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TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022 / 2023 Kelas
Mata Pelajaran
Hari / Tanggal
Waktu :…………………………..

I. Choose the best answer by crossing A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

1. Mommy : ...?
Dad : Yes, what's news?
Mom : Please don't use the shower just for today. Because it's broken.
Dad : Really? I will call the plumber.
The best expression to complete the dialogue above is …
A. Any questions C. Can you guess what I am saying
B. Do you have any problems D. Can I have your attention for a moment
2. Kai : Mom, look at me.
Mama : …. You look nice on that dress.
Kai : Which is better? The blue or grey one?
Mama : I think the grey one is better.
The best response for the expression above is …
A. I am not sure B. Sure C. Thank you D. No, thanks

This following dialogue is for questions number 3 to 5

Mr. Smith : Well students, you have to submit your project next week. I won’t accept the collections
over the due date. Do you get my point?
The students : Yes, sir. We get it.
3. What does the underlined utterance express?
A. Asking for attention C. Checking one’s understanding
B. Asking a questions D. Praising someone
4. Below are possible expressions to substitute “Do you get my point?”, except…
A. Do you know what I’m saying? C. Is it clear to you?
B. Got it? D. Please listen to me.
5. The most possible expression to show understanding to substitute “Yes, sir. We get it”, is?
A. We do understand. C. Excuse me? Can you repeat again?
B. Pardon? D. I don’t know.
6. James : Have you done your English assignment?
Ronald : Yes, I have. I finished it yesterday.
James : Really? …
A. Let’s do it together. C. How diligent you are.
B. How poor you are. D. What a pity you are.
What do you think about that picture?
A. I think we have to use the energy excessively
B. I think we have to increase the use of energy
C. I think we have to decrease the use of energy
D. I think we don’t have to use the energy

8. Gea : Do you think that we can go home now?
Anne : …. It is still raining heavily.
A. Let’s go B. I don’t think so C. I think so D. All right
9. Mona : Hi, Clara. Did you get a new haircut?
Clara : I did.
Mona :…
Clara : Thank you. I really appreciate it. No one noticed my new haircut except you.
A. Well, it suits you. You look good with that haircut.
B. Hmm… I hope it will grow again sooner.
C. Do you really think that cut suits you?
D. If you think that you look beautiful with that hair, think again!

This following dialogue is for questions 10 and 11.

Mr.Iqbal : Jon, come here please!
Andy : Yes, sir. I'm coming.
Mr.Iqbal : (10) _____ the goods to the shop, please?
Andy : With pleasure, sir.
Mr.Iqbal : Will you put them into the correct case!
Andy : (11) ______ sir.
Mr.Iqbal : Thanks.
10. The suitable expression is ...
A. Can you bring B. Can I bring C. May I bring D. Don't bring
11. The suitable expression is ...
A. Sorry, I won’t B. I want to go home C. I'm busy D. Let me do that
12. What does the sign mean?
A. We must bring cellphone
B. We mustn’t bring cellphone
C. We must keep the cellphone silent
D. We mustn’t keep the cellphone silent

13. Don’t Go On.

It means that, you … stop here.
A. Must B. Must not C. May D. May not
14. Based on the picture, what should he/she do then?
A. He/she should increase the portion of food and calories.
B. He/she should decrease the portion of food and calories.
C. He/she should take more sleep.
D. He/she should avoid whole grains food.
15. What does it mean?
It means that …
A. We are prohibited to throw rubbish here.
B. We are allowed to throw rubbish here.
C. We are suggest to throw rubbish here.
D. We are not restrict to throw rubbish here. Source:

II. Choose two correct answers by giving tick (√).

This following text is for questions number 16 and 17
In order to provide good condition in teaching and learning process in our class, Students:
 Must keep the classroom clean and tidy.
 Must not litter.
 Must put the garbage into dust bin.
 Must not write or draw anything on the desk and on the walls.
 Must sweep the floor and dust the teacher’s desk and the shelf every day.
Adapted from: When English Rings a Bell - Kemdikbud
16. What would probably happen if the students do not obey the rules?
 The teacher would not be permitted to teach.
 The students would not feel comfortable to study.
 The classroom would not be conducive for learning
 The students would not allowed to enter the classroom.
17. Why do the teacher and students arrange this rules?
They arrange the rules in order to …
 Create conducive class.
 Get the principle’s appreciation.
 Get the reward
 Get the pleasant class
18. Which signs do you commonly see in the hospital?
 

 

19. Hisyam : May I borrow your type writer?

Hasan : … Don’t forget to return it soon.
 I am afraid not.
 Sorry.
 Of course.
 Please feel free.

20. Dear Rose,

Congratulation for your best achievement on English speech contest.
I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
Warm hug
What can be concluded from the text above?
 Rose is a winner
 Jane joins on English speech contest
 Jane congratulates Rose
 Rose is proud of Jane

III. Matching.
Read the following text.
To : All my lovely friends

Please come to my 15th birthday party.

Day/date : Sunday, December 4th, 2022
Time : 15.00 – 17.30 p.m.
Place : My house on Jl. Anggrek no. 26, Surabaya.
Dress code : Casual dress
Games : Band performance
I’m waiting for your coming.

Sincerely yours,

Match the words on the left side with their synonyms on the right side.
21. Casual a. Show
22. Sincerely b. Marvelous
23. Performance c. Location
24. Lovely d. Informal
25. Place e. Heartfelt
IV. Essay.
Read the text and answer the questions number 26 to 28.
"My Bedroom"
Let me tell you about my bedroom. There are many kinds of furniture in my bedroom.
In the center of my room, there is my bed. The bed is made of wood. There is a nice bed cover and a
warm blanket on my bed. On the right side of my bed, there is a wardrobe. I put my clothes in it. On the left side of
my bed, there is a bookshelf. I put my books there. There is a table and a chair next to the self. I usually sit there to
study. On the table, there is a desk lamp. When I study in the evening, I always turn on the lamp. There is also an
alarm clock on my table. I set the alarm in the evening before I go to bed. It will wake me up in the morning.
I always clean my bedroom every day. I put the things neatly to make my bedroom comfortable to live in.
Source :

26. What does the text tell us about?

27. What is the bed like?
28. What is the function of an alarm clock?

29. Your friend had joined in debate competition last week. He/she became a winner. Please make a greeting
card to congratulate him/her.

30. Please make two sentences using “There is” and “There”.
a. There is = …
b. There are = …

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