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Yusuf Ari Saktianto
Komponen Struktur

Words (Kata) Clauses (Klausa)

Phrases (Frasa) Sentences (Kalimat)

"the building blocks
of language"
(McCarthy 2002)

Noun (Kata Benda) Adjective (Kata Sifat) Preposition (Kata Depan)
Nama / benda Deskripsi of, in, on, at, from, by
Menempati fungsi Menjelaskan kata benda Menandakan waktu, lokasi,
subjek dan objek atau hubungan lain dalam
Verb (Kata Kerja) Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
Tidak bisa berfungsi sebagai
V1 / V2 / V3 / V-ing Deskripsi
subjek maupun objek
Menunjukkan Aksi / Menjelaskan kata kerja dan
Menghubungkan Subjek kata sifat
dengan Penjelasnya
"a group of words
typically with heads
and their modifiers"
(Miller 2002)
Types of 1 Prepositional Phrase

Phrases 2 Noun Phrase

3 Adjective Phrase

4 Adverb Phrase

5 Verb Phrase
Noun Phrase
Determiner Adverb Adjective Noun

a really delicious apple

Modifiers Head
Adjective Phrase
Adverb Adjective

really delicious

Modifier Head
Adverb Phrase
Adverb Adverb

so frequently

Modifier Head
Prepositional Phrase
Preposition Determiner Adjective Noun

by the next day

Head Modifiers
All people can eat this red apple.

Try to identify the phrases!

Paleoanthropologists believe that prehistoric man

was innate a gentle, cooperative, food-sharing creature.

Try to identify the phrases!

Sioux is a North American Indian language that is spoken
not only _____ Sioux but also by the Crow and Osage tribes.

(A) by the (C) do the

(B) the (D) and the

A dulcimer can be played by either striking its
strings with a hammer or _____

(A) to pluck them with (C) they are plucked

the fingers with the fingers

(B) fingers are used to (D) plucking them with

pluck them the fingers
Computers and new methods of communication
_____ revolutionized the modern office.

(A) have (C) that have

(B) to have (D) has

A lodestone is _____.

(A) an occurring (C) naturally a magnet

naturally magnet occurring

(B) a magnet naturally (D) a naturally occurring

occurring magnet
_____ of chamber music is the string quartet.

(A) The famous most (C) The form most

form famous

(B) The most famous (D) Most the form

form famous
"a unit which as a
minimum consists
of a verb and its
(Miller 2002)
Types of Clauses
Main Clause Subordinate Clause
Bisa berdiri sendiri Tidak bisa berdiri sendiri sebagai
sebagai kalimat kalimat
Langsung diawali Diawali kata hubung (seperti when,
subjek while, because, dan lain-lain)
Example: John built Example: when I went into my house
an amazing house Bisa berupa noun clause, adjective
clause, atau adverb clause.
Word? Phrase?
Watched movies
Clause? with my friends
much difficult
by the next day work

I like playing where the internet

games is important
Word? Phrase?
Watched movies
Clause? with my friends

Samsung W
much difficult
by the next day P work

I like playing where the internet

games is important
In the United States, _____ is generally the
responsibility of municipal governments.

(C) where water

(A) for water treatment

(D) in which water

(B) water treatment
Crop rotation _____ of preserving soil fertility.

(A) it is one method (C) a method is one

(B) one method (D) is one method

_____ the dollar as its monetary unit in 1878.

(C) It was adopted by

(A) Canada adopted

(D) The Canadian

(B) Adopted by Canada,
adoption of
_____ almost impossible to capture the beauty of
aurora borealis in photographs.

(A) Being (C) There is

(B) It is (D) Is
_____ gas tanks connected to welding equipment, one
full of oxygen and the other full of acetylene.

(A) It is two (C) There are two

(B) Of the two (D) Two

_____ primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

(A) There are three (C) Three of them

(B) The three (D) That the three

Noun Clauses, Adjective Clauses, and Adverb Clauses
that humans need water
Noun Clause
Fungsinya sama seperti noun biasa,
'whether/if' tetapi bentuknya
List 1-3 ways berupa klausa.
your company
whether/if TOEFL is difficult proposes to solve them.

question word
what you mean
where his house is
why she did crazy things
_____ begin their existence as ice crystals over
most of the earth seems likely.

(A) Raindrops (C) What if raindrops

(B) If raindrops (D) That raindrops

It was in 1875 _____ joined the staff of the
astronomical observatory at Harvard University.

