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Tuesday, 28 November

1. How do you say these times in English?

12:00 The first time is twelve.

12:30The second time is twelve, thirty.

2. Which one is your favorite?

My favorite day of the week is Sunday because I like to sleep.

3. When is the weekend in your country?

Say the day(s)

It’s Sunday

When do you watch TV?

I watch TV at 6:00 PM

When do you wake up?

When do you go shopping?

I go shopping at 7:00 pm on weekends.

Leave home irse de casa

He leaves home.

It’s Saturday.

It’s a day off. (Es un día libre)

He doesn’t work on his day off.

What is one activity in the morning?

In the morning, I usually I wake up, then I get up have breakfast (desayunar)

Wash my face, then I brush my teeth, then I take a bath, then

Wake up despertar

In the afternoons, I go to the university and I study for my exams, then

In the evenings, I…

Two O’ clock horas enteras

AFTER (antes de los 30 minutos)

TO (después de los 30 minutos)







I wake up 8:00 am

Then I take a shower

Then I have breakfast at 8:30 am

My English class start at 10:30 am and finish at 12:00 pm

Then I leave home at 3:00 pm and I go to university

My classes start at 3:45 pm and finish 6:00 pm

and get dressed


Pilar goes to school at 09:10 am and until 3:00 pm

Pilar studies English at 3:45 PM and finish at 4:30 PM

Pilar takes a swimming class at 5:15 PM and finish at 6:00 PM

Pilar sees a movie at 7:00 PM and finish at 8:30 PM



Let’s have dinner at that new Italian restaurant

Ok, well, we could see a movie

mmm.. I don’t really want to see that. What

Let’s see a movie.

That sounds good! Let’s see the new horror movie.

I don’t really like horror movies.

Uhmm.. We could see the new Johnny Depp movie.

Grear idea!

A: What do you want for lunch?

B: We could have/Let’s have Mexican food.

A: Great idea. I love Mexican food!

A: What do you to do after class?

B: We could play video games

A: I don’t really like video games.

B: OK, well, we could see a movie.

A: That sounds good. What do you want to see?

A: What do you

B: We could

A: Great idea!

B: Suggest a movie to see and a time.

A: You don’t want to see Student

A: What do you want to do after class?

B: We could see a movie.


At noon or at midnight

From 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

My favorite subject is Engineering processes.

The class on Monday from 6:30 to 08:00 pm

My daily routine on Tuesday

I wake up at 6:00 am. Then I wash my face and I brush my teeth. Then I take a shower.
Then I get dressed from 6:30 to 7:00. Then I have breakfast from 7:00 to 7:20. Then I
leave home and I catch the bus. I go to the university at 7:25 am. My strength of
materials class is from 8:00 am to 10:30 am. After classes, I go to work.

C: Hi Darleny, yes, He’s my friend

C: In the morning he wakes up at 7:30 am. Then, He takes a shower. Then, He gets
dressed from 6:30 to 7:00. Then He has breakfast from 7:00 to 7:20. Then He leaves
home and takes the bus. After he goes to the university at 7:25 am.

C: Alexis, how about you? This woman in the picture, is your friend?


My English class is from 10:30 to 12:00. After classes, I go to work at 3:00 pm. After
work, I study for my test at 7:00 pm.

My Economy class is from 8:00 to 10:15. After classes, I go to work at 10:20 am. After
class, I go to the university at 3:00 pm, because my Drawing class is from 3:45 to 6:00


I wake up at 9:30 am. Then I have breakfast. After I go to the park with my pet at 3:30

Tomorrow at 7:45 in the evening. We are going to see a show.

Day off (día libre)

Where are these people?

These people are on vacation.

People in the Netherlands go to parties on King’s Day.

I need to study for my exam.










Cielo: Hi, guys, let’s go eating on Sunday @(at) Pizza Hut.

Yanela: That sounds Good! 😊

Anghely: I don’t really like Pizza Hut’s pizza. 😐

Yanela: We could go to Papa John’s 😉 💗

Anghely: Great idea, I like Papa John’s pizza. 💗😊

Cielo: That sounds much better! We could go to Papa John’s on Sunday at @ 5:00 pm.

Yanela: Good!

Anghely: Sounds good! See you on Sunday! 😍

Cielo: Bye, friends.

Yanela: 😊

1. Do you watch TV? No, I don’t.

What do you watch? I watch The Walking Dead.

2. Do you go shopping? Yes, Ido.

Where do you go shopping? I go shopping at Mall.

