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CAPITULO 24 ~ Exercicios CAPITULO 25 - Exercicios CAPITULO 26 - Exercicios CAPITULO 27 — Exercicios. CAPITULO 28 - Exercicios CAPITULO 29 - Exercicios. GABARITO..... ‘TEXT COMPREHENSION: THE NERVOUS SYSTEM wenn 8 ‘TEXT COMPREHENSION: CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES... ‘TEXT COMPREHENSION: DIABETES mene ‘TEXT COMPREHENSION: PUBLIC SPACE... ‘TEXT COMPREHENSION: POEMS & SONGS... ‘TEXT COMPREHENSION: HUMAN POPULATION... Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner on: Nhe Nervous System Wo (Gone Texto para as questdes 12 4 Putting the Brakes on Overeating Sapte . the stomach sends a signal to the brain. The brain responds by B too much fat can decrease the dopamine released sm are more likely to become obese. 1 fatty diet reduces the body's production nine When the researchers injected this chemical into the guts of .e animals once again received pleasure from eating. And they stopped sly different, the new study suggests the strategy to restore teem: tarestate): ogtraberoveestng> Aceon Ima! Hl incame-S>) Segundo o texto, 2) alimentos com ato teor de gordure, quando ingeridos em demasia, fazem com que o nivel de copamina no organisme diminva, fevoracendo a obesida by composto quimico N-oleciletenolamina, quando injetedo em pessoas que consomem muitos alimentos ncos em gorsure, reouz 0 rsco de obesc3de ©) a ingestio de alimentos com elevadis indices de gordure provoce uma sensacio de saciedade nos "ndw'Su0s, d.cuterco © surgimento a obesidade d)0 ato de injetar, em seres humanos, N-cleoiletanolamina, uma substéncia quimica encontrada nas visceras 2 ratos, impede o cesenvoivimento da obesidade Scanned with CamScanner Elfintne sentence “As 2 result, people with this problem are more tiely to become obese” (. 3) likely to could be replaced, with no change in meaning, by: 2) fond of byuncertan to, on the brink of prone to. Ell we can replace As a result. in “As a result, people with this problem are more hkely to become obese (t.5) by a) Hence. by However. ©) Nonetheless )in addition Elis the fragment “Aithough mice and people are vastly cifferent..(€.7), Although brings the idea of a) addition. b) contrast. ©) conclusion, ¢) consequence. Texto para as questes 5 e6 1 Before an examination of some of the most effective ‘ways for nurses to help patients nearing the end of their lives it is important to fist take a look at what constitutes a terminal illness. According to Marie Cure, a chanty based 5 in the United Kingdom, terminal illness is understood a8 a condition wherein curative treatment no longer works and Ace At 08 Aa TE cFame-MG) the best title for ths text i 2) ls conventional approach realy effective to imorove your health?” "What does precision medicine mean for your health?” © "Which are some effective treatments tailored for unique diseases?” "Why are today’s patients choosing personalized medicine? EE Forne-M6) Read the sentence from the text “nterventions are tailored to individuals or groups. rather than using @ cone-size-its-all approach." The definition ofthe expression ‘one-size-fits-a" inthis context i: 2) characterized by the treatment of the whele person. by concerned with the actual doing rather than with theory. ©) having sound judarent; far and sensible ) suitable for or used in all circumstances FEI creme-MG) The word “screening” in the topic: “Screening for Diseases Before You Get Sick” is closest in meaning to: 2) assessing ) disguising © selecting. @ protecting EE Inthe sentence “You might have heard the term ‘precision ‘medicine’ and wondered how it relates to you. (. 9-10), might brings the idea of: 2) omission b) capability © duty. S) possibilty Edin the fragment ~. rather than using 2 one-size-fts-ll approach...” (¢,5), rather than could be replaced, with no ‘change in meaning. by: 2) despite. ©) although byinstead of @)in spite ot ‘Texto DAMA AS QUONTDES 15.6 16 iam \ “More and more patient are gli 1 the Internet ives, To keep my EJ Fame: MG) What can be inferred about the humor ofthis cartoon? 