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What is Konda-Kondi

Malaysia's cultural history has a lot of things that make it special and interesting. Malaysia's
cultural history includes a wide range of foods, habits, and traditional games that have evolved as the
country's different racial groups have mixed together. Most of the time, traditional games are played
outside on porches and in yards. Batu Seremban, Congkak, Bottle Caps, Aji Checkers, and other
games like these are often played in the outdoor spaces of people's homes. Traditional games like
long pole, ketinting, gasing, shoe throwing, konda kondi, rebutting state(Rebut Tiang), and a few
others are played in court. Most games are played in groups, which helps people meet new people
and get closer to their communities. In the past, playing games was a fun way to spend free time that
was treated with the same happiness as a holiday. People of all ages from the town will come
together in large numbers to either take part in the competition or watch it with a sense of kindness
in common. Most things that happened in the past were good for both people and society as a
whole. In addition to improving social skills, it also helps with physical and mental health. Strategy
games like chess and congkak have been shown to improve critical thinking, improve math skills, and
help people pay attention for longer periods of time. Traditional games, which people often call "folk
sports," aren't as important as they used to be now that there are so many computer devices and
technological advances. Young people today don't find it fun to run across a large area of land and
sweat. Children today don't have as much freedom to play as they did in the past because there isn't
as much space, and people are worried about kids who aren't following the rules.

Konda-kondi is a common way to spend free time. People think that this particular game
started in old societies as a way to have fun and celebrate after a hard day of work. Conda-condi is a
game in which you use a long piece of wood to hit a small piece of wood. The game of conda-condi is
often called "blind eye" because it requires both mental and physical skill to play. In particular, the
game requires thinking strategically about a safe way to scratch the wood and chase the opponent's
piece in order to win. Also, in Indian society, this technique is often called "Kaunda kundi," and some
people think it is the sword. The goal of the game is to test how smart the player is by having them
hit the wooden item and stop their opponent from getting it. Also, the game could be played in large
areas like open fields, backyards, and other similar places. The necessary tools are two small wooden
sticks that are 15 cm and 30 cm long. Also, the pair of round wooden sticks described above have a
length of 2cm when measured along their centre. People usually call the shorter piece of wood
"child," while the longer piece of wood is usually called "mother." Also, a hole 5 cm deep is dug to fit
the long wooden board.

The required equipment comprises of two 15- to 30-centimeter-long sticks. Both of these rods are
2cm in diameter and round. The shorter stick is termed "child," while the longer one is "mother." In
addition, a 15cm-deep hole is dug to position the long stick


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