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THOẠI INSIDE OUT (1’18’’09- 1’22’’43)

INTRO: Sadness is not a superfluous, useless thing in our lives. Without

sadness, you can't feel joy either. Sadness helps you to calm down, reflect on the
past to know what you have lost and gained. Sadness also helps you to be more
empathetic towards others. It is something that neither joy, fear, vigilance nor
anger can do.
Fear: I wish Joy was hear!
Disgust: It’s Joy!
Angry: Stand back!
Disgust: That worked
Angry: Well, what would you do, if you’re so smart?
Disgust: I’d tell you, but you’re to dumb to understand.
Angry: What?
Disgust: Of course your tiny brain is confused. Guess I’ll just have to dumb it
down to your level. Sorry I don’t speak moron as well as you, but let me try.
Fear: Oh Thank goodness you’re back!
Disgust: Things are really messed up!
Angry: We found this idea
Fear: We were just trying to make happy memories.
Disgust: Joy, you got to fix this! Get up there!
Joy: Sadness, it’s up to you.
Sadness: Me?
Angry, Fear, Disgust: Sadness?
Sadness: I can’t, Joy.
Joy: Yes, you can. Riley needs you.
Sadness: Hmm.. okay..
Riley: Wait! Stop! I want to get off!
Mom: Alright! Thank you, we will. Her teacher hasn’t even seen Riley all day.
Dad: What?
Mom: What was she wearing last? I can’t believe this
Mom: Riley
Dad: There you are! Thanks goodness!
Mom: Oh we were worried sick! Where have you been? It’s so late!
Mom, Dad: Honey! What happened? Are you all right?.... (Doan nay co the ko
Từ đoạn 1.20.55-1.21.26: Joy can come in very brief moments and then pass
away. But the feeling of happiness is permanent. It's easy to capture joy, but it's
hard to capture and spread joy.
Riley: I know you don’t want me to but.. I miss home ( đoạn này khóc xog đọc
thoại nên khó đáy) I miss Minnesota. You need me to be happy, but.. I want my
old friends, and my hockey team. I want to go home. Please don’t be mad.
Mom: Ohhh sweetie
Dad: We’re not mad. You know what? I miss Minnesota too. I miss the woods
where we took hikes
Mom: And the backyard where you used to play
Dad: Spring Lake, where you learned to skate. Come here!

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