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ISBN: 9781723753541.
Text Copyright © by [Napoleon Hook]

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PRICE UCUOU ciyrecccatssstasteceverstresscersdee eocecconsigerecccceecererseae
Part |; the Prevalence of Diabetes .......sessscccsserseeceorsss+e ©
Chapter 1: The Way Type 2 Diabetes Took Over Our World............ 8
Chapter 2: Clarifying Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes ..........:.sseseseseeees 12
Chapter 3: How Diabetes Harms the Entire Body .........sseceesseeseees 18

Part 2: Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia .......21

Chapter 4: Diabetes, Obesity and the Misleading Calorie Count ...... 2a
Chapter 5: How Insulin Contributes to Storage of Energy... 24

Chapter 6: Insulin Resistance and the Issue of Excess Glucose........ 25

Part 3: How Sugar Contributed to the Type 2 Diabetes

Epidemic.........ssseeseeeeees tessccscaesoneeceesons a labesscceteewetsetecens 26
Chapter 7: The Double-Edged Sword of Diabetes......cceeeeeeen 26

Chapter 8: The Link between Fructose and Insulin Resistance......... Zo

Chapter 9: The Role of Metabolic Syndrome .......sescseseseeeeeneteeens 32

Part 4: The Incorrect Ways to Treat Type 2 Diabetes..35

Chapter 10: Type 2 Diabetes cannot be Cured with Insulin ............. 35
Chapter 11: Hypoglycemic Drugs are not the Right Cure Hither. 37
Chapter. 12: Limiting Calories and Exercising are not effective either39

Part 5: The Actual and Useful Cure of Diabetes......... 41

Chapter 13: What we can Learn from Surgeries .....cceseesesseeeesseeees 41

Chapter 14: Low GAC DIC hs ee asc schon onc ae tataneateennaagenaseats 43

Chapter 15: The Benefits of Intermittent PASIOi ks reereee cst c ct 45
ee ee Pere riteaeenee i cedees Gud,

Check Out Other Summaries ......c..ccceecoeceess eet ences 48


At times, we misunderstand qe and their causes. This

makes us come up with incorrect forms of treatment for such

diseases. Diabetes falls into this category of diseases. Diabetes has
taken over the planet. An increasing number of people are falling
victim to the disease, which was unheard of some time back. What
makes matters worse is the viewpoint that the only treatment for
diabetes is either surgery or other such complex solutions.
However, this perspective completely ignores the fact that we can
actually treat and prevent diabetes by making core changes in out
diet and lifestyle. We do not have to spend a lot of money or go
through dangerous procedures to cure type 2 diabetes. The solution
to this epidemic is simpler than that.

The Crux of The Diabetes Code: Avoid Carbohydrates

Jason Fung puts a lot of hard work to convince his readers

that since excessive carbohydrate intake regularly causes an insulin
reaction that gives rise to diabetes, the best way to reverse diabetes
is to stop having carbohydrates as much as possible. The usefulness
of a low-catb diet is evident from several clinical studies.
Important Points:

Point 1: The Importance of Lifestyle and Diet Changes to

Cure Diabetes

We can prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes entirely by

modifying our lifestyle and diet. Since type 2 diabetes is a dietary
disease, we do not need medicine to cure it.

Point 2: The Importance of Reducing Insulin Levels

Type 2 diabetes stems from having too much sugar. To

avoid and prevent this form of diabetes, we must decrease our
sugar and carbohydrate intake to lessen out insulin levels. Insulin
boosts blood glucose and makes diabetes worse. Medications make
matters worse by adding glucose to already problematic cells.

Point 3: Type 2 Diabetes Harms the Entire Body

Type 2 diabetes impacts every single organ in the human

body. When blood glucose keeps multiplying over an extended

time span, it causes every cell in the body to begin rotting, which
causes evety organ to suffer.

Point 4: Avoid Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates. Practice

Intermittent Fasting

We can prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes without the need

for any medication by modifying our diet. We can accomplish this
by avoiding sugar as much as possible and exercising away fhe fest.
Steer clear of refined carbohydrates and added sugar. Burn the
remaining amount by fasting.
Part 1: The Prevalence of Diabetes

The first ever international report of the World Health

Organization an type 2 diabetes in 2016 made it clear that it has
struck our world as a calamity. Those experiencing this illness have
multiplied four times in numbers since 1980. This illness has come
back from really old times to attack us all of a sudden.

