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Study Guide Unit 2 Old Testament

Salva4on History PPT

1. Salva4on History

2. Key moments of Salva4on History

3. Two pillars of Catholicism
4. Transmission of Divine Revela4on
5. Role of Magisterium

Patriarch PPT

6. Genesis wri4ngs aJer pre-history

7. Concern of Genesis
8. Code of Hammurabi
9. Geographic region of the Patriarchs

Abraham PPT

10. Father of Biblical Faith

11. What do stories of Patriarchs and Matriarchs meant to explain?
12. How is Abraham tested in faith?
13. What is the purpose of that story?
14. Why was Hagar expelled from the household?
15. What does Isaac’s name in Hebrew mean?
16. Who was the first born child of Abraham?
17. Explain the story of the 3 strangers with Abraham.
18. Define covenant
19. Why did God change the names of Abram and Sarai?

Jacob PPT

20. Why were the 12 tribes of Israel not the 12 children of Jacob?
21. What is the name of Jacob aJer he wrestles with an angel?
22. Who is the first born son of Isaac and Rebekah?
23. Explain the story of Jacob.
24. Define birthright
25. How does Jacob steal his father’s blessing?

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