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- Explain Ann Curzan’s opinion about the Usage Panel for The American Heritage College

Dictionary. Based on your own research, provide and support your own argument about how

dictionaries should decide which words and/or definitions to include.

Prioritizing Evidence-Based Methods in Dictionary-Making and Language Teaching

1. Introduction

- The significance of dictionaries.

- The significance of putting evidence-based methods first when developing dictionaries

and teaching languages.

- Thesis Statement- Dictionaries should focus on evidence-based approaches to explain

how language is used, rather than prescriptive rules and expert judgements.

2. Language is ever-evolving

- How social and cultural variables have influenced language development.

- How language helps build and maintain communities.

- Variations in language use between contexts.

- Students need to be taught prescriptive grammar norms and given the tools to evaluate


3. Problems with building dictionaries

- Determining the importance and frequency of usage is challenging.

- Determining the legitimacy and authority of sources.

- Field research and corpus linguistics are used to acquire data.

- Using crowdsourcing to get linguistic information.

4. IV. Criticism of grammatical prescriptions

- Challenging accepted grammar norms.

- Advocating for a more accurate representation of language use.

- Stressing the value of recognising the flexibility of language.

- The difficulty of the argument's subject.

5. Conclusion

- The importance of evidence based methods for teaching languages and dictionary

Citations- Adams, Michael. "The Dictionary Society of North America: A History of the Early

Years (Part I)." Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America, vol. 35, 2014,

p. 1-35. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/dic.2014.0014

Curzan, Anne. “Says Who? Teaching and Questioning the Rules of Grammar.”

PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vol. 124, no. 3, 2009, pp.


Miller, Julia. “Research in the Pipeline: Where Lexicography and Phraseology Meet.”

Lexicography, vol. 5, no. 1, 2018, pp. 23–33.,

Pound, Louise. “The Value of English Linguistics to the Teacher.” DigitalCommons@University

of Nebraska - Lincoln,

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