The History of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus has existed for several thousand years. The

term diabetes, which refers to too much urination, had been coined
by 250 BC. The term mellitus was added in 1675 and refers to the
phrase 'from honey.’ This term separated diabetes mellitus from
diabetes insipidus, which does not involve sweetness in urine.
Diabetes insipidus is not as common as diabetes mellitus and its
most frequent cause is the severe brain injury. The term diabetes
usually refers to diabetes mellitus and this norm also applies to this
In ancient times, diabetes was supposed to bring a person to
his ot her death painfully since there was no apparent cure. In
1776, sugar was recognized as the culprit behind the sweetness of
urine of a diabetic individual. However, there was still no solution.
Eventually, some solutions were discovered and the first one evet
that involved reducing carbohydrates and increasing meat in one’s
diet seemed to be effective. Another successful method was based
on episodic starvation.

Accusing Dietary Fat without Any Basis

Americans that seemed hale and hearty began having heart

attacks in alarming numbers in the 1950s. People needed

something to blame for it and dietary fat was held accountable. The
belief that became commonplace was that dietary fat boosts blood
cholesterol levels, which plays a role in causing heart disease.

Professionals began suggesting low-fat dicts, which

translated into high-carbohydrate diets since both these diet forms

help a person feel full. Even the officially recommended diet
included a low amount of dietary fat and a huge quantity of
carbohydrates. However, the view holding dietary fat accountable
was flawed since total fats do not cause cardiovascular illness. In
fact, a number of foods containing fats benefit the heart, such as
olive oil, avocados, nuts, and so on. In light of recent awareness,
official dietary recommendations in 2016 eliminated the restrictions
on total fat. Research has shown no link between cardiovascular
disease and naturally existing fats. The kind of fat that is harmful
to us includes trans fats. However, fats in dairy products and meat
are harmless.

How the High Carbohydrate, Low Fat Diet caused Obesity

and Diabetes

The 1980 guidelines i.e. the high-cartb, low-fat diet caused

the prevalence of obesity. Some of the major culprits were the
officially endorsed foods including bread, pastas, and potatoes.
They play the biggest role in boosting blood glucose and insulin
levels. The tecommendation of these three foods caused an
immediate rise in obesity and a later advent of diabetes. In 1980,
the number of people with diabetes all over the world was 108
million. This number had turned to 422 million in 2014. The
numbers of diabetic and pre-diabetic people in the United States
are shockingly worrisome.

Misconstruing the Disease

The equation between type 1 and type 2 diabetes has also

gone through a change. Type 1 diabetes used to be more prevalent
first but in 2016, it was not even the culprit behind 10% of the
cases of diabetes since most cases can be attributed to type 2 now.
Most people suffering from diabetes in today's times also have
obesity and face the probability of encountering other
complications as well. Insulin and other modern medicines can
affect blood glucose but decreasing glucose does not help avoid
major issues including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and so on.
These illnesses can be deadly. The dilemma of this matter is our
inability to solve type 2 diabetes despite controlling a huge number
of other eco This is happening because we have not

understood the disease properly.

Chapter 2: ( larifying Type 1 and Type 2

Four Basic Categories of Diabetes

There are four categories of diabetes mellitus. These include

type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes, which is experienced by
pregnant women, and some other specific categories. Of these
categories, type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% of cases. Gestational
diabetes contributes to the risk of type 2 diabetes but it does not
fall into the chronic category. In case high blood sugar persists after
a woman has delivered her baby, the condition will fall into type 1,
type 2 ot some other diabetic category. In all forms of diabetes,
high blood sugar is a constant. When blood glucose levels exceed
the capability of kidneys to absorb the glucose again, glucose
transfers to the urine. This gives rise to severe thitst and excess
urination. Rapid weight loss may originate from recurrent loss of
glucose. This might also affect hunger and boost it.