8) Getting information on the Internet could be more blo than getting professional advice, 'b) Many patients nowadays resort to Google to get information about their health issues © Many doctors are struggling to make clinical diagnosis because thew patients are relying on technology. @) Researching on Google would allow doctors to determine the nature of a disease more accurately HL Choose the alternative that presents the same construction as in "More and more patients are going tothe Internet." a) We'd better go home now. It's getting colder and colder. 'b) The taller Paul is, the better, ©) That is the most expensive car I've ever seen 4d) The exercises are more complicated today than they were last week, Texto para as quest6es 17 € 18 High-tech Eavesdropping on the Ganges River Dolphin PI Sonar signals hold clues that could save an endangered species 1 The Ganges river dolphin is one of only two remaining freshwater dolphin species on Earth. But pollution, fishing, and dams threaten to wipe it out entisly ‘So acoustical engineer Harumi Sugimatsu and her team have deployed an experimental sonar monitoring system just under the surface ofthe murky water. Thehopeistotrackthedolphinsby thehigh- 5 frequency clicks they use to navigate and hunt. By eavesdropping on thelr underwater lives, Sugimatsu believes she can gather data about their behavior and geographical range - data that conservationists can use in their struggle to keep the species from going extinct aves dcpping onthe Canges River ol EE Sacra 206 Daporvl en ppc cre Se eaeeer earn pisdueetopijen Depargerte Soph heer IT [i cime.rup why isthe word eavesdrop used? ') Because researches willbe able to keep the species living in the Ganges tb) Because scientists and dolphins can track each other through the murky water. ©) Because dolphins can communicate and indicate the presence of scientists. d) Because researchers need to deal with obstacles © Because dolphins seem unaware ofthe intercention of communication Had cime-r) What's the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence: *.. her team have ‘Soptoyed an experimental sonar monitoring system just under the surface ofthe mur. water? a) Darkened and dusky. ) Blighted and hazardous, «@) Stipshod and littered. 'b) Shining and clear d) Deep and blemished. Scanned with CamScanner Going Beyond 24 Additions to Remarks 1. Too/As well/Also/Either Atencdo para os seguintes exemplos: ‘Tomis an engineer. He works asa Physics teacher { too. aswell ou He also works as a Physics teacher, Sharon sings beautifully. She can play the flute | too. aswell She canalso play the flute, (05 advérbios too as welle also equivalem, em portugués, a também ¢ so geralmente usados ‘em oracées afirmativas e interrogativas, "Too e as well 330, em Geral. colocados no final da oracgo. Also é gerelmente colocado antes do verbo principal ou depois do primeiro verbo auxilar da oracBo. ‘We haven't seen the accident and we haven' heard the explosion either, Richard doesnt like classical music and isn‘ fond of jazz either. CO adverbio elther pode ser traduzido como também e é usado no final de oracées negatives, ‘Ateneo pare 0 uso da affirmative addition na tira.a seguir e nos demais exemplos [[c1z THINKS YOU SHOULD) GO ON A DIET ima ord 011 alee ——=—— Scanned with CamScanner Affirmative Additions fsaheatthissue | Sota st ‘arving! | Starving tatoo, [ Sodowe, Wedotoo, Jane hashad, adificult life. Soave her siblings Pros Perfect 94) | Her etbings have too. Additions to Remarks 80 oractes curtas usados pars reforcar ou comolementar um comentéo anterior As Affirmative Additions so constituidas d3 seguinte maneira, : $0 + v auxlir corespondente » soto sujeto + v auxtlar covrespandente + too ‘Agora observe a formaco da Negative Addition na tira a seguir e nos demais exemplos INOBOPY KNOWS JUST WHY CATS LOVE TO PROWL AT NIGHT Scanned with CamScanner cl cecuaansetaiel Nobodyknows|..Jand _ [neitherdol ‘8 Present Idonteither Mykids wonttbe, home tonight, [ Neither will my husband. S.future ior) ‘My husband wont either. (ee Peternever smiled, [ Neither did his wife. spat | qvon His wife didn't either. ‘As Negative Adaltions s80 constituidas [Neither (Nor) + v. auxilar corresponder ‘ous, a sujito + v. auxilar correspondente com no Nas questdes 1a 6 assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente cada frase. [El