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Hospitals complement and amplify the effectiveness of many other parts of the

health system, providing continuous availability of services for acute and

complex conditions. They concentrate scarce resources within well-planned
referral networks to respond efficiently to population health needs. They are an
essential element of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and will be critical to
meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Hospitals are also an essential part of health system development. Currently,

external pressures, health systems shortcomings and hospital sector
deficiencies are driving a new vision for hospitals in many parts of the world. In
this vision, they have a key role to play to support other healthcare providers
and for community outreach and home-based services and are essential in a
well-functioning referral network.

Hospitals matter to people and often mark central points in their lives. They
also matter to health systems by being instrumental for care coordination and
integration. They often provide a setting for education of doctors, nurses and
other health-care professionals and are a critical base for clinical research.


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