Diabetes: Most Prominent Symptoms

*) Increased thirst

*) Excess urination

*) Tiredness

*) Rapid weight loss that does not have any other explanation

*) Increased appetite despite weight loss

Every category of diabetes may have these symptoms.

However, these are most frequent in type 1 diabetes. Type 2

diabetes progresses slowly. It is mostly not known unless people
are diagnosed via blood testing done for any purpose.

Issues related to Severe Type 1 Diabetes

In severe cases of type 1 diabetes, patients may experience

diabetic ketoacidosis or extremely elevated blood acid levels. The
reason behind these levels is the lack of insulin. Symptoms include

confusion, pain in the abdomen, rapid breathing, sweet breath and
loss of consciousness. This is a cause for alarm and needs the
immediate insulin injection.

Issues related to Severe Type 2 Diabetes

People with extreme type 2 diabetes may experience

hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic syndrome. Hyperglycemia
gives tise to excess urination, which might play a role in causing
severe dehydration, seizures, coma and even death in rare cases.
Type 2 diabetes does not entail ketoacidosis considering normal or
elevated insulin levels.

Diagnostic Blood Tests

*) Hemoglobin A1C test

*) Blood glucose test

Details Related to Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1:

A person may experience type 1 diabetes at any age but it

mostly occurs in childhood. The prevalence of type 1 diabetes has
multiplied recently all over the world. Type 1 diabetes falls into the
category of autoimmune diseases. The immune systems of the body
harm the cells, which hinders insulin discharge. The blood contains
antibodies to regular islet cells, which confirms an autoimmune

assault. The cells that produce insulin experience damage gradually,

which causes an extreme lack of insulin and symptoms start

In type 1 diabetes, genetic factors may also play a role but

the real cause is unknown. There is a further lack of clarity
regarding likely infectious activators. Wheat protein, cow milk
vulnerability and a lack of vitamin D are among the contributing
factors. Type 1 diabetes unfolds at times along with other
autoimmune diseases such as Graves’ disease and vitiligo. Since
those experiencing type 1 diabetes goes through a high level of
insulin deficiency, treatment entails making up for the lack of

insulin in the body. However, insulin treatment does not get tid of
the disease and several issues such as heart disease, the decrease in
life expectancy, etc. may arise.

Type 2:

Type 2 diabetes was a disease that targeted the elderly in the

past but an increasing number of children are falling victim to it in
current times. Both childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes are wide-
spread. Other types of diabetes only account for less than 5 to 10%
of cases all over the world. Rest is all type 2 diabetes. The course of
this disease spans a few years. It goes through several phases
including normal values to pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes. As an
individual ages and becomes more obese, the possibility of type 2
diabetes increases.

Insulin Issues Related to both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes differ from each other in the

context of insulin issues that occur with them. Type 1 diabetes
involves insulin deficiency. Type 2 entails hyperglycemia. Insuli
resistance causes this. Insulin resistance refers to the process

which insulin fails to decrease blood glucose levels. The body's way
to battle insulin resistance is by boosting insulin generation to keep
blood glucose levels regularly. This gives rise to an increase in the
overall amount of insulin in the body.

When insulin discharge fails to equal insulin resistance,

blood sugar goes through a boost, giving rise to type 2 diabetes.
Therefore, type 1 and type 2 diabetes have core dissimilarities since
one entails less insulin and the other includes more insulin. Similar
drug treatments exist for both categories. However, we can find a
solution to type 2 diabetes by comprehending the dissimilar nature
of both types.


Diabetes is more dangerous than several other diseases since

it can leave a negative effect on all parts and organs of the body.
Issues that arise from diabetes relate to both big and small blood
vessels. Damage to big blood vessels can end up narrowing them
and causing atherosclerotic plague. If this plague gets broken, it
leads to inflammation and blood clots that can play an instrumental
role in macrovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and
gangrene in legs. Damage to small blood vessels can give tise-ta
microvascular illnesses such as visual problems, chronic kidney
illness and nerve impairment in patients that have had diabetes for
a long time.

Diabetes can also create health problems other than vascular

illnesses. These may include cancer, fatty liver disease, Alzheimer’s
disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, skin issues, other infections
and so on.

