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Int. J.

Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197

E-commerce and its impact on operations management

A. Gunasekarana,*, H.B. Marrib, R.E. McGaugheyc, M.D. Nebhwanib
Department of Management, University of Massachusetts, 285 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2300, USA
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 72035, USA


Electronic commerce (EC) is possibly the most promising application of information technology witnessed in recent
years. It is revolutionizing supply-chain management and has enormous potential for manufacturing, retail and service
operations. The tremendous importance of EC has prompted us to write this paper. We have attempted to define
e-commerce and examine major EC elements that link organizational systems. The application of EC in manufacturing,
retailing and service operations is examined, and a framework for describing EC components and their role in different
areas of an organization is proposed. Finally, we summarize our findings and conclusions. r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: E-commerce; Implications; Operations management; Framework

1. Scope of E-commerce opening up new opportunities for trade and

information exchange. Internet use is no longer a
Electronic commerce (EC) is a popular topic in novelty; it is becoming as much a part of our daily
the mass media and in informatics circles as well. lives as television and telephony. We have
Perhaps its impact is most visible in the areas of witnessed a true revolution with the growth of
financial services and retailing. Many EC initia- the Internet and Internet use, but now we are
tives have risen in a short period of time. Those experiencing a second Internet revolution and it is
initiatives include innovative smart cards to called electronic commerce. The tools and techni-
facilitate EC, remote payments and electronic ques to enable trading over the Internet are
checking [1], online trading of stocks, bonds and becoming mature, and EC is growing very rapidly.
related financial instruments, online banking, and Back in 1997 the global EC market was estimated
online retailing (e-tailing). We are now becoming at $10 billion, but is predicted to rise to $200–300
comfortable with the Internet, and we are begin- billion, by 2002 [2].
ning to appreciate its ability to provide a wealth One can see evidence of EC everywhere on the
of diverse information from around the globe; World Wide Web (WWW). Many commercial web
literally millions of sites are just a click away, sites have catalogues and support online transac-
tions, but EC is much more than these. It includes
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-508-993-6512; fax: +1-
everything from sourcing to settlement and all the
508-999-9187. processes that underlie trading. The Internet’s
E-mail address: (A. Gunasekaran). WWW has become the primary driver of
0925-5273/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 5 2 7 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 9 1 - 8
186 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197

contemporary EC. Although the emphasis has transactions, which are facilitated by networks of
moved from electronic data interchange (EDI) to computers. EC is expanding because of the greater
the Internet, the focus is still on the technology number of businesses and individuals who are able
required to exchange information rather than to use these networks and the growing number of
supporting inter- and intra-organizational business ways in which businesses can conduct transactions
processes. EC is not just about facilitating electronically with other organizations and directly
individual business transactions, it also involves with consumers. At present, business-to-business
the management of the relationships that lead to EC seems still to be of greater volume than
and arise from transactions [3]. business-to-consumer EC, but this may change in
EC is the process of conducting business the future. These trends are important to the
electronically among various entities in order to global economy and to the economy of individual
satisfy an organizational or individual objective. A countries because EC contributes to economic
key ingredient of EC, sometimes referred to as efficiency. EC contributes to economic efficiency in
electronic trading, is the advertisement and pro- five important ways. They are as follows: (a)
curement of goods and services over the Internet shrinking distances and timescale, (b) lowering
[4]. The success and volume of EC on the web has distribution and transaction costs, (c) speeding
been widely reported. With success in establishing product development, (d) providing more infor-
an environment in which EC can grow and mation to buyers and sellers and (e) enlarging
flourish, every computer can become a window customer choice and supplier reach [7].
open to every business, large and small, around the The organization of this paper is as follows:
globe. Section 2 presents the details and major elements
The electronic medium we call the Internet has of EC. Section 3 examines the application of EC in
the potential to reduce actual transaction time and different areas of manufacturing, retailing, and
processing time dramatically, while at the same service organizations. A framework describing
time making information available globally. Inter- the impact of EC on operations is proposed in
net-based EC has been embraced as a means of Section 4. Finally, Section 5 presents a summary of
reducing operational cost and as a high potential findings and conclusions.
means of generating revenue. The ubiquity of the
web and the availability of browsers across
different platforms provide a common base upon 2. Definition of and major elements of e-commerce
which EC applications can be built, especially in
the enterprise [5]. This common platform has EC is an emerging area that encompasses
reduced the significance of issues pertaining to processes directly and indirectly related to the
software distribution and software installation, buying, selling and trading of products, services
thus encouraging the expansion of EC via In- and information via computer networks – includ-
tranets, Extranets and the Internet. ing the Internet. Kalakota and Whinston [8] define
EC provides new channels for the global EC from these four perspectives: (a) communica-
marketing of tangible goods and presents oppor- tion perspective – EC is the deliverer of informa-
tunities to create new businesses providing infor- tion, products/services or payments over telephone
mation and other knowledge-based intangible lines, computer networks or any other electronic
products. Although most EC is currently at the means, (b) business process perspective – EC is the
inter-corporate and inter-organizational level, ser- application of technology towards the automation
vices targeted at individual customers are evolving of business transactions and work flows, (c) service
rapidly. The Internet is the most obvious example perspective – EC is a tool that addresses the desire
of this and is a major catalyst in the diffusion of firms, consumers and management to cut
of EC, helping to foster a common environment service costs while improving the quality of goods
for electronic transactions of all kinds [6]. EC and increasing the speed of service delivery and (d)
encompasses all forms of interactive business online perspective – EC provides the capacity to
A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197 187

