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Ques 1: write a program to print welcome.

Ques 2: write a program to calculate sum of two integers.

Ques 3: write a program to find multiplication of three numbers.
Ques 4: write a program to find out the division of two integers.
Ques 5: write a program to find out the area of circle and square.
Ques 6: write a program to find out the absolute value of any given number.
Ques 7: write a program to interchange the value of two variables.
Ques 8: write a program to calculate the sum of digits entered through the keyboard.
Ques 9: write a program to check whether the given no is odd or even number.
Ques 10: write a program to check leap year pr not.
Ques 11: write a program to find out greatest number among three numbers.
Ques 12: write a program to swap two numbers using function.
Ques 13: write a program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
Ques 14: write a program to make calculator using switch case.
Ques 15: write a program to find out the factorial of any numbers.
Ques 16: write a program to calculate the first N natural numbers.
Ques 17: write a program to print table of any number.
Ques 18: write a program to print month name using switch case.
Ques 19: write a program to display the grades according to percentage marks among 5 subjects as per
Ques 20: write a program to find out the factorial of a number recursively.
Ques 21: write a program to check whether a given number is positive negative or zero.
Ques 22: write a program to print person is eligible to vote or not.
Ques 23: write a program to print the pattern.

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Ques 24: write a program to check given number is Armstrong or not.
Ques 25: write a program to modify a number and de-modify a number by using a call by value method.
Ques 26: write a program to modify the value after entering a number using call by reference.
Ques 27: write a program to find the Fibonacci series using recursion.

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