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A sword for them.

It had been decades, maybe centuries since the war began. They had learned to accept

that they were the "lesser" being, or at least become indifferent to its effects. When turned down

on a queue after the attendant realized the color of their teeth, they would turn back with a smile

and a whispered word of appreciation—seeing no more reason to hide their weakness. The

superior ones did not realize it, but they were becoming weak. Slowly their teeth we turning

dark, an occurrence that defiled the rules of nature and that had nat never been heard of in human


Then this boy was born. The wind spreads the word that he had the sword in his hand on

the day he left his mother's womb. The community called him "Equity," but his mother, too

amazed by the mysterious fruit of her womb, called him “Imminent." so his name became

Imminent Equity. Not much conspired of him during his early childhood, at least not to the

superior ones. In the land of the weak, word spread like a bush fire. Slowly they started smiling

in public, no longer afraid of what the smile birthed; they had hidden it long enough without

much avail.

His schooling days came, and the sword on his right hand turned into a pen. It was then

that the superior ones started taking note. His performance was remarkable, offering unmatched

solid competition for the first time. Every eye turned to him went home with the back tooth
Surname 2

syndrome. You did not have to say anything, think something negative about his kind, and turn

into one of them. Karma had genuinely come to planet earth in the least expected of ways; it was

time to pay back an eye for an eye. As an adolescent, he claimed global attention. His magic

sword attracted an enemy in the strong ones, too proud to accept the newness of dawn.

Enemies came from all over to his homeland to kill him or, in the least, take how sword

from him. The more they turned against him, the greater the number of those whose teeth turned

dark. What no one noted was that his teeth were neither dark nor bright. They had a unique

spackle, not comparable to anything known to man. Better still, with every bright tooth turned

dark, two teeth somewhere in the world turned to that new sunny, the sparkle. With the changed

color also came a transfer of power. The strong became weak as the weak became super-

powerful, not with a sword at hand but with the ability to convert even more “strongs” into


He matured fast, and soon he was a fine young man renowned in all ends of the world.

No leader dared think anything evil against him, lest they too changed sides, turning into

subjects. At his prime age, he took over the global government. He was guarded by the many

weak ones that had turned into sparkles at the expense of the strong. Schools were now for the

weak; they dominated the best profession making the most returns in business. The strong now

live in a small village far Noth. They moved there hoping to find an exit leading to another

planet but did not find one. Now they wait for the day of their death in fear because rumor has it

that his reign is everlasting.

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