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Concrete, measurable targets can put you on the right track toward more
practical action. With concrete intentions in hand, the typical Debater can
easily create the actionable steps needed to meet them.

A periodic review of the overarching aims and a daily to-do list of

incremental steps can help keep you on track toward your practical

There is still plenty of room for the typical Debater’s imagination to

come into play, even within the context of a more traditional planning

Don’t forget that starting something isn’t the same as finishing something,
whether you’re accountable to just yourself or to others. You will likely
need some kind of target to shoot for

Do you have a plan, complete with measurable goals and actionable

steps, to reach your desired results? Have you included periodic
assessments of your progress within the plan?

If your ratio of talking to acting is off, maybe it’s time to shift your

Being argumentative can be quite disruptive. But you can counter any
harm ahead of time by building a degree of rapport and trust with your
team that can smooth the way through even the most contentious

Since follow-through is sometimes highlighted as a Debater personality

weakness, share your objectives with other people you trust and who
understand you.

The first step to tackling the dull sameness of an activity is acceptance.

Learning to accept that not everything will be intellectually

challenging makes this inevitability easier to swallow when these tasks

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