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J Clin Pathol 2000;53:7–9 7

Millennial reviews

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.53.1.7 on 1 January 2000. Downloaded from on November 5, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
The pathologist in the 21st century—generalist or
Nigel Kirkham

A jack of all trades and master of none?

Virchow and his fellow pioneers were active in appropriately there is no ready way of reducing
the 19th century, but pathologists are largely a much of the increase.1 As senior colleagues
creation of the 20th century and have really with a long career of generalist practice behind
only been present in numbers in the second them retire, it often seems that virtually every
half of the century. In the United Kingdom the keen new young consultant arriving on the
development of the National Health Service scene, irrespective of specialty, will be scoping
over this period has seen the development and or biopsying their patients in one way or
expansion of hospital laboratories. This devel- another, with the possible exception of the psy-
opment process has been one of successive chiatrists. With developments in neuroscience
waves of specialisation. even they may not be exempt forever.
The first consultant that I worked for had Many of these new clinicians are involved in
started his consultant career as a single handed the developing areas of health care, with
general pathologist, covering all aspects of screening and management of cancer high on
pathology in what was, for the time, quite a the list. The cynic might suggest that the
large district hospital. He began with a skeleton biggest change in recent years in the treatment
staV and by the time of his retirement was of breast cancer has been the move for the sur-
working in a laboratory that had expanded to geon to speak to the patient before performing
have consultants in histopathology, haematol- the operation (and then for a supportive coun-
ogy, and microbiology, and a senior biochemist sellor to follow the surgeon into the consulting
in the chemical pathology department. In the room and explain what he has just said).
ensuing years that laboratory has closed as a Certainly pathologists spend an increasing
result of rationalisation and amalgamation of proportion of their time in multidisciplinary
services. The histopathology and cytopathol- meetings, where various aspects of the diagno-
ogy services are now provided as part of the sis are discussed as part of the clinical manage-
work of a larger group of consultants whose ment process. No longer is pathology a refuge
work comes from several hospitals and who are for struggling doctors with poor presentation
each specialised, working only in one or a small skills, who in the past have been able to live out
group of subspecialist areas. their professional life in the monastic isolation
The move from generalist to specialist has of the laboratory.
been far quicker in the clinical specialties, This more open approach to practice has led
which were fewer in number 50 years ago. The to increasing demands for diagnostic accuracy
general surgeon and the general physician held and for reports that contain full information on
sway in the general hospital. The demands of the type, grade, and stage of tumours, as well
increasing complexity of diagnosis and treat- information on details of hormone receptor
ment combined with increasing expectations status, immunophenotype, and soon, no doubt,
from patients and their relatives have led to other more molecular data.2 3 Here the general-
considerable changes, some driven by techno- ist comes under criticism. For instance it has
logical advances and others by new treatments been said that in the development of minimum
or by diVerent approaches to the patient. datasets, however minimal you make the data-
Perhaps the most important technological sets, many pathologists remain poor at achiev-
changes we have seen in the last 25 years have ing the standard.
been the introduction and improvement of the The multidisciplinary meeting can play a
Department of
Histopathology, Royal
flexible endoscope, the biopsy needle, and the part in auditing pathology reports4 but it works
Sussex County development of various forms of scanning and more satisfactorily if the reports are correct and
Hospital, Brighton imaging, to the point where the boundaries contain all the requisite information. One of
BN2 5BE, UK between surgeon and radiologist have been the largely, but not completely, unspoken pres-
N Kirkham blurred by the progress of the interventional sures behind the push for specialisation is the
radiologist. All of this has led to considerably perception that with specialisation will come
Correspondence to:
Dr Kirkham increased workloads for the histopathologist, higher standards of diagnosis and reporting.
email: but as the majority of these biopsies are taken There is quite a body of evidence from audit
8 Kirkham

studies that tends to support that case.5–8 How- Many do this already in a formal or an infor-
ever, it remains extremely diYcult to achieve mal way. One of the most practically useful

