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Dad: Ah this is gonna be harder than I thought

Katie: Hold on dad, that’s…that’s kinda weak. This is ,like,a big moment try this

Dad: oh yeah okay that’s better the end game has begun. That’s ? Is that what
you’re looking for? All right ,Katie ,what’s the plan.

Katie : Okay we dressed as robots ,we sneak in ,hijack one of those trams ,take it
to the top of that diamond thing where pal is. Destroy her with the kill code and
safe the world.

Dad : And then to top it all off celebrate our success with some burrito from the
taco place that’s on the corner.

Mom: Woah whoa whoa burritos? What about one of those fancy buffets . That have
mini cheesecake sometimes ,right?

Dad : Okay ,fine once we safe the world we will celebrate at the fancy buffets.

Aaron: Questions,can Manchu be wearing a little tuxedo at the end, like a little

Dad: ok fine , and Monchii’s wearing a little tuxedo but that is it.

Aaron: like a little gentlemen?

Dad: yes,like a little gentleman .

Aaron :(laugh)

Katie: Mitchells ,engage

////funny music/////

Dad: how do I look ? Be honest stupid?

Katie : No. you look great.come on let’s go

Aaron: ah guys what about Monchi?

Katie: Aaron ,I’m not sure this is a viable solution.

Aaron: sure it is it’s like a warm wet hat

Robot 1 (eric) : Move your sweaty meat logs in unison. Left right left right

Dad: bleap blob bleap blop I am a robot.

Robot 2 : just to educate you , that’s a hurtful stereotype.

Dad : oh my gosh it’s like a journey album cover

Aaron : What’s an album?

Pal: Attention! All robots!Im on the lookout for these goobers. They’re probably
nearby . If I know humans they’re disguised as one of u . Be on a high alert for
any robots acting won’t be hard to find them just look for anyone that
can’t keep it together .

ทำเสียงเหนื่อยตกใจ //

Pal : it only takes one single imperfection, and they’ll reveal themselves .

Where are those Mitchells(เสียงสูง)

Where are they hiding?
They think they can pass as one of us… with their lumpy misshapen body

Robot3 : well go ahead.

Dad: oh

Pal : but I’m on to them .

(เสียงเหมือน robot) : magnetic link activated
Pal:because I’ve been watching the Mitchells,and I’ve learned all about them.
They’re pretending to be capable. They’re pretending to be a normal looking family.
You think this is fooling anyone? Even when they’re being nice to each other.
They’re pretending.
Katie: I need you
Aaron: It’s cool to see you and dad being friends again
Katie: Please,no no no no don’t watch it
Katie: Oh I…I was just telling him what he wants to hear. I didn’t mean a word of
that. I just wanna get my future back and get away forever
Katie: (inhale deeply )dad, let me explain. I just I uh I
Pal:there they are
Pal: you're mine now!

Katie:Dad! I'm sorry. I don't mean that anymore. I mean, i... I did then, but i...
Robot1+2: Mitchells, we will help you.
Pal: no, no, you don't. Download new orders. Capture the Mitchells.
Mom: No! You don't have to listen to her.
Robot1+2: we're sorry, mother

Mom: Run!
Pal:they got away! Find them, and find them now!
Mom: no! No! No!

Katie:Hey come on!

Katie: what are we gonna do?
Katie: Aaron? Hey, hey. It's okay. Uh... Uh oh. Watch out. Monchi coming at ya.
Aaron: Katie, stop. Why'd you say all that stuff?
Katie: I'm sorry. I...I just wanted to- I don't know... Okay. Are you hungry? Do
you want some fruit snacks of something?
Aaron: I don't know.
Katie: Here, can you hold this?

Dad: that? Is that what you're looking for?

Katie: oh man, have i been recording over those?

Mom: mom dance. Mom dance. Mom dance.
Aaron: how far back do these go?
Mom: hey, Katie. Can you say, bye bye, house?
Katie: bye bye, house.
Mom: You ready, hon?
Dad: almost.
Mom: I know this is hard for you.
Dad: nah. It's easy.

Dad: one last. Something to remember the place by. Come on lin. Turn that off.

Katie: oh man.

Dad: okay, you got this. Just turn the wheel. There you go.
Katie: like this?
Dad: slow down there.

Katie: Aaron, i'm gonna make it up to all of you. And i think i know how. Come on
buddy follow me.

Katie: Katie Mitchell presents... Good cop, dog cop.

