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2023 Trial Sample Answers




C1 – Suitable job? – 1. Barista / 2. Waiter

C2 – Why? – 1. Good experience / 2. Communication skills

C3 – Best place to do it? – 1. Zus Coffee / 2. Restaurant


I’m so proud of you! You always laze around at home but you’re finally thinking about lightening your
parents’ burden.

In my opinion, you should try being a barista. This is because you can gain invaluable experience by
learning about coffee preparation. In fact, I heard Zus Coffee just opened in Pokok Sena and they’re hiring! But
if you’re not confident about brewing coffee, why not try to work as a waiter instead? It can enhance your
communication skills. There are many restaurants near your neighbourhood, so you can look for a job there.

That’s all for now. Good luck getting the extra pocket money! Treat me later, okay? Bye.


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2023 Trial Sample Answers



C1 – What time to start? – Around 9pm

C2 – Activities? – 1. Play board game / 2. Watch movies / 3. Eat supper together

C3 – What to bring? – 1. Snacks / 2. Juice and soda

Hi Sam,

Game night? Oh, I can’t wait! I’m sure it would be a lot of fun!

In my opinion, we should start at around 9pm with a board game such as Monopoly or snakes and
ladders. It would be a good ice-breaker. After that, we can spend the whole night playing video games. My
suggestion is either Fifa 2023 or Tekken. In case we get tired of playing games, we can watch movies or eat
supper together. I will bring some snacks with me. Why don’t you bring some juice and soda?

That’s all for now. I can’t wait to hang out with my buddies. Bye!


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2023 Trial Sample Answers



Sample 1

C1 – What to do before bed? – 1. Do light exercises / 2. Freshen yourself / 3. Play some instrumental music to
lull you to sleep

C2 – Best time to go to bed? – Around 10pm

C3 – How long? – At least six to eight hours

Hi Farisya,

I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Don’t worry, cousin. I got your back! With my tips, you’ll be sleeping
in no time.

There are many things you can do before you go to sleep. First, you should do light exercises such as yoga
or stretching. This will help relax your muscles. Next, you can wash your face or even take a shower to freshen
yourself. Lastly, you can play some instrumental music to lull you to sleep. In case you did not know, the best
time to go to bed is around 10 (PM / at night). If you want to be fresh and energetic the next day, I recommend
you to get at least six to eight hours of sleep every day.

That’s all for now. I hope you’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight. Bye!


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2023 Trial Sample Answers

Sample 2

C1 – What to do before bed? – 1. Do light exercises / 2. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea / 3. Turn off the lights

C2 – Best time to go to bed? – By 10pm

C3 – How long? – At least six to eight hours

Hi Farisya,

I’m sorry to hear that you couldn’t sleep well. I hope it doesn’t affect your study.

Don’t worry. You asked the right person as I sleep like a log every night. Before you go to bed, you
should do some light exercises or meditation. This can help you relax a bit. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea can
also ease your tensed muscles. More importantly, don’t forget to turn off the lights because bright lights can
hinder you from getting quality sleep. Now, about when you should go to bed. As you need at least 6 to 8 hours
of sleep every night, I would suggest that you go to bed before midnight. In fact, it is best if you sleep by 10 o’

That’s all for now. I need to go to bed so I could get quality sleep. Bye!


Dead to the world = sleeping

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2023 Trial Sample Answers



C1 – What to do to save money? – Keep money in piggybank/moneybox / Open a bank account /

C2 – What advice to give? – 1. Cook own food / 2. Make shopping list

C3 – Suggestions to earn extra pocket money? – 1. Part-time job / 2. Small business online

Hi Haris,

It’s good for your brother to have the initiative to save money. Don’t worry, I got his back!

There are many ways to save money. I think your brother can keep his money in a piggybank. He also
should open a bank account when the piggybank is bursting with money. Other advices I can give to him is to
cook his own food. Food outside are delicious but they are pricey so bringing home-cooked food can save his
money. Another thing he can do is to make shopping list so he will not overspend. If he wants to earn extra
pocket money, he can take up part-time job. I heard Econ Save is looking for a new worker. If he is busy with
study, why not start a small business online?

I have to stop now. I hope your brother will save enough money to buy a new phone. Bye!


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C1 – What gift – plushie or teddy bear

C2 – Why? – 1. She loves cute things / 2. Can be her companion

C3 – When? / Where – Next weekend / Kaison at Aman Central

Hi Dave,

Oh, my! I almost forgot about her birthday! Thanks for reminding me, bro. / It’s Sarah’s birthday? Tell
her I wish her happy birthday.

I personally think you should get a plushie or teddy bear. Sarah is cute and she loves cute things so it
would be the perfect gift for her. In fact, Sarah is the only child. It would be her companion so she won’t feel
lonely at home. Well, I saw interesting choice the other day at Kaison in Aman Central. What about we meet
there next weekend?

That’s all for now. See you soon! Bye.


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C1 – When and where? – 1. During weekend / 2. Teratai Chalet

C2 – Why? – 1. Beautiful scenery / 2. Easy access for everyone

C3 – Theme? – Retro or traditional

Hi Lila,

Oh, I can’t wait to dress up for the photoshoot session. We must look our best in this year’s magazine
since it’s our last year at school.

In my opinion, the best time to do our photoshoot session is on weekend as everyone will have free
time. As for the place, I think we should go to Teratai Chalet. Why? First, this place has beautiful scenery with
paddy fields and mountains as the background for our photos. Also, this place is located nearby our school so it
would be easy for everyone to go there. Oh, the theme! I personally think retro looks would be great. Imagine
Faizuddin wearing pelikat with afro hair! Oh, I can’t wait! In case nobody agrees, we can choose traditional
attires. I’m sure everyone will look great in kebaya or kurung Kedah.

Well, I have to stop now. I hope my suggestions were helpful. Bye!