3. Do wake up late? Yes, I do.

When do you wake up late? I wake up late on Sunday.

4. Do you go out with friends? Yes, I do..

Where do you go? We go to the party.

5. Do you do homework? Yes, I do.

What homework do you do? I do university homework.

6. Do you spend time with family? No, I don’t.

7. Do you have breakfast? Yes, I do

When do you have breakfast?

Who do you spend time with? I spend time with my mom.

I interviewed Carlos She/He goes shopping Tottus He wakes up on Sunday. He does

university homework. He spends time with his mom.


I interviewed Carlos. He goes shopping Tottus. He wakes up on Sunday. He does

university homework. He spends time with his mom. He has breakfast at 8:00 am.

1. Where is this festival and when does it happen?

This festival takes place in Winter.
2. Special occasions happen in different seasons. Which season is your favorite?

My favorite season is SPRING.

3. Here are some more seasons.

My favorite festival is Christmas.

What do you think ice music is?

I think ice music is….

Where does it take place?

It takes place in Noriega.

What do they do?

They ….instruments.

What happens with the ice?

Do you like this music?

No, I don’t. I don’t like it because is bored.

What kind of music do you like?

What’s your favorite kind of music?

I like Pop.

Valentine’s Day

Labor Day

Mother’s Day

Father’s Day

Christmas Day

Fourth of July (dia de la indeoendicia)

Easter (Pascua)


Inti Raymi

Señor de los Milagros

San pedrito

Independence Day

Haitian Independence Day Jan 1st, 2024

Valentine’s Day Wed Feb 14th, 2024

International Women’s Day Fri Mar 8th, 2024

World Art Day, Mon Apr 15th, 2024

Mother’s Day, Sun May 12th, 2024

International Asteroid day, Sun Jun 30th, 2024

Colombia’s Independence Day, Sat Jul 20th, 2024

National Work Like a Dog Day, Mon Aug 5th, 2024

Wife Appreciation Day, Sun Sep 15th, 2024

Halloween, Thu Oct 31st, 2024

World Children’s Day, Wed Nov 20th,2024

Christmas Day, Wed dec 25th, 2024

1. Mencione los límites a considerar al momento de determinar el cálculo de las

2. Cuando se considera el pago de una gratificación trunca, mencione un ejemplo.
3. Cual es el tramite a realizar con las comisiones para ser considerado en la
remuneración computable, mencione un ejemplo.
4. Cuales son las consideraciones para aplicar los subsidios en la incapacidad

rainy Day (día de lluvia)

January (jeniuary)

February (febiuari)

On christmas para el día en especifico 25th

At christmas para dias relativos

On December 5th, 2007 se usa on para fechas

Specific day

1. In 2002.
2. On the third Tuesday of the month.
3. In March.
4. On New Year’s Day.
5. In the spring.
6. On January 1st.
7. In the eighties.
8. In May.
9. On December 31st.
10. On the first Saturday of the month.
11. In the nineties.

I was born on the 30th

In June

In 2001

In 00s two thousand’s

In winter.

On Saturday

At night

I was born on June 30th, 2001.

What is the … of your birth?

He was born on February.

He was born in Summer.

He was born in 2000s.

He was on February 11th.

In your country, what do people do on Christmas?

In my country people drink hot chocolate.

What do people say on Mother’s Day?

People say Happy Mother's Day/I love you, Mom.

What is your favorite day of the year?

My favorite day is …

When is it?

It is…

What do you eat or drink this day?

I usually drink hot chocolate.

What do you or where do you go?

I usually have dinner with my family.


Me: Halloween

Around world

October 31st

En donde


De que trata

C: Where is Moon festival celebrated?

C: When is the Day of the dead celebrated?

C: Is it on October 31st.

What do you do on the Moon Festival?

People usually ask for candy.

at this festival?

11th December 2023

Take photos.
A parade (desfile)

Attend a festival.


Daily (diario).

1. Where are the games?

The games are in Brazil, and New Zealand.

2. How often do they take place?

They take place every year.

3. When do they take place?

They take place in spring and fall.

4. How many people attend?

Thousands of people attend the games.

5. What happens at the games?

At the games, people wear traditional clothes and play traditional sports.

6. Is this event interesting to you? Why?

No, it’s not interesting because I don’t like the clothes they wear at this event.

1. Where is the festival? Where does the festival take place?

The festival is in Puno Lima.

