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Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar

Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, and participants, we would like to provide important
announcement before the commencement of our event today. If you require interpretation
services, Please ensure that you have access to the interpreter tools provided to you. For
interpretation services in English, you may press the channel number…. for interpretation in
Bahasa press the channel number…… on your interpreter tool. This will allow you to receive
real-time interpretation of the event in the language of your preference.
● Should you encounter any issues or require assistance, our staff members are ready and
available to help you. Please do not hesitate to seek their guidance.
● Your convenience and unders tanding are our top priorities, and we are committed to
ensuring that you have a fulfilling and enriching experience at this event.
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● Ladies and Gentlemen, International Seminar on Cross-Border Commercial Dispute

Resolution is about to begin shortly. But before we commence, We kindly request that you
all take a moment to find your seats and settle in comfortably. Thank you for your attention,
and we appreciate your cooperation. Enjoy the event!!


● Honorable Guest, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let us rise. As we proceed, We have
the honor of welcoming:
1. The Honorable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia,
2. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of The Republic of Singapore
3. Vice Chief Justice for Judicial Matters of the Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia
4. Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore
5. And Chairs of The Chamber of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

You may now be seated.

● Honorable Guest, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb, Salam
Sejahtera, Shalom, Om Swastiastu Namo Budhhaya Salam Kebajikan, Peace be upon you.
● A very Good Morning and Welcome to the International Seminar on Cross-Border
Commercial Dispute Resolution.
● We are very delighted to have you in attendance today, Tuesday, November 7 th 2023, My
Name is Mirza Adisurya and
● Suci bella are honored to serve you as your MC today. And We are deeply honored by the
presence of:
- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia/ The Honorable PROF. DR. H.M.
SYARIFUDDIN, S.H.,M.H / Assalammualaikum Yang Mulia/
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of The Republic of Singapore/ The Honorable SUNDARESH MENON
and delegation/ Good Afternoon, Your Honor
- Vice Chief Justice For Judicial Matters of The Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia/ The Honorable
Justice, Dr. Sunarto, S.H., M.H.
- His Excellencies KWOK FOOK SENG, The Ambassador of The Republic of Singapore and delegations
- Chairs of the Chamber of the The Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia.
- Supreme court Judges of Republic of Indonesia
- Registrar and Secretary of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia
- All Judges, Speaker, Participants distinguished guest ladies and gentlement who have travelled many
miles just to be with us
● Before we continue into the next program, let us start with a prayer. Judge Dr. Fajar
Hernawan S.H.,M.H., from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, will lead us in a
moment of reflection and pray. The floor is yours
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023


● We shall commence with an important update of our International Seminar. It is an honor to
invite Honorable Judge, Bambang Hery Mulyono S.H., M.H. Head of The Research And
Development Agency For Legal And Judicial Training of Supreme Court of The Republic of
Indonesia to share his welcome speech. The floor is Yours
● Thank you, Judge Bambang,


Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and esteemed participants. Now, it is the
moment we have all eagerly awaited as we have the distinct privilege of extending a formal
invitation to a honoured guest who exemplifies the highest standards of legal expertise and
judicial wisdom..
● It is with profound respect and great admiration that we humbly invite the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court of The Republic of Singapore The Honorable SUNDARESH MENON to the
lectern for a keynote speech. With the deepest appreciation and respect that we kindly
request Chief Justice Menon here to share his profound insights and experiences with us.
● Ladies and gentlemen, Please join me in extending a warm and formal welcome to our
honorable guest. Chief Justice Menon The Floor is Yours.
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● Thank you, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon for his inspiring keynote speech and continued
support in strengthening our ties between supreme court of Indonesia and Singapore


● Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, and distinguished participants. it is with the deepest
appreciation and respect that I kindly request the Honorable Chief Justice of The Supreme
Court of Republic of Indonesia, PROF. DR. H.M. SYARIFUDDIN, S.H.,M.H to deliver his
keynote remarks and officially open this International Seminar. Your Honor The Stage id
● Thank you, your honor for your gracious keynote remarks.
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● Chief Justice Syarifuddin has officially opened our International Seminar. Then we can
continue to our panel discussion. But before that, let's capture this moment in time. A
session involves a group photo. We would like to invite Honorable Chief Justices, Mr.
Ambassador, The Chief of Chamber of Supreme Court, speaker,…. to the stage

● Now, let us continue to a panel discussion session. The focus of our panel discussion today is
"Contemporary Challenges in Resolving Commercial Cross-Border Disputes." We are
honored to have an esteemed panel of speakers who will share their profound insights.,
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● Honorable Justice Dr. Nani Indrawati S,H. M.Hum. will be our moderator for this session.
She is a Supreme court Justice on the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of The republic of
Indonesia since July 20th, 2022. Her reputation as a legal luminary and a champion of justice
is well known within the boundaries of Indonesia. Her contributions to the legal community
have left an indelible mark on the judiciary. She has launched a judicial book about anti-
Strategic Lawsuit on Public Participation and Environmental Management. L&G pelase
Welcome Honorable Justice Nina Indrawati. The Floor is Yours.
● Our moderator, YM Dr. Nani Indrawati, will now lead a Q&A session. Please do not hesitate
to ask your questions.


Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● Thank you for enlightening discussion. As we approach the conclusion of our session, We
express our gratitude to our esteemed panelists for sharing their profound knowledge and
- Hon. Justice Aedit Abdullah, Hon. Justice S Mohan, Hon. Justice Syamsul Maarif, SH.,
LLM, PhD , Mr. Tony Budidjaja, SH., LLM, and Prof. Dr. Ningrum Sirait SH., MLI
● And also our moderator Hon. Justice Dr. Nina Indrawati S.H., M.Hum.

● As a symbol of our gratitude, we wish to present our panelists with a token of appreciation
given by ……….continue to the photo session with all panelists and moderator.
● Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and distinguished participants, as we near the end
of our seminar, We embarked on a journey of shared knowledge and profound insights.
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● The exchange of ideas, the thoughtful discussions, and the commitment to enhancing our
collective understanding of cross-border commercial dispute resolution have made this
seminar an enriching experience.
● And today, as we conclude our proceedings, I am compelled to express my gratitude to each
one of you who has contributed to the success of this International Seminar
● I extend our heartfelt thanks to our distinguished speakers and panelists who shared their
expertise and experiences, enriching our understanding of this intricate field.
● To the audience, your active participation and engaging questions have added depth to our
discussions, and we appreciate your commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.
Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution International Seminar
Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

● I must also acknowledge the dedicated efforts of our organizers, commitees, and the
support staff who have worked diligently behind the scenes to make this event possible.
Thank you so much.
● Thank you for being part of this seminar. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you in
the next seminar. I am Mochamad Mirza and I am Suci Bella. Thank you and Bye bye

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