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Syllabus for II Mid Term

Number System:Data represtnation,Concepts of Redix and Representation of

numbers in radix r with special case of r=2,8,10 and 16 with conversation from radix
r1 to r2,r's and (r-1)'s complement, , binary addition,Binary
Subtraction,Represntation of Alphabets
Data Types Conversion,Mixed mode arithmetic's., precedence of
Operators,Expression Evaluation, storage classes-auto,register,static,extern,scope
Go to statement,Conditional Operator(?:) Statement, Size of Operator,Memory
allocation function,an array of pointers,storage device-primary memory and
secondary storage,Random,Direct,Sequential access methods,Concepts of High
level,Assembly and Low level languages, Hardware,Software,firmware,source
file,object file,translator,assembler,Compiler,Interpreter,Representing algorithms
through flowchart and pseudocode.
pointers to void,command-line arguement,structure and union in
C,Enumeration,pointers & Structure in C,Pointer"pointer Arithmetic,Programming
using Arrays and Pointers, Function in C:Function -Basic,User defined functions
,inter function Communication(Call by value,call by reference), standard functions, ,
passing array to function,passing structure to function, introduction to
recursion,recursive function,pointer to functions. strings:Concepts,C strings ,string
input/output function

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