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In your own words, explain how the authors of The Care Manifesto define “care”

in "Introduction: Carelessness Reigns." What parts of the reading resonated with

you and why? What parts of the reading did you find challenging and/or

Madison Caines 9/2/2023

Short Response #1 English 170

I belive the authors of The Care Manifesto defines care in a physical and mental aspect. The author talks
a lot about the care the elderly, women, people of color, and other people are not elegable for.
Economic aid packages are mostly tailered to benefit the wealthy, during the Covid-19 epedemic we
have had an increase in health needs but many market logic polices have left without personal
protective equitment health workers need. To quote the authors “Care is also a social capacity and
activity involving the nuturing of all that is necessary for the welfare and flourishing of life.” We need
more hands on care and and services for essential workers and even family care. There is a notion that
care is up to the indivudual and that they shouldn’t need assistance yet that is for from the truth. In my
mind my next question would be if that notion was true then why would the wealthy need most of the
government funded care that they are receiving now more than the other people like the retired
elderly? As the author said “ the notion derives from the refusal to recognize our shared vuneralbilities
and interconnectedness creating a callous and uncareing climate for everyone.” This resonated with me
as a young black women because while I have insurance and I do get financal help for medical bills I
know a lot of people in my community that are not provided with that luxury. And the bottom line is
that it shouldn’t be a luxury in the first place. I personally think that a lot of the laws and changes that
are being made to our government need to be put aside and we need to put affordable health care first
because in my opinon I find that the US being the only country having to pay for health care is ridiculous.
Our counrty is falling apart just because of health care while countries like France and Germany have
free healthcare.

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