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Co ve r art by Geo ff Taylor
I3lack & ,,'hill' a rt by Jo hn Blanche . Wayne Eng la nd a nd Ma rk G ibbons


G:1I11t.· .... \'\'ork ... hop Jnd the Came .... "'Cork ... hop logo. Cltadd. Healm of hao:--. ~l olLaha~. \\ 'arh:I1TImCr and \\ 'hut..' D\\ arl an: all regl'.. rereu rr.l<.k:mark ...
or G amc:'\ \\ ork,hop Ltd. BI(>(xlkucr. Uloodt hir... r..:r. Chao... ~P,I\\ n. J)at::monellL' . J)ra~on OgrL' , ' I::::..I\} ~kl~d. Fle ... h I found. GrL'~1I l ' ndL'~1n nt:'.
KCL'rx=rof "iCt.TL'h. Khorne. u)ro (JI Change. \'ur~le . \'lIrgling. Old \\ 'odd. P lagUt.:h(.'~lrL'r. '-Ika\cn . SI:J~lne... h. TLeL'nll h . Jre Iradelll, lrk ...
()fG ;L mt..·... \'\'ork ... hnp lid .
Sl~illL'r' dice ~lrL' l ' ~ rc.:gi"'h:"rcd dL"ign no. 201- 1M I

All .1I1\\ ork ;n ~III GaIllL· ... \X'ork ... !Jop product:-. and lilt.:.' ima~e ... nmtaillL'u tilL'reln ha\ l' Ix:t.·n proc.!lI<. L'U t.'ithl.'r in · holl~l' or a ... \\ ork ror hin.:.
The l..").clu ... j\l: cor:ri~,dlt on thL' an\\ork and lht.: 111la~1.' ''' it depicl'" i... thL' rropl...'11Y orG~lml.'''' \\ 'ork ... hop LtJ .

,. op)right C;al11e,' \\ '()rhhop I.tll, 1991. All right, re'ene(1.

~I)I.,.'l.i. d thank ... [0 ~1U~ln "filii ... anc.l .1ona ... Fal:rin~

Canll' dt.: ... ign con..,uluni H r:~111 An ...dl.

GNo IES \\'O R K~ H O I' LTD , A ® G ~I E~ \\ 'O RKS I-l P I:\C.

CII E\XTI'Oc-J STR EET .3 1.3 I -C IW i\:i N A VE\, UE
IIILLTOI'. F.A~T\\'O D @~~ BA LTI 1\ IORE, ;\ IARY L \ '\ D
N01T I. GII AMNG I 6.3II Y PRODUCT _ 1227 - 1072

PRo o ucr CODE: 0 136


• • • '" • • • • c o • •
INTRODUCTION ..... .......... ... ...... ... .............. 4 CHAO S DAEMONS ... 39
DAEMON SAVING THROW. ................... j9
THE CHAOS GODS .... .... ...... .............. ..... .... 6 DAEMO N ANI MOSI1Y . . . ........ .. . .... .39
KHORNE .. . ..................... .. DAl:.iIt/ON ANIMOSln ' TABLE .. ....... .39
N RGLE ... . ...... .... ....... .. . . . RAISED DAEMOI S ............. .... .. .. ... .... .. .... . . ... 40
SLAA:"JESH .... . ... ..... ... . .... ..... .... ... ...... 7

CHAOS CHAMPIONS ........................ 8

Cl lAOS Cl-IAM PIO IS ... .. 8

THE CHILDREN OF CHAOS .. ......... ............. 10

CHAOS BESTIARY .... ... ......... .. ........ 41
MI OTA RS . ........ .. 11
T/-II:.· MARK OF CHA OS ..... ....... ... .. ........... 42
CENTAU RS . .. .. ...... 1 I
CHAO. SO RCERERS ... ....... ..... . .. 43
I3E ASTMEN ... . 44
MINOTA URS ........ ... .. .... 45
CHAOS GIFTS ..................... .... .. .. ...... .. ......... 13 CHAOS STEEDS 45
G IFTS .. 13 CHAOS DRAGO ... ...... ... .... 46

CHANIPI ONS & CHAOS G IFTS ..... 13 HARPI ES ... .... 46

E}'f~' OF COD l E T . . ......... .. ......... . ....... 1-1 CHAOS CENT URS . .... 47
SPECIAL CA RDS .... ..... 14 CHAOS GO RGON ... ... ..... .... .. .... ... .. ... .. .... . 47
G IFTS AND DAHvlO I S .. 1'-1 DRAGO I OG RES ....... 48
CHAOS HO UN DS . ..... 48
CHAOS MAGIC ITEMS .. ........................... .... 15 TROLLS .. .. 49
CHAOS REWARDS .......... .. ..... .. ........... .... .... .. I:>
CHAOS SPELLS .. .... . 15 J3LOODTIIII{STE R....... . . . . .. ')0

FAM ILIARS ........ .................. . .. 1'5 J GG ER NAUTS .. ......... .... ... ... ......... ..... .. ...... .. .... . . ... ')0

CHAOS ARMO R ... ... . . .. . .... .. .......... .. ... I ') BLOOD LETTE I{S .. .... 51
FLESH 110 IDS . ..... ....... . ... 51
BA ERS .......... ... .. .. .. .... ................. .... .......... 16
KE EPER OF SEC RETS .. .... ~2

. . . .. )
'EAVY METAL PAGES ......... .. ............... .... ... 17
FIENDS......... . .... ... - 3
STEE DS .... ....... ... . . 53
BEASTS OF I URG LE .. .... 54
N RG LI GS .. ....... . . 55
CHAOS SPAWN .. ... .. .............. .... .. ........ .. ... .... 36 LO RD OF CHANG E ............ ...... .. ... .. .. . 56
TH E G IFT OF SPAWNDOM ...... ... ..... 36 DISCS .. . .... . '56
SPAWN IN COM B A T . . .......... .. . ... 3 FLAME R .. .
MODELLI NG CHAOS SPAWN ..... .. .................. . . 37 HO RRO RS 57



THE ARMy.. .................. .......... .... ... .... ............... ... 59 CHAOS DAEMO NS
CH ARACTERS . 59 BLOO DTH IHSTER ........ .... .... . ..... 7J
REGIMEI TS .............. . .... 60 FL ESH HO NOS ........ .. .. 7 ]
CH AO S DA E ION S . .... . ........ .. .. ... 60 BLOOD LETTERS . . ............ 71
... ....... .. ...... ..... .......... .... .. .. .......... . 60 GREAT I CLEAI ON · .... 72
ALLI ES ....... ... ...... ... .. .. .... .. .. . . . . .... .. 60 PLAG EBEAR ERS .72
PRE ENTATION OF PROFILES ... ....... .. . . .... ... ..... 61 BEASTS ...... ..... .. .. ....... ............. .... ...... ... .... 72
LIMITATI O 's OK 'URGLI NGS ........... .. ....................... .. .. .. 72
CERTAI I CHARACTE RSI ITS .. . ................ 61
PIK K HORRORS ....... ..... .... .. ... .... . . . .... 73
A]{MO R ...... .... . .. 6 1
FLAMERS. . ..... 73
KEEPE R OF SEC RETS ....... .. ... .... . 74
DAE 'IO NETTES . ..... 74


CHAO, LORD GENERAL ..... .... 63

MONSTERS LIST . ............. ....... ...... .. .... 75
[jATTLE STANDA RD OF CH OS ........ .. ...... . 63 ....
CHAO ' HEROES ....... . . . . .......... ... . ................. .. .. 6-1 SPECIAL CHARACTERS
CHAOS CH MPIONS ... 64 CO . T MORDREK TH E DAM NE D .. ....... 76
BEASTMA N LO RD .... .... 65 EG RI l'I lM V N HO RSTM "'I ................ ... ....... ...... 76
BEASTi\·1A H EROES ... 65 ARf3AAL THE ' DEFEATED .... . .............. 77
IlNOTA R LORD ............ . 65 SCYlA. ... 79
MI NOTA R HEROES .. . .. ............... ....... .. ... . .... 65
DRAGO. OG RE LORD ... . 66
CEI TA R LO RD .. . ........... . .. 66
CENTA UR HEROES ...... ........ .. .. .. .. ... 66
CH AOS SO RCE!{ERS . ..... . .. ... . ... ... .. . .. 6


CHAOS WARRIORS . . . . .. ..
CHAOS KI IGHTS ............ ............. ... ........... ..... -68
..... ...... .. 68
13 EAST IVlE I ........... .. ......... .. .... .... . . . .. ...... ... .. 68
CHAOS HO ' OS .... 69
MINOTA URS .. .... 69
HARPIES .. ...... .. ....... .. ...... . .... 69
DRAGOI OG RES .. .. . ... ....... . . ... 70
CE TAURS .... 70
THOLLS ........ .. ... .. 70


• • • « •
$ • $ $ 2 S

hroughout the Old World people huddle behind the high walls of their
cities for protection. Outside these fortified settlements, ravening
warbands hold sway over a grim land of forests, mountains, and
untamed wilderness. Within is safe, comfortable and ordered. Without
is elemental danger, ancient darkness, and the inescapable rule of

In the north th e r o \\'er of Ch a o~ i., strongest and the rule o f \'(f;1l'ri ors. l3easrmen , daem o ns . and the fo ulest sen 'ants o f
m:lI1 is at i l~ mo~ t fragile. l3eY'ond th e last morta l rea lm o f th e D ark Gods, Hu ll'S are p ro 'idcd fo r th ese creatures as
I"i,';!e v li es t he Tro ll Co u nt ry. a g rim and sha d o w y Lind pa rt of you r \ ar hamm er arm y , This bo x also co ntain s a
(WeI' wh ich no man cl aims kingsh ir. I !e re the minions of numher o f cards rep resenting mag ic sr ells. magic it em s.
C11~ I OS figh t o pcnly fo r su premac\', I luge mo nstel's \'ie with :1l1c1 Chaos G iFts, These last rer rese nt the ci ivin e favours o f
th eir ri\ 'ab to es ta hli sh thei r terri tory, Ch aos \\' arb ~ln cis th e Chaos Gods. ph ys ica l lllu t:ll io ns th at hot h di sfigure
stri\'(o fo r ascendancy O\'er th se Il'ho w o uld dare to usurp a nd hl ess t h e followe rs o f Chao s. g il' ing the m many
th e m . I\.li n ou urs. Ogres . Tro l ls . C him e r as ~ I ncl o th e r IX)\\'erful ach'antage:s.
nameless ahomination s reign over th e broken bll1d . Fro m
Th ere is much thar is new in this boo k , As w ell as rhe new
amongst the Illu tanls. the Illonst rosities and the renegades
rul es fo r Gifts o f Chaos th ere are nc \\' spe ll s ;1I1c1 m ag ic
the Ch ~ l o~ Gods choose their Ch:1I11 p ions :lI1d muster their
ite:rn:; . and more backgrou nd info rrm llio n ;Ihou t th e b iza rre
:I rm ies .
Chaos ,ods. [3eas tlll e n . [vlinotaurs and o t h e r C ha o ~
crea tures :Ire descr ih ed in deuil. In :Idd iti o n to thi s new
material \Ie have included i nfo rm~lt i o n from '( :Irh alll mer
and \'(':Irhamm er Magic fo r ease or refe rence, All the Ch:los
creallires from th e Bestia ry vo lu m e o f \Varh am m er have
h ec n rep eated , a l t h o ugh to save Sp:1CC w e h ave nl'l t
i llustr;ltccJ th em a ll . The 12 Cha os lVl ag ic cards frOIll
\X'arh :l m me r Ba llk I\ l ag ic ha l 'e bee n repJ:rce d b y an
ex p anded sc t of 30 Girds. alth o ugh so nll' :ire lls rem ain
csse nt iall y the sa m e, as you \I il l see .
Exreriencecl Cha o s Ge nera ls w ill not ict:' a few ch:rn ges
and n e w rule s. C heck o ut th e n CIY ru les fo r Chao s
Beas tm en in fi g h tin g and r<~ I ' i se c1 po in ts I ',rlu es fo r som e
cre ~lt u res :1 nd cLiem ons . In panicuLlr. nolL' th e extra po in ts
raid 1'0 1' G reate r D;I(.'11l0n S to L ik e into ac co unt th ei r
Illag ical powe rs, On the \\'ho le. th ese re\'i:ied va lu es have
been m~l de to refl ect the m agic rl an ei other s pec i ~rI p o w ers
It i, Iyith good re~ l son th at m en IO:lth e :In d fe ar th e of d~lell1ons , In a reI\' e Lses th e nc l\' I'alu es rerreselll th e
gl't) wing powe r o r Cha o ." The l 'o n stant tlH e:lt of ne\\ abi lit ies descrihed in the gamt ' rul es .
marauders rl 'm in cis the III o i' ~I long ago \\h en Ch:lo.s
:lrIl1i e~ m;II'ched .sou th\\·:l rc.b, r lunLle rin g and destrov ing s a Chaos General yo u lead o ne o r the most po tent fo rces
L'I erything in their path . ,\ Io rc than o nce the Ch;l os hord es al 'ai/abl e to arl\' com m a nd er , an d ce rt a i nl y t h e m os t
h;I\'e ro lled across K isk·v . sGlll ering th e arm ies or men , co lo urfu l and d il'erse. I f vo u sene Chao:; w ell then yo ur
IIntilthcy stood r oised to de.stroy th e Linds of the Empire, u lt im ate re wa rd \\' i ll b e I ' ic tory ( and p e r h ~lr s th e o d c!
t th e h :lck of the Chaos :Irm ies . I'icling t he wi nd s o r tenta cl e o r t\\,o) . If yo u d i. sa ppo int vo ur ma sters th en you r
dest ruc tio n . came da L'morb to rick m 'er the sroil.~ Bllt Euc w ill he not h ing m ore ig no minious th:1l1 defea t. Wi n or
:r! w;I\'S the lorce.' o r Ch ;l o~ han.' hCL'n \·;I nquished. ;r!\\ '~ I \ 'S lose . the forces orCh:los are nCI 'er cl ull ' Good fo rtun e. and
the ir ch:lmpi o n s h;1\ e heen defe:ll ecl ~ ll1d the cl; lemo ns ma y your dice fo reve r ro ll 6·s.
dri ven northwards once mo re.
Terri ble as the:se \\'ar."; Werc . each r as t incursion Iu s been
hut :1 sh am . a p repa rati on for a g rcate r \l'a r tint is to C (J mt:' ,
El c n ' h;lllle: h ~ l s hL'en :1 l':1 reru I testing of hunun defences
th:lt ;l1 ust Oll e d: I\' he hrt:'; lched . It is' fo reto ld th:1I a gre:lt
Cbrnrio n or e ha'os \\'ill r ise to unite th e Chao ...; hord~s , to
co mman d th em upon the: fie: ILi of h;rlll e, ;Ind hn:::l k rhe
D espair! The age of mortals is ending, Time drains
away and the stars fade: from the: sky. The bitte:r
spawn of night crawls from the darkness to possess the
h:lck o f t he mo rt: " w orld fore l 'e r, Th e m ome nt of dark world. Fools take refuge in faith or madness for no
glory List ;lpp ro:l cl1 es, when the v,orl el will he co nsum ed
other hiding place remains. The &alm of Chaos is
h\ Ch:los . ;IIld II hen its c h:llllri ons \"i ll h:I\'l' t h eir just
re\\,:1rd, begun.

T his hook d es crih es the fol lo w ers o r Ch aos in all th ei r

hLrck el 'il. It c""scrib e .~ t he: Champi o ns of Ch:los , Cha os



• ,. 1$ $
c s • so
here are four great Chaos Gods - four brothers in darkness - who rule
the infernal region known as the Realm of Chaos. This is not a
material realm but a place without physical or temporal boundaries, a
vast formless limbo that exists beyond the light of sun or star. From
their vantage point beyond space and time the Chaos Gods ponder the
feeble antics of mortals much as a man might study a nest of ants.

Th e fat e o f th e O ld W o rl d is o f m o re tha n u su al
significance in the stru gg le betwee n gods and m o rtals. In
th e far no rth of th e O ld Wo rld lies a zone of darkness, a
gateway of so rts, a n lst hla ck ho le linkin g th e Rea lm o f
Chaos and rhe m o rtal uni ve rse . He re th e ahod e o f man
a nd th e d o ma in o f th e go ds ar e o ne. M ag ic p o urs in
thro ug h thi s dark ga tew ay, brin g ing w ith it man y o th er
ev il s in cl uding ci ae m o ns anel malevo le nt spirits. In this
\~\'ay th e O lel \X' o rld stanci s at th e fro nti e r hetwee n th e
m o rt al uni \'erse and th e Realm o f Chaos. Wh en Chaos
g ro\\'s in inf1uence the gateway expands an d the no rth ern
bo unda ries o f rhe wo rlel are sucked into it. co nsumed h y
th e Rea lm o f Ch ao s. [f th e p owe r o f Ch aos beco m es
do minan t, then the w ho le w orld w ill he swa llowed and its
peopl e \\'ill become d amned souls in eternal s!a \'e ry to lhe
Chaos Gods.


I w.llked across the plain of bone beneath the bnzen sky, All
Th ey " 'atch fo r ;1 \\'hile th e p rog ress of o ne tin y crea ture
about wert: the skulls of the sbin and amons them srew black
until the .'itrugg les o f a mo re int erestin g ind il'id u;i1 ca pture
flowers. each twisted bloom a soul in thralL Crimson-flttked
th e ir att e nti o n. Occa si o nall y t he ir gaze is dr;lwn
flies sucked at the red nectu in that field and the air usted
elsewh ere, to an oth er \" o rl el perh ,lps o r sO llle other ,t;ocll y
conce rn. For ;1 w hil e Illo rtals are left t() pursuc their own bloody in my mouth, The black flowers nodded their heads as
ends in th eir o wn fa shio n. Such is th e n;llUre o f gods. fo r I passed and whispered in the bitter-scented breeze, A distant
th ey are as w himsica l in th eir favour :IS in their :lIlgeL anel daemon's shriek reached my ears ilIId the sound of tormented
th ei r pl ans arc beyond the w it o f an y Illan to com prehend . laughter drifted past and was swallowed by silence,
The fo ur great h:los Gods are named as fo lk)\\ s. Th e first And then I came to the T rte of Damned Shades,
and grea test o f all is K ho rn e th e I1iood God. w ho is also
Living souls had huns upon its branches and living souls had
kn ow n as t he Lo rd of Skul!.'i . Th e seco nd in powe r is
fed its roots in ases past, Twisted with the pain of their
T zee n tc h th e Change r o f th e Ways . ca ll ed by so m e th e
missuided loyalty the shades had made their pact and now had
G reat Sorce rer. 1 ex t is i\'urg le th e Lo rd o f Decay, \\'ho is
al so th e iVla ster of Pla g uc and Pes til ence. Nurg le is th e
their reward, Those same shades mOillled their rtgret and agony.
m os t resplendently fo ul of all th e haas Gods. Lastl y th ere pbding for pity from every branch and twig. save one whose:
is the youthful Si:Ja nesh, th e handsome Pri nce o f Chaos . deviant eye I met. I paused in the sbre of that eye, The Tree of
sedu c ti \'\~ and perverse in his supernatural favours. Damned Shades spoke in a splintering voice. crying out as if a
thousand axes were tearins at its hartwood.
Th e Dark Gods o f Chaos each have their own particular
e nthu sias m s. t heir ow n d ae m o ns. and t heir own sub- -By broken faith and bitter promise a man walks in the sardens
dimensio nal tl'rrito ri es w irhin th e He ilm o f Chaos. Each of blood, Once my roots taste of his momI body he is mine
stri \'es fo r d o minan ce O\'er th e ot hers, and th o ug h o ne and I am he, A man .., a man ... I will be free in the flesh and
ma y ga in asce ndan cy fo r a whil e n o god h as e \'e r bone, I will sby for you my master, Blood beyond measure I
succee d ed in \'anq ui shin g ano th e r . As o ne god g ain s will spill upon the battldidds of the world, Dh... free:dom
ma.'itery the others all y aga inst him , and as th e allies gro\\ ' from this wooden frame that I could once asain march to the
in powe r th ey d ivide am o ngst the m se l ves fo rmin ,t; new beat of my heart:
alli ances un t il ;In o th er co nque ro r e m erges to be
vanquished in hi s turn . T heir hattlefield is not th e Realm o f The tree: writhed ilIId shook its dark branches and I fled. for my
Ch:lOS but rhe mo rt al wo rl ds o f \\h ich the O lel World is but fate lay not with those: trapped and hideous souls...
o ne am o ngst ma n y. So it is that men fight their w ars fo r th e liber Malefic, Manus Hollesher
cas ual amuse m ent and m ome nt ary g rati f icati o n o f th e


Khorn e is the Blood God. th e god o f battl e. th e Nurgle is the Great Lo rd o f Decay w ho pres ides

ii an g ry gael wh ose b e ll ows o f in sati ab le rage

ec ho thro ug ho ut time and space . H e sits upo n a
m ig ht y thro nc of b rass at o p a vas t m o und of
skulls. A sea of splintered ho nem o unc! ex tends infinitely in
O\'e r phySica l co rrupti o n and m o rbidit y .
Disease and putrefac ti o n atTract him liJ{e flies to
a rOlled co rpse. It is the li\'es of lepers and th e
so rro ws of the sic k th at fascinate him m os t. For his
all d irecti o ns . the remains of those slain b y his conq uering amusement he devises foul co ntagio n s whi ch he inflictS
champi o ns. K ho rn e is a god of wa rriors , and his gaze is upon th e wo rld . Ma ny o f th e 1l1 0~ t horri b le diseases are the
dra w n to,va rds halli es. He shmvs favour to th ose who fight crea tions o f Nurg le. inclu d ing th e nauseati ng Reel Pox ilnd
for w hat rhey des ire. to great warrio rs. an d to mighry wa r lhe most disgusting of all: urg le's Rot.
lea ders. K ho rn e res p ects strength. h o n o ur, and martial
The god 's giga nric bod y is b loa ted with co rrupti o n and
ex ud es a sic kly. d ise asedten c h . His skin is gree ni sh ,
Kh o rn e we ars o rn ate armo ur o f bla ck c haos m et:i1 and l eath ery and nec roti c . its surface p oc k-m ark ed with
brass . H e lean s u p o n a mi g ht y douhl e- h anded swo rd running so res . sw e lling boils and num erou s sign s of
made fro m the sam e black substance. His body is broad infestalion. His inner o rga ns. rank with excremental decay,
and muscular and his head has the fea lUres of a fi erce dog sp ill throug h th e ruptured sk in to hang lik e bunches o f
superi mpose d over human fo rm. U p o n hi s fing e rs he g rap es around his girth. FroIll th ese o rg ans burst tin y
wea rs m an y hrass rin gs. some embossed \'\'ilh his o wn daemo ns, hich chew and suck upo n th e niluseous juices
skull run e. T h u s he a pp ea rs in v isio nar y fo rm to hi s w ithin. Thi s is the appearance o f the Chaos God Nurgle.
worshippers, but \\'ho ca n say w hat shape th gods may th oug h m e re wo rd s can hare l y do ju sti ce to his trul y
assume for their O\'\'n fell purpose::;? impressive fo ulnes "
Kh o rn e is th e m os t powe rf ul o f all th e Chaos God s. His A lth o ugh Nurgle is ranked hehind Kh o rne and Tzeentch
chief ri va l is Tzeentch. the Great Sorce rer Tzeentch is the Lhe trulh is that his pO\\'er is nOl necessaril y wea ker. but
patron o f w iz<lI'ds just as K ho rn e is the patro n o f warri o rs. that it is I ~ss stable th an that of the other goels. His pa ss io n
Of co urse , this ri va lry d oes nOl prevent Khorne makin g is to unl eash ghastly pestilences upo n th e \\'orld , and at
co millo n ca use with Tzeenlch wh en it is conH 'n ienl to do su ch tiIll es his po w er ri ses to a p eale Lik e it plagu e hi s
so . Combin ed. the t\VO god s are always m o re po w erful power grows and Illay reach ep idemic levels. teIllpo raril y
th~1I1 th e o lh ers . O f all his h ro t he r god s K ho rn e m os t overs had ow ing that o f all th e o th er gods put toge th er.
d es pi ses Slaa nesh . wh ose prancin g fo pp er ies are a n befo re wa ning :Iga in.
a ~lronl to Khorn e's sense of h o n o ur and m arti al [)rid e .
Even so . Kh o rne makes use of the Prin ce o f Chaos \"hen
necessa ry. as mu ch as it ma y ga ll hilll lO do so. SLAANESH
Slaa nesh is th e yo ungest of the Cha os Gods and
TZEENTCH is k nO \\'n as th e Prince of Chaos. Alo ne o f all th e
Da rk God s he is di vinel y bea utiful. Sla anes h is
T zeenlch is th e G reat Sorce rer. th e god of mag iC seductive as o nl y an iIllmorta l ca n be. disa rming
and m as ter o f the mut abl e tim e-strea m. H e is in his inn cence . utterl y beg uiling in hi ~ manne r. He is
kn own as th e Changer of the Ways . th e one \'\'ho dra wn to mort als p ossessed of physical bea uty and charm.
direct., th e fatc o f th e uni,·erse. Tzeentc h g uid es A ll se nsual pl eas ures o f art. music and cO Ill pa nio n ship
unwitling mon als along paths destined to in crease hi s own fasc inate. laanesh. He is ma ster of luxury and inelulgence.
[) o w e r, th o ug h th ey m ay ne\' er rea lise th e ir p art in his of crue l pa ssio ns and hid de n v ices . and o r th e te rrihle
plan. He shows fm'our to thos e wh o use int ellige nce to templatio ns that onl y a god can offer.
co ntro l th e wo rld , es p ec i ~tll y to w i za rd s an d magi ca l
In ho dil y fo rm Slaanes h is perfect io n: lo ng- limbed and
crea tures . He ta kes delight in the pl otting and po liticking
elegant, \ ith a haunting androg yno us bea ut v. It is sa id
of m e n. and favo urs th e c unning ove r th e stro ng. th e
manipulati ve over the violenlo th at it is im possib le for a morta l to look upo n that di\'ine
face wit ho ut los in g h is sou l , fo r all who see Slaan es h
Tzeenl ch is th e m o.'t \\'eirdly form ed of all his hrot hers. His beco m e sl aves l O hi s slight est whim. So me say th al
skin craw ls Wilh co nstantly ch ang ing faces w hich leer and Slaanesh ca n assume male, female or hermaphrod ite fo rm
mock those wh o look upo n him. As Tzeelllch speaks thes at w ill. b ut to his fo llo we rs he manifes ts himself as a young
faces repea t his words, o ft en w it h subll e but impo rtant man. cl ea n limbed and fresh with th e vi gour of youth.
diffe rences o f meaning. The gael's pucke red face is fo rm ed
Thou gh Slaanesh is the lea::;t of th e Dark Gods of Cha os. he
upon his up per to rs , so h is head and body are o ne. Fro m
is an imp rta nt pl ayer in the di\'ine game. His support is an
above his eyes spring two swee ping ho rn s o f great length .
essential part of an y alliance between the Chaos Gods. The
H e appears suspended ahove a sea of swirlin g multi -
fa vo ur of Slaa nesh ca n eas il y sw ing th e balan ce of power
colo ured mist. Tn this fo rm he speaks w ith his fo ll owe rs
be twee n th e go d s. g iving
and in such shape he is depicted in his temples .
Sla anes h influ e nce
Tzeenlc h is almost as pOII'erful as Khorn e but his po\'\'er disp ro p o rti o nat e to his
takes a very different fo rm. Tzeenlch is th e mas ter o f magic p ow e r. o n e-th e- Iess . lhe
and subtlety. It is Tzeentch \" ho holds the R e~ dm o f Chaos power of Slaanesh is g rowing
beyond time and space and it is he who watch es over lhe all th e time. oo n th e Prince
destin y of the material universe. His p lOls are complex and of Chaos w ill com e to rival the
inre rw oven . and he is th e [)rin c i p~tI arc hitect of secre t o th er god s and ma yb e, w ho
alliances amo ng~ l the Dark God::; . kn ows. he may rise ov e r
th em.


•e • • •
, . , s
t S

he gods don 't fight their battles in the Reahn of Chaos: their armed
• s

forces confront each other in the mortal universe. On countless

worlds throughout time and space the Chaos Gods struggle for
supremacy, every god determined to make each world his own. The
Old World is one of th e most fiercely contested battlefields of all.
Here the Chaos Gods vie with each other to win the loyalty of Chaos
cre atur es and the souls of men.

E\'e ry god direc ts h i ~ own fo ll owers , som eti mes m ak ing Eve r y Chaos Wa rri o r p r:l )' s t hat hi s god '1v ill o ne cla y
co mm o n ca use t;\' it h th e fo ll m\'(~ r s of other gods , choose hi m to be one of his champio ns, As a champion he
som e tim es o ppo sin g th em, As t he w o rld sin ks int o rece ives fu rth e r rewa rds , p e rh ars eve n t he ulti mate
ana rch y th e fo rces of Chaos sw ell and t he doom o f the rewa rd of illl mona lit y o r daemonhood , fo r there is no thing
wo rld draws closer. a god Gl nn ot do and no favour that he ca nnot grant.

A man migh t tu rn t \ arcl s Chaos fo r many reaso ns, but
m os t d o so be ca use they see k th e su p reme r owe r tha t
o nly Chaos ca n g ive them , To acqui re such power a morta l
must attr :1ct th e att ent ion of a Chaos Gael. Not o nl y mu st
th e Illona l d ecl ica te hi m se lf utte rl y to th e Chaos God ,
swea rin g b inding oa th s of un ho l y 10 :IIt y , b UL he Illu st
excel in the service o f Chaos i f he is to ea rn the attention of
hi s ma ster. A Cha os G od has m an y wo rl d s and ma n y
servants to wa tc h o ver. hi s co nce rn s may li e elsewh ere,
Even iflile, .)houlel happen to glance upo n the O ld World
T he Chaos Go el s have ma ny fo ll owe rs and ab o many th e gods are wh imsical in th eir fa vours and unpredictahl e
un w ittin g ~lili es , So m e are de fo rmed by the r O \\'(;~ r o f in how Lhey dispense th em ,
Chaos, mo nstrosities wi t h foul tw isted hod ies ancl
e1 angero us mut ant p O'l\ 'e rs Th ese c reat ure are th e Khorne is Illost li kely to fin d his champ io ns in th e midst of
crea ti o ns o f Chaos and th eir alleg ian ce is beyond douhl. balt le, marking o ut the hra\'es t and the st ro ngest Chaos
They are also th e least amongst th e fo llowers of Chaos fo r Wa rrio rs for fu rt her re\\ 'a rcl, [n the case of Tzeentch it is the
th eir souls are already in eternal bo ndage , More v;t1u ahle mu lti-co loured win cl s of mag ica l conju ratio n that dra w his
are th ose w ho w illing ly give their sou b and free ly embrace int eres t. N urg le see ks a li t th e sic k anel di sfigu red, th ose
dam nati o n, Fo r eve ry human sou l d ed icated to Ch ao s ma rr ed with d efo rm it y and di sea,' e, Sla anes h is th e
st;\'ells the pmver o f th e gocb and hastens the destructi o n w eakest o f the gods and eager to acq uire cham p io ns of
of the t;\'orld , an y mettl e, O ne of his favourite tricks is to ~ t ea l cha m pio ns
fro m o th er gael s, c harm ing m o rt als w ith h is irres istibl e
beauty ,
Chaos \Xiarri o rs are men wh o reject and aba ndon human THE MARK OF A CHAMPION
society, To win the favour o f their chosen god they joi n a
Chaos wa rband, As Chaos Wa rriors th ey acc p t a li fe of A Chaos God c h ooses h is c h amp io n s w ith care , I f
b loodshed and brigand age in ret urn fo r th e chance to win champ io ns exce l in hi s se rv ice t he god ',,, power in th e
th eir ma ster's b vo ur. Such favou rs, once granted , are not mort al wo rl d increases and his influence in th e Rea lm of
al ways welcome , fo r th e C haos God s ar e fi c kl e and Cha os is that much greater. [f his champio n is c1efeated o r,
inh um a n a nd th e ir g ifts ofte n ta k e th e fo rm f g r oss wors e of all, slain b y anoth er goel's champ io n, th en his
ph ys ica l d eform iti es ,
M:1ny fo llowers of Cha os spr ut tenta cles , horn s, sca les
upo n th eir ski n , o r suffer disfigu ring mutati ons of o ther
k incis, Often, their minds are affected as well , leav ing them The: Path to Damnation begins at our door and we: have:
li able to f its o f ra ge, fee bl e min cl ed ness , unco ntrollable only to tum our back on he:art and home: to take: the: first
hysterics, and o th er aberra tion s o f th e sp irit. [3u t not all th e
footste:p upon it.
re wards o f Chaos are disach'antage o us, So m e tim e~ th e
gods change th e ir fo ll o ,\'ers in wa ys tha t en hance th ei r Volkmar Grand Theogonist of Sigmar
physica l an d m ental p owe rs, co nferri ng gifts of m ag ic, Address to the Acolytes
i mm unit y f ro m harm, in cred ibl e beaut y , anc! imm en se of the Magical Order of Light


power is '\\'ea kened and his standing amo ngst his brother
go d s is dim inis h ed . Thu s a goel \\' ill c hoose as hi s
representati ves o nly those \\ 'ho show grea t determinatio n
and prom b e.
W hen a Chao ' God chooses a menta l cham p io n he .)lamps
him as his own. Th is sig n is known as th e Mark of Chaos.
and takes the fo rm o f a mark on the bod y sha pecl like the
god's own run e, denoti ng that the ch:lmpi o n belo ngs to
h im alo ne. T his rune does no t necessa ril y d isfigure the
champio n, fo r o nl y rarely does it appear prominentl on
their fa ce o r hands.
[n add iti o n to thi s p h ys ica l run e, t h e god gives hi s
c h ampion a specia l g ifl. whi ch is al so ;! w ay o f
demo nstratin g th at the champ i n belo ngs to him alo ne.
T his fi n gift is different fo r eac h o f the gods. Cha mpions
of Kh o rn e find th em selves enca sed in a suit of Ch aos
armo ur. Such armo ur ca nnot be remO\'ed , fo r it is made of
li v in g m etal lh :ll fus es wi th th e champi o n's fl es h and
becomes pa rt o f his bod y.
Ch ampi o n ,' of f\i urg le h :l\'e th e ir d iseases ha lted o r
bani shed altoge th er. fo r it i" th e p ri ce o f th eir sou l th:n
th eir infirmitieS are put as id e whil ·t they figh t fo r h im.
Champi o ns of Tzee ntch are i Il\'estecl w it h t h e g i f t o f
mag ical p ro tec ti o n in pa ym ent fo r th eir so uls. Man o f
T zeemch's chosen become great o rcerers o f Chaos . The
hl\'ours o f Slaanesh are subtle. The gift o f his cha mpions is
th at they ha ve no fea r of dea th o r pain , rc\'elling in the joy
of bailie, laughing at terrors that \\'ou ld dri\'e (l ther mortals
Some re\\':l rds take th e fo rm of items o r fo ll o \\'er.~ . such ;l ~
a ma g ic hl ade o r a Ch:1 0 S familiar. Th e mo st potent
THE CHAMPION'S REWARD w eapo ns o f all are daemo n sworeI-;, hlades that co ntain
trapped da emo ns whi ch talk to the ir O\\'ner on hehal f o r
Wh ere the re\Y:lrcb o f o th er fo llQ\yers come irregularl y and the haos God. Fa miliars are more li kely to he granted to
occas io na ll y . c hampio ns are rew ard ed o ften . If th ey ri se C ha o~ Sorcerers. bu t warriors may so metim es be g i\'en a
hig h in th e estee m of th eir master t hen fan) u rs \\'ill he daemo nic bea ... t to fight at lheir side.
g rant d eve n faster. Th e champion fi nds himself upo n a
fast road th at lea d s to power o r da mnatio n . Th ere is no T he u ltimate reward that a clumpion can recei\ 'e is to be
wa y o f telling \,: here h is fate lies until it is too late. made immo rtaL to become a daemo ni c crea ture able to
liv fo reve r in th e Rea lm of Chaos. Thus the gods tum their
The rewards of the Chaos Goeb take man y bi zarre fo rm. m os t favo u re d cha m pi o ns int o da em o n ..;. and th ese
Physica l m utati o ns are th e mos t co mm o n . Ho rns g row daelllons scour the mortal rea lills in th eir turn lookin g for
fro m the champ ion's /) 1'0 " ', his hands spro ut long talo ns. \\'o rth y champ io n.... for their nnster to recruit or re\\·arcl. A
his teeth enlarge into vicio us fa ngs, and his sk in hecomes c hamp io n on o nl y hecome a daemo n il' he survi ves th e
ro ug h anc! scal y . These are but a fe\\' of th e mo re common gifts giwn him.
Gifts o f Chaos , as th ese deform ities are o ften o iled. O th ers
include lo ng spines th:lt grow from the champio n's body, I\'[os t champi o ns e nd ure so ma n y cl isfi g uring and
skin thm bu rsts in tlam es . limbs th at L'lo ngate and J evelop d e bilitati ng gi ft s that th ey a re n o t wo rth to h eco m e
extra jo ints, bodies that sw ell into mo nstro us shapes , and immorta l daemo ns. Th e vast majo ri ty of haos champio n '
extra heads and limbs that gro w b es ide h is own. T hese d ie hef re they can hecome immona l, and ma ny endure a
ph ysical mu tations are not necessaril y disach'anrageous - far w o rse fate. A Champio n w ho rece ives gifts of a severely
th ey o ften co nfe r use ful :lbili ti es, es p ec iall y i n co mbat disf ig u ri ng anc! me ntall y destruC l i\'e na tu re beco m es a
w here h rns :ll1d ta lo ns may be used against an o pponent. shapeless, minclless creature ca lled a Chaos Spawn . A god
may turn his champ io ns int o Spawn if they d isplease him,
Other reward s affec t t he champion 's mind. He ma y be hut he is ju st as li k ely to turn a champion into Spa \v n
turn ed int o a hurbling imhecil e. o r rob hed o f speech or simply as a rc.) llit of ina dvert entl y heaping o ne disfiguring
some o th er se nse. H e ma y acquire ex trao rdinarily acute gift upon an ther.
hea ring, keen sig ht , o r become immune to pain. He may
be g i\'en m ag iC pO" 'e rs, es pec i3ll y if Tzee ntch fav o u rs Spaw n are li tt le m ore th an heas ts d ri ven b y a \'es ti g ial
him, o r he might become res ista nt to th e effects of magic. intellige nce. , om e are L1llerly mindless w hilst o thers are
[f he is a fo ll owe r o f K ho rn e he ma y be g i ft ed \\' ith to rmen ted by fl eeting memo ri es of th eir fo rmer glo ry. Fe,,'
astounding ph ys ica l strength . martial skUIs bL'yond human Spawn appear even fain tly human. resembling instead any
compreh nsio n , o r he might become completely fearless. number o f creatures melded into a beast of fo ul sha pe and
uncertain po w ers. Some Spa n are very po w erfu l indeed .
Th ere is no change tha t a Cha os Go d canno t make. no r A champion who becomes Chaos Spawn m ay hide aw ay
an y po w er he is unable to grant. [-[o\\'e \'er, the gods are in th e d eep fo rests. o r. m o re likely . rem ain w ith his o ld
inhuman and \·v himsicaL and they m ak e no di sti ncti o n w arhancl. fed and led into batt le to se r ve his fo rm e r
bet\ een an ac!\'antageous o r disadva ntageous gift. comrades.



