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Nutritional Epidemiology and Dietary Assessment for

Patients With Kidney Disease: A Primer
Valerie K. Sullivan and Casey M. Rebholz

Nutritional epidemiology seeks to understand nutritional determinants of disease in human populations Complete author and article
using experimental and observational study designs. Though randomized controlled trials provide the information provided before
strongest evidence of causality, the expense and difficulty of sustaining adherence to dietary in-
terventions are substantial barriers to investigating dietary determinants of kidney disease. Therefore, Am J Kidney Dis.
nutritional epidemiology commonly employs observational study designs, particularly prospective 81(6):717-727. Published
online January 4, 2023.
cohort studies, to investigate long-term associations between dietary exposures and kidney disease.
Due to the covarying nature and synergistic effects of dietary components, holistic characterizations of doi: 10.1053/
dietary exposures that simultaneously consider patterns of foods and nutrients regularly consumed are j.ajkd.2022.11.014
generally more relevant to disease etiology than single nutrients or foods. Dietary intakes have tradi- © 2023 by the National
tionally been self-reported and are subject to bias. Statistical methods including energy adjustment Kidney Foundation, Inc.
and regression calibration can reduce random and systematic measurement errors associated with
self-reported diet. Novel approaches that assess diet more objectively are gaining popularity but have
not yet fully replaced self-report and require refinement and validation in populations with chronic
kidney disease. More accurate and frequent diet assessment in existing and future studies will yield
evidence to better personalize dietary recommendations for the prevention and treatment of kidney

N utritional epidemiology seeks to understand nutri-

tional determinants of disease in human populations.
Some of the earliest epidemiological studies in nutrition
the effect of dietary patterns or nutrients on kidney func-
tion decline, blood pressure, anthropometrics, and
biochemical derangements.3,4
investigated the role of diet in the development of car- In human nutrition RCTs, the identity of the intervention
diovascular disease. Since then, links between diet and is difficult to hide from participants, prohibiting double
numerous chronic diseases, including chronic kidney masking. Systematic errors may arise if intervention adher-
disease (CKD), have been discovered through epidemio- ence and outcome ascertainment differ by randomization
logic investigations. With the rising global prevalence of group due to the participants being cognizant of their group
CKD,1 improved understanding of how diet affects the risk assignment. In addition, a truly unexposed “control” group is
and progression of CKD is imperative to inform care and impossible in many dietary studies because all people
prevention recommendations. consume food. Failure to detect an intervention effect may
Epidemiological studies have traditionally relied on self- result from insufficient difference between the (lesser
reported dietary intakes to estimate associations with CKD. exposed) control group and the (more exposed) intervention
However, innovations that overcome limitations of such group, rather than a true lack of effect. Assessment of baseline
methods are gaining popularity. This primer offers an intake or nutritional status and background diet (the dietary
overview of nutritional epidemiology, including study context in which a food or nutrient is consumed) throughout
designs, exposure definition, traditional and novel diet the study duration may be useful to interpret effects.
assessment methods, sources of error, and statistical con- Finally, the expense and difficulty of sustaining adherence
siderations, to guide researchers and clinicians in inter- to dietary interventions limit the duration and scale of RCTs
preting and conducting investigations of diet in CKD. in nutrition research. Defining “adherence” a priori and
incorporating methods to assess it (eg, direct observation,
Study Designs in Nutritional Epidemiology return of unconsumed items, biomarker assessment, self-
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the report) are essential to monitor whether the intended
most rigorous design to establish causality. Randomized intervention is delivered. Ensuring palatability and accept-
allocation distributes confounding factors similarly be- ability of study diets (eg, by previewing menus or tasting
tween groups and removes the exposure decision from study foods) and communicating clearly and regularly with
participants and investigators, thereby minimizing con- participants throughout the study duration can promote
founding. Nutrition RCTs include controlled feeding retention and adherence. Incorporating a run-in period may
studies, single nutrient or dietary component studies, and be useful to evaluate adherence before randomization and to
dietary counseling studies (Table 1). One of the largest and standardize baseline exposure. Additional considerations for
longest nutrition RCTs in kidney disease research, the designing and conducting human nutrition RCTs are
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study, detailed elsewhere.5,6
investigated the effect of restricting protein intake on Due to the long lead times and large sample sizes
glomerular filtration rate decline.2 Others have investigated required to detect intervention effects on hard end points,

