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Two nights ago, Jane went to bed very late so she didn’t hear her alarm the next


As she had woken up late, she didn’t have enough time to shower or eat breakfast.

She was in a rush, so she didn’t realize she had forgotten her keys by the door.

She was running for the bus, when she tripped and fell. As a result, her clothes got covered
in mud and she missed the bus.

Because she had to wait for another 20 minutes for the bus, she arrived very late at work,
looking tired and dirty. Her lateness made her boss very angry and he fired her.

When she got home, sad and hungry, she realized she was locked out of her own home, so
she had to call the fireman. Jane had a terrible day that day. Poor Jane.
1. Why did she wake up late?

2. Why didn’t she eat her breakfast?

3. Why did she forget her keys?

4. Why did she trip and fall?

5. Why were her clothes dirty?

6. Why did she have to wait 20 minutes?

7. Why did her boss fire her?

8. Why was she sad?

9. Why was she hungry?

10. Why did she have to call the fireman?

What could we change about Jane’s day to make it better?

A. If she had gone to bed earlier, .………………………

B. If she had had more time that morning, .………………………
C. She wouldn’t have been locked out, .………………………
D. She wouldn’t have ripped her clothes, .………………………
E. If she had caught the bus,.………………………
F. If she hadn’t arrived late, .………………………
G. She wouldn’t have felt sad, .………………………
H. If she had eaten breakfast, .………………………
I. She wouldn’t have had to have called the firemen, .………………………

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