• .. • $ G
• c
• • L so
he Old World is saturated with the mutating power of magic. It leaks
through the dimensional gate in the far north and permeates the
e ntire world. This power is strongest in the immediate area around
the gateway. Further away the mutating m agic weakens as the distance
from the gate increases.

roa m the w astelands. hrutal bri ga nds th at pillage wagons

and undefended settlements. II these cre:!lures . and m o re
h e s id e~ . are ca lled the Children o f Chaos. T hey are marked
w ith m utatio n and their e\'il souis belo ng to indisputahl v
to the Chaos Gods.

In rh e cl ark fo rests of the O ld \ o rkl d \\'e ll th e fa\'o ured
Ch ilclr<:n o f Chaos : fo ul and un ho ly t hings tha t hate th e
w o rld and hide from the honest light o f day . T hey serve no
1l1o rt:1I master. bUl helon g hea rt anc! SOullO th e Dark Gods
o f Cha os . Men ca ll th ese creatures l3eas tm en fo r th ey are
p art-hullLln and pa r t-h e:l s!. th eir t w ist ed h o di es a
h lasphcll1\' o f nature. They have ho rns u po n th eir best ial
head s. c1 a\ys and clo ven hOO\'e5 ado rn th eir limb~ . T hey
are c r ue l an d bru t:i1 c r atures w h o h raw l a nd fi g h t
am o ngst th em selves w hen not venting th eir hal red agai nst
mankind .
Th e~ e rude and un co uth heas ts are 1l0t al o ne in th e ir
k i ng d o m o f c1 :1 rk ness. All m ann c r o f cra",,' ling an d
sli t he rin g cre at u res k ce p th e i r e \' il co mpa n v. Hum a n
Illut an t h r iga n d s f in d refuge he re too . hitt er - heart ed
renegade:; \\h ose ." p irits ha\'e h ee n b lacke ned by th e
l(lu( h o f Chaos.
To the I'earl'ul eyes o f men all l3eastm en seem o f a kind -
unru ly and ca llo us brut e~ th:lt desp ise mankind and all he
stri \'(.:s to build . Y et there is a cr ude h iera rc hy am o ngst
th em. T he mos t num er u. ca ll thc mselves ,o rs. anc! can
be re ad il y d istin g u is heci fro lll the Iew,l )' hreed s b y lhe ir
keen ho rns. Gor" wke great p ride in their h o rn ~ . po lishing
an c! sharr ening th em in readin ess fo r battl e. Th e less el'
breeds are ca lled Ilray and these are rarel y see n in battle.
T he fa r no rth o r th e Old Wo rl d is ho me to many s tr~ln ge
T hey ha \'e o nl y tin y horn s. o r no h o rn s at a ll . and
crea tu res d isto rted by the po\yer of Chaos . All mannL' r or
so metim es e\'en ha\ e human hea d s. l3ea stm n are often
shapeless heasts and u nrecogn is:lbk m o nstrosities can be
joined by Illu ta nt hu mans of similar appe:lr;IIlCe. and it is
fo und in th o~ e regions: heino us things \"\'ith bloa ted and
f ro m t hese ran k s of o ut casts th al m an y Bra y :Ire
h o rri b le bodi es \\'hi c h \\Tit he \y ith tent ac les , c rc :ltu res
desce nded . A human w ho becomes a Be:lstmen as a res ult
w hose ma\\'s d rihhle and g:lpe in their unend ing hunger
of m ut ati o n b k n o wn as a Turn sk in . th e 10 \ est rank
fo r hl ood. an d o th er heasts o f e\'er)' conce iva hl e fo rm and
amo ngst their k ind ,lIld ak in to ·slave·.
d isp os itio n. T ll(:se m o nsters depend upo n th e strength of
the loca l magica l field to sU I"\"i\·e. Fortu nately th ey cannot Th anks to the m utat ing pow ers o f Chaos a Beastman may
\,",m de r far so uth . fo r the p owe r of Chaos becomes too h e b o rn to hu ma n p are nts . Such reatu res ar e o f te n
wea k to sust:lin them and th ey \\'i ll perish. alx lI1doned by their parents at birt h. Lcf"t to e1 ie at the fo rest
ed ge suc h fo undli ngs Illay be ci isco \'e red and raised b y
M any lesser Chaos mo n sters thrive in th e O ld W o rl cl .
13eas tm en \"\"ho call th em Gave:; . Gaves arc regard ed as
beings th at do not need as m uc h in vigo rating powe r to
g ifts fro m the Chaos Go els th emselves .
sust:l in them as th e mo re hea\'ily mu ta ted thi ngs o f the fa r
north . The most co mm o n are Beastmen and th eir co usins, 13eastm en hid e o ut d ee p in th e fo res ts in ro ug h ca mps,
crea tu res possess ing some t hi ng of the in tell ige nce and rock she lter. . and o ther w ild secl uded p laces . Th ey li ve in
for m o f m en . O t her cr eatu res of this k in d include the sa vage w arba co nsisting o f an yw here fro m :I dOl n to
fea rsome l\ l ino laurs. \'ast bull-headed mo nsters th at o rten many hundrecl s of indi v ic.luals. Eac h arba ncl is led b y th e
make commo n ca use w ith Beastmen . Chaos Ce ntaurs also strongest amo ngst th em. a l3eastm an fa voured with many


g ifts of th e Chaos God s. Thi s migh ty Beast Lo rd is t he

master of his pack. and to maintain his pos itio n he has to
continua lly fight o ff cha llenges from yo ung power-h ungI')
Gars. He makes his banner fro m the pelts o f th ose he ha ~
defeated . so thar his sta ndard becomes a gor. record o f hi ~
conques ts.
13eastmen fi ght am o ngst th emselves co ntinu o usl y . eac h
I3eas t Lo rd vy ing w ith its ril'als fo r the [a l 'o ur of the C h ao~
Gods. Wh e n th e armies o f Chaos gath er, th e wa rhan ds
stop fighting and ass emhl e fo r ~'.. ar. T hey are d r a\\, n
togeth er at the grea t meeting places ma rk ed by huge SlOne::
slah s ca ll ed herdsto nes, Th ere are man y such m ee tin g
places am o ngst the clark g l:tdes o f the fores!. It is here that
th e fo rces of Chaos gather: Beas tmen. linotaurs. and their
ilk , in rea diness f~) r hartle. Th e herdst nes pube \\' ith dark
magic and are cOI 'ered Il'ith e\ 'il runes procl aiming the end
of the IV riel and the triumph o f th e Chaos Gods.

M ino tauIS are mass ive bu ll-hea ded m ons ters. Som e are
tw ice the height of a man and the;' :.Ire fa r g n::;l ter in hulk .
Th eir g iga ntic heads are b road and ugh'. and the ir ho rns
are sharp and d angero us, lvfan y h;I\'e thc c1o l 'en- hoo fed
hindq uarters of a beast and other deformities of the hody
that the t uch o f Chaos brin gs . Th ey arc less il1lc lligent
th an m en o r el 'en Beas tll1 en . hut unca nn il y stro ng anel
Mino taurs li ve in Ivarband s of th eir O\I 'n kind. anel make
th eir territ o ri es in th e ve ry d eepest and m ost da ngerous
parts of th e fo rest th at e\ 'e n I-leastm e n avo id. No rm all y
po ndero us and "l o lI'-witted, hattie turns them into raging
b ull s and th e scen t of hl ood d ri ves th e m to v io le nt
excesses. In the m idst of co m bat they tea r their enemiC';
ap art anel swa ll o\v d mvn g reat c hunk s of bl oo d y Oes h. CENTAURS
q uenching their th irst upo n the h lood of the cl\'ing "" hibt
Ce ntaurs are crea tu res f th e , 'o rth e rn Was tes and th e
battle rages around them.
spa rse grass lands that lie bc tw ee n th e fo rests of th e O ld
Wo rl d and th e h itt er Troll Coun try. T hey :Ire wa n derers
and briga nds who acqu ire el'elj ,thing th ey nccd hy p ilLtge
and robhery. preying upo n th e wagon tr;lin.'i of tra de rs anel
th e fe l\' .'ict tkrs that tr y to sc rat c h a lil' in g fro m th o se
IXlrren lan el s.
Centau rs are hem y limhed and clumsy crea tu res. They are
immensely stro ng but their arms and h;lnds are indextro us.
Whi lst a entau r ca n gr~ISp a weapo n o r cru sh a foe lI'it h
irs vice-li ke grip. it ca nnot pick up or ma nipulak delicate
o b jects. T hey m ak e no t hing or t hei r o\\'n. hut steal
everythi ng they need fro m o ther race~. sometimes taking
sla ves to bea t iro n o r stitch lea ther.
T he ra ce has a bru ta lity of m in III'h ich matches th e clumsy
rower o r th eir b dies. T hey are vu lga r snarling crea tu res.
littk m o re than beasts, \I'ith a bru te cunning uthe r than
The h erd sto nes o f th e d ee p fo res ts arc e nca sed wi th in
co nsid ered int elligence. Th eir thi ck to ngues ca n ba rel y
crude stone-built shrines erected b y th e M in otaurs to the
articulate speech, their voices are simI ' and g rOlvling. anel
glo lY o f the Cha os Gods. W ithin th e shrines the y hoa rd the
th eir ~\ 'o rds o ften degenerate into how ls of rage.
w eap o ns, arm o ur and sku ll s o f their defeated focs . It is
supposed th at th ese trea,'ure ho uses arc guarded h y the Centaurs I\'i ll fight fo r anything th ey need o r desire. Th ey
watc hful eye of the Chaos Gods - certainl y o nl y the most have a great crav ing fo r :t1 e and wi ne. Fo r wh ich th ey w ill
foo li sh c rcalUre wo ul d da re to desec rate such pla ces. b rea k into a we ll defended stockade o r attack th e m ost
M ino taur wa rrio rs bring their trophies to the shrines. and heav ily escort ed w agon train. W hen th ey get their hands
o ften these tin y build ings are al most huriedunder a mass a ll alcohol th el' g ulp d OI\'n ga ll o n. at a tim e. becomi ng
o f ru sting w eapo my and mo ulderi ng bo nes. It is sa id that drun k e n and v io len t an d often f igh ting am o n gst
th e Chaos Gods co mmun e with fal'() ured Iin ota Li r ,I
th emseil'es . Before ba ttl e they d rink bucketfuls of strong
wa rri o rs \ ithin th e shrines. ;m s\\'erin g th eir pra yers and al e and b eco m e exc it ed and aggressi ve, so th at th e ir
granting such gi fts as they see fit . t e mp e rs ca n on l y b e qu e ll ed b y d ee d s of t he m os t
bl oodthirsty kincl.


DRAGON OGRES Th e Drago n Ogres l ook fo n ~Irc.l to a t im e wh en th eir

etern al ho ndage \\'ill end wi th th e destru ctio n of th e wo rl d
When fork s o f lig htning sunde r rh e night sk y and th e roa r by Cha os . A mi d th e li g htning :Ind thun de r o f th e
o f thund er hellows over th e land , th e peopl e o f th e north apoca l ypse they believe their cntire race w ill a ake. Even
say th at th e Dragon Ogres are fighting each other o n th e dea d Drago n Ogres w ill rise from their graves. and th e Sire
peak s of th e Wo rld s Edge Mounta ins, T ra v lIers, having o f all D ragon O gres , K ra kanro k the Blac k. \\'ill emerge
tak e n she lt er in some cave or sh e lte r. m ight see th e fro m his te n tho usancl- , ea r slumber to lead his peop le to
IX lltling Shaggot hs, as D r<lgo n Og re s are :lI so ca ll ed, thei r fin al res t.
silho uetted aga inst the rag ing night by lig htning Ibshes .

Chaos is great and malyello u$ in its \':Iriety, and the natural
\vorld ca nno t competc w ith th e b izarre diversity of form
Lhat the to uch o f Chaos hrings, Reastme n, M inotaurs, ~1t1d
th e crea tu r es d esc r i bed h e re ar e but so m e o f th e
misshapen mo nstrositi es that Chaos has c re~ll ed. T here are
o ther crea tures which ~ how cle ar evidence o f the muta tio n
tilat Chaos b rings , such as Skaven , Mantico res , Chimera.
and Griffons. E\'e n hUlmm s are not free o f th e taint. and
there are many mu ta nt:; lurking undi ~co\'e red in th e lands
of the Emp ire.
Scholars of the Empire ha\'e w rirten th ~lt Drago n Ogres are T he d ark fo res ts and subt e rranean d e pth s hid e ma n y
th e most ancient of all th e wo rl d's living creatures. Th ey t hi ngs o f fo ul fo rm an d e \'il cli sp o siti o n T hese are n t
are sa id to he th e kin o f d r agon s, be~lsts o f imm e nse creatu res o f an y recog ni sa hl e srec ies o r ty pe , th e i r
ant iq uit y ,\' ilo inhabi ted th e w o rld h e fo r e t he Chaos anc es try is subme rged ben eatil gener<lli o ns of ph ys ica l
gateways bro ug ht th e powe r of th e D:lrk Gods int o th e co rrupti o n. They ha ve no name, th ese Chilclren of Chaos ,
world . Aeo ns ago their ra ce made ~I sinister pact with th e bu t th ey :Ire th ere - wa it ing Wh en th ' power o f Cha os
fo rces o f Chaos , e mhr:lc ing d am nati o n rath e r than grows str o ng and th e clark gate p o urs fOl1h its e\'il energy
acce pting a slow decl ine into extin ction. At least su ch are th en the Child ren of Cha os will rise from th e shadO\Ys -
th e lege n ds, c ull ed fro m th e rec ords of the anc ients o f bra ying , screaming and howling in anticilXlrio n o f the final
Lu stri a and repo ned h y ho ld expl o rers amongs t th e fa llen victory o f the Dark Gods.
ruins of that land and ib str:lI1ge co ld -hlood ed peop le .
D ragon Og res li ve p ractica ll y fo re\ er, un less th ey d ie in
ba tt le in ho no ur o f th e Chaos Goel s. They spe nd most of
th eir li ves asleep, and th e o leler anel higger a Drago n Ogre
th e lo nger he sleeps, Reneath the mo un ta in pea ks o f th e
n()rth th ere mal' he c re:llures th at ha\'e n o t a\\'aken fo r
hundreds o r e\'en tho usa nds o f years ,
O n co ld w inter nights terrih le storms assa il th e mo un ta ins
o f th e no rth ern O ld \Xfo rld. T he sleep ing D rago n Og res stir
as th eir d reaming minds hear ec hoed in th e thu nder th e
roa r of t he Ch,lOS God s ca lli ng th em to ta sk. For th e
D ra go n Og res mad e a pa ct and pla c ed th emse l ves in
eternal ho ndage to the Ch:los Gods in return for th eir lo ng
yea rs of life. T he lo ude r rh e thund e r th e mo re Dragon
Ogres awake, but on ly a sto rm o f titanic pro po rt io ns ca n
waken th e o ldes t and mos t powerful Dragon Ogres .
As lig htning h o lts po ur fro m the ski e th e Drago n Ogres
answer the ca ll to banle. The make fo r th e highcst peak s
w here th ey bathe in the lightni ng and ,Ire rene\\'ed to full
porenc , abso rhin g th e power of thc light ning ho lts and
p repa ring fo r \·vaL If many crea tures awak e th ey h:mle to
asce nd th e highes t peaks and rece ive th e lightning bl asts
th at in vigorate th em and exte nd th eir li\'cS fo r ano ther
century o r so . Such is the g ift of Cha os that th e Dragon
Ogres traded for th e soul of th eir race.

By Slwtak and Sh.sgoth, the great and the small.

For Sharunrock, Darkoth and Gathor,
The lightning's children and the thunder's fall,
Krakanrok and his kin will live for ever more.


• • • • • • « • • •
special feature of the Chaos army is the Chaos Gifts cards, a deck
representing mutations, special powers, and uniquely chaotic
occurrences. Most of these take the form of simple bonuses to a
model's characteristics. However, there are some quite unusual powers
as you w ill realise w hen you read through the cards.

The ca rd deck is used to determ ine rand o m bo nuses fo r The Ch a s p b ye r can pla y an y ca rd o r ca rd s at an y
your arm y d uring th e ga me . fowe \'e r. th e gods are no t appro priate time. M st Girds defin e exa ctl y when they can
co mplete ly o n yo ur side as YO LI \yill disC() \·er. Th ere are be used . although t his is fairl y o b vio us in most cases. Fo r
also rand om occu rre n ces in th e G ift d eck Wlli c h w or k exa mpl e. a g ift th at co n fers an ext ra Attack is pla y ed
agains t you. Suc h is the nature of th e \yhim siGi I Gods o f duri ng the hand-to -hand comh:)( phase. a gi ft rha t confers
Chaos - the re is an up sicle and a dO\\'n side. an ex tr a sav in g thro \-v is pla ye d wh e n a wo und is
sustained . etc.
Once a card h:Js been p layed it is pla ced o n a d iscard pile
GIFfS and cannOt be used again.
The Ch aos G i ft s are u sed duri n g th e ga m e to gi v e the A card can he played on beha l f of any m odel in th e Cha os
Ch aos pla ye r r and o m ho nu ses and to ini tia te some arm y \\'ith th e excep ti o n of daemo ns and Chaos Sp:l\\'n.
ra ndo m chaotic e\·ents. The bonuses re pre~e nt mutations
th at i nd i vi dual crea tures may h ave . and which . at tha t
pa rt ic ular m o me n t. co n fe r a tempora r y but c ruc i:ti . CHAMPIONS AND CHAOS GIFTS
ad v'lJ1tage. Fo r exa mple. h y playing the Il uge Fangs ca rd
yo u revea l that o ne of yo ur m o dels has huge rang~ \yith As stated abo\ 'e you ca n pl:t y a Chaos G ift o n any m odel
\\'hi c h it att emp ts to bit e a c hunk o ut of it s op p o n e nt \\'ith the exceptio n of a haos Spa\\'n or daemo n. Yo u can
(ga ining + 1 llack). playa gift o n an o rd ina ry ra nk-and -file tTO p er such as a
13easrm an o r Chaos Warrior. for exampl e. or you ca n pl ay
i t upon a c ha rJc ter m od el o r m o nster. T he Chaos Gifts
rep resen t mu ta ti o n s that are comm o n am o n gst th e
fo ll o we rs of Cha os a nd "" h ich d ist in g ui sh th e m fro m
norm:1 1 crea tures. Of co urse. your models will n t lit e r~tll y
have the physic tl allrihutes descri bed o n th e ca rd. but for
th e sake of argum en t it is ass um ed th a t :11l1 0ngs t th e
gahbllng thro ng there is ;] creatu re that bea rs th e releva nt
mutatio n to some (pOSSibly co ncea led) degree.
I n th e c as e of a h ao s Cha mpi o n or ha s So rce rer
(i ncluding Chaos Il eroes. Lord s. Maste r Sorce rers. etc )
th ere is a ri sk in vo k ed in using a ha os G ift. \X/ hen you
use a gi ft o n one of these Ch'l r:lcters it represent a hoon or
fa vo ur fro lll hi s Go c!. It do s n Ot li te rall y m ca n th e
character has spro u ted a tel1lacle o r claw. hut he is hlessed
",,;ith mOlllel1la ry vigour wh ich gives him rh e cx tra attack .
s3\'ing th ro w . or \y hatever. The mo re Chaos G ifts )'ou pl ay
o n a Cha os Champion o r Sorce rer th e lllo re interested his
god beco mes in his \\'elfa rc and fu ture. <l ndthc m re likely
Th e g ifts are used as fo ll ows. A t th e start f th e game th e god is to visit funher fa vours upon him. As the god s are
shuffle the G ift deck and p lace it bce down at the side o f no toriou sly w himsica l in their favo urs it is qu ite p oss ibl e
th e table or som e o th er co n ve nient pos itio n. The cleck is for a Chaos Champio n to eit her gr w in p o w er o r decline
p r inted o n thick qua l ity ca rd ( the s:lIne as th e spe lls an d into spaw nd o m eve ry ti me a Chao,; ift is playe d upo n
magiC item s) so yo u ma y find it co nve nient to d ivid e the him .
deck up into se \'c ral smaller pi les . Thi s makes it eas ier to Wh en yo u pl ay a Ch aos Gift on :J Ch aos Ch ampion o r
sh ufn e and may sa \'e yo u fro m aCCidentally knocking on'r Chaos Sorcerer yo u must ma k e an Eye o f God tes t. T his
th e pil e during the ga me. rep re se nt s the eye of th e Ch ao. God turning upo n his
t the stalt of his first turn the Ch aos pl;ryer takes tv-'o ca rds sla \'e and poss ibl y granting h im so m e additi o nal fa\· ou r.
fro m the to p of th e deck . T he pla ye r k ee ps his hand secret T he Eye of God test is h a~ica ll y rh e same as the Eye of God
from his o pponent . card in the Gift d eck. Th e test is made o nce a Gi ft ca rd has
heen pl ayed and th e action it describes has heen resolved.
At th e start o f each of his r 1l0\\'ing tUI'll S. the C h ~IOS p layer For exam pl e, if a ca rd gi\'es you + 1 alla ck then test after
takes a fUl1her two cards fro lll th e lOp of th e dcck and adds making yo ur attack s. if the ca rd gi ves yo u a spec ia l sa e.
th em to his hane!. T here is no limit to the nUll1ber o r ca rd s test after tak ing th e sm 'e, and so o n.
th e pl ayer ca n ho ld at o nce.


Eye of God. This ca rd must be pla yed as soon as it

is draw n : yo u have n o c ho ice in this m att er - th e gods
have spo ken ' This ca rd is so mething of a mi xed blessing as
( Ro ll a 0 6) yo u might expect wh ere th e Chaos Gods are con ce rned.
Th e Eye o f God gi ves further bo nuses to a chara cter. This
1-5 The Eye of God has pa ssc'd you o \'er this time,
is po tentially very good. On th e other hane! the gocl.s can
No fll 11 her etfecl.
get a b it ca rri ed away. unintentio nally turning their serva nt
6 'fhe Chaos God's attention has been caug ht by into Chaos Spawn. T he rul es fo r haos Spaw n are g iven
the h;l!npion and he d ec icle ~ to grant a special elsewherc in thi s voluille.
rcward , Roll a further D6.
Chaos Spawn. This ca rd mu st abo he pla yed as
6 + I Attack. The Champion adds + I to his
soon as it i ' drawn. The ntles fo r Chaos Spa\\'n arc: given in
!tack characteristi c for the remainder of
detail in a separate secti o n in thi s boo k .
the hanle. This represent the character
acqu iring ho rns. tusks, additiona l limhs, or Draw 2/3 Gifts. If yo u d raw a card instru cting you
some other mutation . Make a note I' thi s to draw e ith e r t wO o r thr ee m o re ca rd s t hen elo so
o r use o ne of the counters provided to
immediatel y an d dbcard th e orig inal carel to th e el iscard
nu rk the hampio n model.
pil e. Th e power ' o f Chaos are neve r predictabl e, and
) + I Strength . The Champion adds + j to his ha ve. fo r a m o mc nt. hlessed yo u with fresh vigo ur.
Stre ngth characteristic for the remainder of
the hattie. Make a note of this or use one Lose Gifts . [f yo u dra, thi s card s til e go ds have
of the co unt er~ provided to mark the takc n aga inst yo u and have d cc id ed to w it hdraw th e ir
Champion m del. favours' D isca rd yo ur entire hand o f Chaos G ifts inclucling
an v card s picked up this turn.
4 + I Wound . The Champio n adds + I to his
Wound characteri stic for the remainder of Cosmic Duel. A Chaos God has decided tb at o ne of
the batt le. Make a note of th is or use one yo ur Cha mpio ns is just the ind i\'idu :tl he needs to take part
of the counters provicled to mark the in a cos mi c c1u e l betwee n se lect ed Champi o n s o f the
Champion model.
Chaos Gods. When you draw thb card you must rando mly
1-3 Th Cha mpion is \'isited with so mcmy determ ine o ne of yo ur haos Champions/ Chaos So rce rers
phys ical mutations that he is turned to ane! remO\'e thi s m ocl el f ro m th e ban Ie. T he mo d el w ill
Spawn. See the Chaos Sp'1\"\'n rules for return to the bartlet"ield after fig hting the cosmic d ue!. bu t
more details. becau se o f th e va garies in the no n-tempo ral nature o f the
Realm of Chaos thi s ca n be at th e heginning of any o f your
fo llo w ing turn s. T he model <;\'ill return o n Lil e ro ll o f a 4.5
o r 6 made at the sta rt of any of your fo llowing turns. The
m odel is returned to an y positio n on your own ba se line
anc! ca n move no rm ally th at turn.
O nce a Champi o n/ So rcerer has hcen gi fted \\'ith ;tn Eye o f
God b o nu s his hance o f be ing n ticecl hy h is master is Eternal Labour. A Chaos God ha . chosen o ne o f
increased . Sho ul d you pla y a furth c r Chao:; G i ft o n thi s your Champio ns to und ertak e an ardu ou s ancl p oss ibJ ,
c h;lra cter hi s c h:lnce of hc ing noticL'd i:; in crease d b y + I eternall ahour o n his behalf. Se lect anyone o f your Chaos
per ho nus. Ie. If a IUl11pio n has a + I Wo une! ho nus and a Champions/ Chaos So rcerers :lnd rem ove th e m odel fro m
funher Chaos Gi ft is p laycd o n him then his Cha os Gael th e battlef ield . T he chara cter has bee n whisk ed awa y to
will notice him on th e D6 ro ll o f a ) + rath er [han :1 6. Th is underta ke his labo ur and does no t return .
m ea ns th at a c har:lcte r wi t h b onuses is l ikel y to attra ct
further honu ses o r to tu rn to Spa\vn if" yo u p la y Chaos Gifts
o n him . It is p oss ib le fo r a Champio n to be ex tre mel y GIFTS AND DAEMONS
lu ck y and acquire a fi st ful of b nllses , ;;e\'eral po ints o f
Stre n g th in crease. ma n y w o u nd s. anc! ex tra a!la c k s. Chao s Gifts ca nn ot h e use d o n d ae m o n s but only o n
Possible ... hut do n't count o n it' m o rtal crea tures. This mea ns that daem o ns cannot benefit
fro m th e u sual h o nu .-; es re prese nted by Chaos G ift s.
Rcmember. bonuses acquired during a game last o nly until H oweve r, yo u ca n use Chaos G ift ca rd s to give daemons a
the end of the ga m e. Th is is hecau se it wo uld no rma lly be diffe rent ane!unique kind o f bo nu s.
unf"air to ca rry a h o nu ~ o ver f ro m game to ga me as th is
w o uld allow p Li ye rs to exp lo it thei r good fo rtun e Illuch to If a c1acmon fail s its c!aemon sa\'ing throw , then yo u ma y
the d isadva ntage o f their o ppo nents. I [o we ver. if pla yers su rrender an y Chaos G ift fro m yo ur hand and rc-ro ll the
want to use th e Eye o f God b o nuses as an in ce ntive to save immediately. Yo u ca n re-ro ll a sa ve o nly o nce . hut
co m 'e rt t he ir mo d e ls th c n there is no rcaso n \\'Iw they orherwbe there is no li mit o n the number o f Chaos G ift s
sho ul d n ' t do so . Wh et he r yo u regard such Jllod e ls as yo u ca n usc in hi s way. It is e ntire l y up to yo u w hi ch
purely decorati ve o r w hL'ther yo u upgr;lde their character Chaos G ifts you exch:lI1ge for re-roll s.
le ve l o r gi ve t h e m Cha os Re\\'arc! s tha t re fl ec t th e ir Note that there are two exceptio ns to this rule. The first is
appea ran ce. is up to you. I3100dthirsters of Kho rn e. Bloodthirsters of Kho rne have
n o daem o n sa\'e becau se th ey wea r Chaos armour. You
ma y not u ~ e Chaos G ifts to re-ro ll saves fo r a 13looclthirster.
SPECIAL CARDS The second ex 'c pti n is Pink and I3lue H o rro rs. [either
type o f Ho rro r h as a daem o n sa v ing thro w - instea d the
Th ere are se eral special cards in the d eck . Th e rul es fo r
Pi nk Horror splits illlo two Blue Horrors w hen it is ·slain· .
these ca rds are included o n the ca rds th em sek es . hut they
Yo u ma y n ot use Chaos Gifts o n [-[orro rs either.
are wo rth disc ussi ng at thi s po int.



•• • ..
The Warhammer Armies Chaos box includes a numher o f
as a $
• •• • a
n e ~\' mag ic item card s. These imroduce a new cat egory o f
ma g ic ite ms ca ll ed Cha os Re\\·ard s. Th e ma g ic items Wa rh:ll11 me r A rm ies C h ao~ co nt ai n ~ 30 haos ~pe ll s: 10
in c lu d e d w ith Wa r h amme r A rrni es Ch aos are m o stl y each fo r til e three gods Sla:lI1es h, T zee l1lch and t u ,·gle . As
:1\'a ilable o n ly to Ch aos ch arac ters. Som e arc specific to :I warrior goel \\'ho despises magic anu the w ea klings w ho
Sorce rers or Beastmen Shamans. s indicated o n the ca rds, use it. K ho rn e has no So rce rer.". T hese spe ll s repla ce the
th c three b asic Fa mi li ars are n ot restr icted to Ch aos L in th e \Xfarh alll me r Ba tt le J\ lag ic c1eck . Th e o ri g i nal
Wi za rds - they are :Iva ilable to any wi zards in the no rma l sp c ll s are presc rved. alth ough som e ha ve h ec n slig htl y
m anner. W e have also desig ned three ne\\ spell deck s to modified o r updated to b ri ng them int o line \\'ith th e rules
re p lace th e 's h o rr ' Cha os d ec k s in , ' arham m er Batt le in th is book.
Magic (see belo w).
s Chaos S rcercrs no \\' ha \'c access to a much b ro ader
range of haos spells they are no lo nger pemlitled access
to the Coll ege lagic dec ks. [n \X'arhaillm er Baltic 1\ lagic
CHAOS REWARDS p layers \\'erc all owed to use th ese e xtra d ec k s heca usc
Cha os Re \\'a rds arc litera ll y th e rewa rd s g rant ed to th e there \\'ere relat i\'el y fe w Ch aos spel/-;'
fo llo wers o f Chaos in the fo rm o f mUl:ltions and o ther g iflS. Chaos S Jrce rers arc still a ll o ~ 'ed to use th e Dark Mag ic
So, there is a Chaos Reward fo r Massive Ho rns , another for d ec k hut n o t lec ro m anti c spells . , Ol e lh :1l th e
I urg le' s Ro l. :t nd so o n . O lher C h a()~ Reward s la ke lhe \'(fa rha mmer Armies ndea cl boo k adds furth er ..,pells to
sh ape o f ex tra swo rds, armo ur, and such like. Some Chaos the Dark lagic dec k bringing th e to ral up to 10.
Rewards are specific to a Chans God whilst o th ers ca n be
~I\\'a rded to fo ll o \\'ers o f any god . l3eastmen Sorc<:: rers arc perm itted to use spells fro m an y o f
the haos Gods and Gin combi ne spells o f differcn t gods
Cha o s Rewards :Ire sp ec ial ma g ic item s w hi c h are in their band if yo u w ish. Yo u C IIl also dra\\' fro m thc Dark
<I\'a ilabl e o nly to Cha os. This m eans thal Ch:los He\\'ards 1\ lagic deck , but no t fro m i':ecromanti c spells.
count to wards the number of magic items a chaucter m:l y
take , Chaos Rewards arc affected b y magic items o r spells T he chart beIO\\' summarises the dec ks available to Chaos
th at negat e. destroy, o r o th em 'ise affeCl o ther magic items. Sorcere rs and Beastnnn Shamans.

Th e difference bet\\'een Chaos Re\\,:lrds and o th er m agic

items is th at Chaos Hcwarcl s can o nl y he bo ught fo r Chaos Trpe oj Wi:ord 5iJe lls May d mll'FOI II
hampi o ns and Chaos Sorce rers: they ca nno t he bo ug ht Chao~ Sorcere r Own God' s Spells/Dark Magic
fo r o th e r Ch:lOS c harac te rs. H o \\'c \'e r , a Cha m pi on o r
So rce rer ca n mi x Chaos Rew ards and other mag ic items Ch aos
ju st so lo ng as he docs n ot ex ceed hi ~ usu al m ax imum Sorcerer Champion 2 Own God' s Spells/Dark Magic
to tal. Chao,
Ma, ter Sorce rer 3 Own God's Spell sfDark Magic
Th ere are three He\\':lrds whi ch arc \'l'rsions o f itc ms usecl
b y dae mo ns : 'urglc's Cloud o f Fli es, the A.xe o f Kh o rn e Chaos Sorcerer Lord 4 Own God 's SpellslDark Magic
and th c Co ll ar o f Kh o rn e, T hese i te ms ma y he g iven to Beaslman Shaman Any Goels' Spel ls/Dark Magic
hampi o ns and or So rce rers ( in th e case or i':u rgle's Clo ud
o f Flies ) and th e rul es descrihing lhem arc :IS g i~!en o n th e Beaslman
Shaman Champion 2 Any God, ' Spells/Dark Magic
ca rd. Th e ruks o n th e cards may \'ary fro lll th e e ffec ts
descrihed for d:lem o ns in th e /3estial,\, - this is intentio nal ' Bcas tm an
Ma,ter Shaman 3 An y God, ' Spclb/Dark Magic
Shaman Lord 4 Any God, Spells/Dark Magic
W~rhammer U~nl e Ylagic contain, ;1 d e,cripli o n o f hcm to
resolve p ote ntiall y con t radicto ry inst r uC[ion s tha I
somelimes arise in the magiC s),stem. Su ch n >ntradi cl io n.s FAM ILIARS
are ine\ ilable \, hen there are so man y 'pe ll.s and l1l:Jgic
\'\fa rhammer rmi es Chaos incl udes ne \' m agi c ilem cards
itl'ms th.!t inleract in CI fairl y complex w ay. fo r l'XCImple ,
)'ou might han : a nu gic item rhell aUl o lll.Hlc.!1I ' negal e, a repn:se nlin g Wi zard s' Famili ar s. No te th a t th ese ar c
hi! wh ile your opponenl ', w eapon :Iulum:ltic'all y hil'i - so :Ivaila bl<::' to all armies. w ith th e exce pti o n of th e Ch aos
\\ hiL'h takes p recedence' Fam ili a r, As \\'itll Sc ro ll ca rds. ,In :t rill )' 1ll :I Y in c lu de
dupliC:ll es of Fami liars: lh e number o f C':1I'cl s in th e deck
\XIe ha ve fo und th aI the h es t w ay o f reso ll in g suc h
does not lim it th ir number.
situation" is to PUI it LO a dice roll. The ""'gil" i, obI i()u,l y uf
equa l it is likely Ihat somet'llIe, one ilem \\ ill take
pren:dence and sometimes it, o n'l. floth .sides roll ;1 dice CHAOS ARMOUR
and Ihe highe' t score win, out o n th;,t occa,ion. Kl'-roll any A Chao~ A rm o ur m agic it em ca rd is i n c lu d ed in
equa l score, until you get :I result. \XIh:ltever the re~ ult. n(1
W ar hamm er Ha tt ie M agi c, As w ith Scro lls and Fam il iars.
furth er precedent is estahli'ihed: If the ~a l11e siluation occu rs
yo ur :lrlll Y Illay inc ludes dupliC:lles o f hans arm ou r, so
again a further roll-off is required . The lOU-{)lr is an () bvi (J LI ~
and even - hand ed way of reso l\'i ng any con Il ict am! it seve ral haas c h a raCle r~ Illay \\'car Chaos arm ou r i f yo u
\\forb Vl'ry well. \\'ish . Note lhal Chaos arm o u r is also avai lable to so m e
troop ty pes.

The se black an d white bann er designs have been provided for you to
ph otocopy then paint. Use the co lour photographs shown elsewhere in this
book as a guide for colour schemes.




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© Co pyri g ht Ga me Worksho p Ltd. 1994 A ll ri ght s rese rved. Pe rmi ssio n to pho tocopy for pe rso nal use.
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BLOODTHIRSTER - Greater Daemon of Khome

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GREAT L NCLEAN O:\E - Greater Dal!mon of urglc

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The God of Chao' conduct their

end Ie" \\(Ir in 111 morta l UnI \'er,e.
rCl:fuiting eoun tle" \\ a rhanlb to
fol lO\\ their dar k h anner, . T he
mort.1I foll o\\er\ of hao, co me
from all \\ all.., of life many are
ha nd it s . re negade , or n illl in a l....
tho ug h some arc Ji spo,s e sse d
nob I 'me n. ,\11 havc o ne thi ng in
commo n - they arc \\ illing tn
e\change their mortal so uis for the power and n:ward, that
on ly the da rk Po wer, of han, ca n he ,tow. E \'e ry C hao
Warrior and Kn ight ,trives h) ac t-. of \ alnur and '<I\. agery tu
att ract the attention of hi, god . for if hi, talents are r cog nised
he \\ ill be ele vat d to the rank of C hao C hampIOn.


Drag o n Og res are the mos t ancient of all the
world's living creatures. Aeons ago their race made
a sinister pact with the forces of Chaos. embracing
damnation rather than accepting a slow decline into
extinction. Unless they die in battle Dragon Ogres
live practically forever. spending most of their time
asleep. Only mighty thunder storms stir Dragon
Ogres from their sleep. When the lightning cracks
across the darkened skies they battle for supremacy
on the highest mountain peaks.


Collecting a Chaos army for Warhammer presents many opportunities for all manner of
conversion and modelling work. Individualised Chaos Champions, mutants and Spawn
can be created using a few well-established techniques. This short section demonstrates
a few of the limitless possibilities modelling provides and includes an extract from the
Citadel Miniatures Modelling Guide detailing an ambitious project - a splendid
Sorcerer of Slaanesh mounted on a Chaos Dragon.

Chaos Spall'lI Chaos Spaw/l ofNllrgle

CHAOS SrM T he scope for conve rting mini at ure. into he lli shly mu ta ted C haos Spawn is
in fini te. T he model show n above left ill ustrate the pote ntial that C itadel' s
plas tic min iatures have for th is type of project. The addi tion of a barbarian' s uppe r torso to a wol f body create.
a con vincing centaur effect. A litt le re modell ing of the face using epo xy putty : horns and spi kes from plastic
sprue odd ment s and a pai r of metal ca. ti ngs for the te ntac le arms complete the gruesome picture. The Spawn of
Nurgle, by contrast, is an entire ly metal and modell ing putty piece. The techniques used to create this montrosity
are ex pl ai ned in deta il in the Modelli ng Guide .

This model illustate'i how to get the most out of your
modelling hobby. The raised ~word arm is in fact the original
arm of the barbarian used to create the Spawn model above.
The extra arm is taken from a Citadel plastic Skaven. Because
both s\\on..l arms and the Beastman arc all plastic components
this ~ort of complex effect is achieved easily. Once the various
components ha\e cut and
fillet! to fit. the polystyrene
glue used to stick them
togeather not only forms a
permanent and very strong
bond but it actually "welds"
the piece .. together. This
results in a really smooth fit
\\hich requires little or no
filling .

Thi conve rsion is
of a Tzeentch
Sorcerer wi th th e
addit ion of a pa ir o f
wings from the
G rea ter Dae mo n o f
Tzeentc h and c1aw~
from a F ien d o f

The la rge metal

compone nt ' suc h as
t he wi n g~ requi re
p inning in p lace .
Sleeve. have beeen
a dd ed to t he c law
arms us ing epoxy
modelling putty .
Chaos Sorcerer ofT=:.eenlch

One of the simplest and yet most effective cOll\'ersions that you can
app ly to a Chao, Champion is to add a tail. The champion of Nurgle
\hown here has been tran,formed by the addition of a scorpion tail
taken from a Chaos Hound.
The tail \\.as carefully
removed with a razor saw to
ensure that the cut \\as flat
and would lit neatly onto the
back of the Champion.
Remcmber to put the rest of
the Chaos Hound into your
bits box. so it can be used on a

future modelling project. Attaching the tail

\\ as very straightforward. the back of
Champion was filed down flat and the tail was
pinned into placc and glued.