Her parents weren't rich and a) nor did | ©) | wasn't too €) neither were mine b)s0 was! mine wasn't either Fou look good today! —___ a) Neither does Sharon ©) Sharon dont either ©) So look Sharon ) Sharon is too a) So does Sharon EEllHe's had 0 lot of trouble lately, 2) So have we ©) We haven't either ©) We had too by So are we a) Neither are we Eishes trying to succeed 2) Her classmates haven't either 4) Sos her classmates 'b) Her classmates had too ©) Her classmates are too ‘¢) Neither has her classmates El We haventt heard the explosion. —___. a) My mother hasn't either ) Neither is my mother b) So has my mother ‘e) My mother have too ©) Neither hasn't my mother IE The nurse leaves at $ o'clock. a) So are the doctors 4) The doctors aren't either b) So do the doctors ©) Neither did the doctors ‘c) Neither do the doctors Scanned with CamScanner El unicarnp-SP) Seat ‘exto para.a questo Text Comprehiensio ni Cross-cultural Rexsules) Migrants make significant contributions to both thelr | host and home countrie: eon e pentaenimins Rca Somae undo os dizeres do poster, > osimigrantes enviem amaior parte de seus rence By os contribuiedes de imigrantes pare 2 economia dos paises au ‘ignificativas em 2017 tos. sous paises de rigem, para ajudar suas ferniias. fe os hospedam se mostraram POUCo am 2017.08 raressasfeitas por imigrantes aos seus paises de orgem superaram a ajuda oficial prestada a esses mesmos pases ay um2017 2 ajuda finance oferecie 20s paises de origem dos moranies chegoua aproximadamente {600 bilhoes de délares. Texto para as questdes 226 prazil stops demarcating land for indigenous people: «government agency: official says rorset the worl’ largest topical forest, Bra has lost about one ith of the Aras, canines > | nee ae ee te os Wife Fd Reser te US-boed Wend Reames omni inte as 0 er eng © gontanomavownedy iigencuspeceesreboxr2 mee istestows nen reer ona etre han oe et a wants amg ual trsoppoe Gearing ne roi for eigen rx eee sng an ous sang he nd SD eR net snl pans ete Popes ne see sen on os re: oat ete oe posed lhe ea hn make dese on hich we demarcate Indigenous groups. vee aged for fareaing of eatle ranching to boost economic growth in the | fener ee Cs Arsenal crm coms, 11012017 Adapt ail uncusmcuesa Scanned with CamScanner FEA WEA-AM) De acordo com o primeiro paragrato do texto, 2) 05 povos indigenas ocupam uma drea 2.5 vezes maior ave na 50 anes, 'b) 20% da Amazénia esta ocupada por habitacses, ©) nos utimos 50 anos, aforesta amazénica sofreu intensa urbanizacto. 1) o desmatamento em éreas que pertencem aosindigenas ‘@ menor 8) aconservagso das florestas deve ser responsabilidade dos povos incigenas TEI. WEA-AM) No treche do primeira paragrafo “.. they are more likely to conserve the forest.", a express8o em destaque tem sentido equivalente, em portugues, 3 2) maior probabilidade. by proterer mais, ©) maior necessidade 4) gostam mais. ©) maior ebrigacéo. EA (UEA-AM) A bancada Ge politicos ruralistas 12) € desfavorével & demarcacso de territérios indigenas adicionas. bb) pretend, junto com a FUNA\, rever 0 proceso de demarcagdo de terras incigenas, ©) acredita que © crescimento econémico depende da continuidade da reforme agraria, ) argumenta que a preservacdo da floresta deve ficar £00 responsabilidade da FUNAL. ©) defende que as terras deveriam ser aproveitadas para 2 agricuturs em vez da pecusria IE Wes-Am) No trecho do segundo pardgrafo ~. the land ‘ought to be used for farming... 0 termo em destaque ode ser substituido, sem alteracdo de sentido, por a) have to. byusedto. ©) may, owl ) should. Tl No trecho do texto “He aiso said they were also proposing that Congress, rather than FUNAI or the Justice Ministry ‘make decisions on which lands are demarcated to indigenous ‘groups. (¢. 8-10), rather than poderia ser substituide, sem mudanca de sentido, por a) in spite of. b) despite © although. d) besides. 