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Table 1. Study Designs Commonly Used in Nutritional Studies of Kidney Disease

Description Strengths Limitations
Randomized Trials
Controlled feeding • Study menu is designed to • Nutritional composition of • Expensive
studies meet desired intake targets diet can be determined • Requires skilled staff and
• All foods and beverages with high accuracy metabolic kitchen to prepare
are provided for participants • High control is permitted diets
over dietary and • High participant burden
nondietary confounders
• Useful to test efficacy of
diet to affect clinical
Single nutrient or dietary • Only the food(s) or • Effect of an intervention is • Heterogeneity in intervention
component studies nutrient (supplement) observed within realistic effects may result from
being studied is directly context of participants’ participant differences in how
manipulated usual diets they incorporate study foods
• Instruction regarding other into their habitual diets (eg,
dietary choices may or may substitution vs addition)
not be provided • Diet composition is unknown
Dietary counseling • Participants are instructed to • Feasibility observed in • Skilled practitioners are
studies modify their diets real-world setting required to deliver participant
• Food is usually not education
provided • Diet composition is unknown
Observational Designs
Prospective cohort • Observed diet is associated • Self-selected diet is • Diet is usually only assessed
studies with subsequent health observed as it naturally at baseline or early in follow-
outcomes occurs up and does not capture
• Long follow-up time changes that may occur over
permits observation of time
hard end points (eg,
mortality, incident disease)
Cross-sectional studies • Observed diet is associated • Self-selected diet is • Direction of associations
with concurrent health status observed as it naturally cannot be determined;
occurs possible reverse causation

the outcomes of nutrition RCTs are commonly interme- CKD progression, as well as other important clinical out-
diate markers of disease risk, with the notable exception of comes.13,14 Cohorts of individuals without CKD at base-
the Prevencion con Dieta Mediterranea (PREDIMED) study, line, such as the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities
a multicenter randomized trial that demonstrated a pro- (ARIC) study, have been used to study the association
tective effect of a Mediterranean diet on incident cardio- between diet and incident CKD.15
vascular disease compared with a lower-fat diet.7 Trials in In prospective cohort studies, assessment of dietary
patients with kidney disease have used declines in exposures before outcomes occur supports causal infer-
glomerular filtration rate of varying magnitudes or the ence. By contrast, cross-sectional studies such as the Na-
onset of proteinuria as surrogate outcomes for the devel- tional Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
opment of kidney failure8,9 which may take years to occur. (NHANES) assess exposure and disease simultaneously
Although sample size and study duration for RCTs inves- and, therefore, yield weaker evidence regarding causal
tigating hard end points (kidney failure, death, cardio- effects of diet on disease but are useful to describe dietary
vascular events) could be minimized by enrolling intakes and quantify the burden of insufficient or excess
participants with advanced CKD, dietary interventions may intakes in a population. In observational studies, exposure
not be equally effective at later versus early stages.10 is selected by participants rather than assigned, so the in-
Evidence regarding the long-term effects of dietary fluence of confounding factors on observed associations
exposures on hard end points have mostly originated from must be accounted for in statistical analyses.
observational study designs, predominantly prospective
cohort studies, based on the participants’ self-reported
dietary intakes. Several large cohorts established Defining Dietary Exposures
throughout the past 50 years, including the Chronic Renal Diet is a complex exposure that varies in composition and
Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study of adults with existing quantity within and between days and seasons. The co-
CKD11 and the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) varying nature of dietary components further complicates
study of children with existing CKD,12 continue to yield the definition and statistical modeling of dietary exposures.
important discoveries of associations between diet and Conceptualizations of dietary exposures range from a