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C1 – Which movie? – Disney’s Inside Out

C2 – Why? – 1. Cute animation characters / 2. Awesome graphics / 3. Interesting plot

C3 – What can be learned? – 1. How to manage different emotions / 2. Appreciate family

Hi Kyle,

You need movie recommendation? You came to the right person. We all know I’m known as the movie

Have you heard about a movie called “Inside Out”? It is produced by Disney and it’s an awesome movie!
Why, you ask? First, it has cute animation characters! You love cute things so you’ll enjoy this movie. Aside from
the interesting plot that will keep you glued to your seat, the graphics are also realistic and in 4K quality. In fact,
this movie will teach you the meaning of family aside from learning about how to manage different emotions
like anger and sadness.

That’s all from me. Next time don’t forget to invite me too! Bye.


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C1 – tips to impress interviewers? – 1. Dress to impress / 2. Show confidence / 3. Be polite

C2 – what to wear? – 1. Formal suit – shirt and necktie / 2. Blazer and black shoes

Hi Amir,

That’s a great news! Congrats!

Let me help you. The most important tip to impress the interviewers is through your dress.
Make sure you wear formal outfit. For example, you should wear a shirt with a necktie. To make you
look even more stunning, why not borrow your dad’s blazer and wear shiny black shoes? Next, you
need to show your confidence. Step into the interview room with a bright smile and greet the
interviewers. Remember to be polite! Nobody like a rude person.

That’s all for now. Good luck with the interview and I hope you’ll get the job. Bye!


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C1 – Day and time? – This weekend / 10am

C2 – How to raise fund? – 1. Sell lemonade at Pekan Nat / 2. Car boot sale

C3 – Who should involve? Why? – Classmates

Hi Sheikh,

That sounds fun! Don’t worry, I got your back.

In my opinion, you can raise fund by selling lemonade at Pekan Nat this weekend. It’s easy to
make and loved by many especially on this hot weather. You can also sell pre-loved items in a car boot
sale. Since this fundraising is for your class, why don’t you ask your classmates to help? We’ll meet at
Pekan Nat entrance at 10am. Sounds good?

That’s all for now. See you soon! Bye.


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C1 – What should they sell? – 1. Preloved items / 2. Drinks

C2 – Why? – 1. Famous among teenagers / 2. Hot weather, low cost high income

C3 – How to decorate the stall? – 1. Choose a theme / 2. Banner / 3. Balloons

Hi Ratna,

Wow! That sounds interesting! I wish my school has a programme like this too.

In my opinion, your class should sell preloved items such as clothes, shoes and even novels. This is
because these items are famous among teenagers these days. Another thing you can sell well is drinks. You can
sell soda, lemonade and bottled drinks such as mineral and drinking water. They will sell well because the
weather lately was so hot! As for decoration, I think you should choose a theme. Then, you can order a banner
from Azuma Trading because it’s cheaper than other shops. You can also use balloons to attract children to your

That’s all for now. Break a leg! / Good luck on your charity sale! Bye.


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C1 – Problems? – 1. Unhygienic / dirty / filthy / 2. Slow service

C2 – Reasons? – 1. Not enough bins / 2. Not enough workers

C3 – How to overcome? – 1. Provide more bins / 2. Hire more workers

Canteen is an essential part for every school. Did you know that 8 out of 10 schools have problems with
their canteen? Therefore, in this essay, we will delve deeper into the problems faced by my school canteen and
how to overcome them.

To begin with, the most notable problem is our school canteen is unhygienic. This is because there were
not enough bins around the canteen. As a result, students either left their leftovers on the tables or they littered
food packaging everywhere around the canteen. In order to solve this problem, the canteen management should
provide more and perhaps bigger bins at strategic spots around the canteen. This will help improve the
cleanliness of the canteen.

Other than that, the service of this canteen is notably/particularly slow. This is due to the shortage of
their staff members. Consequently, many students could not get their food during recess and they went to class
hungry/starving. What can be done to solve this problem? I personally think that the canteen management
should hire more workers. This will smoothen the canteen operation especially during peak hours such as during

To sum up, canteen is a vital part of the school and its quality and service should be maintained. In my
opinion, a good canteen management will make both students and teachers happy.

Hygiene = cleanliness

Hygienic = clean

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C1 – Place you would like to go? – Melaka

C2 – Reasons? – 1. Many interesting places / 2. Try local dishes / 3. Buy souvenirs

C3 – One benefit? – Strengthen the bonds / foster stronger bonds

Class trip is a fun activity for both students and teachers. Did you know that 9 out of 10 students love
class trips? In this essay, I will share about a place I would like to go for my class trip.

For your information, Malaysia has myriads of interesting holiday destinations. For my school trip, we
chose Melaka. Why? The most notable reason is because Melaka has many interesting places to visit. There are
many historical places and buildings such as A Famosa and Hang Tuah Village. Melaka is also known for its
Klebang Beach where you can do a lot of activities such as horse-riding, watching sunset and enjoying fire show
at night.

Moreover, Melaka has many delectable local dishes. The most renowned dish is their ‘asam pedas.’ It
is best eaten with rice and local vegetables. In case you did not know, Klebang is known nationwide for its drink
called ‘coconut shake.’ It is a combination of coconut water with condensed milk and ice cream of different
flavours. It is best enjoyed during hot days.

Furthermore, Melaka is a wonderful place for shopping. There are many kinds of souvenir for visitors
to choose. For example, you can buy traditional items such as ‘tengkolok,’ kris, woven bags and even musical
instruments. Shirts with Melaka prints and colourful keyrings can be found almost everywhere. You can even
choose where to shop, either at a mall like Melaka Mall or open air markets like the one at Hang Tuah Village.

To sum up, class trip is an exciting activity for school students. In my opinion, such trip can help to foster
stronger bonds between the class members and with their teachers as they create unforgettable memories

Notorious (adj.) – very bad

Notoriety (n.)

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2023 Trial Sample Answers



C1 – What is ocean pollution? – Contaminated ocean

C2 – Reasons to clean ocean? – 1. Protect marine life and its habitats / 2. Tourism

C3 – Ways to protect ocean? – 1. Awareness campaign / 2. Enforce stricter rules

Ocean makes up more than 70 percent of our earth. Did you know that our ocean is under a threat of
being polluted? Therefore, in this essay, we will delve deeper into the issue of ocean pollution and ways to
protect our ocean.