8) instead of Texto para as questées 7 215 1 When youre traveling intemationaly, eating at local resaurants is an opportunity to learn about that comny’s ccuture and customs, says Gert Koper, the erecutve vice resident of global resawants for Hakdasan Group, a collection of 41 resauzants worldwide But, Me Kopera said, lining out can also make travelers uncomicrable “Dining ceicquetteand raditons vary by country. endif youdorttimow ‘hecustomnsinthe destination youte Visng’hesaid"¢seasy to fee likea ish outof water Mz Kopera has esten thousands to. of meais in mote than 70 counties, and hete he shares his advice on howto dine out successfully anywhere nthe word Learn when locale eat, Mr Kopera said, so that you'e not going to closed or empty restaurants. In the United sates, dinner is usually eaten ffom 6 to 7 pm and isthe 15. biggest meal of the day, but not so in cther countries: In England, for example, high tea, served around 4 pm, is a meal itself while supper is lighter and served at 8 pm or later In Spain and South America, the average dinner starts at 10pm, and in India, anywhere from 9 to 11 pm. {s the norm. "Youll experience the authentic local culture if your dining times arein shythm with the locals? he said. ‘Using utensils improperly can be a sign of disrespect in another county, Mx Kopera said. He suggested that travelers observe locals wihile they eat and follow thelr practices. In China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam, chopsticks are the most common utensil, but sticking them up ‘iceis considered offensive In India and areas ofthe Middle Eastand Altica, eating with hands normal, but be careful aboutusing the et hand -itcan be considered unclean In many counties - including Braz, France and tly ~meals span several hours and are. time to connect with, family and friends. Mr Kopera suggested that revelers do the same. "Savor the food and conversation, he said. And, ‘once you are ready to leave, ask for your check because in many international destinations, servers present it to diners only upon request. Find out the proper spping etiquette and way to payin ‘whatever country youare visting. Tipping is notexpectedin ‘many counties, and in some countries ike Japan, itcan be insulting, Also in some countries, such as France, spiting thebillis considered tobe unsophisticated, And know ahead oftimeif the restaurant youre going to accepts credit cards. In pans of Africa and Asia, the only way to pay at many Festaurantsis to use the local currency, and being cashless ‘an make for an uncomfortable ending to your meal. Shia ora wanpazascom 18072017 Adapt 2 ey 40 4s twsavecete borer —— | eons: nasnistcauntos emaue eet certs | oseertas vam acomide 3oce) tipping: dr greta tested tue stud: eta coca Scanned with CamScanner EAnv20T The tox is monty osou 2) ung the correc tena ) dng oper in another county Co reseorehing toning rots €)askna forthe checkin mterratonl destin dns out at restaurants (89:40 Inte excerot om Pacracon toh catch nea ea aoa he 2) toies cet for someting bofees sont i someone else di, ©) 15 uncomfortable in a particular situation. d)accomplishes two different tasks at the same time. €@) Is looking in the wrong place, Bremasnns eee texto, dependendo do pais, 2) comer em restaurantes locais, bb) observar a populacdo local durante a refeicdo. © eviter ingredientes desconhecidos. ddespetar os hashis ne arroz. © ficar muitas horas em um restaurante Tid cunvag-¥7) © segundo paregrto desta aimportincia 2) conhecer a hora apropriada do jantar no pais vistado, bb) aprender quais s80 0s principais pratos lecais. ©) ajustar 0 relégio de acordo com @ horatio local d)evitar restaurantes vazi0s ao vistar paises diferentes, ©) saber qual refeico & considerada a mais importante do dia Eid cUnivag-T) In the excerpt from the fourth paragraph servers present It (0 dners only upon request the word in bold refers to 2) conversation. by you. ©) request. food. ©) check, EE. univag-MT) In the excerpt from the fifth paragraoh tallting the bills considered tobe unsophisticated” the word in bold can be replaced, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by 2) closing ») paying © sharing @ checking © signing [i The fragment *... but not so in other countries.” (¢ 15) means that dinner in other countries 8) 15 at the same tue, but t's lighter. b)is usually later ©) ss not common )\s as heavy as in America, €) is more delicious, Texto para as questées 14 217 High-flying Ideas? 