2. How often do they take place?

They take place every year.

3. When do they take place?

They take place in summer.

4. How many people attend?

Thousands of people attend the festival.

Moon Festival

In China, in late September or early October.

Food, movies

Vietnam and Singapore

The Moon Festival is a food festival that take place in China in late September or early
October. People


In Munich, Germany.

16 days in late September and early October

Traditional German food

In Brazil and Canada

I want to attend the Moon Festival because I want to seethe lanterns and eat moon

I want to attend Oktoberfest because I want to eat German food.

I want to attend Oktoberfest because I want to enjoy the traditional music and dance

1. How many people attend burning man?

60,000 people from all over the world attend the burning Man festival.

2. Where does it take place?

The burning Man festival is in The Black Rock Desert in the US.

3. When is it?

The burning Man festival starts on the last Monday in August and ends on the first
Monday in September.

4. How long is it?

The take place lasts 8 days.

5. What type of festival is it?
6. What happens at the end?

It starts December 16

It lasts for almost 4 months. From December 16 to March 28.

Yeah, I’m going camping with my friends.

I stay until December 30th. I return home on December 1st.

Hello, my name’s Cielo and today I want to invite you to my festival.

This festival is for fans of all ages! You will enjoy exciting attractions, activities, and
amazing performers in the magical water circuit. It lasts foe 2 weeks. From December
7th to December 21st. You can buy your ticket at Ticketmaster Peru.

Thanks for listening. Don’t Miss this festival.

December 13th, 2023

1. F
2. How do these people know each other? Como se conocen estas personas?

I think they feel ___

I see a couple. They have a dating.

1. How do the man and woman know each other?

Do the grocery shopping (hacer la compra)

Cook food

Seve food

Eat food

Wash the dishes

Empty the trash

In my house in general I..

Cook food

Empty the trash

Sweep the floor (barrer)

Vacuum (aspirer)

Take out the trash (sacar la basura)

Water plants (regar las plantas)

Feed pet (darle de comer a la mascota)


Make para trasnformar algo (preparar)

Make noise, make decision, make offer, make fortune, make money, make promise,
make lunch.

Do (hacer) shopping, gymnastics, exercise, sums, sports, crosswords, accounts,

washing, harm, housework, exam, and nothing.

Do the dishes.

Do an exercise.

Do the laundry.

Do the ironing.

Do the shopping.

Do your work.

Do homework.

Do housework.

Do your job.

Make breakfast.

Make the bed.

Make a snack.

Make phone cold

She also makes a snack at home.

December 14th, 2023

This room is messy. Mess (desorden)

Already (ya)

Back (Volver)

Trip (viaje)

Sorry about that (lo siento por eso)

Let’s clean up (limpiemos)

Hope (Esperanza)

I hope it was a fun party. Fun (divertido)

E: What are going to give your parents for their birthday?

C: When is it? I don’t remember.

E: No problem. It’s tomorrow.

C: I forgot, I don’t have a gift for mom and dad.

Solo usually y sometimes pueden moverse





Usually and sometimes

Sometimes/usually +S + negative + verb + complement

1. I often travel to London.
2. He sometimes plays golf on Sundays.
3. The weather is always bad in November.
4. It never rains in California.
5. Mary hardly ever watches TV.
6. Ramon and Frank are often hungry.
7. Christine always smokes.
8. Usually, Walter doesn’t help his father.

1. Do you clean your room?

I sometimes clean my room. ALWAYS

2. After you cook, do you do the dishes?

Yes, I do. I hardly ever wash the dishes.

3. Do you study in your own room?

I always study in my own room.

4. Do you get up and go to bed early?

I never get up and go to bed early.

5. Do your friends come over and hang out?

My friends never come over to hang out.

6. Do you have parties?

I never have parties.

7. Your question: Do you do own laundry?

I always do my own laundry. ALWAYS






Hardly ever







Hardly ever

Hardly ever


Who’s the best roommate for you? Why?

Alexis is the best roommate for me because He’s very organized.

They are good couple.

I like to hang out with friends.

It’s hard to break up.

They broke up last month. (break up, romper, terminar)

I like a girl and she likes me. But she’s my ex-girlfriend’s friend.

Is it OK to go on a date with her?

I would say if you like her, go out with her.

I’m dating a nice guy. Everyone says we’re a good couple.

The problem? I don’t love him. What can I do?

I’m single. I want to meet someone special, but it’s hard.

What can I do?

What would

I don’t agree, because He

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