Dad: H...hey there. How'd you get that video?
Mark: Huh? Oh. I've been feeling kind of down lately, considering I brought the end
of humanity, but these weird girl's videos always cheer me up.
Dad: My daughter's that weird girl.
Mark: What? No way. She's hilarious. These movies are, like, amazing.

Katie: i maybe sweating like a dog, but i'm not rolling over!
Dad: yeah. She is... Amazing.
Mark; you must be super proud.
Dad: yeah, yeah, we have a, uh... A great relationship.
Katie: Sarge, i'm struggling, and i nees some backup here. Sorry Dog cop. I'm a
little ocupado. Seriously? Have you ever thought about throwing your dreams away
and living at home forever?
Dad: wow, the sarge character is kind of a jerk.
Katie: it's time for me to go. Consider this my letter of resignation.
Katie: you can't leave. I have to. I'm going to the academy in California to find
out what kind of cop I'm gonna be. You're never gonna make it out there. Failure
hurts, kid.
Katie: i'm a full-grown cop now. And one day i hop that you can get to know the cop
that I've become. Because... I love you, Sarge. But now that I'm leaving, I... I
just need some backup. And when i look for you, you're not there.

Mark: hey, man, it's just a movie. Do you need a minute or...
Dad:no, it's fine... It's too late for what i need to do.

Dad: Katie?
Katie: i have no idea what I'm doing!
Katie: hang on guys. Better watch out, Pal, because i've broken six phones in my
life accidentally, but i'm gonna break you on purpose.
Pal: How is no one stopping her?
Robot2: I'm on it.
Katie: Dog shield activated!
Robot1: is that a dog? Pig? Dog? Pig? Dog? Dog? Dog? Loaf of bread. System error.

Katie: up the mountain.

Dad: across the stream.
Katie+Dad: And down the river!

Katie: Thanks, dad.

Dad: Oh, did you see that, buddy? My daughter listened to me! That's my girl!

Dad: that's genius. Oh but there's so many of them. She's never gonna make it.
Wait. If that video were on those screens, it would take out every robot in her
way. Hey, you're a big nerd, right?
Mark: Huh?
Dad: how would i do that?
Mark: it's impossible. First, you need to get out of here. The controllers are in
here. Uh, but to open it, you need a number 3 robertson head non-slip screwdriver?
What kind of maniac has one of those in his pockets at all times?

Dad:This kind of maniac.

Robot2: she keeps anticipating our maneuvers. How is this possible?

Aaron: Oh, I don't know, you tell me.
Aaron: Sweve right, now.

Katie: Thanks, raptor one.

Aaron: No problem, raptor two.

Dad: Come on!

Mark: There you go.
Dad: alright, so that's the place that controls the screens, right? I go there and
find Katie's video on Yubtub?
Mark: Youtube. Wow. there's no way you're gonna be able to do this.
Dad: I know who can give me a hand.
Mark: and hey, Rick, right? Just so someone knows, I'm sorry about causing the
whole machine uprising. It's like stealing people's data and giving it to a hyper-
intellugent AI as a part of an ungulated tech monopoly was a bad thing.

Dad: Yeah, that wasn't your best thought. But what id you built helped my daughter
do that, it might not be all bad.
Dad: Thanks buddy. Linda, we got to get out of there. You gonna need your-
Mom: Number3 Robertson head non-slip screwdriver.
Dad: i told you it was a great anniversary gift.
Mom:Rick, rick, let's not relitigate this.
Dad: you're right. You're always right.
Mom:I know why is this news to you?

Dad: There it is.

Dad: Oh no, Oh no, Lin, get down here! Lin? Lin, What's going on?
Mom:Rick, Don't worry about me! Just get the video on the screens! Type in!

Dad: W-W-W dot... Oh god! Uh... Remind me later. Okay, yeah, fine. That's fine.
(Rick's scream) Five minutes! Aah! No! Uh, English. What have i done?

Dad:Yubtub. No! YouTube. Okay. Videos.

(Videos playing.)
Dad:Has the world gone mad?
(Another videos playing.)
Dad: gotta push through.

Katie: sorry, mom and dad. Your insurance premiums are going up!
Aaron: You're gonna go all the way up the rocket? Do you think this is gonna work?
Katie:Aaron, I am completely confident. Here goes nothing!
Katie: No, No, come on!

Katie: Hang on, monch!

Katie: How's it looking,Aaron?
Aaron: No! No!
Robot3: it's useless to resist us.
Aaron:Help! Mom, mom, help!

Mom: My sweet... Boy!

Robot2: she seems agitated. Do not defy our protocol.
Mom: I am Linda Mitchell, mother of two! Look upon me in fear!

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