1 Acameraequipped drone flies around the outskirts of Seoul, South Korea, hovering near an industrial plant and capturing video of pollutants Below, on the crowded, iter- covered streets, residents wear white and black masks that 5 covertheirnoses and mouths, A gray haze hangsin the sky. ‘The unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, is part ofa pilot program by South Korea's Ministry of Environment Tasked with inspecting factory emissions in the capita’ greater metropolitan area, ts the atestina series of tech solutions 10 almedatsolving Seoul's dust dilemma Infact the fine dust has South Kereans so concerned they've cited it as their No.1 stressor in life - more distressing than the country’s ‘economic stagnation, its rapidly aging population and even North Korea's erratic dictator and nuclear weapons 18 program, “Their worries are wellfounded. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises exposure to fine dust, or PMI0, of no more than a dally average of 50 micrograms percubicmeter andto ult fine dust,or PM2,of no more 20. than 25.Atone point in 2017, Seoul's PM1O hit 173, In late March 2018, Seoul's PM25 soared to over 100. PM25 is of greatest concern, So small it can get lodged into the lungs and penetrate the ining to enter the bloodstream, PM2Sis compnised of black carbon, nitrates, emmonia and other ‘25 harmful compounds linked to respiratory diseases and ‘cancer. The WHO has classified fine and ultra-fine dust as carcinogenic since 2013, Developed by the government-run National Institute of Environmental Research, the drone is the frst of what 30. the environment ministry intends to be a fleet deployed nationwide, Some South Korean tech companies, too, ate stepping in vath their own innovations. Although much of the new tech appears promising, Greenpeace's Seoul office stresses the importance of addressing the root of 435 the problem, Part of the solution is getting residents to recognize their own role in curbing carbon output So,even though the new fixes may do a good job of measuring dust, what about actually busting it? Thats where the technology hasn't quite caught up yet. (Ann ibe were com 0208208 Adapted) atl uvova nausea Scanned with CamScanner a VRE NG CLM BR Btn, The tert denis win a man oubhe wterent Oran 6a Yenes abe to cp tearm cingouenn trae, 0 governement sell AKiss for Every Taste ‘A@guide tothe greeting that’s better than a handshake Ed ricsse-s2) rently at apit nase WHO are ut they are also a constant AE-SP) The tert core vores snnonations in Sout a) come from companies inc oe Greengeace in ther correnan eikonmiant Responda em portugués as seguintes questées: Eel uF u-c) wirat is the citference bet: suppress t Argertine and Chiean males greet other men? Scanned with CamScanner Going Beyond 25 Ethnic Issues ‘Avalibleat: [As questBes de etnia tém sido discutidas e debatidas hé muitos anos. fim de ir além do paradigma racial negro-branco tradicional e de olhar para as relacées raciais € tnicas através de uma lente diversa, 2 Universidade do Norte da Frida lancou o Instituto para o Estudo das Relacdes Etnicas e Raciais, instituicdo de pesquisa interdisciplinar sobre o estudo da desiavaldade racial centrada na regido local e sudeste, mas igualmente atenta 20 impacto mais amplo em comunidades racionais e internacionais, O texto a seguir apresenta uma série de fatores interessantes acerca do tema. Texto para as questdes 127 What is Ethnic Conflict? Discussions of ethnicity and ethnle confictare notoriously imprecise, because people disagree about ‘what counts as an ethnic conflict. Are race relations between blacks and whites in the USA an example of low-violence ethnic conflict, or is racial conflict a different category altogether? Ifrace is different, does, the distinction extend to Rwanda, where Hiutus and Tutsis both black - referred to their dfferenceas one 5 of race? Are relations between Muslims and Hindus in India, or between Sunni and Shia Arabe in aq, cases of ethnic conflict, or do they belong in different categories as ‘religious’, communal’ ot ‘sectarian’ conficts? For an anthropologist, what these cases all have in common is that the groups involved are primarily ascriptive -that i, membership in the groups is typically assigned at birth and is dificult to change. In