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~ By ae aeoua| W TOM MULDOON Numerology. MEANING BY T. MULDOON - Dedication. To my wife and children... To my parents and parents inslaw whose nding of me throughout the work of this book made it all unders worthwhile, To friends and clients who allowed me to explore Numbers for them. To you my reader for sharing this book with me. ‘Avery special mention to a young lady who crossed my path (as i for the purpose of this book) Sue, without your hard work this book might never have begun. .. Thank-you. Copyright | this publication may be reproduced, stored in a vo sytem oe anaes any form oF By any means, ‘locironlc, mechanical, photocopying. recording, oF w/wine, without prior weiten permission of the publisher Wednelt Publications Ma hell birent Mewport, Victona 3015, About the Author... He was born in Dumbarton, Scotland near the Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond, and how an Australian Citizen. Encouraged by his psychic ‘grandmother to study oceult subjects he has now been a practising Psychic Consultant for the past seven years. Tom Muldoon has lectured on various subjects of the occult both in Australia and overseas. Ho has taught many people the wonders of Numerology and has encouraged others to seek for themselves. He has Wiritten this book for the average person and believes that ifthe average person follows the principles laid down then some surprising results will follow ect matter of this book you are 1 you have any questions of the subj ly. N.S.W. Australia waleome to write to the author at P.O. Box 580, 2095, enclosing any s.a.. for your reply. Contents. Introduction How to find your number. Personality Profile ‘Additional information for those Born between 10th-31st of the Month, Days of the Week, Months of the Year. Colors and Jewels. Number Principles. ‘Your Name Number. Numbers and Health. Careers and Hobbies. How fo understand your house number. How to understand your city, town, Suburb Vibrations. ‘Numbers and Emotion: Compatibilities between Numbers. | Unseen Numbers. ‘Additional information. How to Predict with Numbers. Introduction. Jam writing this book in the hope it clears upall confusion surrounding the title, Numerology... The Hidden Meaning. A ot of people just don't lise the occult significance of numbers, how they began. how we {depend them and how they affect aut lives. In the chapter that follows, | hope you, the reader, wil be able to follow the system that | have tried 10 ake as simple as possible to understand. Everythi libration and numbers give usa clue to the vibrations, tis sa js vibration’ if you think in terms of vibrations, then your study of humbers will be easier to understand. So please follow me through & World of numbers. ‘AL this moment in time, the time that it takes for you to read this passage, thera is someone in the world being horn. there is someone Being sacked from his or her employment, someone has just received {Jo0d news, someone has just been told some bad news, someone is ying, someone is on their first plane flight, someone has just passed a UGtiving test, | could goon and on, but please think of what !am saying, All life is in vibration. .. there is a’‘pulse’ that can be felt if only you sit down find think of the world at large, think of the vibrations all around us. As {Yousit and read this book theres radio waves. television waves and who Knows how many other waves are passing through your body, we may hot'be ableto see or feel these waves but you cannot dispute what! say. hope inthe chapters to follow to make you aware of some other waves’ or Vibations, the clue to such may help you towards a better lite, Numbers five us 4 clue to the vibrations that | wil be talking about I believe we are all created for a purpose, each one of us has a goal to fulfill, regardless of how we see our lives each one of us is on a path of Home sort slowly but surely our goals in life are Deing ‘walked’ out, no ne leaves this life before his or her time’ isup. feel that each and every he of us has a placein the divine plan that we call life, it’s also my beliet {hat we were born with a map’ s0 as to guide us through life. Cail this nap whal you will, butall around us we are looking for a purpose to oUF lives orto understand the reasons af why we face problems the way we ido We have all heard the old sayings: "It's on the cards" or “It's in the fiars’ ete, etc. It is my belief that numbers can give us aclue to some of the mysteries of ie. Each one of us must search for our own path, no fnatter which path we choose, as long as it helps us to understand our livos alittle better, then that path must be considered the right path for us. 7 ‘Numerology’ or science of numbers has been my path, please allow me to share that path with you, In the chapters to come, you will learn how to find your own numbers, you will find out the numbers of your friends and family, you will learn Whateach numbers means, You will find out how numbers (or vibrations) atfect your personality, your feelings, your career. You will be able to work out your compatible numbers giving you an understanding of your Partner, or if you have no partner you will find out how to choose one Compatible to you. You wil earn thetraits and the faults of each number There is 80 many things that you will be able to find out about each ‘number that you will be amazed at how easy itis to control the path of ‘your lif, each one of us has the power of free will to alter the course of ur destinies for better for worse. You willleain the value ol colours, and how they alfect ourtives. The chapters that follow will give the days of the week that are favourable to your number, you will learn what jewels vibrate with your number. The months of the year in which toplan for, oF towatch anc prepare for, will aisobe explained toyou. You willlearn how tochoose the right house number, you will learn now to choose the right at according to it's number. "Remember, numbers give a clue to the vibrations