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Welcome to the Virtual Classroom

Your virtual classroom lesson will begin in a few minutes.

Our topics today:

• Preparing a trade fair
• Compound nouns

If you have any questions or if you wish to

practice something specific, just let me know!
Warm up | Organizing a trade fair
Vocabulary | Preparing for a trade fair
Grammar | Compound nouns

1. We need an __________________ ____________ for our Chinese customers.

2. Our products will be __________________ in style at the trade fair.

3. The visitor of our booth filled in the ________ ________ so that we could send him
some of our new products.

4. We all met in the ______________ ____________ for a Q&A session.

Tell me about it | Speaking in public
Your turn!
Cool down
Thank you for joining me

Thanks for participating in today's virtual classroom.

Sign up right now for your next virtual classroom! We look forward to seeing you there.

Until next time!

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