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Lesson 8 & 9

Writing & Review

Lnl Do I

Look ot Litg's project pton. Reod ond comp[ete. Sp Listen ond check.
,¡í' ü. trloth10n
My three octivities ore fl#ft*ffirn

L We're * stowly on the

2 We're
quickty in the

3 We're corefu[[y

in the

My fovourite port of the triothlon is

in the

Choose three qctivities for gour triothlon. Pton ond write.

soiting conoerng on o loke in o pork

horse riding rowrng on o river quickty

hiking mountoin biking in the mountoins stowty

snorkelling swimming in the forest corefulty

windsurfing running on the beoch dongerously

My three octivities ore -"-{Gft+-gil3"* , ond

L We're
2 We're

3 We're

My fovourite port of the triothlon is

uü¿*¡.lh,ffiffi :*§**.,§*.,.-f-i¡*01-.;a_1,*¡t[ai'-§-lli*.É.§Y{i:

Reod the storg ogoin. Circte the correct words.

L Some children o soilin / hiking in the woter

2 There is some / isn't ony fruit for lunch.

3 There ore some / oren't ony breod rotls for lunch

4 Tiger is wolking stowly / quickty.

5 Tiger is good ot / isn't good ot windsurfing.

6 There's o tittte / o lot of cheese in the solod

2 Look ond qnswer the questions.

1 Is there ony fruit? Yes, therq rs.

2 Are there ony nuts ond seeds?

3 Is there ony rice?

4 Are there ony puddings?

5 Is there ony solod?

30 Listen qnd number. Write.


, Look ond write the questions ond onswers.




Whot ore you dcinq ? Whot ore they ?

I .1 ¿

We're ruN"KIH1 snorkelling.


Whot ore you ? ?

We're They're

2 Colour the motching pieces the sqme.


3 Look ond complete. Use words from Activitg 2.

L Pondo is tolkíng uistl
2 Tortoise is singing
3 Gorillo is conoeing
4 Tiger is
5 Seot Moster

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