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Topic: Puzzles ::Worksheet Number :7

Directions for Questions from 1 to 4: Below is given a board for a game of Tic Tac
Toe. This is a two player game where one player has to mark 'O' in one of the
unmarked boxes and second player has to mark 'X'. The first player to complete a
row or a column or a diagonal with his marks wins the game. Points are also being
given to players for their marks. A mark at the centre gives 4 points, a mark at the
corner gives 2 points, and a mark anywhere else gives 1 point. First player has
marked 'O' in the given game.

1 - Where should the next mark be be put so that maximum points can be gained?

a) At top left corner b) At bottom right corner

c) At the centre d) At top row of middle column

2 - At the end of the game, which of these cannot be the points of first player?

a) 5 b) 10
c) 12 d) 13

3 - How many points first player can have at most when the game finishes?

a) 8 b) 9
c) 12 d) 13

4 - How many points second player can have at least if the game finishes in a draw?

a) 5 b) 6
c) 8 d) 9

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5 - I am an amount of money less than a rupee. You cannot make me if you use any
combination from three 25 paisa coins and fifteen 2 paisa coins. What can I possibly be?

a) 75 paisa b) 86 paisa
c) 87 paisa d) 89 paisa

6 - A six letter word has only consonants. How many different vowels can this word have?

a) 0 b) 1
c) 2 d) 3

7 - Which train will first cross the line "B" completely , if all trains start from line ?A? with
same speed.

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

8 - Four people namely Amit, Aman, Ankit and Aarav are to be seated in a row. But Aarav
and Ankit cannot be sitting together because of a fight between them. Also Aman cannot
sit at the third place. Then which of the following conditions is false ?

a) Amit at first place b) Amit at 3rd place

c) Amit at 4th place d) Amit at 2nd place

9 - I am a three dimensional geometrical figure. I do not have any corner. I do not have any
plane face. I do not have any edges. Who am I?

a) Cone b) Cylinder
c) Sphere d) Prism

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10 - What is the product of all the numbers on a dial-pad of a telephone?

a) 348700 b) 358000
c) 378800 d) None of these

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