Intramural 2023 Opening Program Script

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Intramural 2023 Opening Program Script

John: Intramural is an annual school sports event which encourages students to participate in
various sports events to showcase their inner prowess as they demonstrate their abilities and
skills. It promotes camaraderie, true sportsmanship, and teamwork. This year, let us be
enthralled by the clash of the 6 different grade levels competing for the gold. Who will reign
supreme, will it be the grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12. We’ll find out.
Ron: Today marks the beginning of something extraordinaire. Good morning, Hinigaran Institute!
Are you ready for an adrenaline-packed week of sportsmanship and camaraderie?
Ron: To our ever-supportive BOD President, Ma’am Linda Guanco-Divino, Human Resource Officers
Ma’am Lea Samson, and Ma’am Lira Lea Uy, indefatigable School Principal, Sir Jose Freddie M.
Mocon, Academic Coordinator, Ma’am Judy Mae Navarro, guests, Faculty and Staff, students,
ladies and gentlemen…
Both: Welcome to the Opening Program of Hinigaran Institute Intramural 2023
John: Let's take a moment to express our gratitude to our almighty creator as we honor him in
prayer. Requesting everyone to stand for the opening prayer to be led to us by Sir Gabriel
Vargas and Miss Arriane Vargas, and please do remain standing for the signing of the
Philippine National Anthem and H.I. Hymn to be led to us by the H.I. Chorale
Ron: At this very moment, Let's see those colors flying high! As we witness this year’s raising of
banners. At the count of three raise your flags faster. In 3, 2, 1.
***Requesting the representatives of each grade level to please proceed now to your
designated poles.
John: Moving on, let's hear words of inspiration from the leader of our institute. Let us welcome our
indefatigable School Principal, Sir Jose Freddie M. Mocon, for his Inspirational Message. A big
round of applause please.
Ron: What an inspiring message from Sir Mocon! Let those words resonate with us throughout the
Intramural journey! Now, to officially mark the beginning of Intramural 2023, let us welcome
Sir Rolly G. Sioco, our Sports Coordinator for the Torch Lighting and Declaration of Opening.
John: The torch lighting is a symbolic and ceremonial act that holds significant meaning to our
Intramural 2023. It represents, Unity, Determination to Win, Teamwork, and Fair Competition.
Ron: At this point, let us be entertained by an Intermission Number by the SSLG Officers.
John: Thank you SSLG Officers for that spectacular performance. Now, let's take a moment for all
participants to pledge their commitment. May we call on _______________ to lead the Oath
of Amateurism.
Ron: The spirit of fair play and sportsmanship is truly alive here. Now, let's find out the matchups.
Drawing of Lots for the sports!
John: Exciting times ahead! To formally end this opening program, let's hear some words from our
Faculty President, Sir Michael O. Capariño.
John: And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! The stage is set, the banners are high, and the
spirit is alive. Intramural 2023 has officially begun!
Ron: Thank you all for joining us on this exciting morning. Let the games begin, and may the best
teams and athletes prevail. Enjoy this year’s Intramural!

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