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.53.1.7 on 1 January 2000. Downloaded from on November 5, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the perfect performance. Even in major teach- developments for the pathologist in the last 25
ing hospitals with active internal audit there years has been the introduction of the double
remains an error rate of clinically important headed or multiheaded microscope. With these
deficiencies of around 1.1–1.4%, and errors of essential tools of the trade it is now so easy to
less importance in 3–4%.9 More active pro- share and discuss a diYcult case with a
spective approaches such as routine review of colleague. If it became the norm for all
every case by a second pathologist have been obviously diYcult, tricky, or contentious cases
shown to identify and hence reduce the to be shared around with colleagues in the
number of important errors in reports.10 11 department, then perhaps the general standard
There is probably room for a change in think- would be higher.
ing on this issue of diagnostic accuracy. At There remain the small proportion of
present a good deal of emphasis is placed on diYcult cases that cannot be resolved in-house.
the individual pathologist. Many external qual- Here the NHS has signally failed either to rec-
ity assurance (EQA) schemes work on the basis ognise the problem or to find a solution. This is
of the individual taking some form of test as a the critical interface between the generalist and
measure of performance, or even of compe- the specialist. One of the most important skills
tence to practice. Much of medical under- of the generalist is the ability to “know when
graduate and postgraduate education has been you do not know.” Most pathologists have an
designed with the aim of producing individuals informal network of expert specialist patholo-
capable of working alone and making their own gists whom they can call upon for the diYcult
decisions. Meanwhile in the outside world case. Of course the chosen expert is probably
there has been much more emphasis on the only expert in a small area and will in turn need
development of team working. The assumption to call for help with problem cases outside that
that an individual can constantly achieve 100% area. One definition, after all, of an expert is
performance and that a group of pathologists “someone who knows more and more about
can all achieve the same high standard is with- less and less.” There are few formal studies of
out any basis in fact. the performance of experts, but a study of the
Almost any aspect of human endeavour will pathology panel of the Dutch Melanoma
be shown, when measured in an appropriate Working Group showed that a panel of experts
way, to follow the bell shaped or standard dis- was able to reduce the number of equivocal and
tribution curve. In medical discussions of per- wrong diagnoses when considering a series of
formance the airlines are often called into play diYcult biopsies of pigmented skin lesions.12
as an example of good practice. “Look at the Experts themselves are not infallible: errors by
airlines,” someone will say, “if they did not experts are occasionally a reason for litigation.13
achieve a 100% performance then we would The case for the generalist has several
see airplanes crashing every day of the year.” A strengths.14 With a specialist service it is harder
closer look at the evidence shows that the to ensure cover, and the service may become
airlines also follow the bell shaped curve. Most less flexible. It may be more diYcult to absorb
commercial flights arrive safely. Crashes are increases in workload. A specialist who wants
rare: so rare as to fall outside the two standard to move may also find it more diYcult. There is
deviations of 95% confidence. So a successful a theoretical risk of boredom setting in,
landing by an aircrew is the expected result on although on the other hand the specialist will
the overwhelming majority of occasions. have greater opportunities to develop and to
It is instructive to see how the airlines undertake and publish research.
achieve this performance. The evidence The training oVered to the majority of train-
suggests that not only are the pilots required to ees in histopathology is in general pathology.
possess a good deal of knowledge about the With the uncertainties of the job market it is a
plane they are flying and to be physically fit to brave trainee who makes an early commitment
fly, but they are also encouraged and trained to to a specific subspecialty. In the United
work together in teams; the basis for this is that Kingdom the existing subspecialties of neu-
if the pilot and co-pilot are talking to each other ropathology and paediatric pathology have run
and working together on the task in hand the into recruitment problems, perhaps partly
plane is more likely to land safely. because of the loss of cross fertilisation that
Whether pursuing a career as a pilot or a occurs in single subspecialty departments.
pathologist, personal qualities of ability, To achieve a specialist service there must be
memory, pattern recognition, diligence, com- a critical mass of pathologists. Numbers are
mitment, dedication, and judgement are re- imprecise, but it has been suggested that a
quired. Perhaps the time has come for us to group of at least 15 to 20 would be necessary to
consider some of the other similarities. Maybe establish a workable system. This would only
we need to stop pretending that we live in some be possible in the teaching centres at present.
pathological version of Garrison Kieller’s Lake Considerable thought has to be given to the fair
Wobegone, where “all of the children are above distribution of work. It is no good for a minor-
average” and acknowledge that we are fallible ity of the specialists to be carrying the majority
and human. That to deliver a safe and effective of the burden of work: a situation not unknown
service we need to look at developing support in some large departments. A very sophisti-
systems so that diagnostic practice is fail-safe cated system of weighting factors has been
and that error trapping is a formal part of the tried at the Massachusetts General Hospital to
way in which we work. try to solve this problem.15
The pathologist in the 21st century 9

In the future we may see larger groups in likely to change the way we work; at the present
non-teaching centres. In the meantime the time we do not know what they are.16

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.53.1.7 on 1 January 2000. Downloaded from on November 5, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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