718 AJKD Vol 81 | Iss 6 | June 2023

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adherence to a Mediterranean diet,27 Dietary Approaches

to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-style diet,28 and the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans29 have been associated with a
lower risk of incident CKD.40,41 Alternatively, empirical
approaches to defining dietary patterns use statistical
methods, such as factor or cluster analysis, that identify
combinations of foods consumed in a population.42 Other
holistic characterizations of dietary exposures may be
defined based on nutrient and food sources or their effects
on hypothesized mediators of disease risk. As dietary pat-
terns simultaneously represent multiple foods and nutri-
ents, observed associations between dietary patterns and
health cannot be attributed to any single food or nutrient
(eg, protein, sodium, potassium, phosphorus). Thus, ho-
listic dietary patterns complement but do not replace
reductionist single nutrient or food studies. These com-
plementary approaches are both valuable for studying diet-
disease relationships.

Diet Assessment Methods

Several methods are available to assess dietary intakes
(Table 3). We broadly classify these methods as traditional
(self-report) and novel approaches. Each method offers
strengths and limitations to consider when selecting the
Figure 1. Conceptualizations of dietary exposures. Nutrients are
contained within foods and beverages. Foods and beverages optimal assessment for a given population, study design,
with similar nutrient profiles may be grouped together. Dietary and exposure of interest.
patterns encompass the quantity, variety, and combinations of
foods and beverages habitually consumed. Icons were obtained Traditional Approaches
from Servier Medical Art, licensed under a Creative Commons Food Frequency Questionnaires
Attribution 3.0 unported license. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) query habitual
intake over a specified time period using a fixed list of
foods, beverages, and possibly nutritional supple-
reductionist focus on nutrients to holistic characterizations ments.24,43 Development or validation of FFQs in the
of dietary patterns (Fig 1). target population is recommended to ensure the included
Traditionally, single nutrients have been the focus of foods capture important nutrient sources, which may
nutritional epidemiology. Given the kidneys’ key role in differ between social, cultural, and ethnic groups. A short
metabolizing and excreting several nutrients, they remain 49-item FFQ developed and validated in patients with CKD
important exposures of interest in kidney disease research. in France acceptably ranked participants’ intakes of nutri-
Guidelines for CKD management have emphasized dietary ents including phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.44 An
protein, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium restrictions.16-21 analogous 57-item version later developed in the United
However, nutrients are rarely consumed in isolation, except States has demonstrated an acceptable assessment of diet
as supplements. Instead, people consume foods, which quality but does not assess nutrient intakes.45 Similarly,
contain various nutrient and non-nutrient components that FFQs have been developed or adapted for patients on
may affect health, and the bioavailability of these compo- dialysis.46-49
nents may differ depending on the food source and pro-
cessing. For example, phosphorus from plant sources is less Food Records
bioavailable than from animal sources, and almost all Food records, or food diaries, require respondents to log
(>90%) phosphorus from additives is absorbed.22 Further- dietary intakes in real time over a specified time period,
more, foods are consumed in combinations that may pro- usually 3 to 7 days. Weighted food records are regarded as
duce synergistic health effects.23 Therefore, dietary patterns, the gold standard quantitative self-reported diet assessment
which broadly encompass the quantity, variety, and com- method and are used to validate other diet assessment
binations of foods and beverages habitually consumed, may methods. The KDOQI guideline on nutrition in CKD rec-
predict long-term health better than single foods or nutri- ommends the use of 3-day food records to assess dietary
ents24 and are the basis of modern dietary guidance.25,26 intakes in clinical practice.19 Validated online or smart-
Dietary patterns may be defined a priori using pre- phone application–based records can facilitate real-time
defined criteria (Table 2).27-39 For instance, higher data collection, engage users with prompts to record