buy and sell products and information on the increase a person’s productivity up to a point,
Internet as well as other online services. It is beyond which e-mail volume can be so great that it
obvious that EC can be described in many ways. inhibits productivity rather than enhancing it.
Perhaps the most useful description of EC would Under such conditions, groupware becomes a
link it to trading: EC is trading by means of new viable option to facilitate electronic interaction
communications technology. It includes all aspects among groups of people who must communicate
of trading, including commercial market creation, to accomplish group tasks. The greater control
ordering, supply chain management and the trans- groupware can provide for the nature of partici-
fer of money [9]. EC is actually a generic title that pant communications and can encourage greater
describes a range of technologies and practices that work related communications. Groupware pro-
are now available to improve the effectiveness of ducts can be Internet based – NetMeeting is a
trading relationships. At the application level, good example of such a product.
typical technologies would include: telephone, fax,
EDI, electronic mail, electronic funds transfer, and 2.2. Electronic data interchange (EDI)
the Internet – more specifically the Web.
Transacting regular business via e-mail has its
2.1. Electronic mail (e-mail) limitations. Beyond a certain traffic volume, EDI
becomes a preferred alternative. EDI is computer-
E-mail is the exchange of computer-created and to-computer exchange of business documents
computer-stored messages via a telecommunica- without human intervention. EDI can handle high
tions network. E-mail was one of the first uses of volume transactional traffic between companies.
the Internet and is still the most popular Internet Formal document and transmission standards
use – a large percentage of Internet traffic is inherent in EDI, combined with adequate band-
e-mail. E-mail can also be exchanged between width, permit large transaction volumes. EDI
online service users in private or public networks enables enterprises to exchange precisely for-
besides the Internet. The term e-mail is used matted business orders, payments, or even en-
almost interchangeably with messaging, however, gineering drawings, electronically via a direct
it really represents only one aspect of messaging – communication link, with no human intervention.
interpersonal messaging (IPM), which is the The major benefit of this technology is realized
exchange of text messages and attachments among when EDI is integrated into a company’s EC
individuals. E-mail is well established as a fast, system. According to Mohsen [10], EDI will help
flexible and cost-effective means of communica- to reduce inventories, foster JIT management,
tion. It is simple to use. One need only complete a promote engineering interchange, and improve
few steps to send, reply, and forward a message to work scheduling. Companies that have success-
one or many recipients, regardless of the geo- fully implemented EDI have reported general
graphic location. E-mail is linked to an electronic benefits of expedited purchasing processes, re-
postal system wherein an addressed envelope duced transaction cycle times, higher inventory
accompanies each message sent to a mailbox. turnovers, faster response times and overall
From there, the message is dispatched to a delivery improved service [11]. Sohal [12] states that EDI
network, through which it is conveyed via the provides quick order responses from suppliers and
message transfer service until it arrives at the automatic ordering from customers.
recipient’s mailbox. Recipients then access their
mailboxes and open their mail at a time that is 2.3. Internet and electronic commerce
convenient to them.
E-mail is a cheap and convenient way for people The open standards of the Internet ensure that
to communicate. As people spend more and more large organizations can easily extend their trading
time away from a desk, it can be an easy and communities, by increasing the efficiency of
efficient way of exchanging information. This can their business operations. In addition, smaller
188 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197

