignore the students who talk unnecessarily
c. Punish the misbehaving students so others wont imitate them
d. Talk with misbehaving students after class.

83. Which mistaken goal in the Acceptance Approach of classroom management

is characterized by defiance through arguing, contradicting, throwing temper
tantrums and refusing to work or follow directions?
a. attention getting
b. power seeking
c. revenge seeking
d. withdrawal

84. During class discussion, Teacher Ruel asked his students to define matter.
The student was called to recite answered correctly. This shows that the
student is capable of which cognitive level in the revised Blooms Taxonomy?
a. Applying
b. Creating
c. Remembering
d. Understanding

85. Teacher Lis engages her students in storytelling, puzzles, mirror game and
map-making. Which intelligences is she focusing more of?
a. Bodily kinesthetic
b. Intrapersonal
c. Verbal linguistic
d. Visual-spatial

86. Anton gets frustrated easily when things do not go on his way. He would
rather give up than experience the difficulty of doing the task assigned to him
by the teacher. Which of the following student problem type is he?

a. defiant
b. failure
c. immature
d. low achiever

87. When does cooperative learning become less meaningful?

A. When use to compete with classmates
B. When use to discover things
C. When use to construct ideas
D. When use to explore the surroundings

88. Which classroom management approach is manifested when a teacher attends to a

situation as it comes without planning and foresight?
A. Punishing
B. Proactive
C. Reactive
D. Reinforcing

89. When the answer given by a student is not clear, the teacher usually asks follow-up
questions. What is this practice called?
A. Broadening
B. Justifying
C. Probing
D. Prompting

90. Teacher Sarah starts her lesson with a rule followed by its application. What method
does she employ?
A. Deductive
B. Discovery
C. Expository
D. Inductive

91. What is an inexpensive way of teaching the rules of playing volleyball in a practical
A. Lecture-demonstrate-simulate
B. Lecture using video
C. Play volleyball game
D. Use successful volleyball players as resource persons

92. Teacher Pat believes that students come to her class with prior knowledge about the
lesson. That is why, she always conducts brainstorming session in class. What is her

A. Awaken awareness
B. Generate ideas
C. Involve discussants
D. Solve the problem

93. Teaching should target student learning in the context of the present times, what
should be the focus of student-centered learning?
A. Long-term vision
B. Proactive instruction
C) Self-learning
D. Technology support

94. Teacher Neil is observed to be engaging from activity A to B and back to A again as
though he has changed his mind. This somewhat results to confusion on the part of
the students. Which classroom management behavior is demonstrated by Teacher
A. Dangling
B. Flip-flopping
C. Thrusting
D. Truncating

95. During class observation, Teacher Nanette was observed to have low levels
of control and involvement with her students. Class interaction was very
limited. The level of engagement was more of providing entertainment rather
than attending to the students’ needs. Which of the following classroom
management style does Teacher Nanette have?
a. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative
c. Indulgent
d. Permissive

96. Which of the following best demonstrates interpersonal intelligence?

a. Consulting classmates once in a while
b. Consulting peers when needed
c. Working in groups
d. Working with a partner

97. Which of the following classroom strategies will help Teacher Rom
understand how the students in his class relate to one another?
a. Counselling
b. Group dynamics
c. Johari window
d. Sociogram

98. What is the benefit of using project method in teaching Science?

a. Students are able to master concepts through memorization.

b. Students are taught to present in concrete form how a principle works.
c. Students learn from the experts.
d. Students’ manipulative skills are tested.

99. Which technique does Teacher Dom use when he gets near the student who
is unruly in class in the hope that s/he will behave?
a. Direct appeal
b. Interest boosting
c. Proximity control
d. Signal interference
e. Teacher Anne uses graphic organizers in teaching her lesson. What is her
purpose for doing so?
a. To cultivate students’ love for reading
b. To develop students’ social skills
c. To improve students’ language ability
d. To teach students’ how to identify ideas and details

100. “To participate in class discussion” is what teacher Dan wrote in his lesson
plan. Under which level is the said objective categorized?
a. Characterizing
b. Organizing
c. Responding
d. Valuing

101. Teacher Dan teaches Science for years. Among the topic he enjoys to
teach is the respiratory system. He would spend time preparing for
instructional materials to help his students understand what it is all about.
Which of the following is the best instructional material to use in teaching the
parts of a human respiratory system?
a. chart
b. mock-up
c. poster
d. realia

102. What benefit will the student get every time the teacher starts his/her
lesson by reviewing the previous day’s assignment and providing students
practice and drills?
a. Students will learn while having fun
b. Students will master the lesson for the upcoming tests
c. Students will maximize the use of their workbooks
d. Students will understand the prerequisites of the day’s lesson.

103. In which of the following is interdisciplinary teaching most useful?

a. Lecture
b. Problem solving situation
c. Reading activity
d. Thematic instruction

104. Which is true about the epic of Gilgamesh?

A. The epic tells about the immortal life of Gilgamesh in the city of Uruk.

B. It is about Enkidu's search for the secret of immortality after the death of Gilgamesh.
C. The epic is about Gilgamesh's experiences in transforming the wild Enkid into a civilized
D. It is about the adventures of the mythological hero-king of Uruk and his half-wild friend,

105. Which is false about 1001 Nights?

A. It is also called as Arabian Nights.
B. This is a collection of Middle Eastern and South Asian folk tales.
C. Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves are among the collection
of stories in 1001 Nights.
D. The story of Pinocchio is the most recent addition to 1001 Nights.

106. The words learned, aged and blessed end with when used as adjectives.
A. /d/
B. id/
c. /t/
d. /ti/

107. Helicopters are very different from airplanes. They can do three things that
airplanes cannot do. First, when airplanes move upward, they must also move forward.
but helicopters can move straight up without moving ahead. Second, helicopters can
fly backward, which airplanes cannot do. Third, helicopters can use their rotors to hover
in the air (stay in one place) which is impossible for planes.

Because helicopters can perform actions that airplanes cannot, they are used
for different tasks. Since helicopters can take off without moving forward, they
do not need a runway for takeoff. They are used in congested areas where there
is no room for airplanes or in isolated areas which do not have airports. Because
they can hover, they are used on firefighting missions to drop water on fires.
They are used in logging operations to lift trees out of forests. Helicopters are
used as air ambulances to airlift patients out of situations which are difficult to
reach by conventional ambulances. The police use helicopters to follow
suspects on the ground or to search for cars on the ground. Of course,
helicopters have military uses because of their design and capabilities.


What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Airplanes and helicopters have different designs and functions.
B. Helicopters can perform specific tasks that airplanes cannot.
C. Helicopters are more useful than airplanes in terms of transportation and
emergency response.
D. Airplanes shall be used for commercial flights only.

108. . Which is false about Dante's The Divine Comedy?

A. Virgil, who embodies human knowledge, guided Dante in his journey from
hell to the threshold of paradise.
B. The Divine Comedy is divided into four major sections –
Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso. Universo.

C. It is a narrative poem that traces the jourey of Dante from hell to purgatory
and paradise.
D. Dante had a momentary glimpse of the glory of God at the Empyrean.

109. The election of the student government officers in Tony’ school is

patterned after that of the national elections. There were campaign materials
and campaign schedule. Which strategy did the school adopt?
a. debate
b. panel discussion
c. simulation
d. symposium

110. Teacher Bel believes that experiential learning is instrumental to the

authentic learning of the students. That is why, she always plans for activities
that will engage her students in the lesson. What percentage is experiential
learning in the Dale’s Cone of Experience?
a. 10%
b. 30%
c. 50%
d. 90%

111. Young teachers look up to Teacher Marie in terms of how she

manages her class. They say her classroom management practice is
proactive. Which of the following does she do and is qualified as proactive?
a. Enforcing classroom rules to everyone.
b. Punishing the misbehaving pupils
c. Setting expectations at the beginning of the school year
d. Stressing on penalty for every violation committed.

112. Teacher Liz is admired by her students because of her respect to the
discipline. There was never a time she came to class unprepared. There was
never any question she was not able to answer. Which power of teacher does
she possess?
a. expert
b. legitimate
c. referent
d. reward

113. Teacher Joanne, a preschool teacher has the topic “family” for her
lesson. In her discussion, she presented members of the family, including
their roles and responsibilities. She started with father and mother. She even
made a visual representation of them using the Venn diagram. Why did she
use the Venn diagram?
a. To compare and contrast the roles of the father and the mother.
b. To discuss the timeline of family events
c. To predict the next activity of the father and the mother
d. To show the ongoing activities of the family

114. Which principle in the utilization of educational technology is concerned

with the presentation of up-to-date information?

a. Authenticity
b. Communication effectiveness
c. Interest
d. Responsiveness

115. What kind of teacher’s knowledge is focused on the principles and

strategies of teaching, including formulating objectives, designing activities,
and assessing learning outcomes?
a. content knowledge
b. pedagogical knowledge
c. technological knowledge
d. technological pedagogical content knowledge

116. Which objective is in the highest level according to the Revised

Bloom’s taxonomy?
a. To analyze the causes of a phenomenon
b. To apply a principle in real life
c. To develop a scoring rubric for a performance
d. To evaluate the given answers

117. To encourage her students to speak up even when not sure of what to
say, Teacher Rei persuades, encourages, and reminds them. She would tell
them not to give up but to keep on trying. Which technique does she use to
her students?
a. clarification
b. concept revision
c. multiple response
d. prompting

118. Which is an example of assistive technology which helps blind or

visually impaired people?
a. Alternative keyboards
b. Personal amplification system
c. Screen reading software
d. Speech output software

119. Ang Filipino ay pambansang lingua franca ng bansa. Paano bibigyan ng

pagpapakahulugan ang saltang lingua franca?
A. Ito ay wika na marami ang nagsasalita sa isang bansa.
B. Ito ay wika na ginagamit sa edukasyon at pamahalaan.
C. Ito ay wika na na ginagamit sa tiyak na komunikasyon sa isang sitwasyon.
D. Ito ay wika na ginagamit upang magkaroon ng komon na unawaan ang mga tao.

120. Lahat ng wika ay may kumbensiyong sinusunod, may tuntuning balanila ang
bawat wika. Anong kakanyahan ng wika ang inilarawan?
A. arbitraryo
B. ginagamit
C. simbolo
D. sistematiko

121. Ito ay tumutukoy sa kakayahan ng nagpapadala at paganggap ng mensahe na
nakabatay sa angking kasanayang pangwika.
Ano ang tawag sa kasanayang ito?
A. pagganap
B. panggramatika
C. pangkomunikasyon
D. pangnilalaman

122. ay ang MODELO ni BERLO, Ipinakikita nito na may tagahatid ng mensahe

patungo sa tagatanggap nito. Paano ilalarawan ang ganitong modelo ng komunikason
A. paikot-ikot
B. malaya
C. diretso
D. siklo

123. Kung ikaw ay magasasagawa ng isang pakikipanayam sa isang katutubo, ano

ang higit na isaalang -alang bilang bahagi ng sangkap at proses ng komunikasyon?
A. kaalaman
B. kagamitan
C. kapaligiran
D. kultura

124. Nagsagawa ng isang pulong sa inyong pamayanan hinggil sa mga dapat gawin
ngayong pandemiya, nais mo sanang magmungkahi ng ilang mga bagay. paano mo
sisimulan ang iyong pahayag?
A. Gusto kong magsalta, making kayo!
B. Nais ko sanang magsalita, pakinggan ninyo ako!
C. Maaan po ba akong magmungkahi ? Ito po sana ang dapat nating gawin.
D. Bilang pangwakas ito ay hindi magiging matagumpay kung hindi sama-sama ang
bawat isa.

125. Ito ay isang elemento ng komunikason na sumusukat sa kahusayan ng

nangyan sa komunikasyon, ano ito ?
A. fidbak
B. kaalaman
C. replikasyon
D. tumatanggap

126. Students have different learning styles and multiple intelligences. How
should their learning be assessed by the teacher?
A. Use a variety of methods
B. Use both qualitative and quantitative methods
C. Use only a specific method
D. Use only a specific method

127. Which of the following promotes higher order thinking skills?

A. Analyzing a given situation

B. Defining terms from the day's lesson
C. Evaluating one's learning by means of a performance checklist
D. Relating what has been learned in one's life

128. In the engagement part of the lesson, Teacher Connie grouped the
students and gave each group a problem situation. In this way, students will
have the opportunity to express themselves. This classroom situation is
constructivist in nature. Which of the following is another example of a
constructivist approach in teaching?
A. Answering set of exercises for understanding
B. Doing some drills for mastery
C. Repeating the lessons previously taken up for remembering
D. Sharing points of view for knowledge construction

129. What is meant by "with-it-ness principle" of Kounin in classroom

A. Parents must be involved in the education of their children
B. Students agree to disagree during class discussions
C. Students must be in sync with their teacher.
D. Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in his classroom.

