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A proud man in one day sitting upgrade Socrates at the young man I come to you seeking wisdom

recognising The Familiar arrogance of the young Socrates let him down to the ocean and wait it out
until they were about chest deep in water then he asked what are you seeking wisdom of great
Socrates said the young man Socrates Chris strong hands on the man's shoulders and throws them
on 2/32 pasta for Socrates leathermouth what do you seek the philosopher us-against-them spot of
the young man back on the socket 37354 finally what are you seeking here on time young man
scream desperately error I need error and when you seek Wisdom apply separately as you have just
sat there and your begins light whatever we see after in our life that's really the question at the
heart of the gospel this Sunday for weeks now it was reminded us that Jesus is headed for Jerusalem
or to the Final Conflict as the journey nears Jesus and his disciples into the great city of Jericho
Jericho is about 6 mi from the Jordan river and only 15 miles from Jerusalem and then swell fertilized
by abundance ring the door with lush rose gardens oral famous was improved to put the year for
miles around because it was empty and buy a lot of forest of magnificent palm trees meant call the
city of Palms Roman merchants products at this false morel Dwight markets the Jewish historian
josephus once called the city that define each and a mediaeval itinerary wrote that it was more
stretching the floor sweet smelling shrubs because of its wealth Jericho was considered one of the
greatest taxation centres in Palestine we looked briefly at the store or situation of tax collectors in
last week's reflection but it's important that your tax collected on a daily basis over the mall sure
that the name comes from a Hebrew word meaning curious which is ironic because he's a pro looks
like Jesus was intending to pass by seeking to see Jesus going to Jesus and maybe just maybe going
to the cheers of the Crowd because Jesus is passing by and maybe just maybe something more to life
than what he's been seeking so the little tax collector climbs the sycamore tree even as Jesus was
passing by and try some basement Jesus stuff 2:40 and calls my name music as usual when it is 1
come down quickly there must it's an invitation and invitation not just to stay in this house but an
invitation to remember to remember who you are remember who God created you to be sucked it
for innocent ends by saying that the Son of man came to seek and to save what was lost the Greek
word for horse doesn't mean to be dammit to be in the wrong place as fast as he wandered from
God as he was seeking the things of this world my laptop suddenly and I'm 15 26 Jesus he find his
place again he said anything is restored and it changes as for the wife it brings about a half an hour I
turning around but I was to make amends but all of us Logan if I was to give it all the French cheese
or we see if it lives suppressing desire of your heart is what's most important in our minds that our
relationship troubles or worries are past the pleasure enticement of the score start today to
acknowledge the goodness of God the face of Christ in prayer because Jesus is passing by Our Lives
today are we looking for him

Do you like today you find yourself on a on a building if you are lonely you're stressed sudden feeling
awkward maybe it's a sign that your head is better or the things on this phone but Jesus is coming is
passing but I keep calling you back then I support for the final or you lied today Socrates might tell us
when you see the face of Christ with the same figure in myself that you seek out of the things of this
world let your discover the love of god about the customary and thanks for listening to us if you like
we should share subscribe soonest

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