companies that found the proprietary communica- internally and externally e.g. WWW sites,
tions technologies of the last decade too complex Intranets, and extranets;
and costly, can now select the level of commu- * take advantage of alternative sales channels and
nication appropriate for their businesses and tap new markets or markets niches.
benefit from the Internet revolution and the EC
revolution. Organizations new to EC will find the The Internet and WWW offer the opportunity
open standards provided by Internet technologies to expand EC activity in the contract cycle to
easy to implement, quick to learn, and fast and enable new suppliers to service new customers
efficient to use. The capabilities and opportunities electronically, even to the point of negotiating new
afforded by an Internet-based electronic market- contracts. The WWW enables business-to-business
place will significantly improve the productivity and business-to-consumer transactions. Tim
and competitiveness of participating companies, Berners-Lee created the web protocols in 1990
whether they are suppliers or customers. The that were introduced onto the Internet in 1991
Internet houses an on-line global marketplace that using Nicola Pellow’s line-model browser and the
operates 24 hours a day, with millions of sellers, existing hypertext mark-up language (HTML)
buyers, products and services. The Internet and its [13]. When combined with Mosaic in 1993, the
capabilities also provide companies with new, more web protocols brought us the world wide web
cost effective and time-efficient means for working (WWW of just the Web). The Internet, or more
with customers, suppliers and development part- specifically the Web, is a key ingredient in EC as
ners. Internet-based EC will enable companies to: we know it today. Among other things, the web
provides a common platform for home pages and
* shorten procurement cycles through the use of hence electronic storefronts, malls, auctions and
on-line catalogues, ordering, and payment; more.
* cut costs on both stock and manufactured parts The success of the Internet and the popularity of
through competitive bidding; the Web’s user friendly, graphical user interface
* reduce development cycles and accelerate time- led to the development of Intranets (intra-organi-
to-market through collaborative engineering, zational systems) and Extranets (inter-organiza-
product, and process design, regardless of the tional systems). Intranets and Extranets rely on
location of participants; Internet protocols and Web interfaces. These
* gain access to world wide markets at a fraction developments, along with the Internet, contributed
of traditional costs; to the growth of global procurement of goods and
* ensure that the product, marketing information, services. Probably more important is that the
and prices are always up to date; Internet-like technology infrastructures facilitated
* significantly increase the speed of communica- internal and external dissemination of company
tion, especially international communication; information and allowed firms to better manage
* drastically reduce purchasing and production customer relationships. Cisco Systems, with EC
cycles; sales of over $28 million per day, has been very
* reduce the cost of communications directly successful in using Intranets and Extranets in
(E-mail and EDI save on postage) and speed support of its business processes. Cisco started
up communication can reduce inventory and with EDI, but migrated to a very sophisticated and
related inventory and purchasing costs; highly effective customer management system.
* promote closer relationship with customers and
suppliers, e.g. web sites enable companies to
maintain customers and suppliers apprised of 3. Application of e-commerce in operations
developments that concern them and practice (manufacturing and services)
effective relationship marketing;
* provide a quick and easy way of exchanging EC is changing manufacturing systems from
information about a company and its products, mass production to demand-driven, possibly
A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197 189