Macrovascular Issues

Diabetes can create macrovascular conditions such as

atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. It can cause heart
attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular illness. Diabetes can give
tise to heart disease, which is the culprit behind heart attacks and

Microvascular Issues

Diabetes contributes to a majority of retinopathy /blindness

cases in the United States. It also plays a role in causing
nephropathy/ chronic kidney disease. Further complexities related
to this category of diseases include nausea, vomiting, weight loss
and lack of hunger. In the absence of treatment, it might lead to
coma and death.

Other illnesses in this category include neuropathy/ diabetic

nerve impairment. It might even harm the autonomic nervous
system. Damage to these nerves can give rise to bladder issues,
orthostatic hypotension, erectile dysfunction, nausea, vomiting,

constipation, and diarrhea. Effect on heart-related nerves can
contribute to the possibility of mute heart attacks and death.

Since there is no proper cure for diabetes itself, we need to

pay attention to its cause instead of its symptoms.

Part 2: Insulin Resistance and

Chapter 4: ] iabetes, Obesity and the

Misleading Calorie Count

_The Problem with BMI Relative to Diabesity

This brings attention to a prevalent problem in today's

society. Diabesity refers to the combination of obesity and type 2
diabetes. The connection between diabetes and obesity is evident
from the body mass index (BMI).

Body mass index (BMI) = Weight (kg) / Height’ (m’).

The obese have a BMI of 25.0 or more. The healthy have a

BMI between 18.5 and 24.9. However, women with a BMI of 23-
23.9 have a 360% bigger risk of experiencing type 2 diabetes than
the ones with a BMI below 22. This indicates a problem since a
23.9 value of BMI is under the regular weight range. Toward the
end of the 20th century, studies concluded that a weight gain

between 5 to 7.9 kgs increases the likelihood of type 2 diabetes by
90% while a weight gain between 8 and 10.9 kgs increases this
possibility by 270%.

The Importance of the Glycemic Index

This sheds light on the significance of the glycemic index.

The digestion of carbohydrates converts them into glucose. The
glycemic index helps calculate the boost in blood sugar after
consuming 50 grams of carbohydrates. However, different food
items might contain dissimilar amounts of carbohydrates. The
glycemic load makes the calculation better by finding the product
of a food item's glycemic index and the grams of carbohydrates in a
regular serving of that food.

Reducing Calories does not help Reduce Weight

Type 2 diabetes mainly arises because of abdominal obesity.

This is why a person's waist and type 2 diabetes are usually
connected. You might have heard that you can lose weight by
lessening the number of calories you take but this is false. Weight

cannot be regulated like that. The Calories-In, Calories-Out
hypothesis is incorrect.

The Role of Hormonal Imbalance in Obesity and Diabetes

Hormones make our body have food or stop by controlling

‘hunger. Our decision to have something does not originate from its

availability, it stems from our hormones. When fat gathers in our

body, it is due to issues with energy distribution instead of energy


People need to regulate hormonal indicators from foods

‘instead of trying to regulate their overall calorie consumption to
limit fat buildup and weight gain. Obesity refers to a hormonal
:imbalance. When we gain weight, the relevant hormonal issue is
excess insulin. This causes type 2 diabetes to have a connection

with insulin imbalance and not caloric imbalance.

Chapter 5: How Insulin Contributes to
Storage of Energy

Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance

When the levels of insulin in the body become too much, it

gives rise to obesity. Low-carb diets have gained quite a lot of
popularity but the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis is not entirely
complete. Hyperinsulinemia does stem from refined carbohydrates
but they are not the sole cause. Insulin resistance is among other
critical contributors.

Insulin plays a role in assisting glucose to enter the cells. On

the other hand, in the presence of insulin resistance, insulin levels
become insufficient and this makes glucose accumulate in the
bloodstream since it cannot go into the cells. The body produces
excess insulin to compensate for this resistance and force the blood
glucose to enter the cells. It brings blood glucose to a normal level
but hyperinsulinemia still carries on. This insulin resistance makes
people gain weight. This brings us to the original reason behind the
emergence of insulin resistance.