130. Which of the following is an example of a direct instruction?

A. Discovery method
B. Experiential method
C. Inductive method
D. Lecture method

131. Ano ang ponemang ginagamitan ng mga titik upang mabasa ar mabigkas ?
A. ponemang segmental
B. ponemang supra
C. alpabeto
D. abakada

132. Sa silabikasyon ng salita, ano ang patern ng salitang " klaster"?


133. Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI halimbawa ng ponemang suprasegmenta?

A. dIin
B. hinto
C. intonasyon

D. patinig

134. Sa wikang Filipino, may paraan ng pagpapakita ng pagpaparami o pluralismo

sa wika, ano ang HINDI kabilang rito ?
A. paglalagay ng titik na “s” sa mga pangngalan
B. pag-uulit ng mga pantig ng sang salita kadalasang nasa unahan
C. paggamit ng salitang 'mga" bago ang mga salta o pangngalan
D. paggamit ng panghalip na kami, sila at tavo at iba pang katulad nito

135. Ang wikang Filipino ay maysariling balangkas ng pangungusap, Alin sa

sumusunod na pahayag ang angkop na sabihin kung ikaw ay magpapaalam sa lyong
A. Alis na ko!
B. Nanay, aalis na ako.
C. Nanay, aalis na po ako
D. Nanay, ako po ay aalis na.

136. Ang pagkakaroon ng barayting wika ay may kaugnayan sa pagkakaiba- iba ng

heograpiya ng pinaggagamitan ng wika. Sa salitang langka na sa iba ang tawag ay
nangka, ano ang pinatutunayan nito sa barayti ng wika?
A. Ang wika ay may kodipikasyon.
B. Ang wika ay may dayalekto na barayti nito.
C. Ang wika ay may elaborasyon na makikita sa gamit nito.
D. Ang wika ay may pagtanggap ng tao kung paano ito gagamitin.

137. Ano ang tamang pahayag hinggil sa paghirang sa wikang Tagalog noong
A. Ang wikang Tagalog ang pambansang wika noong panahon ng Komonwelt.
B. Ang wikang Tagalog ay hinirang bilang batayan ng wikang pambansa noong
panahon ng Komonwelt.
C. Ang wikang Tagalog ay pinili lamang noon ni Pangulong Quezon bilang wikang
batayan ng wikang pambansa.
D. Ang wikang Tagalog ay komon na sinasalita ng mga Pilipino

138. Anona natalorora sereme Kagawaran ng Edukasyam, 2 a kaaalukuyan Keg

nagsasaad n9 pagana ba ran unang wit en pagiluro, simula una takas tang hangan; ga
lalo na magslalbin la kas al tulay upany maging masos at mablis ang pagkatulo no
pangalawang wika?
A. Bilingual na Patakaran
B. Trilingual na Patakaran
C. Multilingual na Patakaran
D. Multikultural a Patakaran

139. Si Robert ay nagbabasa ng kanyang ilksyon, sa kanyang pagbabasa ay may

nakia siyang isang terminolohiya na hindi pamilyar sa kanya, kung kayat hinanap niya
ang kahulugan nito sa diksyonaryo, ano ang hakbang na ito na ginawa ni Robert ukol
sa pagbasa?
A. Ginamit niya ang kaniyang iskema.
B. Nagsagawa siya ng estratehiya upang maunawaan ang teksto.
C. Hinanap niya ang mga hudyat na salta sa teksto upang maiugnay rito.

D. Nagtanong siya sa kinauukulan ukol sa nasabing termino.

140. Si Ara ay limang taong gulang. hawak at sinisipat niya ang nilalaman ng
kanyang paboritong aklat. Sa puntong ito ng pagbabasa ni Ara, nakikilala na niya ang
mga titik na nakalimbag.
Anong hakbang ng pagbasa ito?
A. aplikasyon
B. integrasyon
C. kumprehensyon
D. persepsyon

141. Nagsusulat ng isang konseptong papel si Nena, nais niyang maging maayos
ang bahagi nito, kung kaya't nagsagawa muna siya ng obserbasyon at pangangalap
ng mga kaugnay na literature.
Alin sa sumusunod ang naging hakbang niya?
A. bago sumulat
B. habang nagsusulat
C. pagkatapos magsulat
D. paglalathala ng pananaliksik
142. Si Tony ay nagsasagawa ng pagsulat ng isang akademikong sulatin, Sa dami
ng kanyang mga nakalap na datos ay nalilito siva kung paano niya ito isusulat.
Alin dito ang pinaka mainam na maimumungkahi mo a paraan upang malutas ang
kanyang suliranin ukol dito?

A. magsagawa ng dagdag bawas sa datos, ang ibabawas ay tulvyan ng itapon

B. magsagawa ng pagbabalangkas, tingnan ang pangunahin idea patungo sa
pansuportang ideya
C. magsagawa ng anotasyon ng mga sanggunian
D. bumuo ng konseptong balangkas

143. St Helen ay nakapangalap na ng datos sa pamamagitan ng panayam at focus

groud discussion(FGD), nais niya a maisulat ito sa parang tematik, ano ang kanyang
dapat gawin ukol sa mga nakuhang recorded na panayam at FGD?
A. pakinggang nang paulit-ulit hanggang makabisado
B. pakinggan habang sinusulat ang una hanggang ikaapat na kabanata ng
C. magsagawa ng transkripsyon ng mga recorded a panayam at FGD at ihanay
ito batay sa pagkakaugnay-ugnay sa isat isa.
D. magbasa ng iba pang literatura para makaisip ng tema sa bawat datos

144. Paano ang pagsulat ni Helen g Sanggunian na ang pormat ay APA?

Narito ang mga detalye ng Sanggunian:
1-Mahusay na Pagbasa at pagsulat Tungo sa Mabisang Pananaliksik
2- Zamora, NCLet al (2008)
3-Malabon City
4- Mutya Publishing House
A. 4-3-2-1
B. 2-1-3-4
C. 3-2-1-4
D. 2-1-4-3

145. Sa mga pananaliksik, hindi mawawala ang mga talahanayan at grapiko.
Paano ito nakatutulong sa isang mambabasa?
A. nagiging makulay ang teksto
B. nagging daan ito upang maging biswal ang mga datos
C. nagkakaroon ng liwanag ang idea dahil nakalarawan
D. naakit na lumingin mambabasa dahil ang hindi tekstwal ang anyo

146. Bakit mahalagang mabasa ng isang mananaliksik ang rekomendasyon ng

isang tesis?
A. nagiging daan upang makakuha ng suliranin at paksa na sasaliksikin muli
B. ipinakita ng rekomendasyon ang kahinaan ng nakaraang pananaliksik dahil hindi ito
C. karagdagang pahina to para sa isang tesis at magandang maraming pahina upang
D. bahagi na no ng pormat ng isang pananaliksik at hindi ito puwedeng mawala at hindi

147. Anong bahaging pananaliksik makikita ang mga operasyonal a kahulugan ng

mga terminong ginamit sa pananaliksik ?
A. indeks
B. glosaryo
C. termino ng katawagan
D. apendiks

148. Sa bahaging ito ng pananaliksik ay gumagamit ng mga konsepto na kaugnay

ng paksa at iniuugnay sa mga leoryang maaring pagbatayan nito. Saan ito makikita sa
A. pamagat
B. kaligiran ng pag-aaral
C. konseptong balangkas
D. konseptwal na balangkas

149. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng idyoma sa pangungusap?

Di mahulugang karayom ang lao sa vaccine center bago mag-ECQ sa NCR.

A. nakapila ang tao
B. nagkagulo ang tao
C. siksikan ang mga tao
D. walang tao na gusto ng bakuna

150. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng idyoma sa pangungusap?

Umutang si Rose kay Romeo, sinabi ni

Rose na ilista mo sa tubig ito.
A. doble ang kabayaran
B. imposibleng bayaran
C. hindi na babayaran
D. babayaran niya

151. Kung ikaw ay gagawa ng isang pananaliksik, anong uri ng pagpapakahulugan
ang dapat gamitin a pagbibigay kahulugan ng mga terminolohiya sa isang tesis?
A. denotatibo
B. konolatibo
C. operasyonal
D. matalinghaga

152. Kung ikaw ay susulat ng isang tula. alin ang HINDI mo isasaalang-alang sa
pagsulat ng tula?
A. imahen
B. kabanata
C. simbolo
D. tayutay

153. Sa pananaliksik, Ang kabanata tatio na naglalahad ng mga kinalabasan ng

datos at paasusun nito, anong anyo ng pagpapahayag ang pinakamainan a gamitin
sa pagpapaliwanag sa mga talahanayan, tsart at grap?
A. pangangatwiran
B. pagsasalaysay
C. paglalarawan
D. paglalahad

154. Dr. Ruben Puentedura developed the SAMR, a technology integration

model. In which of these level does a teacher use technology to design and
develop new tasks that would be inconceivable in traditional lesson.
a. augmentation
b. modification
c. redefinition
d. substitution

155. The TPACK framework provides teachers with a productive approach

in educational technology in classrooms. What does TPK in the framework
a. It describes teachers’ own knowledge of concepts,theories, evidence and
organizational frameworks of a subject matter.
b. It describes teachers’ knowledge of the practices, processes and methods
regarding teaching and learning.
c. It describes teachers’ knowledge of and ability to use various technologies,
technological tools and other associated resources.
d. It describes relationships and interactions between technological tools and
specific pedagogical practices.

156. Instant messaging, chat, and electronic mentoring are some examples
on the use of internet for ____.
a. Information collection
b. Interpersonal exchanges
c. General sources
d. Direct instruction

157. Which of the following should be avoided in using chalkboard?

a. Writing legibly and neatly.
b. Keeping the board clean after use.
c. Talking to the class while writing on the board
d. Preparing chalk before the class starts.

158. This principle in utilization of educational technologies states that

corresponding words and pictures must be presented near to each other.
a. Authenticity
b. Presentation
c. Spatial contiguity
d. Split-attention

159. Teacher Macky is planning to develop an instructional material for his

biology class which he can use his in hiss 6 classes of Second year high
school students. Which principle is he taking into account when he thinks of
designing instructional materials that are handy and easy to carry?
a. correctness
b. breadth
c. portability
d. simplicity

160. All of the following are examples of Learning Management System

a. Canvas
b. Wakelet
c. Edmodo
d. Moodle

161. During the pandemic, one of the most used apps for teaching is the FB
Messenger. Some educators implemented chatbots as an instructional tool for
teaching. What is a chatbot?
a. It is a mobile application which allows teachers to record and edit video
lessons that can be uploaded in different online platforms.
b. It is an online program that allows teachers to create presentations that
can be accessed by students with a code or link.
c. It is an artificial intelligence program, capable of “conversing” with
people, respond to particular questions, and automatically provide
d. It is an online platform which allows teachers to create free graphic
designs such as posters, infographics, cards, etc that can be used for

162. Which of the following programs can be used to create an online quiz
as well as an online presentation which can be used both for synchronous
and asynchronous instruction?
a. Kahoot!
b. Quizlet
c. Sway
d. Quizziz

163. In teaching her Grade 1 class, Teacher Carlyn emphasizes the
relationship of sound letter correspondence because she believes that
reading involves nothing more than the correlation of a sound with its
corresponding visual image. What model of reading does this illustrate?
a. bottom-up reading model
b. interactive reading model
c. top-down reading model
d. transactive reading model

164. Teacher Kevin exposes his high school class in different informational
reading materials and teaches them to analyze information given to detect
fake news and misinformation. He would like his class to become critical
readers. Critical readers read with a/an___ attitude.
a. accepting
b. indifferent
c. passive
d. questioning

165. Which of the following shows that a reader is in the stage of growing
independence in the reading development?
a. Henry does more of informational reading.
b. Adam has a grasp of the alphabetic principle
c. Molly engages in reading of fiction and non-fiction materials
d. Julia can already understand underlying organizational principles and
concepts of what she reads.
Astronomers know the most about the Milky Way Galaxy since it is the galaxy
containing the Earth and its Solar System along with the seven other planest, and
of course Pluto. The Milky Way is a part of a cluster group of about 3000 other
galaxies. It is a spiral shaped galaxy made up of more than 300 billion stars. The
Sun is one star that is located in the Milky Way galaxy. The word galaxy actually
comes from a Greek word which means milky.
-Excerpt from Galaxies (

166. What type of text structure was used in the passage?

a. Cause-effect
b. Definition
c. Problem-solution
d. Time-order

167. Teacher Emmy, a beginning reading teacher, does not want to be

overly reliant on worksheets, skill-and-drill activites, or rote memorization.
Instead, she implements contemporary approaches in phonics instructions.
Which of the following does NOT belong in this phonics approach?
a. analogy-based instruction
b. embedded phonics instruction
c. spelling-based phonics instruction
d. synthetic phonics instruction

168. Teacher Andrew believes that reading is an integral part of all content
areas in the educational program. Which practice would reflect to this belief?

a. He teaches different strategies to unlock different vocabulary
b. He uses a variety of assessment tools to determine the progress of his
c. He presents different types of reading materials that is in relation with
other subject matters.
d. He provides writing activities in connection with the reading tasks.

