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Catcher in the rye

In this book in my opinion there is a lot of scene which is including

many awkward situationes for the reader. Why is it important or
What effect does it have ont he reader? I will talk about one of the
best example in the book which is the 13th chapter.
What this part is about? All in all Holden the main character get an
opportunity to enjoy the partnership of a prostitute girl, the author
wrote down the whole meeting between them in the view of Holden.
The writer in all cases literally describe what happens, draw
brusquely. I think he has different kind of goals whit these scenes.
First of all he try to put the reader a sticky feeling during the reading
of situationes like these. For example Holden tell the whole story
about why is he still virgin or this row for me, it’s disgusting „Half the
time, if you really want to know the truth, whem I’m horsing around
with a girl, I have a helluva lot of trouble just finding what I’m looking
for, for God’s sake, if you know what I mean…”. There is no too much
author who actually write down these actions generally ,they just
circumscribe that. The other important thing in my opinion ,that he
tried to made an interesting book for the teenagers and the adults as
well. It is a very common theme at my age and no one wants to talk
about that because it’s uncomfortable. In nowadays it’s a taboo
subject in the society.
All in all, I’m also embarrassed by these parts of the book, but I think
that’s just because it’s become a habit, that these topics have to be
awkward to talk about. I think It’s more interesting for everyone to
read that way, that the author includes such things.

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