Chapter 6: Insulin Resistance and the Issue
of Excess Glucose

How Excess Glucose in the Fatty Liver Contributes to Insulin


Insulin resistance refers to the problem of excess glucose in

the fatty liver, which has become overcrowded. Liver plays the
most significant role in metabolizing nutrients in the body. This
| causes liver to be extremely significant in the context of health
|problems that arise from excess consumption of food. Insulin
resistance occurs when there is excess infiltration of the fatty liver.
The reason behind this is consuming too much glucose and
fructose. When we consume too much sugar, it creates a fatty liver,
which proves to be instrumental in giving birth to insulin

Part 3: How Sugar Contributed to the
Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic

The Path toward Type 2 Diabetes

The onset of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance occurs

approximately 13 years prior to that of type 2 diabetes. When
insulin resistance multiplies, it gradually contributes to excess blood
glucose since hyperinsulinemia does not let the glucose increase
rapidly. For a decade or even more, blood glucose stays at a regular
value. As far as children and young adults are concerned, this stage
may be more rapid. The accumulation of visceral fat unfolds in the
organs and outside them. This fat leads to high levels of insulin
resistance. The earliest accumulation of this fat unfolds in the liver.

Beta Cell Dysfunction

When the beta cells of the pancreas that are responsible for
insulin production fail to equalize the expanding nature of insulin
resistance, blood glucose experiences a rapid increase. At the time
of the failure of this system, conditions ate such that it takes only a
couple of years to diagnose type 2 diabetes. The production of
insulin arrives at its maximum possible value and starts lessening
eventually. This eventual decline in the production of insulin is
called beta cell dysfunction or pancreatic burnout. This dysfunction
increases the levels of blood glucose.

Firstly, fatty liver and fatty muscles play a role in increasing

insulin resistance. Secondly, fatty pancreas plays a role in creating
beta cell dysfunction. Excess fat clogs the pancreas rather than
getting burnt.

| Hepatic and Pancreatic Cycles

Hyperinsulinemia gives rise to fatty liver and to pave way for

| the reserve, the fat that has just gathered leaves the liver to reach

|other components of the body. Some enter skeletal muscles while

| some go to adipocytes/ lipocytes or fat cells. Pancreas also receives

a big part of this fat. Those who are facing both obesity and type 2
diabetes have excess fat in the pancreas.

Type 2 diabetes comprises of a couple of cycles known as

hepatic and pancreatic cycles. The Hepatic cycle emerges first.
Consuming too much glucose and fructose gives fise to
hyperinsulinemia and fatty liver. This leads to a gradual onset of
insulin resistance.

This leads to the activation of the cycle. An increase in

insulin resistance also ignites hyperinsulinemia, sustaining the cycle.
This continues and becomes worse.

_Chapter 8: The Link between Fructose
and Insulin R esistance

The Harm in Various forms of Sugar

It astonished people that sugar can severely harm us when

Dr. Robert Lustig’s lecture on sugar’s harmful effects went viral in
2009. Carbohydrates are another name for sugar. Some are single
molecules/simple sugars/monosaccharides and others are sugar
chains/complex sugars/polysaccharides .Glucose and fructose fall
into the category of single-sugar carbohydrates. Table sugar or
sucrose falls into the category of two-chain carbohydrates since it
contains both glucose and fructose molecules. Carbohydrates in
their natural form such as sugars in raw grains, vegetables, and fruit
ate unrefined or unprocessed. Carbohydrates in their processed or
_tefined form include rice processed for simpler cooking, wheat
transformed into flour, corn processed with enzymes and acids to
change into syrup, etc. The sugar in the blood is called glucose.

The natural sugar in fruit is called fructose. Starches 1.e. the primary
catbohydrates in wheat, rice, corn, and potatoes are long glucose
chains. Refined or processed carbohydrates are harmful. Unrefined
ot simple carbohydrates are acceptable.

Fructose, the Fatty Liver and Insulin Resistance

So far, we have ignored the effect of fructose on our body.

