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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Cebu City
South District V


Name & Section: _________________________________Date: _____________SCORE:_____________
Instructions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Write your solution on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following parts of the circulatory system pumps the blood throughout the body?
A. Arteries B. Valves C. Heart D. Vessels

2. What is the process called when air moves in and out of the lungs?
A. internal respiration C. internal ventilation
B. external respiration D. pulmonary ventilation

3. Which of the following parts of the respiratory system serve as the passageway of air into the lungs?
A. Alveoli B. Bronchi C. Bronchioles D. Trachea

4. Which of the following are parts of the circulatory system?

A. Blood, bronchi, trachea C. Blood, blood vessels, heart
B. Alveoli, trachea, bronchi D. Heart, nasal passages, valves

5. Where does exchange of gases between the outside environment and the human body?
A. nasal passageway C. larynx
B. trachea D. alveoli

6.A small flap of tissue that covers the trachea when swallowing is called the
A. bronchi B. larynx C. pharynx D. epiglottis

7. The bronchi branch out into many different smaller tubes which take oxygen to the alveoli. What are these
tiny tubes called?
A. Trachea B. Larynx C. Pharynx D. Bronchioles

8. Breathing is a process of inhaling and exhaling. It is continuously repeated to provide oxygen to all cells in
the body. Which of the following is TRUE about the gases that you inhale and exhale? When you inhale
A. you take in oxygen
B. give off carbon dioxide
C. it allows the blood to move in the proper direction
D. it carries oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the cells

9. Which of the following diseases of the lungs result in the inflammation of the airways that may cause
wheezing and shortness of breath due to allergies, infection, or pollution?

A. asthma B. lung cancer C. bronchitis D. cystic fibrous

10. What do you think happens to the supply of blood to the muscles when you are relaxing?
A. increases B. fluctuating C. decreases D. remains the same

11. What is the main function of the respiratory system?

A. to bring oxygen to the body
B. to break down food and absorb nutrients
C. to remove oxygen from the body and deliver carbon dioxide provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body

12. Which part warms, filters, and humidifies the air in order to get rid of foreign substances that may harm
the lungs?
A. Alveoli B. Pharynx C. Trachea D. Nasal Cavity

13. Peter joined a kilometer dash sprint and felt very exhausted afterwards. What must be the reason why his
heart beats faster? It is because _______ is needed by the body cells when he does that strenuous activity.
A. less oxygen C. less carbon dioxide
B. more oxygen D. more carbon dioxide

14. What would be the expected ratio of genotypes in a cross between two parents who were both
A.100% homozygous dominant
B. 50% homozygous dominant, 50% homozygous recessive
C.25% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous, 25% homozygous recessive
D.100% homozygous recessive

For number’s 15-16 ,refer to the situation below.

In pea plants, round (R) is dominant to wrinkled (r). A heterozygous female is crossed with a wrinkled

15.What is the probability of having an offspring that is round?

A. 50 % round pea plants C. 25 % round pea plants
B. 75 % round pea plants D. 100 % round pea plants
16. What is the probability of having an offspring that is wrinkled?
A. 50 % wrinkled pea plants C. 25 % wrinkled pea plants
B. 75 % wrinkled pea plants D. 100 % wrinkled pea plants

For numbers 17 - 19, refer to the given scenario.

Two pink Japanese four o’clock flowers (RW) are crossed.

17. What is the chance that an offspring will be pink?

A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75% 9
18. What is the chance that an offspring will be red?
A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75% 10.
19.What is the chance that an offspring will be white?
A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75%
20. An animal with black fur is crossed with an animal with white fur, and all the offspring are gray. What law
of inheritance is shown? Law of ______.
A. Segregation B. Dominance C. Codominance D. Incomplete Dominance

21. From which chamber of the heart does blood leave to go to the lungs?
A. lower ventricle B. upper ventricle C. left ventricle D. right ventricle

22. What is the most possible result if a person is continuously exposed to cigarette smokers? The person
develops _______________.
A tuberculosis C. heart related disease
B arterial related disease D. kidney related disease

23. Which disease is described when the pressure of the blood against the wall of the blood vessel is high?
A. heart attack C. hypertension
B. heart failure D. coronary heart disease
24. What happens to the diaphragm when a person breathes in or inhales? The diaphragm ______________.
A. relaxes B. never relax C. contracts D. stops to relax

25. Since valves act as the doors of the heart, what might happen if these doors do
not close? There will be a ________of blood.
A. backflow B. precipitation C. coagulation D. transfusion

