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Federal Government Study Guide

What is the role of all 3 branches of government? Who is involved in each

● Executive; Prime Minister/Cabinet
○ How does one become PM? How does a person become a
Cabinet Minister?
● Legislative; House of Commons/Senate
● Judicial; Supreme Court/Provincial & Territorial Courts
● Governor General

Legislative Branch
● Role of the Senate
● How do Senators become Senators?
● Role of the House of Commons
○ Who are MPs accountable to?
● Right to have representative government; responsibility to exercise
the right to vote

● What are they?
● Who is involved in the ridings?
● How does a person ‘win’ their riding?

Lobby Groups
● What do they do?
● What is the benefit to Canadians?

Representation by Population
● What is it?
● Know that this is currently how our election process works

● Media bias
● What is the purpose of the media?
● What are some pros and cons of the media covering political issues?

Minority vs Majority Government

● What is the purpose?
Federal Government Study Guide
What is a Democracy?

Official Opposition
● How does a political party become the opposition?
● What is its role?

Federal Accountability Act

● What is the purpose?
● What is the advantage for all Canadians?
● “Whistleblowers”

Political Parties
● Political Spectrum
○ Right wing - Liberal/Socialism
○ Left wing - Conservative/Capitalist
○ Where does each major Canadian political party fall on the
● Role of political parties?

- Head of State
- Principles
- Institution
- Accountable
- Electorate
- Accessible
- Constituents
- Alternative
- Official Opposition
- Predominantly
- Civic Duty
- Amendments
- Fluctuate

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