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0NlvRIlIl IkN0L00l MARA,


C11442 Muslc SocleLy

ro[ect t|t|e] Ass|gnment 1
LffecLs of Muslc Lo SocleLy
repared by
ID S1UDLN1 2010S2123S
kCGkAML C122S 1nLA1kL

repared for


Submlsslon daLe

Music is the sound received by the individual and depending on the history, location, culture and
preIerences oI a person. The real deIinition oI music is also diIIerent. Although music is a
phenomenon oI intuition, to create, improve and present is an art. Listening to music is the kind
oI entertainment while learning and understanding is a Iield or discipline. Music produced by a
combination oI several musical instruments. Music can be made and enjoyed by anyone. Music
constantly changing with time and became to more genres oI music such as hip hop, rock,
classical and so on.
In my opinions, music is not a new phenomenon in our society today because music
has been produced on the long past time and until now music has the impact oI the advantages
and disadvantages to the community especially Ior the new generation. The advantage oI music
is music can be the one oI entertainment that can help maintain good mental and balanced
emotional state. Based on research, In 2006 the German Research Ministry Iunded research by
scientists in the Iields oI neuroscience, philosophy, psychology and education to determine iI
there is a measurable improvement in cognitive thinking connected to listening to Mozart's
music. The results reported by Ralph Schumacher declare that there is no lasting improvement to
intelligence Irom listening to music. However, he suggested that the eIIect oI learning to play a
musical instrument may be worth Iurther study.( Soontaq.k (2010).Taking another look at the
mozart eIIect.Music and its eIIect on the brain). There are many people`s today using the any
musical instruments or using the any kind oI entertainment such as radio and television to listen
the variety music that their like or enjoyed to listen.
Besides that, the advantage oI music also is can be the one oI job opportunities to our
society such as singer, dancer, and expert oI musical instruments and so on. For example is the
popular artist like Dato Siti Nurhaliza, Sham Kamikaze and so on. Music can make some peoples
get more money or income. Besides that, someone who involved in dance can helps their
enjoyed the healthy liIe.
The disadvantage oI music is music can make peoples laziest and careless in job.
When someone listens Ior the interesting song, they will Ielt unwilling to work and be careless
because too engrossed listen Ior the music.
In addition, music also can bring a bad inIluence to our society, especially Ior
teenagers. For example is in rock genre music that Iollowed by a bad song or wrong inIormation
like Black Metal can make peoples got a negative inIluenced.

Soontaq.k (2010)Taking another look at the mozart eIIect.Music and its eIIect on the brain uS
Was taken Irom:
Theodores, D. (1997). Dancers. First we take Manthattan: Four American women and the New
York school oI dance criticism. Netherlands: Harwood academic publishers. pp 30-34.

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