26. When we breathe in, we inhale many gases present in the air, including oxygen.
What do you think happens to the gases that are not needed by the body?
A. Given off from the body through inhalation.
B. Taken out from the body through exhalation
C. Both a and b
D. All of these
27. The heart pumps deoxygenated blood from the organs of the body back to the lungs for oxygenation. In
what particular blood vessel where the deoxygenated blood passes through as it goes to the heart and through
the lungs?
A. Pulmonary vein C. Inferior vena cave
B. Pulmonary artery D. Superior vena cava

28. Which of the following statements is/are true?

A. Breathing involves important parts which are not part of the respiratory system.
B. Inhalation involves the ribcage moving upwards and inwards.
C. Exhalation involves the diaphragm relaxing and moving up.
D. The breathing rate is the number of breaths taken in one minute.

29. Why is the human heart called a double pump? It is because _____________.
A. of the presence of valves
B. the left and right ventricles pump the blood
C. blood is received from both upper chambers
D. the heart is divided into two major parts, atrium and ventricle

30. Red cows crossed with white cows will have offspring that are roan cows. Roan refers to cows with red
hair and white blotches. What type of pattern of inheritance is this ?
A. Segregation B. Dominance C. Codominance D. Incomplete Dominance

31. What disease affects the circulatory system?

A. cough B. tuberculosis C. asthma D. high blood pressure

32. One cat carries heterozygous, long-haired traits (Ss), and its mate carries homozygous short-haired traits
(ss). What is the probability of one of their offspring having long hair.
A.100% B.25% C.75% D.50%

33. In a certain species of plant, the color purple (P) is dominant to the color white (p). According to the
Punnett Square, what is the probability of an offspring being white? What is the phenotype if a homozygous
purple is being crossed with homozygous white .
A.100% white C. 50% white
B.100% purple D.50% purple

34.Which of the following bring the deoxygenated blood back to the heart?
A.artery B.capillary C.vein D.platelets

35. The correct sequence of heart chambers a red blood cell would pass through as it travels through the heart.
A. right atrium - left ventricle - left atrium - right ventricle
B. left atrium - left ventricle - right atrium - right ventricle
C. left atrium - right atrium - left ventricle - right ventricle
D. right atrium - right ventricle - left atrium - left ventricle
36. Which of the choices below is not a functional process performed by the respiratory system?
A. external respiration C. pulmonary respiration
B. pulmonary ventilation D. transport of respiratory gases

37. You can keep your heart strong by:

A. Eating heart-shaped candy
B. Doing activities, like playing outside,riding your bike, and swimming
C. Smoking
D. Sleeping 18 hours a day

38.Which of the following is NOT considered a healthy lifestyle?

A. drinking liquors C. sleeping on time
B. regular exercise D. eating the right amount of food

39. Which disease is described when the pressure of the blood against the wall of the blood vessel is high?
A. heart attack C. hypertension
B. heart failure D. coronary heart disease

40.The following are the respiratory diseases EXCEPT

A. cough C. common colds
B. lung cancer D. coronary heart disease

41.What is the study of how traits are passed from one generation to the next called?
A.Genetics C.Evolution
B. Ecology D. Geology

42.In Mendel's experiments with pea plants, a trait that masked the expression of another trait was called the:
A. Dominant trait C. Intermediate trait
B. Recessive trait D. Co-dominant trait

43.What term is used to describe an organism with two different alleles for a particular trait?
A. Homozygous C. Recessive
B.Heterozygous D. Dominant

44.If a person has a genotype of Aa for a particular gene, which of the following best describes their
A. They express the dominant trait.
B. They express the recessive trait.
C. They exhibit a blend of both traits.
D. Their phenotype cannot be determined from the genotype.

45.Which component of the blood is responsible for carrying oxygen to the body's tissues?
A. Red blood cells C. Platelets
B. White blood cells D. Plasma
46. Which chamber of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body?
A. Right atrium C. Right ventricle
B. Left atrium D. Left ventricle

47. Which of the following structures in the respiratory system is responsible for filtering and humidifying
inhaled air?
A. Trachea B. Bronchioles C. Alveoli D. Nose and nasal passages

48. Which scientist is known for establishing the laws of inheritance through experiments with pea plants?
A. Charles Darwin C. Rosalind Franklin
B. Gregor Mendel D. James Watson
49. In a Punnett square, what does a capital letter represent when denoting a genetic trait?
A. Recessive allele C. Dominant allele
B. Homozygous trait D. Carrier status
50.What is the term for the physical expression of an individual's genetic makeup?
A. Genotype B. Phenotype C. Heterozygote D. Polymorphism

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