customized, just-in-time manufacturing systems. need for human representatives to directly provide
Companies like IBM, General Motors, General the service and greater need for technical personnel
Electric and Boeing are assembling products for to create and maintain the technical systems that
which the components are manufactured in many support the services. We now turn our attention to
locations. Sub-assemblers gather materials and how EC supports functional activities in organiza-
parts from their vendors and they may use one tions.
or more tiers of manufacturers. Communication,
collaboration and coordination become critical in 3.1. Marketing
such multitier systems. Using electronic bidding,
assemblers get sub-assemblies 15–20 percent A market is a network of interactions and
cheaper than before, and up to 80 percent faster. relationships where information, products, ser-
These systems are flexible and adaptable, allowing vices and payments are exchanged. When the
fast changes with minimum cost. Costly inven- marketplace is electronic, the business centre is not
tories, once inherent in mass production systems, a physical building but rather a network that
can be minimized [14]. facilitates and supports business interactions and
Companies in the service sector, such as banks transactions. The electronic market brings buyers
and stock brokerage houses, were online even and sellers together, but not necessarily in the
before the Internet – the digitization of their same place and not necessarily at the same point in
business processes made this possible. In the early time. The market handles all the necessary
years of digitization in the financial industry, transactions to facilitate exchange, including the
businesses such as banks provided clients with exchange of funds (with or without the involve-
software on disc. The software that the users ment of banks). The advent of EC is changing
installed in their computers provided them with marketing practice. In particular, the transforma-
access to the vendor’s database over private lines, tion of traditional intermediaries such as retailers
and later over the Internet. Over time, companies occurrs as a result of new computer-mediated
started allowing customers to download the soft- relationships. One need only examine the setting of
ware instead of supplying it to them on disc. an interactive home-shopping supermarket to
Today, there is no need for the software since appreciate the changing role of the retailer in EC
Internet browsers allow users to conduct business [15]. EC systems for business-to-business com-
transactions with these service operations. Simi- merce on the Internet are still in their infancy.
larly, travel and real estate agents extracted Internet electronic markets for business-to-busi-
information from information systems installed ness EC, follow the n-suppliers while m-customers
in their offices. They delivered information to the scenario is slowly evolving. Comprehensive Inter-
customers by mail and courier, or customers had net EC systems should provide sure and easy
to visit the agency office to get information and access, be easy to use, help overcome differences in
documentation of service transactions. For real time of business, location, and language between
estate businesses, customers visited the office to suppliers and customers, and at the same time
view a video clip or to see photos of real estate for support the entire trading process in business-to-
sale. Today, many of the services of travel and real business commerce [16].
estate companies are available anywhere and Block and Segev [17] suggest the following EC
anytime over the Internet. EC, largely through impacts on marketing:
the Internet, provides customers with direct access
to services. As a consequence, most of the value- * Product promotion: EC enhances the promotion
added tasks of agents and brokers can be of products and services through direct,
automated. As more and more people accept EC information-rich and interactive contact with
as an alternative to more traditional labour- customers.
intensive processes that have for years supported * New sales channels: EC creates a new distribu-
these types of service businesses, there will be less tion channel for existing products, owing to its
190 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197

direct support of research on customers and the (b) Management of search criteria: Criteria
bi-directional nature of communication. management occurs when one encounters infor-
* Direct savings: The cost of delivering informa- mation that prompts one to alter one’s search
tion to customers over the Internet results in criteria. The alteration may be a slight refinement
substantial savings to senders (when compared of the current criteria or the specification of
with non-electronic delivery or delivery via completely new search criteria. Criteria may
VAN systems). Major savings are also realized become more specific due to acquired information
in the direct delivery of digitized products (such (i.e. in examining laptop computers and discover-
as music and software) as compared to the costs ing great variation in weights, one might decide
of traditional delivery. that the weight is an important consideration in
* Reduced cycle time: The delivery time for the decision and set a specific target for the laptop
digitized products and services can be reduced weight). At times, an entirely new set of criteria
to seconds. Also, the administrative work will be generated, e.g. when a user encounters a
related to physical delivery, especially across product that fulfils other needs in addition to
international borders, can be reduced signifi- meeting current purchasing goals. This activity
cantly, reducing the cycle time by more than 90 may occur before the search for products, as when
percent. the Web is used to gather information to supple-
* Customer service: Customer service can be ment one’s knowledge of the product one intends
greatly enhanced by enabling customers to find to purchase. In most cases, the search and
detailed information online. (For example, specification of what is to be searched for will be
FedEx allows customers to trace the status of the interleaved (but defined) activities. The deci-
their packages.) Also, intelligent agents can sion to switch from a search goal to a criteria
answer standard e-mail questions in seconds. management goal will often be prompted by the
Finally, human expert services can be expedited display. Examples of prompts include advertise-
using help-desk software. ment, buttons offering product reviews, links to
other information sources and the exposure to
EC supports marketing intelligence. Intelligence other products.
systems aid in acquiring information to evaluate (c) Comparison of products: As users identify
alternatives and to assist in making choices (choice potential purchases, they need to compare them
is selection from among the alternatives). EC with each other, e.g. to find the cheapest, or
directly supports the following three intelligence perhaps the lightest. Often comparison will require
activities: (a) search for products, (b) management simultaneous and relative assessment of products
of search criteria, and (c) comparison of products on a number of criteria. This stage corresponds to
found. the Guttman [18] stages of product and merchant
(a) search for products: Once one feels/recog- brokering.
nizes a need, one develops a set of more or less
specific criteria for a desired product. One can then 3.2. Purchasing
search for products that meet the criteria. In using
the Internet for one’s search, one might use Automated purchasing and logistics are carried
hyperlinks, 3D navigation, a search engine or out between trading partners with well established
any other navigational technology to assist one in relationships – this is a primary application of
one’s search. During this search one may decide to EDI. Intelligence and valuable information are
switch to criteria management or comparison normally concentrated on the computer systems of
activity. Such a switch might be promoted by on- the participants rather than the EDI channel
screen information (e.g. an advertisement for a between them [7]. The purchase and delivery of a
related product) or as the result of an internal product can signal the termination of the negotia-
decision (e.g. due to an impasse in the search for a tion stage or occur sometime afterwards (in either
particular product). order). In some cases, the available payment
A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197 191

