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Raindrops kept pouring down heavily from the dark and gloomy sky, splashing loudly on
the concrete sidewalks, as Adnan hurriedly made his way towards his humble little home.
He trudged through the puddles, trying to avoid getting his shoes too wet, but it was a futile
effort. The wind blew fiercely, adding to the chill that seeped into his bones. By the time he
reached his house, he was shivering and drenched. Adnan managed to open the door with
trembling hands and stepped inside, the warm air hitting his skin like a wave of comfort. He
kicked off his soaked shoes, relieved to feel the cold water dripping onto the floor.

He walked further in, the smell of dinner wafting through the air, making his stomach growl.
He heard the sound of snoring from the living room; Anjani must be asleep on the couch. He
tiptoed towards her, not wanting to wake her up just yet. As he got closer, he could see her
curled up, her long eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks, her breathing steady and
rhythmic. Gently, he placed his backpack beside her and unzipped it, pulling out a change of
clothes and a towel. He walked towards the kitchen to change, careful not to make any

Once he was dry and dressed in a clean t-shirt and sweatpants, he padded back to the living
room to find Anjani still fast asleep. Her hair was tangled and messy, a soft smile on her face.
He walked over to her, careful not to disturb her, but the sound of his footsteps seemed to
jar her awake. Her eyes fluttered open and she squinted at him blearily. "Adnan?" She
yawned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "What are you doing home so early?" she asked

He chuckled softly, coming to sit beside her on the couch. "I borrowed Hasna's motorcycle
today. Mom and Dad took Kyai Mansyur's car," he explained, knowing she'd be curious
about why he'd dared to ride in the rain. "How was your day?"

Anjani yawned again, stretching her arms above her head. "Fine, just tired," she mumbled
before glancing at the clock. "Oh wow, it's late! I didn't realize." She didn't mention that she
had fallen asleep early because she'd been so bored with her shift at the library.
They sat together in silence for a few moments, watching the rain patter against the window
panes. It sounded soothing, like music to their ears. Adnan broke the silence first, "Did you
eat anything?"

She shook her head, her hair sweeping across her face. "I was too engrossed in my book to
think about food." She gestured towards the pile of books on the coffee table.

"I made dinner," he said, standing up. "Let's go eat before it gets cold." His mouth watered at
the aroma of beef rendang wafting from the kitchen. He'd made it especially for her,
knowing it was her favorite.


As they walked towards the kitchen, Adnan's soaked clothes clung to his skin, making a
squelching sound with each step. Anjani couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked; all
disheveled and damp from the rain. He grabbed a towel from the hallway closet and
wrapped it around his waist, revealing his toned torso. He really was too handsome for his
own good.

In the kitchen, the steam rising from the food filled the space with a warm, earthy smell that
mixed with the scent of spices and curry leaves. It made both of them hungry all over again.
The kitchen table was set with plates of rice, beef rendang, and some sautéed vegetables on
the side.

"Smells amazing," Anjani said, placing her hands on her hips. "You really outdid yourself this

They both sat down and started eating, savoring every bite. The flavors exploded in their
mouths - spicy, salty, sweet, and tangy all at once. A shiver raced down Adnan's spine when
he bit into a piece of tender beef; clearly, he'd spent hours preparing this dish to perfection.
Throughout their meal, they talked about their days, trading stories of customers and
coworkers. Anjani told him about an old man who'd donated a rare book on Indonesian
folklore, which piqued his interest. He shared about an idea for his next novel involving
folklore creatures as antagonists. She listened intently, nodding along and occasionally
offering suggestions.

As they finished their meal, Adnan couldn't help but notice how comfortable he was with
her; how at ease they both were around each other. It felt like they'd been doing this forever
- sharing meals, sharing laughs, sharing lives. He looked around the cozy little apartment
they'd made into a home together and felt grateful for every moment they spent together.

"This is perfect," he murmured, taking another bite of food. "Thank you for making this

Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder echoed through the room, startling them both. The rain
pounded against the windows like an angry drumbeat. Anjani smiled reassuringly at him,
"It's just a storm." She got up to clear their plates while humming a soft tune under her

Adnan followed behind her, helping her clean up. He watched as she expertly maneuvered
through the small space, her hips swaying to the rhythm of her song. Her movements were
fluid and graceful, making him feel even more grateful for having her in his life.

As they finished up in the kitchen, he pulled her close for a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for
being here with me," he whispered softly against her skin. "For making everything better."

Anjani blushed lightly but returned the gesture with a kiss to his forehead before
disappearing into their bedroom to grab fresh clothes for him.

Adnan couldn't help but feel content as he listened to her tinkering around in the other
room - it was a comforting melody to him now. The storm outside mirrored his own
turbulent feelings from earlier, but it didn't seem to matter anymore. They had each other
now; that was all that mattered.


He stripped off his wet clothes and stepped into the steaming shower, letting the hot water
wash away the remnants of his day. The warmth enveloped him like a cozy blanket, easing
some of the tension from his body. Afterward, he slipped into the clean clothes she'd left out
for him. Walking into their living room, he found Anjani curled up on the couch with a book,
having already lit some scented candles to ward off the lingering dampness in the air. She
looked up at him with those big brown eyes that always drew him in. "Tea?" she asked,
holding up the kettle.

He nodded gratefully and took a seat beside her, nestling close to her side. The flickering
candlelight cast shadows on their faces as they sipped their tea together in silence. There
was something soothing about this simple ritual they shared: reading, cuddling, and soaking
up each other's company. It reminded him of their early days together when life was so
much simpler. He looked over at her soaked hair glistening under the dim light, thinking
about how he'd love to run his fingers through it.

When the food arrived, the heavenly scent drifted through the room, stirring his hunger.
They sat down at the small table by the window where they could see the storm raging
outside while indulging in their meal. The steam rose from their plates as they took bites of
warm rice and tender lamb curry, accompanied by crispy naan that melted in their mouths.
The spices danced on their tongues, igniting his taste buds like a symphony of flavors he'd
never tire of.

"How was your day?" she asked between bites, clearly trying to keep the conversation light
despite his late arrival. He paused for a moment before answering, feeling guilty for not
being more forthcoming with her but also relieved that she didn't press further. He took her
hand across the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It was... long," he said truthfully. "But it's
good to be home."
They continued eating in companionable silence, lost in their own thoughts but connected
through their shared intimacy. Their fingers entwined on the table as they reached for more
food, their breaths mixing in the cool air. Outside, thunder rumbled ominously making them
both jump every now and then before laughing it off. After finishing their meal, they cleared
the dishes together, washing them in the sink with gentle hands.

Returning to the couch, Adnan leaned against the cushions as Anjani snuggled up against
him again. He listened to her soft breathing as she dozed off mid-sentence in her book while
he stared into the flames of the candles, letting himself drift off into nostalgia. He couldn't
help but feel grateful for this woman who never questioned him or demanded

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