To begin with, we need to understand what is ocean pollution. Pollution can be defined as having
harmful materials or substances in our environment. Hence, ocean pollution is the state where our ocean being
contaminated with harmful materials such as rubbish, toxic waste and oil spillage.

For your information, ocean is an essential part of our life because it is one of sources for food. This is
why we need to keep it clean. The most notable reason is because the ocean is the home to myriads of marine
life such as whales, shellfish and coral reeves. If their habitats are destroyed by pollution, we may lose one of
our food sources. Nevertheless, ocean is also important for tourism industry. People can do many activities in
the ocean such as snorkelling, scuba diving and whale watching. Having our ocean polluted will negatively impact
tourism and hence, affect our economy.

In case you did not know, there are many ways to protect our ocean. The most effective way is to spread
awareness through campaigns on social media such as TikTok, Facebook and Instagram. It is because more than
half of our planet’s population use social media daily. On the other hand, the authorities can take action by
enforcing stricter rules to punish irresponsible parties that caused this problem.

To sum up, ocean is important and it needs to be protected. In my opinion, everyone should play their
role, no matter how little, to make this effort successful.

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2023 Trial Sample Answers


C1 – how spend time? – 1. Hang out / 2. Do activities together

C2 – how to keep friendship? – 1. Respect each other / 2. Be honest

C3 – why is it important to have a friend? – to not feel lonely

Friends are like our second family and they are indispensable especially for teenagers. Did you know
that 8 out of 10 teenagers have friends they make either at school or online? Therefore, in this essay, I will share
about how I spend time with my friends and ways for people to keep their friendship.

There are many ways to spend time with our friends. As for me, I prefer to hang out with them. The
best place to hang out is at malls like Aman Central. Sometimes, we hang out at restaurants such as Mat Shariff
Nasi Kandar or Zedy Western while catching up with each other’s life. Other than that, I also like to do activities
together with my friends. We often play football or futsal together during weekends or play video games during
school holidays.

Having friends is important but keeping them requires effort. One way to keep friendship is by
respecting each other’s differences. We may have different background, belief or religion so we need to learn
about it so as not to accidentally offend them. Moreover, honesty is always the best policy. It is better to be
honest and hurt our friend’s feelings rather than lying to them with sugar-coated words.

In conclusion, we need to spend time together with our friends so we can keep our friendship. In my
opinion, it is important to have friends so we will not be lonely going through hurdles and obstacles in life. After
all, no man is an island.

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C1 – social media choice? – Instagram

C2 – benefits – 1. Can reach out to bigger audience / 2. Cheaper cost / 3. Instant response

C3 – disadvantage – annoyance

Social media have unlimited potentials. People use social media to connect with friends and family,
spreading information as well as for business. Did you know that more than 80 percent companies use social
media to advertise their products? In this essay, we will delve deeper into the benefits of using social media for

For your information, there are many social media platforms that can be used for advertisement but
the most popular one is Instagram. Small and big companies prefer to use Instagram because it has many
benefits. The most prominent one is it can reach out to bigger audience in shorter time. This is because there
are over 100 million users on Instagram.

Moreover, it is free to advertise on Instagram. However, if a company wants a better chance to reach
even bigger audience, they can opt for paid service offered by Instagram. Last but not least, sellers can get
instant response from interested buyers using a feature called Direct Message or DM. Sellers can also set
automated response if they are away using bot provided by the system.

In brief, social media is useful for people who run business. However, having too much advertisements
on social media can be an annoyance to most users.

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2023 Trial Sample Answers



C1 – Reasons? – Study / doom scrolling / playing video games / in a relationship

C2 – Effects? – 1. Lose focus – affect study (sleep in class) and relationship (tired, easily angered) / 2. Insomnia /
sleep deprivation – declining health

C3 – Solutions? – 1. Prepare personal timetable / 2. Avoid social media / video games before bedtime

Sleep is essential for human’s growth and wellbeing. Did you know that more than 80 percent of young
people today are missing out on having a good night’s sleep? Therefore, in this essay, we will delve deeper into
the reasons of sleep problem among teenagers, its effects and how to overcome this issue.

For your information, there are many reasons why teenagers are losing sleep at night. The most notable
factor is education. Teenagers today get mountains of homework which they need to finish so they would burn
midnight’s oil for their study. Another factor is entertainment. Many teenagers are addicted to both social media
and video games that they would choose to sacrifice their sleep over the fun.

In case you did not know, losing sleep can be detrimental to us. The first effect is losing focus and alertness.
As a result, teenagers will be sleepy in class and this will affect them academically. Moreover, sleep deprivation
can cause insomnia. In the long run, this will lead to the decline of their health and may even cause depression.

In order to solve this problem, there are many things teenagers can do. First, they should prepare a personal
timetable. This will help them to manage their time for important things such as study, entertainment and sleep.
Another way to curb this issue is by avoiding the causes of their sleep deprivation. For example, playing video
games or scrolling on social media should be avoided two hours before bedtime. This is because these activities
can keep us awake for hours.

To sum up, having a good night’s sleep is important to everyone especially teenagers. In my opinion, young
people should try to get enough sleep for a better and brighter future.

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2023 Trial Sample Answers



C1 – objective – to promote the importance of science and technology to teenagers/students

C2 – activities – 1. Exhibitions / 2. Competitions

C3 – benefits? – 1. Gain new knowledge / 2. Application in daily life

Nowadays, many teenagers are not interested in pursuing science fields. A research has found that only
about 15 percent of students at school opt for science stream. This is why many schools organise Science Fair.
Hence, in this essay, we will delve deeper into the activities organised during Science Fair at my school and its
benefits for pupils.

The main objective of this Science Fair is to promote the importance of science and technology to
teenagers. As mentioned earlier, pupils today are not interested to take up science stream subjects such as
Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Additional Mathematics as these subjects are considered as very difficult to

For your information, this Science Fair was held from 10th to 13th March 2023. There were many
activities organised throughout the event. The main attraction was the exhibitions by various agencies such as
National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK), Kuala Nerang Hospital (HKN) and Ministry of Science and Technology. In
fact, some pupils were also in charge of some booths under their teachers’ supervision.