and all lite isin vibrations", There isa'pulse to this life of ours and if we just pause for a moment we can fee! this ‘pulse’. I! you think in terms of vibrations, you will master this system of Numerology that | am ‘writing about. You will learn to predict the out-come of certain events, youwilfind the value of yourname and what it means. you followeach Step carefully, you will be able to pian your life ite easier [Betore we go any further, let me give you my reasons for believing that umbers are very importanito us. "We have al heard the old sayings, his ‘umber was up, oF, my days are numbered’ etc. etc. Even in the bible itis ‘said that the hairs on your head are numbered”. Look around you at all the numbers that surround you, there is your house or flat number. You ‘will have a bank account number, a credit card number, you will have a medical insurance number, intact, all around you there are numbers that vibrate without you knowing about them, but each and every one has 4 urpose to full in lfe, every one of them is pulsating toit's own rhythm Today. more so than at any other time in history do we depend on numbers, computers today are afact of life and computers store so much, ftheir information in numbers that sometimes you are more of anumber than @ name. Numbers are everywhere and whether we like it oF not we fare recorded “from the cradle to the grave’ Have you ever had the experience of ever having to identity yourselt tosomeane requiring you identification? Dia you notice that your name wasnot enough, that the person seeking your identity was not happy tl he received something with a number on it?! You are now beginning to grasp what | mean, numbers play such an important role in our lives that ‘hey should not be taken for granted. hope, inthe chapters that follow to give you as much information on numbers that you will be able to Understand the vibrations to your lite. Keep in mind that all around you. there is numbers and numbers give a clue to vibrations, and all life is \ibration: Knowing how topput yournumbers in harmony willhelp youto put your life in harmony. ne of the reasons for wring this Book Is to make clear all the cenfslntna suenncs insu of mbes navero wien he Pook 0 rise the average peor tha we ave asst o nding outlive then we can make Ou ves © Bena pelntingeng che doonor api ur vibrators thre Ss port in mytying numbers. You wl nda he ter in is 1d Wt rove sl tobe te simplest of eaten and us Simplest hinge nie that ae te hares fap. ata If below a anyon who pote eng ton twach sp suit na yen Four numbers ae, Tarmeny lane agsn sey that numeers are clue tothe ibaons ours) henout ves bein arny ie numbersaround us are imeomplete cacophony then our les wii be in a sale of Gearay, Please journey wih me through a world of numbers, How to find your number. How to find your number. In order that you understand your personal number, itis necessary to explain that many numerologists have different ways of working out ‘your number. In this systom there are three numbers to be concemed ‘with, and in finding out where these three numbers come from you will {ind that there is no adding this number to that number, no subtracting {his number from that number. I find, with the system that is within this ‘book; that the less you Nave to add up the better. Ones you know what ‘your numbers then that number (or as prefer to think of itasa vibration) fonains with you throughout your lite. Thare is an ebb and flow to your ‘number and knowing when 19 act and when to stall iz the secret that humbers give you. | fully believe that anyone who wants to put this system to the test will be amazed at the results within a very short time (usually about 3 months). If an understanding of numbers is desired and a faith in their ‘application to life, then life will seem to become a little easier. It will be found that "Fate" or"Destiny” is alitie kinder. No one can expect his or ‘any system to cure lifelong problems overnight, butin a short period of lime with use and understanding the problems that ite brings us begin to bother us less and less. The three numbers that will seem to have the ‘host effect on your lite will be your Birih Number, your Astrological Number and your Name Number I elieve the birth number tobe most important, in order that you know your birth number Ihave written all the birthdates in the month for you to find your Birth Number. As | said, | believe the Birth Number to be most {important followed by the Astrological Number then last but by no means, last, Your Name Number. Let us now find your birth number. {youwere born on the tst of any month, then number tis your number Horn on the 2nd of any month, then number 2 is your number. Horn on the 3rd of any month, then number is your number. Horn on the 4th of any month, then number 4 is your number. lot on the Sth of any month, then number 5 is your number. ‘orn on the 6th of any month, then number 6 is your number. Horn on the 7th of any month, then number 7 is your number orn on the 8th of any month, then number 8 is your number. orn on the 3th of any month, then number 9 is your number. , iL © Born on the 10th of any month, the number 1 is your number. (1+0=1) Born on the 11th of any month, then number 2 is your number. (11-2) Born on the 12th of any month, then number 3 is your number. (1s23) Born on the 13th of any month, then number 4 is your number. (1+3=4) Born on the 14th of any month, then number $ is your number (1r4=5) Born on the 15th of any month, then number 6 is your number. (15-6) Born on the 16th of any month, then number 7 is your number. (146-7) Born on the 17th of any month, then number 8 is your number. (147-8) Born on the 18th of any month, then number 9 is your number. (t+ 8-9) Born on the 19th of any month, ther number + is your number (+9=10,1+0=1) orn on the 20th of any month, then number 2 is your number. (2+0=2) Born on the 21st of any month, then number 3 is your number. (24123) ‘Born on the 22nd of any month. then number 4 is your number (272=4) Born on