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Free Time

1 What are some things you like to do in your free time?

2 Do you have more free time now than when you were a kid?
3 What would you do if you had more free time?
4 Is there such a thing as too much free time?
5 How do free time activities differ now compared with the past?
6 Do you think people had more or less free time in the past?
7 What is the most worthwhile thing a person can do with their free time?
8 What does the idiom “Time is money.” mean? Do you agree with it?
9 Is there something you wish you could do with your free time but can’t?
10 Do you think a four day work week would be a good idea?

1 Why do people procrastinate?
2 Who do you know that always procrastinates?
3 When is it good to procrastinate?
4 When is it really bad to procrastinate?
5 What kinds of things do you put off doing?
6 How do you feel when other people put off something you want done soon?
7 Who is the most patient person you know?
8 What’s the difference between patience and procrastination?
9 Do you usually procrastinate when you have homework?
10 What can procrastinators do to change their lives?
11 What kinds of things do people often forget?
12 Have you ever run out of gas?
13 Do you ever forget to pay your bills on time?
14 How do you fee about the late charges on most bills?
15 What can someone do to have late charges forgiven?
16 What do people often forget to do on time?
17 Have you ever forgotten an important date or event?
18 Do you become impatient when you have to wait in a long line?
19 Have you ever yelled at someone or been really angry because they didn’t do something?
20 Are you always on time to class, late, or early?
21 Have you ever known someone who was always early to important things?
22 Do you know someone who is always busy?
23 Do you think people in some cultures are in too much of a rush?
24 Do you think people in other cultures are too relaxed?
25 Do you want to accomplish many things in your life or do you want to take it easy?

1 Can you think of a good teacher you had?
2 What made that teacher good?
3 Think of a bad teacher you had.
4 What made that teacher bad?
5 What do you think it takes to be a good teacher?
6 What are some traits of teachers?
7 What different kind of teachers can you name?
8 How are you a teacher to someone else?
9 What is the retirement age for teachers in your country?
10 Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an older teacher?
11 What are the salaries for teachers in your country?
12 Do you enjoy spending time with your teachers?
13 If you were going to be a teacher, where would you like to teach?
14 Young people spend a lot of their “formative years” with teachers. On the whole, is this
time well-spent?
15 What kind of formal training do teachers need in your country?
16 Do you think the training is sufficient?
17 If you could, how would you change this training?

General Questions
1. Do you like coffee? Why do you like coffee?
2. Do you like to live in Belo Horizonte? Why?
3. Do you like Italian food?
4. How many sports do you play?
5. Where do you usually go on vacation?
6. What kind of music do you like?
7. Who is your favorite artist?
8. Why do you want to learn English?
9. When do you go shopping?
10. Where do you go shopping?
11. Do you like to go to shows?
12. When did you last go to a show?
13. What do you eat for breakfast?
14. What do you eat for lunch?
15. What do you eat for dinner?
16. Do you like to go downtown?
17. Do you like your neighbor?
18. Do you like to drink juice?
19. How do you spell your name?
20. Do you study English at night?
21. Do you drink a cup of coffee in the morning?
22. Do you drink a cup of coffee in the afternoon?
23. Do you drink a cup of tea at night?
24. Do you work in a bank?
25. Do you work in a hospital?
26. Where do you work?
27. Where do you have lunch?
28. What time do you have lunch?
29. Where do you have dinner?
30. What time do you have dinner?
31. Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
32. Are you happy in your house?
33. How many rooms are there in your house?
34. Is there a CD player in your living room?
35. Is there a picture in your living room?
36. Is there a TV in your bedroom?
37. Is there a TV in the living room?
38. Are there many books in your bedroom?
39. Is there a shower in the bathroom?
40. Are there any books or magazines in the bathroom?
41. Describe your bedroom.
42. When were you born?
43. When is your birthday?
44. What did you do yesterday morning?
45. What did you do yesterday afternoon?
46. What did you do yesterday evening?
47. What time did you get home yesterday evening?
48. Did you have a good weekend?
49. What did you do last weekend?
50. How much homework did you do last week?
51. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
52. What did you have for lunch yesterday?
53. Where did you have lunch yesterday?
54. Where did you travel on your last vacation?
55. Did you go out yesterday afternoon?
56. Did you go to bed late yesterday?
57. What time did you get up this morning?
58. Did you go to the movies last weekend?
59. Did you go shopping last weekend?
60. Did you eat in a restaurant last weekend?
61. Did you go to a party last weekend?
62. Did you do a lot of homework last weekend?
63. Did you do a lot of housework last weekend?
64. Do you buy a newspaper every morning?
65. Do you watch TV?
66. What do you watch on TV?
67. What is your favorite TV program?
68. Did you go out last night?
69. Did you go a party last weekend?
70. Do you usually go to bed late?
71. Do you watch TV every night?
72. Do you like to go swimming?
73. Do you like to go dancing?
74. Where do you go dancing?
75. What kind of dance do you like?
76. When do you usually go on vacation?
77. Where do you usually go on vacation?
78. Who usually travels with you, on your vacations?
79. Where do you usually stay?
80. Where do you usually eat?
81. What do you usually eat?
82. What do you usually do?
83. Do you usually have a good time?
84. When did you go on vacation last year?
85. What did you do?
86. Do you like to play computer games?
87. Do you like to cook?
88. Would you like a sandwich for lunch today?
89. Would you like to go to a party next Saturday?
90. Would you like to go to the beach on your next vacation?
91. Do you like to eat vegetables?
92. Do you like to drink tea?
93. Do you like traveling?
94. Where do you like traveling?
95. Where would you like to go next?
96. Would you like to live in another country?
97. Would you like to live in England?
98. Do you like learning English?
99. Would you like to learn more languages?
100. Do you like cheese?
101. Do you like vegetables?
102. Do you like fries?
103. What food is good for your health?
104. When do you eat burgers?
105. What do you eat everyday?
106. Where do you have lunch?
107. What are your favorite colors?
108. What are your favorite clothes?
109. What do you wear during the week?
110. What do you wear on the weekend?
111. Are you learning English?
112. What are you doing now?
113. Where are you going after the class?
114. Is is raining?
115. Are you wearing a jacket?
116. Are you wearing a skirt?
117. What colors are you wearing today?
118. What is your favorite color?
119. What is your least favorite color?
120. Do you like learning English?
121. Which sport do you like best?
122. How did you come to school today?
123. How many CDs or DVDs do you own?
124. Why do you want to learn English?
125. What year is it?
126. What year was last year?
127. What month is it?
128. What month is next month?
129. What day is it today?
130. What day is it tomorrow?
131. What do you usually do on Monday morning?
132. Are you meeting a friend tomorrow?
133. Are you going to work tomorrow?
134. Are you traveling this weekend?
135. Are you having dinner in a restaurant tomorrow?
136. Are you having lunch in a restaurant tomorrow?
137. Are you going swimming tomorrow?
138. Are you going to walk tomorrow?
139. Are you going to walk to work tomorrow?
140. Are you going to have lunch in your office tomorrow?
141. Are you going to leave work late tomorrow?
142. Are you going to meet a friend tomorrow?
143. Are you going to have dinner in a restaurant tomorrow?

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