Other than exhibitions, there were also competitions. The competition that has most participants was
science quiz. This is because it is open to everyone and the prizes offered were very attractive such as hampers
and electronic devices. Another popular competition was water rocket. The rules of this competition require
pupils to build their own rocket using recyclable materials. The team that could fly their rocket the furthest win
the competition and surprisingly, 5 Agama pupils managed to defeat the long-standing winners from 5 Biologi.

In case you did not know, there are many benefits pupils can gain from learning science. The most
notable one is that they can learn new knowledge. They can learn how to create fire using magnifying glass and
dried leaves. In fact, they can also apply what they learn in their daily lives. For example, they can delay the
oxidation process of fresh fruits such as apples and bananas so they would last longer.

To sum up, Science Fair at school offers myriads of benefits to pupils. In my opinion, pupils will develop
more interest in science if they can experience science themselves.

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2023 Trial Sample Answers



C1 – Types of cybercrimes – 1. Cyberbullying / 2. Scams

C2 – Effect on teenagers – 1. Depression / 2. Financial problems

C3 – Prevention methods – 1. Avoid oversharing on social media / 2. Don’t share personal information

Nowadays, cybercrimes are becoming rampant all over the cyber world. Did you know that teenagers
are the most susceptible to fall victim to cybercrimes? Therefore, in this essay, we will explore different types of
cybercrimes, its effect on teenagers and how to prevent them.

For your information, there are various types of crimes online. The most common one is cyberbullying.
This crime mostly happen on social media platforms such as Facebook, Reddit and Instagram. Teenagers usually
become the target of cyberbullying when they post pictures of their daily life. Consequently, they may
experience low self-esteem and in worst case scenario, they will go through depression. In order to prevent this,
teenagers can stop oversharing on social media.

Another common cybercrime is scams. Scammers are everywhere on the net and use various methods
to trick online users. If you get scammed, you may lose your savings and as a result, you will face financial
problems. This begs the question: What can be done to prevent this? Since scammers want to lay their hands
on your personal information, remember not to share them with untrusted or suspicious parties.

To sum up, there are many cybercrimes out there and we could all possibly fall victim if we are not
careful. After all, prevention is better than cure because it is no use to cry over spilled milk.

Tips to use PREVENT vs AVOID:


[Someone] avoid [something]

Example: Alin avoids sugary drinks because she doesn’t want to get fat.


(Something 1) prevent (someone) from (something 2)

Example: Feeling afraid of getting fat prevents Alin from drinking sugary drinks.

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Who? – Khairul Aming

C1 – description? – 1. Influencer / 2. Businessman / 3. Award winner

C2 – why you admire? – 1. Soft-spoken / 2. Creativity

C3 – how to be a role model to siblings? – show good example

A role model is a person who inspires you to be a better person. Did you know that only 4 out of 10
teenagers today have a role model in their life? Therefore, in this essay, I will share about my role model and
how teenagers could be a role model to their siblings.

(Let me tell you about my role model: Khairul Aming. / For your information, my role model is Khairul
Aming.) He is a local influencer who is famous on social media especially TikTok and Instagram. He is a content
creator who shares videos of cooking recipes which are easy to follow. He is also a successful businessman who
sells his well-known product called “Sambal Nyet Berapi Khairul Aming.” In fact, he recently received an award
from TikTok as the icon for the most popular content creator category.

There are many things I admire about Khairul Aming. The most notable reason is that he is soft-spoken.
It is very soothing to hear him talking in his videos. He also has a popular greeting which has been imitated by
others, which is “Hey…what’s up, guys!” Other than that, he is also known for his creativity. His videos are very
interesting because of how smooth the transition is. His creativity is also shown in how he alters some recipes
and makes them even better yet so much easier to make.

In brief, it is important for us to have our own role model in life. In fact, in my opinion, teenagers could
be a good role model to their siblings by showing good attitude and example.

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C1 – A tourist attraction? – Mount Jerai

C2 – What makes it popular? – 1. Hiking spot / 2. Fun activities / 3. Hotel and cafe

C3 – Ways to encourage local travel? – 1. Upgrade infrastructure/facilities / 2. Offer interesting packages

Nowadays, many Malaysians cross the border to enjoy their holiday abroad. Did you know that more
than 80 percent of Malaysian prefer to travel to Thailand and Indonesia rather than travelling locally? Therefore,
in this essay, we will discuss about a popular local tourism spot and how to encourage people to travel locally.

Let me tell you about my choice: Mount Jerai. It is located in Kedah, between Kuala Muda and Yan
districts. There are many reasons that make this place popular. It is one of the most popular choices for hikers
all around the country. Hikers love Mount Jerai as it is challenging yet safe for them. It is also because they can
enjoy the beautiful scenery of myriads of local species of floras and faunas.

For your information, there are many fun activities you can do at the top of Mount Jerai. For example,
you can ride flying fox or sky bike while savouring the exclusive view of paddy fields in Kedah. In fact, you can
stay at a hotel here at an affordable price. The hotel also has a café that serves many types of Kedahan delicacies
and also desserts.

Despite the wonderful attractions, many Malaysians still choose to travel abroad. What can we do to
encourage them to travel locally? The most important thing to do is to upgrade the facilities and infrastructure
for the sake of the tourists’ comfort. Moreover, travel agencies should offer interesting and affordable packages
for tourists to choose. Not only it will encourage them to travel locally, it will also boost our country’s economy.

In brief, our country has many travelling destinations which is as good as the ones abroad. In my
opinion, Malaysians should travel locally to show their support for local brands.

For the sake of = untuk/demi kebaikan

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C1 – Name, location? – Puncak Janing / in Padang Terap, not far from SK Tualak

C2 – Attractions? – 1. Waterfall / 2. Scenic views / 3. Camping sites

C3 – Recommend to others? – Yes

Padang Terap’s Hidden Heaven

By: Marsya Qistina binti Zulmadi Sayuti

Did you know that there are still so many undiscovered places of natural beauty in Malaysia? Imagine
enjoying a jaw-dropping natural beauty with your friends or family at your own backyard. This is what Puncak
Janing is all about.