Dragons are the most powerful monsters in Warh ammer and some of the most
spectacular miniatures. Their huge size and ferocious appearance m akes them
tower above even the largest units or war machines. They also make
impressive mounts for a character or an army general. In this section I'll be
looking at a conversion of a Ch aos General mounted on a dragon. This is a
large, complex conve rsion, and the most ambitious of those covered in this

Most of the conversio ns covered so far have been
q uite small, w hich makes the m easy to work with.
Prog ress ing fro m co nve rting s ma ll fi g ures to a
dragon may seem like a huge leap, but there is really
ve ry little d iffere nce. Th e tec hniqu es app lied a re
exactly the same, just o n a larger sca le. In fac t the
ride r is , if an yt hing, a s lig htl y mo re co mpl ex
conversio n than the dragon itself.
This modelling project differs fro m the other special
conversio ns in the guide in that it is no t based o n
anything specific, such as a piece of artwork. so I had
total freedom to do what I wanted. THE DRAGON
The initial inspiratio n came fro m the model itself - it As I me ntio ned ea rlie r, the d rago n itse lf has no t
is witho ut doubt the most spectacular mo nster in the actually been converted that much, o nly the positio n
entire ra nge and just cries o ut fo r a b it of spec ial and so me of the deta ils have been changed. Altering
atte ntion. The obvio us thing to do was to mount a the pose of such a large mode l ca n be tricky a nd
ride r on it a nd turn it into the centre-p iece fo r a n req ui res th e use of a little fo rce. The photograph
army. You couldn't wa nt a more spectac ula r a rmy below shows how the neck was bent. The end of the
general' neck was w rapped in paper and clamped in the jaws
o f a bench vice, ma king it far eas ie r and sa fe r to
manipulate. You need to be velY ca reful not to snap
Choosing the com ponents [he metal, so apply the fo rce smoothly. Any sudden
The first step was to decide which parts I was going movements will stress the metal.
to use fo r the diffe rent ele ments of the conversio n.
This was no problem for the dragon itself. as I didn't
wa nt to ma ke any majo r compo nent changes , just
some alteratio ns in the pose. I used a couple of extra
pieces: an additio nal tail section and a left am1.
The rider uses parts from two basic miniatu res, with
detail added from others. The legs were the first part
I chose. They were take n fro m the High Elf Griffo n
ride r a nd came complete w ith a saddle back. The
upper body was cut from a Cha mpio n of Slaanesh,
which has a snake tail instead of legs. The whip is
from another Chaos Champio n and I also used the
back banner from an Eldar Dark Rea per Exa rch.
The photograph at the to p of the page shows all of
the ma in compone nts used in this conversion. There
were also some othe r mino r pieces and materials that
I found in my bits box. 111e only othe r things I used
were modelling putty, plasticard and scenic material
for the base.

The tail
To give the dragon more of an unusual look
consistent with Chaos, I decided to give the tail two
tips. This was quite easy: I simply cut off the tips of
two tails about two inches from the end and glued
them both back onto the stump of one of the lower
body sections. I had to taper the inner edges of the
ends of the tails to get them to fit neatl y togetller. I
cut the sides down with a hea vy craft knife , and
smoothed the joining surfaces with an emery boa rd. I
glued the two tail sections together first and then
smoothed down the combined end of the join and
attached them to the body with a strengthening pin.
nJe arms lI. 'ere pillned ;11/0 place so ,balthere was a gap be/ween tbe
sholiider and fh e body. They were thell bellt i1ll0 fb e desired position
and the gap hetween tbell1 !/las filled ,/'ith modelling pully .

Positioning the arms

The anns o n the original model are positioned quite
high, ma king it difficult to add a rider. To make it
easier to place the rider, I altered the position of the
arms . A ho le was drilled in the end of each of the
anns and in the centre of tile sockets. The arms were
then pinned into place, but with a length of wire that
was s lightl y too lo ng , so the re was a small gap
between the components. This allowed the arms to
be bent into tile right positions. Then all I had to do
When fh e two fa ils bad beell joined I smootbed down their combined was fill tile gaps with modelling putty and model on
end and allaciJed fhem to the body. some scales.

One of the interesting features of this conversion
are tlle reins. These are different from the paper
reins covered earlier in the guide. requiring a
slightly higher level of modelling skill to create. The ,/'ire is u'rapped rOl/lld a The next step is to slide tbe coiled
circular former, ;11 this case a wire offtheJonner, so make sure
Fine chain is available from modelling shops or length oJhrass ltlhe. YOu can val)' that ),011 don't u'rap it round too
jewellers. It isn't particularly cheap, but I only the diameter oj tbe loops b)' using fight!)' . }ou sholiid end liP /.I'ith a
use it occasionally, in short lengths, so it lasts for different sized Jormers. ,prillg shape.
quite some tin1e. The best sort of wire to use is
either fine fuse wire or florists ' wire. The best
quality of this sort of wire is tllat it is easy [0 bend
and fonn into different shapes.
On the Chaos Dragon I attached the lengths of
chain to the hands and the horns using loops of
wire . This was made by wrapping the wire
round a narrow length of tube as shown in tile
photographs. The easiest way to attach the chain
to tile wire is to thread the end link of chain onto
tile wire and then glue this closed into a loop .
Alternatively, you can split one of the links in tile hldil'idualloops ca>l he cut off nJe chain is careJully threaded
this 'spring ' "'ifh a pair oJsharp onto tbe loop alld tbe loop is
chain, hook it over an already fornled wire loop clippers. Keep tbe rest oJlbe coil in glued together, I lise a pair oj
and re-glue it. I keep a pa ir of tweezers and a a saJe place so that )'ou can lISe it 101lg-1I0sed pliers to squeeze tbe
needle handy for opening and closing links. agaill. u'ire into a closed loop,

The legs Adding detail to the body
The origina l dragon is positioned standing on both The two main fea tur s [ added to the body were th e
hind legs, giving it a stable base, I wanted to create as w hip and the ha ndl e for th e re ins. The whip wa s
much movement as possible in the miniature , so I easy to add : the sword was removed Wit1l a pa ir of
decided to alter the positio n of the right leg. This was clippers a nd the w hip was pin ned on in its place.
not d iffic ult, I juSt pinned it on in a ra i. ed position Before it was glued on to the hand I bent it into a
and filled the gap around the join using putty. The shape to suit the shape of the miniature .
o rigina l foot has a fl atte ned underside to make a The ha nd le for the re ins was a more delicate
stable join with the base. To get rid of this I removed ope ration, req ui ring lhe removal of the scro ll from
the foot at the ankle and replaced it with a casting the right hand . This was mostly sni pped awa with a
of one of the hands. I also removed the lhu mb and pa ir of lippe rs a nd the n cleaned up wit h a craft
re-attac hed it to the ins ide of the leg just be low knife . Th handle itself was made from the hilts of
the knee. Chaos swords that [ fo und in my bits box. J drilled a
hole right throug h dle hand and pinn d one hilt to
each side. The wire loops for the reins were glued on
under dle tongue on each side.

The standard pole

The back o f the sad d le is top ped ,V ilh a standard
pole bea ring me Slaanesh Chaos rune. This replaces
the High Elf design that was Originally on the top of
the sadd le , and wh ich was removed directly below
the hea rt ready [ 0 take d1e new piece. The pole is d1e
back ba nne r from an Eldar Dark Rea pe r Phoenix
Lord, with the rLine on the top altered. This did not
The han d has beell pllllll'd il1lo place jllSI beloll' Ihe allkle mid Ihe e ntail a great dea l o f wo rk. The o rig inal fLine was
Ihlll1lb is heillg tll/clched I" Ihe 11I.,ide of/he leg . sni pped off the pole and the triang ular se lion was
removed . The circu lar piece was made from a short
length of plastic LUbing which was pinned o nto the
THE CHAOS CHAMPION upper part of the rune. The whole t1ling was attached
to the to p of the pole.
Removing components
The first ta sk was to re move the separate
components from thei r origina l miniatures. The most
difficult part to re move wa s the up per bod y. This
req uired ~o me carefu l cutting widl a fret saw. I had to
cut up behind the lowest right hand and the n across
the body, keeping d1e cut as flat a~ possible. The cut
needed to cross dle body just below the ri bbon at the
waist and come out at the back of the left gauntlet.
Cutting with a fret saw is not v ry neat. so d1e surface
needed to be filed flat a fter~varcL.,.

Th" lieU' nil/£' IS PIIII/eel il/lo place Oil/be lOp oflhe pole.

Attaching the model to the base

When [he whole conversio n was finished it had to be
se lIrely anached to the base, This \Vas quite tricky as
th e d ragon is a la rge a nd hea y mode l, on ly
suppo rted by one leg. [ pinned the dragon o nto th
base lI s ing a fa r heavie r gau ge of w ire than I
nonna ll use. approximately 2mm in diameter rather
than Imm. I used this ga uge of wire to pin the left leg
to the body, as this join also ta kes a grea t dea l of
strain . When the model was pinned and glued to the
base, I dri lled another hole between the claws. down
77)(! millia/1I1Y' IS held ill a l'ice by the /at! sec/ioll and /he IIpper hodl' is into the base and glued in a pin at a different angle to
careflllll' n;:mol'ed l<'ilh afrd ,(Ill', the fi r t. 'J11is made the join even stronger.

The phOlographs helm\ ~h(l\\ the finished and painted Chao~ dragon. The hase. rider and dragon were all
full) painted and \'arnished betore the~ \\ en: put together. This made it far easier to work on each one. [
made a separate large base. glued it to the top of a large paint pot <lI1d attached the dragon to th is to make it
easier to hold \\ hill' [ painted it. The Iider \\ as lighth glued to the hack of a plastic h()r~e \\ hill' he was being
One or the inset photographs slim\ the rider close up. This sh()\\ s cleari! hm\ \\Tli ..ill of tlw compon<:nLs
\\ork together in the tinj~heu com'ersion, \otice hO\\ [he right ann. head. whip anu sword are all m()\ing in
the ~amt.' direction. This make.., the miniature look e\ en more dynamic. [ rainlcd the dragon's \\ings in hlack
and deep red to comrlell1ent the lighter tones of the Chaos hampion. and bent the wings int\) a curvecl
... hape to au a:-. a \ isual frame, It 1:-. important to check ho\\ the ' e1ement:-. of a large comersion like
tlw. look together at e\er) :-.tage of the proce..,s. not onl) \\hen they an:
being modelled , hut also during their painting, If the colour., cla.,h
then the com ersion \\- ill be ruined. Thi~ ..ilso applies to the hase, it
doesn't \\'ant to he so he:1\ il} c()\"l'red in detail that it takes) our
attention ~I\\ a) from the modd. Decorate it ju:-.t enough to aud interest
and realism,



h e .. • • • $

ver the ages the Old World has known many wars and endured
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innumerable perils. The fragile kingdoms of humanity have met

and defeated each threat, yet every new danger emerges greater
than the last, and every battle is won at an ever increasing cost.
Of all these w ars o ne alone is known as the Great War - the Great
War Against Chaos.

Throughout th e sum mer o f th e [mperi:ti yea r 230 I listened ancl. heliel 'ing th e wo rld to he at an end.
dire pOrt eIllS of d is:lster we re o bserved througho ut jo inedlhe hands o f fla gellants and w o rld-\l'ea ry
the lands of th e EI1l [) ire, We lls that had [)revio usly a[)ocal ypt.,. W it chcraft and th e fo ul Gods o f Chaos
~ef\ 'e dt owns fo r gencI<ltio ns fill ed \y ith nox io us we re blamed fo r the SOllY sta te of affairs. As a result
slime. Canle succu lllhedto a virulent pox and died. man y inn ocents w ere burned at the stake o r
Cro [)s sh ri vc lled in the lo ng he:lt or w ere ea ten by drowned, hut douhtless m:lI1y secret w o rshippers
plag ues o f insecrs. Few dou hted tllJt th e Emp ire lay an d other agents o f Chaos we re rooted o ut and slain
under a cu rse, fo r \"ho el se b ut the Lord o f Plag ues. by th e ze;tl ots.
the fo ul cst of Chaos Gods i'lurglc himsclf. co uld he
The Chaos ho rd e co ntinu ed to g;lther from the lands
res po nsible for suc h woe.
aro und the Tro ll Country. [t \I'as sa id to he the largest
[t seemed as if th e fo ur gre;ll ,ods o f Chaos had . fo r arm y to ha ve eve r marched to \I'ar in th e O ld Worl d .
o nce. pu t aside thei r ti meless ri, ':tirv :lI1d uni ted in Some numbered it a hundred tho usa nd stro ng w hilst
commo n purpose. The power of Chaos had grm... n o the rs put the figure two o r three tim es higher. [n
o, 'er th e last fell ' yea rs. th:1I much w as certain . [n the K isiel' , th e most northerl y of the human realms, the
no nh 13eastmen had m ul ti plied and lx :come holde r. T za r sent sout h\" arc!s fo r help, fo reseeing the
emerging fro m th e fo res ts to repossess th e lands that mo ment when the ho rde woulclmove upo n him . Th e
men called Ostl and and Osterm ;lrk . Th ere was no message reached '\ ' o lfenbu rg ~v h e re the Count of
ce ntrali sed authorit y to opp ose them , fo r th e line o f Ostl and still held o ut , th o ugh the lands aro unci had
the Empero rs h:ldl o ng since ended . an d th e lands of long since been ravaged h • 13eastmen . The Count
th e Empire \Ve n.:: divided hetween the rulin g Elector co unted the Gods of Chaos amo ngst his m ost bitter
Counts. Chaos '\ arri o r IXll1ds roamed :IS b r :IS the foes an d he responciL'ci immediat ely. Inside :1 w ee k
H cm 'ling H ills to th e no rth of Itdo rf. Fierce ho rdes of passed before he led his arlll )' no rth w ard s to jo in th at
O rcs d ri\'en fro m th eir refu ge., hI' the growing pO\\'er o f th e TZ:lr.
of Chao., plundered at ~"ill th ro ugho ut th e I:tnd.
Me~ll1I\'hil e [h e Empire co ntinued to del 'o lve into
In th e fa r no rth the gate\l'al's th;1I di vide th e wo rld s an'lrchy . Chaos Sorce rers emerged from hiding and
slyelled w ith pml 'er. ThL' dark shadOl\' of Chaos led hands o f deluded fo llo \\'ers in an attempt to tak e
sp illed southw ard s, engulfing the wastela nds an d ove r loca I gove rnment. Some men . those dri ven to
ahsorbing them into the Re<dm o f Chaos . Befo re th is th e edge of madness by sta rvati o n an d hloodshed ,
irresisti hle tid e the m in io ns of ha o~ adva nced , anci o penl y recognised th e might o f Chaos and swore
as th e shadoll' mOl'cd south so the forces of Chaos allegiance to the Dark Gods . W itch hunters :lI1d
gre'·. j\ Io nst<:rs fro m the l\o nhern Wa" tes ~" e re p reachers rallied the peopl e aga inst the fo llowers o f
joined hy hands of Chaos \'(/a rrio rs fro m the borders Chaos and th ere was open ,., ·arfare in the streets. In
of th e T ro ll Cou ntry. In the deep fo resls of the Empire I u ln the p reacher Magnu s d rew a g reat fo llOWing.
Beastmc n assemhl ed and I' 'adied thc lllseh'es fo r I\·ar. and w ith his mixture o f zea l and co mmo n sense th e
Bet','een the Iligh Pass to the nOJ1h of I' raag, and the cit , ~"a s finally purged o f the 1I'0rship[)ers orthe
M iddle Mountains, th ere emerged an unho ly ho rde Dark Gods.
rea dy ( 0 do th e hidd ing o f the Chaos .ods.
s \I'inter settl ed in th e no rthlands the arm y of Chaos
As autumn C lll1e th e land s o f th e Empire fell into began its lo ng march south . The Count o f Ostland
anarchy. [an \, th o us:tnds died of hunger. Tho usa nds anel the entire Kisiel' arm y mO\ 'eel no rth wa rd s to
more sought refu ge in th e cro \l'ded cit ies, Farm s, meet them . The two giga ntiC fo rces clashed
villages and sm:dl IO\l'ns we re :lbandonecll o somel\'here betwee n the Kislevit e towns o f
marau d ing hands o f Bcastm en. ha os '\' arrio rs an d l'vIurmagrad and Chazask . Fel\' sUlvived the hattie to
commo n bandits. Even in the prospe l'o us Reikla nd make repolt to th e o unts of Os tl:tncl and Kisiel'. The
r<:gio n aro und l\ uln and Itdm f. thi ngs ~ 'ere not Chaos ho rde laid \yaste to the no rth ern part o f rhe
we ll. Be:lstm <:n ro:lll1 dthe Reib,'ald fo rest ,1Ilei Tza r's territory hefo re m ovi ng southwards alo ng the
m:lI1)' shi ps we re attacked and burned as th e), foo thills of th e Wo rl ds Edge Mountains. T he massive
travelled alo ng th e ri ver Reik. [n th e stree ts oi' th e army crossed the frozen Lynsk in th e s[)ring. Th e very
cities fa n:lt ics and p ro phets of doom p reac hed th eir last of th e Kislc\' ite regular troo ps lVere caug ht fro m
strange hrand of red m[Jtio n. I\ bn y desperate citizens fro nt and rea r and de~ troyed as they defended rh e


bri dges . Beyond the Ly nsk lay th e hea rtlands of th eir final assa ult. Th ey brought th e new s of Pra ag's
Kislev and th e g rea t cit y o f Pr3ag. fall to Kislev w here th e Tza r was has til y training his
new arm y. When Magnus of luln hea rd o f the defea t
In Praag the peo pl e prepareci fo r attack. T ho usand s
it wa s sa id he wept tears of b lood and swore before
fl ooded into th e cit y fro m th e surro unding
Sigmar to avenge th e horrors done th at day.
counllys ide bringing with them w hat livestoc k they
could sa h-age. It was nOt eno ugh. fo r soo n the brave Afte r the fall of Praag the Chaos horde moved
ci ti ze ns w ere stan 'ing and in th eir w eakened southwarel s. passing Magnus' advance fo rce w itho ut
co ndition Il1~lI1 y succ umhed to the heino us I 'hitati o ns realiSing th ey had elone so. These cavalry soon
o f N urgle th e Plague Lo rd . T he brave Ki slevites re:lched th e strick en city of Praag where the warri ors,
planted Ivhat cro ps they co uld Ivithin the city \"alb many of them Ki slevites th emselves. \v itnessed th e
O utside th e cit i s defe nces th e Chaos horde made ho rro r that had uvertak en its peopl e. T hey did no t
ca m p . From here the atta cke rs lau nched occas io nal stay but III ved quickly south in p ursu it of the Chaos
fo rays but made no anem p t to seize the city until the ho rde. They soo n encou ntered and destroyed the
pestil ence had done its w o rk. T he peopl e of Pra ag rea r-guard of th e Chaos arm y, stragglers and slackers
survived attack after att:lck , hoping beyond hope that fo r th e m ost part. 13eastlll en w ho had squabbl ed w ith
a relieving fo rce w oul d he sen!. Rumour of a heroic their ril':ds and had been left behind. Th e hUll1:ln
new leader from the so uth reached the defe nders. a wa rrio rs fe ll upo n the evil force w ith ferocity
man ca lled Magnus w ho w as b ringin g an arm y no rth spawned o f o utrage. It was a mino r vict o ry . b ut a
to th eiralvatio n. \'ictory no ne-th e- Iess. Mea nw hile th e main hody o f
th e Chaos horde continued its acil-ance towa rd s
Kisi el', knowing no thing of th e hUlllan arm y th at was
now behind it.
At the sa me tim e as Magnus' cava In' hea ded for Praag
th e main Empire arm y and I" b gnus himself made fo r
K islev. Though thi s fo rce sti ll ho ped to reach Praag it
sorely needed p rovisions in o rd er to co ntinu e.
Magnus ho ped to acquire th ese and fresh troops
before moving no rthwa rds. As it happened he arrived
I ndeed the flock of J\llagnus of ul n grew cve r at K isiel' just in tim e to sec the Cha os ho rde surro und
st ro nger. I-I e gat hered an arm y of all kinds of men: of th e City. T he arm y <IITa yed :Iro und th e w alls of K islev,
loya l devotees o f Sigmar. 'veirdmad-eyed zea lo ts , its black b:lnners tlun ering fro m th e hills aro und . Th e
o rdin arv citi zens \\'ho hated Chaos . and professio nal standards o f all fo ur Chaos Gaels co uld be seen
sold iers fro m th e :1fI11ie.' or th e provinces . w here their Cha m pi o ns \'\,e re enca mped. Chaos
Recognising in ['vlagnus a leader they co ul d all fo llow . Warri o rs anel Knights stood in serried ranks wa iting
th e Elector Counts o f th e Emrire pledged th eir to :Ici vance. Sorce rers stood behind th em or roele
support and led th eir troops to jo in him. Soon a vast amo ngst the u'oops upo n beasts o f indescribahl y fo ul
arm y ma rched no rth. I3l1! th eir progress I"as slow . appearan ce . Beastlll n m:lSsed no isil aro und the
and w ith cvery passlng day th e peo pl e of Praag grew han ners of their ow n lo rds. braying and bellowing in
weake r and ho pe faded in their healts. Eventu all y. th eir excite ment. Ahove the reeki ng crowd to \\'ered
after a bitter ba ltl e \y ithin the stree ts of the cit)'. P r~l ag Illassi\'e thi ngs w ith broad ug ly head s. but \\h ether
fell in th e w inter of 2302 . The r ower o f C ha o~ swept these we re mo rtal cre llures o r daemo ns o f Chaos it
over th e lanel . IVlagnus \\' ~I.' too Lit e. An ad vance fu rce was impossible to say.
o f GII'alty lay but a da y's march from rhl' city hut it
T he barri e w as ever afterwards ca lled the Ga tes o f
was all to no <I\·ail. Chaos had triumphed .
Kisl ev. W ithin th e city the T za r o rd ereel th e defences
W ith the fall o r Praag a g rea t blac k " 'ind hlew fro m and took co mmand o f his new army . Hastily trained
th e Realm o f Chaos . O ut of the Chaos gate\\·a y it anel ill -eq ui pped . yet with a co urage bo rn o f
roared over the Troll COuntry and into no rth em desperati o n. th e Kisl evites prepared to repel the
Ki slev . T hroug h the streets of Pr~lag it howl ed and Chaos assa ult. With th em w ere many Dwa rfs fro m th e
screa med . Whe re the w ind hlew th e Rea lm o f Chaos grea t sea t o r Everpea k. the Dwarf city of Karaz-a-
fo llowed , absorhing th e lands of men. The :;(f'ee ts of Karak. Desp ite con tinu ous unrest in th e Dlv arfs' o w n
Praag bowed hefo re it s blast. IVlen and stone twi sted m ounta in rea lm . a co ntingent of Dwarfs had co me to
and became as o ne. Li ving things melteel and the Tzar's aiel . Th ese do ught y wa rrio rs were to bea r
refo rmed within th e I'ery fabri c o f th e city. Souls in the brunt of the fig hting during the initial assault. and
imprisoneci torm ent cri ed o ut from the tw isted sto nes without doubt it was th eir stolid ci eterminati o n w hich
of the city. Disroiled faces peered fro m I alb. saved th e City from ruin.
Ago nised limhs writhed fro m th e pa vements. Pillar.,
In the fi rs t Chaos attack the Dark Gods commiued the
gro aned w ith voices that o nce helo nged to lil'ing
13eastm en. Follo wing a furi o us assa ult the fo ul
tl esh. Praag had become a nightmare inca rnate, a
creatures druve th e Ki slev ites frol11 th eir hastil y
taste o f w hat la), ahead fo r the O ld World under the
cons tru cted o uter defences . T he Kisl evites withdrew
rule of the Chaos Gods.
hehind the City \\'alls. T he last to reach the sa fety of
A few managed to escape the ruin o f Praag. slipping the city w ere th e Dwarfs. wh ose valiant rea r-guard
thro ugh the siege lin s as th e Chaos armi es mounted act io n had held the Beastmen at bay.


As the Ch aos Lords prepared to lead th e second Magnus and his main army had drawn LIp o nto a low
assa ult upon the city Magnus' army reached the hill where it end ured th e co nstant attack o f Beastm en
outskirts of the Chaos enGlmpment. The Em pire and Chaos Warriors. Fro m his pos itio n he saw the
troops immediately set about the fe\y Chaos sudden co nfusion in th e rea r r;.lnks of the Chaos
fo llowers there, and the main Chaos fo rce quickl horde, and realised that his own cava lry had relllrned
learned of this n e ~v threat to its rear. With great ha ste fro m th e no rth. Th e Chaos troops heard the
the Chaos arm )' divicled int o tw o. one part o f th e confusion hehind them and hegan to \vaver.
ho rcle continuing to assault th e city \yhilst the o th er Summo ning the last of his strength Magnus spurred
turn ed to attack Magnus. his tmops to th e att ack.
Magnus' bl ow fe ll like ~ I rig hteous hammer. Befo re Mea nwhile in the city the defenders witnessed th e
the Chaos arm y co uld pro perl y regroup he attacked. cavahy attack upon the asscmbling ho rdes o f Cha os ,
ro uting a large co ntingent o f I\e:lstmen w ho had o nly ~ll1d saw the dark fo rces begin to turn . Th e city gates
JUSl retired fro m the fro m . The creatures despaired \\'ere flung open and th e Kbl e\'ites ru shed o ut and
when th ey sa w th e human army, and put up littl e attacked th eir besiegers. Th e Dwarfs swore a great
res istance before th ey turn ed and fl ed. Magnus' oa th of vengeance and launched th emselves u pon
advan ce look him deep int o the haas army. the Chaos army. hC\\'ing with their great axes as they
T ho usands o f Chaos tTOOpS were slaughtereel and the yelled Khazalid battle-cries.
Chaos fo rce co uld do nothing to h ~ t1t th e pace o f
Magnus' furiOU S advance .
But th e forces o f Chaos w ere still grea t. Though
i'vl:tgnus may have driven o ff many th o usa nds of
troop s, man y more tho us:lIlds remained. Caug ht off
guard by the sudden altack fro m its rea r. the Chaos
arm y too k time to redeploy. but e\'ellluall y its greater
numbers began to tell . Th e ack ance of the Empire
arlllY \\'as h::t1ted and Magnus soon fo und himself
surro unded. The Empire arm y fell back into a
defensive circle.
Caught fr0 111 three sid es the C11~IOS horde fell into
A ll [his was o bser\' ed from the cit y wa lls. At fiN the co nfusio n. l3eastmen milled abo ut. running hither
Kblevites set up a g rea t cheer as th ey saw th e Chaos and thither and were imposs ible to draw into o rd er.
troops fl eeing in all direc ti o ns . Lat er th l: cheerin g Chaos Warriors fo ught on reg,lI'dless, but their
turn ed to ~ i1 e n ce as th l: Empire arm y seemed to numbers v ere too fe\ t fight o n all fro nts. Slowl y
stumhle . Fea ring th eir sa\'io urs would be d stroyed th e Chaos army disintcg rated. \Va rban cb fl ed before
before th eir eyes, the Dwarfs atrempted 1O brea k o ut rh e fury o r the human arm y, and man y were caught
and help Mag nus. Three hundred Dwarfs ~p ed fro m and de:'troyed ~I S Lhey d id so. By th e da y's end the
th e south gate and hurl ed th emseh-es upo n th eir Chaos horde was bro ken :tnd scattcred . Many
torm entOl's. But th e Chaos troops surrounding Kisl ev tho usands lay dead.
~\' e re too many and too \\'e11 led . and the D~\'arfs
Fo llowing the hanle of Kisl ev's gates the po \ver o f
were beaten back \yith h<:':I\')1 losses. O f the ga llant
Chaos ebhed away . The daemo n ' melted hack into
three hundred w ho left Kisle\' bard y half returned.
the Realm of Chaos. Darkness w ithdre\\' from the
With the threa t fro m Magnus co ntained the Chaos land o nce mo re. The cit y o f Praag was levelled and
fo rces turn ed th eir attenti o n towa rds Kisl e\' o nce rehuilt. thoug h evcr aftef\\':lrds it remained a haullled
mo re. As the Chaos fo rces massed it beca me city \vhere the dead slept un e a .~i1 y .
apparent to the defenders that the nex t assa ult was
Magnus the Pious. as he w as aft erw ards kn own.
intended to carry the City . The hest Chaos troops
bec:tme Empemr and united th e Empire again. Th e
were arra yed again st Ihem : daem o ns , Chaos
forests ~ e re cleared o f Beastlllcn and th e last o r
Warriors , Sorcerers upo n huge mo nsters. and Drago n
OsLland and Ostermark was freed from their grip.
Ogres - huge and powerful creatures wo ken hy the
The fo rces o f Cha s were co nfined to th e Tro ll
storm of Chaos. Th e Ki slevites and D\varfs rrepared
Country and hevond. Th e G re lt War o f Chaos w as at
fo r th e final assault with little hope but great co urage.
an end.
It w as as the Chaos army prepared to attac k that the
Th e alliancc or rh e Cha os Gods ended too. Their
fo rtunes o r th e allies too k a sudclt.'n and dramatic
ri va lrics drove rhem apart o nce mo re. Perhaps the
turn. Magnus' advance force o f cavalry, the same
Dark Gods were co ntent to rest the defences of
force \\'hi ch hac! reachec!Pra:lg too late to S3\'e the
mankind for their tru e plans are hard LO fathom . For
city . arri\'edupo n th e no rthern flank o r the Chaos
two hundred demo n years the fo rces o f Chaos
arm y. Th e cavalty included troo ps from th e Empire
gathered strength in thc wastelands. Within the
but also many Kisl evites. and the memo rv of what
Empire the fo llowe rs of Chaos began again their
they had seen in Praag w as still fres h in their minds.
secret \\'ork of infiltratio n and destruction.
With tremendous ferocity th e cava lty plunged into
the Chaos army, whi ch hega n to crumhle befo re their Everywhere Chaos prepared fo r th e next attempt to
implacable anger. wrest control of the Old World from its mo rtal lords.

• e • .. CHAOS
• • •
•• •
haos Gods are generous but irresponsible with their favours. Gods

cannot distinguish the differe nce in value of their gifts, or they simply
have no interest in investigating the matter. When blessing one of his
fo llowers a Chaos God might inadvertently m ake him stronger,
tougher, faster, astonishingly attractive, intellige nt, or o the rwise
improve his lot. But the gift might equally well disadvantage the
follower, making him weak, feeble-minded, or turning his body into a
sluggish mound of flesh . The Gods of Chaos are also the gods of chance, and
courting their favour is nothing if not ris ky.

Most G ifLS o f Chaos t:.lke th e fo rm of phys ica l mutati o n. For The o ut wa rd app earance o f a Cha os Spawn is utt e rly
exa mp le. Iro n H ard Skin mig ht we ll m ake the rec ipient un p redi ctab le. Th ey lIl ay have seve ral se ts o f limb s.
res ista nt to damage but it also coye rs h im \\'ith a cru st of I iza rre attribut es like crab claw s, a chitino us carapace,
scal y i ro n. Th e m o re g i fts a c rea t u re h as th e m o re tattered but useless w ings, eye sta lks, a lo ng fI x ible neck ,
p ore nri :ill y di s:.I st I'O US th e ir c UIllul ati ve e ffec t ca n be. o r a g aping m aw full o f nee d l e-l ik e tee th . A ltho ug h
Extreme mutati o ns tend to affect the rec ip ient in all kind s immensel y po w erful. Sp,m'n are mindless crea tures , their
o f un fo rtunat e way.s. 1f :1 fo ll o \\'<.: r acquires too many fo rmer inteJligence hav ing lo ng since been sacrifi cecl to
m utatio ns he pa sses th e po int o f no retu rn and beco mes a their unho ly ambition . IVlany a champio n of great p ro mise
Chaos Spa wn. has end ed up as a see thin g m o und o f ho ne and fl es h,
monstro usly d isto rted anel screa ming w ith insane rage.
An y fo llO\ycr o f Chaos can f ind himse lf hea ding to\\'ards
spawnd o m . Eve n a Chao s Champi o n \\'ho e n joys t he
fa\'o ur of h is goci is li ke ly to su ffer thi s fa te. A champ ion
\\ 'ho does not ea rn himself th e ultim ate re wa rd of THE GIFT OF SPAWNDOM
ciaemo nic immorta lity ,viII ce rtainl y hecome Spaw n un less Spa wn are not covered by the Chaos arm y list and so are
he dies first. Such is the lot of th e Chaos Champion : he is no t n o rmall y incl uded in yo ur initial fo rces . However. o ne
d estin ed fo r everl asting diabo lic glo ry or an igno m inio us infam o us Chaos Spa w n is inclu ded in th e Sp ec ial
end as a mindl ess clrihh ling mo nster. Characters secti o n o f the arm y Jist. It is ab o p ossible fo r
models to turn into Spawn du ring a ga me if a Chao s God
turn s his attentio n towa rd s th e battlefi eld. Thi s can happen
when yo u rece ive either the Chaos Spawn o r Eye of the
Gael s ca rel as a Ch ao s G i ft . It c an also happe n if y o ur
ch ampio n is v i sit ed \\-ith to o lll a n y Cha os G i ft s, as
explained in the Chaos G ifts sectio n
If yo u dra w a Chao s Spawn ca rd a mode l in yo ur arm y
turns to SI a\\·n. As yo u are allow ed to choose the affected
lll o cl e l , yo u can m os t pro b abl y u se thi s gift to yo ur
I f yo u receive the Eye o f the Gods card then it is possible
t h at o ne o f yo ur Cha os Ch ampi o ns w ill b e turn ed to
Spawn . is not necessa ril y ad vantageous, but yo u ca n
certa inly endeavour to make the 1110st o ut o f it. Remember,
Spawn are powe rfu l and d angerous m o nsters'
E\'ery tim e yo u pl ay a Chaos G ift on a Chaos Champio n
there is a chance he w ill turn into a Chaos Spawn. T his is
explained in the Chaos G ifts sectio n.

Though the gates that stand between the mortal world

and the immortal realm of Chaos are now closed to me,
still I would rather die having glimpsed eternity than ever
to have stirred from the cold furrow of mortallk I
embrace death without regret as I embraced life without

When a III de l t urn s to Ch ;lO - Spa\\'n , plac e a Sp aw n
coullt er beside it. Th e fo llow ing rul es arply,

Any armour o r \\' ea r o n s th e creat ure ha s are lost.

1 except for Chaos armo ur o r magiC we;lpons wh ich are
retain ed and ma y co nrinue to he usee!. Other Ill:tgic items
al so co ntinu e [0 ' b e d f ectil 'e, If th e crea ture has a magiC
leve l (eg , is a Ch aos Sorce re r ) th e n it loses its m ag ica l
powers, spells, and any magic it ems that G ill o nl y be used
bv \Xi i za rd s, A ma g ic i te m th at enables a n o rdin ary
c1~a racter to cast spells ca n still be used and spells m:l y be
directed as th e pla yer wi shes,

Draw 06 Chaos G irts fro m th e deck and place th em

2 w ith th e Sp a'\\'n. Th es e g i fts :Ire reta in ed fo r the
rem ainder o f the game :lIld each g irt can h e used o nce per
turn , These gifts are 1/0 1 disca rd ed unless the Chaos Spa\yn
is kill ed - th ey are retained w ith the m odel. If yo u d raw
Chaos Spawn , Ey o f God. Lose Gi fts, Etern al Laho ur o r
Cosmic Du el. ignore th e ca rd and disGlrd it w itho ut taking
a replacem ent.

A ft e r th e crea t ure tu rn s to Spa wn ib first Illo \'e i s 8 A Cha os Spa\\n ca n also h e wound ed hI' shoo tin g ,
mag ic an d so o n , En enw mocie ls Illa y no t atta c k a
3 al ways d irectl y fo rwa rds 206", A n\' unit th e Spawn
to u c hes (:I pa n f rom th e unit it eme rges fro m if it i s a
Spawn i n hand-t o- hand fighting, hu t damage can be
inflicted ,,'h ere no form al att;lc k is i nvo ll'ed , eg Gob lin
member o f :1 unit ) sustains '[ aut o matic hit fo r each :Ittac k Fa n,ltics , r~lnd o ml y alloc ated missil e fire int o a co mhat.
the Sp;m'n has , Work o ut the res ult of an)' hits in th e same Skalen Plague Censers, etc.
wa v as shom ing dam age . Use th e S pal~Il 's Strength and
bea r in mind an y bonuses from its gi~'ts. The Sp:l\"\" n is so Cha os Spawn co nti n u e to m o v e r and o mly in th e
enraged that it may nor he stru c k as it mo ves, so en em v
m ay not fi g ht h:l ck, Essentially this is com pa r;lbl c to the
9 m anne r d escribed until they are kill ed or leave th e
tab le. O nce a cre,lture ha s h ecom e Sp:m'n yo u m ay not
\\'ay :1 Gob lin Fanati c m o \'es and fi g ht s (s ee th e g il'e it any further g ifts.
Wa rhamrn er rul ebook) , Note that :1 -pa\\'n's I' ictim s can
att empt an arm o ur sav in g thro w as no rm al , unlik e
casu:lities intlicted by a Goh lin Fanatic. SPAWN IN COMBAT
I f a m o d el is engaged in h and-to- han d co mbat w hen it
In subseque nt moves th e S pa\~ ' n co ntinu es to m ve turn s int o S palvl~ the n :111\' c isu aities it ca u ses upo n th e
4 206" hut in a rando m directi o n determin ed using J
Scarler dice, Th e Spa\\'n may th erefo re move over fri ends
engaged enem y un it d o co un t to \\',l rds co mhat resul ts at
th e e n d o f th e ha n d - to -h,lnd fightin g . H owever , :In )'
o r foes , and '\\'ill attack :In\' units it to uc h es apart fro m furt he r cas u :Iiti es cau sed h y th e Sp :l\\n, e ith er duri ng
cb emons (see ), be low), As hefo re, th e Sp;I\\"n in~li c t s 1 hit random m o velllentthat tu rn o r suhsequently , do /l ol co unt
fo r e\'e l)' atta ck it has, and it C lIlno t b e atu cked back , If to\Ya rds co m ha t resu lts.
the Spawn has miss il e-sty le atta cks o r gi rts th ese nul' be
A character model th at turns to Spa,,'n does not b eco me a
direc teci as the player '\\'ishes ,
casualty un til it p erishes o r lea ve.s the tah letop - \'ictory
point s are on l y cou nt ed o n ce th e Spawn b eco m es a

5 If th e Spawn 's rand om m Ol 'eme nt tak es it i nto a

dae m o n o r unit of daemons it \\'ill not anac k them ,
beca use it recognises them as kindred crealLIres,
casua lt v. H o \\"(~; \ ' e r, Spa\\'n that co me fro m un it s :Ir no t
considered part o f the unit. and ,I unit is co nsidered to be
destroyed if all its troo ps are slain o r rurn edto Sp:lwn.