(A) that Anna Winlock (C) as Anna Winlock

(B) Anna Winlock, who (D) Anna Winlock then

_____ is a narrow strip of woods along a stream
in an open grassland.

(A) Ecologists use the (C) "Gallery forest" is

term "gallery forest" the term ecologists use

(B) What do ecologists (D) What ecologists call

call a "gallery forest" a "gallery forest"
When _____ is not known.

(A) was the wheel

(C) inventing the wheel

(B) the invention of the (D) the wheel was

wheel invented
For many years people have wondered _____
exists elsewhere in the universe.

(A) that life (C) whether life

(B) life which (D) life as it

Adjective Clause
Fungsinya sama seperti adjective biasa,
tetapi bentuknya berupa klausa.

The man who is standing in front of me looks scary.

Adjective 'who' (human as subject)
The man who is standing in front of me looks scary.
Clause 'whom' (human as object)
Human/Non-Human &
Subject/Object/Possession The woman whom I love never does bad things.

'whose' (possession)
People whose house is huge must have a lot of money.

'which' (non-human)
The boxes which I put in the warehouse were heavy.
Adjective Clause
Other Markers

'where' (place)
Surabaya is the city where I was born.

'when' (time)
This is the hour when the children
usually go to bed.
Other Forms of Adjective
Clause Markers

Clause 1 (Main Clause) Clause 2 (Adjective Clause)

I am trying to fix my refrigerator. I put all of my foods in my refrigerator.

Sentence 1 Sentence 2
I am trying to fix my refrigerator where I am trying to fix my refrigerator in
I put all of my foods. which I put all of my foods.
quantity word + 'of' + 'whom' / 'which'
Other Forms of both, most, many, ...

Adjective Clause
He met with two advisors, both of whom
he had known for years.
explaining humans

I read a number of articles, most of which

were very useful.
explaining non-humans
Omissions of Adjective Clause Markers
Object markers can be omitted without any changes in the meaning and function.

The woman never does bad things. I love the woman.

The woman whom I love never does bad things.

The woman I love never does bad things.

Omissions of Adjective Clause Markers
Object markers can be omitted without any changes in the meaning and function.

The boxes were heavy. I put the boxes in the warehouse.

The boxes which I put in the warehouse were heavy.

The boxes I put in the warehouse were heavy.

Most folk songs are ballads _____ have simple
words and tell simple stories.

(A) what (C) when

(B) although (D) that

In 1850, Yale University established Sheffield
Scientific School, _____.

(A) engineers were (C) in which were

educated there engineers educated

(B) where engineers (D) where were

were educated engineers educated
Many of Louise Nevelson's sculptures consisted of a number
of large wooden structures _____ in complex patterns.

(A) which she arranged (C) which arranged

(B) she arranged them (D) arranged them

In addition to being a naturalist, Stewart E. White was a writer
_____ the struggle for survival on the American frontier.

(A) whose novels

(C) his novels describe

(B) he describes in his (D) who, describing in

novels his novels
William Samuel Johnson, _____ helped write the Constitution,
became the first president of Columbia College in 1787.

(A) whom he had (C) who had

(B) and he had (D) had

There are over 2,000 varieties of snakes, _____
are harmless to humans.

(A) mostly they (C) most of which

(B) most of them (D) which most

The instrument panel of a light airplane has at
least a dozen instruments _____.

(C) which the pilot must

(A) the pilot must watch
watch them

(B) what the pilot must (D) such that the pilot
watch must watch them
Adverb Clauses

at the front
Because the speaker was sick, the program was canceled.

at the back
The program was canceled because the speaker was sick.
Adverb Clause vs Preposition
Adverb Clause Preposition
He chose that university He chose that university
because it has fine reputation. because of its fine reputation.
because / since because of / due to / on account
although / even though in spite of / despite
when / while during
_____ they are tropical birds, parrots can live in
temperate or even cold climates.

(A) Despite (C) Nevertheless

(B) Even though (D) But

_____ advertising is so widespread in the United States,
it has had an enormous effect on American life.

(A) Why (C) On account of

(B) The reason (D) Since

_____ towards shore, its shape is changed by its
collision with the shallow sea bottom.

(A) During a wave rolls (C) A wave rolls

(B) As a wave rolls (D) A wave's rolling

_____ together in one place, they form a

(A) When people who (C) Whenever people

live live

(D) Whenever living

(B) When people living
Natural silk is still highly prized _____ similar
artificial fabrics.

(C) in spite of the

(A) although is available
availability of

(B) despite there are (D) even though an

available availability of

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