For your information, Puncak Janing is one of the hidden gems in Padang Terap, Kedah. Located not far
from SK Tualak, this place is the perfect place for city-dwellers to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and
enjoy beautiful sceneries free from pollution.

If you are wondering, this place is surrounded by greeneries which is perfect for healing. Take out your
camping chair and sit back to enjoy bountiful scenic views as you forget all about your worries. Aside from the
greeneries, the most iconic attraction here is the 8-metre waterfall, from which you can hear crashing sound
almost a kilometre away. In fact, if you love camping, this place is the perfect spot for you! Padang Terap City
Council has built necessary facilities such as toilet and pantry near the camping site here. But remember to take
away your rubbish when you leave!

In brief, I cannot recommend Puncak Janing enough for all its natural beauty. Come here to enjoy the
beauty and leave only your footprints when you leave.

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C1 – Examples of endangered species? – 1. Orangutans / 2. Giant Pandas / 3. Rafflesias

C2 – How? – 1. Deforestation / 2. Illegal hunting or poaching

C3 – Ways to save? – 1. Organise campaign / 2. Spread awareness via social media / 3. Conservation and

Save Endangered Species!

By: Suelieman Naufal bin Amalin @ Syahir Farin

Towards modernisation, we have sacrificed many things including Mother Nature. Did you know that
since 1989, over 50 species of flora and fauna have gone extinct? This includes dodo birds and Sumatran
rhinoceros while many other species are becoming endangered. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss about
the factors contributing to this problem and how to save endangered species.

For your information, there are many species of flora and fauna slowly facing extinction. This includes
orang-utans, giant pandas and rafflesia. They are becoming endangered due to a number of factors. The most
prominent factor is deforestation. Illegal logging and deforestation to make way for development has robbed
wildlife of their natural habitats. When their habitats are destroyed, they slowly die out because they lose their
source of food. Another alarming factor is poaching and illegal hunting. Many animals are hunted for specific
parts of their bodies which are believed to have medicinal properties such as rhinoceros tusks and shark fins.
These animals are hunted and left to die after their precious body parts are taken.

Every problem has solution. Endangered species of flora and fauna can be saved if we take necessary
measures. The most effective way is to spread awareness to the masses via social media such as Instagram and
TikTok. Other than that, authorities and non-government organisations such as World Wildlife (WWF) and
United Nations (UN) can organise campaigns in every major city in the world. Last but not least, conservation
and preservation of wildlife species and their habitats can help save them. It may be a slow process but it is
effective in the long run.

In brief, wildlife is facing extinction as the price of our greed for development and modernisation. In my
opinion, the power is in our hands to decide the future of our planet.

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C1 – Type of books? – comics or graphic novels

C2 – Facilities should be added? – 1. Discussion rooms / 2. Game corner / 3. Private workspaces

C3 – How to make it better? – better management

Our School Library

By: Azriel as-Samran bin Sheikh Azwan al-Hud

Library is an essential part of every school. It is a place where students go to do revision and for group
discussion. However, 8 out of 10 school libraries are still lacking in facilities. Therefore, in this article, I will share
my opinion on how to make my school library better.

What is a library without books? Every school library should have a vast collection of books ranging
from encyclopaedia to comic books and newspapers. I personally think that every school library should have
more comics or graphic novels so as to attract more students to visit. Another way to attract more students to
visit, school libraries should add more facilities. The most essential one is to add more private workspaces. This
way, students can do their work or revision without interruption from other people.

Moreover, it is a good idea to have discussion rooms. Students often receive group tasks and
assignments from their teachers. However, they may not have a suitable place to discuss. Hence, having
discussion rooms can help them finish their task. Doing work can be stressful so students need a medium to
blow some steam. Libraries can provide game corners for this reason. The corner can have variety of board
games like chess and scrabble or game consoles like Playstation 5 or Nintendo Switch.

To sum up, school libraries should have more than just books if it wants to attract more students to
visit. In my opinion, having the best facilities is not enough for any library to thrive if it has bad management.
Therefore, every library must also improve their management.

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C1 – A book I enjoy reading – Harry Potter series

C2 – How reading makes me a better person? – 1. Learn moral values / 2. Avoid unbeneficial activities

C3 – Why reading is not popular anymore? – 1. Addiction to social media / 2. Video games

My Favourite Book

By: Minah Hana binti Osdin Hakimi

In the olden days, reading was a popular pastime activity among teenagers. Did you know that only 4
out of 10 teenagers today actually like to read books? Therefore, in this article, I will share about how I benefit
from reading and delve deeper into the reasons why reading is not a popular among teenagers anymore.

Let me tell you about my favourite book: the Harry Potter series. This series follows the adventure of a
teenage boy named Harry who is invited to study at Hogwarts and ends up defeating the evil lord, Voldemort.

Personally, reading has made me a better person. The most notable reason is because I learnt many
positive moral values. For example, Harry Potter is a brave yet kind person so I learnt to be brave and kind like
him. Moreover, reading has saved me from being involved in unbeneficial activities. While many teenagers are
involved in illegal racing or causing vandalism on public properties, I just stay at home and enjoy reading books
in the comfort of my own room.

Despite the numerous benefits reading has to offer, it is no longer a popular hobby among teenagers.
This is due to the rise of technology. Most teenagers today prefer to play video games such as Free Fire, Mobile
Legends and e-Football rather than spending their time reading books. Meanwhile, some other teens are
addicted to the doom scrolling of social media such as TikTok, Twitter and Instagram as these platforms offer
interesting videos they can scroll for hours and hours.

To sum up, reading offers unlimited benefits to the readers. In my opinion, teenagers should read more
books to ensure a better and brighter future.

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C1 – Location and when? – Bukit Nyamok / every Saturday

C2 – What you like? – 1. Food selection / 2. Preloved items / 3. Affordable price

C3 – Recommend to friends? Why? – Yes / Support local businesses

Bukit Nyamok Night Market: A Review

By: Umi Rabiatul Sofea binti Abdullah Hisham ad-Din

Do you like food hunting at night? Imagine finding myriad choices of local food at affordable price. You
can get this by visiting the famous Bukit Nyamok Night Market.