the 23rd of any month, then number 5 is your number. (@2+3=5) Born on the 24th of any month, then number 6 is your number. (2+ 4=6) Born on the 25th of any month, then number 7 is your number. (@is-7) Born on the 26th of any month, then number 8 is your number. (2+6=8) Born on the 27th of any month, then number @ is your number. (2+7=9) Born on the 28th of any month, then number 1 is your number. (2+8=10,1+0=1) Born on the 29th of any month, then number 2 is your number. (29-11, 17122) Born on the 30th of any month, then number 3 is your number. (3+0=3) Born on the 31st of any month, then number 4 is your number. (9+1=4) AAs there can be no one born on the 32nd we stop here. You should now know your birth number, do not add your date, month, year of birth togethor, ust take notice of the day or date of the manth you were born {yout should now have @ number from 1 to 9, This numbers your BIRTH NUMBER. 2 Now that your have found your Birth Number, the next step isto find {your Astrological Number. This is found in the month of your birth 4ecording to Astrology. It will be found in later chapters that numbers and planets have a certain affinity and the planets that revolve within our ‘lar system do have an effect on the vibrations reaching the earth fram ‘deep space. Ever since earliest times, man has looked to the sky and seen ‘he wandering planets, ne gave them names like" Mercury, Mars, Venus”, also associated the movernents of the planets in the heavens with ‘certain actions taking place on the earth, We all know the effect of the moon on thettides of te oceans, how the moon affects the lives of plants 4nd crops, etc. etc. Who is to say that the planets don’t affect us in the ‘same wiay? Maybe we cannot see or measure haw we could be affected but feet sure that in some way the planets, as they revolve around our ‘lar system (ina way they have done for millions of years) affect us in ‘ways yet to be found ‘Once the Astrological Number is found the next step is the Name ‘Number. It | can digress for a moment betore outlining the Astrological Number, say that your name number can be the most difficult to be sure ff and for this reason | eo! it should not be used in calculations until a deep knowledge of numbers has been acquired. The reason | say this is. that we are known by so many different names in our life that itcan be Very confusing to keep track of the many different vibrations that come from the name vibration, Sot | may at this point say to you that the two ‘most important numbers are your Birth Number and your Astrological Number. Let me now introduce your Astrological Number. Ii you were born between any of the dates below, then the number allotted fo your astrological birth sign becomes ‘your Astrological Number. If yourbirth number andastrological number ara the same, then ‘Somuch the better. In most cases, however, they are diferent, knowing ‘both your Birth Number and your Astrological Number will give you ‘more information on the vibrations that surround you, Gonsider the ‘meanings for your Birth Number and your Astrological Number andalso your name number. If all three are found to be the same, then it can be assumed that yourlife pattern will accord with the information that have Coullined in chapters to come. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN ASTROLOGICAL NUMBER ‘Aries (Mar 21 to Apr 20) 9 Taurus (Apr 21 to May 20) Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Cancer (Jun 21 to Jul 20) Leo. (Jul 21 to Aug 21) Virgo (Aug 22 10 Sep 22) Libra (Sep 23 to Oct 22) Scorpio {Oct 23 to Nov 22) Sagittarius (Nov 23 to Dec 20) Capricorn (Dec 20 to Jan 19) Aquarius (Jan 20 to Feb 18) Pisces (Feb 19 to Mar 20) Let me give you an example, ltyou were born on the 14th of April then your Birth Number woutd be umber 5, (14th = 1 44 = 5) and your Astrological Number would be. umber’ because you were born in the periad between March 21 to April 20 = Aries, ‘Younow know both your Birth Number and your Astrological Number. Now comes your Name Number. Every letter of the alphabet has a Corresponding number and by the addition of the letters in your name you can determine your Name Number. Remember, itis thename you are most known by that “vibrates”, This is where it can become a little difficult, and because of this | am devoting an entire chapter later on to explain how to understand your name number. For the moment, | ha Outlined the alphabet from which you can assess your Name Number. 7 © Zz es sllad shaae seal ard zee 9. John Smith SOHN smiTH 1755 34348 6 oT 9+ Be 17-8 John Smith's number is number 8 ‘As you can see, thereis nonumber nine in this alphabet, the teason for Anis is that the number nine has some strange properties. If you add the umber sine fo itself st reproduces itself, Le. 9+9°18, 1-6-9. If you ultiply nine by any number it always reduces to a number nine, 16. 99°81, 81-8; 49°36, 3+6:9, etc. ete. No maiter whatever number you choose it always reduces to itself. Also, # you add number nine to another number,-then the number that you add the number nine to Femains the same, e.g. 9+5=14, 1*4=5. You should think about this, by adding 9 to another number you always end up with the number you. started with. Now, all letters of the alphabet must be given an equal Chance of expression and this is the reason why no letter is given to ‘umber nine. In the years gone by, the ancients regarded number nine as a holy number and because of this they did not give any single letter the umber nine. However. ifin your calculations you arrive at numbernine, then read the meaning for this number Now, to really give you something to think about, and in doing so | hope | make my point clear, that the Name Number must be the most Gifficult tounderstand. Most modern Numerologists use the Pythagorean “4 Alphabet. The alphabet that have just outlined to you is one ot the most ancient and is called the Chaldean Alphabet. Lam going to give you the Pythagorean Aphabet so that you can compare for yourselves the value of your name. eu>e crow