to. theory, Indian Muslims can convert and become Hindu, and agi Sunnis can becomeShi'a,butin practice fev de, and the conversion of those few isnot always accepted by their new covthnics.Identves of his [pane vind are therefore ‘sticky’, hard to change even if they are not marked by the kind of ebvious physical | ‘gaint dGiforences that distinguish AMtican-Americans from white Americans. Based on this commonality, wl conpetanete ‘tee the broader definition of ethnicity that encompasses allofthesekinds of asriptive groups. According | aie: sto ts. te Anthony Smith (1986),a group isan ethnic group fits members share the following traits: common name, a behaved common descent, elements of a shared culture (most often language or religion, ame common historical memories, and attachment to particular territory tit ac: nthe pant experts disagreed widely about where ethnicity comes from. Some, forusing on the | “ARN a Pan iy ethnic identities seem go back hundreds or thousands of years, asserted that | Mew tnh 20 ethnicity wnea primordial ideny. and implied that twas essentially unchangeable. They emphasized torscompastess: Scanned with CamScanner ‘that groups eften worked hard to make their identity unchangeable, sometimes carving that identity on to their bodies through tattoos or cizcumeision (lsancs 1975) Even when they do not go that fas, however, People stuck to the identities ~ especially the language and religion ~ they learn fist from their Barents This view of ethnicity implies that ethnic conflictis based on ‘ancient hatreds" thatare impossible 25 tociadicate and neatly impossible to manage. There is another, more complicated side to ethnic identity, /however Mest people have muluple identities thatare either "nested (as subgroups within larger groups) ‘oF overlapping, The average Cuban-American sat the same time also an American Hispanic or Latino, an. ‘American Catholic, an American, and a member of the worldwide Catholic Church. Which identity is more simportantto heris ikely to depend on the situation: when listening to the Pope, shes likely torespond as ‘when watching the US President, as an American; and when thinking about US policy towards (Guba, as Cuban-American Furthermore, identities do sometimes change, with new ones emerging and old enes disappearing, ‘especially in times of crisis, For example, when the Soviet Union was breaking apart in the early 1990s, ‘Uivainians and Russians in the Transnistria region of Moldova came together as Russophones'- people 38. who preferredto speak Russian rather than Moldovan ~to resistthe assertiveness ofthe ethnic Meldovans, (Kauéman 2001) On the other hand, the "Yugoslav" identity disappeared with the country of Yugoslavia in 1991, £0 people who formerly called themselves Yugoslavs had to shifitoanother identity as Sevbs, Croats, ‘cr members of some ther group, Noticing that people shift their identity - or atleast the identity they use ~ based on the situation, asecond group of scholars emerged to argue that ethnic identity isnot 49 “primordial t all but movely instrumental" (Hardin 1995) From this perspective, people fellow “thnic* leaders when itis intheintereststodo so and leaders try tocreate ethnic solidarity when it works for them, ‘This view of ethnic identity implies that ethnic conflict can be blamed primarily on selfish leaders who ‘islead their followers in pursuit oftheir own power u svat Acessdon Novebet 7208 [Hl oval ¢ © questionamento que © autor do texto prone no primeiro persarafo? EB Expliaue 2 vis80 ce um antropelogo descrita pelo autor do texto no segundo parderato. [il bescreva a visto, no segundo paragrato, do sociéloge Anthony Smith, [De acords com o terceiro pardgrafo, qual visfo de etria implica que o confiito étnico é baseado em “edios antigos"? IE inthe sentence "There is another more complicated side to ethnic identity however” (¢, 25-26), however ‘could be replaced, with no change in the meaning of the sentence, by: 2) 50. by indeed. ) even @atong, ©) though. IIA ave se retere This view, mencionado no ultimo parsgrafo, “This view of ethnic identity implies that ‘ethnic conflict can be blamed primanily on selfish leaders who mislead their followers in pursuit oftheir own power (€. 