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Table 2. Examples of a Priori Dietary Patterns and Other Holistic Dietary Exposures
Exposure Definition References
Alternate Mediterranean Diet Score (aMed) Scores relative adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet; 27
adapted for use in US populations
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Scores relative adherence to the blood pressure–lowering 28
(DASH) Diet Score dietary pattern tested in the DASH clinical trials
Healthy Eating Index (HEI) Scores alignment with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 29
with multiple versions corresponding to guideline updates every
5 years
Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) Scores relative adherence to dietary recommendations that are 30,31
predictive of chronic disease risk; updated in 2010 based on
evolving scientific evidence
Dietary diversity scores Assigns greater value to diets with more variety of foods or 32
Plant-based diet indices Scores relative adherence to diets richer in plant-derived foods 33
and lower in animal-derived foods, with variations that
additionally consider the nutritional quality of plant-derived foods
Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) Summarizes the inflammatory potential of a diet based on a 34
predefined list of foods, nutrients, and phytochemicals
Dietary acid load Summarizes the balance between acid- and base-producing 35-37
foods; estimated by calculating potential renal acid load (PRAL)
or net endogenous acid production (NEAP) based on dietary
protein and mineral intakes
Processing classification systems Categorizes foods according to the extent and purpose with 38,39
which they are processed

intake, and save time and costs associated with data entry consumption (to assess net intake) using a handheld
into nutrient analysis software.50,51 device and with a reference object in the frame to assist
with portion size estimation. Automated software or
24-Hour Dietary Recalls human raters subsequently identify foods and portions
A 24-hour dietary recall queries intake over the past day, consumed to estimate nutrient intakes. Comparable esti-
either from midnight to midnight or in the 24-hour mates of total energy intake were obtained by adults with
period immediately preceding the recall. Ideally these type 2 diabetes using image-based food records versus
recalls are unanticipated by the respondents so that di- weighted food records,59 and a mobile phone–based
etary intakes preceding the recall are not altered. Multiple automated image analysis application estimated meal
recalls estimate absolute dietary intakes more precisely carbohydrate content more accurately than patients with
than FFQs,52 and the accuracy of reporting can be opti- type 1 diabetes.60
mized with a multiple-pass interviewing technique.53 Passive approaches use wearable cameras to capture
Although they traditionally are administered by trained daily activities, including eating episodes, without users’
interviewers, an automated online version developed by conscious participation. Wearable cameras have been used
the National Cancer Institute may be a feasible, less- to identify the intake of forgotten foods on self-reported
resource-intensive option even for large epidemiological recalls61 and to observe cooking and eating behaviors62
studies.54,55 in free-living settings.

Diet Screeners Wearable Technologies

Screeners, or checklists, query the intake of a select few Wearable technologies offer the ability to passively detect
items or eating behaviors (eg, sodium56 or fruit and eating events in real time by monitoring chewing, swal-
vegetable57 intake). The lack of detail and susceptibility to lowing, or jaw movements or by monitoring arm gestures
systematic error limits their utility as a standalone diet associated with eating. These technologies can be used to
assessment method for research studies. capture the occurrence, timing, rate, and duration of
eating. Bite counters have primarily been used to support
Novel Approaches weight loss interventions.63,64 Oral and epidermal sensors
Image-assisted Dietary Assessment are also in development to detect specific nutrients (eg,
Image-assisted dietary assessments supplement or replace sodium, alcohol) in saliva and sweat.65 The primary
traditional self-report methods with photos or videos of advantage of such technologies is minimization of recall
eating episodes in order to improve objectivity and avoid bias. However, because no single sensor is yet able to
reliance on memory.58 Active image-assisted approaches identify specific foods consumed, their portions sizes, or
require participants to photograph foods before and after nutritional composition, they are currently most useful for

720 AJKD Vol 81 | Iss 6 | June 2023

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Table 3. Comparison of Dietary Assessment Methods