Recently, I had the pleasure to visit this night market. It is located at Bukit Nyamok, not far from SK
Kurong Hitam. This night market, which is held every Saturday, starts as early as 6pm and closes around

There are many reasons why I love Bukit Nyamok Night Market. The number one reason is definitely
the food. This place offers a wide selection of mouth-watering food such as Pattaya fried rice, apam balik and
desserts like jelly balls. My personal favourite is fried chicken coated in spices. It feels like an explosion of flavours
in my mouth. Moreover, there also stalls that sell preloved items such as branded clothes and shoes, accessories
and even spare parts for vehicles. Last but not least, the prices of the items sold here are affordable and student-
friendly. This is especially good for people who have small budget but needs to fulfil their necessities.

To be honest, I did not expect much from a night market but Bukit Nyamok Night Market had exceeded
my expectations. Not only the selection is wide, the price is also affordable. This is why I would recommend this
place to my friends. After all, we should all support local businesses.

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C1 – Favourite theme park – Semeliang Theme Park

C2 – What do you like? – 1. Petting zoo / 2. Fun rides

C3 – Why is it special? – First theme park experience

C4 – Recommend to friends? No – Reason? Expensive, unhygienic, not maintained

Semeliang Theme Park: A Review

By: Hana Maisara binti Zulfarizan Izzat

Have you been to a theme park? Imagine spending time with friends or family at a theme park where
you can walk among animals and have many fabulous attractions. You can experience all these at Semeliang
Theme Park.

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Semeliang Theme Park. It is located not far from Semeliang City
Centre. You can get there either by using e-hailing services such as Grab or SemeliangRides or you can simply
take the monorail that stops 500 metres from the entrance.

For your information, there are many things I like at this theme park. The most worthy to mention is
the petting zoo. This zoo houses over 100 species of animals such as capybaras, chimpanzees, giraffes and
snakes. In this zoo, you can touch, feed and even take photos with them. I also learnt a lot about these animals
because there was a staff member who explained about the animals during exhibition time.

Moreover, this theme park provides multiple fun rides. The most popular rides are roller coaster,
hanging bridge and Ferris wheel. They are most popular among teenagers and loving couples. I personally prefer
the haunted house as the decorations inside were so realistic it gave me goosebumps! You do not need to worry
about your safety because they have well trained staff members to help you.

Let me be honest, this theme park holds a special place in my heart because it was my first experience
going to any theme park and I had a whale of a time there. However, I would not recommend this place to my
friends because the entrance tickets would cost them an arm and a leg and the petting zoo is somewhat

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C1 – Place? – Singkir Camp / Yan district, not far from Tanjung Dawai

C2 – Food? – Cook own food

C3 – Activities you can do there? – 1. Flying fox / 2. Rock climbing / 3. Hiking or jungle trekking

C4 – Recommend to others? Why? - Yes / Fun experience

Singkir Camp: A Review

By: Hamimia Sandha a/p Kitsada

Do you have nothing better to do this school holiday? Imagine spending your time doing fun activities
while meeting new people and making new friends. You can experience all this at Singkir Camp.

Recently, I spent my school holiday here. For your information, Singkir Camp is located in Yan district,
not so far from Tanjung Dawai. This camp was originally built for Biro Tata Negara (BTN) activities but now it is
being used for motivational camps. No food is provided here because campers need to cook their own meals
throughout the camp.

There are many activities we can do here. The most memorable activity I did here was flying fox. I had
to climb a 10-metre tower and the friendly and handsome instructors helped me to wear the safety equipment
before I took the flight down. Another fun activity was rock climbing. I had trouble gripping at the rocks but
another handsome instructor was very patient in explaining and demonstrating it step by step. On the last day I
was here, the handsome instructors took me and other participants to the nearby jungle. We trekked through
the woods and hiked our way up to the top of the hill. It was a very tiring experience but the magnificent view
from the top was worth every drop of my sweat.

To be honest, I actually dreaded the idea of going to any summer camp but I left Singkir Camp with
unforgettable memories and a wide smile on my face. If you want to experience the same fun experience, this
camp is highly recommended for you.

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C1 – Name of fav online DIY project – 5-Minute Crafts

C2 – Details? – 1. What kind of materials – recyclable items or junks / 2. Process to make / 3. What to do with
the products

C3 – Recommend to friends? Why? – Yes / make us want to start DIY project

5-Minute Craft Projects: A Review

By: Mursyid Amina Bin Ieman Firdaus

Have you ever watched an interesting video that keeps you glued to the screen? Imagine a video that
can provide you ideas on how you can reuse the junks in your home and turn them into useful decorations. You
can get all these from watching 5-Minute Craft Projects.

Recently, I discovered an interesting channel on YouTube. The channel is called 5-Minute Craft Projects
by a Kedahan girl, Raihana Farisa. She is a productive high school student who has shared over 100 videos on
her DIY projects ranging from simple origami to complex science hacks.

What intrigued me the most is the materials she used. Instead of using new and expensive materials,
Raihana used recyclable materials as well as junks she found around her house. For example, she used old
newspapers or schoolwork to make her origami. Not only that, she also repurposed worn-out tires from her
dad’s car into unbelievably astounding flower pots.

Moreover, Raihana also provides step-by-step process to make each craft. She recorded each video
with her younger brother’s help. She would show each step with precise details as she would comment about
what to do and not to do. This is what makes her video so easy to follow. In fact, she would also crack jokes as
she talks to her audience.

What distinguishes this 5-Minute Craft Projects from other creators’ contents is the fact that Raihana
would give us suggestions on what to do with each product and where to place them. For example, she showed
how she used the flower pots made with the worn-out tires as decorations for her backyard. Another example
is when she showed how she used the origami she made as decorations for her room’s ceiling. I was so impressed
by how junks I would throw away would look so stunning as decorations in her room!

To be honest, the 5-Minute Craft Projects videos are among the best things I have discovered online this year. It
filled me with joy and made me want to start my own DIY project. This is why I would recommend this DIY project
to my friends.

