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Personality traits

可愛 Lovely 率直 Blunt 友善 Friendly

老實 Honest 勤奮 Diligent 細心 Careful
理性 Rational 吸引人 Attractive 樂觀 Optimistic
有條理 Orderly 耐心 Patient 坦率 Frank
勇敢 Brave 體貼 Considerate 有趣 Interesting
真誠 Sincere 浪漫 Romantic 謹慎 Cautious
內向 Introverted 剛毅 Fortitudinous 熱情 Enthusiastic
開朗 Outgoing 積極 Positive 周密 Thorough
精確 Accurate 獨立 Independent 溫柔 Gentle
多疑 Suspicious 輕浮 Frivolous 保守 Conservative
討厭 Nasty 挑剔 Picky 刻板 Inflexible
情緒化 Moody 悲觀 Pessimistic 嚴肅 Serious
膽小 Cowardly 頑固 Stubborn 狂妄 Presumptuous
粗魯 Rude 依賴 Dependent 懶惰 Lazy
衝動 Impulsive 嫉妒 Jealous 緊張 Nervous
猶豫 Hesitant 高傲 Arrogant 輕率 Imprudent
潑辣 Shrewish 冒失 Reckless 專橫 Imperious
野心 Ambitious 深沉 Deep & reserved 害羞 Shy

樂於助人 Helpful 具責任感 Responsible 具有恒心 Persistent

公平正義 Fair and just 明察秋毫 Perspicacious 具幽默感 Humorous

愛好規律 Regular/disciplined 積極進取 Positive & proactive 正面樂觀 Optimistic

善於聆聽 Good listener 外向主動 Extroverted & active 富吸引力 Charming

亂中求序 Order in chaos 激勵別人 Encouraging to others 具冒險精神 Adventurous

善用時間 Good time management 勇敢自信 brave & confident 具求知慾 Eager to learn

富同情心 Compassionate 英明果斷 Wise and resolute 忠誠正直 Loyal & honest

具創作力 Creative 適應能力佳 Adaptability 易於受教 Open to criticism

學習能力佳 Good learning ability 善於教導 Good at teaching 具團隊精神 Has team spirit

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