42-43)? In the sentence "Furthermore, identities do sometimes change, with new ones emerging and old ones isacocering..”(, 32), Furthermore could be replaced, with no change in the mesning of the sentence. by 2) On the other hand b) Instead, ©) Rather ) Besides. €) Therefore, Scanned with CamScanner Text Comprehension: Diabetes ‘Texto para as questdes 1a 9 ‘A Molecular Reason Why Obese People Have Trouble Losing Weight Fat desensitizes the brain toa hormone that disminishes appetite pyesua 1 Obesity rates in the US. and abroad have coared The world now has more overweight people than those who weigh too litle. One reason relates to the way the body reacts to its own fat stores by setting 19 rnotiona et of molecular events that impede the metabolic process that normally putsa damper on bungee ‘Annevr study published August 22 in Science Translational Medicine provides details of how this process cecurs, giving new insight into why obese individuals have trouble shedding pounds. It also suggests a possible treatment approach that targets obesity in the brain.not in the belly ‘Scientistshave long known thata hormone calle leptin sinstrumental in regulating the human diet Produced by fat cells, the molecule communicates with a brain region called the hypothalamus, ine inhunger cravings when out energy stores are full > _ Yetas wegain weight cur bodies become ess sensitivetoleptin, and itbbecomes harder and harder to climdlown Inother words weight gain begetsmore weight gain. Inan experimentusing mnicethat became hese on a high-fat diet, an international team found obesity increases the activity of an enzyme called ratrix metalloproteinase 2, or MMP-2 By using a technique called westem blot analysis separating and {identifying all the proteins ina tissue sample- the authors found MMP-2 cleaves offa portion ofthe leptin 1s. receptor in the hypothalamus, impairing the hormone's signaling and its ability to suppress appetite ‘The study also revealed that disabling MMP-2 with a gene-silencing technique - one in which a stretch cofRNA was injected direct into the hypothalamus ~ had the effect of reducing weight gain in obese mice gna preventing leptin receptor cleavage Conversely, vial delivery of MMP-2 to the same brain region promoted subsequent weight gain and the snipping off receptors.“The conceptof leptin resistance! was 20. alteady knowm in the field says paper co-author Dinorah Friedmann Morvinsk, a cell biologist at Tel Aviv University infsrael “Our contribution othe ils (revealing) this mechanlsm by which obesity induces the curation of MMP-2in the hypothalamus, which impairs the subsequent Jeptin-signaling cascade” riedmenn-Morvinski and her colleagues ~ including lead author Rafi Mazor, a biologist at the University of California San Diego also found treating hypothalamiccellsin alabfish with inflammatory 25. compounds increases the expression of the MMP-2gene, suggesting the inital "cause" of obesity results fom inflammation. Previous reseazch suppots the idea high-fat, high-calorie diets can induce chronic tbrgrade inflammation ofthe hypothalamus, which over time may escalate MMP-2 production Nearun Myers, a diabetes researcher and professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan OM) who was not involved withthe work agrees MMP-2s probably playing role in energy balance: He points out, however the nevr study is not enough to demonstrate that it interfezes wth tepon signaling in living animals. thin thet finding about a role for MMP-2 in the [hypothalamus] mit But I dont think they have identified the mechanism," he say. I think the is potentially importar mostimmportant problem heres thatthey have not shown any alteration of leptin] signaling in vivo"-@ contention disputed by the study's authors. | desersaier | | tesocetse, dlearse etree fre, coer | tanperion | ses | twsed ie): | serge emsar | anmrenaisaoteaen | tarecen ice coving so sexe sesie | tostmney down: nay tobene beset! ‘eat estien: | per | tt ere, manera tisue sample: ames edo teceae eared | tocar fo eimnar dey agen taste ot [oor | uincua notesa Scanned with CamScanner 35 If the new findings do , they could open the door to possible therapies almed at damping