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Sample 1

C1 – which app is the best? – GrabPanda

C2 – what you like? – 1. Cheap but fast delivery / 2. User-friendly / 3. Vouchers

C3 – recommend? Why?

GrabPanda: Everything At Your Fingertips!

By: Fadhliana Huda binti Ieman Raihan

Are you too busy or perhaps too lazy to go out for small errands? Imagine having an application that
lets you place order and the items are delivered to your doorstep. Fear not because GrabPanda is at your service.

Recently, I discovered an amazing food delivery application called GrabPanda. It is a free-to-download

application from both Google Play and App Store. This application lets you order your food and a rider will deliver
it to you in no time. You can also choose your preferred method of payment, either to pay using online banking,
using cards or simply pay cash upon delivery.

There are many things to love about this application. The most notable reason is because this
application is very user-friendly. It has nice interface and very smooth. It also has clear instructions and guides
for new users. Moreover, GrabPanda offers fast delivery at a cheaper fee than most other food delivery services
such as GrabFood and FoodPanda. Normally, other services charge RM2 for delivery within 2 kilometres but
GrabPanda only charge 50 cents. In fact, this application is good for students because it has various vouchers for
them to claim. For example, there is 50 percent off for first time users and also LuckyLunch voucher that gives
over 30 percent discount for lunch menus between 11 am and 4pm.

Let me be honest, I did not expect much from GrabPanda but it exceeded my expectations. Not only it
is easy to use but it also lets us save a lot of time and money. This is why I would recommend this application to
my friends.

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Sample 2

C1 – Which food delivery application? – Food Panda

C2 – What you like? – 1. Vouchers, discounts / 2. User-friendly, easy to use / 3. Variety of choices

C3 – Recommend to friends? Why? – Yes / Multiple functions and features

Food Panda: A Review / Food Panda: Top Service at Our Fingertips

By: Auni Nasuha binti Zafry Din

Have you ever thought about how can you order food when you are busy with a lot of things to do?
Imagine ordering food such as burger, shawarma and even desserts using an application on your smartphone
without having to face the congested traffic? Believe it or not, you can do all this using an application called Food

Recently, I had the pleasure of trying this food delivery application. At first, I thought it would be difficult
to use but to my surprise, it was very intuitive and user-friendly. For example, the shops are listed into categories
such as western, traditional and even desserts. In fact, it also has “search” function where you can simply find
your craved food if you do not know which shop sells it.

Moreover, this application also offers variety of food choices. You can find all sorts of different kind of
food such as yong tau foo, cendol, curry mee and also laksam from the nearest restaurants and food outlets
around you. In fact, this app will also make suggestions for you based on your recent searches and purchases. In
case you cannot make a decision, you can look at other people’s feedback.

Furthermore, Food Panda offers many benefits to its users. For example, they have many different
vouchers and discounts depending on the kind of food or what time you order. If you subscribe as a Panda Pro
user, you will unlock even more vouchers and promotions. This way, you can save a lot of time as you do not
need to line up or face traffic jam. In fact, you can enjoy your freshly cooked food in the comfort of your own

Let me be honest, Food Panda may seem like other food delivery applications but it had surprised me
beyond measure with its multiple functions and features. I personally would recommend this application to my
friends (for all its worth / as it has many benefits for its users.

Congested traffic

Traffic congestion = traffic jam

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C1 – which hotel? – Hotel 89

C2 – enjoy or not? – 1. Enjoy – reasonable price / 2. Enjoy – swimming pool / 3. Did not enjoy – bad customer
service / 4. Dne – uncomfortable room

C3 – recommendation to friends? why? –

Hotel 89: The Good and The Bad

By: Safripah Qistina binti Ziqran Zani

Have you stayed at a hotel before? Imagine a low-budget hotel that offers facilities such as swimming
pool and gymnasium. You can get all these at Hotel 89.

Recently, I stayed at this hotel. It is located near the heart of Kuala Nerang Metropolis. It is an 89-storey
building with over 150 rooms and almost always fully booked especially during festive seasons such as New Year
and Eid celebration.

There many things to like about Hotel 89. What I enjoyed the most was the view from the swimming
pool located at the top of the building. This rooftop swimming pool is open to all staying visitors. You can see
the full view of Kuala Nerang Metropolis including the Kuala Nerang Trade Centre. Moreover, the rooms offered
here are at reasonable price. You can get a deal as low as RM89 for single room with a queen bed.

Despite the affordable rate, this hotel’s customer service is very disappointing. The receptionist was
rude and judgemental. The housekeepers also did very lousy job at cleaning and preparing a room. In fact, my
room was messy and uncomfortable. The air conditioner was not functioning well and there was funny smell
coming from the mattress. The sheet also had weird stain and it was very disgusting.

To be honest, Hotel 89 may look impressive on the outside with its rooftop swimming pool but the
terrible service and quality left me speechless. I personally would not recommend this hotel to my friends
because it would leave them with bad memories.

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C1 – Objectives? – 1. Raise awareness / 2. Promote healthy lifestyle

C2 – What the money will be used for? – Donated to Miracle Orphanage

C3 – Lesson for students? – 1. Help lessen the burden of the orphans / 2. The importance of socializing with

To : Principal

From : Miracast a/p Oolong

Subject : Annual Charity Fun Run


This report focuses on the recently organised annual Charity Fun Run and its impact on students.

Charity Fun Run

The Charity Fun Run is an annual event organised by our school in order to raise fund for Miracle Orphanage.
This year, it was held on 10 October.

For your information, this programme has two main objectives. First, it is to raise awareness among our students
about the importance of helping other people in need. Another objective is to promote healthy lifestyle to both
students and school staff members alike.

This year’s Charity Fun Run was a massive success and had managed to raise over RM5000. This fund collected
is to be donated to Miracle Orphanage to help them maintain and repair facilities for the comfort of their

Impact on Students

A survey has been carried out at the end of the activity. It was found that more than 80 percent of the
participants learnt about the suffering of other people and they were satisfied as they could help lessen the
burden of the orphans. Moreover, it was observed that the participants happily mingled with each other despite
the difference in their age, rank and race as they learnt about the importance of socializing with others.