169. During their reading class, Teacher Alice allows her students to select
their own trade books, read it, and then followed by teacher-student
conferences at which learners may be asked to read aloud from their reading
selection. She does this to accommodate student differences in reading
abilities while focusing on meaning, interest and enjoyment. What reading
approach does she implement?
a. Basal
b. Literature-based
c. LEA
d. Phonics

170. What refers to an informal assessment of oral reading errors to

determine the extent to which readers use and coordinate graphic-sound,
syntactic and semantic information?
a. criterion-referenced test
b. diagnostic test
c. informal reading inventory
d. miscue analysis

171. Which is NOT an example of mnemonic device?

a. Chaining
b. Acronym
c. Cornell method
d. Method of loci

172. During their reading class, Teacher Christine helps her students
analyze the grammatical relationships of words within sentence patterns. She
believes that to be able to construct meaning from text material, readers
should be able to use their knowledge at the meaningful arrangement of
words in sentences. What cueing system is she developing?
a. Grapho-phonemic system
b. Interactive system
c. Semantic system
d. Syntactic system

173. When caught cheating, Carlo attributed his actions to peer pressure.
Which psychological perspective is concerned with how environmental
factors, such as peers, affect overt behaviors such as this?
a. behaviorist perspective
b. cognitivist perspective
c. humanistic perspective
d. psychoanalytic perspective

174. According to Chapman et al., all of the following are characteristics that
should be present in an activity or method to be considered as an experiential
learning EXCEPT:
a. Student should be engaged in purposeful endeavors
b. Student should be given a balance of content and process during the
class sessions
c. Students must be given opportunities to develop meaningful
d. Students should learn within their perceived comfort zones.

175. Teacher Marvin handles Grade 5 students. During his class, he always
assigns his students responsibilities based on their abilities. He believes doing
this will develop their competence and perseverance to do their tasks. Based
on Erikson’s theory what psychosocial crisis and basic virtue does this
a. Initiative vs Guilt-Purpose
b. Industry vs Inferiority-Competence
c. Identity vs Role Confusion Fidelity
d. Intimacy vs Isolation -Love

176. All of the following teaching implications are based on Piaget’s

Cognitive Development theory EXCEPT:
a. Teacher should focus more on the process of learning and not only on the
end product of it.
b. Teachers should enforce rewards to ensure that students will strengthen
the desired behavior and punishment to weaken unwanted behavior.
c. Teachers should use active teaching and learning methods that require
rediscovering and reconstructing concepts or “truths”
d. Teachers should evaluate the students’ developmental levels to provide
them with appropriate tasks

177. In teaching her class, Teacher Teresa sparks the interest and natural
curiosity of her students. She also allows them to pursue learning their
interests and give them autonomy and independence in learning topics of
their choice related to their subject as a form of lesson extension. What
principle does Teacher Teresa follow?
a. Law of Freedom
b. Law of Intensity
c. Law of Primacy ‘
d. Law of Recency

178. I can still remember the sleepless nights and the lessons I had from a
“challenging” college professor. Which principle supports this notion?
a. Concepts should be presented in varied or different ways
b. Efforts is put forth when tasks are challenging
c. Learning is aided by asking or formulating questions
d. The principle of readiness is related to the learners’ stage of development

179. How is negative reinforcement used among adolescents?

a. Calling out a student who is not listening during online classes.

b. Giving of communication allowances to those who maintain good.
c. Exempting the students from an activity for completing the requirements
on time.
d. Tagging students who excel in the leading their groups over FB.

180. Little James needed a lot of training before he could write a letter 3
perfectly. What is the explanation of Thorndike in this occurrence?
a. Effect
b. Exercise
c. Practice
d. Readiness

181. Which among the following situations is an example of social learning?

a. Learning to say “po” and “opo”
b. Learning to walk
c. Participating in the discussion to earn badges
d. Trying on puzzles

182. Teacher Z became a teacher because of the influence of her father

who is also a teacher. Which layer of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system
does our parents belong?
a. Chronosystem
b. Macrosystem
c. Mesosystem
d. Microsystem

183. Which of the following behaviors best describes an overt behavior?

a. A student making an outline before writing an essay
b. A student staring blankly at the work of other students
c. A student thinking about a perfect title for the essay
d. A student who daydreams about the holiday vacation.

184. Carla is talking unnecessarily while the teacher is discussing the lesson.
Seeing Carla not listening, the teacher called on her and asked her a question. Carla
gets embarrassed for she did not know the answer to the question. Which of the
following did Carla's teacher do?
A. Ask question for self-reflection.
B. Ask question to call her attention.
C. Ask question to probe a given answer.
D. Ask question to remind her of the important concepts in the lesson.

185. Teachers serve as loco parentis to their students. This relates to the legitimate
power they have over their students. Which of the following exhibits teacher's
legitimate power?
A. Making students feel a sense of belonging and acceptance.
B. Making students feel that teachers know what they are talking about.
C. Reminding students of the teacher's authority over them again and again.

D. Telling students of the importance of good grades.

186. In which mode of grouping is the teaching of desired values in cooperative

learning most
A. Competitive
B. Heterogeneous.
C. Homogenous
D. Whole class

187. Which activity will elicit active participation from new teachers?
A. Getting involved in planning/ designing activities
B. Giving constructive feedback on a presentation
C. Participating in induction/orientation program
D. Participating in the conduct of briefing with colleagues

188. Which of the following practices is LEAST desirable when punishing students?
A. Punishing as a consequence of violating rules
B. Punishing the erring student rather than the entire class
C. Punishing while angry
D. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is done

189. Which of the following elements in group guidance technique in classroom

management is characterized by too much competitiveness and exclusiveness with
the teacher being punitive and partial to some students?
A. Dissatisfaction with classroom work
B. Disturbances in group climate
C. Poor group organization
D. Poor interpersonal relations

190. Which of the following is most likely the reason for students' non-questioning
response when asked if they have questions about the lesson?
A. Students are not interested in the lesson.
B. Students did not understand the lesson.
C. Teacher needs to ask specific questions to elicit responses.
D. Teacher assumes that the students understand the lesson.

191. In Robert Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction, the first event of learning should
A. Ensure the learners are ready to learn and participate in activities by
presenting a stimulus.

B. Inform students of the objectives or outcomes to
help them understand what they are to learn during the course.
C. Help students make sense of new information by relating it to something
they already know or something they already experienced
D. Be presented with new information using learning strategies to provide
effective and efficient instruction.

192. In the PICRAT technology integration model, which pedagogical practice is

being described when a teacher utilizes technology to improve learning practices or
A. Amplification
B. Creative
C. Replacement
D. Transformation

193. In the TIM framework, this is a learning environment where students use
technology tools to link learning activities to the world beyond the instructional setting
rather than working on decontextualized assignments.
A. Active
B. Authentic
C. Constructive
D. Goal-directed

194. This term refers to a student-centered teaching method that uses online
resources to facilitate learning without requiring students and instructors to be in the
same place at the same time.
A. Asynchronous learning
B. Blended learning
C. Differentiated learning
D. Synchronous learning

195. Teacher Henry is designing an instructional plan with integration of technology

in his Grade B class. He plans to use the 4 Components Instructional Design or 4C/ID
in doing so. In which component should he list down the materials like books, articles,
videos, etc. needed so that learners would get the knowledge, information, concepts,
and theories needed to complete a project?
A. Just in Time Information
B. Learning task
C. Part-task practice
D. Supportive Information

196. Teacher Raymond carefully studies the online reference materials he will use
in class. He always examines if the author is qualified to present the material. This
practice is
A. Unethical because he does not trust the author.
B. Necessary to ensure that the materials are reliable
C. Unnecessary because all resources on the internet are dependable.
D. Ethical because he has to acknowledge the works of all the authors on the

197. Which is an example of a URL?

A. Firefox
C. Google

198. One of the growing concerns of educators is the proliferation of available

resources and materials online. Because of this, Teacher Joshua asks the consistency
of a material taken from the internet with other available materials. Teacher Joshua is
concerned with
A. Accuracy
B. Coverage
C. Currency
D. Relevance

199. Teacher Ashley uses word processing, video development tools, and
presentation software for the different academic tasks she needs to accomplish. This
shows that computers can be used as
A. Informative tool
B. Productivity tool
C. Instructional tool
D. Situating tool

200. Which term refers to the application software that accepts typed words into a
computer and process them to produce edited texts?
A. Electronic games
B. Graphics Packages
C. Spreadsheet program
D. Word processing program

201. Which of the following shows a transactive stance of the reading process?
A. Readers begin by formulating hypothesis about meaning and by decoding
letters and words.
B, Readers shift from more efferent to more aesthetic stance and vice versa to
construct meaning from what they read.
C. Readers are taught what each letter stands for so they can read.
D. Readers bring meaning to rather than gaining of meaning from the printed

202. In selecting a reading material to be taught in his class, Teacher Marcus

considers the following text structure, graphic style and format, and author's biases,
goals and intentions. These factors are within the which affects learners reading.
A. Context
B. Culture
C. Reader
D. Text

203. Before presenting a reading task, Teacher Raven asks her pupils some
questions, where answers are based on their experience. She does this to relate words
back to direct experiences to make the activity more meaningful. This is in relation to
aspect of the reading process.
A. Affective
B. Associational
c. Experiential
D. Thinking

204. During the lockdown, Nica started to develop her own routine, starting
from exercise, preparing a meal, and doing online work. What psychological
perspective focuses on our belief to fulfill our own potentials?
a. Behaviorist
b. Cognitivist
c. Ecosystemic
d. Humanist
205. Online classrooms for preschoolers include happy songs, colorful
presentations and pleasing teacher, to attract young learners and make them
conditioned to see and feel that learning is fun. What theory is applied in this
a. Classical conditioning
b. Connectionism
c. Operant conditioning
d. Social learning

206. Teacher ask learnes to remove distractors such as cellphones and

other open websites before starting online classes. What is this important
phase of social learning according to Bandura?

a. attention
b. motivation
c. motor reproduction
d. retention

207. Ronald forgot a formula during a quiz since he intentionally skipped

reviewing this process. Thorndike explains that connections between stimulus
and response are weakened when practice is discontinued. What law pertains
to this?
a. Law of Disuse
b. Law of Effect
c. Law of Readiness ‘
d. Law of Use

208. Accessibility to resources is one of the biggest concerns during

emergency remote teaching. Which among the following terms explain these
surrounding conditions, such as school, affect human development?
a. Development
b. Environment
c. Growth
d. Heredity

209. Teacher Melendez stayed at home to work, which took most of his
family time. The indirect effect of the parent’s workplace to a child explains
what layer in the ecological systems theory?
a. exosystem
b. macrosystem
c. mesosystem
d. microsystem

210. which among the tasks below should teachers use to reflect Vygotsky’s
concept of cognitive development theory?
a. Speech presentation’
b. Group activities
c. Journal reflections
d. Individual experiments

211. What psychological concept explains teens’ obsession over the

number of likes in their social media accounts?
a. Identity
b. Integrity
c. Intimacy
d. Trust

212. Kervin copied module answers from his neighbor Aira, but later on
realizes that it is wrong since he is not learning. The unconscious act of
choosing between rightness and wrongness of an action is named by
Sigmund Freud as ___.
a. conscience
b. ego

c. id
d. superego

213. Teacher Jose stops his preschool pupils to fight over toys. What do you
call this lack of awareness among kids to the perspectives of others?
a. Centration
b. Conservation
c. Egocentrism
d. Object permanence