options or delivery options may influence product parts of the country or world can exchange
and merchant brokering [18]. Direct selling offers information using the Internet and WWW. This
the prospect of large-scale disintermediation – can reduce design time and improve the accuracy
eliminating middle-men from supply chains. Some of the information on product design, and at the
traditional intermediary roles will become threa- same time help to design products that will capture
tened as businesses and individuals reevaluate their good market share. Companies are using an
trading patterns in response to new EC opportu- approach for marketing that uses continuously
nities; however, far from eliminating the need for refined information about current and potential
intermediaries, the Internet is currently generating customers to anticipate and respond to their needs.
a wide range of new opportunities in the facilita- This is the practice of customer relationship
tion and mediation of electronic trading environ- management (CRM). CRM software (run by
ments. On-line purchasing environments are still Internet) can be utilized to conduct research on
very much in their infancy, and over the next few customer requirements to facilitate better product
years, one may expect to see a rapid increase in the design [21].
functionality of these environments that will assist
both buyers and sellers [19]. Intelligent purchasing 3.4. Production
advisors will assist buyers in specifying their
product requirements, searching for product in- For organizations to stay in synchronization
formation, and selecting the best supplier. This with the changes taking place in their operational
might lead to a shift in the balance of power from and competitive environments, the use of fast,
sellers to buyers. accurate information systems is crucial [22]. The
implementation of e-manufacturing or e-service
3.3. Design necessitates business-to-business (B2B) e-com-
merce. There are numerous Internet enabled
High quality design of products has been supply chain management systems and enterprise
successfully achieved with the help of quality resource planning (ERP) systems available today
function deployment (QFD), design for manu- including MRP, SAP, BAAN, Oracle, Peoplesoft,
facturing and design for quality. Also, various and IBM e-business. Communication and data
computer-based technologies have helped to im- collection constraints are reduced with Web-based
prove the quality of product designs. These include production of goods and services. Using database
computer-aided design (CAD), 3D Modelling and management, data warehouse and data mining
ProEngineer to reduce the time to develop new technologies, the Web can facilitate interaction
products. Since companies have been forced to with customers and suppliers, data collection, and
compete based on flexibility and responsiveness in data analysis processes [23].
a global market, there is a need to reduce the Outsourcing of service functions is becoming
product development cycle time – it accounts for a popular. By strategically outsourcing and focusing
major portion of the total leadtime to deliver the a company’s core competencies, managers can
product after receiving orders from customers [20]. leverage their firm’s limited skills and resources for
Concurrent engineering (CE) has been employed increased competitiveness [24]. Venkataraman and
to improve the communication between design and Henderson [25] asserted that three interdependent
other functional areas by using cross-functional, vectors, the virtual encounter, virtual sourcing,
multi-disciplinary teams for new product develop- and virtual expertise, are integral in realizing a
ment. CE requires input from customers as well as virtual organizational structure [26]. Outsourcing
from within the organization. The Internet can offers firms the option of securing many, if not all
power methods such as QFD, and web-based data of the capabilities necessary to conduct business-
collection and mining, to help improve the quality to-business and business-to-consumer EC.
of design and to enhance competitiveness in global The commercial applications on the Internet
markets. Design engineers located in different and their integration, with internal information
192 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197

