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1. Bite-size open faced sandwich consists of bread, spread, a topping and garnish.

a. finger foods b. relishes c. cocktails d. canape

2. Refers to small portions of highly seasoned foods, it can be served hot or cold.

a. hors d' oeuvres b. crudites c. antipasto d. petite salad

3. The popular accompaniments to potato chips, crackers and raw vegetables, serve with thick sauce.

a. crudites b. chips and dips c. hors d' oeuvres d. antipasto

4. Small portions of vegetable, or fruits served with dressing and display all the characteris found in salad.

a. hors d' oeuvres b. crudites c. antipasto d. petite salad

5. An italian appetizer which includes cured meat, seafood items, cheese, hard cooked eggs or relishes

a. antipasto b. hors d' oeuvres c. chips and dips d. crudites

6. A tiny appetizer or hors d' ouevres offered to guest before they order menu, it is the chefs best of the day

a. antipasto b. caviar c. amuse bouche d. bruschetta

7. A salted roe, or eggs of the sturgeon or from other fish, which is good as appetizer

a. antipasto b. caviar c. amuse bouche d. tapas

8. A small food item intended to be eaten with wine or other drinks usually in bars.

a. Tapas b. bruschetta c. antipasto d. hors d' oeuvres

9. The part of the canape that holds the toppings, usually a bread cutouts, a cracker or a toast.

a. Spread b. garnish c. base d. relishes

10 Any food item placed on top of the spread which usually gives colors, design and texture to canape.

a. relishes b. base c. spread d. garnish

11.. The art of modifying, processing, arranging or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal.

a. plating b. balance c. portion size d. center piece

12. The uncut portion of the main food item such as pate or cold roast, decorated or displayed whole.

with slices of serving portions on the side that arrange artistically.

a. centerpiece b.platter c. balance d. portion size

13. It is used in making butter curls and good for decorating.

a. zester b. butter curler c. channel knife d. ball butter

14. Small hand tool used in making garnishes

a. butter cutter b. ball cutter c. zester d. channel knife

15. A sharp edged scoop for cutting out balss of fruits and vegetable

a. zester b. butter curler c. channel knife d. ball butter

16. A french term which means to set in place, that is you have everything ready to cook and in its place.

a. mise' en place b. aimer encore c. faire la cuisine d. delicieux

17. A food which stimulate the appetite, though their attactive appearance, fragrance or appealing flavor.

a. coctails b. hors d' oeuvres c. appetizer d. dessert

18. Which of the following has a correct ing ingredients in making canape.

a. tiny biscuits, polenta cutouts, meat c. miniature pancakes, cucumber slices, fish

b. cracker, butter, asparagus tip d. radish slices, cheese, tomatoes

19. Which of the following has a correct ing ingredients in making canape.

a. tiny biscuits, polenta cutouts, meat c. miniature pancakes, cucumber slices, fish
d. radish slices, cheese,
b. cracker, butter, asparagus tip tomatoes

20. Which of the following ingredients best describe a bruschetta.

a. toasted garlic, sesame oil, tomatoes c. toasted bread, brushed garlic, olive oil and garnish

b. toasted bred, olive oil, garlic d. toasted bread, spread, cured meat and garnish
21. Which is the correct procedure in assembling canape.

a. keep it simple, good mise en place, selection of harmonious flavor, arrange the base, put the garnish

b. make sure one ingredient is spicy, arrange the base, good mise en place, topped with garnish, put the spread

c. arrange canape attractively on the tray, arrange the base, put the garnish, followed by the spread.

d. follow mise en place, arrange the base, put the spread topped with garnish, make it simple, arrange on tray

22. Which is the correct procedure in making relishes.

a. select fresh vegetables, cut into sticks, dip the vegetable in a short time with ice wate, serve with dips.

b. arranged vegetables, in crushed ice to maintain crispnes, cut into bite size, select fresh vegetables with dips

c. arrange on the plate, cut into bite size, served with dips

d. select fresh vegetable, dip in ice water, cut into bite size, arranged on the plate, serve with dips

23. Which is NOT applicable in serving fruit cocktails.

a. use only sweet fruit and pleasantly tart.

b. cut fruits into desired shapes.

c. add fresh lemon or lime juice to provide necessary tartness.

d. A simple wedge of lemon lime is a refreshing cocktail

24. Which is NOT part of the rules of good menu balance in plating.

a. color b. texture c. portion size d. costing

25. In basic principle in platter presentation, which is a best element in a buffet platter.

a. food should be arranged from bigger to smaller

b. make a centerpiece to represent a small portion of a main food item.