214. Schools organize different clubs or co-curricular activities that college

students join to develop their skills and know themselves better. Actualizing
one’s abilities is the central task of what psychosocial stage of development?
a. autonomy vs shame and doubt
b. initiative vs guilt
c. identity vs role confusion
d. integrity vs despair

215. Teacher Z presents stories using video animation, song, and dance to
her pre-school pupils online. What is the reason behind using these strategies
in teaching kids?
a. Preschoolers understand that objects continue to exist even when not
in sight
b. Preschoolers use animism to make sense of their environment
c. Preschoolers sensorimotor stage needs the development of sensory
organs and muscles.
d. Preschoolers use abstract thinking in comprehending stories

216. Five-year old Jammel is afraid that he might get hit by his mom’s
hanger whenever he forgets to use “po” and “opo” in talking to adults. What
does Kohlberg explain about Jammel’s stage of moral development?
a. Children at this age starts to obey house rules.
b. Children learn that they are wrong when they get hurt
c. Children learn to obey their parents with the use of a reward system
d. Children take their parents as their authority

217. Vygotsky emphasized the importance of a more experienced other

(MEO) in learning. What does this MEO provide to learners?
a. Disequilibrium
b. Reward system
c. Scaffolding
d. Schema

218. The more genetically related people are, the more similar they are, not
just physically but also in terms of personality and behavior. According to this
finding, which among the following concepts is said to be a greater influence
on personality?
a. development
b. environment
c. growth

d. heredity

219. Schools suspended the awarding of top ten pupils in elementary

schools, and instead started providing certificates to all pupils in the class.
This practice will help develop competence during what stage of
a. autonomy vs shame and doubt
b. identity vs role confusion
c. industry vs inferiority
d. intimacy vs isolation

220. Among the school-aged children, parents expect sons to find science
easier and more interesting than daughters despite no differences in
performance. (Tenenbaum and Leaper, 2003). Parents and their concepts on
gender are influential since they belong to what layer of their kids’ ecological
a. chronosystem
b. macrosystem
c. mesosystem
d. microsystem

221. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) made all
DepEd teachers submit themselves to evaluation to determine their stage.
Which of Bronfenbrenner’s system influence to incremental trends that
continue to increase, such as information?
a. chronosystem
b. macrosystem
c. mesosystem
d. microsystem

222. College students have online small group discussions where they are
encouraged to invite their relatives who are knowledgeable in the field of
discussion. This interaction between the school and home represents which
layer of ecological system?
a. chronosystem
b. macrosystem
c. mesosystem
d. microsystem

223. The biological theory of development posits that human development is

a transactional process in which an individual’s development is influenced by
his or her interactions with various aspects and spheres of their environment.
Who proposed this theory?
a. David Kolb
b. Robert Havighurst
c. Robert Gagne
d. Urie Brofenbrenner

224. Which has INCORRECT pairing?

a. Cognitive Development Theory- Jean Piaget

b. Moral Development Theory- Lawrence Kohlberg
c. Pyschosocial Theory- Albert Bandura
d. Sociocultural Theory- Lev Vygotsky

225. All of the following teaching implications are based on Piaget’s

Cognitive Development Theory EXCEPT:
a. Teacher should focus more on the process of learning and not only on the
end product of it.
b. Teachers should enforce rewards to ensure that students will strengthen
the desired behavior and punishment to weaken unwanted behavior.
c. Teachers should use active teaching and learning methods that require
rediscovering or reconstructing concepts or “truths”
d. Teachers should evaluate the students’ developmental level to provide
them with appropriate tasks.

226. Principal Mondragon ensures that the school that she manage is
designed to be physically safe for all students and adults working in the
school premise. She also implements mental and socio-emotional health
programs to ensure that the student’s emotional security is established. What
tenet in the Whole Child Approach does Principal Mondragon attend to?
a. challenged
b. engaged
c. healthy
d. safe

227. According to Chapman et al., all of the following are characteristics that
should be present in an activity or method to be considered as an experiential
learning EXCEPT:
a. Students should be engaged in purposeful endeavors
b. Students should be given a balance of content and process during the
class sessions.
c. Students must be given opportunities to develop meaningful
d. Students should learn within their perceived comfort zones.

228. Ms. Nicolette believes that personal experiences are essential in

understanding learning. What psychological foundation supports Ms.
Nicolette’s beliefs?
a. Behaviorism
b. Cognition
c. Phenomenology
d. Constructivism

229. Who among the following teachers practices problem-centered

a. Teacher Kaycee plan the lessons along with other teachers on the same
grade level cooperatively.
b. Teacher Kurt put emphasis on learners’ interests and felt needs.
c. Teacher Kleo links subject matter to cultural traditions and real societal
needs in her lesson.

d. Teacher Kim has a full control of the curriculum.

230. What is the role of the Department of Education Secretary?

a. Department of Education Secretary has similar role with school principal
and other school administrator.
b. Department of Education Secretary supervises curriculum
implementations based on legislation and guideline set by law makers and
government officials.
c. Department of Education Secretary establishes direction and
implementation of a particular program
d. Department of Education Secretary enacts legislation that will guide in
designing and implementing the curriculum.

231. Which of the following DOES NOT describe Taba’s Model of

Curriculum Development?
a. The Taba Model encourages high-order thinking skills in the classroom.
b. The Taba Model allows students to start with a concept and dig deeper
into that particular concept.
c. The Taba Model believes that teachers are aware of the students needs
hence they should be the one to develop the curriculum.
d. The Taba model main idea is that the teachers are at the forefront to the

232. A good curriculum is developed through the efforts of various groups

coming from different sectors in the society who are knowledgeable about the
needs, resources and interest of the students and the society. Which
characteristic of a good curriculum is being described?
a. Curriculum is democratically conceived.
b. Curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
c. Curriculum provides for the logical sequence of subject matter
d. Curriculum complements and cooperates with other programs of the

233. What is the focus of the curriculum during the Spanish period?
a. The focus of the curriculum is for survival, conformity, and enculturation.
There is no educational system.
b. The focus of the curriculum is the creation of bilingual policy in education
was reiterated in the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines.
c. The focus of the curriculum is the existence of an educational system
during the American period. Education is through socialized recitation,
encouraged more sudents’ participation and disputation.
d. The focus of the curriculum is to propagate Christianity. During this period,
there are no grade level and no educational system, only church-based

234. Due to pandemic, the Department of Education releases the Most

Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS). Which is NOT a characteristic of
an essential learning competency?
a. It would not be expected for most students to learn this is settings other
than through formal education.

b. If students leave school, it will have minor significance to have this
competency above many others.
c. It connects the content to higher concepts across content areas.
d. It is applicable to real life situations.

235. Which approach in assessing the curriculum gives the teachers

absolute power to determine what they see best to implement in the
a. Generative approach
b. Supplantive approach
c. Laissez-faire approach
d. Authoritarian control approach

236. School Ace adheres to the importance of theories and principles in

curriculum planning. It believes that beginning students should not be
overwhelmed with cognitive demands of education. Which curriculum
approach does School Ace implements?
a. Humanistic-aesthetic approach
b. Intellectual-academic approach
c. System-managerial approach
d. Reconceptualist approach

237. School Bay undertakes adjustment on certain elements in the

curriculum without changing its core functions. Their curriculum developers
add instructional time to some major subjects and shift from routine instruction
to computer-assisted instruction. What process of curriculum development
does school bay did?
a. curriculum improvement
b. curriculum change
c. curriculum design
d. curriculum plan

238. Toby studied grades 1-3 in Davao. He transferred to Manila in grade 4.

He adapted to the norms, values and beliefs that his classmates are
practicing. Which type of curriculum is applicable in this situation?
a. supported curriculum
b. hidden curriculum
c. taught curriculum
d. tested curriculum

239. Teacher Molly implements different forms of evaluation prescribed by

their schools and Department of Education in her class. Which type of
curriculum caused this learning?
a. Null Curriculum
b. Explicit Curriculum
c. Written Curriculum
d. Assessed Curriculum

240. Teacher Esper integrates environmental sustainability in her lessons

as instructed by the Division’s office. However, she lacks community

immersion for actual engagement in the site where the school belongs. Under
what level of curriculum improvement does this situation fit in?
a. Level 1. Imitative- Maintenance
b. Level 2. Mediative
c. Level 3. Creative- Generative
d. Level 4. Community- Actualization

241. Which of the following illustrates and institutional level of curriculum?

a. Teacher Rod involves instructional strategies, styles and materials used
based on the prescribed curriculum.
b. Joanna was able to grasp concepts from the lectures, performance-based
activities, and projects done by her teacher.
c. Congressman Kiko proposed a law regarding parental involvement in
d. Principal Ligaya crafted a school program on parental involvement.

242. Dr. Mercado, a school district supervisor suggests that recycling should
be part of the content and learning experience of students during a round
table discussion on revising the curriculum. In which source of goal explains
this idea?
a. society
b. learners
c. fund of knowledge
d. eternal and divine source

243. School G is shifting from expository instruction to exploratory

instruction as suggested during the year-end evaluation of stakeholders. What
type of curriculum improvement is this?
a. restructuring
b. substitution
c. variations
d. value orientation change

244. What is the role of teachers in curriculum development?

a. Teachers have a basis of curriculum content solution and whose
achievement level measures the effectiveness of the curriculum
b. Teachers attend to the pedagogical concerns such that they modify the
curriculum to suit the needs of the learners.
c. Teachers provide or develop instructional materials based on the
prescribed curriculum
d. Teachers recommends direction and changes in the curriculum.

245. Under the K to 12 curriculum, which grade levels are MTB-MLE

a. Kinder to Grade I
b. Kinder to Grade 3
c. Grade I to Grade 3
d. Grade I to Grade 6

246. Which of the following dimensions of curriculum design pertains to the
equitable distribution of content, time, experiences and other elements of
a. Basics/balance
b. sequence
c. continuity
d. articulation

247. Which source of data in curriculum design describes the analysis of the
social situation and cultural matters?
a. Data on Social and Culture matters
b. Data on Eternal and Divine Resources
c. Data on learners
d. Data on Learning

248. How can you improve the multiple test item below?

There is a theory that states people are either left-brained or right-brained

which means that one side of their brain is dominant. The two sides of the
brain may look similar, but there is a big difference in how they process
information. Despite their differences, the two halves of the brain don’t work
independently of each other. The right hemisphere of the brain is involved
with the following functions EXCEPT _____.
a. Non verbal functions
b. Intuitive functions
c. Detail-oriented functions
d. Visual functions

a. Shorten the stem of the question.

b. Remove the word “except”
c. Re-arrange the options
d. Revise options

249. Teacher Jonna taught her students on how to take notes effectively
during class discussions. Is this practice correct?
A. Yes, because almost all teachers require it from their student's skill
that will help students remember information
B. Yes, because it is a study easily.
C. No, because students can just take a photo of the lecture notes on
the board.
D. No, because it only adds burden to learners.

250. In unlocking difficult words, Teacher Maslow helps his students analyze
the words. Together with the class, they look for root words, affixes and study
their meaning. What strategy is he using?
A. Analogies

B. Categorization
C. Word lines
D. Structural Analysis

251. During their reading class, Teacher Irene implements the Language
Experience Approach in which she capitalizes in to develop and support her
learners' reading and writing ability.
A. different literature
B. different media available
C. firsthand or vicarious experiences
D. textbooks and basal anthologies

252. What is the correct sequence of the steps in using the analytic approach
in phonics?
I. Elicit the common letter- sound relation
II. Have learners phrase a generalization about the letter- sound relation
III. Observe a list of known words with a common letter- sound
IV. Begin questioning as to how the words look and sound the same and
how they are different

253. In assessing students' reading performance, teachers often use oral

questionnaires. This allows teachers to probe a reader's response, repeat and
rephrase questions, and motivate student to extend his/ her answer. This
method is called
A. Retelling
B. Interviews
C. Authentic assessment
D. Rubrics

254. Teacher Christina uses this assessment to determine the thought

processes students use as they attempt to construct meaning from a reading
material they read.
A. Anecdotal records
B. Informal Reading Inventory
c. Retelling
D. Standardized Test

255. Principal Santos encourages his teachers to utilize Reading Inventories,
Miscue Analysis, and Running Records. What type of assessment tools are
A.) Informal procedures
B. Portfolio assessment
C. Questionnaires
D. Standardized reading test

256. Teacher M teaches values education and handles 3 different classes a

day. She employs varied learning strategies per class since she believes that
learners differ from one another. What principle of learning is considered in this
A. Concepts should be presented in varied or different ways
B. Effort is put forth when tasks are challenging
C. Learning is aided by asking or formulating questions
D. The principle of readiness is related to the learners' stage of

257. Shine loves numbers, that is why she is confident in subjects that involve
computations. What concept and theory describe this situation?
A. Discrimination; Classical Conditioning
B. Discrimination; Operant Conditioning
C. Generalization; Classical Conditioning
D. Generalization; Operant Conditioning

258. Mara becomes anxious at the sight of the nurses, when in actuality, her
fear is getting the vaccine shot. The nurse serves as what concept in Pavlov's
classical conditioning?
A. Conditioned responses (CR)
B. Conditioned stimulus (CS)
C. Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
D. Unconditioned responses (UCR)

259. In the Philippines, writing in cursive form is not taught until the child
learned to write printed letters. Which among Thorndike's law states that
learners should be biologically prepared in order to learn?
A. Effect
B. Exercise
C. Practice
D. Readiness

260. Meaningful learning happens when new experiences relate to what the
learners already know. That is why math teachers review and assess students
prior learning before moving on to higher math operations. Whose theory
supports this claim?
A. David Ausubel
B. Jerome Bruner
C. Robert Gagne
D. Wolfgang Kohler

261. How should information processing theory be applied to diverse learners

in the classroom?
A. Hold learners' attention and employ interesting rehearsal strategies.
B. Make sure to know pre-requisite skills before proceeding to the next target
C. Use advance organizers in presenting lessons.
D. Try to suit the goals and activities of the lessons to the learners' needs.