systems such as intranets and enterprise resource technology to create icons and connections for live
planning (ERP) systems, have resulted in signifi- contact and call-back customer assistance, it could
cant changes in networking and other technologies vastly increase the efficiency and the value of
available for interorganizational information sys- existing retail web sites and provide a more solid
tems (IOS), allowing other business functions to business model for launching new EC ventures.
make use of these networks [27]. More advanced The future pattern of competition between
IOS extensions that affect supplier–customer businesses is being reshaped by a number of new
relationships include Web-based interfaces, inte- technical systems that provide new channels
gration with supplier catalogues and internal through which to reach consumers, and which
information systems, and built-in business transac- allow the entry of new competitors into the
tion rules based on purchase limits or negotiated established, once difficult to penetrate markets.
contracts. Extremely close supplier–customer re- Companies formerly engaged solely in manufac-
lationships, such as those between parts suppliers turing and selling to intermediaries, like large
and automobile manufacturers, can encourage the textile and apparel manufacturers, have recognized
use of IOS to link suppliers to customer inventory opportunities created by these new technologies to
and production forecast data, transferring to compete directly with large retailers. Manufac-
suppliers the responsibility for automatic replen- turers are faced with a continual squeeze on profit
ishment [27]. margins for branded goods as retailers increase
their buying power through increased scale of
3.5. Sales and distribution operation (larger size). Wal-Mart’s practice of
‘‘power buying’’ is a good example – Wal-Mart
EC looks like it is finally coming into the dictates the terms of exchange and manufacturers
mainstream and retailers are beginning to realize can ‘‘take it or leave it.’’ Manufacturers face stiff
its key role in customer service. A large number of competition from retailers who are increasingly
potential web shoppers abort their transactions in emphasizing their own store brands, which quite
frustration over the process and have security fears often are produced in developing nations at a very
about web-based transactions. Powerful techni- low cost, forcing manufacturers to search for ways
ques have been developed in the Internet frame- to compete more effectively and restore profit-
work to support the security requirements that are ability. Information gained at the point of sale and
the foundation of EC (e.g., integrity, authentica- control of display space allocation in stores, once
tion, authorization and non-repudiation). Also, gave retailers great advantage in increasing the
EC models for business-to-business and consumer- market shares of their own brands [29]. Addition-
to-business transactions have been developed. ally, retailers demanded high product variety from
Moreover, the necessary regulation framework is manufacturers, but it did not necessarily translate
being settled [28]. Notwithstanding technological into display of the manufacturers full range of
support, human contact is still an important aspect products within the retail establishments. Where
that makes shopping in the physical world more there are conflicting views on marketability, only a
comfortable to most people than shopping online. limited number of products can gain shelf space.
So far, many people who surf retail web sites for For manufacturers, there are significant advan-
products or services end up completing the tages to be gained from using new distribution
commercial transaction over the phone. Strategies channels to give visibility to their full range of
and products for bringing better customer service products and to improve their competitive position
to EC are beginning to emerge. Internet telephony by establishing close direct contact with those who
may be the missing link in the web shopping buy their products. EC provides manufacturers
process. In the increasingly crowded arena of with a great opportunity to sell and distribute
online shops and full-fledged e-malls, internet directly to final customers.
protocol (IP) calling may be a strong point of One of the emerging EC technologies that some
differentiation. If vendors can harness IP voice manufacturers have investigated is the smart
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kiosk. These are sophisticated devices spawned The Internet can actually be used to distribute
from the automated teller machine (ATM) systems many informational products, as well as products
used by banks. Touch screen driven terminals like software and music that can also be digitised.
linked to distant servers use hypermedia systems to Internet distribution can produce significant sav-
provide information on products and support ings in shipping, and it facilitates delivery at speeds
credit card purchases. Kiosks are thought suitable only hoped for by those using other, more
for location in high access public sites such as traditional delivery modes such as truck, air, and
entertainment complexes, fast food restaurants, rail. Even those who use traditional modes of
airports and train stations [30]. Kiosks can be used transportation can use Internet based tools to
in retail stores to widen the range of products that increase customer service. Web-based order track-
are offered and to provide additional product ing has become common place. It allows customers
information. They might also provide a supple- to trace the shipment of their orders without
ment to the development of Internet selling – having to contact the shipper directly. UPS was
providing access points for those who do not have one of the pioneers in offering this web-based
Internet access. Obviously, these systems, as with customer service.
other alternatives to traditional in-store retailing,
have to be supported by effective networks of 3.6. Human resource management
manufacturing or warehouse locations that can
rapidly deliver products to customers. In this, as The labour market has reached the web. One
with the broader changes in supply chain manage- need only key in ‘‘jobs’’ in a search on nearly any
ment, the role of logistics is increasingly critical to search engine to discover the extent to which
success – it is not enough to sell a product at a recruiters and job hunters have invaded the web.
competitive price, one must get it to the consumer Sites like and abound
fast to be considered a viable alternative to on the web. The web is now a good place for
traditional store retailers. recruiters to go in search of employees, and for job
Alternative marketing channels such as the hunters to go in search of jobs. Many manufac-
Internet, and interactive cable and satellite based turers, retailers, and service providers now adver-
teleshopping, are currently believed to offer great tise job openings on their own sites, making it easy
promise in changing the landscape of modern for qualified applicants to contact them. Further-
retailing. During a transitional stage, the Internet more, the data supplied by applicants can be
was mainly used to provide product information directed to a database, making it very easy for the
and to project a specific company image via web HRM personnel to limit their examination of
pages, but the number of retailers and manufac- applicant data, to only those meeting specific
turers selling via the Internet is increasing daily. A search criteria. Some companies have made it
number of virtual malls have been developed to possible for employees to manage their benefits
provide display space for groups of retailers, and retirement accounts via the web. Employees
including smaller companies. Use of the Internet can access information concerning their benefits or
for selling is partly dependent on confidence in the retirement accounts, and they can in many
security of Internet transactions. It is noteworthy, instances make changes themselves, without the
therefore, that encryption techniques and related assistance of a HRM representative. This is
security technology have improved to the point convenient for employees and it is a time saver
that Internet transactions may actually be less for HRM employees, who are relieved of some of
risky than traditional face to face and telephone the tasks related to supplying information to
transactions. Faster Internet access made possible employees about benefits, retirement, policies,
by better phone modems, cable modems, faster and more. One might not initially think of these
processors, increased RAM, and more, have like- things as EC, but they do fall within the domain of
wise played a role in the expansion of Internet EC. Multimedia training and education is likewise
based EC. possible with the Internet. Education and training
194 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197