down inflammation in the brain, decreasing MMP-2 actinty ‘and boosting the brain's responsiveness to leptin. “The therapeutic implications here are fr says 40 Friedmann-Morvinsia. “They point to inflammation as one important player in obesity, and also suggest targeting MMP-2 could be a novel strategy to taclle the problem? Tl Tre text suggests that @) There are more obese than malnourished people ‘around the world 'b) People have been buying too much fat in stores. © Obesity rates in the US. and abroad have remained steady 4) The metabolic process is benefited by fet. ©) A set of molecular fat avoids the metabolic process. EB The expression “.. puts a damper on hunger.” (€,3) in the first paragraph means: a) sparks hunger, ) causes starvation ©) gets overweight. &) diminishes the appetite, ©) turns the taste around. El According to the text, 2) scientists have long understood that. a hormone called leptinis the main cause of obesty ) ft cells are produced by the hormone called leptin. ©) new study pubished on August 22 offers new nderstancing about ity fat people have ificlty to lose weight db fat cells can communicate with a brain region called the hypothalamus. ©) a possible treatment for obesty should target the brain and the belly El Merque 2 aterativa que meinor completa o espace em branco no seguinte trecho do terceiro pardgrato ‘Produced by fat cals the molecule communicates uth a brain region called the hypothalamus reins inhungercravingsuhen our energy stores are full a) whose ey whicn ©) whom o)thet ©) be destio coretas, EE Wren the author starts the fourth paragraph by saying Yet as we gain woight our bodies become less Sensitive to eatin.” (€.10), he intends to indicate in réltion to previous paregraoh 2) consequence. by edsition ©) cause c) exernplification. ) contrast Gl segundo as informacdes no quarto parégrato do texto 2) AMMP-2 une e absorve uma porcao do receptor de leptina no hipatalamo by A obesidade aumenta a atividade de uma enzima cchamada matriz metaloproteinase-2 ©) A medida que ganhamos peso, nosso corpo torna- “se manos resistente @ leptin, © que tora © ato de emagrecer cada ver mais acl c) AMMP-2 aumenta a caoscidede de suprimiroapette ©) Cemuncongos receberem leotina durante um cexperimento eledoredo com uma tecnica chamac Western Biot analy Edd inthe sentence “Conversely vial delivery of MMP-2t0 the same brain region promoted subsequent weight gain and the sigong offof receptors" 1819), Conversely could be replaced, with no change in meaning, by 2) Inadsiton by Hence. ©) Thus ©) Despite ©) On the other hand Tbe acordo com 0 texto, Martin Myers: 2) participou do trabalho denorninado Science Translational Medicine. byressalta que © novo estudo no é suficiente para demonstrar que a MMP-2 interfere na sinslizag8o da leptina em animais vivos. ©) acredita que descoberta deles sobre o papel da MMP-2 ohipotalamo é potenciaimente importante, a ponto de ‘achar que eles identificaram 0 mecanismo, d) tem a conviccdo de que o tratamento de células hipo- talamicas em laboratério com compostos inflamatorios ‘aumenta a expresséo do gene da MMP-2. ©) aponta quea MMP-2 provavelmente esta desempenhando ‘um pape! no deseauilibrio energético. El inthe sentence «. and also suggest targeting MMP-2 could be a novel strategy to tackle the problem."(€. 41-42), could brings the idea of. a) necessity b) opposition, ©) duty, 4) possibility, 8) emphasis. a Scanned with CamScanner yoxto para as questdes 10 a 15 ; One of the major effects of, ahigh incidence of tooth deca with sugar in it, the saliva in the 5 change that su steno mis an wena me ea uth Begin to work immediate Gar into a type of carbohydrate, Ae oon cats, particles of the sugary food get suck gaye the teeth and around the gums, as the ‘00 eae Fsutens nyt es eae jo onthe outside of our teeth. This is ‘actually the de nara See cena ore 1s brushing afte eating. removing ll the partes toca SMALLEUR L.HANKM R Reinga i 182, ‘aman Pang co iep S88 twat deca: ie enti) am: geaia IE] The words now. however and therefore could be replaced, respectively. by. 8) Than ~ But Thus by These days - Perhaps - So. ©) Because ~ Although - Meanwhile.

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