262. Which among these cognitive learning theory applications is NOT a good
practice in handling learner diversity?
A. Do comprehension check in every step of learning
B. Encourage memorization of concepts and formula.
C. Suit the assessment tests to the learners' strengths
D. View the problem as the learner sees it

263. Which statement DOES NOT refer to the cognitive learning perspective?
A. Conclusions are based on non-observable behaviors
B. Generalizations are based on overt, observable, measurable behaviors
C. Learning is explained by analyzing mental processes first
D. Structures and components of the information processing is evaluated

264. Before proceeding to the lesson, teacher Mark asked the prerequisite
knowledge of his pupil with learning disability. Prior learning is essential in
comprehending new information according to what theory?
A. Connectionism
B. Insight Learning Theory
C. Social Learning Theory
D. Schema Theory

265. Which among the following statements DO NOT show correct
comparison between Piaget and Vygotsky's theories?
A. Both gave strong emphasis on stages of development.
B. Language has minimal emphasis in Piaget's while it has a major and
powerful role in shaping thoughts for Vygotsky's theory.
C. Piaget's concepts include equilibration, schema and assimilation while
Vygotsky has scaffolding and the ZPD.
D. Piaget focuses on cognitive constructivist while Vygotsky is on social

266. Constructivism says that learners construct knowledge rather than just
passively take in information. Which among the concepts below DOES NOT
support social constructivism?
A. Consequence
B. Scaffolding
C. Social Interaction
D. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

267. A Muslim pupil fall into a small clash of culture between his classmates
and his family because of Christmas party. What ecological system is involved
with this interaction between home and school?
A. Macrosystem
B. Mesosystem
C. Microsystem
D. Exosystem

268. Little Johnson learned to click the mute and raise hand buttons upon the
instruction of his teacher in share screen mode, during his online class. This is
learned through _____________.
A. Conditioning
B. Discovery
C. Modelling
D. Problem-solving

269. Conditioning and reinforcements are both used in some cultures, in the
process of educating and instructing male and female kids to behave based on
their gender norms. Below are the proponents of these behaviorist perspective
approach, except
A. B.F. Skinner
B. Edward Thorndike
C. Ivan Pavlov

D. Jean Piaget

270. All are David Ausubel's theory applications for teachers in developing
materials for blended mode of learning, except
A. Develop assessment activity that is based on the lesson
B. Ensure that materials reach the learners a week before the discussion
C. Prepare graphic organizers instead of long text
D. Skip reviews and focus on the topic of the week

271. Genetic studies have shown that family history of personality disorders
is a consistent factor in the development of human behavior. Genetics is based
on what concept below?
A. Development
B. Environment
C. Growth
D. Hereditary

272. Finding a man that has your father's traits is explained by Freud as
fixation in what psychosexual stage of development?
A. Anal Stage
B. Genital Stage
C. Oral Stage
D. Phallic Stage

273. Before preparing for instructional materials for the emergency remote
teaching, teacher Michelle sees to it that she checks those learners'
accessibility to gadgets and internet connectivity. This is an application of what
principle of development?
A. Chance
B. Reproduction
C. Sex-linked Characteristics
D. Variation

274. It is vital to prevent negative experiences that are associated with the
changes in the body, such as menarche, during puberty. Based on studies, all
except one is the least suggested way that can help children positively transition
to adolescents. Which one is the exemption?
A. Assign a female teacher to discuss changes in the male body
B. Discuss changes in the body during home room sessions
C. Present videos that explain reproductive systems of both sexes

D. Show ways on how to develop proper hygiene

275. Most adolescents try to learn trends that are seen on Tik Tok so they will
be kept in the loop with their peers. All except one justifies this kind of teen
behavior. Which is not?
A. Adolescents joins the bandwagon in order to get accepted by friends
B. Asking for too much attention from social media is a normal teen
C. Being a member of a group defines their belongingness and
D. Teens think that popularity in social media reflects strong identity

276. All except one are developed during the preoperational stage of
learners. Which one is not?
A. Animism
B. Centration
C. Egocentrism
D. Object Permanence

277. What should be the main focus of teachers in teaching elementary

school pupils?
A. To establish trust
B. To develop competence
C. To search for their identity
D. To be more intimate with others

278. When an individual failed to know oneself and develop identity, it results
to negative feelings of _________________.
A. Despair
B. Guilt
C. Isolation
D. Role Confusion

279. Jasmine sneaks with her boyfriend despite clear regulations at home.
Her behavior is mostly caused by an innate instinctive impulse Freud named
A. Ego
B. Ego Ideal
C. Id
D. Superego

280. Sigmund Freud: Fixation;
Jean Piaget: _____________
A. Developmental Crisis
B. Moral Dilemma
C. Schema Formation
D. Social Convention

281. Teacher Shawn uses differentiated instruction to his learners with

disabilities who are placed among their same-aged peers in the regular
classroom. Which concept below represents this kind of setup?
A. Inclusion Classroom
B. Mainstreaming Classroom
C. Residential School
D. Special Education Classroom

282. Lee received an award for Good Conduct and Behavior in their class that
he even shared his accomplishment on his Facebook account. Being proud of
something that you did well is a component of the superego called
A. Conscience
B. Ego Ideal
C. Ego
D. Id

283. How can we break gender stereotypes in the classroom?

A. Alternately call a boy and a girl volunteer for classroom chores and activities
B. Create a room decoration to females students only
C. Ask for a male student when you need to carry something
D. Encourage boys to believe that success in science and math should come
easily for them

284. Which among the following terminologies refer to the innermost concept
of self as male or female, or both, or neither?
A. Gender
B. Gender Identity
C. Gender Role
D. Sex

285. What theory is illustrated in the following situation? Maria learned to

assimilate the functions of an iPad upon using a cellphone during online

A. Erikson's Psychosocial Theory
B. Piaget's Cognitive Theory
C. Skinner's Conditioning Theory
D. Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory

286. Teacher Marvin handles Grade 5 students. During his class, he always
assigns his students responsibilities based on their abilities. He believes doing
this will develop their competence and perseverance to do their tasks. Based
on Erikson's theory, what psychosocial crisis and basic virtue does this
A. Initiative vs. Guilt - Purpose
B. Industry vs. Inferiority - Competency
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion - Fidelity
D. Intimacy vs. Isolation – Love

287. In teaching her class, Teacher Teresa sparks the interest and natural
curiosity of her students. She also allows them to pursue learning their interests
and give them autonomy and independence in learning topics of their choice
related to their subject as a form of lesson extension. What principle does
Teacher Teresa follow?
A. Law of Freedom
B. Law of Intensity
C. Law of Primacy
D. Law of Recency

288. Priscila, a 10-month-old baby cries when an unfamiliar person carries

her. Which of the following concepts explains this situation?
A. Proximity
B. Maturity
C. Learning
D. Attachment

289. Kendrick wrote a number on a paper. He multiplied this number by 4,

then subtracted 15 to the product, and finally divided the resulting number by
3. If the final answer to his computations was 75, what number did he write on
the paper?
A. 24
B. 40
C. 60
D. 95

290. The first jar has 2 1/5 L of juice. While the second one has 1 1/2 L of
juice. If the juices from both jars were poured into single container, how many
liters of juice are there in that container?
A. 3 1/7 liters
B. 3 7/10 liters
C. 1 3/10 liters
D. 3/10 liters

291. In the Grade Six class of section Magenta, there are 48 pupils and 5/8
of them are boys. How many in the class are girls?
A. 30
B. 28
C. 24
D. 18

292. Which of the following numbers when added to prime number 89 will
result to another prime number?
A. 30
B. 26
C. 20
D. 17

293. Which of the following is the prime factorization of 72?

A. 2^2×3^2
B. 2^3×3
C. 2^3×9
D. 2^3×3^2

294. Luigi is packing 72 polvorons and 120 tarts in plastic bags. If each plastic
bag has to contain an equal number of the two pastries, what is the least
number of plastic bags that he can use?
A. 12
B. 18
C. 24
D. 30

295. Nikki has a collection of 801 marbles. She wanted to put them in plastic
containers so that each has the same number of marbles with nothing left. How
many plastic containers will she use for the marbles?
A. 10
B. 9
C. 6
D. 2

296. Which of the following is always TRUE?

A. If a number is divisible by 3, then it is also divisible by 9
B. If a number is divisible by 10. then it is also divisible by 5
C. If a number is divisible by 3. then it is also divisible by 6
D. If a number is divisible by 2, then it is also divisible by 4

297. Grade 6-Matulungin class has 49 students and 21 of them are boys. Determine
the ratio of girls to boys in the class
A. 2:3
B. 3:4
C. 7:4
D. 4:3

299. A stick 180 cm long was divided into smaller parts in the ratio 3:4:5. How many
centimeters is the longest part?
A. 45 cm
B. 60 cm
C. 75 cm
D. 90 cm

300. If 15 men can build a house in 8 days, how many more men should help in
order to build a house in just 6 days?
A. 5
B. 12
C. 20
D. 24

301. If 30% of a number is 24, what is that number?

A. 80
B. 70
C. 60
D. 50

302. The original price of the towel was 120 pesos. Due to its limited supply, it is
sold with 10% markup. What will be the selling price of the towel?
A. 108 pesos
B. 112 pesos
C. 122 pesos
D. 132 pesos

303. A vendor sold 90% of the eggs. If there were only 6 eggs left, how many eggs
had he at the start?
A. 66
B. 64
C. 62
D. 60

304. A 9 meter by 12 meters rectangular lot was divided along its diagonal. Mrs.
Bartolome wants half of the lot to be fenced. Determine the length of the fencing
material she needs.
A. 42 meters
B. 36 meters

C. 30 meters
D. 21 meters

305. If the interior angles of a triangle are 42°, 73°, and 85°, which of the following
would be an exterior angle of the triangle?
A. 115°
B. 65°
C. 86°
D. 117°

306. For which polygon does the sum of the measures of the interior angles equal
the sum of the measures of the exterior angles?
A. Triangle
B. Quadrilateral
C. Pentagon
D. Hexagon

307. In the diagram below, m<BCE is 144°. What is the measure of m<ECD?

A. 72°
B. 20°
C. 42°
D. 144°

308. In two similar right triangles, the lengths of the corresponding sides are in the
ratio 5:3. If the larger triangle has hypothenuse of length 17 units and the length of the
shortest side is 8 units, what is the area of the smaller triangle?
A. 72 square units
B. 40.8 square units
C. 21.6 square units
D. 24 square units

309. Expand the algebraic expression:

2𝑑(4𝑑 ! − 𝑑 " )
A. 8𝑑 " − 2𝑑 #
B. 6𝑑 " − 2𝑑 #
C. 8𝑑 ! − 2𝑑 "
D. 4𝑑 − 2𝑑 !

