Muslim Practices KO

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Subject: RE Topic: Muslim Practices Year Group: Year 11

Key Word Definition

Worship Festival
Ablution Ritual washing before prayer (wudu)
1 What are For Sunni Muslims, they are shahadah, salah, 1 What • The Greater Eid, and celebrates the Arafat Part of the Hajj pilgrimage. Place where Prophet
the five sawm, zakah and hajj. They are seen as pillars happens at prophet, Ibrahim, Muhammad preached his last sermon and pilgrims gather
pillars? because they form the basis of faith. Id ul- • Muslims remember Ibrahims’s to pray.
Adha? willingness to sacrifice his son and Ashura Important festival in Shi’a Islam, to commemorate the
2 What are For Shi’a Muslims, they include salah, sawm, follow Allah’s will. martyrdom of Hussein (Muhammad’s grandson). Sunni
the ten zakah, hajj and jihad. They also include khums, • Visit the mosque, and eat a slaughtered Muslims observe Ashura as a day of repentance for sins in
obligatory encouraging good, discouraging wrong, showing animal. the belief that they will be forgiven.
acts? love for God and people, disassociation with Five Pillars Important duties for Sunni Muslims which support the
enemies of God. 2 What • Festival of breaking the fast. The lesser main principles of Islam. Shahadah, salah, zakah, sawm and
happens at Eid hajj.
3 What is ‘There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Id ul-Fitr? • Special prayers are made at home and
Friday Friday prayers in the mosque, where a sermon (khutbah)
the the messenger of Allah’ Muslims should declare mosques
Prayer is heard.
Shahadah? this • Muslims wear new clothes and give
Hajj One of the Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory Acts; pilgrimage to
4 Why is • Muslims perform ritual washing (wudu)
3 What • Main Shi’a festival called the Day of Makkah, which all Muslims must undertake at least once in
Salah before prayer
happens at Remembrance their lives, unless prevented by problems over wealth or
significant? • Muslims pray facing Makkah
Ashura? • Remember the death of Husayn. It is a health.
• Daily prayers are made up of certain
actions and recitations day of mourning and martyrdom Id ul-Adha Festival; celebration of the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness
• At the mosque, men and women pray • Some re-enact the suffering but this has to sacrifice his son for Allah
separately caused controversy. Id ul-Fitr Festival; celebration that comes at the end of Ramadan
and marks the end of fasting.
Duties Similarities and Differences: Sunni and Shi’a Islam The Ka’aba Part of the Hajj pilgrimage; cube-shaped building in the
centre of the Grand Mosque in Makkah. All Muslims face
1 How do • No food or drink in daylight hours. 1 Acts of • Sunni Muslims have five pillars towards it when they pray.
Muslims • To experience want and poverty Faith? • Shi’a Muslims add to the five pillars to Khums One of the Ten Obligatory Acts in Shi’a Islam; practice of
fast? • Encourages prayer and forgiveness. have ten obligatory acts alms giving.
2 Giving • Sunni Muslims tend to give 2.5% of Mina Site of pilgrimage during Hajj; where pilgrims take part in
2 How do • The Qur’an doesn’t give exact amounts but it
alms? earnings to charity or volunteer the stoning of pillars.
Muslims is a small proportion of extra earnings
themselves Rak’ahs Actions and ritual movements made during salah (prayer)
practice • Charity brings communities together and
• Shi’a tend to give 20% of extra earnings. consisting of recitations, standing, bowing and prostration.
zakah? fulfils ad duty God has imposed
This goes to the poor and to Muslim
3 What • Remember the life of Ibrahim leaders Muzdalifah Site of pilgrimage during Hajj; where pilgrims hold a night
happens • Actions: Enter state of Ihram, circle the prayer and rest after the Stand on Mount Arafat.
on Hajj? Ka’aba, travel to Arafat, throw pebbles at 3 Prayer? • Sunni Muslims pray five times a day Night of The night on which Muhammad received the first
Medina • Shi’a Muslim combine these into three Power revelations of the Qur’an.
• It brings sincerity, humility, discipline and daily prayer. Recitations Part of the practice of salah (prayer); the reciting of verses
unity. from the Qur’an.
4 Ashura? Sunni Muslims recognise Ashura but as the
Day of Atonement, when the Israelites Salah Prayer; one of the Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory Acts.
4 What is • Lesser jihad is the duty to protect Islam
Jihad? against violent threat escaped slavery in Eygpt. Sawm Fasting from dawn to dusk during Ramadan; one of the
• Greater jihad is the personal struggle to Five Pillars/Ten Obligatory Acts.
5 Leadership • Sunni Muslims support a caliphate Shahadah Muslim declaration of faith; one of the Five Pillars in Sunni
follow Muslim rules and be faithful to Allah’s
• Shi’a Muslims support an imamte. Islam.
Ten These are requirements for Shi’a Muslims.
A students should be aware that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian, and Acts
that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse. They include Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zakah Giving alms means giving to those in need, eg money,
Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, and non-religious beliefs such as atheism and humanism. food, time. One of the five pillars and 10 obligatory acts
Subject: RE Retrieval Quiz: Muslim Practices Year Group: Year 11
Key Word Definition
Worship Festival
1 What are 1 What
the five happens at Arafat
pillars? Id ul-
2 What are
the ten Five Pillars
obligatory 2 What
acts? happens at
Id ul-Fitr? Friday
3 What is /Jummah
the Hajj
3 What Id ul-Adha
happens at
4 Why is Ashura?
Id ul-Fitr
The Ka’aba

Duties Similarities and Differences: Sunni and Shi’a Islam Khums

1 How do 1 Acts of Mina

Muslims Faith?

2 Giving
alms? Muzdalifah
2 How do
practice Night of
zakah? Power

3 Prayer? Salah
3 What
on Hajj? Sawm

4 Ashura? Shahadah

4 What is Ten
Jihad? Obligatory
5 Leadership Acts

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