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Phytotherapy >> -plants derived medications -Scienced-based medical practice Phytotherapeutic preprations in used Ginko biloba - preprations drived from Leaves -for minor cognitive disorder and certain other disorders of CNS St.John'swort —_-prepration drived from Aerial parts hypericum -treat mild to moderate form of depression perforatum - used in both phytotherapy and herbal med Echinacea -derived from the aerial parts and roots agustifolia -used in treatment and prevention of common cold and other respiratory conditions African prepration drived from root devil's claw used to treat chronic lower back pain (harpagophytum procumbens) Standardization >> requirement of having minimum amount of active compunds or group of compunds in the plant extract used in hypotherapy but not used in herbal medicine ( its not standardized in herbal medicine) The concept of phytotherapy first originated with>> french physician DR.Henri Leclerc (hand book of phytotherapy) the first in 1922 Phypotherapy entered the english language by >> Eric Fredrick William Powell (english practitioner of herbalism and homeopathy) writer of german text book of phytotherapy >> Rudolf Fritz Weiss Evidence based medicine shared by Lecrec and Weiss phytotherapy : if you use the leaves or the root of the plant standardized extract herbal medicine : if you use the leaves or the root of the plant without having standardized extract modern medicine : if you isolate that effective compound and then make drug Modern medicines 1)Aspirin -from Salix alba tree -Has Salicylic acid >> found in salix alba (white willow) + spireaspp (wintergreens) and betula spp.(birch). -used for injury . pain, inflammation -used in modern medicine 2)Quinine it's an Alkaloid taken from Cinchona calisaya tree 3)Opiates (oxycontin , morphine , codeine ) these alkaloids were discovered from Papaveraceae somniferum (opium poppy) 4)myriocin -an antibiotic immunosuppresant derived from the sterile (non-spore-producing) fungus mycelia sterilia and entomopathogenic (bug eating) fungus isaria sinclairii 5)digoxin -isolated from foxglove plant (digitalis lanata) -for cardiac related conditions if you use digoxin >> modern medicine if you use the plant itself (foxglove plant or digitalis lanata ) >> herbal medicine if you use standardized extract of this plant >> phytotheraphy 6)Paclitaxel -chemotheupetic agent (in cancer treatment) -Derived from bark of the Pacific Yew (Taxus brevifolia) 7) Vincristine and vinblastine -Alkaloids taken from the madagascar periwinkle plant (Catharanthus roseus) -Chemotherapeutic agents (treatment of cancer) 8) Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) from an Alkaloid called Ergotamine found in the fungus ergot (claviceps purpurea) stimulates serotonin receptors Herbal preprations and extraction methods Infusion : process of extracting chemical compounds or flavors from plant materials in a solvent such as water or oil. its also the name for the resultant liquid (we boil water seperately and pour over plant and rest the plant into it 3 to 10 minutes) Decoction : extraction involving boiling the plant material (turkish coffee) (we boil the water when the plant is inside the water (boil them together)) Percolation : in which water is passed through the material (coffemaker) you use a kind of filter Maceration -you dont boil the water , you use the water at room temperature for at least 3 days. -its not only water , sometimes oil and alcohol is also used. Different types of solvents Vegetable oil : when one wants to isolate only the lipophilic components Water : is used to extract only hydrophilic ingredients Alcohol : is the most used substance isolates both lipophilic and hydrophilic Tincture : it results from the maceration of the dried plant in alcohol at 40,60 or 80 degrees. Standardized extraction : Can be in: liquid form>> (syrups and creams) Dry extracts>> capsules and tablets Total powder -produced by grinding the dried plant -the powder obtained is generally put into capsules What is the scientific name of olive's leaves? Olea europae Taxonomy of olea europae Kingdom : Plantae division : Tracheophytes order : Lamiales family : Oleaceae genus : Olea species : O.europaea What are Most active compund in olive leaves? Oleuropein and Hydroxytyrosol what is the scientific name of Black seed? Nigella Sativa WHat is the most important active compund in Nigella sativa? Thymoquinone , thymol , limonene m carvacrol What is scientific name of tumeric? Curcuma longa order of taxonomic tree 1) Kingdom 2) Phylum 3) Subphylum 4) Class 5) Order 6) Family 7) Genus 8) Species : curcoma longa whats the Most important substance in tumeric ? Curcumin Where does Ginko biloba mostly used ? Cardiovascular insufficiency and peripheral vascular diseases Lavandula angustifolia Linalool and Linealyl acetate Effects of lavender : -antibacterial , antifugual , antixiolytic , antidepressant .... -beneficial on wound healing pictures (if he says match the pictures with names) (St. Johnswort) Hypericum perforatum Echinacea angustifolia African devil’s claw | (Harpagophytum procumbens) 3. Opiates (Oxycontin, Morphine, Codeine) 4. Myriocin HH NH, “eCH,OH COOH fon 5. Digoxin 6. Paclitaxel PEN eek Red + Kingdom: Plantae * Division: Magnoliophyt + Order: Ranunculales + Family: Ranunculacea + Genus: Nigella

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