310. Add and simplify the given polynomials:

(7𝑥 $ + 5𝑥 " − 3)
$ ")
+ (−3 + 3𝑥 + 6𝑥

A. 4𝑥 $ + 8𝑥 " + 3
B. 10𝑥 $ + 11𝑥 " − 6
C. −6𝑥 " + 11𝑥 $ + 10
D. 15𝑥 %

311. Which of the following is the factored form of the algebraic expression 𝑥 ! −
13𝑥 − 16 ?

A. (x+3)(×+2)
B. (x-3)(x+2)
C. (5x+2)(x+3)
D. (5x+2)(x-3)

312. Which of the following is the factored form of 𝑥 " + 27?

A. (x + 3) (𝑥 ! - 3x + 9)
B. (x - 3)( 𝑥 ! + 3x + 9)
C. (x + 3) (𝑥 ! + 3x + 9)
D. (x-3)( 𝑥 ! - 3x - 9)

313. Which ordered pair are solutions to the linear inequality y ≤ 5x - 4?

A. (6,0)
B. (0.4)
C. (-1,1)
D. (3.12)

314. How many ways can a committee select a representative for three different
competitions if the committee has 10 members?
A. 120
B. 720
C. 30
D. 1.000

315. Student C chooses a card at random from this set:


What is probability that the student chooses as vowel?

A. 3/10
B. 7/0
C. 377
D. 1/5

316. A die is thrown and number that appears on top are recorded. The results are
shown in the table below. What is the mean die value?

1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 12 16 13 8 14 13

A. 3
B. 3.5
C. 4
D. 5

317. If the variance of a data set is 144. what is the standard deviation?
A. 4
B. 12
C. 44
D. 72

318. The mean of 7, 9, 10, 18, x, and 17 is 13. What is the value of x?
A. 10.17
B. 17
C. 61
D. 78

319. A small school has 7 veteran and 3 new teachers. The mean weekly wage of
the 10 employees is Php7,050. The mean weekly wage of the 3 new is Php6,000.
What is the mean wage of the 7 veteran-?
A. Php 7,500
B. Php 8,200
C. Php 8,00
D. Php 9,500

320. The diagram of the carbon-oxygen cycle is shown below. All the following
interpretations about the diagram are true EXCEPT:

A. The carbon compounds are passed on through the food chain.

B. Plants only release oxygen to the atmosphere for other organisms.
C. Incineration raises the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.
D. Oxygen is generated both in terrestrial aquatic ecosystems.

321. Three groups of students presented the results of their experiment on the
determination of the percentage of acetic acid in vinegar. Their results are as

Which of the groups of students obtained the most precise findings?

A. Group A has the most precise data because they attained the highest
mean value of 5.64%.
B. Group B has obtained the most precise data as they obtained an
average acetic acid concentration of 5.6%
C. Group C has reported the most precise data due to the highest standard
deviation value that is 0.255.
D. Group B has obtained the most precise measurements because they got
the lowest standard deviation of 0.005.

322. The reaction of Calcium chloride and Sodium sulfate in a closed container is
described by the balanced equation below:

Considering that 25 grams of Sodium sulfate was allowed to react with

10 grams of Calcium nitrate, which of the following statements is correct?
A. The mass of each product will be 35 grams.
B. The total mass of the products will be 35 grams.
C. The mass of the products must be less than 35 grams.
D. The mass of the products will be greater than 35 grams.

323. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different atomic mass. Which of
the following figures exemplifies isotopes?





324. Which of the following statements best differentiates compounds from
A. The components of compounds and mixtures physically and
chemically combined, respectively.
B. The components of compounds and mixtures can be separated
through chemical and physical means, respectively.
C. Both compounds and mixtures can be represented by a chemical
D. There is a specific ratio of components among mixtures which is not
observed among compounds.

325. A halophilic organism requires a high concentration of salt to live. As this

organism is being cultured in the lab, four students were requested to prepare a
salt solution.

Who among them will produce the solution with the highest concentration of
A. Xian dissolved 10 grams of table salt in 50 ml of water.
B. Henry dissolved 10 grams of table salt in 30 ml of water.
C. Liza dissolved 5 grams of table salt in 20 grams of water and further
added 30 ml of water.
D. Lulu dissolved 5 grams of table salt in 50 ml of water and heated the
solution to 25 ml.

326. Which of the following statements about clouds, smoke and fog as examples
of matter is INCORRECT?
A. These three exhibit Tyndall effects.
B. The particles that compose these three do not settle.
C. These three are examples of gases in our environment.
D. These three are colloidal mixtures of either solid or liquid in gas.

327. Which of the following observations Is NOT an example of a chemical change?

A. The mothballs in a cabinet gets smaller through time while releasing a
characteristic odor.
B. The extract of camote tops turn from green to pink when mixed with
calamansi juice.
C. Crushed eggshells are mixed with soil in potted plants to increase the
pH of the soil.
D. Muriatic acid forms bubbles when poured into cement and other

328. Strontium-90 has a half-life of 28 years. When the concentration of strontium

90 was measured in a sample, it was found it to be 1/8 the amount that was first
measured many years ago, how many years have passed since the first
A. 12
B. 28
C. 56
D. 84

329. Why is it necessary to paint metal posts, roofs and gates?
A. The paint prevents the metal from reacting with oxygen.
B. The paint coats the metal and prevents interaction with water.
C. The paint will make the metal thicker and allow it to last longer.
D. The paint will react with the surface of the metal to make it stronger.

330. Why do farmers cast ashes of rice hulls in farmlands?

A. The ash of rice hulls has antibacterial and antifungal properties that
could prevent plant diseases.
B. The ash of rice hulls is rich in basic compounds that could neutralize an
acidic soil.
C. The ash of rice hulls is rich with organic compounds that could serve as
D. The ash of rice hulls contributes to the darker color of the soil that is
necessary for plant growth.

331. Three liquids namely X, Y and Z were carefully poured in a cylindrical container
and formed three layers as shown in the figure below. Given that liquid X is polar,
which pair of statements best describes the liquids in the container?

I. Liquid Y is polar and it is denser than liquid Z.

II. Liquid Y is non-polar and it is denser than liquid Z.
III. Liquid Z is polar and is the least dense among the three liquids.
IV. Liquid Z is non-polar and is the least dense among the three liquids.

A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV

332. How much work was done by a 50-kilogram nurse who ran up a flight of stairs
that is 10 meters high from the ground?
A. 500 J
B. 500 kJ
C. 4900 J
D. 4900 kJ

333. Which of the following statements about a bus and a car that has undergone a
head-on collision is true?
A. The force that the truck and the car experienced is equal, yet the truck
had greater acceleration.
B. The force that the truck and the car experienced is equal, yet the car had
greater acceleration.
C. The acceleration of both truck and car are equal but the truck has
experienced a greater amount of force.
D. The acceleration of both truck and car are equal but the truck has
experienced a greater amount of force.

334. You need to loosen a bolt and nut using a wrench. Which of the following
wrenches must you use to easily accomplish this task?
A. a short wrench
B. a long wrench
C. a light yet thick wrench
D. a heavy and thick wrench

335. Why are blocks of concrete left with narrow slits in between?
A. To serve as passage of water trapped in between.
B. To hold extra dust and other road materials.
C. To give allowance for expansion during-hot days.
D. To make blocks of uniform size.

336. You are in the department store and you texted by your mother to buy a plane
mirror. What must be the minimum length of a plane mirror that you must buy in
order for you to see a full view of yourself?
A. Same as your height
B. One-half of your height
C. One-fourth of your height
D. Three-fourths of your height

337. You clap your hands and heard an echo after from a distant wall after 0.20
seconds. Given that the speed of sound is 344 m/s, how far are you from the wall?
A. 32 meters
B. 34 meters
C. 68 meters
D. 70 meters

338. What is the voltage across an electric bulb if the current passing through it Is 4
A and resistance is 50 ohms?
A. 0.08 V
B. 0.8 V
C. 20 V
D. 200 V

339. Which of the following explains the lift of the airplane's wings?
A. Bernoulli's Principle
B. Archimedes' Principle
C. Newton's Law of Acceleration
D. Newtons* Law of Universal Gravitation

340. Ida wants to find out if different types of wood soak up the same amount of
water when soaked. She plans to do the following:
I. Weigh a dry block of each type of wood
II. Put each block into container with 1 liter of water.
III. Leave the wood to soak for 24 hours.
IV. Take the wood out, air dry for 1 hour, then weigh again.
V. Calculate the amount of water soaked up.

In this experiment, which step is crucial in determining the amount of water
absorbed by the wood?
B. I and IV
C. I and V
D. I and V

341. How can eutrophication of lakes lead to fish kill?

A. Algal bloom…nutrients eventually dies and get decomposed by bacteria
that consume, thereby decrease, dissolved oxygen in water.
B. Algal bloom depletes the nutrients in water, depriving other animals as
a result.
C. Photosynthesis of benthic aquatic plants is hampered by algal bloom
decreasing food supply in the lake.
D. The abundant nutrients in the lakes are harmful to fish.

342. You like to know how many of your students have access to the interest and
can participate in your school's blended learning program.

What is/are the most reliable way to gather data?

I. Interview the students
II. Give online questionnaires to selected students
III. Check students' participation and performance in online class
A. I, II, and III
B. I and Il
C. II and III
D. I and III

343. Hydroelectric energy, an energy resource in the country, is based on which

A. Earth's internal energy heats its water that turns to steam to produce
B. The power of moving water drives the production of electricity.
C. Energy from the sun
D. There are concentrations of heat in some places beneath the earth's

344. Which part of the ear could be damaged through exposure to extremely loud
A. Auricle
B. Tympanic membrane
C. Eustachian tube
D. Semicircular canals

345. Which of the following is true about genetically modified organisms (GMO)?
A. Improved resistance of plants to diseases, pests, and herbicide
B. Enhanced taste and quality
C. Increased maturation time of fruits
D. Change in the species characteristic

346. Which of the following is the most effective way of birth control?
A. Use of condom
B. Abstinence
C. Calendar method
D. Withdrawal method

347. The manager of textile factory considers it too expensive to treat liquid waste
so he suggested digging a hole in the ground near a factory where the wastes can be
disposed. What could be a bad effect of this practice?
A. Contamination of groundwater
B. Contamination of nearby body of water
C. Waste reduction
D. Lost opportunity for recycling

348. The use of pesticides may increase crop yield but may contribute to pollution
and harm consumers' health. What could be a solution to this without sacrificing crop
A. Avoid use of pesticides
B. Use biological agents of pest control
C. Use pesticide in small amounts
D. Use pesticides sparingly

349. Large amounts of energy are produced by stars by joining together lightweight
atoms to produce heavier nucleus. The energy that is released during the conversion
is called nuclear energy.

What do you call this process that happens naturally in stars?

A. Nuclear fission
B. Nuclear fusion
C. Nuclear radiation
D. Nuclear division

350. All of the following will ensure student engagement EXCEPT

A. Plan lessons that require students to become creative thinkers.
B. Design tasks that allow learners to become effective communicators.
C. Ensure that lesson contents are valuable and interesting to students.
D. Provide a lot of activities to ensure that students are busy working during
the time allotted for the subject.

351. Teacher Isaac makes an effort to know more about his students like their family,
home, and community situation. Does Teacher Isaac need to understand the
ecological system where his students belong?
A. No, to avoid conflict with parents
B. No, to prevent judgement of teachers.
C. Yes, to understand the background of the students.
D. Yes, to determine the socio-economic status of the students.

352. Curriculum should be organized so that students can experience success in
mastering the subject matter. Which psychological foundation of curriculum adheres
to this idea?
A. Constructivism
B. Cognition
C. Behaviorism
D. Phenomenology

353. Which among the following schools employs a non-technical approach in their
A. School A emphasizes the importance of traditional methods of
B. School B emphasizes the importance of theories and principles in
curriculum planning.
C. School C emphasizes the importance of learning experiences that
develop self-expression.
D. School D emphasizes the importance of leadership in the
implementation of the curriculum

354. Which has corrected pairing of stakeholders and their roles in curriculum
I. Teachers - Establish direction and implementation of a particular
II. Parents - Help evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum.
III. School Administrators - Take charge in the procurement of school
equipment and instructional materials needed for the effective delivery
of instruction.
IV. Government Officials - Issue guidelines in designing and implementing
V. Learners - Support and participate in parent-school.
B. I. II. V
C. I, III, V
D. I, II, V

355. Mrs. Bartolome considers child's ability, importance of the content, maturation,
mental age, experiential background of the students in designing the curriculum. What
curriculum component does Mrs. Bartolome consider?
A. Grade Placement
B. Time Allotment
C. Integration
D. Sequence

356. Curriculum must adjust its educational activities to meet the needs of the
community. Which characteristic of a good curriculum is being described?
A. The curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.
B. The curriculum is continuously evolving.
C. The curriculum has educational quality.
D. The curriculum consists of complex details.

357. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) defines teacher
quality in the Philippines. It comprises 7 domains of teacher practices. Which of the
following is NOT a domain of PPST?
A. Assessment and Reporting
B. Curriculum and Planning
C. Leaming Environment
D. Management and Leadership

358. Teacher professional development happens in a continuum from beginning to

exemplary practice. Which is a correct pairing of career stages and its description?
A. Beginning Teachers - have gained the qualifications recognized for entry
into the teaching profession.
B. Proficient Teachers - seek to develop their professional knowledge and
practice by reflecting on their own needs, and those of their colleagues and
C. Highly Proficient Teachers - display a high level of performance in their
teaching practice.
D. Distinguished Teachers - embody the highest standard for teaching
grounded in global best practices.

359. School Cee eliminates isolation and compartmentalization of subjects without

radically overhauling the subject design curriculum. However, most of their class
schedules do not allow sufficient block of time for students to meaningfully study
correlated subjects. Which approach in curriculum design does School Cee
A. Core Design
B. Correlated Design
C. Learner-centered Design
D. Life Situation Design

360. Which curriculum approach claims that curriculum development is something

similar to engineering or architecture because of the use of blueprint?
A. Behavioral-Rational approach
B. Humanistic-Aesthetic approach
C. Reconceptualist approach

D. Reconstructionism approach

361. School Day defines the components of their curriculum at community/local and
school level. normally with the involvement of local staff, stakeholders, and
institutions, so as to address issues that are locally relevant and allow for more
meaningful learning experiences. What process in curriculum development is this?
A. Localization
B. Indigenization
C. Contextualization
D. Compartmentalization

362. What is the correct process of developing a curriculum?

I. Designing
II. Implementation
III. Change
IV. Evaluation
V. Planning
VI. Improvement
A. V, II, III, IV, I. VI
B. V, I, II, IV, VI. III
C. V, VI, I, II, IV, III
D. V, I, II, IV, III, VI

363. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and other professional

organization suggest contents which will be included in the courses offered by
Teacher Education Institutions (TEls). Which type of curriculum is being
described in the condition?
A. Written curriculum.
B. Learned curriculum.
C. Assessed curriculum.
D. Recommended curriculum.

364. Ms. Janelle implemented different activities in the classroom to teach a lesson
in Science. She discussed concepts, provided collaborative activities, and assisted
her students in doing independent activities. Which type of curriculum is operating on
the said premise?
A. Tested Curriculum
B. Taught Curriculum
C. Written Curriculum
D. Learned curriculum

365. Which of the following is NOT an element in designing a curriculum?
A. Objectives
B. Management
C. Method and Organization
D. Subject Matter

366. What is the basic political division for government policies and programs in the
A. Barangay
B. Provinces
C. Purok or Area
D. Cities and municipalities

367. What is the constitutional protection against being charged twice for the
A. Right against doubt
B. Right to appeal in criminal cases
C. Right to reduce death penalty to 'reclusion Perpetua*
D. Right against cruel, degrading. or inhuman punishments

368. What is the known period that contributed to easier and faster transportation
between Asia and Europe through the opening of the Suez Canal?
A. Dark Age
B. Age of Exploration
C. Hundred Years War
D. Age of Enlightenment

369. What is the title of Graciano Lopez-Jana's intelligent writing about an abusive,
immoral and big-bellied Spanish friar during his time?
A. Fray Botod
B. Caligat Cayo
C. A La Juventud Filipina
D. Sobre la Indolencia de los Filipinos

370. Where is the strategic place that served as the last heroic stand of USAFFE
troops against the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II?
A. Tarlac
B. Cavite
C. Manila
D. Bataan

371. What is the earliest known written document found in the Philippines?
A. Manunggul Jar
B. Calatagan Pot Inscription
C. Skull and jawline of Tabon Man
D. Laguna Copperplate Inscription

372. What is the organization created based on the common economic. social and
cultural aspirations and jointly owned by the members following the principle of
voluntarism and democracy?
A. Company
B. Shareholder
C. Cooperative
D. Multinational Corporation

373. What do you call the amount of work a person accomplishes in a given period
of time?
A. Productivity
B. Distribution
C. Management
D. Standard of Living

374. What do you call a group of people who share the dominant culture of society
but also maintain a distinct set of values, norms. and lifestyles?
A. Society
B. National
C. Subculture
D. Counterculture

375. What is the meaning of "andante" in music?

A. Lively and fast
B. At a walking pace
C. Extremely fast
D. Slow and solemn

376. Which of the following is the known form of government during the Japanese
A. Civil government
B. Military Government
C. Second Philippine Republic
D. Commonwealth Government

377. Which of the following sentences refers to the Filipino citizen?

A. Doing business in the Philippines.
B. The Father and mother are both Filipinos.
C. Speaking and values Filipino traits and heritage.
D. With the same physical and psychological features of a Filipino.

378. Which of the following forms of government was created outside the leadership
of Emilio Aguinaldo?
A. Katipunan
B. Biak-na-Bato Republic
C. First Philippine Republic
D. Revolutionary Government

379. As a Filipino, what is the most important recognition given to Ninoy Aquino in
our history?

A. The return of democracy and freedom of our country.
B. The 500-peso bill and a special holiday every 21st century
C. Installation of her widow, Corazon C. Aquino to the presidency.
D. Renaming of Manila Intonational Airport to Ninoy Aquino International

380. What is the government program related to the "RORO" vessels and ports that
have shown remarkable success in stimulating trade and tourism activities in coastal
communities by significantly reducing the costs of transport and cargo handling?
A. Nautical Highway
B. Reclamation Projects
C. Development of the Clark-Subic Corridor
D. Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME)

381. Which of the following abilities of humans that animals CANNOT do?
A. Can keep tools for various activities
B. Protect territories and family members
C. Creating meaningful sounds and gestures
D. Capacity for language and abstract reasoning

382. Which of the following sentences can popularize the contributions of our heroes
and heroines?
A. Attend seminars and educational forums.
B. Watch historical films about our heroes and heroines.
C. Produce or buy products like shirts that would symbolize our patriotism.
D. Live by example according to their teachings and works that would help

383. What is the process of training the physical, mental, and moral faculties of an
individual to gain knowledge, skills, competence and desirable qualities to make a
person fit for the duties of life?
A. Economic empowerment
B. Political integration and maturity
C. Socialization for better communication skills
D. Providing quality and accessible education

384. According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, in which of the following

situations that the privilege of the writ of "habeas corpus' shall be suspended?
A. During the martial law proclamation.
B. During the imprisonment of the person or group of people.
C. In cases of invasion or rebellion, when public safety requires it.
D. In a state of national disaster for immediate government interventions.

385. Which of the following is NOT a factor in the failure of the Reform Movement?
A. The intensive campaign of La Solidaridad for reforms.
B. Reformists were divided against themselves by petty jealousies.
C. Societies established in the Philippines do not have sufficient funds.
D. Secularization of the parishes ended when the GomBurZa was executed.

386. Based on social structure, what is the expected behavior that cultures assign a
A. Sex
B. Gender stereotypes
C. Gender roles
D. Gender equality

387. In 1892, Rizal founded La Liga Filipina as a civic organization to help Filipinos
but it did not last long because of various concerns among members like paying
monthly dues. What is the primary problem of La Liga as an organization?
A. Existence of anti-Filipino campaign of Spanish friars to discredit the
credibility of the reformists.
B. Foreign intervention against Spanish policies for reform and education
programs in the Philippines.
C. Conflict among the middle class and the poor members who thought that
there was no hope for reform.
D. The immediate formation of Katipunan founded by Andres Bonifacio and
eventually the outbreak of the revolution.

388. What specific foundation for Individual rights was emphasized in the Age of
A. Socialism
B. Existence of the soul
C. Ownership of private property
D. Monarchical concept of natural rights

389. Which of the following sentences describe the secondary sex characteristics?
A. Sex-linked changes in early childhood
B. Identification through color of hair, eyes, and skin
C. Preference for rough and tumble play in childhood
D. Adam's apple on men and breast development of women

390. If we are to compare prejudice and discrimination, what is the best way to
describe it?
A. Both are attitudes
B. Both are behaviors
C. Discrimination is behavior, prejudice is attitude
D. Prejudice is behavior, discrimination is attitude

391. What is the common trait of a Filipino in the low-class society?

A. Unemployed and unemployable
B. Cannot adopt the culture of poverty
C. Those who are below the upper class
D. People with lack of ambition and opportunity

392. In a global context, we need to eliminate absolute poverty in our society. What
is the best way to achieve it following the idea of "sustainable development"?
A. Implement militarism among developing nations.
B. Decreased world's population including hunger.
C. Change some traditions and superstitious beliefs.

D. Solve problems compromising without future generations.

393. Which of the following is the most important and immediate result of Rizal's
execution in Bagumbayan?
A. Declaration of Philippine Independence against Spanish authority.
B. Formation of the first Philippine Republic recognized by Spain.
C. The awakening of Filipino nationalism and the demand for independence
D. Filipinos asked for foreign intervention to resolve the Filipino-Spanish War.

394. Which of the following is the best achievement of the Reformists under the
leadership of Rizal, Del Pilar and Lopez-Jaena?
A. Rise of the Filipino middle class and its exposure in European culture.
B. Founding of a Revolutionary Movement that led or ignited the Philippine
C. Assimilation of the Philippine- the transformation of the Philippines into a
province of Spain.
D. Awakening and growth of political and social consciousness that found in
the works of the Reformists.

395. What is the best aim of moral activity according to Stoics?

A. Found in earlier Greek traditions.
B. To live in agreement with nature.
C. Best left to philosophers to define morality.
D. Combining religion, philosophy, and civic virtues.

396. What does this distribution mean?

a. Mean is less than the Mode

b. Median is greater than the Mode
c. Mean is greater than the Median
d. Mean, Median and Mode are equal.

397. Which is the appropriate way of developing pen and paper test?
I. Write each test item at an appropriate reading level and
II. Build a table of Specifications
III. Select the type of test items to use.
IV. Recheck and revise items
V. Decide on the length of the test.

a. II, V, III, IV
b. II, III, V, I, IV

c. II, V, I, III, IV
d. II, III, I, V, IV

398. Study the set of scores below.

SET A 79 79 79 80 81 81 81
SET B 50 60 70 80 90 100 100
SET C 64 75 75 85 85 87 89

Which is more heterogenous?

a. Set A
b. Set B
c. Set C
d. Set A and C

399. Ms. Mariano provides her learners with effective feedback mechanism to
improve their learning. Which principle of high-quality assessment does Ms. Mariano
a. Principle of Ethics
b. Principle of Fairness
c. Principle of Positive Consequences
d. Principle of Clarity and Learning Targets

400. Which of the following describes a diagnostic evaluation?

a. It reinforces successful learning
b. It determines recurring difficulties
c. It determines mastery of prerequisite skills
d. It certifies mastery of the intended learning.

401. Mr. Tiglao gives a performance-based activity to his TLE class to

assess their skill and behavior in industrial arts. He also gives quizzes to test
their knowledge on the concepts taught. Which principle of high quality
assessment explains Mr. Tiglao practice?
a. Principle of Valid Assessment
b. Principle of Balanced Assessment
c. Principle of Clear and Appropriate Assessment
d. Principle of Continuous and Developmental Assessment

402. Teacher April conducted a reading comprehensive test to her Grade 3

pupils. Afterwards, she conducted a critical thinking test to know if it affects
the reading comprehension of her pupils. What type of validity does Teacher
April want to establish?
a. face validity
b. content validity
c. construct validity
d. criterion-related validity

403. Grade 6 students took a 50-item in Araling Panlipunan. After two

weeks, they took the same test again. What method of establishing reliability
is done by their teacher?

a. Split-Half
b. Test- Retest
c. Equivalent Forms
d. Kuder- Richardson

404. Read and analyze the test given below.

Write TRUE if the sentence is correct and FALSE it is is incorrect.
___1. Mul=plica=on is the shorter way of adding the same
___2. Iden=ty Property can be used in mul=plying numbers by a 2-
digit mul=plier.
___3. In the number sentence 50x4=200, the mul=plier is 4.
___4. The es=mated product of 207 and 16 is 4000.
___5. Division is the shorter way of subtrac=ng the same numbers.