can be purchased and delivered via the Internet, to do using traditional approaches to comparison
Extranets or Intranets. A major advantage of this shopping which require phone, catalogues, and
approach is that those using the services can opt to lots of time. Networks can also help businesses by
use them at a convenient time, and at their own communicating more often and more effectively
pace, unlike education and training provided with suppliers and customers, using a variety of
through seminars, or the traditional classroom media that provide for richer, more personalized
environment. Much of the education and training communications. More information can be ex-
made available in this way is interactive in nature, changed between internal and external entities,
which enhances its value to users by making it less which previously had no contact with each other.
boring and more effective. Businesses have shown tremendous interest in
using the Internet as a means for building stronger
3.7. Warehousing relationships with customers, suppliers and busi-
ness partners as well as in using Internet-based
EDI can help to minimize warehousing cost. networks internally to facilitate collaboration
EDI enables minimal stocks to be held with the between employees, dissemination of information,
resultant saving in the costs of storage, insurance, and reduction of communication expenses [28].
warehousing and security. Improved audit trails
lead to better stock management and account-
ability. Reduction in manual processing reduces 4. A framework for improving the operations in an
the need for people, thus labour cost savings are e-commerce environment
possible. Just-in-time manufacturing refers to the
ability to produce minimal sized batches of As the ever-growing WWW becomes more
finished goods, only when needed, i.e. responding popular, EC promises to become a mainstay of
to market pull; in an extended supply chain, EDI modern business [32]. Enterprises are generating
leads to minimal stock holdings by all parties and demand for Internet connectivity through the
hence a reduced supply chain system operating development of new service offerings that provide
costs. EDI also helps to improve cash flow – vast value to customers. Many people think EC is just
improvements in matching invoices against having a web site, but EC is much more than that.
orders and receipts become possible leading to There are dozens of applications of EC such as
timely payment. Reduced stock handling saves home banking, shopping in online stores and
money [31]. malls, buying stocks, finding a job, conducting an
auction and collaborating electronically on re-
3.8. Supplier development search and development projects [14]. To execute
these applications, it is necessary to have support-
EC’s access to information and suppliers can ing information, and organizational infrastructure
empower buyers by giving them access in turn to a and systems. Companies now find that the
larger number of alternative products, and by development of a WWW presence is a competitive
allowing them to consider a larger number of necessity, particularly for retailers who need to
vendors. Companies can also establish contact and establish online storefronts. Even so, there are few
do business with a wider range of trading partners useful frameworks in the EC literature to help
and customers. Many organizations can do busi- managers understand the potential of EC [33–37].
ness globally because EC can reduce and even The framework proposed herein relates E-com-
eliminate barriers associated with time and dis- merce application areas and EC tools and systems
tance [7]. Intelligent agents can assist buyers in to the various functional areas of an organization
finding the best prices on products and the most to suggest how EC might support functional
favourable terms available from suppliers. These activities (see Table 1). For example, marketing
intelligent agents can do in seconds, or perhaps can use e-commerce tools and systems such as B2B
minutes, what might take a person days or weeks systems, Internet ordering, and Web sites to
A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197 195