6 Enem y models Ill:! y no t deliherat ely IllO\'e o l 'er Chaos

Spa'\\'n in th e ir own turn. Mod e ls that m Ol 'e o \ 'e r
Ch aos Spawn as a res ult o f co mpulso r y o r rand o m
Chaos Sp:m'n are infinitely I':-tried in appearan ce . They can
m ove m ent susta in hits in the sa m e \\':1)' as troops m o \ 'eel
ha\'e multipl e l imbs, dhtorted lim h s, o r th e hid eo u sh'
ove r b y th e Spawn.
be sti al limbs of c reatures as b i za rre :IS c rabs. bird s o r
reptil es, Th eir bod ies m ight b e I'ast and bl oa ted, o r tiny

7 A Chao s Spawn suffers wound s i f it ro ll s a d o ub le

'\\' h e n d e te rmining its r ancioIll mo \ eme nt. The
num ber o f wounds it suffers is equal to the douhle ro lled-
anc! sh runk e n, or ta k e on th e anim:Ii forms of g igantic
tleas , slime-drenched slugs , o r furry GlIni\'o res, T hey ca n
sp ro ut ex tra heads, e xtra teIll:tcl es, lo ng sw aying necb,
eg , if yo u ro ll do u h le 1 tak e 1 \\'OUIKI. d o uble -1 tak e -1 snapping tee th -fill ed ja\\'s, m o uths in th eir sto machs, eyes
wounds, double 6 LI ke 6 w o unds etc. This represe nts th e that stick o ut o n stalk s o r danc o n tl esh y pro tuheran ces
cre,lture's to rtured heart co llapsing under th e stra in of its above their shrive lled heads. A Spawn might ha ve a tai l o r
raging mutant h od y. W o unds can h e saved if th e Spawn SCle ral Lishing appendages. The"i;e might be repti lian and
has Chaos arm o ur o r g ifts tllat confer a SaI'e , No te th at it is tip ped with spiked cluhs , in sect io ns '\\'ith po iso n srings , or
perfectly p ossihle fo r a Spa'\\'n to dro p dead on its first turn th e so ft-skinned gr,lsping tail o f a prehensile mammal. Any
- perishing in a rapi dh' mutati ng mess o f tl esh. co mbinatio n of m LIla ti o n is possibl e,


rom out of the ranks of the Chaos army the creature toppled
forward like a pile of warm offal. It was impossible to describe
what manner of beast it might have once been. If it ever had legs
then they were smothered beneath the undulating layers
of glistening fat which propelled the thing forward like a gigantic

Muscular ventricl es ope neel and closed in its sides as by the impact. The Knights we re thrown into disa rray.
th e c reature m ove d. hl ow ing ac rid clouds fr o m its and it ~\'as all th ey co uld do to keep th eir m o unts from
innards ',,"ith an unh ea lth y ~\ ' h eez in g noi se. A flee ing in terror. Th e crea ture's gangling arms thrashed
multitude o f lo ng and gangling arms sprou ted from it. w ildI , str ik ing rand o ml y abo ut but findin g man.
These o bsce ne limbs were ncased in arm o ur of pillk target · amongst the milling mass.
::lI1d purple sh e ll. In its c law ed appendage s th e
"Do n't tr. to fight ir. " cri ed the Reiksmarshal. "Open
creature b o re an assortment o r w ea p o ns snatched at
your ranks and let it through." His blade w hirl ed
random from th e bartl e fi e lcl: discareled c luh s an d
through th e air faster th an a mo rtal eye co uld foll o w .
maces. broken sword s. lo ng bo nes :md other elebris .
Al rea dy he had severed several o f th crea ture's limbs.
The adva nce of the Reiksguar I faltered fo r a mo ment. but th e th ing see med impen 'io us to pain and near
The proudest Kn ig hts o f the Empire stood aghJst at th e impossibl e to harm.
unbridled hOITo r th at bo re el o \\'n upo n th em. Ho rses
W ithou t warning the crea ture \Va s through the Knights'
~dli nni e cl anel shuffleel nervo usly, uncena in \\'hether
fo rmati o n. blunde ring into th e o pen sp ace be yo nd.
their riders would press the m fo rwa rd o r retreat hefore
The Reiksgu ard had taken a se vere bealing and se veral
the monstrOs ity.
Knight s lay d ea d o r dying. Brok e n lan ces and
discarded shields littered the ground. Few of the men
h ad esca p ed a ltoget he r \\' itho ut injury. Ca ptain
H el b o rg w as b l eding from a lo ng g ash ac ross his
forehead anel h is arm o ur was disco lo ured \\' ith th e
bubblin g gree n ooze t hat se r ved th e c rea ture fo r
"Refo rm ... Sound th e order, " barked the Reiksm arshal ,
and the Knights drew back into batt le fo rm ation o nce
more . Th e re w e re fewer n o \\' to m ee t th e Cha os
"Ch aos Spawn ... [-[o ld yo ur ranks Reiksguard ," shouted hordes. but th eir determin atio n wa s nOt lessened.
Captain H e lho rg . Wi th a f la sh of hright stee l th e
T he Chaos Spa\vn fund itse l f and its arms thrash ed
Reiksmarsh al brought his cO lllmand to o rel er. See ing
un ce rt a inl y . its sta l k ed ey es twis ting and turning
th e loo k f g rim d ete rmi nati o n in hi s fa ce th e
d es pe rate l y. G ree n slim e oozed fro m a dozen deep
Reiksguarel Knights ti g hte ned the ir grip upo n the ir
\\'ounels in it s sid e an d nox io us gasses bubbled and
lo ng lances.
g urg led fro m rents in its b o dy. Da rk bl oo d spewed
As th e Chaos Sp a\yn dro \'e relentl ess l y fo n\'a rel th e from th e Spa\\' n" gap ing mouth and d O\\ 'n it s
horses caught its nox io us stench . Such was th eir terro r glistening to rso.
th at the y kick ed hlindl y in th e air and at th e ir
Then a eros 'bow bo lt stru ck it cl eanly be low its ja w .
neighbours. Th eir riders fo ug ht hard to keep th e wi ld-
The Spa\vn screa med and rea red up. its arm s beating
eye d m o unts fro m runnin g. Now th e m o n ster wa s
the air franti ca ll y. A dozen bo lts thudd d into its white
close eno ugh to see its head. broa d and po\\·erful. ye t
underbell y and more fo ll owed. so me sinkin g so far
obsce nely tiny compared to th e mass o f its sprawl ing
into th e so ft fl es h th at th e ir b lack fli ghts va nish ed
lower bod y.
altogether. A nother regiment mO\'ed into range and its
Th er e wa s so m e se mblan ce o f humanit y abo ut i t , sol diers p o ured fire into the Slxl\vn as fast as they w ere
e nough to be tra y a vestig e o f intelli ge n ce, a mind able.
co rrupt ed and brok e n b y th e b o d y' s man y v il e
Th e c reature m ade n o <l llempt to move hut \"Tith eci
mutations. From its face th ere spro uted long twisting
and screa m ed in it s d ea th throes. With a fina l cry it
stalk s hear i ng irid esce nt in sec til e eye s. It s m Ollth
collapse d into a spread ing pile o f blubbery fl es h . A
gaped in a bestial screa m o f agon y re\'e::ding a mo uth
g reen vapour fo rm ed aro und it as its intern al orga ns
full of lo ng pointed tee th. I3lood g urgled from its lips
expe ll ed n ox io ll s last r mnants fro m th e thin g 's
and spatted its head in sca rl et raindrops.
inn ard s. As all movement ceased a great cheer went up
With a pierC ing screech o f rage the thing threw itself fro m rh e Empire's rank s.
upo n the Knights. O ne ho rsemen fell at o nce under the
Reiksmarshal Ca ptain Kurt H elborg turn ed fro m th e
Sp a \\' n 's forml ess bu l k. I-li s h o rse . h o rn e o ve r
Sight anel gave th e Signal to ach'a nce upon the Chaos
bad~\yard s b y the thing' s sudden turn o f sp eed. lay
thrashing and kicking upo n th e tl oor. its bac k b ro ken


• • • • • • •o • •
aemons inhabit the shadowy Realm of Chao s w here they draw
succour from its endless sea of life-giving magical energy. They can
only exist in the real world if m agically sustained, an d even then their
existence is vulnerable. When the power of Chaos grows strong
magical power builds up in the Warhammer World allowing daemons
to manifest themselves. Close to the Chaos gateway in the far north
this power is strongest, and daemons are able to take on material
form and walk the earth. Only when Chaos is at its most potent are daemons able
to accompany Chaos armies as they march south to war.

Daem o ns are rep resented by special rul es, So me o f the:>e

are printed in the Wa rhammer rul eboo k and o thers in the
'\ arhamm er R ittl e i\ lagic rule book , \X'e h ~I\ ' e coll ated ~tli
th e rul es toge th er so th ai yo u ca n refer to tlt em here , So m e
* D6 Rolf
o f th e,e rul es are c hanged to tak e into acco unt the n ew
Chaos I\ la gic spells, 1-2 T he daemons recognise th eir rh'als and are
Ol'trcome w ith rage, Immediately Illo \'e th e
unil 'daemu n 100vard;; its ri vab so that it cha rges
DAEMONSAYmG THROW ~Ind engages them in hand-to-hand combat.
Move the affec ted unit/ daemon regardless o f
Da em o ns ha \'e a spec ial ,a l 'ing t hrO\l' w hic h represents whether il would utherw b e he able [Q cover rhe
their daem o nic nature, T his fu ncti o ns in the same \\'a)' as distance to its ril'als,
an arm o ur sa \'ing th row and it is reduced i f ~I n atta c k is
The ri\'al daemo ns fight each o ther in hand-lO-
es p ec iall y stro n g as w i t h n o rm al ar m o ur. Ge n e ra ll y
1i:lI1d com bat that tum and continue to fight
speak ing , this d ae m o n sa v ing thro w is </+ on a D6. h ut
each other in followi ng turns, Fighting \.... ill o nly
some daemo ns I'ary as no ted in th e Cll ~I OS 13esti alY,
~top if th e Chaos player succeecl.'; in rolling a 5+
at the ~ran o f one o f his subsequent rums,
Daemons will no t flee from a combat against
ri val. , so no Break test is ever taken, Once they
cease fighting the rival s are mo\'ed apan but
m:!y not move funher th at turn and so ma y not
cha rge an enemy thal rum either. If ri val
daemons are charged by an enemy w hibt
fighting each other they will ignore their
Because da emo ns are Ltshi ned from r~I\\ ' m ~l g i en ergl ' attackers altogether unless the enemy are also
t h e y ar e n tl n e rah le to m ag ic 1\'eap On s, T h e d ae m o n daemons. in \\'hich case the animosity c(:a ~es
s<) I'in g thro w ca nn o t h e u sed to sal 'e aga in " t wo u nd s andlhey may fi ght a~ normal.
su sta ined fro m a magic Il'eapon in hand-to-hand co m ba t. 3-4 The daemons are unsettl ed hy the proximity of
~o t e th at lh is d isadvantage o nl y appli es to m agic I l'eapOIlS their ri\ 'als, shouting and screaming in an
(be they s ~ ' rd s. axes , o r whatel 'er) and it o nl y ~ I p pli e s in outr:lgeous manner. The daemo ns will no t mo ve
hand-to-hand co m ba t. It is possihle to use a daemo n 5:II'e or do an ything else thi s turn, but orherwise they
aga inst w o uncb intlicted h y spells o r magic items th at cast arc unaffected :1Ilc! \\'ill fight hack if attacked in
spells, o r by shoo ting w ith a mag ic arrow o r w hatel 'cr. Th e hand -Io-hand combat.
I3100dthirster o f Kho rne is an exce ptio n to this ru k in th at
5-6 The daemon" tolerate th e presence of thei r
his saving th ro~' does appl v aga inst mag iC \\'eapo ns. thi s is
riva ls, Continue norm:tlly \v ith no funher effect.
b ecau se h e w ea rs C h aos arm o u r. w h ic h is pro tec ted
aga inst m agic by po \\'erful enchantmenr5,

Dae m o n ni m os it ~· test is tak en if d aem o n units o r

DAEMON ANIMOSIlY Great er Da em o ns are w irh in 12" o f daem o ns o f a d ifferent
A ltho ugh the Chaos Gods are allies th ey are also ril ',t! s anc! Cha os G o d, D ae m o n Stee ds. Fa miliars ~ Ind such li k e d o
their daemo ns \\'ill no t n ece~sa ril y fig ht harm o nio usly o n no t co unt.
th e sam e sid e, Th is is re p rese nt ed b y t he Dae m o n - D aemo ns alread y engaged in hand-to -h and fighting w ith
A ni m os ity rul e. I f y u have daem o n s of different Chaos an en e my d n ot h ave to tes t fo r Da em o n A ni m os ity,
G ods \\'irhin 12" o f each other at the sta rt o f 'o ur rurn . and altho ugh they m ay still be attacked hy ri\'als.
rh ey are not alread y engaged in co mbat. yo u m ust make a
D ae m o n A ni m os it y tes t. [{ o il a D 6 fo r eJc h G reater - D aemo n s fi g hti ng eac h o th e r as a re sult of Dae m o n
D ae m o n o r eac h unit o f d ae m o ns to de termin e h o w ir A nim os ity d o no t h ave to tes t b ecause th ey are alreadl'
reacrs [Q the prox im iry o f its ril'a ls, affected,


Exce pt fo r the Blood thirste r of Kh OI'ne. Greate r Daemo ns
can cast spells as if they we re level 4 wi za rds a nd they are
co ns ide re d to be w iza rds fo r purposes o f ca lc ul a tin g the
w inds o f mag iC a nd so o n. The Grea te r Dae mo n o f Kho rne
ca nno t cas t spe lls a nd des pises pun y wea klings w ho re ly
upo n s uch tric ke lY. Dae mo ns ca n o nl y cast spe lls o f the ir
Chaos God , no t Dark lag ic as ca n Chaos Sorce re rs. The
tab le b e lo w s hows the numb e r a n d ty p e o f s p e ll s
pe rmitted.

Type o./Daemon Spells May draw ji'O l17

Kee pe r o f Secre ts 4 Slaa nes h Chaos Spe lls
Gre at Unclea n O ne 4 Nurgl e Cha os Spe lls
Lo rd o f Cha nge 4 Tzee ntc h Cha os Spe lls

So m e o th e r d ae m o n s ca n a lso cas t spe lls , n a m e ly

Da e mo ne ttes o f Slaa nes h . Pl ag ue i1ea re rs o f ' urg le and
Pink Ho rro rs of Tzee ntch . These dae mo ns cast spe lls as a
unit ra th e r th a n as indi v id u a ls, so th e w ho le unit is
co ns ide re d to be a sing le w izard w ith its own magic le ve l
and s p e ll s . Th e unit 's m ag ic leve l. a n d th e re fo re th e
numbe r o f spe lls it has . is de te lll1ined b y its s ize. T he mo re
mod e ls the re are in the unit th e greate r its magic leve l and
the mo re spe lls it h::Is . This is indica te ci by th e tahl e be lmv .


No. o/Models
illllll i l /v/agic leeI'I '\'0. o/spells
[f a Dae mo n unit sustains casua lties d uring the ga me the n
6-1 0 2 2 its size w ill diminish a nd its mag ic leve l may dro p . W hen
11 - 15 3 3 this ha p pens it ma y be necessary to disca rd spe lls so that
16-20 4 4 the tara I number is not grea te r tha n th e uni t's ma g ic level.
Disca rde d spe lls are dra w n rand o ml y fro m th e unit's hand .
Type qj Daelllol1 .Hal'drall j i·olll Note th a t in a unit o f Ho rro rs o nl y Pink Ho rro rs co unt
Dae monelre o f Slaanesh . Iaanesh spells towa rd s the unil's size for purposes o f ca lc ulating its mag ic
Pl agllebearer of N urgle :\lIrgle spells level. Blue Ho rro rs d o no t co unt a nd ca nnot cast sp e lls.
Pink Horror of Tzeemch Tzee nl cil spells Some s pe lls co nfe r a s pecia l a bilit y. saving throw. o r so me
o the r magic " e ffect upon the ir caste r. [n th e case of a un it
of dae mo ns this spec ial ability a pplies o nly to o ne me mbe r
o f the unit . not to the e ntire unit. For exa mple , th e J\ urg le
s pe ll Pillar o f Putre b ctio n wo uld ra ise u p o nl y a s ing le
d ae mo n a nd wo uld the re fo re he a fairl y useless spe ll for a
da e m o n unit. Simila rl y th e Tzee ntc h spe ll Shi e ld o f Fire
would pro tect o nl y a s ingle mo d e l and no t th e e ntire unit.
[n ge ne ra l, s uc h s p e ll s are no t pa rti c ul a rl y use ful fo r
d ae mo n un its and s ho uld be exc ha nged in the initia l draw
if possible.

The s pe lls Plagll e Willd an d Tzee l1lch ~' Fires/orm allow a
Ch aos So rce re r to ra ise Pink H o rro rs o r Pl ag u e h ea re rs
Fo r exam p le, a unit o f 12 Daemo nettes has a mag iC level of
3 a nd ca n have up to three s pe lls , a unit of fo ur Plag ue - fro m th e as hes o f s la in foes. A unit o f da e mo ns ra ise d in
beare rs has a magic level o f 1 a nd o ne s pe ll . a nd so o n. this w ay w ill have a ma giC level a nd num be r o f s pe lls like
a n y o th e r unit of it s kind. New s p e ll s a re dr a wn
Dae mo n units draw mag ic s pe lls at the sta rt of the ga me in immed iate ly fro m th o se ava ila ble - if no ne a re avail ab le
th e sa me way as no rm a l. [e. s pe lls a re ra ndo ml y drawn no ne ca n be ta ke n.
fro m th e appro priate ma g iC s p e ll d ec k a nd a n y s p e lls
initia ll y dra w n m::Iy be discarded in exc ha nge fo r a furth e r A unit o f dae mo ns ra ised in this w a y is wo rth 1 v icto ry
ra ndo m draw. po int to th e e ne my rega rdl ess o f size.


•o • .. ,
• • a s • • to

Chaos \Xfarriors are me n \\'ho ha\'e ahandon ed th e I\'o rld
Troop Type M
and thrown in th eir lot \Iit h C h" o ~ : mc n ",'ho hal'e chosen
a li fe of hloodshed and ad\'elllure in return fo r a fleet ing CHAOS
chance to gain the b\'om o f a Ch:los God. Many are litt le \\ 'AR R10 R '1 () 6 -I -I I 6 2 <)

m o re l h an b ri ga nd s. o utc asts f ro m so c iel y . crimina l s

fleeing from juslice . m admen. and m alco ntents see kin g CHA.\ IPIO>.' '1 7 7 'i I I 7 .3 <)
refuge from persecut io n. I-Iowe\·er. not all co me from l he
dregs o f SOCiel \' : l hei r ra nks also include deposed nobles. CHAOS
HERO I H tl 'i ) 1 H -I 10
you ng fo rtun e hunters. and I'efugees d ril 'en o ut of th eir
homes by pOI'ert)' and wa r. CIIAOS
LO RD "i 9 <) ) 'i j 9 =; 10
C ha os Warr io rs fi g hl in th e \\'arhand s o f Ch :l o s
Ch ampi o ns. EI 'ery Cha os W arri o r ho p es lhal one day he
wi ll be recognised by h is Ch:los God an d cho se n to be o ne
of his Ch:IIllpio ns. Chaos Warriors :IIT pmve rfu l fighters
and ma ny h ear c ha o li c mut::tt i o ns lhal e n h:l n ce l h e ir
po \\'er still further. SPECIAL RULES
\X; e ha \'e stu ck t ) the usua l lhree l erm s lhat d e f ine
Chaos Championss c h arac ters by lel -el ( Ch ampi o n s, I l e roe~ , an d Lo rd s) l O
I f a IY:IITior excels in th e sen 'ice of haos th en he ma y be diSl inguis h hel""een the lhree l ype~ o f Chaos Champ io n .
c h ose n as :1 Cha os Champion. The Cha os Gods se lect Bea r in m ind thal any reFerences and rul es lh al re fer ro
cham p ions to represenl thcm in lheir elern al str ugg le for Ch aos Champions ""i ll ap ply 10 Cha m p io n .. H eroes and
su prem:lcy, and o nl y ",-arrio rs of eXlrao rd inary p rowess or Lo rds alike.
remarkable abilily sta nd am' chance o f hei ng singled o ur
in lhis \ya y. Champ io ns enjoy the spe ia l attelllion o f l hei r Chaos Champio n s are cha rac te rs an d ma t here f re be
god . an d rece i\'e the :' lark of Ch:los w h ich hrands lhem as b o ught haos Reward s as m agic ilems wh en yo u se lecl
h is. They also ea rn further gi frs . acq uiring Illulalio ns and yo ur arm y . A Champ io n ma y he ho ug ht one magic ilem, :1
g ro \\'ing in po \yer uncler the ,,-alchful eve o f lhei r pa tro n . H ero l"" O, :ll1d a Lo rd l hree.



A Chaos Champion must be pledged to a pa rticular Chaos God: Khorne , Tzeentch , urgle or Sbanesh,
Each has his own special rules to represent the effect of the god's Mark of Chaos,

Cha mpi ons of K h o rn e a re f ie r ce armo ured A Champio n of I\urgle is ma rk ed w ith sig ns o f
fighters \\'hose C h~t oS arm ou r grOll'S to he pan d isease o r putre fact ion, Hi s skin ma y he
of th eir h od ies ~o lhal Ihey can ne\'er remo\'e it. leathery and resilient , o r to rn and peeling, s a
If th eir armour is da maged it \ ill grow back in resull of his diseases he tends not to feel much
tim e but it ca n neve r be taken o ff. Th e Chaos pa in :lI1d C'1I1 \\'ith sta nd blows lhat w o uld send
arm ou r o f K ho rne is always either b lack, red o r ano ther \\'arri o r reeling in ago n
hr~t ss - th e Blooel Goel's three b \'oured co lo urs,

Chaos Armour A hampi o n of N u rg le ;]dd ~ +1 to hi s
Chaos armo u r gi \'es the Cham p io n an arm o ur Toug hness co mpared to tb e 'tanda rd \' alues
s:1\'ing ro ll o f 4 + :lI1d ca n he comb ined w ith a g i \'en " h o \'e , Thi s mea n s ~t Champi o n has a
sh ie ld and th e sav ing thro w b o nu ses fo r a Toughness o f 5 and Heroes an d Lord s ha\'e a
mOUnl in the no rmal manner. To ughness o f 6,
Chaos rmour of Kho rn e is mag ical arm o ur in
the S:lIlle ",,'av as th e Chaos armou r th ~tl 'a n be
bo ught fo r Chaos ch:1racrers, It does not co unt
as a magic item fo r th e purpose o f ca lculaling
th e n umbe r of m ag ic ite m s a ch arac te r m ay SIAANESH
ha\'e, l Tnlike some o rd ina ry :lImour rhere is no
mO\'e m e nt p e nall )' as soc ial ed I\' ilh Cha os Slaan es h 's Cham p io n s re \'e l in th e joy and
arm o ur, For exampl e, Chao s arm o ur + shield un ce rt ainl y o f life and ballle, Death ho lds n o
gives a sa ve of 3+; a m o unled c hampio n wit h fea r fo r l hem , and th e m o re in tense tb e terro r
Chaos arm our + shield has a sa\'e of 2+ ( j + if thal a norm al man w o uld surfer the grea ter is
the steed had ba rding>, th eir exalta tio n ,

Frenzy Psychology
Chao, Champions o f Kh o rn e are affectecl bv the Cham pions of Slaanesh are nOl affected b y any
ru les fo rji'enz:), as descrihed in the Warhal11mer of t he psych o logy ru les, E\'e n th e prospect o f
rul ehook , pain , w o unds, d:mger anc! ci ea lh ho lds no fear
fo r them,

Cham pions o f Slaanesh \\'ill fight o n i.n hand-
to-hand co mbat regardless o f casualties o r
circumstances, Champio ns of Slaa nesh need
ne\'er lake a Break le"t in h:lI1d-lo-hanci
TZEENTCH co mba t. If fighling as pa rt o f a unil th ey do nOl
nee if the unit nees, contrary lO the no rmal
Tzeemch is th e m~t s t e r of :lrC tne magic and his rul e. b Ul are immediately sepa rared fro m th e
Champi o ns often find th c m,s<;, k es g ifted with unil so lhey ca n co ntinu e to fight.
strang e po",,'e rs, Beca use of t he ir sp ec ial
re lati o n sh ip w ith ma g ic , ha mp ions o f
Tzee l11ch are more difficult to harm ""'ith spells,


l f a Champion of TzeeTll c h is a!lac ked \\'ith a
mag ic sp c ll he ma y succ essfull y dispel it b y KHORN E .. NURGLE
rolling a 4+ o n a D6 , If he i, su ccess fu l the spell
is not cast and C'tuses no harm ,


A w iza rd w ho p ledges his so ul to Chaos may become a
Ch:lOS Sorce rer. O nl y [he mOSl p ro mising of incl i\'icl ua ls
are so chosen fo r Chaos So rce rers are also cha mpio ns of
their goel. They receive rewarcls from th eir Chaos Goel , ~lIlcl
ma y one ela y ac hie\ 'e th e ulti ma te re ~\"arcl o f immo rta lit y,
Chaos Sorce rers receive the Ma rk of Cll~I ()S that is uniq ue
to their goel , These are mostl y elifferent from th e iI'lark s of
Chaos Champio n s anel are d esc rih ecl be l \y, 1\ote
Kh o rn e has n o Cha os So rce rers - as a patro n f ~\"ar ri o rs
he has no tru ck with th e magical tri ckery o f x\'izards,

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LeI

SORCERER 'I 6 6 "I ') 1 6 2 9
SORCE RER Chaos Sorce rers have the appropriate number o f spells for
CllM II'IO:\ "I 6 6 'i ') 2 7 2 9 th eir magiC level:
SORCEREI{ 6 6 'i Sorce rer .. .. 1 spell
'i ') 3 8 3 9
Sorce rer Cham pio n , .. .... 2 spells
LORD "I 6 6 ') ') -I 9 ·1 10 Master Sorcerer "' .. 3 spells
Sorce r r Lo rd , ' spel ls
A Chaos Sorce rer must have at least on e spell chosen fro m
the cleck o f his patro n Cluos Goel , and he can tak e all o f
SPECIAL RULES his spells from thi s deck if , ou wi sh. As an alternative, a
Chaos Sorcerer may ha\'e add itio nal spells from th e D ark
Chaos Rewards
iI !ag ic cleck , All sr e ll s are ra nd om l y d ea lt as n o rmal.
Cha os Sorcerers are chara cters and may be bought Chaos Befo re ca rd s are dealt th e playe r m ust decla re how man y
Re\\ard s as magic item s when y o u se lect y o u r army, A ca rd s he is takin g and fro m which decks. See the Chaos
So rce re r ma y b e bo u g ht one rn :lg ic it e m, ~I So rc ere r il lagic sectio n in this \'o lu me,
Cha mpi o n t\VO , a M aste r So rce rer three, and :1 So rce rer
Lord four.
Magic Dispel: I f a Sorce rer of Tzeentch is attacked w ith a
magic spell he mal' s u cce~ sfulh ' dispel it by ro lling a 4+ o n
~I D6. If hE:' is successful the spell is no t cas t and causes no
ha I'm .

Magic Effusion: A So rce rer o f 1\urg le emits a cloud of
co rrupt and spo iling mag ic. a miasma o f p o \\'e r that is
im'isihle exce pt to an other wi za rd. No \Yi zard o f a I w eI'
ma gic level (apa rt from Nurgle Sorce rers) XI'ithin 6" of a
Nurgle Sorcerer Ill,'), cast spells. This does no t affect spell s
Gist from magic items. In addition, ~ il th e start o f th e magiC
pha se. an y spell s that remain in play within the 6" radius
around th e ! urg le Sorce rer ma y be dispelled o n th e D6
ro ll o f a 4+ .

Radiance of Charm: A Sorce rer o f Slaa nesh radiates an
aura o f charm and eIl1rathy so strong that no foes \\'ill Gist
spells :It him or shoot at him w ith missile w eapons if they
are w ithin 12" . Thi s does affe ct spe ll s ca st from magic
items, and cloes prevent spells being used against a unit if
cl o ing so wo uld strik e or otherwi se affect the Sorce rer It
does not prevent an enem y 'hoo tin g at a unit the Sorce rer
is with using boXl's o r other missile weapo ns.


I3easlmen are w ild and h ru tish crea tures \,·ho care little tor SPECIAL RULES
ot her crea tu res and de~r i :;e h umans above all else. They
h:I ,·e bo dies that are ha lf- man and half-beast. usuall y wit il Magic Items
th e horned head o f:1 go al. In battl e th ey co mbine fe roc ity Beas tm:ln ch<l racters m ay b e b o ught magiC item s in th e
with a sava ge la c k o f c!i sc iplin e . fi g htin g an c! battlin g no rm al w ay· ie, Ch~lmpi o n s ma y t:lke o n e magic it em. a
amongst th cmsek es in tht:i r t:agerness to get at the enem y . H ero m:I\' take t\\'o . and a Lo rd th ree. A l:leastman Shama n
may tak ~ o ne Ill:lg ic item . a Shaman Cha mpion m ·o magic
items, a Master Shaman three, and a Shaman Lord fo ur
1'\ote Lh at Beastma n Cham p io ns anc! Shamans ma y n OI
13 EASH IA\' 1 1 .3 3 -; 2 3 1 7 take Chaos Rewards - o nJ )' Chaos Champio ns and Chaos
CI-li\J\I PIO\, ~
, Sorcerers m ay ha,·e them .
-; '5 "I 4 1 2 -;

I IERO '1 6 ') '1 'i j '5 :3 8

LORD -; - 6 'J ') -; 6 'I 9


SI IAJ\ IA:--; 1 '-l j :3 ') 2 1 1

51I.>\JVI A:"
CI-IAAIPION 1 '-i j "I ') 5 ·1 1 7
SI-IA,\I . :.; 1 -; j ·1 ~ -; ') 1 -
LOHf) ·1 "I 3 ·1 'i 'i 6 j 8

Beastmen are ill-disci plined and pro ne to infighting e,·en
in the midst o f battl e. A I3eastma n unit that \\' ishes to either
1110 \' e o r m ake a ma rch mO\·e mu st first tak e and pa ss a
Leadership test o n 206 LI S :1 psyc ho log y test in the same
w av as :l res t for fea r. etc). If thi s i. fa ileclthe unit m ay no t
mon : th ar turn. The unit is no t o th ef\\· ise affected but must
stand o n the sp o t whil.~r its lea d ers resto re discipline. T his
does n ot affecr charge mo ' ·es . fl eeing. pur~uil. magica ll y
induced mO\·ement o r :111)" other mO\·e menl. all of whi ch
ha p pe n :IS no rmal :lI1d no tes t i:; required . Note t hat thi s
rule d oes nOt af fect l:leastm en ch:lracters unless th ey are
p os iti o n ed w ith units, in whi c h cas e th ey are affec ted
alo ng \\ith rh e rest o f th e unit.

Sha m ans ha,·e th e :Irp ro priate numher of spells fo r rh eir
magic level:
Shaman ...... ..... .. .. .. .... ... .. .... .. ... . I spell
Shaman Champio n . ... . .. .. .. 2 spells
Ma~tcr Shaman ............ .. ... ... . .. 3 sp ells
Shaman Lord . .. ...... ... .... . ..j spells

A I3eastrnan Shaman ma,· take spells from any o f the three

Chaos spell c1eck s and th e Dark IVlagic cleek. A I3eastlllan
Sham~ln does n o t ha ve to res tri c t his Chaos sre ll s to a
single Chao;; Goel. like a Chaos So rce rer. I3efore raking any
s pe ll~ ' ·O ll mu st ann o unce whi ch d ec ks yo u are c1ra"·ing
cards fro m and ho \\· many ca rels you are tal ing from each
cleck. See th e Chaos Magic section for d etail s.


'\ I!;\OTAU{ 6 -j .3 1 -I .3 .3 2 9
CII AMPION 6 '5 1 5 '-i j '-j j 9
H ERO 6 6 ~ 5 5 -I ~ -I 10

LORD 6 7 6 ') s '5 6 ~ 10

Wh en M ino t:lurs !:iste b lood they get wildl y ex cit ecl and
10, C cOillro l o f themseh-es as they te;Il' their enemy apa rt
and feed, If J\-l ino t:lurs hreak th eir h:lI1cl-to-h:lncl co mlx l[
o pponents they never pursue. bu t sto p and hegin [ 0 feed
upo n th e remai ns instead . The 1\1inota urs \\'ill cOllt in u to
feed unt il th ey make a su ccessfu l Lead ership tes t at th e
st:lrl of one of their fo llo\\'ing turns. s M illotaurs have a
high Le:ldc rship \';tiu e it is \'el, ra re fo r th em to sp end long
in a bloodgreed. bu t wh il e they are feeding th e\' Ca n do
nothing else,
H o'\\'e\'er. shou ld the enem y be foolish en ugh to charge
M i n o tau r., whi le th e l :He feed i ng th e M i n o taurs sto p
feeding an d b eco m e ji'el/z;ec!, T h e rul es fo r f re n zy as
descrih ed In th e Wa l'il amlller rul ehook \\'i ll th en appl y, So
long th ey re ma in frenzied th e t-. Iino [aurs are not affected
by hloodgreed.

I\ Iinota urs are huge hrutish m o n sters th at c:lu se .leal' in
o ther cr"':ltmes . T he psyc ho logic ti ru les for fear there fo re
app ly

'Iinotaurs are large creatures man y arc [';\'ice the height o f

:1 Illan and fa r g re~lt e r in hu lk. T heir gigantiC bull -he lds are
broad and ugly, and the ir h o rn ~ sha q, an d dangerous, In
add iti o n to th e ir hu ll h eac!, lll : lI1 V t- lil1 o t:lll rs have t h e
hi n clq u arte r~ of a heast as ,,'e ll.

W hen J\-l inouurs ta ste hl ood th ey hecome insanel)' \'io lenl.

rain ing blo,,' after b lo \\ upon their helpless enemy Once
thelr foe is defeatecl they tear at the carcass " 'ith their lo ng
c law s. anc! g ul p cl o \'\'n hun ks of ra w m e:l!. It is thi s
Magic Items
M inotau r c h ~l racters ma y h e h o ug ht magi c item s in th e
n o r I11 ~d way: ie . Cham p io ns Ill :l)' ta ke o ne ma gic item , a
Hero may ta ke t\\'O, and a Lo rd th ree , Note th at M ino taur
Ch:llllpion s may n o t tak e Cha os Rew ard s - o nl y Ch aos
hloodgreec! th:l t makes ~[jno t:lu rs especial ly dangerou s [ 0
Ch amp io ns and Chaos Sorcerers mal' ha\'e th em.
fi ghr.

A Cha o s Steed i s a hu ge bla c k h o rse , r eel eye d "i t h
steaming hrea th. hro :tcl anc! muscu l:lr in bu ild . \' icio us in
temperam ent , anc! often muta ted in som e fashion , A Chaos .HAOS STE EO 8 'I 0 1 'I I -I l ')

Steed is big and strong eno ugh to GIITV even a Ch:10S Lord
into hattie.


Cha os Dragon s are th e m os t might y of drago ns. All
dragons ar po\ye rful creatu res. and th e largest are th e
mos t d ead ly o f all m o nste rs in th e O ld W o rld. ye t the Th e Cha os Drago n ha " t wo hea d s and eac h head is
Chaos Dragon is g rea ter st ill. Its bod y is w ra ck ed w ith capable o f brea thing a uniq ue kind o f h reath \\'elpon,
mutatio n . [t has twin heads and m 'in tails. and each head is
able to brea the a different kind of des tructio n . From o ne DARK FIRE OF CHAOS. O ne head ca n b reat he th e Dark
head it brea thes th e D ark Fire of Chaos wh ich burns mo re Fire of Chaos, Use th e tc ardro p-sh ap d flam e temp late.
feroc io u sl y t h an an y o rd i na r y fl am e, Th e o th e r hea d p laCing Ihe hroad end OI'er youl' larget ancl thc IlaITO'" end
brea th es co rruptin g Fum es o f Contagio n \yh ich sprea d next to the d rago n 's hea cl, A n y mo d e l l ying uncl er t he
bod il y ruin amongst its victims, template area is hit o n the D6 score o f a o r mo re in the
same \\'a, :IS models lying under war engine temp lates and
so o n, A mode l hi t b y th e Da rk Fire of C11~IOS suffers a
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Strength ' I hit. Damage and sa\'ing throws are work ed o ut
no rm:dly, Bui ld ings may be set o n fire as described in rh e
-, - \Va rh all1mer ru lehook. and crea tures th at are v ul n e r~l h l e to
DRAGO:\' (i 6 0 7 6 8 8
tl:lmi ng artack~ take cxt ra damage as desc rih ed in th e
Battle BestialY,

The Chaos [ ragon has large leathery wings ancl ca njlp is
described in the Wa rhammer ru lehoo k,

Scaly Skin
Th e Cha os Dragon is cOl'e reei w ith iro n-ha rd scales th at
p rotec t it fro m harm , Th e crea ture therefo re has an armour
sJ \ 'ing thro w of 5+. as if it " 'ere \,\ 'eari ng arm o ur. FUMES OF CONTAGION. O ne hea d brea th es Fumes of
Contagion, Use the tea rdrop-shaped template to ,,'o rk out
hits as described above, Models under th e template are hit
on a 4+ as hefore, Any models hit su ffer a Strength '! hit but
Th e Chaos Dragon is a huge and frightening mo nste r that
no S:I\'ing [hro,,' is allowed fo r armour :I S the corruptin g
ca uses lel'l'ol' as de "crihed in th e Psych logy secti o n o f th e
fu mes \\'ork their \\'ay thro ugh all such defences,
Warhamm er ruleb ok.

H <lrp ies are l oa th some Childre n of Cha os, Th ey are
scavenger. and o ppo rtun ists \\ 'ho pre, upo n the sick. the
wa ry. th e hallie-worn and (I\' ing, Th ey are bes t ial and Fly
savage cre. tures th at f loc k in large num ber s ove r th e H arpi es hav e w ing s and ca n /ly as d escr i bed in [ile
Ko rth e rn Wa stes, Ha rpi es can b e se e n circ li ng o \'e r Warh ammer rul ebook ,
IXlttl efields. waiti ng fo r th e chance to dive ci o,,'n upo n
those too \yea k to defend th emselves, The re is no o rd er Characters
amongst them . no mo re th an amongst th e most savage of Note th at altho ugh H arpies fi gh t as units o f troo ps th ey
beas ts, T heir sc reec h ing cries clea vc th e air and C lst a have neither champio ns. sta nd ard s o r m usicians, [n [his
shadow o f dread o n those helo " ', res p ec t th ey are com parabl e to da e m o ns and units o f
Chaos Hounds,

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Harpies are s<l\'age and unco - perati ve crea tures - they
ca nn o t be led by c h arac te r s, n o t eve n b y a c h araCl'e r
II RP Y cl 4 0 cj 4 2 2 1 6
ca pable o f fl ight.


Centaur warbands roam tbe ~\'aste l " nd s of th e O lel , ' o ri el.
ra iding o r hunting fo r their simpl e needs . T he y have
heavy, brutish bodies. ~ ' ith stro ng hut clu ms . Iimhs. T hey
are ill-te m pe red glunonous creatu res ""it h an insat ia b le
appet ite fo r ale and \'io lence . Before a Ixm le th ey drin k
huck e tful s o f stron g bee r , bec o min g exc ited and
murd ero us. so that thei r tempers Gin o nl y be q uell ed by
the mos t bloodthirsty deeds.


CE,,- r Al' R 8 3 " -! 3 2 3 2 7

CHAMPION 8 'I ') 5 ,) 2 ~ 3 7

H ERO 8 5 6 5 ., ,) 5 -! 8
LORD 8 6 7 ') 'I 'I 6 ~ 9

Magic Items
Centaur cha racters m ar be b o ug ht ma g ic item s in th e
norm al ,yay: ie, Champi o ns may ra k e o ne m agiC item. a
Her ma. tak e two. and a Lo rd three, Note that Centaur
Champi o ns ma y no t take Chaos f{ e ~ ' a r ds - o nl y Chao s
Champ ions and Chaos Sorce rers ma y hal'<:' th e~e .

