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As someone who spends like all their free time on their computer, I've really started to
notice some downsides to it. Don't get me wrong, technology has made my life way
more convenient in a bunch of ways. But I think I may have gone overboard with the
screen time lately and it's actually starting to negatively impact me.

One big problem I've noticed is that my computer can be super distracting. With
notifications and apps and games all wanting my attention at once, I find myself wasting
a ton of time just aimlessly browsing stuff instead of actually doing homework. Then
when assignments are due, I start freaking out trying to finish everything on time. It
makes me stressed!

Another thing is that staring at the screen so much is really messing with my eyes. They
get tired and dry like all the time now. Sometimes my head even hurts after long
studying sessions. I'm sure all this computer use isn't the best for the rest of my health

Weirdest of all, even though I use social media to chat with friends online, I've caught
myself choosing that over hanging out in person now. My lifestyle has basically become
just sitting on my butt at home too. If I keep this up, I know down the road it could cause

In conclusion, as helpful as computers can be, I think I relied on mine a bit too heavily
recently. I need to find a better work-life balance and get some self-control with my
screen time habits. Going forward, I'm gonna try planning out my days better and build
in more breaks when using tech.

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