The liver digests fructose and having excess fructose gives rise to
fatty liver. This further gives birth to insulin resistance. Fructose
that comes from fruit does not harm our body since it is in its
natutal form. With the manufacturing and marketing of high
fructose corn sytup (HFCS), fructose consumption multiplied in
the U.S. The sugar in HFCS is more like sucrose in its chemical
form. Big food companies started using HFCS in their products
and its consumption increased even further. Having too much such
products gave rise to problems.

When people consume these products, they do not feel

satisfied and want even more. They pursue the feeling of fulfillment
but keep consuming more since that feeling is misleading. The level
of fructose consumption multiplied from 37 grams in 1977 to 55
grams in 1994. By 2000, this intake had increased to a value of
approximately 72.8 grams daily.

Therefore, the culprit behind insulin imbalance is not the

calories we eat; it's sugar. Insulin stabilization plays a critically

significant role in regulating diabetes. Fructose impedes the
production of insulin or in other words, creates insulin resistance.

Excess fructose gives rise to fatty liver and insulin imbalance and
multiplies insulin resistance.

Chapter 9: The Role of Metabolic

How Hyperinsulinemia Contributes to Metabolic Syndrome

This brings us to metabolic syndrome. This syndrome was

known as Syndrome X in the past since its cause was unidentified.
Some connecting factors were known but we did not know what
triggered the condition. The culprit behind metabolic syndrome
eventually turned out to be hyperinsulinemia. When the levels of
insulin surpass the specified limits, the traits related to metabolic
syndrome unfold. Glucose intake causes insulin discharge ftom the
pancreas. With an increase in the quantity of blood glucose, the
generated amount of insulin also multiplies. Insulin works to stock
the energy from glucose in several ways. If the body is able to
produce glycogen, then it will proceed to do that but elevated
glycogen levels cause the liver to begin activating the cycle of fat

The Lipogenesis Cycle

This cycle, known as the lipogenesis cycle, begins birthing

triglycerides, which begin getting stocked in the liver untill the
point that the stored fat shifts to fat cells or adipocytes. It is
extremely challenging to create energy from adipocytes.
Triglycerides develop VLDL when linked with proteins. VLDL
assists in stimulating storage into adipocytes. Adipocytes respond
by discharging leptin to guarantee that the body will not have such
high food intake. When the levels of insulin in the body are
elevated, this system does not work.

Health Issues Stemming from Metabolic Syndrome

VLDL acquires a smaller status and creates LDL. LDL

proves to be instrumental in signaling several heart issues.
Metabolic syndrome involves a low HDL value and this results
from elevated triglyceride values in the bloodstream. Elevated
glucose levels make the kidneys work too much, which adds to the
frequency of micturition.

This brings the body to a point when the levels of insulin |

begin retaining water and sodium. This causes blood pressure |

problems. Insulin further causes blood vessels to tighten. Elevated |

levels of insulin are the culprit behind every symptom linked with|!
metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is the mother of a huge’
number of health issues such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and}
cardiovascular diseases.

Part 4: The Incorrect Ways to Treat
Type 2 Diabetes

Chapter 10: Type 2 Diabetes cannot be

Cured with Insulin

The Complexities of Elevated Insulin Levels

: Insulin is deficient in the case of type 1 diabetes. Sufficient

insulin exists for the absorption of glucose in type 2 diabetes but in
this case, the cells of the body do not always take the glucose. The
body requires insulin and type 1 diabetics receive insulin injections
to guarantee that ce glucose discharged into the bloodstream will
be utilized by the cells.

According to studies, we need to regulate the glucose left in

the bloodstream so that this glucose will not harm the organs or
lead to a disaster. More studies demonstrated that elevated insulin
levels in the bloodstream are more harmful than elevated glucose
levels. The harm seemed identical to the cycle generated in
metabolic syndrome. Elevated insulin levels make the body

obstruct the work of insulin and this leaves an impact on glucose
absorption under regular circumstances. This gives rise to storage
of fat across the body. A drug known as Metformin that does not
impact insulin levels at all reverses obesity in diabetics and makes a
statement that addition of insulin to the body cannot respond to
the problem of diabetes.