Th e Chaos Go rgo n is an hid eo usl y m·i steel m o nster of Fear
b i za rr e ap peara nce and th e m os t \' io lent d isp os iti o n. Th e Ch aos Go rgo n ca use s l ea l' as d esc ri bed in th e
Gorgons inhabit the g rim reg ions o f the North ern \Xfastes Psychology sectio n of th e \'(fa rh :1III Iller ru leboo k.
~Ind th e Tro ll Co unrry . p l aces whe re the di stort ing
influ e nce of Ch aos is g rea t. It s bod y is pO\\'erful an d
Stony Skin
hun ched and its sk in is stony and pa rli~t!l y sca led w ith
flint-lik e nod ul es. It has long c la~ ·s hut most potent of :111 is T he Go rgon ha s ston y sca les . T hese act li ke arm o ur and
gi\ e the Gorgon an arm our .s<] \·ing thro \-,.: of 4. 5 o r 6 o n a
it s ex trao rdinary ability to turn it ~ foes to SLO ne . If th e
Gorgo n'S head ho lds some semblance to human fo rm then 06.
any do ubt as to its tru e nature is d ispelled by the sigh t of its
, rithing m ane . co mposed u f Illa ny serpe ntin e s tr~lnds Petrify
bea rin g rep tilian heads tha t co nstantly ilis5 and spit. Th e Go rgon is able to ca st a special Petrijl' spell du rin g th e
magi c phase. Th is is cast exac tl y lik e a no rmal spell but
costs no r ower po ints If th e magiC phase is ended befo re
the Petri fy spell is Gist (eg. by a Dra in Magic power ca rd)
th en the spell ma y not he cast that phase .
The PetriFy spe ll m~ l y he cast upo n ~lI1 y v isible e ne my
m od I \\ith in 8" . The ta rget model mu st ro ll less th an its
rni tiative chara cteri stic va lue a ll a 06 in o rder to a\'o iel th e
SPECIAL RULES effects o f the spell . A ro ll of a (i is always a failure. even if
the \'ictim has an Initiative \'alu e of 6 o r more, If th e v ictim
Venomous Bite is affected the n it is immed iately turned to stone and slain.
T he Gorgon 's snak e hea ds ha\'e fangs th at d rip ,,·ith
A Petrif spell may be countered hy a Dispe l rO\ve r ca rd .
venom . Any wo und inflicted by a Gorgon th erefore inllicts
Dispe l scro ll s. and o ther magic items that protect against
not 1 hut 0 3 wo unds o n its victim.
spells. In thi s respect it is treated just like any regul ar spell.


Dr:lgon Og re.~ :m: incred ihly ancien t rept iles. T heir hod ies
are drago n- like, scaly and hulk y . w ith a long horn y ta il.
l ' nli ke cira go ns they hal'<.: ~ix limb ~ . :l nd t hei r t or~os sit DRAGO:\
upo n th ir f rame a ft er th e ma n ner 0 1' Centa urs. T h e OG J{F 6 1 2 ~ '; -I 2 3 7
fo rel imhs o r:1 D r:lgon Ogre have han d s which ca n grasp DRAGO\ OGRE
\\'capo ns anc! bshion armou r. Thcir he;lds are hrutish and CJIAi\ JJ'J Oi\ (, ') 3 6 'i 1 3 ·1 7
Ogre-li k e. \\'ith m:l.,>si l 'e pws and I:t rge spi ny teeth.
HFRO 6 6 ·1 6 6 'i '1 ') il

LOJm 6 - 'i 6 6 6 'i 6 9

Magic Items
D rago n Ogre characters m:ly he bought magic items in th e
normal ,;',a l ': ie . Champio ns m ay tak e o ne m ag iC ite m. a
H ero mal' tak e t w o. and a Lo rd three . j o t tha t Drago n
Ogre Ch;l m pio n s may n o t ta k e Ch ao s Rew ard s - on l y
Chaos Ch:lmpions an d Chaos So rcerers are allowed to do

Dra go n Ogres ar e large m o nst e rs that ca lis e f eCi r a:;
descrihed in the Wa rlumm er ru lc hook.

Scaly skin
Dragon gre~ ha\'e I 'ery sed y sk in th:lt confers a sa l 'ing
throll' of -) I' 6 o n a 0 6,

Dragon Og res can n o t h e ha r m ed by l ig htn in g stri k es,
inclu ling m agical lig htning b o lts and the hre:llh-holt of a
13iue Dragon,
If a Dragon Ogre or a unit o f Dragon Ogres is struck b y a
l ig ht ning h o l t it beco m es fre n Zied if ah le to c h arge its
enem y in tile fo llo \I'ing tUI'll.
A l1layer m ~ly no t delib erately 1I.' e lightni ng :illa ck s upon
hi., o\\·n Dr;lgOn Ogres - ~ u c h strikes hal'c no effecl.

H ou nds or haos are \\'o lf-li k e c re;llure~ \\' h o~e anc ~ t or:
m ay O I1 CL' hal 'e been ord ina lV cani nes \\'ho I\'ere caught in
th e haos \'(' astcs and dra \\'n into th e Hea lm o f Chaos, Packs
They are m:lrked with hideous l11u ta ti ons such as two or Chaos Hou nds fig ht in units ",'hich in thi s cas are ca lled
el 'e n three heads , horn s, long tusks. sco rpi o n tai ls, an d p acks. A pa ck must consist o f at least fi ve models in rh e
co ulll iess other :Iherra tions of nature. saille \l'a\' as other uni ts. Chaos H o und packs ma y nor
h ave r eg im enra l c h amp io n s, sta n da rd b eare rs o r
m usic ians. h ut orhenvise figh t exactly like an y o ther unit.
A character model may jo in a p ack and lead it as he might
JJOLIND 6 -I 0 1 -I J ·1 2 6 an)' o ther un it ( alth o ugh it m ay b e m ore app ro priat e ro
t hink of th e p ac k jo ini ng th e c haract er m o del to fi g h t
:dongside him)


Tr lis are large and hideo us crea tures, bes tial an I fo ul
The re 'ults o f combat are worked out after the Trolls have
with l o ng g3ng ling lim b ~ and co lel damp hid e. T heir regenera ted, and the number of w o unds intlicted on th em
warty, slim y anc! sometimes scaly sk in~ ca n be almost any does not include an y that are regenerated .
co lo ur d epending o n lh e sarI of Tro ll. T here are many
For exa mple, lhree Trolls are fighting fi ve Empire KnighlS.
c!ifferent shapes anc! sizcs o f Troll - sp in es are n ot
The Knighr - strike first and inflict - \\'ounds, enough (" 0 kill
unco mill o n. whi le t\yo -h eaded Trolls have so m etim cs
one Troll and ca use 2 further w o unds. The rema ining two
been sighted tra\'elling wilh Chaos \yarhand s.
Trolls inflict 3 \\'ounds on the Knights. The Trol ls no \\" test
Tro lls are no t ve ry intelli gent. bUl lhey are ex trem ely to regen erate and success full)' regenerate 3 wounds. The 3
slrong, and can easil y rip a man aparl w i th lh ei r bare w ounds are rein tated. rhe sbin Tro ll is replaced. and the 2
hJnds. Tro ll s J re g reJ tl y fea red b eca u se of their wound s suffered are nOl ed d own. T he Kni g ht s ha ve
unthinking ferocity and indiscriminale appetile. The\' can 'co red o nl y 2 w o unds in th e end \yhil e th e Trolls ha ve
and w ill ea t anylhing - fl esh and bone, w ood. rocks, bits of inflicled 3. ssuming no o ther comba t bonuses appl y th e
metal. Th e stomach o f a Tro ll co ntains some o f th e mOSl Trolb h3\'e \\'on tha nks to their regenerative abilities.
powerful acids kno w n in l he O ld World , and its digestive
juices are highly \'alued by ;t1chem isls and \yizards. Fire
The olh r u nusual and perhaps best kno\\'n characteristi Troll fl esh ca nnot regenerate when it has been burnt. I f a
o f Tro lls is lhat th eir fl esh is abl e to regrow al most as Tro ll sustains l or mo re w ounds from fl ames then it cannot
quickl y as il is damaged. I f a Tro ll's clawed hand is se\'ered regene ral e al1\' w o unds . n o t eve n th ose inflicte d by
a fresh o ne will grm\' fro m lhe SlUmp. You have 10 Gluse a ordinary wea pons.
grea t dea l of damage 10 a Troll to 'top il regenera ting. The
o nly thin g tha I Tro ll s ca nnot surv i\'c is fire. I f the y are Vomit
burnt lhey ca nnOl regenerate, so fire i ' the grea te· t ally of A Troll h3S a particubrly unpleasa nl altern3ti ve method of
th e Troll fighter.
attack w hich is to vomil lhe contents of its sto mach over its
T ro lls are wild crea tures lh:1t li\'e either alone or in small enemy. s a Troll's digesri\ 'e juices are extremely corros ive
groups with others of their kind . They ca n sometimes be thi s is a ho rrihl e thin g to happen. SI10uld a Troll elec t to
persuaded to join Chaos \YJ rbancb, alihough it is doubtful vom it it may mak e n o other alla cks in hanel-t o- hand
\\'hetlx' r th ey re:t1l y u nderstand \yha l is go ing on. Left to combal that rum . The heaving Troll automaticall y inl'l icts 1
thei r wn devices, the cha nces are the Tro ll w ill go \\'ild Strength - hit on his enemv. The Troll"s vomit is stick y and
o r beco m e so p o rifi c. bu t if led b y a m ore i nte lligen l semi - liquid, so it p en eu"ates armour easi ly and 'eve n
cre:lture they ca n prove d:ll1gerous foes. di s~o l ve s p art o f il a\\'a)'. l\'o arm o ur saving lhr w is
th refore allowed aga inst a vomit attack.
TROLL 6 ,~ I ~ -j 3 I .3 I
~ Ione Troll, lin: in the rocky region , of Ihe Old \X orld . :lnlOng,1 Ihe
Jll () lIntain~ ~lOd craAAY h.ilb. Like ~dl Troll.., they \\ ill e ll anythi ng. and
through fo rce of cirCUnh[ ~IIKc.::' tcnulO eat a lot of rock.... Troir:-. d iet
I"" :t direct dTecl on his phy, ica l :lIlrihules . and SlOne Trolh h:" ',,
SPECIAL RULES hard, craAAY fl L'--;h th at look s like weathered :,tune, R uck ~ ;Jnd "'(()nc.;;
ah'orl1 ,Iuggi,h Lighl '\l:1gic and hec"u,e Slonc' Troll s eal a lot of
Fear rOl:ks tlidr hudiL''' nat urally ahsorb quant it ies or Illagicd ro\\'('r. Th is
Tro ll s are la rge anel ex tremely rep ul si\'e monste r ' that makt.",,:; ""l onL' Troll ... t.'xlraordin~lrily rc.::'~bl;.Jnt to m~l~ic ~1I1~ICkb .

cau se fear. as described in the Psychology sec ti o n of the If ,I 'pell is dircCled aga inst" unil 0 1' SlOne T rolh il w ill he
Warhammer rul ebook. :tul()nultc"ll~ di'pelled on Ihe D(l roll of " ~ , i or 6. I lo wc·\·cr. [hi,
applie, 10 all 'P<'lls from I1mh ,ide,. nOI ill,1 enl'my 'pell . Ordinal)'
di ... pd .. . n:.'bound.., ::l nd oth er magic card ... m~ly he lI~cd :J!'I nonn:t1 to
Stupidity ''''p "pdl, direrled JI Ihe Troll> ,hould Iheir n"llIl':lI di'fld fail 10
work. ThL'ir m:l)!iCli fe . . bJa nce doe:'! no t alTect magic welpnn:-> or
Trolls are extremely stupid creatures and get co nfused
other ih':Il1~. c.:'xcc(1t for tho-'L' thal ca"t ~relb 111 the lIsual \\'a ) .
very easil y. Trol ls are affec led by lhe ru les for stllpidity -
see lh e rul es g i\'e n in the Psycho l ogy secli o n f th e
Warhamm er ruleboo k.
HI\'LT Troll:-. h\'L' in mar~hb.nd . . and bogs. and heside lIntam<..xi river"
Regenerate \\ here the h:mk:-. afe b road and m udd\' , Th e\' an.: ... li m y and ~ca l v.
Tro lls can reg enerate damage if the y are no t too b adl v \\ ilh "ik green-coloured skin and i;Jnk,- h~li r-likL' gro\\ th~. The ~I in~e
they exude h 0 noxio u::, :Jntl ~lippL'rr. ~lI1d ::'nh.:'l b likL: rOlling fi~h .
burt. Wo rk this o ul as follo\\·s. When Tro ll ~ are attacked The mal(1dorous ~ l ime ha, Ihe dual elTect' of chokin~ anrone 100
calculate the number o f wou nds lhe unit suffers as no rm al. IlL'ar the T roll. ~lOd aho 1ll;lking it cXln:mely h:lrd fUf:l 11 allacker 10
Once b Olh ~ieles invo lved in lhe combat have made all land a hlow.
thei r altacb the Trolls ma v lry 10 regenerale. Roll a 0 6 for II enemy nlU"t :-.uhtracl - I from any ro ll ., 10 hit R i \"t~T T roll,:, in ha nd-
each \\'ound suffered duri~g the cO~lba t. If you roll a 4 or to- hand ,·oml1al. down 10 a minimum of (, to hil. If [h ~ Troll wou ld
m o re th at w o und ha s reg enerat ed . Any rege nerated nomlally n:quire 6 10 hit. if i[ i, lX'h ind J lo\\" \\"all. for exampl<,. Ihl'n
the :,lime makL· ... no dilferent ..., - it i:-. hard eno ugh [0 hit :drc~d y. The
wou nds are rei nstated. and mod els rem oved as casualties
Troll". , lim" I"" no "ffect on hilS from ,h(x)ling.
are replaced if enough wounds are regenerated.


•e • • • $ • $
• t
• • a s

13loodthirsler:; are huge lerri fying m onslers. Ihe gre:llest and mO~ 1 Terror!
de:adlv of all Kho rne's daelllo ns. Their ma,ter is Ihe Chaos God of The Blood thirster is amo ngsl the mO$1 terrifying of all m onsters,
13,tllle·. and Rlood lhirsters are: Ihe greal esl fi ghlers o f all daemon- and t h e p sych o logy rules for le rror app l y , Reme mber th at
kind, The)' are sa\'age , hello wi ng crealures, with the heads of monslers \\'hi ch ca use terror auto matica ll y ca use! eCi ras \\'ell.
fe roc i o u ~ dog< and snarl ing teelh, Thei r blood-stained fur is eil her
rcd or blac k, and rheir armour j" rudd)' hron ze and bla ck iron ,
Chaos Armour
A Bloodthir, ter carrie" t\\'o weap ns, an xe f Kh o rn e and a The Bl ood th irster' s arm ou r is fash ioned from li ving metal and is
I<> ng, barhed la sh, The axe is an enchanred dae mon w e'tpon, ;t actua ll y pet rl o f the dae mon . susta ined hI' its own unqu enchahle
l i\'i n g rh i ng that th i rsts for bloo d and sbug hter. A l t houg h inner energies, The d aemo n 's armou r g ives it an armou r sav ing
I3lood lhirsrers ha ve no mctg ical po,,'ers they are excepti onally roll of 3+, Beca use this " t\'e is du e 10 the Bloodthirsler's armo ur.
srrong and sa \'age fi ghters , and a si ngle daemon o f this k ind is ,t rather than irs daemonic aura. magiC w eapo ns don 't ca ncel Out
ma tch for an enti re Illorta l arm y, rhe Bloodrhirsre r's :;a ve, as the\' do w ith orhe r daemons, See the
Daemo n ru les for a full des Tiption,

Axe of Khorne
BLOODnlll~TE R 6 10 10 8 - 10 8 10 10 The Bloodthirster ca rries a m igh ty Axe of Khorne, suffu sed \\'ith
magiC power and lad en w ith dearh , hit from 'tn Axe o f Kho rne
ca uses not 1 wound o n its \'ictim. as most hits do, bu t 0 3 wounds
(roll a D6: 1-2 = I. 3-,t = 2. 5-6 = 3),
Greater Daemons
T h e Blood thi rs l er ha s " 'in gs and as d escr ibed in th e
A ll the: spec ial rules for daetnons apply as described in the Chaos
W'arhamtller rulebook ,
i)a(;,lllo ns sect io n o f this I'olume. and Ihe \Varhammer ru lebook .

Juggernauts or Jugger< are huge ci:t ell1on beasts \\'hose fle sh is Crush
made of br't ss and \\'hose hl ood is pure fire, The)' are hrutal and Juggernauts ha\'e t\\' atta c k s: o ne co n\'e n t io na l ~t t tack to
fierc e crealures, but lack inlelli gence and d isc riminat io n, heing rep rese lll hutting and gOt'ing. and o ne cru sh arrack to represe nt
pure k illing ma ch ines, their tram pling hoo"e" A hi t from a crush arrack automat ica ll y
.luggers J. re r idde n int o bank hy Kh o rn e 's mos t favo u re d ca uses l \\'o und - th e ta rger's T() ughness and arm o ur give it no
fo ll o \\'er," , ~ I unr ed ho rde," of Blood lett er, thu nde r :.Icross Ihe protecti o n,
haltlefie ld , the brass hoo\'es o f th e .lu ggers pound ing the g round
and crushing Khorne's ~ es int o u nrecognhable pulp, Favoured
h,tll1 p io ns or Kh o rne Gtn als ride rhe,';" frightening m o nsrer ,


JL'GGER .3 0 ') ') 3 2 2 10

All th e spec ial rules for d ae m ons app l y as d e~cri h ed in the
\X'arhammer rulebook, In p,t rlicu lar. note thar Ihe Juggernaut has
a sav ing th ro\\' of ·1+ hectu" l: o f i t ~ daemoni c illlangi h il iry o r
daemonic au ra,

Juggern auls are horrendous and po,,'e rfu l crearu res, A Juggem au t
rider th erefo re cau ses fear as de,cr ih ed in the \X 'arham m e r
ru lebook ,


Th e daemon hord e s o f Khorn e are m ad e ur of co untl ess
fe roc iou ~ Bloodlerrers: deadl\' \\ 'a rrior~ w hose sl:I\'eri ng ja \\'s are
swdded with sharp need le-like teeth,

Blo odleuc rs ha\'e scaly red h ide and shim' hla ck claws. T he\' are
fu riOllS fighte r~ wit h ~iro ng arms and murdero u, ta lons. b ut thei r
m ost fearso m e \\'ea r o ns are th e i r H e llblad es. T h ese \\'ea rons
g lo\\' \\'ith d ea d ly encha ntment. :md C':luse terrible w o unds th at
Gill slay e\'e n the hard iest hero .


BLOO DLETIER -j :; ') o.j 3 [ 6 2 [0

All the s[Jeci;! 1rul es for daemo ns " r [Jly a, de.:" cribed . In [JarricuJar.
n o te t ha t th e [ll oo dl ell er h as a sa \'in g thro w o f o.j+ du e to its
d ael110 nic illlangibilitv o r dae mo nic aur;J ,

As mo nstrous and horrifying creatures lll Clodle[ters Glll.Se f eCII', as
descrihed in the \'(/a rh" mmer rulebook.

T he llt'llbb de d rips co nt illu ou,l y w ith bl oo d and is enriched \\'ith
enchdn tmenl. A h it from a H ellblade causes no t [ wound o n it,
\'iCl im, " , mo, t hits do , but D 3 \\'O l lO e" (roll a [) [ -2 = l. 3-1 = 2,
5-6 = 3)


Kh orne 's Fles h I IOllnc" are hu ge da em o ni c ho und" with he"\T - Fles h Hound's Collar of Khorne
j;J w ed head,; that :lJ'<~ both reptilLIIl and sa \'age l \' can ine . 'r hey The brass coll ar ,vo rn by a Flesh Hou nd is forged from the heat o f
b o und into ball Ie, , bt\'e ri ng and h iti ng. h ung~' for the ra , te of Kho rne's rage at the Ve~' foot of the Blood od's b razen th rone ,
li\'ing fl es h, Their h id e is lOugh and ru ddy, :Ind their claws d ark Th e Co llar absorhs and nullifie, o rh e r e ncha nrnwnl. Because of
and b lood y. Eac h Fl es h H o u nd \\'ea rs a b ra o.' co ll ar aro und ito this protection mag iC weapo ns ca nn o t harm a Fl esh Ho und al all.
neck to p ro teCt it from m agic. ,md ' pelb CI,;I against them are auto m ati cally dispell ed and \\'ill
no r w ork.


FL ESH J-J OU:\D 10 ~ 0 ') -I 2 6 [ I

All the .' [Jec i," rul e,; fo r claCIl1(1I1 S a pplv :" de, crihed in t h e
\'\;arhamme r rukboo k. In pani cu lar nOle that the.: Fles h I fo u nd has
a ~ a\' i ng th r(l w of o.j + h ecau ,e of its da e m o ni c int angihilit o r
cb emo nic aura .

Fl es h H o u nd s Cause fe a r '" de,crih ed i n th e' W'ar h,"n m er
ruleb o k .



'rh e form of Ihe Keeper o f Secrets combi nes se nsuous p leabure
wilh raw p<"" er ;1l1c1 Ixu l e force. It is a huge, hull-h ea ded m o nster
,\'ith t\\'O pairs of arm; , o ne pai r end ing in a'c,esome cr:rb-ciaw, Aura of Slaanesh
It" hea d and po " 'e rfu lh mu scled bod\' are d eck ed wilh go rgeous
[n ha nd-to-lu nd comhat agai nsl Ihe Ke'epe r o f Secre ts enemi es in
jewels and deli cale ., ilb, and ib rctzor , h;l rp cla\\," are decor;lled
b ase-to -hase co nl;ICI "'ill beco m e en lran ced hy th e d ae m o n' s
\\'itl1 brig htl y co lo ured la cquer., .
bea ul Y an d will he unable 10 arrac k unl es" Ihe\' l ake and pa ss a
Keepers of Sec r e t" ;Ire p oss ihh' the mosl e n lr;l n c in g of a ll Le'lclership l esl (2[)6 'lga in,1 Ld in Ihe same " " Iy ;1, a psycho log\'
imJ11ortals, Th e)' are highl y in lell ige nt crealures , \\'hose 5ih-ered tesl). Te.'1 fu r each model hghling Ihe daemo n, Thi " lest musl be
w ord., ;I nd hln gu id geslu res be l ie: the ir true rowe r A mu rl ;" taken at Ih e start ,li' e;lch round of comh'lt.
crea l ure \\'i ll gaze in <I\'\'e ;Itlhe Keeper of Secre l 's u n canny
heaUI\', \'\'hile Ihe d ;lelllon's terrib le cLI\\" lear his emranced body Greater Daemons
apart, II the ,pedal rules fo r (Liemo ns apply as d escri bed ea rlie r. [ n
p,mi cui:t r. no te th aI Ih e Kee pe r o f Secrets has J saving thro w of 4+
heClllse of i t~ ciaemonic intang ihility o r daemo ni e aLlra.

Th e Keepe r of Secre ts is ;1 nlOn gs t I h e m os l te rr i fyi ng o t' all
mo nsters, The ps\'Ch ol ogy ru les for terror '11'1'1)" Rem ember Ihal
Jl1o n"ters wh ich G1 USe terro r ;I ut()matica ll y cause/eo r as \Veil.

The Kee rer of Secrets i, a po tent Sorce rer with a mag iC le\'el o f ~ .
KEE PER F :Jl1dma y dra\\' fou r 'rell ..; fro m Ihe Sla'tne ..; h d eck, :;ee the Chaos
SECRET S 6 9 10 7 B 6 to Daemons "ecl ion for deu ils.

The Da emo n e t tes are the mOS I numer o u s of a ll Sl aane,h's
dae I110 n ..;, T he)' have a per\'er, e be;luty , un na[Ur,lI and disturbing, Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
hUI a[ Ihe same time <Ire uncieni;J!l ly po tent.
D AEMO\'ETTE 4 6 ') '1 ,3 I 6 3 10
1);lcmo ilellc, ;lre fa st, agile fighlc r." " ho,e cb\, hands ca n slice
th rough flesh and pie rce almOll r, The\' h'I\'e \\'hite ., kin and hair.
hu t o ft en d ye the ir hodies o r d cco ral e tlt emseh'es "it h t1 0" in g
deSigns in paslel hlLle o r rin k , Thei r large. ween L' ~'e, 1'10 '" ",il'h a
m;lI e\'oie nl in ne r lig ht.

All Ihe speei,t! rLlles for daemo ns :Ipply, In pani cubr note th at the
Da emoneLle has a s:t \'ing th row o f '1+ Ix'caLlse o f il:' da emonic
intangihilil Y o r d ;lemoni c au r;!.

A:;:. n1Qn stro ll~ a n clu nc<ln ny c re:Hures Ihe Dae n10 nelle .... ca Lise/ear.
as descrihed in the 1'S\'ciw log), rule.,.

A L1 nit o f D at'moneLle.' has;1 mag iC le\'lel and ca n c: !.,1 spell s like a
w i7.ard. The size o f Ihe unit define" il s magic le\'el and tile nu mher
o t' spells il In': 1-') modeb ~ nugic lewl I (>ne sre lL 6-10 m odeb
~ magic le ve l 2/ 1wo spell s: II - I ') m od e ls ~ magi c le\'el 3/ th ree
spe ll s: 16+ mode l s = m ag i C Icvel -It fuu r .' pe ll s. :;r<;,lIs m USI Ix
d ra\\'n fro m the 51'1'l n<;"h deck. See the Chaos Daem o ns secl io n
for deta il s.


T he Fiend o f S I ~I ~lI1 es h is a bi zarre daem o n . a mi xt ure o f sco q1io n,
re plil e and human. The Fie nd ca n las h its lo ng harhed ta il from
sid e to side, o r use it t() strike di rectly ()\'e r it s head and stab irs
oppo nents. Their bodi es exude a stro ng s\Veet so porifi c lllusk Iha t
o ve rw h e lm s th e i r c l ose co m ba t o p po n e n ts ,y i th intense
c1rmvsiness ,

Fiend s vary greatly in col o ur. but their upper l or"os ,lre usua ll y a
lig ht pastel colour, w h il e their segmem ed hodie;; are a da rker hu e
o f the sa me co lo ur. and the ir sp ind h' legs are a d ark er shad e srill.
T heir eyes are b rge, g ree n and IU ITlino us, ell1d thei r l(lng IOngues
are red o r o ra nge.


OF SLAA NESH 6 3 0 3 3 I 3 3 8

Be ing mo nstrous and horri fying creatures the Fiend " cause lila/,.
as described in the W arhamme r rul ebook .

Scorpion Tail
The Fiend has three attacb. o ne o f " 'hich is fro m ils lo ng barbed
tail. Wo rk o ut the tail arrack sepa ra teI\' If the tail hits the n take ' 111)'
'lrm()Ur sa "ing th ro,,' for the ,'ictim immedia tel\' . If the sa ,'e fa ils.
the ta rget takes I w ou nd :llIlOll1a tic dl)' - the Fi en d '~ poison i., so
stro ng that no furt her ro ll is necessa ry . Soporific Musk
Daemons T h e Fiend e x ud es 01 st run g s\\'e e t odo ur t hat make.< m o rt a l
All the spec ied rule.s for da emon;; ap pl y. [n p articu la r. note that the creatu res s\\'oon and lose conscio u,ness . To represent this enem y
Fiend has a sa l'i ng Ih ro \\' of 4+ o \Ying lO its daell10 ni c intangibili t\, mo dels in IXlse-to -hase conta c t wi th a Fien d d educt - I from ;111
or dae mo n ic aura, their dice rolls [0 hi t.

Th e Steeds of Slaa nesh are \\'eirel hi p eda l heasts [hat are rid den Fear
into ba ttl e e i the r h y Champi o ns of Sla anes h o r Daemo ne tt es . Steeds o f Sla anes h are \ye ird ,md dis turhing m o nsters. A Steed
Their hides ;I re v i\'idl y co lo ureel in ye ll ow , reel, and blue , " 'ith a r icl er th e re fore CllI,es fen /' a,; cl e,c rih e d in th e W ;lrh a m ll1e r
ri d ge of g ree n ha ir that run s down their b:lck s, Steecl s of Sb anesh rulebook.
hOlve long ruhubr to ngues, b rig ht e lect ri c blu e in colo u r. ,,'hi ch
[hey use like whips to ensnare their c nemic's.
Tongue Attack
The Steeel ha s 01 .s in gle attack, ,,'hi ch is macie "ith its to ng ue, T he
M WS BS S T W I A Ld to ngu e la shes o ut and e nsnare s an en emy , cl r;lgging the v ictim
fOI'\\';lrcis so h e can he :nt ackecl I)\' [h e Stee d '., ricl er \X'o rk th is
STEED OF attack ou t as 1'0 11 0 " '5. 1(0 11 to hi t as
SI..AA NESH 12 3 0 4 ~ 1 6 I 10 no rmal - if you hit th en the urget is
e nsna red and dr;l gged h efo re th e
ricle r. Comp lete the attack using the
ricler's \\'eapon ~m d , rrength \'alu e,
SPECIAL RULES as if it w ere the ri der that hOici stru ck
the hl o,,', [I' the enemy is not sbi n ,
Daemons th en he has st ruggled free :111(1 COIn
All the special rules for da emo ns app"', [n pa rticul ar. no te that the contin ue to fight as no rmal.
Steed h as a sa\'in g [ hI' '" o f 4+ h ec au se of i ts da e m o ni c The G rea t L' ncleOin O ne re,em hl es
intangi b ility o r d aemo nic au ra. i'\urg l e hims e l f : h uge , gree n -



,k inned and hlo;lI ed <;\'il h di,ease. From sores and hoil s, pus ,II1U Terror!
slime drihble o\'l'r Ihe daelllo n 's bod l . gliotening o n !c'prous sk in . The mo nstro us Great L'ndean One is I·ast. horrible Jnd rank . The
DeclI'ing inner o rgan, protrud e from renh in it, r:tncid Ilc sh . p:;)'c holog)' ru les ro r len'orapp ly. Ikmembe r that mon.,ters w hi ch
Allh o ug h th eir :tppea ra nce is h o rrifi c :tnd sick ening , th e Great cause terro r JUWIl1:ttica ll y cau,e/ear as Iyell.
[ 'n c lean O n e has a g reg<II'i o us and e l 'c'n se nlim e nl al natu re,
lak ing real pride in hi, fo ll o \\'er, ' di,e:tses anc! achic'l ·l'n1l'nts. I i i, Stream o f Corruption
hoch- s\\'arms w ith lim' da emon \i urgli ngs, \\'hich pick al his k in. Th e G re:lt L' ncl ea n On e on I'om il o l 'e r i ts ene m i es - I h i s is
licking sores :mel sq uabhling for their ma,te r's alle nti o ns Th ese \\'o rke d ou t in th e , hoot i ng ph ase , T h e ex te lll o r th e I 'o mit is
tin y crea lures ha[ch fronl puslul es in Ih e G reat L' nckan O ne 's indi cated using the extl.' nded teardrop -,haped template, the same
fl esh, so the )' are co nstant"· be ing renewe d a" they gc' [ shaken o ne that is used for d ragon, flame and fire ;m acks , Positio n the
'I.sid e. squas hed ;md el 'en e;lIen bl ' the' ir Illa,ter The daemo n ca n tempbte in front o f thl.' daemon, ~o that the broad end lies away
I'omit a stl'e JIl1 o f hl ood, magg o t,. ,l i m e , an d o lh e r p u tri d from the c!:l emo n and the tempbte C()I'ers yo u r target.
roulness, Iyh ich cho k e, ;md d rowm; it, I ictims in di,e:t,cd filt h.
Eve ry mo d e l und er the l em p late mu st atte mpr to di l 'e aside in
o rde r to avoid th e I ·omi t. To d il'e aside mo cle ls IllU't ro ll equal to
M WS BS S T W I A Ld or less than the ir Initiatin' o n it D 6 leg. humans mu st roll 3 o r
le;s). I f it faib , the targe t :lulOm:ni call y take, I Iyo u nd , with no
U'CLEA:-.J Oi\'E I - - ., K 10 - 10
sa l 'ing throlY for armour. roll o f 6 :1 1" '<1\'5 fail s. en ,n if [he target
h as a n Ini t i atil'e of (i o r Ill o re . T h e re i s n o n ee d t o d i srupt
fonn:nio m by 3Clua lly Illoving models aside w hen they jum p o ut
of the \\',"', it is enough to imagine th:.1l the\' d so .

Greater Daemons
All the sp ecia l rule, ror da em o n, ap p'" ;to d esc ribed ea rl ier In T he G rea t l'ndean One is a potcnt Sorcerer " 'ith a Ill:lg ic lel 'd of
p<lrlicu lar. note that the Great l 'nd ean One ha, a ,al 'ing thro \\' o f "I,and may ClSt fou r spells from the \u rg le spell d ec k. See the
1+ heGlu'l" o r ih da emon ic int angihi lity and . in pan, 10 the bct Chaos Da emo ns section for cletai b.
th 'lI it is I 'e rr fat indeed .

T he 13easts of :"\ urg le are giga nri c and ., Iug-like. T heir head s are
top ped by a fringe o f fat tentacles from w h ich oozes a p ar, tl ysing M WS BS S T W I A Ld
, lime. \ 'icl ims o r the 13cast :I re not necessa rill ' dead , Ih eir .still and
ap pa rentl), li feless bodie, are merely p ar;tl ysed sO Ihe Beast Gin
OF :"\ L'HG LE 3 ,~ 0 .3 '5 3 06 6
return to them once the balile is over. They abo leal'e a slillll ' tra il
hehind the m as Ihey mon', like th:l t o f a , Iu g o r a sna il.

13easts o f '\u rgle are h uge and m o nstrou s. and the refore ca use
fear as de, cri hed in the Wa rhamll1er rulebook.
All the spl.'c i:ti rules for daemons appl y In p art icub r, note that Ihe
Beast of . urgle h,,, a s:II'ing throw o f 1+ beGlu.,e o f iLS cbe mo ni c
int:tng ihilill' or daem o nic aura.

T he Beast o f i'\urgle has D6 attacb from its tentacles, d etermi ned
du r in g eac h h a n d- to- h :tn d comba l r o un d . T he , l ime will
autO ln ~ltic dl y penetr:llc th e vi ct il1l '~ a rm o ur, so no an11CJUf sa \'(~ is
perrnilled fo r mo de " ,rruck by the 13e:tsl.

Slime Trail
T he Beast leaves a slime trail hl'hin d it as it m o ves. T his means ir is
i mpos si bl e 10 all ack [ h e Beas t fro l11 th e side o r rea r witho u t
tou chi ng the , li me. A n)' mod e l all em pt ing to ,mack the l3east in
Ihis " '3)' I" ill sust:ti n :t , ingle 3utoll1:.tti c hit as if' it been , truck
bl ' th e Bea,t itsel f. T h i.' is ,,'o rked OUl befo re th e attacker' s o w n
blo"'s Cl re struck.



Pl agu ei1earers are crea ted fr III all the poor morta l cre at u re~ \\'ho
have d ied of the dread ed di se ase :\fu rg le 's Ko t. a l e rrib l e and
i n c u rah l e contag i o n an d o ne o f :\urg le 's f in es t co n cocti o n s,
Plag uebearers are also ca lled l\urgle 's Tallyme n, bee-au,.;e it is th eir
jo b to k eep co unl o f al l rhe m an )' d i ~e a s es and corrupti o ns rhat
rhe ir master vis ir s upo n rhe world, T hey are su rrounded by the
co nsranr d rone of co unr ing, and rhe: end k ,s bu zzi ng o f rhe n ies
th:il ho ver like a b bck clo ud Over thl'ir heael s,

1'I:tgu ebea rers have g ree:n, pUlrid skin , split and rancicl li k e l hal of
:\urgle himse lf. Th e\' ha\'e a sing le eye and one ho rn that sricks
srraight out o f rheir fo rehea ds - in rh e late srages of ;\urgle's Rot
th is h o rn sp rour, from th e suffere r' S bro\\' , I'bg uebe:lI'<: rs are
armed \\'ir h a gnarled l'i:t g uew,,'ord \\'hose [Qu ch b ring' di sease
and dealh,


PLAG UEI3EAHER .j ~ 5 -I 3 J 6 2 10

A ll rh e , peda l ru les fo r d aem o ns ap p ly :IS d esc rihed earlier. [n
particubr, no re rh at rhe Piag uebeare r has a s,I\'ing thr \\' of _IT
hecause of its da emonic intangibilit)' or daemon ic <lUI'3 ,

Plaguesword Fear
T he Pb gu esw o rd d rips wilh \'en onwu s sl im e , [I' rhe t:lrge l ha s Be i ng da e m o n i c mon ~ t e rs rhe Pl ag u cb earers ca u se fear, as
m o re rh an 1 wou nd, Ihen a woun d from this \\'eap o n \\'i ll kill d escribed in rhe Psycho logy rules,
Illo rt,d crearu re, o n rhe D6 ro ll of iI I o r more, regardl es, o f how
many " 'llund s th e leu'gel ca n no rma lly susl:.t in , Note rh'lI rhis only
appl ies to mortal crea tures - nOI d ae mo n, o r Gndea cl,
Cloud of Flies A unit o f Plaguehea rers has a magic level and ca n cast ,pells like a
Plaguebearers are surrou nded by a hl ac k cloud o f nies, \'('hen the \\' iz:lrd, The size o f rhe unit d efin es irs m ag ic leve l ,md rh e numher
Pbguebearers are fighring Ihese fo u l h u zzing crea tures fly into the of spells ir m ay cast: 1-5 m od els; m ag iC leH:1 l one sp II: 6- 10
e ye s a nd mou t hs of Ihe ir en e m i es, c lo g g in g t h e ir e:lrs , "nd models ; magi C level 2 / r\\' 0 spe ll s: I J - 1-) 11lo dels ; m ag ic leve l
cra wling up rheir nostril s, This rerrible d istract ion ll1e"ns tha t 'lily 3 th,ree spe ll s: 16+ mo d els; m"gic level " fo ur spells, pells musr
enem y fig ht ing a I'lag uehearer mu sl dedu ct - 1 from all his to hil be dra,,'n fro m Ihe '\u rgle spe ll deck - See Ihe Chaos D aem o n,
dice ro ll s, section for derail s,

:\u rg li ngs are tiny, mal e\'( )le nt d aem o ns rha r feed upon the pu s
an d sl im e that d rib h le fr()111 rh e so res o f a G rear l 'n cl ea n One, M WS BS S T W I A Ld
T hey are m inute images o f ;\urg le hi mse lf. ro tu nd and bl o ar ed,
their g reen , kin co vered \\'i rh bo ils and ,ores, A lth ug h they are
;\ 'RG LI ;\GS -I 3 3 ,~ 3 ,1 , 3 7
tin y there are ma rl\' o f them and rhey m ()\'e to gerhe r in a h uge,
writ h ing ma ss, like a sea o f gree n co rruplion , T hev 11;,,'e sharp
teeth and ca n o\'em'he lm "n enemy b y sheer numhers , che" 'ing
at rh eir fe e t and a nkl e" le a\' i ng th e l o\\' e r p an of the ir l egs
co \'ered \\'irh festering little bires, Daemo n s
Beca u se rh ey are SO nu me r o us All the special ru les for daemons app!\', [n p:rrricul ar. no te rhat a
:\urg l ings are re pr se n red by a ~ t a nd of :\u r g l ings has a ,;"'ing rhrQ\\' of -1 + hec"u~e o f its
l a rge b as e cramm e d wi th the d<remonic intangi bility or d<remonic au ra,
creatures, I nd ividu al mo dels d n 't
fight but the \\'ho le IXl se is treated Fear
a, a sin g le m o n srer wilh ,eve ral
'u rgl in gs are daemo ns and so cause feal', O nl' base o f I -u rg lings
art ac b a nd i s able ro \Y i lh ~ t:rnd
counlS as one mod el fo r pu rposes o f fear.
s", \'e ral \\'o uncl s,



The Lord of Ch'lIlge is the \\'isest and mos t subtle o f all the Greater Fly
Daell1ons. a mo nster wh ose ga ze penetrates int o the very depth s T he Lord o f Cha nge has w ings and ca n ./7)' as desc ri bed in th e
o f the ~o ul exposing ito vi ctim's innermC>.st hopes anc! fears. Warh"mll1er rulebook.
The eiaem on is huge and myesome in appearance . w ith " plu med
bo d\' and \',I st Illulti-col o ured \\·in gs. I ts head is th'l t o f it Terror!
mo nstro us preda tory hird. anc! its sctl edlegs bear w lo ns 'IS sharp The Lord o f Change is amongst the most terrifying o f all monsters
'Inei de adl \' as th ose o f any e' lg le. The daem o n ', fe'lth ers c ln The psycholog)" rules for /errora ppl y. l3ea r in mind th ~lt m onsters
cha nge co lo ur. hut ;lI'e alway:; ex trem e l y br igh t 'In el raci i'lnt. \Yh ich ca use terror <l ut o m,lIi ca ll y cause / ear a;; w ell.
reflec ting bright ye ll o ws. hrilliant reels. and ri ch blues.

