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Assessment 1:

1. What are the impacts of the pandemic on leadership nationwide amd in independent schools (and
other work places?)
 Exhaustion, stress, and depression were all made worse. When the pandemic suddenly struck, we
were unprepared. It has caused us to adjust our priorities and postpone our scheduled events.
Throughout the world, anxiety has taken hold, making things challenging for everyone, but
especially for those working in the education field.
2. What can we do to support leaders and sustain leadership in the years to come?
 It all comes down to communication. During this period of being cut off from the outside world, it is
important that we stay in contact not only with our friends and family but also with our leaders, coworkers,
and colleagues. Make every effort to be considerate, empathetic, and transparent with them. Be kind and
considerate at all times.

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