Our body requires low levels of insulin to guarantee that

blood insulin will be accepted by it. Elevated insulin levels cause
issues such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and other problems.
Insulin and its receptors also contribute to atherosclerotic disease.
They assist in the growth of the plague. Moreover, a mutation of
the PT'EN gene in some people enables them to have low glucose
levels but more proneness to cancer and their condition worsens
because of elevated insulin levels. In this case, insulin causes the
cancer cells to experience more growth across the body by serving
as a growth enhancer.

Chapter 11: Hypoglycemic Drugs are not
the Right Cure Either

When the values of diabetes and pre-diabetes went through a

| change, 50% of Americans fell under the diabetic category. The
role of pharmaceutical firms in this context cannot be denied since
they had a huge number of drugs to offer to the diabetics.
Endorsement of hypoglycemic drugs gave rise to financial
advantages to the American Diabetes Association, American
| Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of

Side Effects of Hypoglycemic Drugs

Such drugs have different side effects. Some of these drugs

do not affect weight at all. Others lead to weight gain. These drugs
jwork in their own ways. Thiazolidinediones connect themselves to
ifat cells to boost insulin's impact on these cells. They decrease
glucose levels but increase body mass due to insulin's role in
icausing weight gain. Sulfonylureas add to the levels of insulin
telease to boost glucose absorption but obesity results from a boost
tin insulin levels.

Metformin falls into the ‘neutral category of oral
hypoglycemic drugs. It limits gluconeogenesis in the hepatic organ
and decreases levels of blood glucose and those of insulin. DPP-4
inhibitors bring a halt to insulin discharge that stems from the
incretin discharge caused by carbohydrates. Insulin stays identical
and the absorption of blood glucose occurs.

SGLT2 inhibitors that are relattvely new are even better.

They lessen the levels of blood glucose by forcing glucose to leave
via the urethra. They boost neither insulin levels nor body fat ones.
This further gives rise to the tendency to lose weight. No:
cardiovascular issues arise... Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors leave an
impact on the digestive system to lessen the absorption of glucose.
They also cause a reduction in insulin levels and consequently, lead
to weight loss. GLP-1 replicates the work of incretin by creating a
feeling of fullness. It creates weight loss by lessening the amount of
food consumption. Weight loss drugs that cause a reduction in
both glucose and insulin levels work best. Nonetheless, those
experiencing diabetes benefit more from lifestyle changes than

Chapter 12: Limiting Calories and
Exercising are not effective either

Carbohydrates Are the Culprit behind Several Illnesses, Not


The fact about the high-carb, low-fat diet endorsed by the

ADA in the early 21st century was revealed in 2015. The idea
behind this diet that elevated fat levels boost cholesterol levels and
add to the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and the
probability of strokes was declared to be incorrect. Fat is not bad
itself and some categories of fat are quite beneficial to the body.
No one bothered scrutinizing the high-carb diet earlier, which is a
culprit behind all these issues.

We Need More than Exercise

Diabetes boosts the risk of cardiac issues since diabetics face

more of a risk of experiencing heart attacks due to the growth of a
plague. A high-carb diet worsens diabetes. Moreover, it was
|pteviously thought that exercise can put a stop to diabetes since it
jwill improve matters in the context of glucose. Nevertheless,

exercise does not lessen the risk or symptoms of diabetes. People
can actually end up having more intake of sugar. With a boost in
sugar consumption, the chances of weight loss go out of the
window. Even though A1C levels decrease with more exercise,
since it does not affect weight apparently at times, the advantages
of exercise are not always obvious, especially in diabetics.
Therefore, both of these solutions do not cater to the primary
culprit behind diabetes. We need to limit carbohydrates in our diet
to regulate the levels of insulin in our body.

Part 5: The Actual and Useful Cure of

Chapter 13: What we can Learn from


Weight loss surgery has been proven to bring a stop to type

2 diabetes in patients. These results contradict the previously held
belief that type 2 diabetes is irreversible. Different weight loss
surgeries work in unique ways. They target the digestive system
since the stomach 1s responsible for hormonal regulation. Nutrient
absorption occurs in the intestines. Back in 1925, it became known
that limiting diseased stomach parts, for example, peptic ulcer
causes weight loss. It also eradicates diabetes until the return of
some components.