LO RD OF The Lord of" Change is a poten[ Sorce rer " 'it h a magic !e\'el o f -I.
CHA NGE 1) 9 IO 7 7 7 10 6 10 and is emitl ed to cast four spells drawn from the Tzeentch deck.
See the Chaos [)'Iemon;; sectio n for detail s.

Greater Daemons
A ll the special rul es for da emons app l y ;I S descri hed e'ldiet". :\ole
th'll th e Lord or Chan ge has a sa I'ing th ro\"\' of 4 + b ec luse of it .s
daemonic :lura.

T he D iscs are things of th e w arp. shark-li ke crea tures th at hu nt in
the seas o f magic " 'he re e'e n daemons are vu lnerab le to their
'llta ck;;. They take [h e shape of llattened. pLtte- lik e crearures. wit h
vicious teeth and sharp spines. They have no limhs. andll10ve by
hOI'ering o r fl ying through the air. A Champion o f T zeenrch ca n
ride a Disc into batt le. soaring ahove his foes and d iving down to
deliver his ,ma cks .


DISC 12 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 10

A l l t h e sp ec ial rul es fo r da e m o n s app l y as d e;;crih ed in til e
\V:l rhamiller rul ehoo k. T ile Di sc has a s:lvi ng til ro or "1+ beca u;;e
of its cb em onic inr'lIlgihilitl' or cLlemonic aura.

D iscs can F)' as desc rihed in th e \'V:Hlull1ll1 er ruleb oo k (eve n
thoug h they have no ,,·ings').

Di scs are w eird daem o ns. A Di sc rid er therefo re causes feCi r as
described in the \Va rh ,lIll1ner rulebook.


FLi mers are :lIllOngst th e strangest o f all da emo ns in ;Ippearan ce. Flame Attacks.
The ir lo,,'er portio ns resemble inn:rted mushroo ms w hose stalks Flamers abo use their flames to engulf and d estroy en em ies in
have heco m e mu scular hodies from wh ich .s prou t t\VO /lex ibl e cl ose co mbat. Anv mo del th at suffer~ a wou nd takes D3 \\'ound s
arms each spitting mag ical /l ames. A Flame r ha s no head :IS such. instead of I. Ro ll ~ D6 1-2 = I 3- I = 2. 5-6 = 3. T h is only m atrers if
b ut its e\'es and uapin o ma \\' lie ber" 'c t:n its ,waving arms . The the enemy ha s more than I wou nd. o f course.
Fbm~r i~ s~lrpris~~dy ~i1e. Its fungoid hody ca n 'tk~ "ith great
strength , allow ing it to m ove bv ju m p ing and hound ing.


FLAlVl ERS 9 3 ~ 'i 'I 2 4 2 lO

All the specia l rul es for (b emons apph' as described. In particubr.
n ot e t h at a Fl am e r ha s a s,I\'ing thrOlY of ' 1+ b eca use o f i ts
lb emo nic inra ngibil ity or daemon ic au r:!.

Fb mers o f T zee nr ch are bi zarre and frig hte n ing elae m o ns anel
cau se /ear as descri bed in th e W'arh:unmer rul ebook.

Sh oot Flame
Flamers ca n shoo t m ag ical /l"llle in the shoo ting ph ase. Magica l
flamc ha.s a r:mge of 6". no dedu ction i, made fo r lo ng range. and
any target Slru ck sust:l in.s D6 St rength 3 h its.

Flamers IllOl e b) ho unding - Lhey ca n mOI'e o l 'er :In)' o bstacles
w ithout pe n:lity. See th e l\lovelll ent .sect iOn in th e Warhallliller
ru lebook.

H o rro rs of Tzeen tch are Iyild crea tu res ma de from raIl' mag ic. Fear
T hey :Ire full o f ho undless energ" and spin lik e to ps as the\' hop H o rrors are d ae m o ns and so cau se fear. as d escribed in th e
and Iv hid acro ss the h"ttl d icld . madl y cack lin g and b ray i ng . W:! rharnmer rulebook.
H orrors a re ma de fro m pu re m ag i C :ln d g lo w ,IS they mO I·e .
creati ng a d:!zzling ca rpet of I'ilid co lou r.
T here are t\\'O types and co lo urs of Horrors . They all begin as Pink \Xl h e n a Pi nk 1I 0 n'o r su st ain s a Iyound i t is n o t sla i n bu t
H or ro rs. Wh e n a Pink Il o n'o r is wound ed il e mit s a p ie rCi ng aU lo m ali ca ll y di v ide, into twO fl lu e Horro rs. Remove the m ode l
sq ueal and immedi ate ly sp lils illl o two Blue H orro rs. Bot h so ns and repl ace i t with tlYO Blue H o rror mo d els. These co ntinue to
continue to hg hl IOgether in :! blur o f h lu e and p ink I';lcklllce. fi ght o n in pla ce of the o ri g ina l Pink Ho rror. unril the y rece ive a
\yo und :lnd :I re rem o l ·eel. :'\ote that. u n like most o ther daemons.
neither ,,:!ri ery o f H o rror rece ives;1 da emo n saving thro w.

I'I t\ K HORRO R 4 'i '5 '1 3 I 6 2 10

BLUE HO RROR cj 3 3 3 .3 I 7 I 10
A un it of H o rror ha s a magi c l el 'el anel Can c as t spe ll s li ke a
,,·izard. T he numbe r of Pink Horrors in the u nit d efi nes its magiC
lel 'e l and the numhe r o f spell s il Gin cast: 1-5 m ode ls = ll1:1gi c
SPECIAL RULES leve l L o ne spell: 6- 10 m ode ls = m agiC leve l 2/lIYO spell s: 11-1 5
Daemons m od e ls = leve l ,)/three spe lls: 16+ mode ls = m ag ic leve l 4Jfo u r
spe lls. "Ole rh'lt Blu e Horrors do not cou nt. Spe ll s Illust he dr3wn
All th e spec i:d ru les fo r daemo ns ap pl v. hut nore th aI' H orrors do
fro m the Tzee lllch ~ p e ll s deck. See Ih e Chaos D aem o ns sectio n
not rece ive the usual s:!"ing thro,,' for d ae mo ns fo r the reaso ns
for cleta i Is.
gi ve n be la",.


he Orc army drew into a dense mass on top of the ridge. Below
the green horde a sea of morning mist layover the rolling
landscape. Here and there the tops of hills broke through the
w hiteness, round and green and glistening with dew. Old Klaw
Crookfang w atched the islands grow larger as the mist
gradually evaporated in the heat of the eady sun.

Klaw coughed and wh eezed as he fo ug ht to bring up pau sed again . "'{o u 're Ihinking why do w e 'as ro fight
som recalc itrant debri s fro m th e ho tt o l11 o f his o ld th em 'o rr i h le dirt di sgu stin' rhin gs (' Th e Orcs
lungs. He lea ned O\'er in his saddle and spa l nOisil y murmured un c mfo rtab l "W ell I'll te ll ya, " K law
o nto G iml ug his lo ng-sufferi ng Gohlin 51:I\·e. continu ed. ''1'11 tell ya \\·hy . Ya all kn ows as how the
lackey - of da Da rk Gods 'as been gelling ready fo r da
"r ahh ' Gork I 'ates mo rnin·s.·· 5\\'Ore KI a\\' to no hody
in pa nicular. His \yar bO;lr mo unt snu ffled uneasil \', big push. W ell thi s is it. They's in fro nt of us. They's
heh ind us . T hey's ca plUred th e brid ge o ve r da big
lifted its sLuhby tail and let rip \\'ith :I no ise like a tent-
flap in :I gal e. ri ver and rhey's go t the runries ho led up in the big cily
rhe call Praag. Th ere ain 't nowhere fo r LI S to hide,
"Phe\\ww Boss. " \\'hinecl Gil11lug, "'as sUl11fink died, .. la dz. Th ere ain 't no way O ll!. W e's gor to fi g ht and
Wor a niff."" happen as no t \\'e're gonna clie."
Kla\\' ga \'e Gimlug his besl 'Don'tlll ess \\'ith me rm in "Go rk kn o \\'s w e ain 't afra id a d yin ' Bas ', " cried th e
a bad 11100C.1" glare and said. "'COLlrse not g it-fearures, O rc with th e b ig ea rs, "bur th em thing s.... rhe O re
I al ways smell s lik e Ihi s .. .. Th e Go hlin g rin n ed made a face whi ch expressed his Uller disgust. "Giv'
repentanLl y. us a scra p agin' th em slllnrie D\\'arfs o r sk inny Elves.
Kl a\\' w as not feeling good. L suall y there w as no thing o r againsr H urk's mo b an' \\ 'C 'S w i\' yer. . but. .. them's
li ke a scrap to chee r his s<\ \' age heart but toclay \\'as nor naru ral... not pr per fresh and bloodthem 's no t."
di fferent. T he tri be seemed ill at ease. ?\orm ally th e "La d z, \ad z." sighe d Kla\Y ,'ye r ri g ht . an ' no -o ne
Boyz \yoltld he sho uting and yelling by nO\\', working know s it m ore rhan me. If I 'ad m y w ay w e'd be li vin'
Lh e m selves up fo r a reall y goocl Wa aagh l Thi s it up in Black Crag o r lordin' it o ver them gobbos ar
morning the green horde was quiet. Even th e Goblins il/lo unt Grilllfang, but we :Iin 't. \X1e's here and no \" , an'
sto od so le mnly in rank \\'it ho ut so mu ch as a Ihe filthy Dark Gods is Ill:lrchin' down o n us."
squabhle o r jest io pass the time. T his \\'as go ing [(J be
a dirty haltle. ·'Chaos .·· he mu ttered . T he \\'o rcl left a Even as rhe old O rc spoke rh e rrurh behincl his w o rd s
bad taste in h is mo uth. He spa t in disgust. w as revealed a ' o ut o f the mists th ere emerged a huge
Jrm y. Rank upo n r<lnk o r i ro n-clad Chaos Warriors
"j\·Iissed l11e .. , ooops!" squea led G imlu g as he c1 eft ly tramp ed fo rw ard. Beh ind t he Chaos Wa rri o rs, th eir
ste pped o ut o f rh e p ath o f th e v il e g ree n go hbet. ho rrifi c 'hapes still co ncea led in the mist, marched
in ad ve rt e ntl y pl anting hi s left foo t in a .';reamin g da emo ns and m o nstro us spawn of the Dark Gods.
mo und of hoa r dung.
"Cum mon ladz." squealed a rin y \'oice. II w as Gimlug.
Klaw Crook fang turned to hi ~ Boa r \1 0\'Z. Their ugly "Da B Ss is right. .. if w e'~ gonna die \\'e 's gonna cl ie .. .
sca rred face~ \\'ere as famiLlr to hi m as the huge w art an' if we's gonna cli e then we's gain' o ut wi\' a bang!"
at th e end o f his nose. O f all the trihe these \,\'ere his Th e t in y Go hlin g rinnecl manically and snatched a
Boyz, rook fang 's K ill ers as he li ked to ca ll th em . spear many ri mes irs O\\'n height fro m o ne o f rhe Bo ar
H e' e1 leel th ese fer o c io u s wa rri o rs thr o ug h m o re I3oyz. Wa ving rhe -pea r frantically the Go h lin d ashed
halll es than he could count. fvlan y, many mo re than fo rwa rd \"h ooping ancl screami ng, "C haa aaarge ' " ar
he co u lcl co unt as ir ha p pened , as numbers g rearer rh e top o f h is sq uea k y vo ice . The so und trail ed o ff
tha n t h ree re m ain ed a -:Ic r ed Ill )' te rv to th e into th e mist and \'anishec.l.
straighrfo r\y arcl o ld Ore.
Si ll y lillI e bu gge r - th o ug hr KI<I\\' tea r full y as h e
He loo ked at his troops no w ancl se nsed disquiel in \yarcheel rhe tiny figure di sa ppear o ut o f Sight. H e'cI
th eir evt's . H e o bse r ve d th e slo p e o f Ih e ir bo \v ed o wn ed that chee k y gobbo since it w as a pup . He'd
s h o u l d ~ rs ancl th e humo url ess ser o f th e ir sla b- like miss littl e Thin g)' . Th e so un d of a rh o usand sw o rds
jaws. T hey had shared so me g rea t d ap l oge th e r clrawn as o ne bro ug ht him bac k to th e present. He
' hedding th e rhi n red bl ood o f men an d stunt ies looked aga in at his Bovz and this time he saw a new
ben\'een BLIck Fire Pa ss and Red Eye j\ lo untain. He purpose in rhei r eyes , no t hope b ut d etcrminario n .
could rut a n3me to every battered face. Th ere \\'as.. not the cheerful lusl for vio lence he \yas accusto med
errr Wh atsisname with th e big ea rs, and over th ere to , but a g rim anel unsh ak eab le re so h'e. The war
wa s O () jalll ~lnip from do wn the l3adlands, Next to him boars sno rtecl and sr<l mpedtheir hooves eagerl y, their
was Thin g imajig \\'ho losl Ihree cl aw ::; ar Dea drock evil red eyes sparkling in th e Iighr of the new day.
Ga p .. . no\\' th ere wa s a real scrap,
"We' s rea d y Boss." anno un ce d rh e bi g ea red O re.
The o ld Orc cl ea red his rhroa t and spo ke. "Lad z." he "Let's sort 'e m a li t. "
sa id, "La Iz, [ kn o w s w hat yo u ' re think ing ." He
p311 sed fo r a mo ment to let this sink in ," haos. " He "R ight then, " sa id Kla\\. " Iet's SO rt 'em o ut ladz."


•e • • • $

n cO l11mo n with aU the other Warhammer

• • t
• • L I •
If the chara cter ri des a monster then it is chosen Fr m th e
A rmies ~e ri es th e Ch:l os arm y li st is Mo nsters r an of t he l ist but it s co st is add ed t o t he
designed so that you can choose an army chara cter's o wn pint, I 'alu e in th e sa me Iyay as \I'ea pons,
to a ro illls I ',du e agreed by you and your arm o ur. etc. Thi s m ea ns t hai c harac ters ca n rid e hu ge
o pp n nr. Alth ug h you ca n choose an fea rsome mo nste rs if yo u \I'ish. b ut th e res ult will be to
arm y o f an y po ints I'alu e yo u wi sh. th e red uce the ro ints you hal'e to spend on fu rt her chara cters.
sm all es t practi ca l size is aho ut 1000 The Monsters points section o f th e Arm y Selection (up t
points. T he usua l size fo r banle that will 25%) is fo r monster ' without riders 1/ 0 / for mo nsters ridden
la st an eve nin g is 2000 p o in t~ , w hil st a hy characters.
3000 po int halTl e Iyi lllake the best pa n of a clay to fighl.
If a character rides a chario t then the \·;t!u e o f the chario t
Most p laye rs prefer to coll ect th ei r armies in co nven ient ~lJ1 dit reI\' is included in the charac ter's cost. Yo u still
b loc ks o r cbunks. A good sta rt is a 1000 pO int co re army select the cha riot fro m the Regi ments pan o f th e lisl. b ut its
w hich yo u ca n paint :lI1d fie lcl \Ihi lst deciding w ha t to add cost is added to the ch ar~ l cte r· s . As w ith mo nster mo ullls.
nex t. O nce you have ga ined a fee l fo r your army you ca n this II'ill reduce the po ints <l1·;tilahl e for o ther characters.
add funher sm aller ch unks as you go alo ng. This is a good
A cha ra cter can have magic items chosen fr<. m the magiC
Iya y of devel p ing an arm y as it enables you to judge its
item ca rds in Warh:lmmer. \Varha mmer Ballie .\Iag ic. and
strengths and sholtcomi ngs then add new troops either to
th e I 'a ri ous \Va rh ammer Ar mi es boo k s. --; ' arhamm er
make it el 'en bener o r to cover a gar.
Armies Chaos incl udes a num he r of ne\'V mag iC item ca rels.
When arrang ing a harrle it is usual for hoth sides to hal 'e some o f w hich are u niq ue to Chaos, o mc of these ca rds
armies of the same points va lue - sa y 2000 pOi nts a side. are Cha os Re\l'ards: mag ic items represe llling r(:'lI'ard s
Each pla yer ch 0 'es his army fro m his O\l'n army list up to g iven to Chaos Cham p io ns o r haos So rce rers b y th eir
the agreed po ints va lue. The total I'a lue of your army may god. O nly Chaos Champio ns o r Chaos Sorc(:'re l'S ca n have
o ft en b e a few pOinls sho rt of t he ag reed tol al simp ly Chaos Rew arci s, O th er magiC it ems m:l)' be res tri cted to
hecause th ere is nothing left to spend th e last odd point specific ra ces o r types of characte r as in d ica ted o n the
on. card, th emse h'es . T he t:lhle helow , hol\'s th e numher of
magiC items ,lI'a iiahl to c har~ l cters o f different level ".
As well as fix ing the tot:t1 po int I 'alue w ith your o ppo nent
yo u can ab o arrange any o ther d etail s as vou wish . Fo r
Character Maximum Number of Magic Items
examrle. you mig ht agree to play Iy ith a se lf-imposed limit
of one w i zard, o r you might agree to use o r no t use any o f Champion
th e special characters al 'ail ah le to yo u. and so o n. Such Hero 2
se lf- imposed r es tri c tions ar e a matt e r of p (:' rso n al
Lord 3
preference. and it i ent irely u p to you I,'hether yo u do thi s
o r no t.
Sorcerer/Shaman Champion 2
THE ARMY Master Sorcerer/Shaman 3
Sorcerer/S haman L ord 4
The ann y li st d e fin es how yo u ca n spend th e point s
aV~lil ab l e 1.0 yo u to form you r arm y . A Cha os army can
in c lud e f i ve h roa d categories of tro o p s: CharaCle rs,
Reg im e nts. Cha os Daem o ns. lVl o nsters and A lli es . Th e
propo rti o n o f po ints you are penniltecl to spend in e<l h
ca tego r), is defined in th e b ox e nti tled Ar m y Selectio n
\I' hic h p recedes th e list prope r . Fo r example . yo u ca n
spend a maxim um o f 50% o f your points on Characters but
o nl y up to 25% o n lonsters, II ;Irmies are subject to these
hroa d restrictio ns to som e (:'xtenl. and th ey are th ere to
ensure the anni s are reaso nabl y \yell halanced and do n't
consist entirely of monsters. characters. o r p O\l'erful wa r

The different types of characters vou Ca n include in your
arm y are defined by th e Characters sectio n of the arm y list.
T he po ints cost of a charact er is his basic points I'alue as
g i\'en in th e list plus the COst o f his :lrmo ur. wea po ns and
other optional items you choose to add. Th e pints cost of
\I'eapo nlY and armo ur is the stand,lrd va lue as g iven in th e
\Xfa r ha mme r rul eboo k . This is su mmarise d in th e
Eq ui p ment list that appears ju st hefo re the sta n o f the arm y
list itself,

Some regiments are permi tt ed magiC standards. These are

cove red hy the \Va rh ammer Batt le Magic su pp le m e nt
where they al'e included as magiC item ca rds. A reg imen t
must ha ve a standa rd hearer to ca rry the magiC stancbrd.
Th e po ints va lu e o f rh e mag ic standard is inclu ded in the
cost o f th e reg iment
A n, reg iments may include o ne champio n. The champion
must normall y be o f th e same ra ce as th e regiment: eg, a
Beastma n reglment ma y include a Beasrman champ io n , a
!\ Ii nota ur regiment may incl ude a M inOla ur champio n, and
so o n. Ho \\'e\'er, a Chaos Champio n may be included in
an y type of regimen!. T he cha mpion ma y take ove r as the
unit's leader or he C II1 fight in add itio n to the unit's leacIer
sho uld you \\'a nr to reta ln your o riginalleacle r model. The
points cost of th e champion and any equipment and magiC
item he m ay ca rry o mes fro m th e Characters portio n of
your army's po ints.
Nare tha t reg im ent al cha mpio ns are usuall y equipped
exactl y li ke the regiment they acco mpany except that they
ma ' ha\'t o ne ma g iC ite m i n add iti o n. T hi s is no t ,
however. tru e o f Chaos Champ io ns. A Cha os Cham p io n
ca n be eqUipped w ith any wea po ns o r armo ur permitted
to Chaos characters.

The Chaos arm y Gin include up to 50% of its points value
as daem ons. These an be G rea ter D aem o ns o r units of
other daemons. Grea ter Daemons fight as single models in
Note: T here are three leve ls of Cha os h:lInpion: Chaos
much the same way as characters. O ther daemo ns fight in
Champi o n , Chaos H e ro and Chaos Lo rd. O lwio usly, a
units in th e sa me way as regiments.
Chaos H ero and Lo rd arc h igher lew: l characters w ith the
approp ri ate nu mher of magiC items: ie. m 'o fo r a r [ero and Daem o ns Gin o nl y be included in your arm y if yo u also
three for a Lo rd. include Chaos Champio ns (or Chaos Heroes/ Chaos Lo rds)
o r Cha os Sorcerers (d itto So rcerer Champions etc) o f the
Th e magiC it em ca rd s norma ll y limit the avai labi lity of
correspo nding Ch:los Goel. So. fo r exa mple, yo u ca n o nl y
spec ific items: ie, there is one card. so on I\' one char:lcter
in cl ude Sla anesh d aem o ns if you have a Cham pion o r
can ha\'e tha t item. There are some excep'tions - notably
So rce re r o r Slaanesh. yo u Gin o nl y in c lud e K ho rn e
scrolls . The o th er excep ti o ns <I re Familiars an el Chaos
daem ns if you h;lve a Champio n of Khorne. fote th at this
armour, as descrihed in th e Chaos Magic secti o n o f this
r es tri c ti o n o nl y appli es ,,'h e n ch oos in g the arm y; if
boo lc A n arlll Y 1ll:1)' include dupli cates o f Fa mili ars and
characters are subseq uentl y slain in battle it does not affec t
Chaos arm o ur - so sevc ra l Chaos characters ma\' ,',ear
th e daemons in any \\·ay.
Chaos armo ur. fo r example. '

Monsters are beasts b ro ught along to figh t in your army,
Th e bulk of th e Chaos army is o rga nised into uni ts ca lled
They incl ude cap ti ve monsters goaded into fig hting and
regiments. Reg iments Illu st ro m prise at lea.'it fi\'e models
m o nste rs that owe a so rce ro us loya It y to th e Gods o f
unl ess indicated o th elwi se in th e arm y li st. Th ere is no
Chaos. T he po ints va lu e o f mo nsters chose n as mo unts fo r
u pper limit to th e nUlll ber of mo dels i;1 a reg iment. The
cha racte rs are NOT co n sid e red to b e p o ints spe nt o n
minimum o f f'j\ 'e includes th e leader :lIld o ptio nal models
mo nsters, th eir cost is added to thar o f the character riding
suc h as standa rd bea rer. mu sic ian . anc! champi o n. I t is
th em and th e po ints va lu e is incl ud ed in th e Charac ters
quit e po ss ihl e for a reg im e nt to co nsist o f a lea d e r. :1
allocati n.
standard bearer. a musician. a champio n and o nly a single
o rdinary trooper lfive in to tall.
A ll reg im e n ts are ass um ed to h ave a lea d e r \\' ho is ALLIES
equ ipped in exactly th e same w av as his troops :lIld who
has identical characterist ics. This lead er costs th e sa me Th e Ch:l os army ma y include a pro portio n o f allies wort h
number of po ints as an ordi nary trooper and o th er th:1I1 u p to 25% o f its t ta l points va lue. Allies are chosen from
se r v ing as " f ig ure h ead for th e unit se n 'es no spec ial the Warha mmer Armies hoo k o r books indica ted . So , for
purpose in the game. All regiments may include a sta ndard cxampl . your Chaos arm y could include 25% of its points
hea rer and/ o r mu sician cos ting do uble th e po ints o f an as Dark Eh es c hose n fro m th e Dark El f li st , o r
ord i na ry t roope r. Standard bearers and mu sic ians are O rcs/ Goblins chosen fro m the O rcs & Gobli ns list. Th ere is
ass umed to he eq ui pped ~\' ith th e same ~\'e ap o n s as th e norhing preventi ng you fro m choos ing allies from severa l
rest o f th e unit and fig ht just like ord inary troopers (see [he c1 ifferem lists if yo u wi sh, so lo ng as the tota l points va lue
\Va rhammer rul ebook fo r a fu ll descri ptio n ). does not exceed 25% o f ,ro ur afll1 y's cost.


When yo u choose all ies you can spend your p oints free ly
o n characters. regiments an el war ma chines . T he norm al
arm y selecti o n prop o rti o ns clo not apply. altho ug h o ther
no rm al restri ctio ns d o ( g, if yo u include O re then yo u
w ill need 10 bu y an O rc unit befo re you are entitled to bu y
an O rc wa r machine) . You c tI1n OI include mo nsters fro m
l'o ur alliecllist unless th ey are mo unts fo r characters.
Yo u clo no t have to inclu de a General m odel fo r l'o ur ~ lIi e s
but yo u ca n do so if yo u \\' ish. Th e allied Genera l cou nts as
a chara cter in th e no rma l wa y but does not benefil fro m
an y or th e sp ecial rul es for Generals. [n effec t. th e allied
Genera l becomes a subo rdi nate character in the ~a me \·,.,ay
as o lher heroes.

Pro fi les art presented in the standard fo rmat and include
all the characteristic valu es . They do not ta ke into a o unt
movement redu ctions due to the effec t or arm o ur. as this
v ari es d e p e nding on h OlY yo ur tro o p s are eq u i pp ed.
Sa ving Ihro w s are no t incl uded fo r t he sa me reaso n: ie,
they \'ary depend ing o n th e amount o f armou r your troo ps
ha ve .
Cava lry have two p rofiles. o ne fo r the ri der and anOlher for
his mo unt where ap propriate.

iVI ; Movement '\ ; Wounds

WS ; Weapon Skill [ ; Initiative
IJln(}cllhirsler - Greater Daemon (if Khorll C'
BS ; Ballistic Sk ill A ; Attacks
S ; Stre ngth Ld ; Leadershi p
T ; To ughness ARMOUR
The saving th ro\y fo r Iroop s is not gil'en o n th eir p ro fil e
LIMITATIONS ON CERTAIN b ecau se il var ies acco rd in g to t he amount and type o f
armo ur they ~\·e<Ir. Sa \'ing th ro",'s are summarised below.
The arm y list presents the pla ye r wil h a list o f troop ty pes Arnlour Save Cavalry Save
tha t the Chaos army may include. In most cases there is no None None 6+
limit to th e number o f m odels o r Ihe numher of units yo u
can hal ·e. o ther than that im posed h y th e numher o f p o ints Shield or light armour 6+ 5+
in th e arm y . Howe\·e r. the availabilit y of so me ty pes of Shield & li ght armour
unit o r character is restri cted. In ~o m e cases yo u can o nly or heavy armour on ly 5+ 4+
incl ude o ne character o f a type, o r o ne o f a part icul ar sort
o f unit. Such limitat io ns are clearly indica ted in the list. For Shield & heavy armour
example. yo u ca n o nl y ever include one C h ao~ General. or Chaos armour onl y 4+ 3+
Shield & Chaos armour 3+ 2+

SPECIAL CHARACTERS Cavalry with barding Adds further + I

Th e army list itself is intended to represent the Cha os army For examp le. a Cha os Kni g ht wit h Ch;l os arm o u r and
in the b roa dest poss ihle wa)'. PrO\'ision has been made to shield. riding a ba rded Chaos Steed. has a sa l'ing thr()\'\, of
inclu de a Genera l. but \I'e do not specify that tllis sho uld I +. T his m ean~ he \yill auto mati ca ll y save wh ere th ere is
be a particulal' Cha os Lo rd. We leave it to yo u to in venl a no fu rt her save m od ifier.
suital Ie nam e an d ba ckg ro u nci fo r yo ur o wn Ge neral,
heroes and o ther chara cters yo u include in your arm )' . Chaos Armour. Note that there is no movement penalty
associa ted wi th Chaos armo ur. A Chaos Kni g ht in Chaos
A separate secti o n has been included after th e main arm y armou r and ri ding a ba rd ed Chaos Sleed w ill su ffe r the -1"
list. This is entit led Special Characters an d it d escribes a penalty fo r the bard ing but n o furthe r red ucti o n s. Also
number o f heroes. sorc erers . and other indi \'idu als w ith n o te th at C ha os arm o ur m ay b e wo rn b y So rce rersl
th eir ow n uniqu e c haracte ri sti cs, m ag ic arte fa cts and Sha nu lls wi th out inhihiting th eir abi li ty to C lst spells.
po ints \',liues. Ir you w ish to do so yo u can incl ude these
specia l characters in your arm y. The po ints cost o f th ese Chaos armour is unu sua l hecau se it is al 'ail ab l<=: in t\yO
sp ec ial charac te rs co mes f rom you r Ch:lracte rs p o ints w ays. Cha racters ca n bu y Chaos armour as a mag ic item .
allowa nce in the no rm al \va )'. T roops can can bu y Chaos arm o u r as eq ui pment. but note
th ar cha r3 cters ca lil/ot bu y Chaos armour as equipment.


Th e follu\\ing is a l ist of all th e u su:i1 \' eapuns in th e
Warh:lInmer game . It has bce n included so th ar vo u can
refer to it for com pa rati \'c purposes and choose equipment HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT WEAPONS
fo r chara crers w ith out look in g Lip d etail s in the main
A single sw o rd , axe, mace
Wa rh am mer rul eilo()k. In prin cipa l. a cha racter model Ill ~l y
or other ha nd weapon ................. . Free
be arm ed \\'ith an)' weapon s th at are :l\';lilabl e to th e
reg im ents sub ject to th e n o rmal res tri ct ions rega rding A n add itio nal sword , axe . etc ... .. .. 1
\,\'eapon use (eg , yo u e mnot ca rry two halherd s as each
r eq uires tw o hand s to use) . In the case o f c hara cters A douhle-handed weapo n.
m odels must carry th e aClU ,il \\'ea p on s ascribed to them. in clud ing double-hand ed axe, swo rd. etc ..... 2
No te th at, ex cept for C ha os Cha mp ions , reg im en tal Flail ............ .. ....... ... ... ... .... " .. .. " ........ .... " ....... 1
ch ampi o ns are al\Y;1ys assu med to be carry ing the sam e
w eapons and \yearing the same armo ur as the ra nk-and- Hal berd . .. :2
fil e troopers in their regiment.
Spear . , 1
Items mark ed w it h an aste ri x C' ) are nO[ used by Chaos
A lance for a mo unted w arri o r ... :2
troo ps and :Ire not th ere fore ;1 nl il abl e to vour army' s
c haracters. Th ey are in c lu d ecl o u t o f a se n se o f
co mpleteness , MISSILE WEAPONS
Bo w · .... ..... .. :2

Shalt Gow ' ." .... .. ...... 1

Long Go\\' . .... ...,3
Crossbow' ,3
Repeat ing Cr05sho\\' . ....... .... 4
Javelin ' .... ..1

Sling ' .

Hand Gun • ........ " ... " .. .... . 3

Pisto l ". . .. 2

Light Armo ur .. 2

Hea \')' Arm o ur 3

Barding for steed ..... .. , 4

Characters 0-50% L'p to half the poin ts value of the army may be spen t on characters, T his includes
the cost of m o nsters ridden b y cha meters.

Regiments 25%+ At least a qualter of the toral points valu e of the anny must be spent on regiments.
This does not include the cost o f cham p io ns, w ho are paid for out of the Characters
allo wa nce.

Daemons 0-50% Up to a half the points va lu e o f the army ma y be spent on daemons,

Monsters 0-25% Up to a quarrer o f the points va lue o f the army may be spent o n m o nsters , Note
th at this does no t include mo nsters ridden by characters, w hich must be paid for
fro m the Characters allo\\·a nce.

Allies 0-25% U p LO a qua rrer of th e points va lu e of the army m ay be spe nt on allied troops
chose n from anyone o r m ore of the following lists: Undead. Chaos Dwarfs, O rcs &
Goblins. Skaven and Dark Elves .


•• • • • , • , .
• •
YOllr Cbaos a rm)' may inclllde liP to 50% q/its p oints ua ille as characters cbosell fi'"OI 11 tbe list beloll'. YO II mllst

always include a General. but apart j i'om tbat you a re ji-ee to cboose as mallY or as/ell >cbaracters as YO ll wisb.


GENERAL ........................................ 30; points OF CHAOS ..................................... 243 points
+Chaos Steed . ... 4 points +Chaos Steed . ..4 points
+Juggernaut ......... ........... 70 points +Juggernaut . .. 70 points
+Steed of Slaanesh ... 5 points +Steed of Slaanesh ....... 5 points
+Disc of Tzeentch ........ 4 points +Disc of Tzeentch . .... 4 points
The arm y must include a Gen ral to lead it. Th e General is T he army may inclu cie a Battl e Standa rd together " 'ith its
:1 Chaos Lo rd em p ow ered by the Chaos Gods to co m ma nd be:irer. T he Ba ttl e Standa rd is a Chaos Hero of an y of the
his hos ts in ba ttl e . ( Some of th e special ch aracters g i\'en Chao God
late r m:!y sen'e as an altern ative General - see th e Srecial
Characrers section .) PROFILE M WS BS S T W A Ld

Chaos Hero 4 8 8 5 5 2 8 4 10
Chaos Steed 8 4 0 4 4 4 5
Chaos Lord 4 9 9 5 5 J 9 5 10
Juggern aut 7 3 0 5 .5 3 2 2 10
Chaos Steed 8 ..j 0 ..\ ..\ ..\ 5
Steed of Slaanesh 12 3 0 ..\ 5 6 10
Juggernaut 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 2 10
Disc of Tzeentch 12 3 0 3 3 3 10
Steed of Slaanesh 12 3 0 4 5 6 10
Disc of Tz.eenrch 12 0 10

3 3 3

Chaos God: Th e Chaos l ord owes all egiance [ 0 o ne of the

Chaos God s. He w ill hm'e th e usual IVlark of Chaos fo r his
god . Chaos God: T he Chao s Hero ow es :lileg iance to o ne o f
the Chaos Goels. H e \\ill ha ve the usua l M ark o f Chaos fo r
Khor l/e Chaos A rm o ur/ Fre n zy
his goel .
N llrr; le To ug hness + 1 (T =6)
Kb om e Chaos Arm our/ Frenzy
Tzee ll tcb Magic D ispel 4+
Nil rg fe To ugh ness +1 (T=6 )
SIC/C/ lIesb Imill une Ps, cho logy!canno t break
Tzeell!ch ~ lag i c D ispel 4+
Equipment: Sword o r axe.
SIC/C/ I1 l?sb Im mune Psycho logy/ ca nnot hreak
Weapons/Armour: Th e Chaos l ord m:l y be armed \',ith
Equipment: Sword o r axe.
an y f the \veapons or armo ur ind icated o n the Eq ui p ment
List. See t he se pa rate Eq ui pm en t List fo r summ ary and Weapon s / Arm our: The Battl e Sta nda rd Bearer may be
points va lues . armed ,\l ith any o f the weapo ns or arm o ur ind icated on the
Equipm e n t l ist. See t h e se pa rate Eq ui p m ent List fo r
May Ride: T h e Ch aos lord may ri d e a Ch aos St ed.
summary and po ints va lu es .
Altern ative ly he may ri de the daeillo n IllOllnt of his Chaos
God : Kho rn e - Juggern aut: iaanesh - Steed o f Slaa nesh: May Ride: T he Battl e Standa rd Bea rer lllay ri de a Chaos
Tze en tc h - D isc of Tzee ntc h. O r he Ill ay ri d e a m o nster Steed . Alte rnatively , he may ride the da emo n 1l10 U lll of h is
c h ose n f rom t he IVl o nster sec t io n of t he arm y li st. Cha o s God : Kh o rn e - ./u gge rnaut: SI::r anesh - Stee d o f
A lte rn ati ve l y . he m ay ri de in a c ha ri ot p ull ed by Chaos Slaa nesh: T zeentch - Disc o f Tzeenrch . O r he may ride a
Steeds o r h y up to two mo unts of his Chaos Goel mo nster chosen fro m the iVlo nster sectio n o f the arm y list.
If th e Chaos General rides in a chariot the Battle Sta nda rd
Magic Items: The Chaos Lo rd may cany li p to three magic
Bea re r may ri d e in t he sam e c h ari o t - b ut he m ay not
i te ms c h ose n f r o m th e app r op ri ate car d s in
otherwise ha ve a chario t.
\Va rha mm er! \Va rh amm er Ba ttl e rvlagic and \X1arh,1m mer
A rmi es Chaos . As a Cham p io n of Chaos th e Chaos l o rd Magic Items: T he Ba ttl e Sta nda rd Bearer is a Chaos H ero
may incl ude Chaos Re\\'a rcJ s as mag iC items. an d may ca rry u p to tw o m ag iC item s cho sen fro m th e
arp rop ri ate ca r d s i n Wa rh am m e r/ Wa rh am m e r Ba llie
Special: See the Chaos Besti alY fo r any specia l rul es that
Magic an d \Va rh al11mer Arm ies Chaos. O ne item lllay be a
apply to da emo n ri d ing bea sts.
magiC st:J nda rd, effecti vely turning the arm y's ba nner into
a magiC standard . As a Cha mp io n o f Chaos the Chaos Hero
may include Chaos Rewa rds as magic item s.
Special: See the Chaos Bestiary fo r any ~ pec i a l rules that
ap pl y to ciaemon ridi ng beasts.


CHAOS CHAMPIONS ........... 91 points

Th e army may include Chaos Champio ns to accompany
regiments o f troop as unit cha mpio ns. Chaos Ch:llnpion
ma y serve as th e reg iment al champio n fo r any kind of
Chaos [roop.~. including Beastmen. Minot:turs. etc.