c. use suitable platter like mirrors, chinaware, plastic ware, wood that is suitable for food

d. Think of a platter as a whole

26. Which is the following that best describe an appetizer

a. The eye eats first

b. The style is appetizing

c. The smell is boost appetite

d. Stimulant food
27. The most commonly used material in making kitchen tool, because it is lightweight, attractive
and less expensive.

a. Stainless Steel b. Aluminum c. Glass d. Cast iron

28. The special coating applied inside aluminum or steel pots and pans that prevents food from

sticking on the pan

a. Aluminum b. double boiler c. Teflon d. Cast iron

29. This is used when then temperature in cooking must kept below boiling and keep warm.

a. Aluminum b. double boiler c. Teflon d. Cast iron

30. This material is durable but must be kept oiled to avoid rusting.

a. Cast iron b. double boiler c. Teflon d. Aluminum

31. This material is very expensive but more easier to clean and shine and will not wear easily.

a. Stainless Steel b. Aluminum c. Glass d. Cast iron

32. This material is not practical for top or surface cooking, and great care is needed to ensure

its shelf life.

a. Stainless Steel b. Aluminum c. Glass d. Cast iron

33. It is used for various tasks from cleaning vegetables to straining pasta or contents.

a. Kitchen shears b. funnels c. graters d. colanders

34. It is used to level off ingredients when measuring and to spread frosting and sandwich filling.

a. Spatula b. scraper c. Butter knife d. Chef's knife

35. A rubber or silicone tool used to blend or to get all of the food from the bowl.

a. Spatula b. scraper c. Butter knife d. Chef's knife

36. It is used for blending, mixing, whipping eggs or batter and blending gravies for sauce.

a. whisk b. scraper c. spatula d. wooden spoon

37. It is used to core, peel, and section fruits and vegetables. The blades are short and concave.

a. Paring knife b. citrus knife c. french knife d. kitchen knife

38. A very useful appliance used to chop, blend, mix, whip, puree, grate and liquify all kinds of food

a. mixer b. rolling pin d. Blender

39. The factor that influence the cleaning process that needs complete removal and will affect the

cleaning compound used along with the method of cleaning.

a. Temperature b. water c. soil d. mechanical force

40. It is as simple as hand scrubbing with a brush or as complex as turbulent flow and pressure inside a

a pipeline. This aids in soil removal and typically reduces time and concentration requirements.

a. Temperature b. water c. soil d. mechanical force

41. Commonly referred as degreasers used on surfaces where grease has burned on.

a. Detergents b. Solvent cleaners c. acid cleaners d. abrasives

16. Aling Tina find it hard to remove tough soilds from used pots. It does not respond to different cleaning
agents she used. If you will help her, which of the following will you recommend that can solve her problem?

a. Detergents b. Solvent cleaners c. acid cleaners d. abrasives

42. Angel owns a restaurant. She is awake up to 12 midnight in order to supervise the business and sees to it

that she has enough supply of materials the next day. This kind of character shows that she is.

a. creative b. passionate c. motivated d. committed

43. Which of the following situations is good housekeeping practice best shown?
a. emptying the garbage can every other day c. spraying air freshener before and leaving the ro

b. implement program of regular cleaning procedures. d. using imported sanitizing materials

44. Which of the following is the proper order in washing the dishes?

a. glassware, silverware, chinaware, utensils c. silverware, utensils, glassware, chinaware

b. utensils, chinaware, silverware, glass ware d. chinaware, silverware, utensils, glassware

45. Which of the following should be practiced when using cutting board to reduce the spread of bacteria?
a. use the same chopping board for different foods c. use separate chopping board for meat and vege

b. clean chopping board if needed d. scrape chopping board before using

46. It involves the use of hot water or steam, which is common in restaurant to sanitize kitchen tools.

a. Thermal sanitizsing b. chemical sanitizing c. radiation d. disinfection

47. Who introduced appetizers as a buffet food in the early third century B.C.

a. Americans b. Romans c. Bristish d. Athenians

48. The juices of oranges, pineapple , or grapefruit served with cold salad dressing mix with little alcohol.

a. cocktails b. canape c. relishes d. finger foods

49. Are variety of appetizers wherein the only requirement is that you keep everything small enough to be

eaten with a little mess.

a. relishes b. finger foods c. canape d. cocktails

50. Pickled item which are raw, crisp vegetables such as juliene carrots or celery sticks.

a. cocktails b. canape c. relishes d. finger foods

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