Method Information Collected Strengths Limitations
Food record Detailed list of identity, • Open-ended • Intake may be altered by the act of
preparation methods, portion • Recorded in real time, recording (reactivity)
sizes, timing, and context of avoiding reliance on memory • High respondent burden
foods consumed on 1 or • Portion size measured rather • Literacy required
multiple (usually consecutive) than estimated • Interpreting and entering responses
days into nutrient analysis software im-
poses high clinician/researcher
burden and expense
24-hour recall Detailed list of identity, • Open ended • Reliance on specific memory—
preparation methods, portion • Literacy not requireda omissions (nonreporting of foods
sizes, timing, and context of actually consumed) and intrusions
foods consumed in a recent 24- (reporting of foods not actually
hour period consumed) can introduce bias
• Trained interviewer requireda
FFQ Frequency and sometimes • Low respondent burden • Relies on generic memory;
portion size of foods habitually • Inexpensive cognitively challenging to recall and
consumed over a defined time • Can capture usual intake of estimate average intakes over time
period, usually the previous routinely and episodically • Lacks detail regarding preparation
month or year consumed foods methods, timing, and context of
• Computerized scanning of intake
paper-based FFQs and • Fixed list does not comprehensively
online-administered FFQs capture foods consumed
automate data entry, with • Not appropriate to estimate
direct linkage to databases absolute nutrient or energy intakes
for nutrient analysis • Literacy required, unless interviewer
Diet screeners Limited information about the • Quickly and easily • Lacks detail; does not
frequency of food consumption completed comprehensively assess dietary
or eating behaviors relevant to a intake
specific clinical or research
Image-assisted Photographic record of foods • Reduces reliance on memory • Hidden ingredients and cooking
consumed in a single day • Portion size estimation by methods may not be discernible in
software or trained human photographed foods
rater may improve accuracy • Active approaches rely on user to
over self-report remember to photograph all eating
• Images captured passively by
wearable cameras may be of
insufficient quality to accurately
identify foods
Wearable Occurrence, timing, rate, and • Minimal user burden • Does not capture types or portions
technologies duration of eating episodes • Low risk of bias of foods consumed
Retail sales and Household food purchasing or • Minimal or no burden to • Does not measure actual food or
purchasing data retail sales data over a defined the consumer nutrient consumption
time period • Expensive to obtain data
• Details of data collection are not
fully disclosed by private companies
Biomarkers Presence and concentration of • Unbiased • Expensive to collect and measure
compounds in biological • Biospecimens collection can be
specimens, which are indicative burdensome to participant (eg, 24-h
of nutrients and foods urine collection)
consumed • Few validated biomarkers of dietary
Abbreviation: FFQ, food frequency questionnaire.
Self-administered online version avoids need for interviewer but requires participant literacy.

studying eating behaviors rather than assessing diet sales nor purchasing data directly measure food con-
composition. sumption because they do not account for culinary
preparation, distribution within and beyond the house-
Retail Sales and Purchasing Data hold, and waste. Still, these data may be useful to evaluate
Market research companies collect point-of-sale data from the nutritional quality of foods purchased, assess trends
food retailers as well as individual- and household-level over time, and model predicted effects of food refor-
purchasing data using barcode scanning.66 Neither retail mulation.67 For instance, retail sales were used to identify