In conclusion, the annual Charity Fun Run has successfully reached its objectives. It is hoped that this event will
be held again in the future.

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C1 – details – Tunku Putra Hall, June 3 – 12

C2 – advantages? – 1. Cheap price / 2. Meet and greet with authors / 3. Limited edition books and souvenir

C3 – recommendation – bigger venue

To : Principal

From : Assada Mowtah bin Masriz, Secretary

Subject : Report on Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Nerang (PBAKN)


This report aims to highlight the advantages of attending a book fair.

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Nerang (PBAKN)

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Nerang (PBAKN) is an annual event organised by Padang Terap City Council. This
book fair was participated by many well-known publishers and authors from all around the world. This year, it
was held at Tunku Putra Hall from June 3 to 12.

There are many advantages for attending this event. The most prominent benefit is we can get many books at
cheaper price than recommended retail prices. We can also get discounted price for purchase over RM100.
Moreover, fans can get their elusive chance for “meet and greet” session with their favourite authors such as
Alif Teega, Iddin Ramli and Uddin Yahaya. Last but not least, we can also grab limited edition books and souvenirs
that can only be found at this book fair.


The event went smoothly but there are always rooms for improvement. The only notable problem for this book
fair was the venue. Since it received overwhelming response, the place was overcrowded with visitors. Hence,
it is suggested that the organiser should choose an even bigger venue for this event (in the future / for next


In conclusion, PBAKN was a great success and it was beneficial for everyone especially students. It is hoped that
abovementioned suggestion will be accepted.

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C1 – Aim of the event? – Celebrate the month of independence as well as raise patriotism among students

C2 – Activities? – 1. The launching of the Merdeka Month celebration / 2. Merdeka Treasure Hunt

C3 – Suggestions? – 1. Promote through social media / 2. Form 5 should be allowed to participate

To : Teacher advisor

From : Nia Raihana binti Amir Azwan

Subject : The Merdeka Month Carnival


This report aims to highlight the activities during the Merdeka Month Carnival and suggest ways to improve it.

The Merdeka Month Carnival

This carnival is an annual event at our school. The aim of this carnival is to celebrate the month of Malaysia’s
Independence as well as raise patriotism among students.

There were many activities held during the carnival. The most happening activity was the launching of the
Merdeka Month celebration. It was held at Tun Syed Ahmad Hall. This activity involves gimmicks and singing
patriotic songs. Another activity favoured by students was Merdeka Treasure Hunt. This activity involves all
students which were divided into two categories: lower and upper secondary. The teachers in charge were Mr.
Syafiq and Ms. Afifah.


This year’s carnival went smoothly and it was a big success. However, there are still rooms for improvement.
The major problem was the lack of participation from students. This is due to lack of promotion by the organising
committee. It is our suggestion that the organising committee should promote the event through social media
such as Instagram and TikTok. Another reason for this problem is because Form 5 students were not allowed to
participate due to their upcoming trial exam. It is our suggestion that all students including Form 5 should be
allowed to participate in order to improve the number of participation.


In brief, the Merdeka Month Carnival is a good way to promote patriotism among students and therefore, it
should continue to be held every year. It is hoped that the abovementioned suggestions will help to improve
this programme in the future.

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C1 – purpose – buy books / relieve stress post-examination

C2 – organiser and participants? – Tourism Club, club members and teacher advisors

C3 – Experience – meet famous authors and influencers / find elusive limited edition books

C3 – Personal feedback? – beneficial

To : Principal

From : Fatin Aimini binti Zafrydin, secretary

Subject : Educational Trip to Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIBF)


This report aims to highlight about an educational trip to Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIBF).

Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIBF)

For your information, KLIBF is an annual event. This year, it was held at PWTC from 20 to 31 May 2023.

On 25 May, Tourism Club had organised an educational trip to this book fair. 35 members and 5 teacher advisors
of this club were involved. The main purpose of this trip is for the club members to relieve their stress post-
examination. Another purpose is for them to buy books at cheaper price.

Experience at KLIBF

We departed early in the morning and arrived there at noon. We were lucky because we had the opportunity to
meet famous authors such as Alif Teega and Iddin Ramli. We also met popular influencers such as Khairul Aming
and Alif Satar. Moreover, we managed to find exclusively elusive limited edition books which can only be found
at this book fair.


In brief, this trip was beneficial for all participants. It is hoped that such trip will be held (annually / again in the

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C1 – Details? – “Kewangan Belia Madani” seminar / Tun Syed Ahmad Hall / 27 January 2024

C2 – Beneficial tips? – 1. Record expenses / 2. Make monthly budget / 3. Set aside emergency funds

C3 – Suggestions to improve? – 1. Provide food for participants / 2. Bigger venue

To : Teacher advisor

From : Mas Afifah binti Mas Afifuddin

Subject : Report on ‘Kewangan Belia Madani’ Seminar


This report aims to highlight the beneficial tips gained from this seminar and provide suggestions to improve it
in the future.

‘Kewangan Belia Madani’ Seminar

‘Kewangan Belia Madani’ Seminar is an effort by the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with Ministry of
Education to educate teenagers on financial management. This seminar was held at Tun Syed Ahmad Hall on 27
January 2024.

Beneficial Tips

There were many beneficial tips gained from this seminar. The most prominent tip is to record our expenses.
Most teenagers do not keep track of their daily expenses, causing them to lose more money than intended. The
next tip is to make a monthly budget on what to spend their money on. With this budget, teenagers will be
aware of their spending and they can prioritise what they need over what they want. The last tip is to set aside
some money for an emergency fund. This is especially helpful whenever teenagers are faced with unforeseen


This event went smoothly and all participants gained a lot of beneficial inputs. However, there are always rooms
for improvement. As the seminar received overwhelming response from our students, it is suggested that the
seminar should be held at a bigger and more spacious venue. Another suggestion is to provide food for the
participants since this seminar spanned over five hours with very short time for break.


In conclusion, this seminar was a complete success and it should be held annually. It is hoped that our
suggestions will be taken into consideration.

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