Chaos Champion 4 7 7 5 4 7 3 9

Chaos God: The Chaos Champion owes allegiance to o ne

of the Chaos Gaels. He w ill have the usua l iI,lark of Chaos
fo r his goel .
Khom e Chaos A rmour/ Frenzy
Nil rglt? Toughness + J (T=6)
Tzeellic/.? lag ic D ispel 4+
SIClCl llesb Immune Psycho log y!cannot b reak
CHAOS HEROES ....................... 193 poin ts Equipment: Sword o r axe.
+Chaos Steed ....... ....... . .. 4 points Weapo ns/Armour: A ha as Champio n may b ~ arm ed
+Juggernaut ... .. .70 points with a n )' o f th e we ap o ns or armour indi c at ed o n th e
Equipm e nt Li st. See th e se p arate Eq uipm ent List fo r
+Steed of Slaanesh ... .. 5 points
sUll1mary and po ints va lues . Note that this is an exception
+Disc of Tzeentch .... ...... .. . 4 points to th e normal Warhamm er rul es fo r unit champio ns. The
T he army may include as many Chaos Heroes as you wi sh WarhaJ11Il1 er rul es sta te th at a regimental champio n must
within the limitatio ns o f til e points a\';lil ahle. be eq uipped li k e his regim ent, but in th e ca se o f Cha os
Cha mpions they are equ ip ped a ' yo u x\'ish in th e same
PROFILE M WS BS S T W A Ld way as Cha os l-Ieroes. etc.

C hao Hero 4 8 8 5 5 !. 8 4 10 May Ride: A Chaos Champio n must rid e a Ch aos Steed
po ints) if he is leading a unit of Chaos Knights.
( +q
C haos Steed 8 4 0 4 4 4
Juggern aut 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 :2 10 Magic Items: A Chaos Champ io n ma y ca rry o ne magiC
it em ch os en fro m
th e appropriat e ca rds in
Steed of Slaalles h 12 3 0 4 5 6 10 Wa r h~\mm e r/ Wa rhamm e rBarr ie Mag ic and Wa rhamm er
D isc of Tzee ntch 12 3 0 3 3 3 10 Armi es Chaos . s a Champio n o f Chaos he may ha\'e ;\
Chaos He\yarcl as his magic item .
Chaos God: The Chaos H ero o-;\,es alleg iance to Qne o f
th e Chaos Gods. He \\'ill hal'e the usual il lark of Chaos fo r
his god .
Khom e Chaos rmo ur/ Frenzy .... .
, ,-

/\ ·urf:!. le Toughness +] (T=6) .. ~ ~-~-.'; ~(!':': '.-

TzeellIch illagic Dispel -1+

- # ",

~ ..-... ~

SIc/Cl ll esh Immune Psychology cannot break . .~:~~ ,; '

Equipment: S"'o rd o r axe .
., .:
. .':
.. :'. .
.~ . :

. ,~

.!.r". .
Weapons/Armour: A Chaos H ero may be arm ed \\'ith
any of the w eapo ns o r armo ur indicated on the Equ ipment
List. See th e se pa rate Equ ip me nt List fo r summan' and
po ints values.
May Ride: A Chaos H ero m ay r id e a Chao Steed .
Alternati vely. he may ride the daemo n mount of his Chaos
God: Kh o rn e - Juggern aut: Slaanesh - Steed o f Slaanesh:
T zee ntch - D isc of T zee nrch. Or he may ride a mo nster
c hose n fro m th e Mon ste r se ct ion of th e army li sl.
Alt ernati \'e ly , he may ri de in a chario t pull ed by Chaos
Steeds o r hy up to two mou nts o f his Ch:lOS God.
Magic Items: A Chaos Hero ma y ca rry up to two mag ic
i tem s chose n f ro m th e approp ri ate ca rd s in
Warhamm er/ \,(/arhamm er Batt le Mag ic and Wa rhamm er
Armi es Chaos. As a Champ io n of Chaos th e Chaos Hero
may include Chaos Rewa rds as mag ic items.
Special: See the Chaos Bes tiary fo r any spec i:t\ rul es that
apply [0 daemo n riding beasts.
ellfl os Champion of NI/I'~ lc


0-1 BEASTMAN LORD ......... 200 points 0-1 MINOTAUR LORD ......... 380 points
If your arm y in clude~ at least" o ne regimeIll o f Beast men If your arm y incl udes at least o ne regiment o f M inotaurs
th en it may also inclu de a ~i n g l e Beastman Lord. then it may also include a si ngle Minotaur Lo rd .


Beastman Lord 4 7 6 454 6 4 9 Minotaur Lord 6 7 6 5 5 5 6 5 10

Equipment: Sword o r other hand w eapo n. Equipment: Sworc! o r axe,

Weapons/Armour: Th e Beas tman Lord ma y be arm ed Weapons/Armour: The M inotaur Lo rd ma y be armed
w ith an y o f th e weapo ns o r ~Irm o ur indi cated o n th e with an y of th e weapons o r armo ur indi cated o n th e
Equipment Li st . Sec th e se parate Eq uipm e nt Li st for Eq uipm e nt List. See th e separale Equ ipm e nl Li st fo r
summary and points va lues . summ:ll)' and po ints valu es.
Magic Items: The Beastman Lo rd may ca rry up to three Magic Items: The M ino taur Lo rd ma y car ry up to th ree
ma giC ite m s c h ose n fro m th e appropr iate card s in m ag ic it e m s c hose n f ro m th e app ro priate ca rd s in
Warhamm er/ Warham m er Battle: Iv lag ic and \'\ia rhammer WarhamIl1 er/ Warhamm er Battle Magic and \X'a rhaI11m er
Arm ies Cha os . Note th at a Be<lstman ma y no r use Chaos Arm ies Chaos . No te th at a M inota ur ma y nOI use Cha os
rewa rds - o nl y Chaos Champions and Cha os So rcere rs re\ ard s - on l y Chao s Champi o ns and Cha os So rce rers
m<l y ha\'e th em . ma h:l ve them .

BEASTMAN HEROES ............ 130 points MINOTAUR HEROES ............ 240 points
If yo ur arm y includes at least o ne reg iment of Beas tm en If your army includes at least o ne reg imenl o f M ino taur:;
then it may ab o incl ude Beastman Heroes. lhen it may also include i\'lino taur Heroes.


BeaS lman Hero 4 6 5 ..j 5 3 5 3 8 Minolaur Hero 6 6 5 5 4 5 4 to

Equipment: Sword or other hand weapon. Equipment: Sw o rd or axe.
Weapons/Armour: A 13eas tm:m Hero ma y be armed \\ 'ith Weapons/ Armour: A Mi nota ur Hero mav be armed ",'ilh
any of the weapon s or arm o ur indicaled o n lhe Equipment an y of the weapons o r armour indicated o n th e Equ ipmenl
Li st. See the sepa rate Eq ui p m ent List for summ ary and Lis!. See th e sc par;lte Eq ui p me nt List fo r summary and
po ints va lu es. points va lues.
Magic HeIns: A l1eas tman H e m m ay carr y up to t \\'() Magic Items: A lVlinotaur Hero ma y ca rry up to r\\'o magic
ma g iC it e m s c h ose n from th e approp riat e c lrd s in it e m s c h osen from l he a rprorri ate ca rd s in
\,(/arha mmer/ Wa rh <l mmer 13att le J'vlagi c and W:lrhammer " arham m er/ \ arhamm er I3atll e Magic and \'\ia rh :lInmer
A rmi es Chaos . Note thaI a Beaslman ma y no t use Chaos Armies Cha os. Note tha t a M in o taur ma y no t use Chaos
reward s - o nl y Chaos Champi o ns anc! Cha os Sorcere rs reward s - o nly Chaos Cham p io ns ancl Cha os So rcere rs
ma y ha\'e lhem. ma y have them.

BEASTMAN CHAMPIONS ....... 60 points MINOTAUR CHAMPIONS ....... 110 p oints

A n y reg im e nt of Beastm e n m ay in c lud e a l3e aslm a n An y reg im e nt o f M in ota urs m ay includ e a Minotaur
C hampi on armed and equipp ed lik e lh e res t of' th e Champion armed ancl eq uipp ed l ik e the rest o f th e
regiment (see Eq uipmem Lisl fo r pOinIS \ '~i1u es l. regiment (see Equipmem Li st fo r points va lu es ).


BeaSlman Minotaur
Champion 4 5 4 -'I ..\ 2 2 7 Champion 6 5 4 543 4 3 9

Equipment: Sword o r o ther hand weapo n . Equipment: Sw o rd o r axe.

Weapons/ Armour: A l:3e:lstman Champio n is armed in Weapons/ Annour: A M inota ur Champio n is armeci in the
the same way as th e rest or his regi ment excepl tha t he sa me wa y as the rest o f his regim ent except that he ma y
ma y ha ve o ne magic item as noted below. ha ve o ne magic item as noted below.
Magic Items: A I3eaSlll1an Champio n ma y carry o ne magiC Magic Items: A J.\,li nota ur Champio n
111:1 carry o ne magic
il e m c h o 'e n fr o m lhe approp ri al e cards in item c h ose n fro m th e approp ri ate c ard s in
Warhamm er/ \'\iarhammer B<mle Magic and W;lrhammer Wa rhall1m er/ Wa rhamm er Ballie Mag ic anc! Wa rh aillmer
A rmi e.~ Chaos. Note lhat a 13east man ma y not use Chaos Armi es Chaos . Note that a Mino tau r ma y no t use Chaos
rewa rd s - o nl y Cha os Champi o ns and Chaos Sorce rers re wards - o nl y Cha os Champ io ns an d C ha o~ So rcerers
may have th em . may luve them.


0-1 DRAGON OGRE 0-1 CENTAUR LORD ............. 314 points

LORD .................................................. 521 p oints If yo ur arm y in cl ud es at leas t o ne reg iment of Centaurs
then it ma y also incl ude a single Centa ur Lo rd.
I f your arm. incl udes a regiment of at least three D ragon
Ogres th en it may also include a sing le D rago n Ogre Lord .

PROFILE M WS BS S T W A Ld Centaur Lord 8 6 7 54-+ 6 5 9

Dragon Ogre Lord 6 7 5 6 6 6 5 6 9

Equipment: Swo rd
Equipment: Sword o r axe . Weapons/Armour: The Centaur Lord may be armed '\ ith
an y of the \,·eapo ns o r arm o ur indicated on rhe Equipment
Weapons/Armour: Th e Dragon Og re Lord m ay h e
Li st. See th e sera ra te Equipmenr Li st fo r summary and
armed w ith any of the \~ ·eapon s or armo ur indicated o n [he
po ints va lu es.
Eq uipm e nt List. See th e sepa rate Equipm e nt Li st Co r
su mmary and p o ints va lues . Magic Items : Th e Centa ur Lo rd m ay carry up to th re e
magi c ite m s c h o se n fro m th e app rorri ate cards in
Magic Items: T he Drago n Og re Lo rd m ay ca rr y ur to \'(iarh ammer/ \'(/a rh ammer Ba rtl e Magic and Warhammer
three mag ic item s chose n from th e <l rpropriat e ca rcl s in
Ar mi es Chaos. No te th at a Ce nra ur m ay n o r use Chaos
Warhammer/ \Xt'arh a1l1 Il1er Battl e i\lag ic and Wa rh :lI11Il1er
rewa rd s - only Chaos Champion s and Chaos Sorce rers
Armies Chaos. No te th at a Drago n Og re m ay not li se
may have [hem.
Chaos r eward s - o nl y Chao s C h ~lm p i o n s and Ch ao s
S rce rers ma ha ve t hem.

CENTAUR HEROES ................ 199 points

DRAGON OGRE HEROES .... 330 points If your army incl ucl es at least o ne reg iment o f Centaurs
then ir may also incl ude Centaur Heroes.
I f yo ur arm)1 includes a regiment of at lea st three Dragon
Ogres th en it may also incl llde D ragon Ogre j-Ie roes .

PROFIl.E MWSBS S T W A Ld Centaur Hero 8 5 6 54 3 5 4 8

Dragon Ogre Hero 6 6 4 6 6 5 4 5 8

Equipment: Swo rd
Equipment: S\yord o r axe . Weapons/Armour: A Centa ur Hero may be armed with
any of the w ea pon s or arm o ur indica ted on the Eq uipment
\Ve a pons/ Armour: A Drag n Ogre Hero mal' be arm ed
Li sl. See th e se parate Eq uipme nt Li st for summ ary and
w ith an)' o f th e I\·ea p o n s or arm o u r in d ica ted o n the
r o ints va lues.
Equ ipm e nt Li st. See th e se parat e Eq uipm e nt Li st fo r
summary ancl po ints \·:ti ues . Magic Items: A Centaur Hero may carry up ro two magic
i tems chose n frOIll th e app ro p ri at e ca rd ' in
Magic Items: A Drago n Ogre Hero may ca rry lip to tll"O
Wa rhammer/ Warh,lmmer Ba ttl e 'vlagic an d Warhammer
magi c ite m s ch ose n fr o m th e a ppr o p r i~ lr e card s in
Arm ies Chaos. Note that a Ce ntaur ma y not use Cha o s
\,(farhamlll er/ Wa rhammer Ba ttl e M ag ic and Warham rn er
rew ards - o nl y C h~lOS Cham pi o ns and Ch~lO S So rcere rs
A rmi es Chaos . N ot e th at a Dra gon Og r e may not use
may ha'·e rhem.
Chaos rewa rds.


CHAMPIONS ................................ 155 points An y reg iment of Ce ntau rs ma y inclu de a Ce ntaur
Champi o n arm ed and eq uipr ed lik e rh e res t of rh e
Any regiment o f Dragon Og res o f at least three moclels in regiment (see Eq uipment Li st for po int s :tiu es).
total ma y in cl ucle a D rago n Ogre Champion arm ed and
eq uirped like the rest o f the regiment (see El.juirment List PROFIl.E MWSBS S TW A Ld
fo r po ints va lu es).
Champion 8 4 5 5 3 2 4 3 7

D. Ogre Champion 6 5 3 6 5 4 3 4 7 Equipment: S\yord

Weapons/Armour: A Centaur Cham p io n is armed in the
Equipment: Sword o r axe . same wa y as th e rest of his reg iment excepr rhat he ma y
Weapons/Armour: A D rago n Ogre Champ io n is ::r rm ed have one mag ic it em as noted below.
in the same ·ay as the resr of his regiment exce rt thar he Magic Items: A Centaur Champion may carry on e magiC
ma y have one magic item as noted belo,,·.
ite m ch ose n fro m th e appro priate ca r d s in
Magic Items: A D rago n Ogre Cha mpio n ma y ca rry o ne Wa rhamm er/ \Va rhamlll er G:rrtle ~'lagi c and Wa rhammer
magi c it e m c hose n fr o m th e app ropria te ca rds in Armi es Chaos. N ote that a Cenra ur may not use Cha o s
Wa rh ammer/ \'(/arhamll1er Bartle Mag ic and \ .' arha1l1mer reward s - o nl y Chaos C halllpion~ and Ch ao., Sorcerers
A rmi es Chaos. Note th at a D rago n Ogre may n o t use may have them.
Chaos rewa rds.


Sorcerer .... 84 points
Sorcerer Champion .. 166 points
Master Sorcerer . .... 240 points
Sorcerer Lord . 356 points
Th e arm y may incl ude as man y Chaos So rce rers as yo u
wish within th e limits imposed hy th e points ava ilal Ic.


Sorcerer 4 6 6 4 5 7 2 9
Champion 4 6 6 5 5 2 7 2 9

Master Sorcerer 4 6 6 5 5 3 8 3 9
Sorcerer Lord 4 6 6 5 5 4 9 4 10

Chaos God: A o r cere r owes alleg iance to o ne o f th e

Chaos Gods. H e \Yill have the usual Mark of C h ~I OS fo r his
god .
Nlli g le a w izard o f a lower level w ithin 6"
can cast spells
TZI?I?11 tcb Mag ic Disrel 4+
Slaanesh No enc my \\·ithin 12" ca n shoot/ cast
magic at Sorcerer

Equipment: S\vord
Weapons/Armour: A Sorcerer Illay be arm ed w ith any o f
th e v-·eapons o r arm o ur indica ted o n th e Eq ui pme nt Li st.
See th e sera rate Equipment Lbt fo r summary anc! po ints
valu e.~ . Shaman ..68 points
May Ride: A Sorce rer may ri de a Chaos Steed (+4 po ints). Shaman Champion. .. .. 134 points
H e ma y also rid e th e da emon ri d ing beast o f his Chaos Master Shaman . ....... 225 points
God Slaa nesh - Steed of Slaanes h (+') r o ints) : Tzecm ch - Shaman Lord . . .336 points
D isc of Tzeentch ( +4 points ). Altern;l ti ve ly. he Illa y rid e a
Illo nster chosen from the Mo nster section of th annv list. If yo ur arm y inclu des at least o ne regiment o f i:leastmen it
A ltern ati vel y. he m ay rid e in a chari o t pulled by Chaos ma, also incl ude Shamans. T he arm y Illay in cl ude as man y
Steeds o r by up to two 1ll 0 UllfS o f his Chaos God . Beastman Shamans as yo u wish \yilhi n th e limits imposed
by the po ints ava ilahle.
Magic: So rce r e rs are le\·e l 1 wiz ards \\·ith o ne spe ll.
So rce rer Cha mp io ns are level 2 w izard s w ith t\VO spell s. PROFll.E M WS BS S T W A Ld
Master Sorcerers are level 3 wi zard s \v irh th ree spells . and
So rce rer Lo rd s are leve l 4 w iza rd s \\·ith fo ur sr e ll s. A ll Shaman 4 4 3 3 2 4 7
Sorcerers Illa y use spells of their o \\·n Chaos Goel o r Da rk Shaman
Magic. Champion 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 7
Magic Items : So rce re rs ma y h a\·e on e mag iC ite m. Master Shaman 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 2 7
So rce re r Cham pi o n s tv-·o . Mas ter So rcerers three . anci Shaman Lord 4 4 3 4 5 5 6 3 8
Sorce rer Lo rds four A ll may have Chaos R cw a rel ~ a~ magiC
items. Equipment: Sword o r oth er hand wea po n.
Special: See th e Chaos Restia lY for any special rule., that Weapons/Armour: A Sha man nn y be arm eel with an y o f
appl y to daemon rieling beasts. th e w eapons o r arm o ur ind ica ted o n th e Eq uipment Li st.
See th e separate Eq uipm ent List fo r summary and p o ints
\·ztlu es.
Magic: Sh amans are l ev e l I \\·i zarels with o ne spe ll ,
Shaman Chamri o ns are le \·el 2 w iza rds \'-'ith two spells ,
1aster Shama ns are level 3 \\·i za rd s \,:ith three spells. ancl
Sham3n Lords are le\ e l wi za rd s w ith fo ur sp e ll s. A ll
Shamans mai' use spells o f an y Chaos God o r Goel s and/
o r Da rk Magic.
Magic Items: Shamans ma have o ne magic item. Shaman
Champio ns two. M aster Shamans three , and Shama n Lo rds
fo ur. Note th at a I3eastman may nat use Chaos reward ' -
onl y Chaos Cha mpio ns and Chaos Sorce rers may do so.


• e • • as , • • • S • so
rOllr army mllst include at least 25% 0./ its p oints vallie as Itnits chosen Ji'om tbe ./0110 wing lists - it may
illclude more i/yoll ll'ish . Tb ere is no limitatioll all tbe IIl1mber Q/ units of eacb (yp e YO II can include, otber
tban tbat imposed uJ ' tbeirpoillts mIlle. £ycept ll'bere lIoted. eacb regimellt I/1l1st consists q/ at least jive models
ill total (illc!lIdillfJ, all) ' stalldard bearel: IIllisiciali. CIn d challlpio ll ll'bere p rcsell t).

CHAOS KNIGHTS ..... 66 p o ints per model CHAOS

Your arm y ma y inclu de any num ber o f regiment s of Cha os WARRIORS ...................... 24 points per model
Knigh ts. (Lll1 ge ro u ~ Cha o.' \'("arrio r:- rid ing Chaos Sreed s
Your arm y may include any numher o f regiments o f Chaos
and ~lrIll e d with tali lances.
Warri o rs.
Chaos Warrior 4 6 6 -+ -+ 6 2 9
Chaos Warrior 4 6 6 4 4 6 2 9
Chaos Steed 8 -+ o 4 4 4 5
Equipment: Chaos Wa rrio rs \year he l\-y armo ur and are
Equipm ent: Chaos Knights w ear h<.:<I\·)" armo ur and cany armed wi t h swords. axes or maces.
sh ields. Th cy are arIllcd with lanccs and S\\'ords and ride
Chaos Steeds ~\ ' hic h h ~I\'e armoured harding.
Save: 5+

Save: 2+ Op tions : An y units ma y carry do uble -handecJ w eapo ns at

an additiona l cost o f + 2 points per model. o r halberds at an
Options: Any units o f Chaos K.n ights ma y suhstitute th eir a ddit i o n~ t1 cost of + 2 po ints p r model. o r a seco nd hancl
llea \'Y armour fo r hao ' armu ur :It a cost o f + 1-1 po ints per weapo n at an additio nal COs t o f + 1 per moclel , or shiel ds at
mod el (san : 1+) 1. Any units ma y carry :t magic stand ard. an additio na l cos t o f + 1 per m o d el. Any units o f Chaos
T his ma y hc chosen from th e approp riate m;lgic item ca rels Wa rri o rs ma y substitut e th eir hea vy arm o ur fo r Ch aos
:lI1d its cost is indica ted o n Ihe ca rd itself. Ch:los K nights ~lrll1 0 U r at a cost of +7 po ints per m odel (-1+ sa ve/ 3+ with
ma r ca rry a mJg ic standard o f one o f the Gods o f Chaos if shield) . Any units ma y carry a magic st:mdard . This Illay be
yo u w ish. chose n from th e :Ippro p ri at e magic item card s and its cost
is indicated on th e card itse ll". Cha os Knights ma . ca rry a
mag ic swnd ard o f" o ne of the Gods o f Chaos if you \Vis)1.

BEASTMEN ..................... 10 points per model

Yo ur arm y ma y includ e any number of regiments of Chaos
Beast men.


Ch aos Beaslmen -l 4 3 342 3 7

Equipme nt: C haos [3 eastme n are arm ed \"\Iirh axes .

S ~'o rd s ;ll1d other hand w eapons.
Save: None
Options: An y units m;l)" carry do ub le-handed w eapo ns at
an additio nal cost o f +2 po ints per model. o r hal berds at an
additio na l cost o f + 2 po ints per model . o r a second hand
w eapo n at an addi ti o nal cost o f + I per model. o r shields at
an add i ti o nal cos t of + 1 per mo de l. An y units may ha ve
lighr armo ur al an add it io nal cost or +2 po ints per m odel.
Any units l11:.1 y carry a magic standard . Thi s Illay be chosen
fro m the app ro pri ate magi c it em card s and it s co st is
indicated o n the ca rd itsel f. Chaos 13eastmen ma y carry a
mag ic sta nda rd or o ne o f the Gods o f Chaos if you wi sh.


Chaos Warrior Crew .. . .. . 122 points
Beastm an Crew .. ... .86 points
Y o u r arm y may include an y numher of Chaos chari ots .
Ch ~lri otsfi g ht as ind il'idu al mode ls as descr il Jed in t he
\Va rhammer rulebook - they do 1101 h ~ll'e to be o rg:lI1i ~ e d
into units of five o r m odels. Each chari ot has a crew of t~ a
Chaos Wa rriors o r Beastm en and is p ulled b y tl 0 Chaos
Steeds .


C haos Warri or 4 6 6 4 4 6 2 9
C haos Beastrnen . . 3 3 4 2 3 7
Chaos Steed 8 .. 0 4 . . 5

Equipment: Cha os \Varriors \ ear hea l. ~lrtll O ur and are

arm ed w ith swo rd s. axes or maces. Beastmen are armed
w ith ~ I\'o rcl s o r ax es . Ch aos Stee d s h ave arm o ured
ba rding .
Options: Any crew may c lrrl' clouhle-h:m cled weapo ns at
an add itio nal cost of + 2 po ints per crewman , or halherds :I t
an additio nal cost o f + 2 po ints per crelyma n. or shields at
an ad d iti o na l cos t of + 1 p o int p er c r ew m an. Chaos
Wa rriors may substitute heav y armo ur for Chaos arm o ur at
a co st o f +7 p o int s per Ill o cl el. A ny c har iots m ay have
scy th ed w hee ls ;It ;In adcl i t i o n ~J! os t of +20 p o in ts per MINOTAURS .................. 40 points per model
chario t. O ne chario t may G ilT a magiC sta ndard . Thi s Illay
be chosen fro m th e appropriate mag iC item carcls :mcl its Your arm m :ly i n c l ud e a n y n u m be r o r r eg i me n ts of
cos t is indicated o n th e card itself. Ivl inol<i urs.


Mi nota urs 6 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 9

Equipment: MinOla urs are armed w irh axes, swo rd s and

other hand II·eapons.
Save: lo ne
Options: An unit s may ca rry double-ha nded weapon s at
an additio nal cost of +2 p o ints per Ill o d el , o r a se co nd
h,lJld II'ea pon a f ~In add itio na l cost of + 1 po int per m odel.
Any un its ma y ha ve light armo ur at an additio na l cost of +2
po in ts per model. An )' un its may ca rry a mag ic stancbrcl .
T his may be chosen fro m the appropri ate magic itelll ca rds
and its cost is ind icated o n the ca rd it self. M in orau rs Illay
ca rry a magic standa rd o f o ne of the G a els o f Chaos if you
w ish.

HARPIES ........................... 15 points per model

Your arm y mal' incl ude an y number of units o r Ha rpies.

CHAOS HOUNDS ...... 16 points per m o del
Harp ies 4 4 o 4 4 2 2 8
Yo ur arm y may in c l ud e an y num be r of units of Chaos
Ho unds - fo ul mu ta nt ho unds th at hunt in savage packs . Equipment: None
PROFILE M WS BS S T W A Ld Save: No ne

Ch aos Hound 6 4 o .. . 4 2 6 Special: H arpies ca n ./ll' as described in th e Wa rham mer

Special Rule: Chaos Hounds nel 'er h:J I 'e sta nda rd bea rers Harpy units neve r h,I\'e c hamp io n s, standa rd bea rers or
o r musicians. T hey ca n be led b y a character m od el. and Illu sic ians. and ca nno t be led b y charac ter mode ls. n ot
may h:l\'e a Chaos Champio n as their un it cha mp ion . even b , cha racters capab le of night.


DRAGON OGRES ....... 87 points per model TROLLS .............................. 65 points per model
Yo ur arm y m:l y include Drago n Ogres . Drago n Ogr S do Yo ur arm y may in clude an y number o f Tro ll '. o f which
no t have to be o rga nis ed int o units of f i v e o r more [here are three ty pes: Trolls. Stone T ro lls ancll{iver Tro lls.
indi v idu als. hut C:.l n h e o rgani se d in to sma ll e r units
Troll ' must be o rga nised into units of th e sa me type. bur
in stea d. If yo ur army include up to fi\ 'e Dragon Ogres
the number of T ro lls in a unit ca n he less than the no rm al
th ese form a singl e unit (:1 cham pio n m ay b e included
minimum of five models. IF yo ur army includes up to fi ve
forming a unit o f. fo r exa mple. fou r Dragon Ogres and one
Tro ll these fo rm a single unit. Fo r exa mple you co uld
champio n). If your :mny includes six to ten Dr:lgo n Ogres
have just o ne Tro ll in your arm y and it w ill count as a unit
th ese can be organised into either o ne o r t"'·o units o f as
o n its o\\'n . If yo ur arm y includ e si x to ten Troll s ril e e
nea r as p oss ible equ<tI size. As befo re ),ou ma)' include a
nul' be o rganised int o either o ne unit o r into tw o as nea r
champio n w ithin each and these count to""ards the unit's
as possib le equally sized units.
size. Eleven to fifteen Dragon 0we~ ca n be o rga nised into
o ne. two o r three units in the same \\'ay. sixteen to twenty For exa mpl e. if you ha ve se ven Trolls th es coulcllJe
into up to fou r units and so o n . o rgan is d into o ne unit o f fo ur and o ne unit o f three . I f
your arm y includes ele\'en to fi fteen Tro lls th ese m ay be
PROFILE M WS BS S T W A Ld o rga nised into either a Single unit, two as nea r as poss ible
equa ll y-si ze d units, o r three as nea r a p ossihle equa lly-
Dragon Ogres 6 4 2 5 5 4 2 7
sized units.
Equipment: D ragon Owes are armed \y ith axes. If yo ur arm\, in cl ud es si x teen o r more Tro ll s t he n th e
possib le nU I~lbe r of units goes up b y ] fo r every ext ra 5
Save: Sca ly Skin gi\'es Dragon Ogres a save o f 5+.
models. eg 16-20 Troll s = up to 4 units. 21-25 Trolls = up to
5 units, 26-30 Tro lls = up to 6 units and so on .

Options: Any units may G ilT)' double-handed \\ eapons at
an additi o nal cost of + 2 po in ts per m o d e l. o r a second
hand w ea pon at an addit io na l cost o f + 1 point per model.
A ny units nny hal'(:' lig ht arm o ur at an additiona l cost of + 2
points per mo del - th e saving thrO\'\' is increased to -++ .

Equipment: Tro lls do






not need w ea pons to fig ht \ ith but

th ey o ften can)' a large clu b.
Any units mJ Y carr a magic standa rd . This may he chose n Save: No ne
f ro m th e appropriJI C mag iC it em ca rd s and it s cost is
Special Rules: See the I3estialY secti on fo r detai ls.
indicated on the ca rd itse lf. D rago n Ogre.'> ma y carry a
magic sta nd:Il'd o f o ne o f the Gods of Chaos if yo u I\·ish.

Special: Dragon Og res CJuse /eCl I' as described in th e

Psychology sectio n o f the \'(.'arhallliller rul ebook .
Drago n Ogres ca nno t he harmed by lig h tn ing strikes. a
descr ibed in the Bestiary.

CENTAURS ...................... 23 points per m odel

Yo ur arm y m ay in c lud e an y numh e r o f reg im ent s of
Centau rs.


Centaurs 8 3 4 4 3 2 3 2 7

Equipment: Cen taurs :Ire arm ed with a xe~ , sw o rds and

other hand \\·eapo ns.
Save: None
Options: Any units may carry do uble-handed \yea pons at
an additio n<tI cost of +2 points per m odel. o r ha lherds at an
additiona l cost of +2 po ints per mod el, o r a seco nd hand
\\'eapo n at an add itio nal cost of + 1 po int per mode l. o r
shields at an add itio nal cost o f +1 p o int p er m o del. Any
units may ca rry lances at an add itio nal cost o f + 1 point per
model. Any units ma y have light armo ur at an add itional
cost of + 2 points per model. An y units may carry hows at
an addi ti o nal cost of +2 p illts per model. An y units ma y
carr y a magi C stand ard. Th is may b e ch o se n fro m th e
appropriate mag iC it em ard s and its cost is ind icated o n
the card itself. Chaos Ce ntaurs Illa y ca rry a mag ic standa rd
of o ne o f the Gods of Chaos if yo u wish.


•e • ..
• • a • t
• •
YOllr a rmy may inclllde lip to 50% of its poil7ts I.'aille as Chaos daem olls cbosell from the list beloll'. You are

permilted to choose daemolls q/a Chaos Cod if y our army a lso illcllldes a lleast one Cbaos Cbampiol/ of that
g od ( Cha os Heroes alld Chaos Lo rds a lso cOllnt) or a t least oll e Cba os Sorcerer of tb at g od (Sorcerer
Cbal17piol/s, Master Sorcerers, and So rcerer Lords also COlilitJ. So. if you want to in cl1lde Blood letters, f or
example, you must ba ue at least one Cbaos Cballlpio li. Hero or Lord of Kborll e. Crea ter da em ons a re
individllal11l odels and figbl like indep elldent fCil ge 1170Ilstel:'i. UI/ its of otber daemolls mllst cOllsist of a t least
jive 11l0dels.

800 points per model 20 points per model
If y o ur arm y incl u des at least o ne haos Champio n o f I f yo ur arm y in clu d es at least on e Cha os ham pi o n o f
Kho rne then yo u may also include 13loodlhirsters. K ho rn c th en you Illay also include units o f 13I0odl etl ers.


B[oodt hirster 6 10 10 R 7 10 8 10 10 Bloodl eller 4 5 5 4 3 6 2 10

Equipment: Th e I:l lood lhirster carries an Axe of Kho rne

Juggernaut 7 3 o 553 :2 2 10

~lI1d wC ~lrs Chaos armo ur. as described helo \\'.

Eq ui pment: Hl oodl e tl ers are arm ed with a d ea dl y
Special: The Hloodthirst er is a G reater Daemo n Jnc! all the Hell blacie.
special ru les perw ini ng to daemo ns app ly (sec th e secti o n
Options: I:llood lellers may ride Juggernauts o f Kho rne at
o n Cha os Daemo ns).
an extra cosl of 70 pOinls.
Th e I:ll o o cilhi rste r cause s terror as d escrihed in t he
Special: l3loodletters are daem o ns and all the specia l rules
Psycho logy seclion of the Wa rh ammer ru lebook.
p e rt ainin g to da e m o n s ap p l y ( ~ ee th e sec li o n on
The Bloo ci t hirste r w ears Ch aos arm o u r o f li\'ing m etal Daemo ns).
whi ch g i ves il an arm o ur s;.l\'ing t hro w of 3+. :\Ole t hat
A u n it o f l3 lo o d lelt e rs ca uses f ea r a d esc ri bed in t he
magic w eapo ns do no t cancel o ut the IJl0odthirsler's sa ve
P:;ycho logr seclio n of the Warh ammer rul ehook.
as they ci o w ith o ther daemons.
Glood ktl ers ha ve a daemo n sa\'ing thro ",' o f +. This sa ve
Th e Bloodt hiN r is armed '\\'ilh a might )' A:xe o f Kh o rn e. A
is n gated h y magic w eapo ns.
h it in fl icted b y the xc o f K ho rne ; D3 hits.
B loo dl erre rs are arm ed \\" ith a mi g hty H ell h lad e . A hit
T he l310 clthi rsler as descri bed in the Wa rh ammer
infli ted b y the Hc ll blade ; D3 hits.
ruleb o k.
Se e th e Chao s Bes tiary for furth er rul es pe rt ain in g to
Blood lclters.

35 points per mode l
[f yo ur arm y in c lud es at lea sl on l' Cha os Cham p io n of
Kh orne lh<:n you may also incl ude u nits of fles h Ilo uncb .
the dreadL'd dae mo n ho und s of K ho rn e.


Flesh Hound 10 5 o 542 6 10

Special: Flesh H unds are d aem o ns and al l th e spec ial

rul es perta ining to daemons apply.
A unit of Fles h Ho unds ca uses f eCl r as d escribed in th e
Psvcho logy seclio n o f the Warhalllll1er rulebook .
Flesh H o und ~ have a daemon saving throw o f -1 +.
F/esb HOI/lid 's Col/ar of Khom e - Flesh H o und s wea r a
bra ss co llar w hich protects their daem o nic ho lies fro m the
effecl S o f magi c. Magic "" eap o ns ca nn Ol affecl a Flesh
H o und at all and an r sp e ll CaS l ag ai n st th e m is
automatically dispelled .



750 points per model
I f your army includes at least o ne Chaos hampion o r a
Chaos Sorcerer of I urgle [h en you may abo include Great
nclea n Ones.


Greal Unclean One 4 7 7 7 8 10 4 7 10

Special: The Grea t nclea n O ne is a Grea ter Daemon and
all th e special rules perta ining to daemo ns apply (see the DAEMON PlAGUE BEASTS OF NURGrn
sectio n o n Daemo ns). 75 points per model
The Great Unclean One causes ferror as described in the [f yo ur arm y incl udes at leas t o ne Cha os Cha mpio n o r
Psycho logy section of the Warhammer rul ebou k. Cha os So rce rer o f Nurgle yo u may also include units of
Beasts - th e d readed daemo n plague beas ts of urgle.
T he Grea t Unclean One has a daemon s~ l v in g throw of 4+.
Note thaI this is nega ted hy magic ~. eapo ns . PROFD..E M WS BS S T W A Ld
Th e Grea t Uncl ean O ne Gin vom it a St ream o f Corruptio n Beas ts 3 J o 3 5 3 3 06 6
over its enemies (see the Besti ary and the Chaos D~l e mons
sections). Special: Beasts are da emo ns and all th e spec ial rul e
The Great nclea n O ne has a mag iC le\'el of 4 and G ill take perrai ning to d ae mons appl y (see th e sectio n o n Chaos
fo ur Nurgle Chaos spells. Daemons) .
A unit o f Beasts ca usesjearas described in the Psyc ho logy
section of the \Xfarhammer rulebook.
PLAGUEBEARERS Beasts have a daemon sav ing throw of +. This save is
DAEMONS OF NURGrn nega ted by magic weapons.
30 points per model Beasts have 06 ~ttt ac k s w hi c h w ill penetrate a rm o ur
I f yo ur arm y includ es at lea st o nc Chaos Champi o n o r auto matica ll y. TO arm o ur save is !'e rmin ed fo r troops
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle then YOU may also include units struc k by th e Beast of urgle.
of Plag uebearers . ' , . Slime Trail. Beca use of thei r nox io us slime trail any enemy
attac kin g fro m lh e sides o r rear of a Beast w ill
PROFll..E MWSBS S TW A Ld automa tica ll y susta in an additiona l S3 hit resolved before
Plaguebearers 4 5 5 4 3 6 2 10
an y o th e r co mb at is wo rk ed o ut. No armo ur sa v e is
perm itted as above.
Beasts of Nurgle J 3 o 3 5 3 3 06 6

Equipment: Pl ag uc bea rers are arm ed w ith a venom ous

I'lagues\vord as described helm . NURGLINGS
Options: Plaguebea rers ma y rid e Beasts of N urg le at an DAEMONS OF NURGrn
ex tra cust of 75 po ints. 30 points per base
Special: Plaguehea rers are da<:mons and all the specia l If yo ur army includes at lea st o ne Chaos Cha mpi o n or
rules pertaining to d ae mo ns appI (see t he sec ti o n on Cha s Sorcerer of N urgle you may also include urglings -
Dacmons). tiny. mu ltitudinous daemons of Nurg le. Your army may
in clude any num ber of N urg ling hases. I f the arm y
A unit of Plagu ebea rers ca uses f ea r as d escrihed in th e
includes up to fi ve 1 u rg ling bases these form a single unit.
Psycho logy sect io n of the Warhammer ful ebook .
Si x to ten bases can be fOfmed into either one or two units
Plaguebea rers ha\'e a daem o n savi ng throw o f 4+. T hi s of as near equa l size as possible. eleve n to fifteen bases
save is nega ted hy mag ic weapons. ca n be form ed into o ne. two o r three units.
Plaguebearers are armed ~' ith a ve nomo us P l ag u e~wo rd . PROFll.E M WS BS S T W A Ld
(o rt al creatu res (no t daem o ns or ndead) su ffe rin g a
wound fro m the Plaguesword are auto mati ca ll y slain o n Nurgling base 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 7
the D6 ro ll of a -1+ rega rd less of ho \\" many \'v ou nds they
have. Special: Nurglings are daemo ns an I all th e spec ial rul es
pe rt aining to d ae m o ns ap pl y (see th e sectio n o n
A unit of Plag uehea rers has Daemo n .).
a ma g iC leve l o f 1 p e r five
m ode ls. and o ne i\ urg le A unit of Nurg lings c:l u ses fear as desc rib ed i n th e
Chaos spell per five models. Psycho logy sectio n of the \Xfarhammer rul ebook.
See the Ch aos Bestiar , for A I urg lin g base Ius a daemo n sav ing throw of 4+ for
furth e r f ul es perta inin g to wounds inflicted upon it. This sa ve is nega!ed by magic
Plaguehearers. wea po ns.


700 points per model
If yo ur arm y includ es :1t leas t one Chao s Champio n or
Cha os Sorce rer of T zee ntch [h en you m ay also inc lude
Lo rds o f Change.