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phosphorus-based additives in frequently purchased exogenous (originating from diet) versus endogenous
grocery items.68 (originating from host or gut microbiota) compounds,
and evaluating dose-response and temporal response of
Dietary Intake Biomarkers compounds to food intake. Because most food-derived
Dietary intake biomarkers enable objective measurement compounds are only present in urine and plasma acutely
of intake based on concentrations of compounds measured after ingestion,77 habitual diet assessment may require
in a biospecimen, commonly urine or blood. They are multiple biospecimen collections over time76 or validation
broadly classified as recovery, concentration, and predic- of long-term biomarkers from alternative biospecimens
tive biomarkers. (eg, hair and nails).
Recovery biomarker concentrations are considered Finally, most nutritional biomarkers have not been
gold-standard approaches for dietary assessment and validated in patients with CKD.78 Alternative markers or
directly reflect dietary intake.69 Only 4 recovery bio- methods may be needed when urinary output is altered or to
markers have been identified: 24-hour urinary nitrogen, account for water-soluble solute removal in dialysate.78,79
reflecting protein intake; 24-hour urinary potassium and
sodium, reflecting intakes of these minerals; and doubly Summary of Dietary Assessments
labeled water, a measure of energy expenditure that is Errors associated with self-reported diet, their impacts on
interpreted as a marker of energy intake in weight-stable associations with outcomes, and strategies to reduce them
individuals.70 are well researched.80,81 Novel dietary assessment ap-
Concentration biomarkers, such as plasma carotenoids proaches reduce some of these errors, but they have not
and vitamin C, correlate with dietary intakes but are yet replaced traditional methods. Combining self-report
affected by individual-level characteristics (eg, adiposity), with novel assessments may more comprehensively and
such that measured concentrations do not directly reflect accurately ascertain dietary intakes.
amounts consumed.69 Predictive biomarkers exhibit a
time-dependent, dose-response relationship with dietary Sources of Error in Diet Assessment
intakes. They more closely reflect dietary intake than
concentration biomarkers but are not completely recov- Measurement Error: Random
ered in biospecimens, like recovery biomarkers. Only 24- True dietary intakes vary within people, day to day. The
hour urinary fructose and sucrose have been identified as degree of intraindividual variability differs by food and
predictive biomarkers and are useful measures in research nutrient, with higher variability for episodically consumed
settings.71 foods (eg, organ meats) and nutrients concentrated in few
Dietary biomarkers have traditionally been identified food sources (eg, vitamin A). A single day’s intake—even
using a hypothesis-driven approach. In recent years, if recorded correctly—does not accurately represent an
however, the discovery of novel dietary biomarkers has individual’s usual dietary intake of most foods or nutrients.
accelerated with the advancement of high-throughput Because usual intake is generally more relevant to CKD,
platforms capable of simultaneously identifying many such daily deviations from the true long-term average are
metabolites and proteins in biospecimens. Characterization regarded as random measurement error. Averaging intakes
of the food metabolome and proteome—the sum of across multiple dietary assessments can improve precision
compounds resulting from digestion, absorption, and of an individual’s estimated usual intake by reducing
metabolism of consumed foods72—is currently being random error.82 However, the representativeness of
explored to identify objective biomarker “signatures” of collected days should be considered. Dietary intakes may
foods and dietary patterns, and to study relationships be- vary across seasons and days of the week,83 and differ on
tween diet and CKD. dialysis versus nondialysis treatment days.84,85 In addition,
Although few foods are uniquely identified by bio- dietary intakes on consecutive days are more closely
markers, a profile of biomarkers may serve to characterize correlated than nonconsecutive days, resulting in under-
adherence to a particular dietary pattern. Plasma metabolic estimation of within-person variation in intakes. Gains in
signatures of healthy dietary patterns (eg, Alternative precision and representativeness must be weighed against
Healthy Eating Index [AHEI]-2010, DASH, Mediterranean) the expense and participant burden of multiple assess-
have been identified in adults with CKD,73 and serum ments. Distributing shorter automated dietary assessments
metabolomic signatures of plant-based diets have been (eg, automated self-administered 24-hour recalls54,86)
shown to predict incident CKD.74 Serum metabolomic over time, and including weekdays versus weekends and
markers of dietary acid load have also been identified75 and dialysis versus nondialysis days, may help maximize
predict incident CKD.75 representativeness while reducing participant burden and
Candidate biomarkers are primarily identified through expense.
cross-sectional correlations with self-reported diet, though For epidemiological research questions, group-level
controlled feeding studies are needed before biomarkers (rather than individual) usual intake estimates are typi-
can serve as objective and quantitative dietary intake cally of interest. On any given day, observed intakes in a
markers.76 Challenges include differentiating between population will include individuals with exceptionally