Table 1
Application of e-commerce in operations

Organizational functional E-commerce applications and/or E-commerce tools and systems

areas contributions

Marketing Product promotion, new sales B2B e-commerce, Internet

channels, direct savings, reduced ordering, Website for the company
cycle time, customer services
Purchasing Ordering, fund transfer, supplier EDI, Internet-purchasing, EFT
Design Customer feedback, research on WWW integrated CAD, Hyperlinks,
customer requirements, product design, 3D navigation, Internet for data and
quality function deployment, data information exchange
mining and warehousing
Production Production planning and control, B2B e-commerce, MRP, ERP, SAP, BAAN,
scheduling, inventory management, Peoplesoft, IBM e-commerce (web integrated)
quality control
Sales and distribution Internet sales, selection of distribution Electronic funds transfer, On-line TPS,
channels, transportation, scheduling, Bar-coding system, ERP, WWW integrated
third party logistics inventory management, Internet delivery of
products and services
Human resource E-recruiting, benefit selection and E-mails, interactive web sites, WWW based
management management, training and education multimedia applications
using WWW
Warehousing Inventory management, forecasting, EDI, EFT, WWW integrated inventory
scheduling of work force management

Supplier development Partnership, supplier development WWW assisted supplier selection, communication
using Internet (e-mails), research on suppliers and
products with WWW and intelligent agents

promote products or services, develop sales 5. Summary of findings and conclusions

channels, achieve direct cost savings, reduce cycle time,
and enhance and expand customer services. Similarly, We have examined the evolving role of
production can apply the e-commerce systems such as e-commerce on the operations of manufacturers,
B2B systems; Internet powered MRP, ERP, SAP, retailers, and service providers. A framework for
BAAN and Peoplesoft are applied for effective describing EC components and their role in
production, planning and control, scheduling, inven- operations is set forth. For companies that fully
tory management and quality control. exploit its potential, EC offers the possibility of
WWW communication, e-mail, and research breakthrough changes: changes that so radically
can assist in supplier development, data mining alter customer expectations that they redefine the
and data warehousing, for more productive market or create entirely new markets. To reap the
partnership formation and supplier development. benefits of EC, firms must understand its potential,
E-commerce technologies can be used in its components, their own businesses, and the
other functional areas such as purchasing, design, businesses of trading partners. Businesses must
sales and distribution, human resource manage- focus on strong partnerships and the core products
ment and warehousing (see for further details, and structure that make EC possible. They must
Table 1). define, develop, and use the EC infrastructure that
196 A. Gunasekaran et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 185–197

will empower their business to take advantage of models that give EC the prominence it deserves as
new business opportunities. Development of effec- a key ingredient in business success.
tive strategies for achieving competitive advantage
through EC will be necessary for success in the
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