Jejunocolic bypass surgery was carried out in 1963 and laid

|the foundation for weight loss procedures. However, the shift of
food from the stomach to the colon left room for several things,
lincluding core nutrients. Jejunoileal bypass surgery was the next

step. However, some issues remained existent despite absorption
being carried out.

Surgeries have come really far in terms of lessening various

digestive system components. Roux-En-Y treated and decreased
both the stomach and the small intestine. Sleeve gastrostomy takes
a stomach portion from the patient. The gastric lap band just puts a
band outside the stomach boundary and lessens the space inside
the stomach. These modern surgeries eradicate type 2 diabetes
within a few months and help reduce weight.

The reason behind this is as an outcome of these surgeries,

the body begins utilizing the stored amount of glycogen to create
energy. It eventually begins utilizing fat from the fat cells in an
absence of sufficient food in the body.

Chapter 14: Low Carb Diets

With the prevalence of diabetes, even toddlers are at tisk,

The high-carb diet is to be blamed for this. The diabetics who do
not depend on drugs to treat their diabetes and focus on a low-catb
diet instead have benefitted from such a diet. The ketogenic diet
also works for many.

Unrefined carbohydrates are not harmful to the body. This is

clear from those who lead healthy lives despite carbohydrates
occupying an 80% share of their diets. This is because those
carbohydrates are unrefined. Carbohydrates in their refined form
become easily absorbed and damage the body by initiating the
insulin cycle we gives rise to hyperinsulinemia and insulin
resistance. The body cannot absorb unrefined carbohydrates this
easily since it has to process protein, fat, and fiber first.

Action Plan: How to Cure and Prevent Diabetes

Our diet should be designed to protect us against obesity

and diabetes. Carbohydrate intake should be limited because of

their detrimental effects on the human body. Unrefined

carbohydrates are acceptable but refined are not. Foods containing
nutrients are a core requirement. Both refined and unrefined forms
of fructose are harmful since it plays a crucial role in birthing
insulin resistance. We should restrict the quantity of fructose we
have even when we are taking it in its vegetable or fruit forms.
Dietary fat is healthy and we should have it more. We should have
saturated fats in huge amounts since it will assist in warding off

Chapter 15: The Benefits of Intermittent

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it's up to you what

to do about it. You can either actually cure it or try drugs or diets
that do not assist you in battling diabetes at all. Bariatric surgery
assists in reversing obesity and diabetes since it makes use of
fasting. During fasting, your calorie intake equals zero and it proves
to be instrumental in regulating the levels of insulin.

Even when we try lessening the number of calories we have

and combine it with exercise, this does not work in the long term
since we need energy. A decrease in calories only makes people
weaker since their metabolism becomes low over a period of time.
However, when the diet comes to a halt, the basal metabolism goes

back to its earlier value.

To get rid of diabetes, basal metabolism needs to be

identified prior to and after the diet so that the person following
the diet will not resume his or her earlier diet. Fasting is even more
advantageous than a low-carb and high-fat diet.

Intermittent fasting reaps several benefits since it brings the
value of carbohydrate consumption to zero for the selected period.
This causes the body to call for its storage of fat and glycogen. The
body begins producing energy from these stores and this helps
lessen the substances that boost insulin. Further, the lack of glucose
also causes the levels of insulin to lessen.

Intermittent fasting causes insulin secretion and insulin

resistance to lessen. The body returns to its original insulin
secretion level and embraces the low insulin amount that is
discharged for absorbing glucose. This starts depleting the fat
stores in the body.

However, drugs can cause the levels of glucose in the body

to swing and this is why we need to be careful. We further need our
physician to review such decisions, even when it comes to episodic
fasting. We further need to have water repeatedly during the fast to
keep our body hydrated.


In sum, we can definitely reverse type 2 diabetes by doing

what needs to be done to cure it instead of focusing on useless
methods or diets. Fasting can help cure both type 2 diabetes and
obesity as well as metabolic syndrome. Combined with a low-carb
diet, periodic or intermittent fasting is the solution to some of the
most prevalent problems of today’s times.

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