Lord of' Change 8 9 10 7 7 7 10 6 10

Special: The Lord of Change is :1 Grea ter Daemon anc! all

th e sp ec ial rul es p ertainin g [0 dae m ons appl y (s ee th e
Chaos Daemons sectio n).
Th e Lo rd o f Chan ge ca u ses l el' ro l' as desc rib ed in the
Psycho logy sectio n of [h e Wa rhammer rul ebook.
The Lo rd o f Cha nge has a d ae mon sa vi n g th row of 4+.
Note [hat thi s is negated by magiC weapons .
The Lo rd o f Change has w ings and ca n.Jll' as de 'cri hcd in
the Warhaillmer rul ebook.
The Lord o f Cha nge has a magiC le\'el o f 4 and ca n lake
fo ur Tzeentch Chaos spells.

50 points per model
I f yo ur arm y includ es at least o ne Cha os Champ ion o r
Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch yo u ma y also inclu de units of

PINK HORRORS Flamers 9 3 5 542 4 2 10
35 points per model Special: Flame rs are dae m o ns an d all th e speci al rul es
pertaining to cla e m o ns apply ( see th e sect io n o n
If y o ur army includ es at leas t o ne Chaos Cha mpi o n o r
Daemons) .
Chaos So rce rer o f Tzeentch th en yo u ma y al so inc lude
units o f Pink Ho rrors. A unit o f Fi:lm e r s ca uses f ear as d esc rib ed in tile
Psycho log secti o n o f the \Varh am ll1er rul ebook.
Flamers have a cia em o n saving throw o f 4+. Thi s save is
Pink Horror 4 5 5 4 3 6 2 10 negated b y magic wea po ns.
Blue Horror 4 3 3 3 3 7 10 Flame rs may shoot fl ame up to 6" and an y target stru ck
suffers D6 S3 hits.
Special: Horrors are da em o n s and all the spec ial rul es
pertaining to da emo ns app l y (see th e sec ti o n o n Chaos In hand-to-hand fighting an y enem y that suffers 1 w o und
Da emons). sustains D 3 wo unds rather than 1 because o f the effect of
the daemo n's names .
A unit of H o rro rs ca u ses fear as d esc ri b ed in th e
Flam ers ca n b o und 0 er obs tacles w itho ut move m ent
Psycho logy sectio n of the \X'arhammer rul ebook.
pe n a lt ~' .
A unit o f Horrors h as a m ag iC Ie el of 1 pe r fiv e Pink
Horrors and o ne Tzee ntch Chaos spell per five m odels.
Split.· A Pink Ho rro r that is slain is replaced immed iately by
tw o Blu e Horror models. These co ntinue to fight as pan of
the unit until they are slain , w hen the m odels are removed.
Note that Horro rs o f either co lo ur do no t have a daem on
saving throw - [h e splining rul e is their version o f th e sa me


OF SLAANESH ............_. 35 points per model
If yo u r arm y inc lud es :It leas t ne Chaos Cha mpio n or
Chaos S rce rer of Slaan es h then yo u may al 0 inc lu de
ul1.i ts of Oa emone tl es.


Daclllonelle 6 5 4 3 6 3 [0

KEEPERS OF SECRETS Steed of Slaanesh [2 3 o 4 5 6 10

Options: Da emon ett es ma y rid e te ds of Slaa nesh at an
750 points per model extra cos t o f 2') points per model.
If n )ur arIll\' inc lu des at least o ne Chaos Cha m pion o r
Chaos So rce re r of Sl a~tn es h th e n yo u Illa y also inc lu de Special: Oaemon eltes are daemo ns and all Ihe spec ial
Keepers o f Secrets. ru les pe rt ain i ng to da em o ns app l y (s ee the sect io n on
A unit o f Da emonert es ca uses f ear as d esc rib d in th e
Keeper of Secret, 6 \) [0 7 7 8 7 6 [0 Psycho logy sectio n o f the \'(/arham mer rul ebook.
Daemonettes ha ve ~l daemon sal·i ng thrO\\· of 4+. Th is save
Special: The Keeper of Secre ts is a G reater DaeIllo n and is nega ted bv mag ic lI'eap)n -.
all th e special rul es pert aining to daemo ns app ly (see the
sect ion o n C ha o~ Daemo ns). A un it o f D :lem o nett es has a ma g iC lel ·c l o f 1 pe r fi ve
models. and o ne Slaanesh Chaos spell per five models.
Th e Kee pe r of Se cret ~ c lLIses terro r ~ I S d escrihed in th e
1' ~)'L' ho l ogy secti o n of th L' '\ arhamme r rul eiJook . Fo r furth er r ules rega rd ing Ste ed s o f Slaa ncsh se e th e
Chaos l3esti,m·.
The Keeper (ll- Secrets has a daemon sa l ·ing throw o f "I T .
;\;(l[e that th is is negated h y m~ l g i c we~lpo n s .
The KeepL'r of Secrets has an entrancing Aura o f S Ia ~ tn es h .
Each enem y in base co ntact mu st pass a 206 L <Idership
test ~1l the stan o f any ro ll nd o f com hat o r it \\'i lllx.' unable
to figh t.
The Keeper of Secrets has a magiC Ic" el o f ·-1 ,in I ca n take
fo ur Sla anesh Chaos spell.-.

OF SLAANESH .............. 30 po ints per model
[f yo ur arm y includes at least o ne Cha os Champio n o r
Ch aos Sorcerer of Slaa nesh you m:l y also include units of
Fiends - hein ous daemon heasts o f Ihe Prince of Chaos.

Fiend s 6 o 3 8

Special: Fie nds are daemo n s and all th e specia l ru les

pen aining 10 da em o ns appl y (see the sect io n o n Chaos
Daemo ns ).
A unit u f Fiends ca uses jear as described in the Psyc ho logy
sectio n orthe Warhamm er rul eboo k .
Fiends have a ci ae mo n sav ing t hro\\· o f '1 +. Th is sa l'e is
negated by magiC weapons.
Amo ngst a Fiencl·s three attacks one is a speci al poisono ll s
attack fro m its scorpi o n lail. If the tail attack hits then th e
target must m ak e i ts armo ur sa l ·ing th ro w o r suffe r [
,,·o un d. T he po ison is so stro n g th at n o ro ll aga in st
Toug hness is requ ired .
The daemon exudes a Soporific Musk w hich ma kes it hard
for enemy to attack it. Any enemy in ba se co ntact suffer a
-1 to hit penalty.



• . '" • • s c

625 points HIPPOGRIFF ...
• sn
.. 145 points
Profile M WS BS S T W A L Prom e M WS BS S T W A L
Clla ~ Dragon 6 6 0 7 6 8 t> 8 '1 0 6 'i 'i 6 .3 8

CHIMERA ..................... 250 points HYDRA .... 225 points

Profile M WS BS S T W A L Prome M WS BS S T W A l

h imera 6 'I 0 7 6 6 6 t> I [relra (i 3 0 'i 6 .3 5 6

MANTICORE 200 points

Profile M WS BS S T W A L
(, 6 0 .., -, 'i 'I -I 8

WYVERN .... ....... .. ........ .... . 180 points

Prome M WS BS S T W A l
.3 'i

SWARMS ... 100 points

Prome M WS BS S T W A l
Rab 6 j 0 .3 2 10
Frogs .3 0 .3 2 10
COCKATRICE .. ... 150 points
Li za rd, 'I :\ 0 .3 1 10
Prome M WS BS S T W A L
8 .3 0 .3 1 10
Coc koitrice j 0 4 2 j 6
Serrenh .3 .3 0 2 5 10
DRAGON [n,ect, ~pi (k r, .3 0 2 ') 10
Drago n .. • 1~O r o ints ~corpi()n, j 0 1 'i 5 10
Grea t D rago n ... .. 600 points
Emperor D rago n . ......... 7'1 0 p () int~

Prome M WS BS S T W A l
6 (,0 6 6 8
.., 7
G r"at Draw)n 6 7 0 7 7 8 7 (; (;

Emperor Dragon 6 8 0 t> 8 9 9 9


Prome MWS BS S T W A l
G iant Scorrion 'i .3 0 '1 -I '1 2 /

GIGANTIC SPIDER .. 50 p o ints

Pro me M WS BS S T W A L
- -
G igantic Sp id "r 'i .3 0 5 4 ~ 2 "7

CHAOS GORGON .... .. ...... .. ... ....... ... ..... .. 110 points
Prome M WS BS S T W A L
Gorgon -I 2 .~ .3 .3 .3 9

GRIFFON .... .... ... .......... ....... .. 150 points

Prome M WS BSS T W A l
GrifTon 6 'i 0 6 'i ') 8


• e
• • • • s
". •• • • 2
Weapons/ Armour: !V[o rd rek carri es a Cha os SW'o rd o f
Change wh ose to uch turn s his foes into Chaos Spa wn. H is
THE DAMNED ............................... 314 points eterna lly changing fo rm is enclosed "" ithin Cha os arm o ur
and he ca rri es a shicld.
+50 points Sword of Change
+ 10 points Chaos Armour Rides: Mord rek rides a Chaos Steed wh ich ha~ armoured
+50 points living Damnation
Your :lnny may incl ude Count Mord rek as a character. He
Magic Items: M o rd rek th e Dam ned is a Chaos Lo rd and
has three mag iC it e m s. Two of th ese :1 re th e Swo rd o f
m ay no t b e th e Ge n era l an d he can n o t lead a uni t.
[o rd rek fights alo ne as an inde pendent character m od el. Change and Chaos arni our. Th e remaining mag ic item is
the Chaos Re\y ard of Li ving Da mnatio n .
Do any remember how Co unt Morelrek the D:llnned came
into his fa te' A re there :1l1y amo ngst the "" ise o f th e O lel Special Chaos Reward:
Worl d w ho recall wh ich goel he served i [I' such men ex ist
th ey kee p th eir own co uncil. [t is co mmo nly su pposed Living Damnation. At th e stan o f eac h o f your turns deal
th at t he g o d ~ rewa rd ed Co unt Mo rdrek \v i th the gift of M o rd rek the Damned o ne Chaos Gift fro m th e to p o f the
Li ving Dam natio n. He wa lks th e w o rlel at the wh im of the deck . T his gift ca n he used o nly h)' Mordrek the Da mned,
Chaos Goels , nev er d y in g. ye t nev r asce ndi ng to th e O ra, a furth er Chaos Gift at th e sta rt o f each of yo ur turns.
Realm of Chaos. He has been slain many times and each Yo u ca n ho ld up to three Ch:1oS Gift s for j\I[ord rek at an y
tim e he is resurrecte d to se rve aga in . I-I e has e ndu red one time - if yo u sho uld h:t\'e mo re than three ca rd s then
m:lI1y dea ths andli\'ed many life-times o f morta l men . di sc:1 rd excc::ss gifts i mIll cdiat e l y. Sho ulcl yo u draw th e
Etern al Labour, Eye of the God o r Chaos Sp:I\\"J1 then th ese
The curse that lies upon Count 'Iord rek the Damned is to
cards are iIllmediate ly discarded and havc no effect. [f yo u
end ure eternal c hange as we ll as etern al li fe. W ithin his
d ra",' Cosm ic Duel then I[o rdrek is w hisked :I\\'ay b y the
Cha os armour his fo rm '\Tit hes wi th co nsta nt mu ta ti o n.
Chaos Gods as descri bed on the card .
O nl y the Chaos Goels k now ""h y they have ch sen such a
fare for their selya nl. anc! th eir rea so ns :Ire not for morrals Chaos Gifts. Yo u cann o t p b y furth e r Cha o s G ifts on
ro understand. i\ [o rcl rek th e Damned .

No te that Mordrek has no Mark o f Chaos - w hich goel he

PROFILE M WS BS S T W A Ld se rnx l an d "" hy th e Ch ao s Gods ah an d o ned him ar e
Mordrek 4 9 9 5 5 3 9 5 10
un k no \,\·n .

Chaos Steed 8 4 o 4 4 -+ 5
OF CHAOS ........................................ 356 points
+625 points Chaos Dragon
+10 points Chaos Armour
+45 points Chaos Rune Blade
+35 points Skull of Katam
+50 points Chaos Familiar
Your arm y may incluele Egrimm as a chara cter. Yo u may
incl ude him as the atl11y's General if you w L h.
W he n Eg rim l11 va n Ho rstm ann w as o rd ained as G rand
M ag ister o f the O rd er o f Li g ht he was accla imed as th e
youngest and m o st g ifted wiza rd to rul e ov 1' :1 m ag ical
o rder. s he knelt upo n his kn ees and s",'ore allegiance to
th e Em pe ro r. none g uesse d th at his loya lty ha d alread y
been g iven to another ancl far mo re sinister mas ter.
As an A pprentice Chanter o f th e ritual -h o und Ord er of
Li g ht Wiza rds he se n 'ed under Master Chant er A lric the
Savio ur o f A pesto w ho pu g ht him m an y o f th e o rde r' s
anc ie nr sec rets. I3ut all th e tim e he se rved th e O rd er of
Li g ht. Ho rst m an pra ed to th e God s o f Chaos fo r th e
power to d feat his peers. His progress was rapid. By cl ay
11e studied Light iVlagic. and b y night he po red over ancient
m anu sc ript s d evo ted to t he .lo re of th e Chaos God s.
Daemo n ' of Tzeentch w hispered their timeless secrets into
his sleepin g mind and Egrimm's evil powers \ :1xed strong.
Fo r three yea rs the Grand Magister worked his evil in the



OF KHORNE ................................... 325 points
+25 points Destroyer
+250 points Hound of Khorne
Your arm y ma y include Arbaa [ ;15 a chara cte r. tho ugh he
ma y not be the army's Gener:i1 .
Of all the warrio r heroes of Khorne th e Blo ld ad th ere
are few so unerl ), devo ted to th e ir th irst ing maste r as
Arhaa !' Thousands ha\'e felt his axe blade at th ei r necks
and no\\' thei r w hite skulls lie a[ the feet o r Kho rne. At the
ci t y o f Praag in th e n orthland s Arhaa l l ed a hu ndred
daemon s to th e assault. He is the f';1\'o urite of h is master
and his most devoted sen·ant. Kh o rne has gifted him \\'ith
th e pow e r o f th e Dest roy e r . a re wa rd that belongs to
Kh o rn e' ~ own Ch ampion alo ne. On l y o ne warri or ma y
bear the gift of th e Destrover. Sho uld his Champion be
defea ted Kh o rn e's w rath ful eye \\'illturn his warrior to foul
Spawn . for o n I)' the \ ' i c t o riou~ are worthy to ser\'(: Kho rne.

Arbaal 4 9 8 6 5 3 8 1+* 10
darkness. Seeds of corrupti on \\'en: plal1leci in th e hearts of Khorne ' s Hound 8 6 o 6 5 3 10 4 10
the co lytes o f th e Orde r of Li g ht. Rituals w ere suhtl .
modified and their po\\'ers red irected. lleneath the Col lege Weapons/ Armour: A rh:lal the UndeFeated Dest royer of
Egrimm la boured at th e se aled \'aults , one-hy-o n e Kho rne is armed \yi th an axe and " 'ea rs Chaos armour (the
defeating their magica l lock s to unCO \'er the forbidd en f., [ark o f Kh ornel.
th in gs t he y co ntained. I t is imposs ible to calculate th e
damage cion or t he ho rrors unleashed upon the world bv Rides: Arb:lal r id es Khorn e's HOLlll cl. See spec ial rul es
th e Grand Mag ister hefore his e\'i1 w;)s uncm ered by the below.
Inqu isitors I' Sigmar and the Grand Theogonist Vo lk mar. Magic Items: A rha al has t\'\'o magic item ~. both of \yh ich
The search fo r and disco\ 'ery o f the sou rce of o rrupti on are actua lly C ha o~ He\\'arcl~ o f Kho rne - Kho rn,,"s Hound
\\'o uld make a long and horrific t:lle in its O\yn ri ght. [n [he and Destro)'er or "ho rn e. Sec helo\\' fo r details . Arhaal 's
end th e Grand 1\·lagister unlocke d the Drago n Baudros Chaos armou r is hb 1\ lark o f Kh o rne.
from its timd e s~ prison beneath the Pyramid o f Ligh t and
upo n th e winged a nd t\\'o-he:lded form o f this m os t
infamous of all Chaos Dragons ascended illlo the sk y and
departed into the C ha o~ \\(!astes.

Egrimm 4 6 6 5 5 .. 9 4 10
Chao;, Dragon 6 6 o 7 7 7 68 8

Weapons/ Armour: Egrimm va n Ho rstmann \H:ar,; Chaos

armour and ca rries a Chaos Ru ne Blade .
Mark of Chaos. rb:la l ha s t he h : l o~ armour o f a
Rides: Egr imm \'an Ho rstm ann ri de~
th e ba c k of the
C h:lIllpi on o f Kh o rn e. H oweve r . note that he is n o t
Dragon B:ludro., . mighty t"'in-heldcd D rago n of Chaos.
affec ted by .Ii'en?t' as K ho rne's Champion 's us ual l y are.
See the Chaos l3esti an' fo r details of the haas Dragon and
The De:-troye l' o r Kh o rn e reward ellecti\'dy replaces the
its specia l brea th atta cks.
Frenzy ru le.
Magic IteITIS: Egrimm \'an Ho rstman is a So rcerer Lord of
Wrath of Khorne. Arhaa l is Kho rne 's o \yn champio n and
T zee nt ch :Ind ca rri es fo ur magi c i tems : Chaos armour.
th e m os t favoured of all his many c hampions. Arbaa l is
Ch:los Rune l3Iack. Chaos Fam il iar :lI1d the Sku ll o f Katam .
co nstantly under Khorne's scrutiny . If he should fa il in his
Magic: Horstmann is a Sorcerer ,Lo rd ancl has fo ur spells clut~, to "h orne th~n th e Blood -gocj's anger ~\ ' ill certainl y
whi ch ma y be dra\\'n from th e Tze en tch :I nd o r Dark d escend upo n him . If rbaal tl ees fo r \\'ha[en!r rea~o n
Mag ic decks. (hro ken in co mhat , as a result of p:-ychology , et ) then
rather than fleeing he is turned [ 0 Chaos Spawn. s soon
SPECIAL RULES as he turns to Spawn Il1o\'e Arhaa l 2D6" directl y forward,
and I-uhseq uent lv movc him rando m ly a~ described in the
s a Sorcerer of Tzeeillch Egrimlll va n I l o r~tma I1 n has his
ru les fo r Chaos Spawn. O nce A rh a ~i1 becom es Spa~\'n the
Imlster's usual 1\la rk of th e Gods and can dispe l any spell
Hound of I ho rne returns to its master and rh e G ift o f the
c a~t aga i n~ t him o n the D6 ro l l of a <1+ (See th e Chaos
Destro)'e r is remoH:cI.
Bestiary) .


AEKOLD HELBRASS ................ 195 points

+ 10 points Chaos Armour
+25 points Breath of Life
Yo u r arm )' ma in clude Aek o lcl H elbrass as a c haracter
model. He may not be the army's General.
Aekold H elb ras s, Champion o f Tzee ntch , hears a m o st
unusual g ift - the gift that is known as the Breath of Life,
Where Aeko lcl wa lks th e grass springs g reen and mea dow
Il owe rs b losso m, \Xl hen he w alks upo n th e dese rt sands
and stony rocks the land bursts into life as he passes ,
Li ving t hings he tO uches spr ing into new and v igo ro us
g rowth. T he lo ng d ead wood o f c1 00 rs anel stav es tak es
root upo n his to uch . Creatures that are upon th e threshold
o f death hi s to uch ca n resto re to health, fo r such is the
power o f th e Breath of Li fe, His tou ch is as indiscriminate
as it is potent, behind him he lea \'es a trail of ne"," life and
e\'ery thing he to uches is affec ted.

Aekold Helbrass 4 8 8 5 5 2 8 4 10

Weapons/Armou r: Ae k o ld w ea rs Chaos arm o ur ami

ca rri es a do u bl e-handed b roa dsword.
Mark of Chaos: Aekold is a Chamrio n of Tz entch and
bears his mark, Thi s mea ns he has a + dispel aga inst any
spell d irected at him ,
Magic Items: Aeko ld has two magic items, Chaos armour
Challenge . [f fight ing a un i t o f troo[)s that co nta ins an
an d th e sp cial Cl1:l 05 Rewa rd Brea th o f Life ' - th is is
enemy characte r A rhaa l must i:;sue a ch:tl len ge on beha lf
expl ained belo\\'
o r his master. [f a challenge is issued to Arbaal o r a un it he
is with th en he Illust meet it. If Arha:tI fights a c hall enge
and slav s his enemy th en he ma y imm edia te l y iss ue
:In o th e r ch all en ge and figh t a furth er ro un d of combat
immed iately. If A rbaa l's ch:llienge is no t met th en he ma y
fight a ro un d against o rdi nary troo r s as n o rm al. W hen
Arh: lal figh ts the Ho und of Kho rne also fights. iJoth d uring
cha ll enges and o rdi n:lIY co m hat. If:1Il l'nemy unit co ntain s
m o re that o ne char:lcter w ho is \\'illin g [() 'fioht him it is
[) (Js sib lc fo r rh aal to f i ght se \'er:tI I~)lln d; o r co mba~
w i thin a sin gle no rm :1I r~un d, W o rk o ut comhat resu lts
o nl y wh en :111 fighting is finish ed , co unting :i11 wound.,
in nicted to \ya rcls th e resul t. '


The Destroye r. Th e \Y:IITior g ifted w ith thi s pm 'er has
o nl y o ne atta c k o n his rro f ile Ho\\' e\'e r, i f he h it s h is
enem y th en th e hit become., 2D6 hits. \Vo rk o ut eac h hi t
selXlrately . The Destroye r ca n o nl y att ack a ~ in g l e model ,
b ut i f he hits he is likely to sl:l \ hi s enem v e\'(: n if it is a
LlI'ge heast. " ,

Hound of Khorne. T he H oun d o f Kho rn is the m ood Special Chaos Reward:

Goer s o\\'n Flesh HOllnd, a e1 aemon o f ti tan.ic prorol1 io ns
t ha t co mbin es th e arr ri bu tes of t h e Fles h Il o un d w ith The Breath of Life. At the Slal1 o f eac h C h a o~ turn Aeko ld
massive size and tremendous po \\'er. O n ly Kh o rn e ' ~ O\\'n H elbrass w ill recove r a single wound that he ha ~ suffered
c h o~e n Ch;l lllp ion i:; eve r re\\'arcl ed w ith t he H o u nd o f o n the D6 ro ll of a ..h . He can recover o nlv I \vo uncl per
Kh o rn e which the champi o n rid es after th e fas hio n o f a turn anc! caa reco \'er his full number of \\'o ulK ls in tim e.
mo nstrous hea.,t. All th e special rul es fo r the Flesh Hound On ce sl ai n he ca n still reco v e r \vo und s and there h y
<1 100 appJ\' to th e Ho und o f Kh o rn e (see Chaos Bestiar\,) , rein ca rn ate him se lf. b u t a D6 sco re o r a 6 is re quired to
'1o te that the I-[ound of Kh o rn e \\'ears a Flesh H o un ~l' s return his first \\'ound. Ma rk th e place w here he is slai n so
Co llar o f Kh o rn e \,'hi ch m akes it immun e ro ma g ic that he ca n be returned o nce recove reel. In add itio n , anv
\\'c apon s - this p o w er d oe s not ex tend ro th e Hound 's model in hase co nract ( fri enel o r foe) will recO\'er a s in gl ~
rid er wh o is affected by mag ic \yeapo ns as norma l. T he w ouncl on th e D6 sco re o f a 6, T he Breath of Life ca n o nl y
col lar d'oes r rot ec t h o th Hound and rider against 1ll:lgic bring Aek o ld back to life, it cannot res tore am' other e1ea d
m odel. '
,pel Is - disrelling th em insunlly


SPAWN OF CHAOS ...... 340 points
Yo ur arm y ma y in cl ud e Sc v la :IS a c hara c ter - in
\\' hi c h case yo u mu st ap r o i n t an othe r haos
Champ ion or Cha os So rcerer to be his master (see the
Speci:tI Ru les) . Scyla may no t be th e army's G~ nl:raL
Once Scyla An finngri m o f :-\o rsca enjoyed the f:lvo ur
of h is Cha os Go el . A t o n e t ime Scy b 's I{ aid e rs
p lagueclth e northern coast. o r the Em r ire. H is name
wa s h e lel in te rro r Iw t he Ki sl e\' ire me rc hants or
Erengrad . Many reme;llhercd rhe daring n ight r:licb
th at left th e d o kJand s o f th e Ly nsk an infern o o r
d es tru cti o n . But pO \\'e r of such magn itude has its
cos t. and Scy b paid th e hi g h est p ri ce fo r hi s
ambit ion.
At fiN his h el y s~\'e ll e d w ith chitino us p l at e~. T his
g ift ma d e him eve n m re PO\\·erru l. bu t it ~ 'a s t he
begin ning o f th e end fo r Seyla, W it hi n th ye ar h is
head grew elongate and rep tilian and a beaked ta il
spro uted fro m hb b:lc k . His lim hs lo st th e ir cle:l n
human shape, hecoming lo ng , ha iry , and ar c- li ke,
Soo n he co ul d no lo nge r g ras p hi" ~ ~ ' o r d and fe ll
upo n all fo urs like a beast. At last his mind ga \'e up its
gri p and Scyla w as lost into the depths of g ibbe ring
abominatio n - he became a Chaos Spa\'\'n,
Scyia 's warri o r band took pity o n him. Indeed, there
w ere sam \yho n.: \'ereel him in hi" ne\'\' shape, and
p:lici him ho mage as a li\'ing god. Suhsequentl y, his
trusted lieutenan t O ne- Eved Eriock wa s chosen as
I,-h o rne 's c hampi o n. and Erloc k p lace d aroun d
Scyla's m:tlfol'lned heaclthe r o tent Co lbr o f Kh o rn e.
\'(i hen Erl ck leel the w arriors to hatti e he took Scyla
with him . d irecting the ho rrifi c creature li ke ~o m e tamed Iro n Hard Skin: Scyla has Iro n I-i:lrd Skin whi ch gi\ ' e~
heast. Th e ultimate hlte o f .'cy la is not recorded . bu t he him an armou r S<1 \'ing throw of <1+ o n a 06. T his s:l\ e is not
\\'as said to 11:1\'e fa ll en at th e Ga t e~ o f Ki~Ic.· \ · . the titanic mociifi ed by the att acker'S Strength ( as o th er armo ur is).
halll<: ~' hi c h ended the Great War Agains t haos. W here no armour ~a\ 'e i~ rerm illed (eg, a can no n shot or
Slone thro w er ) then Iron Har I Skin has no effec t.
Collar o f Kh o rne: Scd a we ars a o ll ar of Kho rn e. I f
Scyla Spawn 6 6 o 6 6 4 3 6 8 attacked by a mag ic \\'eapo n :lIld if he makes a successful
armou r sa\'ing thro \\' for hi ~ [ro n Hard Skin then th e magic
Chaos Gifts: S c y l a· .~ pro fi le rctlects the <.:I'fecl.'i of 1110st of w ea po n is I~,t ro)'ed. I f all:l cked w ith a m:lg ic spell th'en
his Chaos Gifts. th e hi zarre sklpe o f his hod y. unn:llurall y lhe spe ll is d ispelled o n the D6 ro ll of' a ' 1+ . If di,,[)<.:I led th e
st ro ng limhs. to ugh chit inous hody and so fo rth. H e also spell is au tomatically cle~t ro yecl anel th caster ~us t a in s j
has th e fo ll m\'ing addi[io nal :lhi liriL's. wo und o n th e 0 6 ro lluf a ' 1+. T he d estroyed sp e ll is
remo\'ed from your o p ponent 's ha nd and cannot be u ~ed
fo r the remainder o f the ga me,

Scyla's Master: Scyla obeys the \"i ll of his maste r and ca n
be contro ll ed like any o ther mo nster. The Chaos Sp awn
rul es do not apply ",hibt Scda rema ins un I<:r his master' s
co mma nd . I Ie 11l (l\'CS :Incl al1 :l ck s no rma ll y, just li k e a
mo nster included in the :11'111 ]'.
If yo u in cl ude Sey b in \'o ur army yo u m ust :l p p o iIll a
haos Champion or Chaos Sorcerer as h is llla'ler. Scyla
deploys \\'ilhi n 6" of hi,' master at the ~t: lrl of th e ga me. but
is free to !11O \'e ;I, he \\':lIlts there:lfter. Should his master
be sl:ti n o r 1e:1\'e the tahle Scyl:t become:-. :>u h ject to th e
rul e:-. ro r Chaos Sp:\\v n as desc rih ed else\\'here in thi s
\'ol ume (but note tha t he ga i n ~ no further Chaos Gifts),
Fear: Scyla L' a mons trous beas t of horrific appearance ,
Chaos Spa\\'n ca u ~e fear as described in th e [)sychology
secti o n of th e W arham mc r ru lchook.


h e clatter of soldiers in the alleyway alerted Marius to his

peril. Hurriedly he gathered four black candles and bundled
them into his voluminous robes. With his heart racing he
fumbled for the secret catch by the rtreplace. Long rtngers
quickly found the mechanism and a wooden panel snapped
open with a muted click.
"Open up in the name of the Emperor," roared a voice which
he knew to be that of Falconius Captain of the Theogonist's Guard.

Without wailing for a re pl y the ~oldi e rs hegan to tin y clawed hands, Ib head was hlack and porcine, it'
halter up o n th e clo o r Iyith lh e ir he l\'y halh e rd s, lips long an d flec k ed \\' ith ra nk spittl e . Kith elabar
I\brius was never a man to tak e a ri sk where no ne was jumped fro m its hiding pla ce anc! sprang into JVlarius'
necessar y: th :lt portal had hee n installed ju st three anns licking excited ly at the Sorce rer 's fa ce .
I'ears ago I,hen he made his firsl pled ge to th e Dark
Ma riu s calm ed th e small creatu re . stro kin g it." d ark
God..;. I:lehind its two inches o f Drak\\'ald oak he had
leath ery fl esh until it settl ed upon hi s sho ulder. T he
sumill o ned daemo ns \\'ith rit es so ev il it made him
creature's acrid odo ur reminded Marius o f the scent of
shudder to recdl. The cl aar \\'as ho und in iro n. and
fresh blood. and he had spilled enough in his time ro
two hlack iron ho lts secu red it in p l:1 ce , He knew th~1t
kno\l' tha t smell.
he wmild be safe for the fe,I' minutes he need ed to
reach his hidden chamber. In th e room below, the oaken c100r fell w ith a boom
thar sh o ok th e hou se to its fo undati ons , Within a
m o m ent so ldie rs w ere \ 'ithin th e o rcere r's slud y .
toss ing aside his desk and books and bursting o pen
his chests and loc kers. Mariu s, safe in the cham be r
alJOve. li ste neci quierly to th eir d in and rh en sen sed
th e sil ence of co nfu sio n as rh e so ldiers fo und th eir
quarry I as go n e , Then he heard a sound that he
recognisecl. the gro \\'ling :lI1d humourless vo ice o f the
Grand T heogonist himself.
j\'la riu s bound ed into th e hiclden passage an d up th e " Sl~lnd hack," ordered th e vo ice. "Sigmar will guide us
steep stai rs that too k him up to his sec rel biro T he to the ahominarion."
woode n p~ln e l clicked shut hehind him plunging the
narrOI\' sta irwa y into darkn ess, i'v!ariu s knell' el'ery For a moment th e house was sil ent and M;] riu s k new
step intill1 :ltelv and h:lrel y slowed his up\\'ard flight. that he ,~ 'ou lcl soon be clisco l 'ered , It would tak e m o re
The 5111;111 cham her was fann ed I'ithin a po rti o n of the th an a secre t pan el and hidden catch to keep o ut th e
atti c an cl la y direcrl y ahm'e hi s pril :lte rooms , Th ere likes o f the Grand Thcogonist of Sigmar, Volkmar th e
I,'ere no wind o ws, but a lillie da ylight leaked through mo st p o te nt e nem y of C ha os in all of A ltd o rf.
lhe gable end and b , rhi s means he \I'as able to find Hurri edl y i'vLtriu s so ug ht o ut the 5n1::l11 cas k et for
th e flint and Lin de r with \\ 'hi c h he li t th e ca ndl es which there IV::IS no key. Three ye::lrs ~ I go he had put it
brought from below, u po n a she l f to ge th e r w ith th e clark est o f ancie nt
G rimo ires rhe Liher Da em o nicus, At th e tim e he hael
Th e room W:IS a clutter of ancielll hooks and sinisler sw o rn to himself that he w o uld touch neither el 'en if
curios . A ncient ta pes tries by he:lped upon th e fl oor his life depended upon it.
:Ind piles o f crumhling scrolls w ere stack ed by the
\\'::III.'i, In a clea r parch o n th e uneven day fl oor lvIariu s :--Jow the cas ket felt strangelv warm to his touch and
th e ru nes upo n its silver G\.'ie swirled ancl danced as
had ensc ribed a twisted sigll of po wer - the Mark of
his trembling hands met th e deliCJtely worked metal.
Tzee n tch. thL' G reat So rcere r o f Chaos. In t h e
Th e cas k et hore a lock but no ho le for a k ey , fo r it
flickering l igh t o f th e canell e,; th e sigil wrirheel like a
thin g in pain nee d ed n o ne. o ne thing alon e w o uld unl ock th at
unho ly box .
" Kithclabar l " c ri ed the So rce re r, "Co m e to yo ur
JVl:iriu~ heard rh e Familiar sound of a muted click and
knel'\' that Vo lkIll~lr h:lcI c1iscol'("red the hidden panel
W ith a sq uea l like a suck ling pi g a sm:t11 miss hape n rhat l ed to his lair. His h eart pounded as his lip s
crea ture emergeci fro m hehind a pil e of 11l0 ulderin g Iyo rk ed at an unho l prayer. h:ilhelahar sq uea led in
fab ri c. It mig ht h:II'e he e n ~I bat , for it s had lo ng pani c :IS th e creature c aug ht sce nt of m en in the
leathery w ings. but at the knuckl e o f each \\'ing it iJo re pa sS::lge bel ow.


Slow and wa,y footstep mounted rhe sreep stai rway. evil thou has t embraced and eve n now succour. "
The no ise o f steel aga inst steel ec ho d in its narrO\y Volkmar stepped past the trembling sold iers his gaze
confines. Marius 's stomach ti ghtened \\'ith terro r. H e fixed up o n th e So rce rer. Th e G rand T heogo nist
fea red d eath as mu ch as any m ortal. ye t rh e cas k er I etra yed no sign o f terror for he had confront ed and
held something infinitely mo re terrifying. Until now defea ted the ev il o f Chao:; man y times and he had
he had al'CI'ays fanc ied he ~\ 'o uld have the betTer o f it lea rn ed I Hlg ago to trust in the righteous powe r of his
in the encl, that he could ~omehow cheat fate and find god. About hi;; n ec k hung a tin y go ld en hamm er
the fo rgi veness of igma r. \\'hich he clasped in his right hand. holding it between
himself and Marius.
Had he but fo resee n this m o m ent. \\'o uld he have
made the pact that bound him so subtly to the Grea t
Sorcerer of Chaos'
A final step brought Falconius into the chamber. For
an instant th e Captain stood silhouened aga inst th e
shifting ca ndle-light, blinking uncertainly, barely able
to contain his own fear. He saw at o nce that Mariu s
\yas there. hunched over a small cas ket that glo \yed
with a radi ance o f its o\vn. Upon th e So rce rer' s
sho ulder there p erched a foul creature, a familiar o f
uncertain form but hai rl ess and vaguely bat-like. Th e
thin g sh ri eked and it s black eye s g lowe red
malevolentl y at th e soldier as he raised his sword . Kithelahar hissed evilly and th e daemon cringed as it
"Hold there Sorcerer and be silent' " cried the Ca ptain ca ught sight of th e po tent symbol of Sigm ar. IVlarius
of the Th eog nist's Gua rd . " But a single \yord and you felt his own pO'CI'er suddenly ebb. as if the ve,y fa ith of
die thi s day." th e Grand Th eogo ni st w ere a barrier to him . Sp ell
work woul d not sa \'e him now. H e had expended no
Falconius strode illlo the room h is sword held before littl e energy already and Vo lkmar was an ad versa ry
him lik e a ward to th e Sorcerer's p o \\·e r . An o th er too powerful for such as he. He felt paniC rise within
s Icli er appea red b ehind him and o thers hes itallll y his breast.
crept up th e sta invay.
"O h Grea t Master' " he cri ed o ut. turning his vo ice to
A sudden and powerful anger \vell ed within th e th e heave ns. ,, [ m ak e the Dark Promise at l as t. "
Sor erer MJ riu s. Confro nted by his pursuers at last. all Benea th his feet th e :;igil of Tzeentch glowed hrightl y,
fea r left him and he was O\'ercome with indigna tion. it s sha p e shiftin g faster and fas ter lik e a se rpe nt
How dare thi s feeble se ll-sw o rd challenge him . he fo rm ed of pure lig ht. Th e silve r cask et \\'hose loc k
who had devoted his li fe to th e stud y of th e arca ne ho re o f no key rose into the air and hovered befo re
a,1S. What power did steel ha\'e O\'er him wh en th e him . The room fill ed slowly with a din like a daemon's
p owe r o f T zee ntc h . th e G rea t So rce rer o f Ch:lOS, cr y so that th e m en \y ithin dro pped whatever
fl owed lik fire through his ve ins' H e seemed to grow w apo n s th ey i1 elJ and clasped th eir hands about
and straighten in sta ture and the black ca ndles that lit th e ir ea rs. All that is , exce pt fo r Vo lkm ar . w ho
the room burst inro writhing flam es o f hlu e and pink. reso lutel y hung o n to th e tiny go l den h amm er o f
"Fooi'" c ri ed Ma riu s, his o ice ec hoe d ro und the Sigmar. th ough it plainl y pained him to do so.
chamber stro ng and cl ea r. He made a gesture as quick "S ig maI'. " 'ho ut ed th e Grand Th eogo nisr. "S igmar
as lightning th at sent Fa lco nius spr,l\ding upo n th e have mercy on us all. "
fl oo r . Sp ark s o f ma gic cra ckl ed and spat O\'er th e
so ldi er a. he lay tw istin g in agony. A smell o f hot "Tzeentch." bellowed Marius, "Cha nger of the Way '.
meta l fill ed th e small room and hlue smoke swi rled Great Sorcerer of Chaos . take your servant 's body and
about th e Sorcerer's head . Th e other soldiers gaped in soul. I embrace damnatio n now and submit m yself (0
co nfu sio n. unsure whether to ru sh fo rwa rd o r turn your irresistible will.·'
and flee . "Oh damned fool! " cried Volkmar ahove th e turmo il o f
Ma riu s hrea thed deep ly o f the magiC soa ked air. As his daemonic vo ices , " [n but a m o m ent th o u shalt be
lungs fill ed he fe lt a surge o f p owe r and an b eyond redempti o n. Repent now and di e a mo rtal
ex hilaratio n that w as unlik e an ything he hac! death \vhile there is still time."
expe ri ence d before. Hi s mind seemed to ex p and The casket o pened and Marius saw w hat was inside.
beyond the confines of the room. so that it was as if he O f all those in that cursed room. only Volkmar himself
we re loo king d ow n up o n th e sce n e fro m a g rea t could see Ma riu s's fa ce for [hat brief second before the
height. He saw th shuddering hody or Falconius as if end. Ever afte,warcls the Gra nd Theogonist would fall
it were a tiny shrunken thing and he heard his o~vn silent if the fate o f Marius sho uld he mentio ned and
laughter like the boom o f a distant drum . o thers would w hisper. "Quiet that name! For he saw
"Oh Foul and Corrupted Fiend know ye not wh::n base the man's face th at witnessed his O\\'n damnation."



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