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In a very distant village called Toyoca, there was a family that was very close and loved by

everyone in the village, the Brandon family. The parents, Estefania and Alex, had a habit of
throwing salt in front of the house and garlic on the windows. When asked by their friends and
neighbours, they would answer the same old question "to ward off bad energies". They had two
girls, Laura and Maria, who were 13 years old. They were pale, thin, with dark circles under their
eyes, and strange but good-hearted girls. Whenever it got dark in Toyoca and the townspeople
turned out the lights, the Brandon family became the heroes of Toyoca. Their power was to marry
ghosts, for Toyoca was overrun with ghosts.
One day, a boy named Carlos couldn't sleep, so he broke his family's rule of not leaving the house at
night. The unsuspecting boy took a strange path and noticed something moving in the bushes.
Carlos went to see what it was and was in for a big surprise: a huge beast with lots of hair and
bulging eyes jumped on Carlos and tried to eat him. Carlos screamed with all the strength he had
left and in the distance Laura heard a cry for help, so Laura quickly warned Maria and they both
went out to where the noise was coming from, only to be surprised by the horrible monster that was
about to eat them. Carlos.
Translated with (free version) The girls began to say strange things, a white light began
to surround them all while a strong swirl of wind dragged the monster away from Carlos, Carlos
upon seeing this thought that they must be doing some ritual or bad magic out of fear. Carlos ran
home and acted as if nothing had happened. The next day he couldn't stop thinking about the girls
who had saved his life. Carlos told his mother what had happened. The frightened mother took her
son to Brandon's house, as they were considered the priests of the town when they were in the
house. Carlos was stunned to see that it was the daughters who had told him. They had saved his
life yesterday, and he was very grateful to them.
Rumours that the Brandon family were heroes spread like wildfire throughout the village, and all
the villagers were very grateful to them for keeping them safe every day. Every month they leave
offerings outside the house, not only as a thank you, but also so the family can recharge their

The very grateful family decided to change the town a little. They made some changes and it
became beautiful. It no longer seemed like an ordinary town. Excited townspeople threw a party
and drank to the Brandon family. Everything was beautiful and very quiet, but Maria sensed
something strange. I told Laura, but they didn't pay much attention.
In the middle of the party an army of strange monsters appeared, the Brandon family saw this and
took their town to safety. All the townspeople were frightened, but they had faith in the Brandon
Using all their powers, the family was able to defeat the characters who wanted to disturb the peace
of the town, endangering everyone and damaging the town they had worked so hard to make more
beautiful day by day.
The father, head of the Brandon family, had a very good idea, as more and more people arrived, he
thought of putting up an invisible barrier, everyone agreed with Alex, so they used their powers to
remove all the monsters from their town and before they came back they wanted to put up the
barrier but they were very slow so they brought the monsters out again but this time they were faster
so they decorated again to continue the party, But this time they wanted it to be unforgettable so
they brought out champagne, wine, drinks and cake to go with it and they got lots of confetti and
the children of the town were delighted once again they were grateful because now they could go
out without fear, so Carlos said and why don't we make a statue of the Brandon family and
everyone said yes and now the town is recognised as one of the most epic in the history of the town
and in the Brandon house there is a motto that says A FAMILY THAT FIGHTS UNITED WILL

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