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3 Huan’s wage is £10.

40 per hour
Year 9 A He receives a 10% pay rise.
What is his new hourly wage?
Using percentages Award 1 mark for correct full method e.g.
attempt to add on 10% or × 1.1 seen
£__________ 2 marks
1 Write as a percentage.
4 Tom and Lorna sat the same test.
Tom scored 70% on the test.
Lorna scored 29 out of 40 marks.
__________% 1 mark Who got the higher score?
Justify your answer.
2 Match each statement to the correct calculation. Award 1 mark for any correct method e.g. =
72.5% or finding 70% of 40
Do not award marks for correct answer with no
Increase 20 by 15% 20 × 0.15
__________ 2 marks

5 Mo spends £15 on ingredients to make 40 cookies.

He sells all 40 cookies for 50p each.
Decrease 20 by 15% 20 × 1.15 Work out Mo’s percentage profit.
Award 1 mark for attempt to work out profit
and write as a percentage.
Allow rounded answers
Find 15% of 20 20 × 0.85
2 marks
Award 1 mark for one correct match. 33
3 2 marks
6 Rosie jumps 32 cm in the air. 9 The average house price in 2007 was 5% lower
Annie jumps 8% higher than Rosie. than in 2006
How high does Annie jump? The average house price in 2008 was 5% greater
Award 1 mark for correct method e.g. 32 × 1.08 than in 2007
Explain why the average price of house in 2008 Is
not the same as the average house price in 2006
e.g. 150000 × 1.05 × 0.95 ≠ 150000 or “You’re
__________ 2 marks finding 5% of different amounts”

7 Dora purchases a kitchen mixer for £425

She pays a 40% deposit and then the remaining
amount is paid in monthly instalments of £17
1 mark
How many monthly instalments will Dora need to
pay? 10 A car is purchased for £11 500
Award 1 mark for deposit = £170 H In its first year, the value of the car will depreciate
by 15%.
Award 1 mark for their remaining amount ÷ 17 3 marks Each year after that, the value of the car will
depreciate by 10%.
__________ What is the value of the car at the end of 3 years?
3 marks
Award 1 mark for 11500 × 0.85
8 The cost of a laptop increased by 25% between Award 1 mark for “their first year value” × 0.9 × 0.9
2015 and 2019
In 2019, the laptop cost £1000
How much did the laptop cost in 2015?
Award 1 mark for equating £1000 = 125% or
1000 ÷ 1.25 3 marks

£__________ 22 marks
Total marks A

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