722 AJKD Vol 81 | Iss 6 | June 2023

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high and low true single-day intakes, but the distribution nutrient contents for branded foods or restaurant dishes,
will cluster around a central mean. Thus, a single 24- actual nutrient contents may differ substantially from re-
hour recall or record per person is considered sufficient ported values.95,96 In addition, nutrient losses during food
to estimate population mean intakes, but extreme high preparation or cooking may not be considered. Finally,
and low consumers will flatten the estimated distribution database values do not account for biological availability of
of intakes and overestimate the proportion of a popula- consumed nutrients. For instance, phosphorus intakes
tion in the distribution tails. As such, comparisons of from natural and added sources are weighed equally in
population intakes to some target—for instance, an database summations, though true absorption varies sub-
estimated minimum requirement—will overestimate the stantially.22 Cautious interpretation of nutrient intakes is
proportion of deficient individuals. Statistical methods warranted because summed database totals may not fully
are available to more precisely estimate the usual intake represent actual consumed or biologically available
distribution in a population with as few as 2 recalls nutrients.
obtained from a subset of respondents.87-89 Such
methods should be used when assessing the adequacy or Statistical Modeling in Nutritional Epidemiology
insufficiency of population intakes relative to a recom-
mended target or when comparing usual intakes between Energy Adjustment
2 or more groups. A methodological consideration unique to nutritional
In contrast to 24-hour recalls and food records, FFQs epidemiology is whether and how to adjust for energy
solicit average consumption over a defined time period intake.90,97-99 People consuming more energy generally
and are intended to capture usual intake. However, dietary consume greater absolute amounts of nutrients, and en-
intakes may change over extended periods of follow-up, ergy intake itself may be associated with CKD. Associations
especially in persons with CKD, who may experience between absolute dietary intakes and CKD may, therefore,
changes in appetite and receive dietary counseling. If only be confounded by energy intake. Thus, epidemiological
baseline diet is assessed, unmeasured subsequent shifts in analyses of associations between dietary intake and CKD
intakes could result in misclassification of exposure status typically aim to statistically isolate between-person varia-
and attenuation of estimated associations with CKD. tion in intakes due to energy intake from variation
Repeating assessments and averaging intakes across repeated explained by changes in dietary composition. Controlling
FFQs may reduce random measurement error arising from for total energy also helps to reduce error in self-reported
intraindividual changes in dietary intakes over time.90 dietary intakes because error in self-reported energy intake
measurement is correlated with error in self-reported in-
Measurement Error: Systematic takes of nutrients and foods.99 The interpretation of
While repeating dietary assessments can improve precision regression coefficients from energy adjusted models differs
by reducing random measurement error, it will not depending on whether nutritional exposures are modeled
address systematic misreporting of intakes. The degree of continuously or categorically100 and whether other dietary
misreporting varies for different population groups, foods, covariates are included (substitution).101
and dietary assessment tools.80,91 For instance, people may
overreport intakes of “healthy” foods and underreport Substitution
“unhealthy” foods to align with social norms (social When energy balance is maintained, increasing intake of a
desirability and social approval biases),92 and people with macronutrient or energy-containing food or beverage re-
low true intakes tend to overreport their intake, while quires decreasing intakes of others, and its biological effect
those with truly high intakes tend to underreport (the may differ depending on what it displaces in the diet. For
“flattened slope phenomenon”).81 Regression calibration instance, replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat is asso-
can help correct risk estimates for biased measurements of ciated with lower coronary heart disease risk whereas no
self-reported dietary exposures when a less biased refer- association is observed when it is replaced with refined car-
ence assessment is available for at least a subset of the study bohydrates.102 Specific isocaloric food or macronutrient
population.81,93 substitutions can be modeled by including total energy and
all other energy sources excluding the food or macronutrient
Limitations of Food Composition Databases to be substituted as covariates.101 Modeled substitutions
Whether dietary intakes are self-reported or observed, should ideally represent realistic exchanges and consider how
conversion to nutrients and foods requires linkage to foods are actually consumed within a dietary pattern.103
nutrient databases. Misestimation of nutrient contents may Models that only adjust energy are difficult to interpret
arise due to geographical, seasonal, or other natural because associations may be attributable to increasing intake
sources of variation in the nutritional composition of of the dietary exposure or decreasing intakes of unspecified
foods. For instance, selenium can vary substantially due to other energy sources. Substitution analyses better inform
differences in soil content.94 Misestimation also arises dietary guidance by identifying appropriate dietary re-
from variation in the composition of prepared foods and placements to reduce CKD risk.101 A clear and specific
manufactured items. Although some databases include research question will ultimately guide model specification.

AJKD Vol 81 | Iss 6 | June 2023 723

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Peer Review: Received July 25, 2022 in response to an invitation

Future Directions from the journal. Evaluated by 3 external peer reviewers, with
Dietary recommendations for chronic disease prevention direct editorial input from an Associate Editor and a Deputy Editor.
and management have evolved from single-nutrient Accepted in revised form November 19, 2022.
modifications to a more holistic food-based dietary
pattern approach. A similar trajectory is evident in CKD
guidelines, which call for research investigating the effects References
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