What type of test is this?

a. Multiple Choice test
b. Supply Test
c. Alternative Response
d. Matching Type

405. What assessment procedure can Teacher Violie use to grade the
dramatic performance of students in play?
a. Attitudinal test
b. Oral questioning
c. Pen and paper test
d. Performance test

406. What assessment instrument did pre-school teacher Grace use when
she rated the handwriting of her student using a prototype handwriting
a. Attitudinal test
b. Pen and paper test
c. Product rating scale
d. Self-reports

407. Which research method or technique is best suited for the study of
incidences of early marriage in Barangay San Francisco?
a. Anecdotal records
b. Case study
c. Historical method
d. Observational technique

408. Teacher Q gave this test item in Social Science class:

Pres. Noynoy Aquino ___.
What is wrong with this test item?

a. It has a wrong grammar.
b. It has many possible correct answers.
c. It needs a longer space for the blank.
d. There is nothing wrong with this item.

409. Teacher Angie wants to use an alternative assessment tool that

consists of a collection of work artifacts or in progress accomplishment by a
targeted clientele. What should she require her students to do or accomplish?
a. checklist
b. creativity tests
c. portfolio
d. rubric

410. After discussing a topic on atoms, a teacher wants to apply the multiple
intelligence approach. He would like to assess the students’ skill using
kinesthetic activities. Which of the following should he required his students
to do?
a. Create a physical model of the atom after a teacher’s discussion about
that topic.
b. Enumerate the models of the atom presented by different scientist.
c. Explain orally to the class the different models of the atom
d. Write a critique on class the different models of the atom

411. Teacher Mel gave a test and found out that the students’ performance
is a positively skewed distribution. What does this mean?
a. All students had average performance.
b. Few students have low performance.
c. Most students have high performance.
d. Most students have low performance.

412. Which type of test can Teacher Mark use to measure the capacity to
make abstractions, to learn, and to deal with novel situations?
a. Attitudinal test
b. Intelligence test
c. Interest test
d. Personality test

413. What kind of assessment helps Teacher Myra determine her students’
level of attainment of competencies in learning a subject matter?
a. Diagnostic
b. Formative
c. Placement
d. Summative

414. An admission test is given to incoming college students to determine

their readiness for specific specializations. Which test is appropriate for this
a. diagnostic assessment
b. formative assessment
c. placement assessment

d. summative assessment

415. Teacher Siena found out that there is a positive correlation between
the students’ amount of time spent studying and their performance in the test.
What does this mean?
a. The decrease in the amount of time spent in studying results to the
decrease in the performance in the test
b. The decrease in the amount of time spent in studying sometimes
affects the performance in the test.
c. The increase in the amount of time spent in studying does not at all
affect the performance in the test.
d. The increase in the amount of time spent in studying results to the
decrease in the performance in the test.

416. Teacher Gilbert gave his student a test in Math. The result shows that
the standard deviation is high. What does this mean?
a. Scores are concentrated at the center
b. Scores are not extremes
c. Scores are spread out
d. Scores are the same.

417. Teacher Teresa analyzed the result of her test in English. A test item
has a difficulty index is 0.1. What does this mean about the test item?
a. Answered by everyone
b. A quality item
c. Very difficult
d. Very easy

418. Teacher Marvin computed that the proportion passing for the upper
and lower group os 0.56 and 0.24 respectively in his test item in Science.
What is the discrimination index of the test item?
a. 0.16
b. 0.32
c. 0.40
d. 0.80

419. Teacher Gigi developed an Achievement test in Math for her grade
three pupils. Before she finalized the test, she examined carefully if the test
items were constructed based on the competencies that have to be tested.
What test of validity was she trying to establish?
a. Concurrent validity
b. Construct validity
c. Content validity
d. Predictive validity

420. In selecting and implementing the learning experiences to be included in the

curriculum, resources should consider human, physical and financial aspect. Which
criteria points to this?
A. Variety
B. Feasibility

C. Optimal Value
D. Appropriateness

421. Mrs. Briones enrolled her son in homeschooling. She noticed that the contents
of the modules begin with general concepts then the instruction will focus on specific
details. What does the homeschooling modules adhere?
A. Principle of prerequisite learning.
B. Principle of simple to complex.
C. Principle of whole to part.
D. Principle of chronology.

422. All are components of Tyler's Ends-Means model of curriculum EXCEPT:

A. Society
B. Teacher
C. Philosophy
D. Subject Matter

423. Indigenization includes indigenous ideas, concepts, and practices into

curricula, when and where it is appropriate. It is a multi-staged institutional initiative
that supports societal reconciliation. Which is NOT a way to indigenized teaching
A. Deconstruct the false representations about First Peoples.
B. Adapt initial teacher training to the pedagogical needs of Indigenous
C. Create a stronger Indigenous presence in schools by implementing holistic,
community-based teaching practices.
D. Incorporate compartmentalized practices about oneself and maintaining ties
with elders, traditions, traditional ceremonies and the community.

424. Which is NOT a benefit of curriculum alignment?

A. It ensures an increased in the students' academic performance.
B. It prevents students from transferring from one school to another.
C. It helps a school or individual teacher prove the students are learning the
material that lines up with national standards.
D. It improves students test scores by making sure the information a teacher
teaches in her classroom lines up with the information covered on standardized

425. What phase in curriculum development process involves the formulation of

goals and needs assessment?
A. Planning
B. Designing

C. Evaluation
D. Implementation

Read and analyze the supply test given below.

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

The epidermis serves as the
The dermis work as __________________.
The hair follicle functions as _______.

426. What criterion of a supply test is not observed?

A. If opinion is used, attribute it to some source unless the ability to identify
opinion is being specifically measured.
B. Blanks for answers should be equal in length and as much as possible in
column to the right of the question.
C. The stem of the item should be meaningful by itself and should present a
definite problem.
D. Phrase each statement/question so that the student's task is clearly defined
or indicated.

427. Read and analyze the matching type of test given below.

Pagtambalin ang mga Magagandang Tanawin

sa Hanay A sa mga lugar kung saan Ito
matatagpuan sa Hanay B. Isulat ang titik og
tamang sagot.
____________1. Fort Santiago A. Aklan
____________2. Bulkang Mayon B. Bicol
____________3. Boracay C. Cavite
____________4. Bahay ni Aguinaldo D. Pangasinan
____________5. Hundred Islands E. Mavnila

What criteria of a matching type of test is NOT observed?

A. The alternatives should be arranged logically.
B. All distracters should be plausible/attractive.
C. Construct questions that will call forth the skills specified in the
learning standards.
D. The stem of the item should be meaningful by itself and should
present a definite problem.

428. Before school year starts, Sir Paul gets the height and weight of his students.
What level of measurement did Sir Paul employ?
A. Ratio
B. Ordinal
C. Interval
D. Nominal

429. In a 100-item test result, which of the following shows a positively skewed
A. Mean = 58 Median = 62 Mode = 7
B. Mean = 78 Median =78 Mode = 78
C. Mean = 84 Median = 65 Mode = 40
D. Mean =28 Median = 73 Mode = 91

430. Which of the following shows a homogeneous and high-performance

distribution of scores?




431. Mr. Bautista, a secondary school teacher in chemistry found out that many of
his students got very high scores in the test. What measure of central tendency should
be used when the distribution is skewed?
A Mean
B. Mode

C. Median
D. Standard Deviation

432. Ms. She, an English 4 teacher, wants to know the performance of her students
in the achievement test in relation to the scores of the whole grade 4 students in their
school. What measures of statistics does she need to use?
A. Measures of variability
B. Measures of relationship
C. Measures of relative position
D. Measures of central tendency

433. Ann tops the qualifying exam in education with 92 percentile ranks. What does
this mean?
A. She answered 92% of the items correctly.
B. She surpassed 92% of those who took the test.
C. She belongs to the 92% of the group who took the test.
D. 92% of the examinees did better than her on the test.

434. The class of Grade 3-Malikhain got a high standard deviation in Language
Assessment for Primary Grades (LAPG). What does this mean?
A. All Grade 3-Malikhain students performed very well in the test.
B. All Grade 3-Malikhain students performed poorly in the test.
C. Grade 3-Malikhain is a heterogeneous class.
D. Grade 3-Malikhain is a homogenous class.

435. Sir Mon determined the discrimination index after giving a mastery test to his
students. He found out that there are items which cannot discriminate those who know
from those who do not know the correct answer. What does this mean?
A. The items have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.
B. The items are either too easy or too difficult.
C. The items have negative discrimination index.
D. The items have positive discrimination index.

436. Teacher Raymond administered two equivalent tests in science to the same
group of students. Which of the following did he want to establish?
A. Balance
B. Fairness
C. Reliability
D. Validity

437. Teacher Vicky analyzed the result of her test in Filipino and found out that her
students fall between -1 and +1 in normal curve. What percent of her students are in
that area?
A. 48%
B. 68%
С. 82%
D. 96%

438. The students of Teacher Zarina has this raw score in a Physics quiz: 96, 92,
91, 89, 85, 83. 83, 80. 25.24. 23. For her to get a picture of the group's performance,
which measure of central tendency is MOST reliable to use?
A Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. None of these

439. In the context of grading, what error is committed by Teacher Oliver when he
gave very high grade to his students despite a not so good performance?
A. Central Tendency Error
B. Generosity Error
C. Severity Error
D. All of these

440. Who among the teachers below performed a diagnostic assessment in Math?
A. Teacher Amanda who gave a ten-item test in converting fractions to decimal
to find out the specific lessons which the students failed to understand.
B. Teacher Kelvin who gave a short quiz in mixed fractions after discussing
thoroughly the lesson to determine the outcome of instruction.
C. Teacher Lailanie who asked questions when the discussion was going on to
know who among her students understood what she was trying to stress on
subtraction of signed numbers.
D. Teacher Roy who administered a readiness test in Math to the incoming
grade one pupils.

441. Which of the following situations may lower the validity of the test?
A. Teacher A increased the number of items measuring each specific skill from
five to ten.
B. Teacher B simplifies the language in the directions for the best.
C. Teacher C removes items from a mastery test that everyone answers
D. Teacher D administered the test twice.

442. Which of the following uses a norm-referenced interpretation?
A. A student's test performance in English is compared with his performance in
B. The students' performance in Math is determined if they have achieved
mastery of computational skills.
C. The students' test performance in school A is compared with that of other
D. All of these.

443. In a 50-item test in Filipino, a class got a mean raw score of 35 and a standard
deviation of 5. If Bea is a member of the class and her score is 45, which of the
following describes her performance?
A. Bea answered correctly 45% of the test items.
B. Bea scored better than 45% of his classmates.
C. Bea scores 2 standard deviations above the class mean.
D. Bea scores 10 standard deviations above the class mean.

444. Mrs. Murcia is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students
perform poorly in her test in Araling Panlipunan. What is she doing?
A. Assessment
B. Evaluation
C. Measurement
D. Testing

445. Teacher Karen computed that the mode of distribution of students' score in her
Filipino class is 25. What does this mean?
A. All her students got a score of twenty-five.
B. The average score of her students is twenty-five.
C. Twenty-five is the score that occurs least.
D. Twenty-five is the score that occurs most.

446. Teacher Myra gave a test that requires students to complete a sentence or
story. What type of affective assessment procedure is this?
A. Moral dilemma
B. Observation guide
C. Opinionnaire
D. Projective technique

447. Teacher Gerry would like to establish the reliability of her test in Reading.
Which of the following should he do?
1. Repeat the same test

Il. Administer a parallel test
III. Split the test
IV. Vary the number of items
A. I and II only
B. I, Il and III
C. I, III and IV
D. II and III only
448. Teacher Celia would like to make use of the most authentic way of measuring
her students' ability to bake cookies. What is the best thing that she can do?
A. Bring her students to a factory baking cookie and ask them to write the steps
in baking.
B. Let her students watch a baking demo on video and ask them to enumerate
the steps in baking.
C. Let her students watch a baking demo on video and ask them to recite the
steps in baking.
D. Let her students watch a video on how to bake cookies and let them bake
on their own.

449. Teacher Gemma found out that item #S in her item analysis has a negative
discriminating power. What does this mean?
A. Both groups answered the test item correctly
B. Both groups did not answer the test item correctly.
C. More from the lower group got the test item correctly.
D. More from the upper group got the test item correctly.

450. Teacher Antonio requires a portfolio in his Art class to present a collection of
his students* work. What is the purpose of the said activity?
I. To showcase the abilities and skills of the learners
II. To show growth and development of the learners
III. To evaluate the cumulative achievement of the learners
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I. II and III


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